TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023
Drew Boyles, Mayor
Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern
Carol Pirsztuk, Councilmember
Lance Giroux, Councilmember
Ryan W. Baldino, Councilmember
Tracy Weaver, City Clerk
Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer
Executive Team
Darrell George, City Manager
Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager
Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief
Michael Allen, Comm. Development Dir
Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director
Aly Mancini, Rec., Parks, & Library Dir.
Mark Hensley, City Attorney
David Cain, Interim CFO
Robert Espinosa, Interim Fire Chief
Rebecca Redyk, HR Director
Jose Calderon, IT Director
"Provide a great place to live, work, and visit."
"Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while
maintaining our unique small-town character."
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only act upon properly posted
and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council
regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda
packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal
business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at
www.elseguqdo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting.
Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related
business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the
agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally,
members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during
the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes
per person.
Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the
City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not
required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent
necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting
minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate.
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Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain
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feed will not be shared with City Council or members of the public.
REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS; In compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has
adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation
requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at
https:llvvww,elsieundo.oLglgovemmentldeDartmientslcitv-clerk. Please contact
the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to
obtain a copy of the policy.
TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1:00 PM
PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per
person, 30-minute limit total Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to
communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on
behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council.
Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all
comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on
any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments
after Public Communications is closed.
1. Strategic Planning Workshop to discuss the City's Current Strategic Goals and Top
Priorities for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 through FY 2026-2026.
The Strategic Planning Workshop includes the following:
A. Welcome from Mayor Boyles
B. Comments from City Manager, Darrell George
C. Introductions — Review Agenda — Expectations
What will be achieved during the meeting and from the strategic planning
D. Facilitator Presentation of Staff and Council Interview Results
E. Three "C's" Discussion: Close Out, Carry Forward, and Create New Strategies
under the Existing Five Goals.
• This process is for reviewing the Work Plan and proposed new goals and
strategies to determine which have been completed, which will continue to
be worked on and potentially what could be added to the list.
F. "Top Ten" — Prioritizing of Strategies under the Existing Five Goals
This process is for discussing and determining; in turn, Council will
prioritize of the City's goals and strategies for the next fiscal year.
G. Wrap Up & Next Steps
Receive, discuss, and provide direction regarding current Strategic Plan for FY
2022-2023 through FY 2025-2026.
DATE: Thursday, May 11, 2023
BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk
TIME: 8:00 AM
0 0 a . a 0 A 0 'Ll a
What are the things that the City of El Segundo is doing well?
Staff` Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
VisionlFuturelFocus on Priorities/Leadership
'Vision/Future/Focus on Priorities/Leadership
• Looking at the big picture
Good job of reinventing ourselves as a City internally— it's a
• City Council focusing on policy
• Long-term planning
• Staff is starting its succession planning process which is good
• City trying to move in progressive direction
• Spent last 5 years on IT initiatives
Reinvent itself as a modern City
• Great directors
+ City Council is moving forward in a positive direction
The manner in which things are getting done has improved
• Getting things done— the Council is lining up our priorities
• Leadership team is working well
• More flexible to accommodate minor things
• We are poised to be successful in our endeavors if we allow
ourselves to be successful
• We have a more collaborative and calmer approach to getting
things done
QUESTION #11: (Continued)
What are the things that the City of El Segundo is doing well?
Goal: Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#2,4,5 Fundina/Resourceslinfrastructure Funding/Resources/infrastructure
• Finances and infrastructure • Overall doing a good job financially and with the budget
City financially sound/good decision -making Refinancing of pension obligations
• Bringing in revenue where possible • Financial sustainability
• Good CIP program Excellentjob with our public works projects
• GIP is good
Community Services & InclusivenessCommunity
. .........................
Services & Inclusiveness
• Trying to be more inclusive for residents
• Customer service in Planning has improved greatly
0 Safe/clean community
We offer great events/programs/library programs
• Streets are well maintained
Very responsive to community
Staff is approachable
. . . ............... .
Economic Development/Growth/Branding
a Doing well at economic development
0 Doing a good job of economic development
The City continues to manage growth and development
• Doing a good job of branding the City
• Branding itself to bean innovative City
• Proactive with our businesses
Doing economic development well
Doing communications well with the community (e.g.
Social Media, Intranet and Internet)
.._ .........
Communication/Community Engagement (internal and
Communication/Community Engagement (internal. and External)
a Communication with the staff is improving
Robust communication program
We manage crisis communication well
Enhanced communications
We are very transparent
Responding to residents well
0 Communications Department is a success
• Communicate with our citizens well
Good at community outreach
.. .. ..
Communications are improving
. .. ............ . . . . .........................
L ....... ......................................... . .
QUESTION #1. (Continued)
What are the things that the City of El Segundo is doing well?
Goal: Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#3 Employee/Labor Relations/CiEganizational ffevelopment
Rebuilding trust
• Engaging employees
• Addressing existing resentment employees have
• Allocating resources to recruiting and staffing
• Supporting staff growth
• Supporting department enhancements to improve
Morale is slowly improving
• The City is starting to think about succession planning
What are the areas you feel could be improved?
Staff Responses:
C dYCounc. l Member Responses:
Em to ee/Labor RelationslOr anizational Develo ment
Em to eell.abor Relations/Organizational Development
• Employee engagement at all levels
• Employee morale
• Make employees feel they are part of the process
. Look at the organizational culture and how to improve, so we can
• Management/confidential salaries
• Employee relations/improve labor negotiation
become the employer of choice
• Try to improve the morale of the employees
• Man agement/Confidential Group could use some
Morale needs to be improved
• Staff retention
• Retention and recruitment
Administrative ImprovementslAccountability,
........ .............
Administrative Improvements/Accountability
• Red tape and the bureaucracy make it difficultto get
Relying far too much on consultants/experts
things done
• Should rely more on common sense
Accountability to see things through
• Organizational innovation
• Management of City Council priorities
Accountability across the board
• Policies need to be developed or addressed
Have a true performance management system in place
• Find a way to get to yes
................._ ......
Communicat'ion/Communi Eng a ement internal and
Communication/Community Engagement internal and External
• Continue streamlining of communications— it is only going to be
• Educate community on how the City runs and the
successful if there is organizational buy -in
staff/resources necessary to do the job
Not saying no needs to be addressed
Trust level needs to be improved between staff and
QUESTION #2 (Continued)
What are the areas you feel could be improved?
Goal: '
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Not enough resources to meet Council's priorities
• Staffing levels need to be improved
• Public safety doesn't have the resources to match the
infrastructure we have to protect
• The Plunge
• The Gateway sign
What are the top 5 challenges the City faces?
