2023-02-07 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Hyperion #22 2 3-02 07 CC, AGENDA
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Harada, Patricia ...............
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 4:54 PM
To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili
Subject: Fwd: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-40 (Hyperion Order of Abatement)
Please post to the website.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Holly Shelton <Holly@hollysheltonmgmt.com>
Date: January 24, 2023 at 4:52:15 PM PST
To: clerkofboard@aqmd.gov, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-40 (Hyperion Order of Abatement)
I have lived in El Segundo for over 30 years and I have to say that my
life will never be the same since the main spill at the Hyperion back on
July 11, over a year and a half ago.
I have had to call and register odor complaints on an almost daily basis,
which requires a couple of calls and then the hope that someone calls
you back when you are still there so the odor can be verif ied. My
health has suffered since the spill and the health department just
sends out generic replies.
I have had to purchase more air purifiers (and maintain them at a high
cost) than the initial amount of money offered by the Hyperion. I can't
open my windows so the humidity collects and I need to purchase
moisture absorbers.
I can't enjoy my backyard and gardening is out of the question.
It's embarrassing to have anyone over because it always smells like
poop and/or chemicals.
The continued malfunction of equipment there baffles me and the lies
coming from the Hyperion are never ending. AQMD will verify and odor
and someone at the Hyperion will call back and say that they sent
someone out and they didn't smell anything and they'll lie about what's
going on.
I worry about the mental, emotional and physical health of myself, my
pets, my neighbors and their pets.
I just want my life back.
Holly Shelton
Harada, Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 9:50 AM
To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili
Subject: Fwd: Hyperion Resident Letter for 1/25 Hearing
Please post.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kellie Gonzalez <jaminconst@aol.com>
Date: January 25, 2023 at 9:15:16 AM PST
To: clerkofboard@aqmd.gov, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Kellie Gonzalez <jaminconst@aol.com>, info@parris.com
Subject: Hyperion Resident Letter for 1/25 Hearing
To Whom It May Concern,
Who is taking responsibility and accountability for the travesty that is the Hyperion and the absolute
mismanagement of this facility? Violation after violation, not adhering to permits, broken down
equipment, months without basic necessities like bleach, public monitoring data that changes or
disappears, financial impact to residents and the release of 17 million gallons of raw sewage into our
oceans because of pure and utter incompetence, not to mention the possible devastation to
surrounding communities health and well being. After spending an apparent $100 million post July 11
spill communities are no better off. We are not only speaking of physical health symptoms. I can tell you
from experience that this disaster is taking a huge toll on mental heath as well. Residents can no longer
enjoy their homes, yards, neighborhood parks, beaches. The list is vast. Residents can no longer have
guests over without complete embarrassment and possible illness. Residents pay exorbitant costs to live
in this neighborhood. How can the city, county and state allow this? Is there any concern about the
possible health ramifications this is having on the community? Why isn't there any urgency to monitor
various VOCs in addition to H2S? My father was recently hospitalized after being ill for months with
breathing issues and even complaints to LA County Health dept are being ignored. How can this be? This
is a neighborhood full of families and many elderly, the fact that we are dealing with these issues is
beyond comprehension.
The Hyperion lies, literally, flat out lies! And now we are expected to use the Hyperion's complaint line
AND follow up with a complaint to AQMD AND IF they get enough complaints BE AVAILABLE whenever it
is convenient for Hyperion and /or AQMD to verify a smell everyone already knows is there. Residents
are already taxed physically and mentally and have to do the job of the agencies as well. All to have
Tonya send out an email about some other reason there must be an odor problem that isn't due to the
Hyperion all because per the abatement hearing they are required to respond within a specific period of
time. In addition, the last notification email residents received from Tonya about Hyperion work starting
that may cause a nuisance was sent at 4:44pm the day AFTER the work was to -begin (email attached for
your reference). This particular work was to begin every day at 6:30am, however per ES city site, "Based
on construction noise regulations, all interior or exterior construction or demolition must be performed
within permitted hours: Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. No work is permitted on
Sundays or national holidays." Why is Hyperion allowed to begin before this time? What an absolute
middle finger to the suffering residents in this community. We are coming up on 2 years of bureaucratic
BS and ZERO results since the spill. What would have already happened if Hyperion was a privately run
facility? Shut down is my best guess.
I have checked the salaries of the public offices for city employees for both the Hyperion and City offices
and am appalled at the money wasted on jobs that people hold to serve the community. Our
communities are NOT being served. It feels more like a slap in the face that this very major issue is not
being addressed by LA City officials or even Governor Newsome at this point for that matter. How can a
state that is all about environmental causes completely ignore these issues and those constituents that
have requested intervention????
We will NOT be silent and expect some real involvement, accountability and change to improve the
functioning and monitoring of the Hyperion facility and I look forward to hearing how this will be
Kellie Gonzalez
632 W Acacia Ave
El Segundo, CA 90245
Harada. Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 9:50 AM
To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili
Subject: Fwd: FOR REFERENCE Fwd: Hyperion Update - Primary Battery C Tank Cleaning
This one as well.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kellie Gonzalez <jaminconst@aol.com>
Date: January 25, 2023 at 9:18:32 AM PST
To: clerkofboard@agmd.gov, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Kellie Gonzalez <jaminconst@aol.com>, info@parris.com
Subject: FOR REFERENCE Fwd: Hyperion Update - Primary Battery C Tank Cleaning
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Tonya Durrell <lasan.cleanwater.outreach@lacity.org>
Date: January 17, 2023 at 4:44:57 PM PST
To: jaminconst@aol.com
Subject: Hyperion Update - Primary Battery C Tank Cleaning
Reply -To: Tonya Durrell <LASAN.CleanWater.Outreach@lacity.org>
View this email in your browser
Hyperl'on'Water Reclamation
Primary Battefy C Tank Cleaning Update
Good afternoon,
As many of you are aware, Hyperion's primary tank covers are in need of replacement.
preparation of that work, and to mitigate odors, the staff plans to clean out Primary
Battery C (PBC) tanks starting on Monday, January 16, and will continue through mid -
During these activities, the four primary tanks within the PBC will be cleaned one at a
time, and this will take place between Monday through Friday, from 6:30 am to 4:00 prr
Mitigation measures will be in place to minimize odors.
This cleaning is required to conduct other work essential to reliable operations of the
primary treatment process, such as the replacement of the internal components and
taking measurements of new tank covers.
If you have any questions, please contact the LASAN Community Outreach Team at
(213) 485-3221, or at LASAN.CleanWater.Outreach@lacity.org.
Hyperion now has a dedicated 24-hour community hotline available for all inquir
regarding the plant and its activities. If you have any questions or concerns the
you would like to share with Hyperion staff, please contact us using the hotlinE
number below:
Barbara Romero — Director and General Manager
Traci J. Minamide, P. E., B. C. E. E. — Chief Operating Officer
Sarai Bhaga — Chief Financial Officer
Julie Allen, P.E. — Assistant Director
Nicole Bernson — Assistant Director
Mas Dojiri, Ph. D., B. C. E. S. — Assistant Director
Jose "Pepe" Garcia — Assistant Director
Alex E. Helou, P.E. — Assistant Director
Timeyin Dafeta, P.E. — Executive Hyperion Plant Manager
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LA Sanitation & Environment
Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant
12000 Vista del Mar
Copyright (C) 2023 LA Sanitation & Environment. All rights reserved.
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LA Sanitation & Environment
Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant
12000 Vista del Mar
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
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