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2023-05-02 CC Agenda Packet - PRESENTATION - ITEM D7 - Economic Development Advisory Council Update
Advance Economic Opportunity by working as a bridge between El Segundo's leading businesses and the community to ensure continued prosperity for the City. Oma ma BWdK'rdwYac E mlll. To address the biggest challenge ESEDC's Board of Governors believes to be facing their businesses today: Employee Recruitment & Retention CA L'OREtAL dimes CJ NANT F' - MILLENNIUM SPACE SYSTEMS TechStyle © FASHION GROUP L I E S "T Y L AMM,qr',n,Es & M`4NEc wij ry EXPANDED HOUSING i I o Sept 29, 2022 -Campus Tours - Underserved High School Students (TechStyle, Aerospace, Mattel) 30 Students organized by LA Promise Fund Students toured all 3 company campuses in same day, engaged students about career opportunities at respective companies. All transportation and hosting courtesy of ESEDC. Nov. 30, 2022 - ESEDC Hosts DEI Mixer with Local Businesses 70 attendees from ESEDC member companies and City of ES. Mixer Goal -Gather larger groups (DEI ERG members from ESEDC companies) to meet & greet and discuss possible DEI activities to align and partner on. Continued communication by the City around its community and city -specific DEI programs while the ESEDC continues to support and promote business specific efforts around a more diversified workforce. s t.al lu mial Hwy Imperial / 105 W Exit 2A0 Aviation I imperial t:. P '* Aviation/ I'' A O N c Lax Station = Y a W 117th St F. u W 118th St rro u W 118th PI uvtWN7Bbtl"'4'avrc IIff1$k��&PQlUW1e119®'q��•a�1r March 2022: Coordinated Meetings with BNSF Railway • April 2022: BNSF Railway Letter of Support for Track Relocation and Greenway Exploration • January 2023: BNSF / LA Metro / ESEDC Team Meeting to Review Greenway Next Steps • March 2023: ESEDC's Hosts MAT (metro active transit) Meeting at L'Oreal HQ - 25 Attendees • March 2023: Preliminary Research Meetings to Review Grant Options and Associated Grant Applications • April 2023: RIOS Services Contracted by ESEDC to Explore Design 1148uNn I<nmmic Ik+rinryrunl r'mnmuir� Sa I N�m.�.. n.r_ sour znl F I ticRuNu, (A 9oN3 IhlnmJflrrrmnrnrrt) nrxr I I srR�ndn me a 4 I Y re a 0 r ai lua ro xn& p nf4e MWxx vBr 9 91y N ftr wwrt 8+ad+lxb\ Msv�.+�wl-.a'8g 8n Y1.M G6 u(4rrwrl M y .nw lbl VieTn ru no-r¢mmrre@ tlV�xiaa w.xn,l RtiSp�brlvi0.lu i a.pgrrcru0rr nN.o a�r,4 �nx 8xrvx�inm dwrlrt:Pi wA uxlk nR xnv 9F r°hcwlGir crl vlmu.u. Iw unnNSrir y peo-vv rvw m I. -,pa wr,e htl VYA xdmV.r9r+rm Nlmpnn ummxl�ry A iWt, d4 .'M1�m A. yrxr kmmrh�+mmanr u a ryn of N\St s I Inlar vaAlni+inn. xMrt xrt.�ne r+ml Irral hu�inccva mW rwlomcn xrou mnrmclinn ro IIK wlinwl frciehl nrl rrclxnrk is rnrn.l ra IlKir . n Imdnr.� Irvsr ar.iR, to rrmrimrr Irol Irsrl nr,rn;re In rror W.xl hinims+xeae M1cmgancmnBN cnq.nmcieam Fnthe r.vnmunilinin uAirhxc nremrc W'clmWf nrd In rM1<c+mlimnJ rynrrcMin vM Ihr rrdx<brmcm nl Niv mrtiJur frnrchh Ilromrxrn.Ill rmmml nirrtmr, ruMrc Inrm.vrn:hvc uM Invc�rrcnl. Continued support of select City Staff resources when proposed as well as acting as the "applicant" for future Grant submissions when and if ESEDC staff identity funding opportunities. 0 E E r ram' t r r, 1 l ESEDC contracted the services of The Concord Group to conduct a "Strategic Analysis for Residential Development for East El Segundo Market". )PA 7 II„ ..�..�� ��� m' V rS� � ...:: ��.�...�0t'U M IN� �� 98% of General Tax Budget for city derived from business. Businesses need to attract the best and brightest and one of the key factors of employees choosing a business: attainable housing solutions close to their employer. 84% of the jobs created in 2021 in El Segundo were well tailored to rental housing solutions. Additional housing if planned strategically can be a win/win win/winfor businesses, residents and the City at large. Sample case studies of win/win outcomes in Irvine and Anaheim. 4. TI IE CONCORD Strategic Analysis for Residential Development for East El Segundo Market Area; El Segundo, California DmB Meting Book Prepored for El Segendo Economic Developmenl Corporotion FEBRUARY 61h, 2023 P1: Ensure that future strategic planning sessions focus on housing east of PCH and incorporate business feedback and consider the immediate importance around this topic for ongoing retention and recruitment. P2: A cooperative review of any city -initiated studies on housing in partnership with the ESEDC's Concord Group study to drive the discussion forward with shared ideas around housing opportunities. Over the last 2 years numerous interviews were conducted with ESEDC's BOG, BOD & associated teams. Feedback provided has included the following points; including sharing that select enterprises have participated in exercises to evaluate moves to Texas, Seattle and Colorado to secure the future talent pool. It It I We want our workers back at the office, but that is hard to request when surrounding amenities are limited. 01 e ii a e in d + i/a rri �: r.ii..0 i r r e �' l i. � of is iit I e cs t o,1 ::1 iron I : °°w e gunid �J e 1. e r se i i L fry ,ni cc)Ii u11111� 1! 11111! �,fQ� J�,iAr�rrr,�tau�p�uirr���rir�°f�f�Il�G!pr,�ruV��ur!uVD�fr�fr�f�ry�r�U�1��r�Dt�l�1r1� Ow 1Ie a m� s r r e n O safe �iivaIkiirugu;;"I �:ir bliiking Orr st n I, i o miii ,. u..,u bi I w o u''' I') ii a ii r g e r ii i mi d u g ii a p h a c �I i a I g w o � II 11 a I nii a k i t i?i 1� �"t .-� :l ii V l a c a II I t il ii a r'I w udi e m . Historically, the workforce in El Segundo has represented one demographic, that needs to change in the future. Group President, Acquisitions and West Coast Headquarters, L'Oreal