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Em to ee/Labor Relations/ Organizational Development
Em toYee/Labor Relations/ Organizational Development
• Our sense of pride is developing
• Employee engagement, attraction, and retention
• How to create organizational training and development
. Labor/Bargaining Units could be a better partner for the City —
programs at all levels
focus on the whole, not the individual
• Attracting higher competency levels
• Union relationships
• Civil service system is challenging
Labor relations
* Hiring practices/rule of three (3)
Hard to work with labor on the business side of things/looking for
Staffing/hiring/the need for more agility
flexibility (employee/labor relations)
• Retention and attraction
. Concerns with how nimble/flexible we are
• Employee morale
• Flexibility to hire the right person forthe right job
• Employee morale
• Constant turnover of employees is an issue
• Employee training
• Employee attraction and retention
• Future of the workforce (office space)
• Low morale
• Finding qualified people/all department levels
• Employee morale
• How to find affordable housing for our top employees
• Labor environment
• Labor negotiations
QUESTION #3, (Continued)
What are the top 5 challenges the City faces?
Goal #
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
• How will we fund infrastructure
0 Capital improvement projects
• Availability of resources
• Potentially developing anew tax base
Conflicting priorities
« More parks space
• How to financially improve City facilities
• More ball fields
• Addressing how to look at recession impacts
Improving our financial position
a Public safety budgets
Finding new revenue sources
• Providing adequate public safety
Thinking about the upcoming recession and how it effects our
Implement technology replacement schedule
Aging infrastructure
• Infrastructure needs work
Economic DevelopmentiGrowth/Brandinci
Economic Development/ Growth/Branding
• Addressing State mandates (e.g. housing and
0 Housing element/Sacramento pressure
development issues)
0 Look at future plan for East side of town
• Addressing private market/Eastside issues
• Housing element
• Complying with State mandates (e.g. housing element
Affordable housing
and development issues)
• Economic development
• Housing is a challenge
• Commercial office market has changed a lot (shrinking
. . ................. .................
. ...... ................
Communication/Community Engagement (internal and
• How to create citizen engagement on how to pay for
Address and identify social needs of the community
• Challenging community/activists
• Social media can be an issue
.... ............ . ................... . .
.................. . .. .. .. .. .. .. ............
QUESTION #3 (Continued)
What are the top 5 challenges the City faces?
Goal #
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Administrative Improvements/Accountability
• The need to pivot quicker on issues and topics
How to make Hyperion accountable
What is the one thing the City should consider changing?
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Administrative Improvements/Accountability,
Administrative Improvements/Accountability
• Consider taking the personnel rules and regulations out
• Overuse of consultants/experts
of the municipal code
City Manager structure/willingnessto hire outside of the
Handcuffed by civil service system
organization/explore changes
• Civil service system needs to be addressed
• Modernize our work environment
• Streamline the bureaucracy to get it done— too much
red tape
• Share information on our procurement process
Vision/Future/Focus on Priorities/Leadership
Vision/Future/Focus on PrioritieslLeadershlp
Need to implement and consistently challenge ourselves to
• Spend time prioritizing the services/projects the Council
wants to get done
define and redefine our goals
Formalize long term business plan
• More adherence to the Strategic Plan ratherthan a
reactive approach
...... ........... ..... _____
#3 Em to ee/Labor Relations Q3r anizational mevelo merit
• Training for employees
• There is a need to value the employees
« Possibly consider remote work in some instances
• Improve City morale
• Improve attraction and retention of employees
QUESTION #4 Continued
What is the one thing the City should consider changing?
Goal Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#5 Economic Development/Growth/Branding
• Improving economic development and continuing the progress
the City is making in that area
#1 Communication/Community Engagement internal and External
• Improving our communications— at times we tend to be reactive,
not anticipating public concerns
What is the one thing the City can do better?
Goal # Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#2,4,5 Fundin /Resources/infrastructure Fundin /Resources/Infrastructure
• City infrastructure needs improvement • Fire, Public Works, Parks & Recreation need more support
• Hire more staff
41 Communication/Communit En a ement Internal and Communication/Community Engagement internal and External
External • Outward communication is lacking
How to better educate the community on Getting the word out to the community
environmental issues • How do we announce our activities
• We may possibly need a PR firm
What is the one thing the City can do better?
Goal #
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Engage our residents on how to interact and engage with City
Be more proactive with our citizens
• Improving communications across the board
• Communication can be improved
Economic Development/GrowthiBrandingi
• Invest more on the business development side of the City
• Really being able to engage with our businesses to determine
what their real needs are
............ .....
Employee/Labor Relations/
Organizational Development
• Employee engagement- unrepresented groups
Build cohesiveness within the organization
The City can do better at recognizing the staff
• Figure out away to create new or additional steps in
the salary ranges
...... . ............. — ........ . ............. .
. ...... . . ............. . ............
QUESTION #5 (Continued)
What is the one thing the City can do better?
Goal #
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
Administrative Improvements/Accountablilly,
0 Have the agility to pivot on topics
0 Streamline the bureaucracy to get it done— too much
red tape
......... . .
#1 -5
Vision/Kit—urWi0ocus, on Priorities/Leadershi
. ...... ....
e Further deve!qpjn City Council priorities/deliverables
. .................
QUESTION #5 (Gontinued),
What is the one thing the City can do better?
Goal # Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
For the City to have a better regional/state-wide
perspective on issues
What are your personal goals/interests for the City of El Segundo (e.g. programs, projects, or processes)?
Goal #
Staff Responses:
City Council Member Responses:
• Tackle pension issue
More field space for recreational uses
• Complete renovation of the Plunge project
» Get as many CIP projects done as soon as possible
Continue and build upon the recreation/park
improvement plan
• Update our existing facilities and infrastructure
throughout the City
........ ......
_ p
Economic Development/Growth/Branding ment/Growth/Branding
Economic Development/Growth/Branding
s Navigate/develop strategy from a development
Invest more on the business development side of the City
perspective on how to maintain sustainability and
facilitate growth vs. while maintaining existing
• Economic development
There is a need to revisit our Eastside development
. Explore entertainment venue opportunities
Communication/Community En a ement Internal and
Communication/Community Engagement Linternal and External'
Communication with our residents
• Do more with transparency
• Information distribution
w Engagement with our residents
Vision/Future/Focus on Priorities/M eadership
Vision/Future/Focus on Priorities/Leadership
Long-term business plan
Set the stage for El Segundo for the next 100 years
Build proactive IT department
What are your personal goals/interests for the City of El Segundo (e.g. programs, projects, or processes)?
