2023-03-21 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Hyperion2 3 C3 2 CC AGENDA 1� LIIC CCII IMLIIMCAT0N IIRIE.II ATIEII.)TO 11Y14P11 IIRIICIN Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2023 12:13 PM To: *ALL CITY CLERKS Subject: Fwd: Need fenceline air samples on days like today The email below will need posting for the next meeting. Tracy Sent from my !Phone Begin forwarded message: From: "Corrie (Chitlik) Zupo" <corriezupo@gmail.com> Date: March 9, 2023 at 11:36:30 AM PST To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, Tracey Miller-Zarneke <tmillerzarneke@elsegundoccb.org>, Citizens El Segundo <elsegundo.cleanair@gmail.com>, "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org>, Kyle Wheeler <kyleburtonwheeler@gmail.com>, Sarah Meyer <sarahmeyer426@gmail.com> Subject: Need fenceline air samples on days like today Hello, Today would be a really good day for continuous (not instant)TO-15 sampling. Hyperion did TO-15 sampling on 9/27/22 when there was no equipment breakdowns. They need to sample on days like today when there's clearly malfunctioning. If you read the report from 9/27, there's small hits of various VOCs on a good day. Imagine what those levels would be like today, which is a bad day. Their air permit hints at the pollutants of concern, but they also have non-VOC concerns such as arsenic. -Corrie further to under the Notification Risk Level in Rule 1402. A.22. LA City, Sanitation Bureau (Hyperion Treatment Plant) (ID 800214) — Playa del Rey The City of Los Angeles owns and operates the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant (Hyperion) in the Playa del Rey community. Hyperion is a publicly owned wastewater treatment plant with over 275 million gallon capacity with primary and full secondary treatment processes. As part of the treatment process, more than 885,000 pounds of solid and organic materials are removed daily and treated through anaerobic digestion. On October 28, 2016, South Coast AQMD staff sent a letter requiring Hyperion to prepare either an ATIR or a VRRP due to the facility having a priority score greater than 10 based on its 2015 annual emissions inventory with perchloroethylene and arsenic as the main air toxics contributing to the high priority score. South Coast AQMD A-12 October 2020 AB 2588 Annual Report .... Appendix Am- Description of Facilities/Projects On November 23, 2016, Hyperion elected to participate in the Voluntary Risk Reduction Program and submitted a VRRP on January 24, 2017. Throughout 2018, South Coast AQMD and Hyperion staff have been working to resolve various issues regarding electronic format of the emissions inventory, the use of unapproved source tests, the distribution of emissions, and receptor grid spacing. Comments were provided to Hyperion on February 9, 2018 and the facility submitted revisions to the EIM files on March 14, 2018. Upon review, South Coast AQMD staff found additional errors and requested revisions on September 4, 2018. Hyperion submitted revised EIM files on December 19, 2018. South Coast AQMD staff completed its review of the VRRP EIM files and provided comments to Hyperion on January 31, 2019. The facility made the requested changes and submitted revised EIM files on February 19, 2019. South Coast AQMD staff approved the VRRP as an ATIR on April 3, 2019. 2:22 .. IP ( I Lewd Yrxavu rmy,lnµKq ......................... @da .._ $_".,a, wytwvr .... ...� �,,,,,,,,,, ,. $Wh„u� QA . P .➢?"':m, �.Qgwr A!A d4urdAWfae1D)37r82.10-Bmamm 21"k 11rld Ml: (IICIukhIVVV i.w u Inrblxx rcm ruuluax:uvvvlrog Pint y Vanmlmd Avo 119Av.