2023-04-18 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Item D17 - Four Way Stop Signs023 04.'U3 CC II: IV) u VII: II IC Coy %AujIVCA IIUNSII'°III IIA II II II � II 17 ° U-fl:R...W Y S"II I II"S I G N S # Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 5:49 PM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: 4 way stop Whiting and Pine Council received email below, please post. Thank you, Tracy Weaver I City Clerk City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo CA 90245 310.524.2305 1 tweaver@elegundo.org I www.elsegundo.org -----Original Message ----- From: Lynn Norton <lynnnorton@earthlink.net> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 5:37 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>; Xu, Lifan <Ixu@elsegundo.org>; Sassoon, Elias <esassoon@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org> Subject: 4 way stop Whiting and Pine Hello El Segundo Representatives, I want to email my support for having a four way stop at Whiting and Pine. We moved to 517 Whiting twelve years ago and have been witness to many near accidents and several actual accidents at this intersection. Cars that are traveling on Whiting at this intersection do not have the visibility to see cars coming from either direction on Pine because of the cars parked on the street and the downhill descent that Whiting begins at that intersection. Due to the lack of a stop sign many people drive over the speed limit on Pine because they know they don't have to slow down for a stop like they do on Mariposa. It is also dangerous to exit from our alley between Whiting and Loma Vista on Pine due to the lack of visibility and the speed the cars are moving on Pine. There have been several accidents also at this alley access street. For me, it is safer to exit the alley on Mariposa because there is a stop sign at both intersections slowing the cars down. Please put a stop sign at this intersection before someone gets hurt again. This is the only intersection on W. Pine without a four way stop which makes no sense. Thank you, Lynn Norton Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 5:48 PM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Council received email below, please post. Thank you, Tracy Weaver I City Clerk City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo CA 90245 310.524.2305 1 t'we v c @ele nido,or° I ��i r o�org EL,EGUNDO From: Maggie Kelch <Maggiek@k2networks.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:19 PM To: George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org> Cc: Sassoon, Elias <esassoon@elsegundo.org>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Dear City Council Members, To emphasize Sarah Miszkowicz's point about the dangerous intersection at Whiting & Pine, please let me share what happened just 2 days after the accident she documented and shared with you. I was almost T-Boned exactly like the accident that happened 2 days prior with my daughter in the car on our way to her HS swim practice. The car would have hit the passenger side of my car where my daughter was sitting. Luckily, I ALWAYS approach this particular intersection with caution and drive very slowly. I slammed on my brakes. The other car slammed on their brakes... skidding to the middle of the intersection as I came to a full stop. My daughter screamed and the other car took off. The mail carrier was parked and going through mail on the Northeast corner of Whiting Street. She stopped what she was doing and walked over to my car and asked if we were both ok. She said "that was an extremely close call". I couldn't agree with her more. The visibility coming up Pine street heading West is horrific and the near misses that happen at least once a week are frustrating. We are blessed to live in an area where there are kids of all ages that are outside playing, bicycling, skateboarding, scootering and walking their dogs. It's unsettling to know that the intersection is unpredictable and dangerous with all the wonderful youth activity. This is not the first or second time we have asked for the city to recognize the danger at the intersection of Whiting and Pine and install a 4 Way Stop. Please, I and the rest of our neighbors urge you to stop and see how dangerous this intersection is and take action. We are only asking for our community to be more safe and protected for our children and residents. I look forward to the re -assessment of the 4 Way Stop at our intersection and hope to see this become a 4 way stop intersection. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Maggie Kelch 310-487-9124 443 Whiting Street, El Segundo From: "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegu�+�cs.olr> Date: March 27, 2023 at 11:38:38 AM PDT To: saraeyer26@gmail.co Cc: "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@el e Undo.00fg> Subject: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Hi Ms. Miszkowicz: (bcc: councilmembers) Thanks for your email. Please note that the traffic analysis which was recently performed by the Traffic Engineering Consultant firm indicated that the intersection did not meet the warrants for installing a 4- way stop sign. However, we are re -assessing the situation considering the information that you have provided and will get back with you soon. Please contact Elias Sassoon, the Director of Public Work Department if you have any further questions. Thanks Darrell Thank you, Darrell George City Manager I City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo CA 90245 310.524.23011 dgeol� enl uldo,olg I WWW.ele undo.or EL,EGUNDO �'�Illo°w•umlllwnN uu.