CONTRACT 1453 Joint Powers Agreement1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SJ 1 /o -2 9-7✓r io-5 3 JOIa7" ASRUy11.:li 08M-Z�fo P11A;31� :LI I BAY C0 fl.':%J (''HA`JSPa -NTT Irl) .&.1 1Y I:I Tl E MU TfY OF E.OS f0!G!-'I_ aS �]e South hay Cities, consisting_ of the Cities of Carson, -1-.c-mdo, Ianlena., HT,,t}]One, Tler:tosa reach, 11'_-:indale, Loid.ta, ... i'lcttcjl Bel.d], '_�alos -T:-rC.es 1!.3tates, Rancho Palos Vorde3, Ee-ondo Peach, iollirfr, Hills, "'ollin Bills Estates a,;-ld Torrance, along with the City of Los JL'7E7--les, herein Lf.ter called "CITIiS"; and the County of Los Anfieles, hervinafter called "COUiI'Y"; ar].1 the State of California, acting by and throuji its Dep.�nm2• nt of `i'ransnor- tation, hereinafter called "STD?`.. ", to the extent peraitted by le,, al lii!i_tations to hereby reco(jli:e and state that: r:,r EP1-AS, on July 28, 1972, the California State Asserioly adopted House tfsolution !.a. 97 which requested the State _1ft=_partr;r-nt of Public '••Jonl,s (nan State Dxpartr ent of Transportation) in cooperation with the local aZe:ncies involved, to continue transportation corridor studies in the ar,a served by ,State liirhwv Routes 107 and 1, which studies should. include Dull considera- tion of facilities other than full fineways as a possible solution to the ar" o.:51em; and 11EEPEAS, on,Novtri)er 16, 1972, Governor jilonald Pca<an noted in part that 16 the State, in cooperation with local jurisdictions, should explore all other traansportation alternatives in the Route 107 (Torrance) arr-a before 17 fa,il.ving at a decision as has best to serve the projected transportation needs, rhich study he believes should not exceed a period of three years; and 18 ?MERTrAS, it is recognized that State, County and South Bay re,7ional and 19 .'local transportation planning must be closely coordinated to dcvel.or> a. core rehensive cooperative plan to serve the transportation needs of this area; 20 and 21 ,PH REA.S, in response to the .State's invitation urZing local reprVsentation, the CI!'IT?S, COUI"I'Y and S`1'ATi: have ford a transportation study team (South Bay 22 Cor-ridor Study Steering Corrrittee) to accorvplish a meaningful devclon;rent of a transportation plan for this area; and 23 ',.MREAS, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has an 24 intenast to assure that local transportation system development is consistent .rith the Regional '>~ransportation Plan and SCAG has aided in securing federal 25 P ulds for purposes of this study; and 26 ?F'JAS, the Southern California Association of Governments and the ",outhern California Rapid Transit District are willing to act in an advisory 27 apacity throwlout the course of the study; and 28 29 30 31 the E--neral study alea is bounded by Lmnerial Hijaway on the north; Harbor Freeway on the east, except that it shall include the entire City of on; the Pacific Ocean on the south and urest; and that these boundaries are +oxi.mate only; and - 1 - i ro CXy t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?8 29 30 31 ',-MTN AS, while it is reconzi ed teat much congestion in the area is attributable to Los AnE les International Airport with its surrounding industry on the north and that Los Angeles Harbor, located in the southeast conger of the study area will have transportation problems, it is enphasized that this study will only address itself to the interrelationships between theairport and the harbor with the study area, rather than include, those areas as part of the study; and KIE EAS, the study is to be perfor,x-,,d in two phases and Phase I, the initial phase which comprehensively defines the transportation needs of the area, along with policy and guideline determinations, has been completed; and MEREAS, it is the purpose of this agr--erient to define the work to be done in Phase II, the responsibility for perforru_ng such work, and the basis for funding such work; 'and M-IERLIS, it is the intent of the parties to this aS eement to conduct Phase II of this study which will: --- Bevelop and analyze alternative solutions, costs/benefits, environmental and coi-munity impacts and constraints with respect to common transportation probler*s in the South Bay Study Area, and establish necessary data for a research base; and --- Analyze possible available' Bans of financing; and --- Review the results of these activities with the community; and -- Propose a detailed transportation improvement program which is acceptable to the community and which adequately satisfies the transportation needs of the South Bay Study area. NOW, 111iEREF'ORE, it is understood and agreed to by and between the parties hereto as follows: SECTIQ`d I STATE AGREES: 1. To provide advice and assistance in study procedures, staff resources, and study materials for study development includinZ participation in both the Steering Committee and Technical Committee. 