2023-01-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Hyperion #8............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 202301 'i "7 CC AGll 1101) u VII: II IC C 011A11Au V11NIC II 1:0110 IIRII:II A II II I:) II II°°°iy :011 Harada, Patricia From: Sent: To: Subject: Please post email below. Tracy Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Thursday, January 12, 2023 8:22 AM Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili Fwd: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-40 (Hyperion Order of Abatement) From: Clerk of Board <Front_PC@aqmd.gov> Date: January 12, 2023 at 7:39:36 AM PST To: Corrie Zupo <corriezupo@gmail.com> Cc: "Boyles,Drew (Mayor)" <dboyles@elsegundo.org>, "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>, "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org>, Michelle Keldorf <michellekeldorf@gmail.com>, Tracey <tmillerzarneke@elsegundoccb.org>, Ryan Baldino <baldinoforelsegundo@gmail.com>, "Nicol, Scot (Council Member)" <snicol@elsegundo.org>, "Giroux, Lance (Council Member)" <Igiroux@elsegundo.org>, "Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member)" <cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org>, "Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem)" <cpimentel@elsegundo.org>, John Pickhaver <johnpickhaverJR@gmail.com>, Citizens El Segundo <elsegundo.cleanair@gmail.com>, Sarah Meyer <sarahmeyer426@gmail.com>, Kyle Wheeler <kyleburtonwheeler@gmail.com>, Avery Smith <asmith@elsegundoccb.org>, Mike Lewis <fml@wst2nrg.com>, Julie Stolnack <esnoitall@yahoo.com>, vzupo78@yahoo.com, Lisa Jacobs <Ijacobs@scng.com>, Rad <Rad.Nowroozi@sen.ca.gov>, Jessalyn <JWaldron@bos.lacounty.gov>, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, Senator.Allen@senate.ca.gov, Michal Haynes <mhaynes@agmd.gov>, "Bates, Portland" <pbates@elsegundo.org> Subject: RE: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-40 (Hyperion Order of Abatement) Please call our office. (909) 396-2500, thank you. From: Corrie Zupo <corriezupo@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 11:12 PM To: Clerk of Board <clerkofboard@aqmd.gov> Cc: Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dboyles@elsegundo.org>; Darrell George <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; Elias <esassoon@elsegundo.org>; Michelle Keldorf <michellekeldorf@gmail.com>; Tracey <tmillerzarneke@elsegundoccb.org>; Ryan Baldino <baldinoforelsegundo@gmail.com>; Nicol, Scot (Council Member) <snicol@elsegundo.org>; Lance Giroux <Igiroux@elsegundo.org>; Carol Pirsztuk (Mayor pro tem) <cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org>; Pimentel, Chris (Council member) <cpimentel@elsegundo.org>; John Pickhaver <johnpickhaverJR@gmail.com>; Citizens El Segundo <ElSegundo.cleanair@gmail.com>; Sarah Meyer <sarahmeyer426@gmail.com>; Kyle Wheeler <kyleburtonwheeler@gmail.com>; Avery Smith <asmith@elsegundoccb.org>; Mike Lewis <fml@wst2nrg.com>; Julie Stolnack <esnoitall@yahoo.com>; vzupo78@yahoo.com; Lisa Jacobs <Ijacobs@scng.com>; Rad <Rad.Nowroozi@sen.ca.gov>; Jessalyn <JWaldron@bos.lacounty.gov>; allcouncilandclerks@elsegundo.org; Senator.Allen@senate.ca.gov; Michal Haynes <mhaynes@agmd.gov>; Bates, Portland <pbates@elsegundo.org> Subject: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-40 (Hyperion Order of Abatement) Hello, I would like to re -submit this entire email thread as a public comment and include my updated attachment. My updated attachment needs to be provided to the Hearing Board ahead of time since it includes screenshots of scrubbed H2S exceedances (note that H2S limits were last updated in 1969, and USC is actively studying the City of Carson and El Segundo, so regulators have updated scientific data to hopefully update health and safety limits), potential pollutants of concern for fenceline monitoring, TO-15 testing recommendations during equipment breakdowns, emails on equipment mismanagement from violation P73348 (issued on 12/26/2022), and historical context on compliance monitoring mis-management. I do not plan to call into the Hearing since it's during working hours. I also request that the Board please be given all the City of El Segundo's comment letters (dating back to early 2022). These letters nicely summarized the needs of our community with common-sense solutions. Thank you and best regards, Corrie Zupo On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 3:23 PM Corrie Zupo <corriezuoo@gMgi .com> wrote: Hello, I would like to add to my October 28th, 2022, public comment submittal for the upcoming December 15th, 2022, Hearing Board. I wanted to clarify that the CARB H2S limit is 30 ppb, but I do not agree with this archaic limit. It was established in 1969 and has not been updated since. The World Health Organization (WHO) uses a lower limit of 20 ppb. Our community generally starts smelling H2S around ten ppb. USC is actively studying the health impacts of long-term H2S exposure since there's limited research on residential exposure greater than a year. I want to be clear that 30 ppb is too high, and we start experiencing acute symptoms around 10 ppb. I also wanted to note that my understanding is Hyperion did a 24-hour TO-15 VOC sampling on September 27th. I can not find their lab report in the FIND hearing board weekly status reports (Facility ID 800214). The public should have access to this report to ensure that the flow was indeed for 24 hours and that the reporting limits were below the air toxic thresholds. If the reporting limits are above the