�u ����u��� �.u�'llf" From: Sarah Miszkowicz <sarahmeyer42kgm4 1.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 8:21 PM To: Xu, Lifan <I a else undo,or >; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@else Lando. 'rg>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTE'DOFF=ICIALSpel epgDdo.or > Subject: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Hello Mr. Xu and City Council members, I had reached out in August 2022 about the need for a four way stop at Whiting and Pine here in El Segundo. I had 20+ neighbors fill out the request as well. I was told there would be a study conducted and I never heard anything beyond that. Today there was yet another accident where a car was T-boned and their passenger door was smashed in. This was very loud and many neighbors heard and came outside. Luckily everyone was ok and the ESPD were called and came to the site. How many more of these accidents need to happen until something is done? There are pedestrians, kids on e-bikes, strollers, dogs, cars and golf carts all flying across these streets. This is a very serious safety issue. People driving north/south along Whiting can't see around the parked cars and the cars driving east/west on Pine don't have to stop and fly up and down the hill from the dunes. I would like you to look at how many requests were submitted in August of last year because I do not think it's fair to ask all my neighbors to fill it out again. If it is a volume of signatures needed and there aren't enough I will get more. Please update me on what is being done because I am very concerned that next time we won't be so lucky and someone will get hurt. There are photos attached of today's accident. -Sarah Miszkowicz 805-267-6554 Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 5:47 PM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Attachments: (no subject).eml Council received email below, please post. Thank you, Tracy Weaver I City Clerk City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo CA 90245 310.524.2305 1 tweaver@elegundo.org I aww..el e wrw io.w wg EE,SEGUNIO 1p"VIla,ere hig,, tan.l.ve ulff', From: Sarah Miszkowicz <sarahmeyer426@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 8:21 PM To: Xu, Lifan <Ixu@elsegundo.org>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: FOUR WAY STOP NEEDED Hello Mr. Xu and City Council members, I had reached out in August 2022 about the need for a four way stop at Whiting and Pine here in El Segundo. I had 20+ neighbors fill out the request as well. I was told there would be a study conducted and I never heard anything beyond that. Today there was yet another accident where a car was T-boned and their passenger door was smashed in. This was very loud and many neighbors heard and came outside. Luckily everyone was ok and the ESPD were called and came to the site. How many more of these accidents need to happen until something is done? There are pedestrians, kids on e-bikes, strollers, dogs, cars and golf carts all flying across these streets. This is a very serious safety issue. People driving north/south along Whiting can't see around the parked cars and the cars driving east/west on Pine don't have to stop and fly up and down the hill from the dunes. I would like you to look at how many requests were submitted in August of last year because I do not think it's fair to ask all my neighbors to fill it out again. If it is a volume of signatures needed and there aren't enough I will get more. Please update me on what is being done because I am very concerned that next time we won't be so lucky and someone will get hurt. There are photos attached of today's accident. -Sarah Miszkowicz 805-267-6554 Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:28 AM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: Fwd: Whiting x Pine 4-Way Stop Council received email below, please post. Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: From: Paul Miszkowicz <pmiszkow@gmail.com> Date: April 17, 2023 at 9:26:05 PM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Whiting x Pine 4-Way Stop Hello, I would like to voice my support for the conversion of a 2-way stop into a 4-way stop at the intersection of Pine and Whiting. The parking along Pine makes it nearly impossible for Whiting based drivers to see cross traffic and has resulted in accidents along with a number of near misses with cars, bicyclists and pedestrians. The topography of the upward slanting hill facing West compounds this issue in the evenings with significantly reduced visibility for drivers staring directly into the setting Sun. Thank you for your review and consideration. Paul Miszkowicz 503 Whiting Street Sent from my iPhone Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:29 AM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: Fwd: 4-Way stop - corner of Whiting St. and Pine St. Council received email below, please post. Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: From: Tom Norton <tomfnorton@earthlink.net> Date: April 17, 2023 at 9:36:25 PM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, "Xu, Lifan" <Ixu@elsegundo.org>, "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org>, "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org> Subject: 4-Way stop - corner of Whiting St. and Pine St. Council Members, I am writing to you regarding the issue of adding stop signs for east/west traffic on Pine Street at Whiting Street. My family and I have lived on the 500 block of Whiting Street, just north of the intersection in question for the past 12 years. We have long been concerned about the safety of the intersection due to traffic moving rapidly through on Pine Street. We recently witnessed a collision in the intersection, one of several that we have seen over the years living nearby, not to mention the numerous "near misses" that happen on a regular basis. The intersection is a challenging one to cross when moving north/south on Whiting Street when cars are parked on Pine, partially blocking the view of drivers on Whiting Street. Drivers on Pine sometimes speed excessively through the intersection due in part to the fact that they are not required to stop at the intersection, and this makes the situation even more dangerous. We have a large number of families with younger children on our block and in the general area, and a four-way stop here would be greatly beneficial to the safety of these children as they cross Pine Street. Both Holly Street and Mariposa have stop signs at their intersections with Whiting Street. Please add one at Pine Street to reduce or eliminate this public safety risk to pedestrians and drivers that so frequently use this intersection. Thank you for your consideration. Tom Norton 517 Whiting Street El Segundo Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:29 AM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: Fwd: Request for Stop Signs at Whiting and Pine Council received email below, please post. Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: From: Serena Burton <serenaburton@gmail.com> Date: April 17, 2023 at 6:12:27 PM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org>, "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>, "Xu, Lifan" <Ixu@elsegundo.org> Cc: sarahmeyer426@gmail.com, Scott 4V <cscottburton@yahoo.com> Subject: Request for Stop Signs at Whiting and Pine Dear City Council members, City Manager and others, This letter is to request that the City convert the current 2-way stop signs at the corner of Whiting Street and Pine Avenue to 4-way stop signs. We live right around the block at 433 Loma Vista Street and walk to school at Richmond Street Elementary each day down Pine. I have personally seen many close calls at that intersection while walking or driving. Some cars go flying down Pine since they have no stop sign and other times, cars turning left onto Pine off Whiting are almost clipped. I have spoken to my kids about never crossing Pine on Whiting there because it's so hard to see cars coming up the hill on Pine. I've seen kids crossing Pine on bikes almost be hit by a car coming up the hill. It was terrifying. Additionally, some cars stop there when traveling on Pine because they just assume there is a stop and cause confusion for other drivers. A stop sign there seems very logical especially since it's a poor visibility area. Please don't wait until there's a serious accident at this intersection. We ask the Council to do the right thing and have that intersection converted into a 4-way stop. Thank you for reading this and for your consideration. We appreciate your time and commitment to keeping this city the great place it is. Serena and Scott Burton 433 Loma Vista Street 310-945-8081 Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Cross Streets of Pine Ave. and Whiting Street (Proposal for 4-Way Stop) From: Brandon Avakian <brandon.avakian mail.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 11:40 AM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELN CTEQ0FFICNALS se�u�g> Subject: Cross Streets of Pine Ave. and Whiting Street (Proposal for 4-Way Stop) Dear El Segundo City Council, My name is Brandon Avakian and I live at 432 Whiting Street near the intersection of Pine Avenue and Whiting Street. My understanding is there have been discussions regarding whether a 4-way stop should be added to this intersection. Obviously, the people that live in El Segundo don't want to add additional stops and increase travel time when it's not necessary. However, whether you are an adult or a child the intersection is not safe because of lack of visibility. Pine Ave. and Whiting Street lie at the top of a hill. As you look both ways before crossing Pine, vision is cut short due to the steepness of the hill. It feels like a gamble every time I cross the road. Whether it's with my family or by myself I don't feel very safe crossing Pine Ave. I am sure you have guidelines which aid you in determining where to place stop signs. But even if you believe it best not to add a 4-way stop, a happy compromise (which typically makes both parties feel satisfied with the result) would be to add speed bumps before and after the intersection. One again, I don't know what your guidelines are. I am not one to speak up on a lot of matters. But I feel that if one of my neighbors is going to take the time to bring this issue up with the City Council, that neighbor deserves my support. The intersection is unfortunately an unsafe condition in my opinion. If a serious accident occurs at that intersection because nothing was done by the City of El Segundo, ultimately it would be us taxpayers of El Segundo that will pay. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Brandon N. Avakian