2023-01-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Non-Agenda Item2023 01 17 CC A(3END,
Harada, Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 5:34 PM
To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili
Subject: Fwd: Public Comment for 01/17/23 City Council Meeting - Non -Agenda Item
Please post the email below on the website under Jan 17 meeting.
Thank you,
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From: "Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)" <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Date: January 17, 2023 at 5:32:26 PM PST
To: "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>, "Hensley, Mark" <mhensley@hensleylawgroup.com>,
"Voss, Barbara" <bvoss@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Fwd: Public Comment for 01/17/23 City Council Meeting - Non -Agenda Item
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: David Holop <dholop@gmail.com>
Date: January 17, 2023 at 5:05:11 PM PST
Subject: Public Comment for 01/17/23 City Council Meeting - Non -Agenda Item
Dear Council,
I write again today about the City's DEI Committee and the way it continues to be
handled by Council.
First, there seems to be a major disconnect that still has never been explained by
anyone on the Council as far as I know, and I don't suspect it will be tonight
either but I'll implore you again tonight, and into the future, until the right things
are done. The City's Strategic Plan for FY 2022-2023 through FY 2025-2026 was
approved by you last September, and contains only five (5) broad goals. This
would lead one to believe that each of these five goals would be very important
to the City. Goal one now reads "Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion and Communication," incorporating the prior goal that was "Enhance
Customer Service, Engagement, and Communication; Embrace Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion." Based on this goal and the existence of the City's DEI Committee,
one might reasonably believe that the City is committed to DEI. And yet, other
than funding for the initial DEI consultant Jimmy Pete to help set up, select, and
get started the Committee (whose role ended over a year ago), the DEI
Committee has had no funding and no budget to carry out its work. Government
budgets reveal a municipality's true priorities. A budget of $0 speaks for itself.
Moreover, if the Council really thought this was an important goal, one would
expect Councilmembers to take an active role in working on the Goal and
working with the City's DEI Committee. Myself and other community members
have been active participants in the DEI Committee and have rarely (or for some,
never) seen Councilmembers at the meetings. Again, time and effort reveals
priorities. Lip service does not achieve a goal. It would be great if the Council
could put its money where its mouth is in 2023 and walk the walk instead of just
talking the talk.
Second, and this goes to the point of Council and community participation, is
making these meetings live -streamed on YouTube and then available online
there, as City Council, Planning Commission, and Rec & Parks Commission
meetings are. This is a request that has been made by community members and
DEI members since the Committee's work began but has been ignored time and
again, without any explanation or justification for why it won't be done. Certainly
the technology exists and is quite inexpensive at this time; it's used for the other
meetings that are live -streamed already. Doing this (for the DEI Committee as
well as the other Committees and Boards) would be a simple, cheap, and
effective way to achieve City Strategic Plan Goal 1 of Enhancing Customer
Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication. Honestly, what could do
that more than making meetings that are already public easier for community
stakeholders to access and participate in by allowing the meetings to be viewed
live online or at a later date? This is Inclusive, as it allows more community
members to participate in the process who might not otherwise be able to, like
people with disabilities or the elderly for who it might be difficult (or even not
possible) to make the meetings in person, especially today those are
immunocompromised for who still may feel safe to attend; and those with other
obligations at the 6pm time of the meetings, like parents (often mothers), who
have to care for their children at that time, and those who work outside typical
business hours (outside 9am-5pm), which is typically those whose voices are
already historically underrepresented. Not recording the meetings only continues
these issues - recording allows a more Diverse group of community members
participate and is more Equitable. It's antithetical to the mission of DEI that it
hasn't been done and indicates a real lack of actually caring about the Goal.
Many of us continue to wonder why the City won't take this simple step to
enhance DEI?
And last, what is the criteria for selecting DEI Committee Members? As I
understand it from those with knowledge of the process, a Member was
appointed in the most recent round in late 2022 who had not even applied in this
round. Mr. Hill had applied in the prior round in March 2022 but not this time, yet
was selected over other seemingly qualified applicants - and apparently at the
recommendation of departing Committee Member Mr. Wood, so that the
Committee could keep a "conservative" voice on the Committee. At the same
time, I understand that another applicant was not chosen because of his
affiliation with SEA Change (of which I am also a member), a local community
group that was described as a "political action committee," which a) it is plainly
not; and b) even if it were, why would such an affiliation alone be disqualifying? If
this is all true, it is quite troubling that you are choosing Committee members
based on their political and/or civic affiliations, rather than their qualifications and
commitment to the mission, values and goals of the DEI Committee - and of the
City's Goal of Enhancing Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and
Communication. This Committee does not have to be political but it seems you
are intent on making it so and I have to question why. Is it based on your own
views of DEI? If so, the community deserves to know that. Is it to appease a
certain segment of the community - your electorate, your supporters, people you
may know in the community? If so, it is troubling that you would appease those
who seek to undermine the goals of the Committee itself. Because what is the
ultimate effect of this decision? The DEI Committee was created to address
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in terms of groups that have not historically and
traditionally been INCLUDED and treated EQUITABLY in our City because of
their DIVERSITY. It's not me saying this - go back and watch the City Council
meetings where the Committee was created and your own words. So when we
talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in this way - the way the Committee
was viewed at its formation and by its members and supporters today - who does
this include? I think an easy and obvious place to look first is discrimination law.
Generally, under federal law, protected categories include race, color, religion,
sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin,
age (40 or older), disability and genetic information (including family medical
history). California law is more inclusive and explicitly adds categories like
gender expression, Marital status, and Military/veteran status. What is not
included here? Political affiliation or ideology. And for good reason. Now, I am
NOT suggesting that anyone should be discriminated against based on their
political affiliation. What I am pointing out is how absurd defining the group to be
understood to be created to make sure to be Inclusive of Diverse voices such as
conservatives (not a historically or traditionally discriminate against group) is -
and to discriminate against others because of their political ideology. Moreover,
do you even know the political affiliation of any other members or applicants? Or
do you just assume it? And what is the 'conservative' view on diversity, equity
and inclusion you want to be sure is Included in the discussion? I think the
community deserves an explanation of why you made this odd choice to go out
of your way to appoint somebody who didn't even apply for the current open
positions when their qualified applicants who had applied and were ready, willing
and able to contribute.
If the concern is that the DEI Committee will be too 'radical,' or you get worried
about what it looks like you're supporting, again, your constituents deserve an
explanation. What has the DEI Committee done or suggested that has been so
radical? From where I sit, the Committee hasn't come close to doing anything
radical - specifically because you've hamstrung it with no budget, no active
Council interest or participation, and a Member in Mr. Wood who sought to throw
sand in the gears at every opportunity - and have now appointed his
recommendation on a replacement in Mr. Hill. It seems you are so afraid of what
some might think or what might happen that you are willing to allow the goal of
DEI - one of the City's five goals! - to fail before it even has a chance to succeed.
Yesterday was of course Martin Luther King Jr. Day and I'm sure you or others
will cite him at tonight's meeting for his courage and efforts. But nothing is more
frustrating than when he is cited by those who oppose today's DEI efforts in his
name. And so if you do nothing else, I implore you to read his Letter from
Birmingham Jail and consider whether you are living MLK's vision or not. I hope
that you do live his vision going forward - otherwise his dreams and ideals will
never have any chance of being realized.
htt s;// .csuchiico.edu/ie e/ assets/documents/susi-letter-from-birmir ham-
'ail I.pdf
Thank you,
David Holop
El Segundo resident/parent; member of SEA Change