2. To provide data necessary for the preparation of an Environmental TiTpact Statement (EIS) and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), as required by State or Federal statutes. 3. In concert with the other members of this study, to make recommenda— tions regarding a transportation system. 4. To participate in the cost of this Phase II study as indicated in Exhibit "A", attached, and hereby made a part of this agreement. 5. Total expenditure by the State shall not exceed $17,000. e — 2 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SECT IOVI II Tl LE COU•11'Y AGPECS : 1. To provide advice and assistance in study procedures, staff resources, study materials for study development including participation in both the ring Committee and Technical Cormittee. 2. To provide data necessary for the preparation of an Environrrntal L-npact Statement (EIS) and an Environm ntal Impact Report (EIR), as required -)y State or federal statutes. 3. In concert with the other members of this study, to maize recczm)enda- tions regarding a transportation system. 4. To participate in the cost of this Phase II Study as indicated in �axhibit "A". attached, and hereby made a part of this agreement. 5. To provide existing data regarding transportation needs within the >tudv area. SECTION III L ACID OF THE CITIES AGP-:E: 1. To provide staff resources, study materials and existing data for ms within their separate jurisdictional areas. 2. To provide data necessary for the preparation of an Environm ntal act Statement (EIS) and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), as required State or Federal statutes. 3. In concert with the other members of this study, to make recamienda= rer'ar,ding a transportation system. 4. To participate in the cost of this Phase II Study as indicated in it "A" attached, and hereby made a part of this agreeimnt. SECTION IV THE CIYY OF TORRANCE AGREES: 1. In addition to the provisions of Section III, to receive and disburse on behalf of, and at the direction of, the South Bay Corridor Study injz Committee. SECTION V IT IS F'NTUALLY UMERSTOOD AM AGREED THAT: 1. This Phase II study will develop and evaluate alternative transportation tems . 2. The Steering Coruaittee shall have the responsibility and authority 'or* directing this Phase II study as set forth in Exhibit �;B % attached, and 0ereby made a part of this Agreement. 3. The Coordinator, as set forth in By-hibit "B", shall provide liaison etween the Steering Co.-anittee, the Technical Committee, and the Consultant. 'he Coordinator shall also coordinate the efforts of the various aSencies, :itizen groups, Consultant personnel and local officials, shall distribute -oports as required by tie Steering Committee, shall guide the proU� ess of this `base II Study, emphasizing the recorurendations and conclusions that were made n the Phase I Final Report, and shall perform such other duties as directed y the Steering Committee. - 3 - 1 2 3 4 5 4. The City of Torrance 1,rill raccive and disburse funds on behalf of and at the direction of, the South Day Corridor Study Steer1ri7 Coirnittee. 5. The Consultant shall conduct the study under the direction and approval of the Steering Cor;raittee, assisted by the 'Technical CoixP.ittee and utilizing; input from a Citizens Advisory Group, all as set forth in Exhibit "Pi", attached. 6. The Coastal. Corirdssion be kept informed as to the progress of the tudv and be consulted on matter-, involving their areas of interest. 6 7. This Ph,:se II study shall result 5n a recu,•mended transportation system and a plan for its ir-plerrr-ntation, tcgether with an } nvirrongental Impact 7. Statement and/or Dnviro:rmntal Dipact lenort . 8 S. This AD-eerxrnt is an entire i-ree;pnt of Phase IT between the parties hereto for work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement. irris A ,re me It ;ra g consent of all the be modified, altered revised or terminated with written mmmmm_ parties UriH-o. 1.0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9. No participating agency, nor any officer or employee thereof, shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or orcitted to be done by the other participants under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction deleF;ated to the other participants under this A,'rree,rent . 