-x Kdvkkutll prrawlr.Yvu.n 1m1PI1uopllar O,gfw,c ul' Inabllvercm haxr Ivodmsuxliuro IneNlxddng maxwmryrarc mood uramdVcnV vY nua0kcawrcnmp;. 'll'hoa Inxbher ou rrmtonramry,; prNawa.., mmelhndxlm nov; noxrPaaarlW mhniuog, "ippmap;, pwm.mun R,�:nvvd rraminnas vypwms imra,wvillug d7o➢onaury;ri 20pY6„,dmulall 6'mmsa lAd',pM1N mN df nun4m Wuleu any na m; l.nay,0nitltwl xi'.'^arrtWr¢'.a ma A'll'Y R 2R P dmc Pa Plloa•ir ndh,ydr.¢mingm 11ay 'rmmglls'r M d a01 RmmnCtN I wP4M.uuaurwn4 i rnoarry Tlne n.,bm n,14rttYe GraroVnbuoieYg Ilan dlm p,4,vily su z:.IlucR ,akino mhuanonruaurn rmV1YY1R onV mY1Vl. P'vawn ulmunvam, uP-011:%" Iryammvxs, avu,oro. rmmuaw.'Ibawm, mod uwtm-cuxrnng alowumcs Iolc ,,A hn Ip .IN'nvm ran A THR resod ulnharaysacaV ann MY d, 20118 Ou (pa"Ib r II9, :201d,']r1"11. ✓, N11D "'rMemn4 m Ilntlamr m 0m, C'mmiilimy" mpporme rm(r Vhm v1.TIIIR mlmol nmlgvvimmrop, aYa prupmwdiinn mf, litlRA hmnP.d ` "" uilvpxo d A11'IIIR Inm4aux6YVcd Ilk I mo dmn—y I7, 2m119, AOes ucgmva m%rvxod nmun�ri.np; acmemraV In.xil.slrmus r—, Rimk➢oul1V. San h a.'annsu AQMD.0rrap>purmec'd dn' 6dIRA a,m fST,, ov4.wn l9. 20II"il 'rhos• IIYNP2A um^srapus smpdcm:^eo0uuap, VIAn SO)1191macmuvxry, r,Vamv imrVu;l."d IKiu1 0111 peso. and mI rrvmnnvvnvnuov —,au Pink .1' ON R ¢th'i'csu v, rnillVvenuu i—v a rasp SP) yaau nmreW, inl up —Pa, duup aInman—o" a'Ixuoueo' Imnk or 15,9 GhmoGum�ulunMon, -voxilllluaulo rmwd mn m 2�d year ay.ft: anpmausm. iflnu un.s sk .umair.,Vy m.,, aw Ihmxm�eaI- mdu0omm�umPa—ukmoalmuxuog dyer.III tomlPubrx,I11mrromhhemri,, Pa'', �rnimo Ph. R➢11RA Ommaalun v-10— Van: Mlwoidfi�um- I&d11.;L"O imu IUk, 1AO.. IKI"h6mIll awam Paquamd ow IIPWry Ohc plAbpac uN 10,, Ih.1ll,hlfiA Mi—auf rqe P.blm: nlmPlifl-I.In. ling Vxcr& acne mm Vim n— 9114x pmaplc im. soon avmm ol" impucr. Smuab Cmxnv AQMIfS swff k1d rs P.Wk vwwMvhirovo cllInr^, IaV Dr. dunilolt &Ilupylla :sdWrull out 1VwV'nn W V Y, 2(119 1. um:Prion ft in„lpama enV Kukh,H n cawo.n—avn INivbik h.111h rvuId nm dtrawsm.,lb r wkon by Iho Ifiarillay Vm um&-vlimk SYnrn 0n, II4RA aareullaa well. bmplauw Abe eAUVVwn I 0.,ms'c^I Iw pxugm 1�401, 1 ra"me P., rwyuuiucd Irm ankc aeniolu 0m "Amar ilam haVuh r66 1IM.vev, Riu'uffll Vuhu'wial,g acuwcd Isms, var mmg"mg dyaa — munIng aPoumnaoaawl our Ian uunhl'n:rc mrmtmluPim:nxummg pmcc- manr.4 mubamInnd pm -PP lalpphnu inn, OLv aovmrmll wglam P,—i madly R"k, 219 xianmapn a&M.. uo nOpnuc• S.I, 10 Com. AQ PJD am main- Ift vmdwcouawo.. IIB,y ... r.—g wsmgw Vnf--,roan aky" o—ivailuug ullmnxnwvxvov. KPIdI a'V61 P.,h,cmd in ursk —in funhas Vav,note, alht^'.mtv,lf l:wra Rusk Il.m• 0Im IkalVn 1402 U Cd p xkw++Nrwdawa rfaun.a9 em7;wtveM. 1K. ft-P Pfmmra y'dAY 001 - A"fA'w,dMf kkgY. 'lrorm Cday wrC.am AArogm6cx anavrax+arod avrn'umumr An Wypumriwue YWmoan Rawpmmxavanm Phan, 8hd,ypc6,nb h, she PI.ym del Ray — nnrvmiuy. 411y1ia+•',k n b I��YnVlwlly m wu'u.d wn w.,P9mr uxmmuamrrnt ph"n rPh VIIree 13 n6lfi gm711hn amg Oy .roll ywplaeay d N1111 wfcwnd y on,,— 11 Mm , . M ta"I mr Vvemum Ppa'. rchmn MMd,b KIN.a d—If"Awi ,wrd 1➢ nalGrixilm umamd'wdy anrM Oucmued pVuvenrgh anacuw4mlc dup,csdrnn.. G7n @clmba0' 29, 016, 5.PAM Cnwtua AC.MMO Vntr'scilogo ua lerua•P rqui.uag flypurriion ao pmcprcmPc rvah,r LP. All'll1R nv n VIRRWdui. mr Ilhu fxIhVy Im rxeilrcanPy .,Gore gmu^ ac, alo.vo 10 b-1 nn It, .1015 un+ssoavnm ounv IcvnPmlry With Ramlhprmva�m3 hyPene u,wIl—mra'ors ulh,-In uln Ymmma ne coINni,oguv fc bomb p+YnaIG14,N .cTaxR• �u sF.Pnnlr AN Ym. M,,ad R" p n!9* a w. grin O V V _9xmdJ� +.San dYwexnnuM:v."..1, 10 RIP,. IIMypevumno u"Ya¢'Ov np Van puni.v;ilplasu lln V4rc Werlumhmly Wlisll rkdunal-, I°rognanao uundl amlamlramad m WIRIYIp' anx.Ommnunvy,24, 2.dd?, dA0wwg0omua',.'