Goal # 1 Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
• Become a leader in cutting edge technology
gUESTION #6 (Continued)
What are your personal goals/interests for the City of El Segundo (e.g. programs, projects, or processes)?
Goal # Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#1-5 Administrative Improvements/Accountability
• Clean things up/best practices
• Job descriptions need work
• Do more with less
• Get records retention on a yearly schedule
•, Hire staff to organize records at Iron Mountain, reduce
fees we pay them
#3 Em to ee/Labor Relations/Organizational Develo ment
• Stability at the executive team level
• Provide training/wellness for employees
• Make it a work environment where people want to be
« Provide more tools for employees
Organizational training and development programs
• Bringing in classes from the outside to help our
employees with specific life skills and training
• Agreement on minimum staffing for Fire
• Professional development of front line supervisors
• Training/DEI
What are your priorities?
Goal# Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
Em to eelLaborRelations/ Or anizational Development
Employee/Labor Relations/
• Finish labor negotiations
Organizational Develop ment
« Update administrative code (starting to update)
• Get Unions to settle
• Reorganize departments so that they can align with the
needs of the City while keeping things running smoothly
Reorganize and rethink staffing structure for community
development department
• Building a cohesive and productive team
• Supporting employee professional growth
To be the best team player possible
Safety/health/wellness of Firefighters
_---- _
• Get a sales tax measure implemented
« Hire an Assistant City Clerk
• Get the pool working
• We area low/no-tax City/property tax —we need to revisit this
Invest in our infrastructure public works projects
« Get the Plunge done
Getthe CIP done
• Get Parks projects done
• Stay financially conservative
« How do we ensure the aquatics program is financially sustainable
Vision/Future/Focus on (Priorities/Leadershi
Vision/Future/Focus on Priorities/Leadership
• Develop a clear vision
Leave City in a better spot than it was
Economic Develo rnent/Growth]Brandin
• Continue oureconomic development growth
QUESTION # 7 Continued
What are your priorities?
Goal # Staff Responses: City Council Member Responses:
#1-5 Administrative Im rovements/Accountabili
• Implementation of the new ERP system
• Managing existing and creating new resources
Improve the City across the board operationally
• Streamline the public records request process
More technology to streamline paper
......................... .. .............
#1 Communication/Community Engagement (Internal and
• Improve communication and morale across the board
........ .._..
#1,2 _ Community Services & Inclusiveness
• Enhancing community development services to
address the community
• To satisfy our residents with our customer service and
completed projects
Provide excellent EMS services for the community
t t
r 1
r y r
i I i f 11 l r i f Cl l f 1 l I r 1 I I J 1 1
1 I
1 �
A. E.Iinhamne otAir Ilpiirr-oactive comrmmurnum°miiity eingagernent Ilpirogira!m to
educate and linfoirm°n time publlliic, about City semrv'iiices, Ilpirogiram°ns, amid
_.. _ _.....
B. Implement the City Council -approved recommendations from
the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee reports to City
._..... . .,,,,, _...
C. Institute process streamlining and automation for permitting, online
24-hour services, customer service -oriented practices and
providing materials online.
p ..... p ntservicesandbusiness
Complete remodel of development
D. Com
services center for increased customer service (concierge) and
.............. ........ ,,
E. Adopt and implement Livability Action Plan and obtain the "Age -
Friendly City" designation from the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP).
i,.s 2:
/ 1YIY i i
1 / � 1
1 I
..- -..
A. Address quallfuty of life issues pertaiinling try homelessness, graffiti,
noise, cirirne, air quiiallity and otheir concerns.
B. Conduct an anaiy isgo include a resoise coverage _
study to
deterrri'ine tlhe best and nn st cost-effective response mcidell foie° the F1re
C. Develop a long-term strategy to hold large-scale neighboring municipal
operations accountable for environmental violations that place the
quality of life and health of residents and businesses at risk.
D. Clearly define our disaster preparedness program to ensure the City is
prepared for a variety of disasters, including our facilities and staff.
........... ..........................
E. Implement the recommendations approved by City Council in the
........ ._.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) Rubric ft_y Re.
F. Increase community awareness for emergency preparedness;
significantly increase the number of people who are prepared
disaster and involved in the Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT) services.
G. Complete and implement the Fire Department's accreditation process.
.......... _
H. Ensure that police services are provided in a cost-effective manner,
including meeting unfunded state mandates.
Y ) 1 l / l r it
r i I 1 r 1 � t r
r t � i
1 i
1 I l � l
ermine oill tiniai staffing Illlevelllls requiredto dellliveur unparallllllellled City
seurvices aiu°md ensure City Councillll pollllicles acre fuiiy Illy nupieui°neiunted.
B. Institute methods to improve our competitive edge to hire and retain
top quality staff.
C. Institute methods of understanding employees' interests and needs
regarding training, job satisfaction, and engagement to aid in employee
development, retention and succession planning„
D. Implement the recommendations approved by the City Council in the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) Citywide Or anig ztion
E. Review and update key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure they
can be tracked with data and the results used to make improvement
F. Support initiatives designed to improve the pp overall health, wellness and
safety of employees.
G. Provide training to employees to ensure they are able to perform the
jobs safely, includingcarrying out their emergency response roles in
the event of a disaster.
H. Streamline the contract policy for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
I. De _......
Develop a workplan to institute a records management program and
_ related systems.
Embrace the use of the Intranet as a one -stop site for employee
information and services to enhance internal communications.
r 1 1 /
rT �
i ( C
r r l I
1 1 / f 1 � l
A. Identify pairking solutions thi oughout the conirrirrnity.
.... ...._ .... ..._.. ..................m........... .
B. iinipllernei it the c,,aplit l irunlpiroveirnerrt plan ioir parks, recreation,
facfflti(�s, Illiilbirairy, and (Park Vista senior hiving facility.
C. Examine options regarding the expansion of thefiberinfrastructure......_.
within El Segundo for economic development ur oses
D. Initiate a comprehensive update to the General Plan.
E. Implement a new ERP/HRIS (enterprise resourcesplanning/human_
p ( p
resource information system) to improve efficiency and transparency.
........ ........ _
F. Complete the Park Place extension project.
G. Renovate the indoor swimming facility, the Plunge.
H. Determine the future of �... ........_�.-._..... ..........
the Teen Center.
... __...�._..
...... _ _.... _... �_ _......._
I. Implement El Segundo Boulevard improvements (to include multi -
modal approaches, roadway rehabilitation, new bike lanes, Americans
with Disabilities Act ramps and sidewalks, and landscaping).
J. Adopt and implement the Recreation and Parks Master Plan guided
p p g d by
community engagement data, and a commitment to equity.