air toxic thresholds, the lab will report non -detect when in fact, there could be an air toxin present. The source testing protocol should also be made public. Under SCAOMQ Rule 1402, the District can ask a facility to prepare an Air Toxics Inventory Report, Health Risk Assessment, or a Risk Reduction Plan. I think it's unclear to the public the extent of chemicals being dumped on us every time the facility has an operational upset (which is frequent). There's a focus on H2S, but other chemicals are transported and mixed between the liquid and gas phases of transport. VOCs a in their degree of,,volatili!Y with factors such as water surface area, temperature, turbulence, concentrations, and retention time. Is there a dig to understand our health impacts from this mismanaged old facility? References: Best regards, Corrie Zupo From: Corrie Zupo <corriezu o mail.com> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2022 8:23 AM To: clerkofboard agmd. ov Cc: mha es a md, ov; Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dbo les @else undo .or >; Darrell George <d eor a else undo.or >; Sassoon, Elias <esassoon else undo.or >; Michelle Keldorf <michellekeldorf mail.com>; Miller-Zarneke, Tracey <tmillerzarneke else undoccb.or >; Ryan Baldino <baldinoforel_5_etundo@ ma*sl com>; Nicol, Scot (Council Member) < nicol else undo.or >; Lance Giroux <Ieiroux@elsegundo.or >; Carol Pirsztuk (Mayor pro tem) <c irsztuk else undo.or >; Pimentel, Chris (Council member) < oimeriteI@eI ey;un o.org>; "ohn ickhaverJR maiil.com; Citizens El Segundo <EISe undo,cleanair mail„corer>; Sarah Meyer <sarahmeyer426@ mail.com>; Kyle Wheeler <k leburtonwheeler mail,com>; Avery Smith <asmith else undoccb„or >; Mike Lewis <fml@wst2nrg.com>; Julie Stolnack <esnoitall ahoo..com>; vzu o78 ahoo.com; Lisa Jacobs <llacobs@scn .com>; Nowroozi, Rad <Rad.Nowroozi sen,ca, cv>; Waldron, Jessalyn <JWaldron@bos.lacountY.ov> Subject: Public Comment, Case No. 1212-39 (Hyperion Status Update for Modification of an Order of Abatement) Hello, I am a concerned mom and resident of El Segundo. I have provided numerous public comments on Hyperion, and I have attended all the previous Hearing Boards (I lost track of how many have occurred since 7/11/2021). 1 have also previously waited 4+ hours to make my comments, but at this time, I can't keep missing time away from work and my family to call in. Please include this email and attachments as a record of my public comment. I would also appreciate it if the Hearing Board received a copy of my email and attachments ahead of time. From my experience, the Hearing Board is not provided documentation ahead of time, and they base their decisions on presented information on the day of the hearing. I do not find this fair to the public since we are all volunteering our personal time to this health and environmental crisis. I am starting to lose trust in the processes and systems in place to protect our communities. The H2S monitors were installed in late August 2022. Since installation, there have been five (5) exceedances of 30 ppb on 8/27/22 (-140 ppb, the website now says "no data for this timeframe"), 8/30/22 (31.2 ppb), 8/31/22 (36.3 ppb and 43.5 ppb), and 10/19/22 (34.1 ppb). H2S is an air toxic according to SCA MD Rule 1401 page 19. Since 9/8/2022 (last Order of Abatement), there have been 11 additional Notices of Violations (NOVs). There is a total of 68 violations since 7/11/2021. We are experiencing long-term exposure to H2S (and over pollutants of concern), and El Segundo is a highly dense family - oriented community. Weekly hearing board updates are all 18 pages long with the same repeated updates. Can the updates please include tracking progress to completion of the John Zink Hamworthy Combustion and George T. Hall Company flare inspection and comprehensive evaluation report submitted on 6/29/22, tracking progress to completion of the Brown and Cadwell Implementation Plan submitted on 9/24/2022, and lastly, tracking progress to completion of the Los Angeles Public Works Report of the Ad Hoc Committee dated 2/11/2022. 4. Can the hearing board updates please include the source test protocol for the flaring and for the TO-15 (determination of volatile organic compounds), also please include the actual source test reports. At this point, all confidence in the community has been lost, and we would like these protocols and reports made public. It is tedious to have to keep doing public record requests for this information when it can simply be put in the documents tab of H erion's FIND page. 5. Lastly, please review my attachments with referenced links of proof. I have put a great deal of time into information gathering, and the information I am attaching has not been included in previous Order of Abatement discussions. Specifically, I have attached Violation P72978 issued on 2/29/2021 for a 2/19/2018 air monitoring failure. This is a canary in the cool rnine os it demonstrates o clear lack of pmPer emission monitoring ears be ore the 7" 1 ,1fJ�ll. My attachment also includes 5 exceedances for H2S. Thank you, A concern mom (aka Corrie Zupo) We appreciate Vour referrals As you know, schools, businesses, and public offices are closed and/or imposing other restrictions amid the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Please be advised that PARRIS Law Firm is taking proactive measures to safeguard the health and safety of its employees, their families and our communities, by working remotely. 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