.ukl d, !gw.vu4r C"ralau0 A,droMMll1,rod p0,YPa+"Immrct roatllf ha. Iim rm.KIP,g mr Oe"mr h varpvmlxm dunce ,mgmvding cpexi':ua w fiurema, urn' olloc m'umimmlamms enUwry" toe mvc vnf PPvumpparv.r;n4 .wrrarcumr aaaP.n. Vhm diwl1bI m- ar--Ivan" and umaa.'gvvvr god xlPaoPq CI'l—on'mV.w rwarm pm.rvimled ova nlypnnon am IFalmv:al;y 9., 201Bb mid ohm fvllrly amMmiPVr„d adduwma xn Pam• ILIIMd fides wn HM.I,.h Pk" NP18. Up- ra:ah^rv, S.mdr C-1 AQNAIl1 aomrr hnwnd nilummll uun u'n and madam uM PGvu Wp o on Sq dsmmubno 4, 201 Nd. hlyryxn,,n mubm nod Y—od Ili. M RVmu wua 119, 26Ykh, S.PIRP Q`rsomk AQMll) n110 u'onuonplllcn:nM It,. vaa'Yux+t wf Ik VRRP ➢f.IIM fipma mid µvvowidadl mmnnnnnaam uo upylrc on on .Non—y 3l, 2019. TMm P., OamYnudrx dre K tiylna+awd dMmnpgn5 mndl i,,M oalmd ('maned EPMd RVlem arcx IF'cbuulmvy 19., ztu19, liu:nr➢o a'a,raw A MD uAll ulPpr,—d nor: V!'R➢PP as moo A7'UR amn Aprld V, 1AN 1A CAS},T.— d➢mdnvrmannnrorex MArxunmrrtn dYxpmrrurmmwP qPf F.Wk Nk-11a PIP 25196) ...lhmrertB+➢Nmlkpraarrta7 II.A. 6'tlVy, ;24rmeV NNII.In artmuncc 01 1ftpouvurvmmra mrpmOnk NUmrWr ULA Cimy, Banes MmimncuuxmnvV moo Irmr In mop i.nV IpimwY, ilm Ndmmllo Ildonptymrovww➢. The V.'aciVluy 'Vm a Ty wamm�urk pnvbViie m0u0vYy ahor pvsaoxVr➢rx uP,aouvmI—sank. clay ntvnmux In IR—MgPP,m3 Timm pb,n nnchm.k, a'xryYPrlpnvmvl0.nme�h ary u Vllan:, duysau, nnp haft Omnlsm„.and mv:waimu.mi nPr F011mauvmn urmpuoall an uIrru"nim. On '4apllcanu0mr 9„ 7. 099. S.ulb CbuaaP A01AD mluff ,colt a Muir acgmhiq LA nay, fravm'ctl Mlalvon—ce Om locparc" m, AATIIR dru: Vex V.Vna P,neipny h tvllmd; m po i—Py,mown d�,vm�nucv 11n. 00lmmnmm7 ro uus 20117 rxma ndll anmuu+uormx vivo-o",y. I.1c vWk. drevcr No W., raMny a:a 1'rrrNYawulYa nuwvnarlm hydvr.rcautiarmm QIWAIN161 hoI,, dht h,,I ne PP, unph.l, pllmlmu. ILA C'ny. 5'1— M,Mrxiwuamsuu•n wVrm.•scd I rmabmr6 nrY munvnndmuan0 Iles 0ntav Too r apm",w➢vmnunnaoI ufno"P— mpvmnban mf th, amld o0' 2h119. Ih:e mnvo«anWmumnu wxerm P.I.h." vuvvil—. The A'['llllk dm due dv, k'et ve I 20M 1.".0 Cd',pYaN MdWyreXJ➢BNY g�$SSPXp.... cop w$'PNaaPnI Light 1I Inc. (Light Mewh) is located in the City of Irtduslry and pmdum secondary aluminum alloy by praraaing rccyclyd aluminum into Ingot fm the moll csbng indusuy. On Augus12.2019. South Coact AQMD slarfsrnt n Inter quiring Light Moat Im submit on A Ior VRRP due to the facility having n pd—y —grater Ihnn 10 b=d on it's 2017 annual v.II .,Ih polychlon.wd dlbenaarumtt v the ..in - I.— —11. Ilk high priority score Light Metb ch—the ATIR option and ubmiInd their ATIR on December, 31, 2019 .d :! Lur.ingrin Byd4udurt IUD d97gQ -San l alkp Lns Angeles By -Product ILA By -Product) operates a buidiill gu Mlw on aynem and 11— I'or c—hPul on of the b-I ga. aW is located in Sun Valley, Califomiu On August 23, 2019, Suulh Coast AQMD smlTIP- a letter reymring LA By -Products to albmg Not SeCUre ' scagmd.gov Table I — AB 2588 Program Facilities in 2019 - F." - ------- Factlr Name - ID NO. ID No. Acrocraft Heat Trcafing.Co. Inc. 23752--,,,,— Pac Rancho, Inc. 140871 Air Liquidc Large Industries U.S., 148236 Pacific Clay Products, Inc. 17953 IT — --- - --- ------------ — All American Asphalt -Irwindale 114264 Pasadena Department of Water and Power b 800168 . . . . . .......... — ---------- All American Asphalt - Perris 148146 Phillips 66 Co/LA Refinery * 171107 Wilmington Plant ........... Anaplex Corp 16951 Phillips 66 Company/Los 171109 Angeles Refinery Arconic Global Fasteners & 134931 Plains West Coast Terminals 800417 . . . ............................... — -R�ms,.Jpc- Chevron Products Co. (El 800030 Robertson's Ready Mix - 42623 _Segup(��.Rcfincry) _ITRedl. andsITITITIT ......._,__IT — City of Cerritos, Water Division 74396 Robertson's Ready Mix - 134112 Gardena Eco Services per Corp.