_ _ _
g demand transportation services for
K. Offer convenient, integrated on-
cost efficiency and reliability, and encourage the use of Metro rideshare.
_.. ._.......... _
L. Update the Technology Master Plan with anew prioritized list for funding
and implementation (see Attachment B).
M. Implement technologies to enhance customer service while maintaining
a human connection in the delivery of City services
N. Implement the geographic information system (GIS) roadmap that will
provide software access to basic property information and relevant
documents. ..... _........
........_.�._..________ ....
0. Expand the new agenda management program to automate processes
for Commissions, Committees and Boards (CCBs).
P. Pursue collaboration with the City and County of Los Angeles to beautify
the entryways into El Segundo to include parking lot and beach.
J, r
l i l l r I
1 i 1
1 1 f 1 � % i 1
� C
i I C
A. Conduct a long-term finainciall analysis to identify waysto maximize
and enhance fiscal sustainai iiity frorn a variety of souirces t°o support,
City services
.Ileveioll� �� robiuW�sapproach'to ciiininoct°iing Ibusines ses to eammlii other
and conducting (proactive outreach to gromi our business community.
C. Implement the goals and objectives of the Economic Development
Program aimed at industry diversificationbusiness
, g ess attraction,
retention, expansion, and promoting the City as a tourist destination.
i D. identify o i or-tuinii.iies...for ne revenues, enhainceimrnent of existing
y i Ip
revenues, and exlploiiratioin of potential funding options to suplport
unfunded capital Improvements and deferred rriainteinarice, to
address the aging irifrastr°ucture tliirougi°ioi,rt the City. ................
_._ ...._..... _.__ ..... _
E. Sponsor, coordinate and launch a private -public program.
.........._. ...... _.........._ .
F. Facilitate the move of the LA Chargers headquarters in El Segundo.
......... .. ...........
i ..... y ...............
f . i"ncouram a�^ITl rogress in'the devello ° ment of the Smoky Hollow business
.- ._...... .......____ ......_ ..
H Collaborate with South Bay cities to spur innovation, promote problem
solving and create cost savings.
I. Identify areas within the community that are appropriate for housing,
' facilities, while preserving the R
including senior living fac t p g -1 zone.
J. Engage in a dialogue about housing east of Pacific ....-_
� g g Coast Highway, while
preserving the R-1 zone.
K. Update land use regulations to encourage development and entitlement
projects (including the Downtown Specific Plan, Housing Element and
other planning documents).
L. Update the Administrative Code on business licenses, as well as an
update to the Municipal Code which will require City Council to consider
a future ballot initiative to effect changes.
11. Complete the implementation of the new building and planning
permitting system
2. Develop Citywide fiber optic strategy and install WiFi in all critical
_.— .. _ ......., _._._._
_._..... _.
3. Upgrade the network and Cyber Security System
....... ................ ........
4. Continue to evaluate the geographic information system (GIS)
5. Implement paperless goals; implement records management and
retention schedule to reduce digital and physical records
6. Upgrade asset management and facility maintenance system
7. Develop an enterprise data management strategy and continued
cloud roadmap - business information dashboards (Smart Cities)
8. Provide security camera and door system for City facilities and
9. Begin upgrade assessments to replace ._._..
g' pg p the City Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) and HR system (Eden - end of life in 2027)
10. Implement a contract and insurance management system
11. Automate the request for pro posals and bidding process,
..�.� ......_._.. ......._.�._.. ..............
12. Implement anautomated library management system.
CityCouncil............. .............. .................,..........A .................. ....... , ., ......................... ..... ...,, .,,. ......,............. 1
ExecutiveSummary..,..—.,,,.,.... .... .... ........................,,, ,,,............................. 2
StrategicPlan Overview.,...... ......... ...................... ............... .................. ................................................ 3
Vision, Mission and Values ............................... ................................,,,..,, ......,., ,,.,... ,.,............................... 4
Opportunitiesand Challenges .................. ............... ............., ,..... ............,. ........W....,.,...,............................... 5
Multi -Year Goals ................................................»,.. ..........,...,,....,.... ,.......... ,,....... .,...,.., ..,..,,., ,.,................ 6
TopCity Council Priorities...................................................................................................................................... 7
Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication... ..... ..... ...................... 8
Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness ............. ....... .................... 9
Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies. .... ..... ........... 10
Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology............................................................... 12
Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability....................................... ........................... 14
ProgressReports ....,.,...—..... ...................—.,, .......... ....................,. ,,... ........, ..,,..,,, ......., . ,.,.. ............. 16
Conclusions......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Attachment A - Highlights of Accomplishments ............ .................. ...........,. ......,..,,.,... ........,.,,,..,.,............ 18
Attachment B - Technology Projects and Needs ............ ............. .. ......... ,...,........... ...,,......... ........... 19
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The Strategic Plan sets the path for the City of El Segundo for the next four
years, covering the period FY 2022-23 through FY 2025-26.
It builds upon our previous Strategic Plan which the City Council updated in
2020. Much has happened since then, including a pandemic, changes in the
economy, a tight labor market, new state mandates, rising housing costs, and
Our strategic planning began with each member of City Council being interviewed
to learn about their priorities; a gap analysis conducted with City departments;
an environmental scan prepared by City staff; input from the City's committees,
commissions, and boards, and a City Council workshop conducted on April 12,
Our Strategic Plan is focused on achieving our vision, which is:
Be a global innovation leader 'where big ideas take off' while maintaining our
unique small-town character.
The Strategic Plan has five multi -year goals:
• Enhance customer service, diversity, equity, inclusion and communication.
Support community safety and preparedness .
+ Promote a quality workforce through teamwork and organizational
M Develop and maintain quality infrastructure and technology
Champion economic development and fiscal sustainability.
Our work relies on collaboration with others, and we are dedicated to being
good partners and service providers.
Success of the City of El Segundo will always rely on a team effort.
Darrell George
City Manager
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Be a global innovation leader 'where big ideas take off' while
maintaining our unique small-town character.
Provide a great place to live, work and visit.
Service. We work to provide exceptional services and continuously improve
our practices and processes.
Ethics. We are accountable and responsible for our actions, transparent in our
processes, and follow professional standards.
Collaboration. We work as "one team" on behalf of our community.
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Major Factors Since Adoption of Last Strategic Plan
Significant changes have occurred since the most recent Strategic Plan was adopted by the City Council in
2020. Key factors are shown below. Highlights of accomplishments are shown in Attachment A.
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The Strategic Plan has five multi -year goals. Each goal
has an associated set of strategies for achievement
over the life of the Strategic Plan. Each goal has been
updated during this process to reflect plans for the next
four years.
Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion and Communication
Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness
Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce through
Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies
Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure
and Technology
Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal
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The City Council determined it's top priorities during a strategic planning session held on April 12, 2022. The
priorities are intended to convey the Council's collective top areas of focus for the first two years of the Strategic
Plan. FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24. The Goal and Strategy references in the left-hand column correspond to those
listed in subsequent pages.
Enhance our proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the
public about City services, programs and issues.
• Conduct an analysis to include a response coverage study to determine the best and
most cost-effective model for the Fire Department.
• Address quality of life issues pertaining to the homeless, graffiti, noise and other
• Determine optimal staffing levels required to deliver unparalleled City services and
ensure Council policies are fully implemented.
• Identify parking solutions throughout the community.
Implement the capital improvement plan for parks, recreation, City facilities, library
and Park Vista senior living facility.
• Encourage progress in the development of the Smoky Hollow business zone.
• Conduct a long-term financial analysis to identify ways to maximize and enhance
fiscal sustainability from a variety of sources to support City services.
• Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and
exploration of potential funding options to support unfunded capital) improvements
and deferred maintenance to address the aging infrastructure throughout the City.
• Develop robust approach to connecting businesses to each other and conducting
proactive outreach to grow our business community.
• Aft
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Strategic Direction
City Council and staff are committed to creating an environment that is inclusive and supportive of the
community and encourages engagement. Staff are proactive problem solvers who strive to understand the
needs of our customers and offer innovative solutions to address challenges.
A. Enhance our proactive community engagement program to educate ✓
and inform the public about City services, programs, and issues.
......... ...........
h City Council -approved recommendations from the
B. Implement the y pp ✓
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee reports to City Council.
C. Institute process streamlining and automation for permitting, online
24-hour services, customer service -oriented practices and providing ✓
_ materials online.
D. Completethe remodel of the development services and business services ✓
center for increased customer service (concierge) and efficiency.
E Ado t.........
p...a._ n -d implement Livability Action Plan and obtain the "Age -Friendly
City" designation from the American Association of Retired Persons ✓
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Strategic Direction
El Segundo is ready to respond to any public safety incident through training, planning, and regional collaboration.
w Strategic
from Prior
St tegic�Pla��
lan Item
A. Address quality of life issues pertaining to homelessness, graffiti, noise,
crime, air quality and other concerns.
B. Conduct an analysis to include a response coverage study to determine
the best and most cost-effective response model for the Fire Department.
..................................... -...
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C. Develop a long-term strategy to hold large-scale neighboring municipal
operations accountable for environmental violations that place the
quality of life and health of residents and businesses at risk.
D. Clearly define our disaster preparedness program to ensure the City is
prepared for a variety of disasters, including our facilities and staff.
E. Implement the recommendations approved by City Council in the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) Public Safely Re
F. Increase community awareness for emergency preparedness;
significantly increase the number of people who are prepared for
disaster and involved in the Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT) services.
G. Complete and implement the Fire Department's accreditation process.
H. Ensurethatservices are providedinacost-effective manner,
g unfunded state ........_._._.
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Strategic Direction
El Segundo's ability to provide quality programs and services depends on our ability to attract and retain the
best staff. We provide for the safety of our employees. We inspire and engage our workforce by encouraging
innovation and celebrating success. We plan for the future through meaningful training, mentoring, and
development programs that promote thoughtful succession planning for key positions.
A. Determine optimal staffing levels required to deliver unparalleled City
services and ensure City Council policies are fully implemented.
B. Institute methods to improve our competitive edge to hire and retain ✓
top quality staff.
C. Institute methods of understanding employees' interests and needs
regarding training, job satisfaction, and engagement to aid in employee ✓
development, retention and succession planning.
D. Implement the recommendations approved by the City Council in the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) City id Organization„ ✓
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can be tracked with data and the results used to make improvement
. ............ .._.�.....
F. Support initiatives designed to improve the overall health, wellness and
safety of employees.
_._..... ....................
G. Provide training to employees to ensure they are able to perform their
jobs safely, including carrying out their emergency response roles in ✓
the event of a disaster.
H. Streamline the contract policy for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
__._... .._._..
I Develop a workplan to institute a records management program and
related systems.
J. Embrace the use of the Intranet as a one -stop site for employee
information and services to enhance internal communications/Wu r
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Strategic Direction
El Segundo's small-town charm is due in large part to our beautiful tree -lined streets, award -winning parks,
and well -maintained public facilities. Protecting and investing in our physical infrastructure assets is vital for
the well-being of our community. We perform preventive maintenance and seek opportunities to enhance and
replace existing assets to improve efficiency and safety.
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A. Identify parking solutions throughout the community.
B. Implement the capital improvement plat
n for parks, recreation, City ✓
facilities, library, and Park Vista senior living facility.
._ ........
C. Examine options regarding the expansion of the fiber infrastructure ✓
within El Segundo for economic development purposes.
D. Initiate a comprehensive update to the General Plan. ✓
_mmmmE. Im lement a new ERP/HRI p S (enterprise resources planning/human
....... ✓
resource information system) to improve efficiency and transparency.
F. Complete the Park Place extension project. ✓
G. Renovate the indoor swimming facility, the Plunge. ✓
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H. Determine the future of the Teen Center.
i. Im lement El Segundo Boulevard improvements (to p - g p include multi -
modal approaches, roadway rehabilitation, new bike lanes, Americans
with Disabilities Act ramps and sidewalks, and landscaping). mmmmmmmmmmmmp
Adoptp ter Plan guided by
J lGrand
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a commitment to
ommun engagement dat
K. Offer convenient, integrated on -demand transportation services for
cost efficiency and reliability, and encourage the use of Metro rideshare.
L. Update the Technology Master Plan with a new prioritized list for funding
and implementation (see Attachment B).
M. Implement technologies to enhance customer service while maintaining
a human connection in the delivery of City services
__..�..... . ...........
N. Implement the geographic information system (GIS) roadmap that will
provide software access to basic property information and relevant
O. Expand the new agenda management program to automate processes
for Commissions, Committees and Boards (CCBs).
P. Pursue collaboration with the City and County of Los Angeles to beautify
the entryways into El Segundo to include parking lot and beach.
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F. Facilitate the move of the LA Chargers headquarters in El Segundo.
G. Encourage progress in the development of the Smoky Hollow business ✓
H Collaborate with South Bay cities to spur innovation, promote problem
solving and create cost savings..
I. Identify areas within the community that are appropriate for housing,
including senior living facilities, while preserving the R-1 zone.