10. Cities included in the study area, but not now participating in this Phase II study, will not be precluded from participating in Phase II or in subsequent studies, provided that they have fulfilled the requireirtents of Section III. 11. `The use of any consultants, other than as a.�reed herein, by one party for a specialized study within its , Wis,diction will be at the discretion of that party and costs for such consul Ling 'cork shall be the sole responsibility of that party. 12. lne need for, and use of, consultants for any additional studies in connection with the Phase II transportation study, which are to be paid for from Phase II Study fun05, shall be determalned by the steerinz Cor`nittee referred to in Ex.,Abit "B". In the event private firm are considered to perform any ^rork financed in i :hole or in parr; by fluids from STAP"', the Steering, Committee shall solicit at least three proposals and submit them toCether with the reco^�nded subcontractor's name and proposed subcontract for approval to ,Mate prior to the contract a-:arrd and execution; accompanied by a written ,justification as to the selection of the particular consultant. Such contracts shall contain all nrovisions set forth in paragraph 13 and III of this A?ree:rrent. 13. The tas'rs to be perforr—d under this ALmeement shall be as fe.nerally described under Flxhihit "C". 14. The Fair D'rployrnnt Practices A.ddendu7, attached hereto as 13xhibit "D" be made a part of this A ci-rnt. 'Jhenever the word "Contractor" is used therein, it mans each party to this Agreement and its subcontractors. 15. i:he ..rork of this A[;reer:x�nt shall be completed within 24 months after the execution unless of rer;rise e,:tendncl liy ierdt en... Jr� e-ent of tl-ie par�fds— 16. This Agreement shall be operative and binding on ar><y or all parties hereto only if it is fully executed by all parties hereto on or before July 31, 1975. -4-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17. The Steering Conmittee shall be authorized to enter into contracts and to make appropriations relating to this study as set forth in Exhibit I "A" IN 1�a7lr-,SS 1,AEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreenpent to be executed by their respective officers, duly authorized, the provisions �i. of which Agreement are effective this 2 day of June 1975. 'STATE OF CALIFOP.NIA Department of Transportation —r:i OF -761 ~rho x-- By T-ep--Iil Officer Approved as to form and procedure: A t 1111,Y)a X it ircr C Tr, a: am Latiolll I hereby knowlcd�-,3 C. available fkl "Ir"Zi 0-lul-IL. J" Zz-) Accounting Officer 133 - 5 -. COUTIFY OF LOS ANGE'J'S By / oi-i rvi s ors, ✓ Attest: j: Zf-- ' rxec tive :x M Clerk of Board �K25 , ;�O 'fice�r, of of Supervisors By Deputy Appmve(l as to f=r� and procedure-; John fl. T=-3on, CoLLrity Cou-isel, -.,Couylty of Los P,-Ij3�jcs d 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CITY or" CA 011j By I 1 14 f�), Attest: Approved as to form and procedure: Cl:i'Y OF EL SEGUMO Attest: Approved as to form and procedure: IA as to form and OF t ved as to form and dure: - 6 -. CITY Or, HERMOSA BEACH Attest: Approved as to form and procedure: MY OF, T-*711DALE By Attest Approved as to form and procedure: CITY OF LO-M-M By Attest: Approved as to form and procedure: CITY Or LOS A:N(',I-'D-,S By Attest!_ Approved as to form and procedure: 1 2 CITY OF 1, liA d BEACH 4 Attest: 5 Approved as to form and 6 procedure: i 8 9 C EnF PALOS VE DES ESTATES 10 11 12 Attest: 13 Approved as to form and 14 procedure: 15 16 17 CITY OF 17J f0 ..,I °jd Jjfjj S By Attest: Approved as to form and procedure: CI BY At Approved as to form and procedure: CITY OF MIMHO PALOS HEROES CITY OF 'I"ORRMCE is 19 20 Attest: Attest: 21 Approved as to form and Approved as to form and 22 procedure: procedure: 23 24 25 26 CITY OF REDONDO BEACH c - S 1519�5 8 27r4nr Rio 28 Attest: t,'y p CY. ak Cc, •rl 29 kpp ved as tonforrn ,grad, proceclure: _ Inzf r:2 a ... .� � ,-• 30 x 1. 