* 180908 San Diego Gas & Electric 4242 Eisenhower Medical Center 3671 SFPP, L.P* 800278 Elite Comfort Solutions* I'll, i 182610 . ........ . -.-. So Cal Edison Cc* . ......... - 4477 I �quilon Enter. LLC, Shell Oil 800372 So Cal Gas Co./Playa del Rey 8582 Prod. US* - Storage ili� ... . Evonik Corporation* . . ..................... 1..��226 So Cal Holding, LLC ................ . .... ................ 169754 Gerdau/TAMCO 18931 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co., LLC, Calciner* 174591 Tesoro Refining & Marketing 800436 Glendale City, Glendale Water & 800327 Co., LLC, Los Angeles 174655 Power* 174694 --i-ii -------- Refinery* 174703 . ........... -�o ing -i:i'.7x n Metal 'a"I Fia shi Hollidav Rock Co., Inc. 41580 Tesoro Refining & Marketing Kirkhill Inc* 187823 Co., LLC (Sulfur Recovery 151798 LA City, Sanitation Bureau ..... ..... 8 00214 Plant)* . ...... . .................... - _LHy LA City, Street Maintenance Bureau Department of Public 25196 Torrance Refining Co. LLC. 181667 Works . . ................ - .1 jht Metals.* 83102 TST, Inc.* — . .. ... 43436 Los Ultramar, Inc.* . ..... 800026 Lubeco, Inc. 41229 Vista Metals Corporation* 14495 . ........ . .... MM West Covina LLC* 113873 .. Vorteg Pacific 191677 --J Motion Picture &-Television Fund 162 1 I Whittier Fertilizer ...... . ...... 511 .............. . . — PABCO Bldg Products LCC 45746 Note: * indicates facilities notified to prepare either an ATIR or a VRRP, -4- 1111 49, NO - d W Ankuwl 'M m per 2� Siwfl� 0,4�t AQ,%%r)'% Ail 1"!�i I "I q-, Ul�- NO M -1- . - n t - . - -- (I� S—�-Ap —vA.- Id Other re jreRqnent - llqdustrial Wni6oal,_- . . . . ....... 2 Total Fadl ties Table 2-2: Rule 1402 Risk Categories r. . . . . ....... Rule 1402 1 XftOWAO . ..... . ..... ....... . . . (7en uf Risi 7unces m,-O-n'tmfllloa OT VFC1110 'AIMICOW d1lank I dl,ow fpcita No real mh km rojimmd L',%cwtiol; load Nathuml Ainbwftt Air ... . ...... ...... . .... . 7-5 yam mact pywhcr waaa,wmR.appw%11 arphill lml aswo4j] Wdiumol k A i Vk KV x1m m m sy b e weq u e N I vd) Cancer risk greater than 25 chances in- No lawr dwo 12,5 yojfw after M.,ojim R4, ono-mUtion pul,lic 41AAWIVA109h ("Inev'Wnkn of 0, 5 w ware And WIqwUmt KI(p addiiiw.� IS ye.m Aouicw chrai4v M of.1,0w nvvwc vimqm may be requvAc0l I'm 15A NNAAQ.-S . ..... . Cancer risk of 100 chances inone-mitHon No 1,1 Wr km I �tlmm 0 00 App'U'A of plan fol Sigmficunt K4 or greater Pul3ke wflificatum �'MWIW.cs desimmil am Lew Cancer burden of03 ormere Iml ifliplomm RPI, N*, w0ly I � �811 RiA Acute or chronic HI of5.0 Or More —WAI— Now Pi Coml A0140 2-5 claah'a 20.111 ...... ja% U�AB 5" A Not Secure scaqmd.gov 6, nas not yet occurrea at ine ena or zu i Y. i ne urst annual progress report is aue in Hpni ZuLu. titan continues to work with the facility to ensure the Revised RRP is fully implemented. A.3. Air Liquide Large Industries U.S., LP (ID 148236) — E! Segundo Air Liquide Large Industries U.S., LP (Air Liquide) is a hydrogen plant located within the Chevron El Segundo Refinery facility on land leased from Chevron. Air Liquide and Chevron are independent parties and share no common ownership or employees. The plant began operations in 2004 and was originally part of Chevron before separating in 2008. The plant produces up to 90 million standard cubic feet of hydrogen per day and 227,000 pounds of steam per hour. Air Liquide receives its feed streams which include