J. Engage in a dialogue about housing east of Pacific Coast Highway, while
preserving the R-1 zone.
......... _...... _._._._. _._.... .. ....
K. Update land use regulations to encourage development and entitlement
projects (including the Downtown Specific Plan, Housing Element and ✓
other planning documents).
L. Update the Administrative Code on business license _._
p s, as well as an
update to the Municipal Code which will require City Council to consider f
a future ballot initiative to effect changes.
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Strategic Direction
City Council and staff work collaboratively to develop a balanced budget while proactively taking steps to build
strong reserves, prepare for the future through long-term financial planning, and provide the highest quality
services for the community. Our economic development focus is one of maximizing the resources of both
public and private sectors to promote business, investment, and economic growth. Deliberate leadership and
strategic action position the City of El Segundo to continue to be a global innovation leader where big ideas
take off, while maintaining our unique small-town character.
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'Contini.iing New Strategic
Strategies from Prior Plan Item
Strategic Plan
A. Conduct a long-term financial analysis to identify ways to maximize and
enhance fiscal sustainability from a variety of sources to support City
B. Develop a robust approach to connecting businesses to each other and
conducting proactive outreach to grow our business community.
C. Implement the goals and objectives of the Economic Development
Program aimed at industry diversification, business attraction,
retention, expansion_ , and promoting the City as tourist destination.
D. Identifyopportunities for new revenues,enh
of existing
revenues, and exploration of potential funding options to support
unfunded capital improvements and deferred maintenance to address
the aging infrastructure throughout the City.
E. Sponsor, coordinate and launch a private -public incubator program. �/
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Many Accomplishments since 2020
• Effective multi -pronged pandemic response
• Support of businesses through the pandemic
• Strong financial position and policies; issuance of pension obligation bond; Topgolf revenue allocation
policy approved
• Development and approval of a five-year water and wastewater rate plan to ensure fiscal sustainability
in the enterprise funds
• Changes in policing approach since 2016, handled social justice issues well
• Streets continue to be well -maintained within resources available
• Approval of conceptual, design of The Plunge
• Approved settlement agreement with Los Angeles World Airports and City of Los Angeles for significant
improvements to Imperial Highway medians and north parkways (including enhanced stormwater
improvements and ongoing maintenance)
• Established a City Council -appointed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to address social justice'
• Updated and implemented the City Communications Plan; significantly enhanced citywide
communications efforts and streamlined through one office
• Developed and implemented award -winning economic development initiatives in response to the
• Enhanced public communications through multiple channels, including social media, website email and
community cable
• Fourth annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey for residents and businesses completed
• Established and maintained an All -Hazard Incident Management Team (IMT) for disaster response
• Proactive recruitment of police positions with monthly police officer testing
• Partnered with Kaiser Permanente to bring wellness programs to City employees and recognized as a
"Wellness Champion" in 2021
• Launched employeetraining series as part of diversity, equity and inclusion efforts
• Approval of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charge Ready Program grant from Southern California Edison for four
EV chargers at Richmond and Franklin parking lot in downtown
• Implemented significant technology enhancements
•, Art in public places revenue received and allocated
Other Strategic Plan Items Well Underway
• Implementation of new building and planning permitting system
• Remodel of the Community Development Services Center for "one -stop" customer service
• Update of the Housing Element, which involves: goals and policies related to a range of housing types
including senior living facilities and others
• Construction of Topgolf
• Design of Park Place
• Development impact fee study
• Downtown Specific Plan update
• Recreation and park needs assessment next steps.
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The following table contains a list of technology projects that are either underway or have been initially identified
as important for productivity improvements or customer service. Any projects not currently underway or funded
are listed as those to be prioritized as part of an updated Technology Master Plan as noted in Goal 4. The items
to be considered as part of Technology Master Plan are not intended to be a comprehensive or complete list.
They represent the items at this time to be priorities for productivity and customer service.
To b- Considered as
Master Plan
1. Complete the implementation of the new building and planning
permitting system
2. Develop Citywide fiber optic strategy and install WiFi in all critical
3. Upgrade the network and Cyber Security System
4. Continue to evaluate the geographic information system (GIS)
5. Implement paperless goals; implement records management and
retention schedule to reduce digital and physical records
6. Upgrade asset management and facility maintenance system
7. Develop an enterprise data management strategy and continued
cloud roadmap - business information dashboards (Smart Cities)
8. Provide security camera and door system for City facilities and
9. Begin upgrade assessments to replace the City Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) and HR system (Eden - end of life in 2027)
10. Implement a contract and insurance management system
11. Automate the request for proposals and bidding process.
12. Implement an automated library management system.
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Goal and Activity 11
Activity to be
completed in
Status and Comments
A. Enhance our proactive community
Hired new, experienced Communications Manager.
engagement program to educate and
Updated the Communications Plan. Continue to
inform the public about City services,
City Manager
enhance engagement efforts.
programs, and issues
B. Implement the City Council
Implementation is underway for the public safety and
approved recommendations from the
citywide organization/local economy
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
City Manager
recommendations. Community at Large
Committee reports to City Council
recommendations will be presented to City Council
May 2023.
C. Institute process streamlining and
Ongoing update to Building, Planning, Housing, and
automation for permitting, online 24-
Neighborhood Preservation resources/materials on
hour services, customer service-
website. Building permitting (via OpenGov) to be all
oriented practices and providing
online by end of FY, beginning to roll out by Summer
materials online.
2023. All staff scheduled to attend annual customer
Comm. Dev
service based trainings. Annual CDD customer service
survey initiated in Oct. 2022, and will be completed
annually. Community Development best practices
report complete, to be programmed for phased in
D. Complete the remodel of the
Community Development and
Business Services center for increased
Comm. Dev
customer service (concierge) and
Page 1
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23 through 2025-26
Goal and Activity
Responsible -
Activity to be
completed in
Status and:Comiimgnts
Department ;
E. Adopt and implement Livability
The City submitted their application to AARP in
Action Plan and obtain the "Age
2020 and was approved on March 11, 2020.
Friendly City" designation from the
A survey was sent to residents and the city
American Association of Retired
received 272 responses. The City is currently in
Persons (AARP)
progress with creating an action plan.
A. Address quality of life issues
Public Works has teamed up with the Police Dept. for
pertaining to homelessness, graffiti,
graffiti, air quality issues, and other concerns. The PD
noise, crime, air quality and other
also continues to work collaboratively with the
Neighborhood Preservation Division to address quality
of life issues. In 2022, the PD worked with code
enforcement officers on issues related to graffiti, illegal
dumping, and noise. The PD is working towards giving
DMV access to Code Enforcement officers in an effort
to facilitate the Administrative Citation process utilized
by code enforcement officers to address municipal
code violations.