31 �,J Lr.l r•- r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ft 28 29 30 31 JMUBIT "A" I. COST ALLOCATIM (FU­3DI1JG, SOU RD"S AND A""0_LYJ'7PQ) Each agency participatinF, in the Joint Po Seas Acree:,ent will provide stud rmberia_ls, data and infon,,-1,ation 1.11 its cjjzto(�y ��;hidn may be Useful in performlnC this StUdy, F-Ach. E4, ,e ,y1cy -rill .J,so ni-ovic]e staff j. sokwces In perfoiminnce, of the Study as its share, coiltrlb I Iti oil. It is anticipated that, the cost of deve2opmryt of the Phase II Study -- over and above the $240,000 funding to be obtained from federal sources, study materials, data and information provided by each agency --will be a m-)Aimm of $51,000. Study cots and expenditu-T--s will be as directed by the Steering ConmAttee. The STRI-EIS participation in the cost of developrrnt of the Phase II Study shall be on the basis of providing one-tihird of these costs t;LT) to a maximum share of $17,000. S`tA "is will pay the City of Torrat-ice, acting in behalf of the South Bay Corridor Stul','xy SteerirLg Ca-Il-Ittee, upon billing, one-third of the Stud P y development costs that exc0c.,,d '240,000. The COUEY'S participation in the cost of .(levelo-atent of the Phase II Study shall be on the basis of providing one-third of these costs up to a raximn share of $17,000. COTTITITY will pay to the City of Torrance, acting in behalf of the South Bay Corridor Study Steering Cammittee, upon billing, one-third of the Study develop7ient costs that exceed ALL OF Vi1E CTTIR.91 collective participation in the cost of developr)nt of the Phase II Study shall be on the basis of providing one-third of these costs up to a -eximurin. share of *17,000. ALL OF `II-L's CITIES agree to pay to the City of Torrance, acting in behalf of the South Bay Corridor Study Steering Co=,.dttee, upon billing, one-third of the Study development costs that exceed $240,000. Participation in the cost of Study develop. -rent by all of the cities shall be fir �ured on a proportionate basis of 1/3 population, 1/3 street f-dleage, and 1/3 assessed valuation, except the City of Los Angeles, which shall be figured on the basis of a proportion of the total of participating cities. All participating agencies shall provide, in addition -to the above stated costs, a co�,bined total of *9,000 in staff resources or equivalent services. The contribution of resources/services shall be figured on the same proportionate basis as the dollar amounts described above. I. F(JI'mDir, SOURCES & K17OUT-2s io Allocation Amount A. SLAG (Federal 80% �240,000 B. State of California (CALTRPUS)--1/3 of 205' 17,000 C. County of Los Angeles ---------- 1/3 of 201'0 17,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 J Allocateion knou:.t D. "Cities" of South of 20% $ 17,000 aow�t r Los ,",n-:IeSof, 1/3 -------14.5'� of Dal. --- 2,3a1 E1 undo ------ - 6.8,,' `, � - _ 1,079 Iravatl zorne ,_.._-.....__. _.__ 8. 4 J „ „ _ 1, 333 I lemQs a Bch. -- ----- 3.1w_ " :, _ _-_ 119 2 Lai:mdale-------- 3 1 „ , 1192 Lomita ----------- 2.6;""� ;, „ _ 412 nratt� Bch. ----- 6.l „ „ ___ 968 az Palos Verdes Est. -- 3.5" " - - 555 Poncho P. V.------- 7.6 „ , _._ 1,206 F!e-dorndo Bch. ------- 10.0'-f „ IT 1,537 Rollinrr Bills ----- 1.0 159 Roil. Hills Est. --- 1.3 -- 206 Torrance E. Staff Pesources ("Cities", County & State) - --- 9,000 Total Prase -II Funding --- $300,000 ---$60,000 (20%) minus ,r9,000 of Staff Resources = $51,000 ---Based on 1/3 population, 1/3 road mileage, and 1/3 assessed valuation. II. 71PI'ATIVE B'UL-GL"P (Subject to Review) Amount A. Consultant (Technical study--18 mos.)----------------- M200,000 B. Coordinator, Phase -II (Est. 200.) ---------- ------ 35,000 Sala-ry--------- — ---- $20,000 (4'1,000/mo.) Car Alloy ?ante------- 1,500 ( w75/7"-0. 4 Office------------ 13500 ($75/mo• ) P'none & ins. Serv. -- 1,000 ($50/mo. ) Secretarial---------- 8,000 ($400/mo. } Printir�; & Post. ---- 1,000 ($50/no. ) iIlsc. Travel ------- 1,000 ($50/mo. ) I"ise. Expenses ----- 1,000 ( r50/mo. ) Total----$35,000 C. Steering Con-attee _-----.___-_.__. ________-__ -- - - 3,000 Secretarial -----$ 1,500 075/m . } INise. Expenses --- 1,000 ($50/mo. ) Printing & Post. -- 500 (*?5/1m• ) Total -- $ 3,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ,. 2 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 Amount D. Technical Co7miittee-------------------------- —------- —$ 2,500 Secretarial --------- 1,500 (o75/1ao. ) Phone----------------- 500 ($25/mo. ) Printing & Post.----- 500 (125/m . ) Total ------ 2,500 E. Citizen's Advisory Group ------------------------- 2,500 Secretarial ---------$ 1,500 ($75/mo ) Phone ------------------ 500 ($25/mo. ) Printing & Post. ---- 500 (:125/mo. ) Total -- --a 2,500 F. Subcormattees------- —---------- — -------- ----------- -- 2,000 -Publicity----_-._.