2023-01-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item D9 - Plungemm.rv...
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From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 5:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: Plunge
Hi all,
please see email and attachment. Public Communication for Tuesday's meeting,
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kelly Watson <kellyami@yahoo.com>
Date: January 13, 2023 at 5:51:38 PM PST
To: Drew Boyles I Surf Lakes <drew@surflakesusa.com>, "Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)"
Cc: "George, Darreli" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: Plunge
did not. Thank you so much!
Kind regards,
On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 05:49:02 PM PST, Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Yes. We will post to our website under the Jan 17th agenda. This will be done Tuesday morning once we
are back in the office. Monday is a holiday.
Did you send the communication to all Elected officials? If not, I can forward to them. Let me know, more
than happy to forward.
Thank you,
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 13, 2023, at 5:32 PM, Drew Boyles I Surf Lakes <drew@surflakesusa,com>
Madam Clerk,
Please advise,
Drew Boyles I CEO
Surf Lakes SoCal
Mayor I City of El Segundo
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kelly Watson <kellyami@yahoo.com>
Date: January 13, 2023 at 17:27:47 PST
To: Darrell George <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>, Drew Boyles I Surf
Lakes <drew@surflakesusa.com>
Subject: Re: Plunge
Hi - Yes, see attached. Will this letter be part of public
communications? I would request that it is.
Kind regards,
On Friday, January 13, 2023 at 05:17:32 PM PST, Drew Boyles I Surf
Lakes <drew@surflakesusa.com> wrote:
Hi Kelly. Would you please send us your thoughts on the plunge? I'm
referring to our conversation several weeks back and what you shared
you were in favor of and not favor of, in terms of changes.
Drew Boyles I CEO
Surf Lakes SoCal
Mayor I City of El Segundo
<City Council Plunge Letter 12 2022.pdf>
Dec 17, 2022
Dear council members
I understand you are meeting today to review and approve potential cuts to the proposed
plunge renovation plans, including removal of the proposed upper deck, refurbished entryway,
and small pool bleachers in order to "sharpen the pencil" on the project costs.
You should know these plan revisions were proposed by the new contractor that was engaged
to provide environmental assessment on the original plan. This contractor has not attended
ANY user group, staff, or community feedback meetings, nor have they met with the Recreation
and Parks Commission Aquatics Committee who were involved from the inception of this
project and have extensive knowledge of both the user group input and the original designs.
Thus, it is not surprising that when asked to "sharpen their pencil," they have done so NOT by
removing additions they have made to the plans but rather skuttling important features
designed by the previous contractor that were inclusive of user needs.
Let's consider each of the proposed cuts in this context:
They would like to eliminate the renovation of the bleachers into an upper deck. They
obviously did not know that the upper deck feature would allow user group
programming to be staged more tightly for maximum usage and revenue. Instead of
using pool time to stretch on the deck before practice, which requires the previous
group to exit the pool area first, having an upper deck would allow groups to stage and
stretch, only entering the pool when they are ready to swim. Further, this space would
also be bookable for parties, team meetings, and other revenue /cost recovery
Further, the opaque glass railing on the upper deck had an important function which
was to dissipate the light from the windows which staff told us otherwise reflects poorly
off of the pool and distorts the lifeguards' view of the surface. Moreover, our plan was
to offer this opportunity for artwork to be etched into the glass, opening up arts
fundraising opportunities.
By the way, the conference room was NOT in the original plan and was not a request of
the user groups, but rather something the second contractor added. I understand this
was seen as a questionable non -essential by the council, and we agree, but let's please
not get distracted and throw out the upper deck which is critical to the cost recovery
2. They would like to eliminate the dazzling new entranceway. Look, I get it. When the
first contractor (who were experts in renovating buildings from this era, btw) designed
this, I spoke up and questioned it as unnecessary. But their response was that when you
do a project as big as this that is mostly about fixing behind the scenes stuff nobody
sees, you need to have something exciting for donors and the community to grab onto
as being worth the money. The proposed entryway is meant to be just that. Further, it
had art features, like the big glass wall, that could attract arts fundraising as well. It was
designed to be the focal point of the renovation; the place where the big donor plaques
will be on the wall, where the community will see where their money was spent, and
where the champagne bottles get uncorked at the ribbon cutting.
3. They would like to eliminate the small pool bleachers at the back. These bleachers were
designed so that parents watching small children in the child pool were closer to their
children. They can help them run to the restroom mid -lesson or help them enter and
exit during free swim time, providing towels, etc. Otherwise, they have to watch them
from the upper balcony and go all the way around when they need to get to them. Or
they cluster around the side of the deck in the way of staff. It's such a no brainer ask
and the space is there, why not provide this amenity.
By the way, we understand that there was pushback on the computer room. The only
reason that was created was because the mechanical equipment previously in that
space was removed and the staff thought then it could be used for storage and possibly
computer equipment because the pool environment is so wet. It is not a deal killer and
was never a big item. But again, this should not distract from the bleachers, which are
the really important item.
This second contractor has added millions of dollars in ADA recommendations including two
lift elevators that the original contractor didn't see need for without considering other
options. So, to cut back on these essential elements, which will only give a savings of $750k
anyway, seems like the wrong approach to me. Perhaps before agreeing to a final project
we should have a third party vendor review the entire package to reconcile the competing
bids - and of course include the Aquatics Committee in the conversation. And perhaps, the
entire project could use a project manager to oversee it so that the interests of all are
preserved. At the very least, I hope council will consider finding other ways of managing
costs without stripping out the very elements that users, staff, and the community inspired.
Kelly Watson
Recreation and Parks Commissioner
& Aquatics Committee Member