B. Conduct an analysis to include a
Swift Hawk Consulting has been hired to complete the
response coverage study to determine
analysis and present findings to City Council in May
the best and most cost-effective
response model for the Fire
C. Develop a long-term strategy to
Public Works is working with the Environmental
hold large-scale neighboring municipal
Committee to develop this long-term strategy and
operations accountable for
work -plan.
environmental violations that place
the quality of life and health of
residents and businesses at risk.
Page 2
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Goal and Activity
Activity to be
completed in
Status and Comments
Department .
D. Clearly define our disaster
In order to update the disaster preparedness program,
program t o ensure the
preparedness P B
the Cit 's General Plan also needs to updated.
Y p
City is prepared for a variety of
Emergency Management Coordinator will be hired in
disasters, including our facilities and
FY 23-24 to complete this task in conjunction with
various departments in charge of the General Plan.
E. Implement the recommendations
Many of the recommendations listed in the DEI
approved by City Council in the
Committee Public Safety Report have been
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
implemented. The remaining recommendations are
Committee (DEI) Public Safet Re_port
either on -going or in the initial planning stages.
F. Increase community awareness for
CERT class is scheduled for April 1, 2023. Registration is
emergency preparedness; significantly
currently low. A marketing/outreach campaign will be
increase the number of people who
implemented in an effort to increase participation.
are prepared for disaster and involved
in the Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT) services.
G. Complete and implement the Fire
Accreditation is on hold due to the current shut down
Department's accreditation process.
of Engine 32. Data collection during FY 22-23 will be
skewed due to the engine shut down.
H. Ensure that police services are
The PD is utilizing best law enforcement practices,
provided in a cost-effective manner,
including the implementing of new technologies, to
including meeting unfunded state
ensure police services are being provided in a cost -
effective manner. The PD has expanded its fleet of
drones to supplement patrol services, and has secured
a portable camera trailer that's intended to be
deployed in high crime areas.
Page 3
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
A. Determine optimal staffing levels
required to deliver unparalleled City
services and ensure City Council
policies are fully implemented
B. Institute methods to improve our
competitive edge to hire and retain
top quality staff.
Completed a comprehensive review of the Public
Works department. Created Utilities Superintendent
position and reorganized structure so that water and
waste water functions are under Utilities Section.
Updates to PW job descriptions are in process. Mid-
year budget requests included restructuring of IT to
include a second IT (Help Desk) Manager, an additional
HR Analyst for HR, and an additional Fire Prevention
Specialist for Fire. Management Analyst position in
CIVIC) converted to Special Projects Administrator.
Admin Classification Series study in progress for all
departments. Reclass of Police Assistant (Traffic) to
Administrative Specialist and Police Management
Analyst to Senior Management Analyst. Created part-
time Accountant.
Labor negotiations in process for 4 bargaining units for
wages and terms, conditions of employment. Trial
HR x 4/10 work schedule in progress for Management
Confidential group.
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City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
C. Institute methods of
Hosted Citywide trainings for: DISC, Conflict Resolution,
understanding employees' interests
Power & Influence, Persuasive Presentations,
and needs regarding training, job
Performance Evaluations, Emotional Intelligence, and
satisfaction, and engagement to aid in
Implicit Bias for E Team. Participated in Open Meetings
employee development, retention,
with the City Manager to listened to employee
and succession planning.
feedback. Revised several job classifications to align
with career series to promote succession planning.
D. Implement the recommendations
approved by the City Council in the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion CM
Committee (DEI) Citywide
E. Review and update Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) to
ensure they can be tracked with data
and the results used to make
improvement decisions
F. Support initiatives designed to
Conducted wellness walking challenge with the City of
improve the overall health, wellness,
Manhattan Beach, hosted in -person health fair with
and safety of employees
food truck and flu shots, provided onsite biometric
health screenings with Kaiser Mobile Health Vehicle.
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City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
G. Provide training to employees to
Activity to resume in FY 23-24 with the assistance of
ensure they are able to perform their
the incoming Emergency Management Coordinator
jobs safely, including carrying out their
and the HR Department.
emergency response roles in the
event of a disaster.
H. Streamline the contract policy for
City Clerk
greater efficiency and effectiveness.
I. Develop a workplan to institute a
The Workplan has been instituted. However, a full
records management program and
City Clerk
investigation of Iron Mountain still needs to be
related systems.
conducted. This will occur once we hire an ACC.
J. Embrace the use of the Intranet as
Added additional resources on both intranet and
a one -stop site for employee
internet for employees. Updating staff directory,
information and services to enhance
added link to jobs page on intranet. Working with IT to
internal communications.
link staff directory info to ERP for automatic (rather
than manual) updating. Revised Education
Reimbursement Form for pre authorization and post
payment. Emails for change in address and to update
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City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
A. Identify parking solutions
Completed GIS study of theoretical on -street parking
throughout the community
capacity in residential neighborhoods. Will bring
discussion item to City Council in summer 2023 to
identify next steps in implementing residential parking
permit program.
B. Implement the Capital
Public Works is collaborating with the Recreation,
Improvement Plan for Parks,
Parks, & Library Department and Community Services
Recreation, City facilities, Library, and
Department regarding these CIP projects.
Park Vista Senior living facility
C. Examine options regarding the
Not aware of any existing effort made by previous ITS
expansion of the fiber infrastructure
within El Segundo for Economic
Development purposes.
D. Initiate a comprehensive update
Phased over 4-years. Several revisions are in progress,
to the General Plan.
including Downtown Specific Plan Update and Smoky
Hollow Specific Plan Update. Additionally, Land Use
Comm. Dev
Element will be updated to include R3 density increase
and Mixed Use Overlay to allow residential by summer
E. Implement a new ERP/HRIS
Partnering with Finance/HR to issue RFP in 2023-24
(Enterprise Resources
Planning/Human Resource
Information System) to improve
F. Complete the Park Place extension
This is an on -going project and the design is underway.
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City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
G. Renovate the indoor swimming
This is an on -going project and the design is underway„.
facility, The Plunge.
H. Determine the future of the Teen
Included in the Rec Park Renovation Project
I. Implement El Segundo Boulevard
This is an on -going project. The construction was
improvements (to include multi -modal
awarded by City Council and construction will
approaches, roadway rehabilitation,
commence by Summer 2023.
new bike lanes, Americans with
Disabilities Act ramps and sidewalks,
and landscaping.