__ __t 1,000 ($50/mo. ) -Contracts & Funds--- 500 ($25/mo. ) -Legal--------- --- 500 (1125hro. ) Total '------ $ 2,000 G. Report Distribution Cost ------- —---------------- ----- 5,000 Preliminary Final -- ---- 9)000 Total-45,000 11. Additional Contractors, Study '.,Tork and Supplemental Data Research------------------- 10,000 I. Est. Accounting & Filing Costs­-------____----_LL__-.---- 3,000 (To City of Torrance-4150/mo.) J. Publicity & Carnnunity Relations-------------------------- 2,000 K. Contingency Fund------------------------------------- 2E,000 L. In -find Services (Staff Resources), "Cities", County &State---------------- ° 000 Total Cost of Phase II Study-- 0300,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 X In -Kind Services (`o and Amount) State of (1/3 of total) County of Los Angeles ----- $3,000 (1/3 of total) "Cities"---- --- —-------- 3,000 Total -----------*9,000 Note: Bach agency shall be obliZated to provide, in addition, above listed equivalent services. However, any agency may provide a greater amount at its discretion. { Based on, same proportionate amount(5) as cash allocations. Los Angaes----- -- $ 200 Carson------------- 406 El Segundo--------- 190 Gardena----------- 185 IIa,•rthorne----------- 235 Iiermosa. Bch.------- 87 I,awndale----------- 87 Lonna-------------- 73 Manhattan Bch.----- 171 Palos Verdes Est.-- 98 Rancho P. V.------- 213 Redondo Bch.------- 280 Rolling }tills------ 28 "Rolling Hills Est.- 50 Torrance----------- 697 Total--- $3,000 III. ADDITICY'iAL ITE' 7 S : 1. All Budgetary expenditures shall be subject to mview and control by the Steering Comard.ttee, and the Steering Con-rittee shall also have authority to transfer monies between accounts. If expenses for any budgeted item exceed listed mmnthly maximum, payment must be approved by Steering Coranittee and will be charged against following month's amount. 2. The Coordinator shall have authority to expend up to $100 for miscellaneous expenditures and to report all such expenditures bacl; to the Steering Corrattee. 3. Monthly reports, or mom often if called for, shall be presented to the Steering Coar,-Ittee by the Phase II Coordinator and the Consultant regarding the prowess of the Study. In addition, monthly treasurer's reports and subcommittee reports shall be &Lven to the Steering Con.,dttee. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EXHIBIT "B" COTTUIIT1".P� ORGA"IIZATIM Authority and responsibility to guide and execute this transportation study will operate through a Steering Committee, Consultant, Technical Committee and Coordinator. S EEMEA CUM= (South Bay Corridor Study Steering Committee) The Steering Committee shall consist of representatives of the South Bay Cities; namely, th6 Cities of. Carson, El Segundo, Gardena, Hawthorne, ller;nosa Beach, Lat•mdale, Lomita, Los Angeles, �anzattan Beach, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach, Rolling Hills, Rolling Hills Bstates'and Torrance; representatives from the County of Los Angeles and the State 'impartment of Transportation. This Comm ttee shall elect a Chairman who shall, in addition to presiding at Committee meetings, serve as Chairman at Committee -sponsored public hearings. The County, State, and each participating City of the Steering Committee shall each have one vote. ''he Steering Committee shn11 have responsibility for selectinZ and executing a contract for a Consultant, appointing a Coordinator, giving directi to the Study, approving all expenditure of funds, establishing the Citizens Advisory Group, conducting public hearings, reviewing and approving all report Tnaterial before release, and releasing a final Phase II report. Individual representatives to this Committee shall provide liaison between the Cormu ttee and their agencies in matters requiring official action or major decisions. A Consultant shall be selected by the Steering Committee to conduct the under direction and approval of the Steering Committee. TECIDTICAL CO; c SLUE, Die Technical Committee, which is responsible to the Steering Committee, shall consist of members of participating agencies as necessary to provide staff services and advice to the Steering Committee, except as othenUse designated by the Steering Committee. The Technical Committee shall evaluate pnDposed transportation systems and implementation plans and provide staff service and expertise to the Study Director as required to conduct and develop the study. - 12 - n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CITI'-y?S l,T�VISO^Y GT-)rm A Citizens Advisor, Group will be selected from reprasentatives of the com-unity at large by the Steering Caapittee. Citizen:, Adis sory Group activities and objectives will include advisin; the Stcerir�g Co ud ttee and Consultant of relevant co:-. mity goals and concerns within the study area, ravie.;ing progress reports and Senerel evaluation of the study. C010FvI. 