2023-05-02 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item E12 - DEIPUBLIC COMM U III CATI ON R-ELNPE[Yro 1UEM iE 1- D E:l
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: DEI report has gaps, forgot religion
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "Corrie (Chitlik) Zupo" <cor iezu o mail.om>
Date: April 28, 2023 at 19:01:07 GMT+1
To: "Boyles,Drew (Mayor)" <,dar les el e urrdo.or >, "Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro
Tem)" <c imentel else undo.or, >, "Giroux, Lance (Council Member)"
<I iroux else' and .or >, "Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member)"
<c irsz uk else undo.o >
Subject: DEI report has gaps, forgot religion
The DEI report was detailed, but religion was left out. I was actually surprised the
committee didn't include religion after the exclusive behavior of ESMoA on Mothers Day
and anti Israel protest on PCH (May 2021). Last year,
the ESUSD also had a "gas the Jews" threat where the police has to get involved (ask the
police chief, he can confirm). Lastly, El Segundo also had a "gentiles only" sign in town in
December 1944. 1 know the committee
is aware of these topics because I brought to their attention, so if the goal is to make all
minorities fell comfortable, there's gaps.
Sent from my Whone
On May 17, 2021, at 10:16 PM, Corrie Zupo <corriezu o mail.com,> wrote:
My name is Corrie Zupo and I am a local resident. I support City Council
agenda item E, #12. 1 hope that the DEI committee, along with the other
two social justice groups (Sweat Equity Alliance and ES4BL) include
religion as a part of their group's purview. I am asking for all three
groups support and help Jews in this community who feel that we have
been victims of anti-Semitism by ESMoA. Please help us educate the
museum that targeted political messaging with a meme that had 10
examples of various ways a mom has lost a child due to the
government, but 1 line item specifically called out Israel is considered
antisemitic (even by a local Temple's Rabbi). Others and I tried
educating ESMoA by email, but they never responded. All three social
groups have been silent on this, but we would appreciate your voices.
Thank you,