refinery fuel gas and natural gas from Chevron and sends its products of hydrogen and steam back to Chevron. Hydrogen is used in various aspects of petroleum refining. On January 25, 2019, South Coast AQMD staff sent a letter requiring Air Liquide to prepare an ATIR due to the facility having a priority score greater than 10 based on its 2016 emissions. The main toxic air contaminants contributing to the priority score are arsenic and arsenic compounds, nickel and nickel compounds, and cadmium and cadmium compounds. The main sources of emissions are from the reformer heater. South Coast AQMD A-2 October 2020 AB 2588 Annual Report A endix A — Description of Facilities/Projects Air Liquide submitted its ATIR on June 25, 2019. The ATIR was in review as of the end of 2019.. AB 2588 Annual Rcpun 'Apf.K- dix,A - IDe.,5cripfimi Chevron Products Co, (Chevron) is a 1,000 acre petrolcuin oil refinery in the City of El Segundo with a 290,000 barrels of crude oil per day processing capacity. Chevron has approximately 20% of ak—t-& Coast, The main products of the refinery are transportation ftw1s. such as gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel fuel. (in X1 TIR or a VRRP due to the facility having a priority score greater than 10 based on its 2015 annual emissions with furans, polycyclic aromatic hYdTOCarbons, arsenic, ad..mium, and related compounds as the main air toxics contributing, to the high priority score. ChO'TOn elected to 1jf-,i-%YVVP on War6i 27. -01 ■ In E=, 20 M M stall naVe WOMM wiln Me perinliting luarm, W UVdILL211C OD&&1MUXr WEEP 111c8c [equilumulit's so that thuy Ulu cnfuiccablu. Thu VIkRP was appiovvd un Apcil 24, 2019, Chevron will submit annual progress reports on the status of their voluntary risk reduction measures as well as a Final Implementation Report once al I voluntary risk reduction measures are implemented. -Corrie OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ERIKA CHAVEZ, SBN 265247 SENIOR DEPUTY DISTRICT COUNSEL RYAN P. MANSELL, SBN 332477 SENIOR DEPUTY DISTRICT COUNSEL 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, California 91765 TEL: 909-396-3400 • FAX: 909-396-3458 Attorneys for Petitioner SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BEFORE THE HEARING BOARD OF THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT In The Matter Of SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, Petitioner, vs. LOS ANGELES CITY SANITATION BUREAU, HYPERION TREATMENT PLANT [Facility ID No. 8002141 Respondent. Case No. 121240 DECLARATION OF JASON LOW IN RESPONSE TO THE HEARING BOARD'S INQUIRY Date: January 25. 2022 Time: 9:00 am Place: Hearing Board South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 I I , , Hyperion Treatment Plant. Facility #&214 2020--o( :2-02 11:32 concentrations in air, at least 1,000 times below the level that would cause eye and lung irritation. Ill....i a IN/'Iou..e Regulatory Requirements CAAQS: 30 ppb 1-Hour Average u..earin iumoiie Date j f Location South Monitof H2S (PPB) 1-Hour Average 100 a Historic 60 03-09-2023 11:00 AM: 52.30 o-.. mN.., e............