'WORL lne Coordinator shall be appointed by, and be respaisible to, the Steering Cm-flittee and shall provide liaison and coordination ariong the Steering Co A ttee, Technical Co7z-;lttee and Consultant. He shall coordinate the efforts of the various agencies, citizen groups, Consultant persormel and local officials. He shall guide the progress of this Phase II Study, e;;�hasizing recora-endations and, co_riclusiazs that were made in the Phase I Filial P:eport, distribute reports as required by the Steering Cormdttee, and insure that all material is sent to the appropriate agencies and committees in a tirrx-ly manner to allow adequate tip for study. — 13 — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 EXI fiL3IT "C'r T.ASI �S A 1D 1,MF ' PROGFA 1 T,NSK I DATA NUP BY COJSITUEP?al 7nis task will involve Gat 'nering the'information necessai-j to develop and evaluate alternatives proposed to allevi ate, identified transportation deficiencies in the South Bay area. 'Ibe car unity goals and objectives identified in the Phase I Final Report will serve as the guidelines for this task. TASK II ENCOURAGE CTPIZ: a PARTICIPATIO, 'Phis task will require Steering CommAttee to conduct and publicize ' Con=i lty meetings for the purpose of solicitin the opinion of the private sector. It is recognized that public opinion is an important part of this study, and that this opinion should be reflected in the Phase II recca-rrrendations. CASK III DEVELOPHI-IT OF AL`L,.RidATIVt'sS BY CO;?SUL'fX4T This task will result in an impler-entation plan which includes local and regional projects, and will include both short and long range plans, together with cost estimates for the !.q)le;rentation plan and funding re cmyr)endat ions. rASK IV IDENTIFY D71r;'T 7FATION FUMIidG SOURCES Consultant will provide an overview of all potential sources of funds and the amount of funds which rmigtit be available from all levels of government. ASK V S`_UDY A-IALYSZS Analysis by Consultant will utilize data developed from the Phase I Study, recoi'mandations in the Final Report for Phase I, and other available data input from agencies, citizen groups and coarnittees involved in Phase II. This analysis will include an evaluation of all alternative tr u-1sportation plans and their interrelatianshins which shall result in a reco,=., nded PLAPd. Presentation of a recommended Transportation Plan as well as alternative plans, will be presented to the Steering Corrmittee with criteria for evaluation. TASK VI E; d dIRO,-ENT'PL I: •23ACr REPORT BY CO. ISUL'rA:.1T In conformance with established guidelines, the EIR :oust be completed aefore final approval of Phase II report by the Steering Cor.rdttee. Enviromental assessments shall be a continuing process throuJ-iout the tudy and should be reflected in all reports. VII PRE1,11TINARY J3EPOW BY MASULINU The preliminary report by Consultant will explain the rationale behind mare a presentation at public meetings of the reco-rended Transportation and -alternative plans. 12he Consultant shall supply and the Coordinator 1 be responsible for the distribution of 200 copies of the Prelindnary rt as directed by the Steering Committee. - 14 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 � 'I , , , TAS,T VIII PUBLIC i-TVU�is mD I'F7mir PLIblic hearinE;ss aild/or as deei-nd necessary by t! Steelil-rz GP -1-5 —yu i�---m i II preliudnary r6j�`O -0 oc e C la-. )e pi Consultant will be (�.7T fo-ris-at these rA�Volic hea ring i as necessary. The pum,,ose of these hearings is to foi-orally advise the. public of the "and L In Publicity and, advertising, notification of interested a,--ncies and -66- tM - s 6hjjjb-Jrj- � re of the 1 �'oordinator n6YT56-.W f!.?