2023-01-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Hyperion #92023-01-17 CC AGENDA, Pi.1UI..IIIC (:110MMU IC"li"iON IRE'EII.. "'i1ElD "'i"O Iir-i`:`Ri�" RIOIN Harada, Patricia From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 10:47 AM To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili Subject: Fwd: Public comment for 1/17 (Hyperion) Hi Patricia, Please add the email below to the website. Thank you, —Tracy Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Corrie Chitlik <corriezupo@gmail.com> Date: January 13, 2023 at 8:55:27 AM PST To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Cc: Tracey Miller-Zarneke <tmillerzarneke@elsegundoccb.org>, elsegundo.cleanair@gmail.com, "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org>, "Bates, Portland" <pbates@elsegundo.org>, vzupo78@yahoo.com Subject: Public comment for 1/17 (Hyperion) Hello, I know this comment is too long to meet the public comment submittal rules. I want to say this comment in person, but I am traveling to the inland empire, and I may not make it back in time. I am still submitting this comment in hopes you watch my two videos, review the attachments, and read the body of this email. I also appreciate the City of ES's letters demanding additional air testing, so hopefully this provides more foundation to your request. You can fact check my statements using the SCAQMD FIND tool and entering facility ID 800214.1 am happy to do a zoom call and share my screen and walk you through how to pull the air permit, order of abatements, public records, and compliance history. I think we are at the point where we need to hire a lobbyist. This is a time soak for our city staff and there's no Hyperion urgency or measureable improvements. Click to Download Video.MOV 0 bytes Click to Download Video_1.MOV 0 bytes_ Question: Why is there no urgency to test various air toxins (volatile organic compounds via a 24-hr TO- 15 sampling) during equipment breakdowns? Why did the AQMD Order of Abatement back in August 2022 only require Hyperion do TO-15 on the day of their choosing, and why aren't the details of the test and results released to the public? Concern: When you make your public comment, please request TO-15 24-hr continuous sampling during permitted equipment breakdowns. We want to know what toxic pollutants we are being exposed too during extended breakdowns, besides H2S. Their permitted air pollution control (APC) equipment have NO EMISSION LIMITS or PERIODIC MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. That basically means their APC is only bound by public nuisance rules (Rule 402). What's interesting is the carbon filters had extensive sampling requirements during initial installation, but there's no follow-up testing during breakdowns. Can we sample those same pollutants during breakdowns? It only makes sense, right? Or am I missing something? Note: I do my research late at night and I physically do not have the personal time to read thousands of pages of data, and listen to hours and hours of hearing board testimony. I am drawing my hypothesis based off of experience & the written air permits. I am not stating anything as fact, but instead, as unanswered questions with follow up concerns. I also forgot to mention there is VOC monitoring/limits for their paint booth (which is obviously not making us physically sick 9 it just impacts ozone). Best regards, Corrie Zupo 2 Socith Ctxtst A�r Cju,Allf�� MAIM M (III, I 11 . d*p 1, 111111twu4 .. ... . . . ........ -- ....... mmum Pwimmol hmployfift AM MW ............. Equips"M INKTIP000; 1 11 Ifio hzity Oxygm Rv�, Ci A k I'VIllhaiiiiiion C, nilaA SYMM, NO, � - �* 0� lu"AvlmawH' to x tmvNyllm tMA POMWIM4015 L*44�-� 111m) ll'rr ID HIP" � 1090, chm Myoxinbown Capmay, viendqdw jugot pugq"' mylpet 4"Clor uqllllmw dMWAAA3 C"-AWQXL 11 9 "MMIfK I'Ofl'w$j Kqfcg'qfllwR offtl apall p'ofmqt tivali N, wufluww'j w a a arlill ialimce ftidw W11 illmn dfhl sqkrWh4lodi"O MAIIJANd gyallllarw'dlc millittod bldulw' I I,Rjukl 2:104 1 21 f1wim ixeWilivnian *AH W pKraiv illuakimiand "W 6cpw lim IIpma Opmalleng w1khWillith �M an 11,99mgm JRIUICIMIN � llw4 &q6gimw&cuO ulitha Iw,q&"vJ liould Ifu6nuillmll! by m'KubrvM lllla�rwld W V114 apummi �IIWC NA,411 jjgmm wow Um wrmioldocitc, 11IR!''tWOV.1fl I A pyrr91010 IrMur ithAWIM tisilwWol millit WIIWAuWmulin twmjpla OF Vrlllw Calmtx 16- prasitur dinlip atica" Me aftn adw bet, �j 11116de IMP2 q IN pm, w;c iftlopacrWN4 a gwNm adambe? 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