_.. ............. m a) a 40 CO 20 Site o designed by 9. Mar 06:00 AM Hyperion Water Reclamatioru The data are preliminary and fo plant : hyperion.sensibleiot.com BOARD MEETING DATE: October 2.2020 AGENDA NO. 29 PROPOSAL: Receive and File 2019 Annual Report on AB 2588 Program and Approve Updates to Facility Prioritization Procedure for the AB 2588 Program, Public Notification Procedures, and AB 2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines SYNOPSIS: The Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act of 1987 (AB 2588) requires local air pollution control districts to prepare an annual report. The report provides the public with information regarding South Coast AQMD programs to reduce emissions of toxic air contaminants. This annual update describes the various activities in 2019 to satisfy the requirements of AB 2588 and Rule 1402. such as quadrennial emissions reporting and prioritization, the preparation and review of Air Toxics Inventory Reports, Health Risk Assessments. Voluntary Risk Reduction Plans, Risk Reduction Plans, and additional South Coast AQMD activities related to air toxics. Staff is also seeking approval of updates to the Facility Prioritization Procedure for the AB 2588 Program, Public Notification Procedures, and the AB 2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines to correct typographical errors and to provide additional information and clarification. These actions are to receive and file the 2019 Annual Report on the AB 2588 Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program and approve revisions to the Facility Prioritization Procedure for the AB 2588 Program. Public Notification Procedures, AB 2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines. COMMITTEE: Reviewed: Stationary Source Committee, September 18, 2020 RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Receive and File: a. 2019 Annual Report on the AB 2588 Program. 2. Approve updates to the following guidance documents: a. Facility Prioritization Procedure for the AB 2588 Program; b. Public Notification Procedures. and c. AB 2588 and Rule 1402 Supplemental Guidelines. Wayne Nastri Executive Officer Pr SRIGNM h erion- clar t on-of-dr-low-with_ u'I::::kNurrrerit h c:I [\AB LA CITY, SANITATION BUREAU (HTP) 7. When operating, the concentration of the hydrogen sulfide at the outlet of the carbon adsorber shall be measured and recorded at least once a week. [Rule 204] 8„ 'rhe concentration of sulfur compounds measured as hydrogen sulfide (flaS) at the outlet of the carbon adsorber shall not exceed 1.0 part per million volume, [Rule 402] 9„ Whenever the H2S monitoring indicate concentration readings of 0.9 or greater, carbon shall be replaced. [Rule 204, 402] 10. Spent carbon removed from the system shall be maintained or stored in closed containers prior to removal from site. [Rule 402] 11, Within 180 days from the initial start-up, unless otherwise approved in writing by the South Coast AQMD, source tests shall be conducted on this equipment in accordance with South Coast AQMD test procedures and written test results shall be furnished to the South Coast AQMD within 60 days after testing. 'The South Coast AQMD shall be notified 7 days prior to testing so that an observer may be present. Samples shall be taken at the inlet and the outlet of one of the carbon vessels. The samples shall be speciated and shall include but may not be limited to the compounds listed below: 1. Benzene 2. Carbon tetrachloride 3. Chloroform 4. Chlorobenzene 5. Dichlorobenzcne 6. Ethylbcnzene 7. Ethylene dichloride 8. Methylene chloride 9. Tetrachloroethylene 10. Styrene 11. 