®ry-C` -tt- TA-Sir Dr, D-TUOEUATION, PLAN BY CON'SULTMr Tiis task involves the propa-VatIon of a schedule of pemmp-nded tmproverm- nts (short, intermediate, and long-ramr_e_ projects), aloe with a die -ftnition of fund-IrZ levels acid sources, EnvirOrr-a-ntal Irloact p,��zports and all other doom-ents whdch are deerird necessary by the Steering Committee in order to bring the recari-ended Lip-rovenamts to fruition shall be fully executed and included in the T-rplenrentation Plan. TASK X FINAL RFPO:',P BY C,0,,',1SUTJTA:U (Subject to Approval of Steering Comittee) All considerations raised in the public hearing,, shall be addressed in the final report and, at the option of the Steering Camaittee, may be the subject of further study or public hearings. Me Final Report shall represent findings of the SteeringCormAttee. The Consultant shall supply and the Coordinator shall be responsible for the distribution of 500 copies of the -1.1nal R'er;ort as directed by the Steering Conrdttee. In addition, the Consultant ahall supply a minima of 1,000 copies Of all executive SLM-Tlary of the Final ¢16eport, at the direction of the Steering CormAttee. - 15 - ;1- 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FAIR E.,TTIOTnEIP PRAGPICE'S 1. In the perfoirrnce of this contract, tie Contractor till not discri-ftnate aig-r-a-Ist ai-,y CrT-Toyee or applic-'zit for because of race, color, relivion, sex, mcestrZi, or national oriS.in. The Contractor will take affir-mative action to ensure- that applicants ar-- employed and that eurloyees are treated during i%7it1hout rer:ard to their race, color, religion, sex, --nc / estl--j, or national ori-_cin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the follcrvtTirC.: e;.-ploy.iint, upGradnS, demotia) or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or tenaination.- rates of pay or other forms of coiimensation as -id selection for training, including apprenticeship. 'Ihe Contractor shall post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for e1q)loyment, notices to be provicle(I by the State setting forth the provisions of this Fair TD-p..loyi=t Practices section. 2. The Contractor will permit access to his records of eaiolqywent, er.,ployment advertisements, application forr-s, and other pertinent data and records by the State Fair 1'.,,-ploym--nt Practice Commission, or any other agency of the State of California desiCriated by the at-jardinj-, authority, for the purposes of investigation to ascertain co.7-pliance with the Fair Ili-iiployup-rit Practices section of this contract. 3. Remedies for Willfull Violations:' (a) The State may determine a willful violation of the Fair Fxivloyment Practices provision to have occurred upon receipt of a final ju(IC-P-nt having that effect from a court in an action to ifnich Contractor was a party or upon receipt of a written notice frari the Fair E,-,TDloy- Yiy-,nt Practices Coy ssion that it has investij.-,ated and determined that the Contractor has violated the ]air 17-riployr-ent Practices Act and has issued an order, under Labor Code Section 11126, whid-1 has beco,-ip- final, or obtained an injunction under Labor Code Section 142()- (b) For willful violation of this Fair Employment Practices provision, the State shall have the ri_f-ht to ter mdnate this contract either in v7hole or in part, and any loss or da;-iaC-- sustained by the State in securing the Goods or services hereunder shall be bode and paid for by the Contractor and by his surety under the perfor-nPance bond, if any, and the State may deduct from any monies due or that thereafter may become due to the Contractor, the difference beI7,7een the price naTed in the contract and the actual cost thereof to the State. - 16 - I REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 1. Sou 13 Corridor Study Steering Committee. Councilman Van Vranken reported that Phase II of the Study would identify actual plans to overcome some of the transportation deficiencies in the South Bay area and the consultant would recommend a series of options which might be taken. Stated the Cost to El Segundo would amount to $1, 079, and moved, seconded by Councilman Nagel, that funds be appropriated from the Contingency Account for this purpose and that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the South Day Corridor (Transportation) Study, Phase ll:between the State of California, County of Los An'getes, City of Los Angeles and fourteen South Bay cities for a corridor study, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and that after execution by each of the parties concerned, a copy of said Agreement be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to sign for and on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest the same, Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Nagel, Rockhold, Stephens, Van Vranken and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen None. COUNCIL MINUTES June 3, 1975