J. Adopt and implement the
This is an on going project. The Public Works
Recreation and Parks Master Plan
Department is collaborating with the Recreation, Parks,
guided by community engagement
& Library Department regarding this project.
data, and a commitment to equity.
K. Offer convenient, integrated on -
demand transportation services for
cost efficiency and reliability, and
encourage the use of Metro rideshare.
L. Update the Technology Master
Unable to locate any historical Master Plan. Begun to
Plan with a new prioritized list for
update ITS policies. Will start to build IT Master Plan
funding and implementation (see
once policies are updated.
Attachment B).
M. Implement technologies to
Prioritizing updates of department -wide policies and
enhance customer service while
strategic plans before addressing GIS roadmap.
maintaining a human connection in
the delivery of City Services.
Page 8
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Goal and Activity
Activity to be
completed in
Status and Comments
.P a n ;
N. Implement the geographic
Prioritizing updates of department -wide policies and
information system (GIS) roadmap
strategic plans before addressing GIS roadmap.
that will provide software access to
basic property information and
relevant documents.
O. Expand the new agenda
IT Project Mgr. went on leave, therefore, project was
management program to automate
ITS/City Clerk
put on hold until a new PM is assigned. This project is
processes for Commissions,
near completion, it just needs fine tuning and
Committees and Boards (CCBs).
P. Pursue collaboration with the City
The Public Works Department is collaborating with the
and County of Los Angeles to beautify
City and County of Los Angeles regarding this project.
the entryways into El Segundo to
included parking lot and beach.
A. Conduct a long-term financial
ongoing -some examples include: Measure BT,
analysis to identify ways to maximize
developer impact fee study, annual cpi increase for
and enhance fiscal sustainability from
master fee schedule, prop 218 process for water &
a variety of sources to support City
wastewater rates, issuance of POBs, retain strong
reserves, and implement full cost recovery on services
B. Develop a robust approach to
Ongoing outreach to the business community through
connecting businesses to each other
"Business Portfolio' e-newsletter, social media posts,
and conducting proactive outreach to
attending business networking events and serving on
grow our business community.
the Chamber Board. Proactive outreach to highlight
businesses in the "Business Matters" program and
media opportunities.
Page 9
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
Goal and Activity
completed in
Status and Comments
Implemented the goals and objectives of the City's
C. Implement the goals and
objectives of the Economic
economic development and hospitality and tourism
Development Program aimed at
marketing efforts and targeted business attraction
industry diversification, business
attraction, retention, expansion, and
promoting the City as a tourist
D. Identify opportunities for new
ongoing - some examples include: Measure BT,
revenues, enhancement of existing
developer impact fee study, annual cpi increase for
revenues, and exploration of potential
master fee schedule, prop 218 process for water &
funding options to support unfunded
wastewater rates, issuance of POBs, and future
Capital Improvements and deferred
revenues sources such as Business Improvement
maintenance to address the aging
Districts (BIDs), streetlighting districts, & potential tax
infrastructure throughout the City.
measure(s) on ballot.
E. Sponsor, coordinate and launch a
Working with Sunstone Management and USC Price to
private -public incubator program.
launch an El Segundo Accelerator.
F. Facilitate the move of the LA
Project entitled in 2022, construction of corporate
Chargers headquarters in El Segundo.
Comm Dev.
headquarters and practice facility to be complete by
April 2024.
G. Encourage progress in the
Smoky Hollow Specific Plan clean up and update to be
development of the Smoky Hollow
complete by summer 2023, including eliminating
business zone.
Comm Dev.
barriers to development or locating creative businesses
within the Smoky Hollow district.
Working with SBCCOG and South Bay City Manager's
H. Collaborate with South Bay cities
to spur innovation, promote problem
solving and create cost savings.
Page 10
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23through 2025-26
Activity to be
Goal and Activity
completed in
Status and Comments
Housing Element adopted in November 2022.
I. Identify areas within the
community that are appropriate for
Goals/Programs as a result of the adopted Housing
housing, including senior living
Comm Dev.
Element to be implemented between 2021-2029.
facilities, while preserving the R-1
J. Engage in a dialogue about housing',
South Bay COG conducting feasibility study of housing
east of Pacific Coast Highway, while
Comm Dev.
east of PCH.
preserving the R-1 zone.
K. Update land use regulations to
Downtown Specific Plan Update, Smoky Hollow Specific
encourage development and
Plan Update to both be completed by summer, 2023.
entitlement projects (including the
Housing Element complete in Nov. 2022. Several zone
Downtown Specific Plan, Housing
Comm Dev.
text amendments are in draft to be considered by
Element and other planning
Planning Commission and City Council by end of FY.
L. Update the Administrative Code on
Measure BT was on the November 2022 ballot and
business licenses, as well as an update
passed by voters.
to the Municipal Code which will
Finance x
require City Council to consider a
future ballot initiative to effect
1. Complete the implementation of
Roll out of new system (OpenGov) to begin in April,
the new Development Services
Comm Dev.
and continue roll out of all Building Safety permitting
permitting system.
systems by end of FY.
2. Develop Citywide fiber optic
Nearly all city locations are connected to fiber and
strategy and install Wi-Fi in all critical
provide Wi-Fi. Planning to document in 23/24.
3. Upgrade the network and Cyber
Security system.
Page 11
City of El Segundo Strategic Plan
Work Plan Update
2022-23 through 2025-26
Activity to be
completed in
4. Continue to evaluate the
Geographic Information System (GIS) x
5. Implement paperless goals; Laserfiche has been deployed. Currently evaluating
implement records management and opportunities to expand Laserfiche to other
retention schedule to reduce digital x departments. Examining printer usage, looking to
and physical records. reduce cost and replace with digital solutions.
6. Upgrade asset management and Part of a larger project that PW is working on
facility maintenance system. x
7. Develop an Enterprise Data Plan to complete in 2023/24. Providing time to new IT
Management Strategy and continued Management to assess operations.
cloud roadmap - Business Information x
dashboards (Smart Cities).
Completed floor diagram outlining locations for
8. Provide security camera and door
cameras and upgraded door locks. Project is co -
system for City facilities and
sponsored by PW and ITSD. Next step is to review
results with E-Team.
9. Begin upgrade assessments to
Effort for RFP will kickoff in 2023
replace the City Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) and HR system (Eden -
end of life in 2027)
10. Implement a contract and
Planning to investigate this requirement in 23/24 and
insurance management system
incorporate requirement into ERP RFP.
11. Automate the request for
Planning to incorporate this requirement in El
proposals and bidding process.
Segundo's ERP RFP.
12. Implement an automated Library
PO has been generated. Coordinating schedule with
(Management system.
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