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 12. Trichloroethylene 13. Toluene 14. Vinyl chloride 15. Vinylidene chloride 16. Xylenes 17. MTBE 18. Total reduced sulfur as I-12S South Coast Air Quality Management District section® Page 44 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178 1 acllky ID; 800214 Revision N 12 R FACILITY PERMIT TO OPERATE LA CITY, SANITATION BUREAU (HTP) 19. Total non -methane hydrocarbon as CH4 20. Ammonia After the tests, a report shall be prepared and submitted to the South Coast AQMD engineer responsible for the Hyperion permitting activities. The report shall present the emission data in parts per million volume (ppmv). South Coast Air Quality Management District 2 1865 Copley Drive. Diamond Bar. CA 91765-4178 Scaloo 1) Page 42 Facility 1r) 800214 Revision #, 12 FACILITY -PERMIT -TO OPERATE LA CITY, SANITATION BUREAU (HTP) FWWT"VM Permit No.F66769 AIN 424861 Equipment Description: High Purity Oxygen l�ealr's Air Pollution Control System No. 1, 11sting of: Two Activated C, "I 01111FAignbaliO x 3' 11, carbon bed containing US Fi1%114W4L 2, Two Exhaust Blowers (one standby), each 10 HP, 1080 cfm maximum capacity, venting the high purity oxygen reactor influent channels. Conditions: Construction and operation of this equipment shall be conducted in compliance with all data and specifications submitted with the application under which this permit is issued unless otherwise noted below. (Rule 2041 2. This equipment shall be properly maintained and kept in good operating condition at all times. [Rule 204] 3. This equipment shall be operated and maintained by personnel properly trained in its operation. [Rule 2041 4. The exhaust fan associated with this equipment shall not be operated unless it is vented to the carbon vessel described in this permit. At no time, the operator shall allow the escape of raw gas into the atmosphere. [Rule 402]] 5, A pressure gauge shall be installed to indicate, in inches of water column, the pressure drop across the carbon adsorbcr. [Rule 4021 6. The pressure drop across the carbon adsorber shall not exceed 5,0 inches of water column. [Rule 402] South Coast Air Quality Management District section D Page 43 2 1865 Copley Drive. Diamond Bar. CA 91765-4178 FaCARY to: 900214 FME Revision 4: 27,20�2 Dole: August 9 10:37 Date 03/09/2023 1 z Location South Monitofi H2S (PPB) 1-Hour Average 100 :X a a C 60 0 CO m IL 2 40 CO a 20 0 9. Mar ..... . - - - - ------------------ . ...... Historic 03-09-2023 10:00 AM: 26.50 06:00 AM The data are preliminary and fo Site informational purposes only. Dzdesigned by to change following quality con Hyperion Water auditing. IRecllamatiion Plant AA & hype rion.sensibleiot.com 6 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Montrose Environmental on behalf of Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Date: March 9,30J3at11:O6:13AMPST To: [orrieZupo > Subject: Hydrogen Sulfide notification from Hyperion Reply -To: Montrose Environmental on behalf of Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant <> Notifications are provided via email to those who have signed up for them when the H2S levels at the fence line of the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant have reached or exceeded 27 parts per billion (ppb). Note that this is below the ambient standardof 30 ppb set by the California Air Resources Board. Please refer to the LASAN websitefor more information about the H2S levels and historical data. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set an exposurelimit for H2S at 10,000 ppb (10ppm) for 10 minutes. If you have any questions, please feel free to email LASAN's Community Outreach Team at LASAN.0lea nWater.O�utreach tacit .or . You can also call the El Segundo Neighborhood Hotline at 310-640-2489. Copyright (C) 2023 LA Sanitation & Environment. All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you requested updates about odor control at Hyperion. Our mailing address is: LA Sanitation & Environment Public Works Building Los Angeles, CA 90015 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe