CC RESOLUTION 5382RESOLUTION NO. 5382 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 8, 2022. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds as follows; A, The City of El Segundo ("City") conducted a duly noticed General Municipal Election do on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in consolidation with the Statewide General Election that the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of Los Angeles ("County") held on the same, as required by law, day (for purposes of this Resolution, the City's election will referred to by the capitalized term "Election"). B. The City conducted its Election for the consideration of: election of two City Council Members, each for full, four-year terms; and approval of three ballot measures: Measure BT, Measure Y, and Measure W, which respectively presented the following questions to voters: Measure BT: Shall an Ordinance Amending Business Taxes, including: $150.00 for specified businesses; for others, $150.00 up to five employees, $138 per additional employee, and $0.26 to $0.30 per square foot above 2,000 square feet; for apartments and hotels or motels, $150 up to three units or rooms plus $150 for each additional; sunsetting current tax credits; generating approximately $3,000,000 annually for public safety, maintaining parks and streets, and other general purposes, until repealed, be adopted? Measure Y: Shall an ordinance (a "yes" vote taxing cannabis does "not" make cannabis businesses legal in El Segundo; it creates a tax in case a cannabis business ever becomes legal) funding general municipal expenses such as police, fire, streets, and parks, by establishing taxes upon cannabis businesses not to exceed $20 per square foot for cultivation and 10% of gross receipts for other cannabis businesses, until ended by voters, generating approximately $600,000 to $1,500,000 annually, be adopted? RESOLUTION NO. 5382 PAGE 1 of 5 Measure W: Shall an ordinance be adopted to repeal the City's current prohibition on commercial cannabis activities to authorize commercial cannabis retailers east of Pacific Coast Highway in the Multimedia Overlay District by right, of no less than 1,750 square feet, with sensitive receptor buffers and away from major arterial frontages, subject to a City permitting process; and authorize the City Council to subsequently regulate non -retail cannabis businesses? C. Voting precincts were properly established, election officers were appointed, votes were cast, votes were received and canvassed, and the returns made and declared in the time and manner required by the Elections Code for holding elections in general law cities. D. Pursuant to Elections Code § 15300 et seq., the County canvassed the Election returns and certified the results to the City Council. These results are attached as Exhibit 'A" and incorporated by reference. E. Pursuant to Elections Code § 10263, upon completing of the canvass and before installing new officers, the City Council must adopt a Resolution reciting the fact of the Election and other matters identified in Elections Code § 10264 and declare the election of persons for whom the highest number of votes were cast for each office. SECTION 2: The City Council declares and determines as follows A. A total of 7,613 ballots were cast in the City election, 1,650 by precinct and 5,963 by mail. B. The names of the persons voted for City Council at the Election were: Ryan W. Baldino; Christopher Pimentel; Michelle Keldorf; John Pickhaver; and Robin Patch. C, The number of votes given at each precinct and in the City and the number of votes given to each person named above for City Council and Measures BT, Y, and W are listed in detail in Exhibit "A." D, Ryan W. Baldino and Christopher Pimentel received the most votes among the City Council candidates (3,055 and 3,122, respectively) and were elected as Members of the City Council for full terms of four years. E, The City's voters passed and approved Measure BT by a majority with the following count: 3,495 in favor (51.23%) and 3,327 (48.77%) in opposition. RESOLUTION NO. 5382 PAGE 2 of 5 The text of Ordinance No. 1643 (on file with the City Clerk) is duly passed and adopted. F. The City's voters passed and approved Measure Y by a majority with the following count: 5,163 in favor (72.8%) and 1,929 (27.2%) in opposition. The text of Ordinance No. 1644 (on file with the City Clerk) is duly passed and adopted. G. The City's voters did not pass or approve Measure W, which failed by the following count: 3,058 in favor (43.16%) and 4,027 (56.84%) in opposition. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is directed to enter in the City's records a statement of the result of the election showing all information required under Elections Code § 10264, and such statement may include this Resolution. SECTION 4: Pursuant to Elections Code Section 10265, the City Clerk will immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; the City Clerk will also administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and will have them subscribe to it and file it in the office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected will then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. SECTION 5: The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. SECTION 6: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. RESOLUTION NO. 5382 PAGE 3 of 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 5382 this 13th day of December 2022. Dreg Do es, , yor ATTEST: Trac ftWeavCity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark Hensley, City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 5382 PAGE 4 of 5 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 5382 was duly passed, approved, and adopted by said City Council at a special meeting held on the 13t" day of December, 2022, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES.: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Nicol and Council Member Giroux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of December, 2022. Tray Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California EXHIBIT "A" COUNTY OFFICIAL CANVAS CERTIFICATE AND OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST RESOLUTION NO. 5382 PAGE 5 of 5 EXHIBIT A COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - GENERAL ELECTION 1 PAG.--- - O—i oi �—S l' N7- . . .... L SEGUINDC CITY GFN MUNI CO.W.. MEMBER r'N-'A l:- 0 IF F I C I A L STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST BY PRECINCT BALLOTS L0 A. RATION CAST -N $ r)s J31 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0299 !0 2 41' 26B 4332 103 T-IAI 2116 1325 5� 329 560 Q6 45, EL SEGUNDO 2250003A 120 53 122 44 93 VOTE 6 OTE BY `AIL SERIAL C300 1. 487 258 500 466 145L 607 311 622 __L2LZ 559 _j 29 81 114 E- p-SEGUN-10 - 22500014A V ,jOT -6 5 470 137 501 OTE BY MAI. - SERIAL 0301 4( 42 20-4-11 1737 605 5101 5et 218 615 El- SEGUNDO - 2250006A 143 11 141 46 97 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0302 1396 449 259 481 112 409 OTAL 2122 -,AIL Aq? 31B 630 156 rub i EL SEGUNDO 225001 1A 351, 142 55 161 52 1 - 5) 321 SERIAL 0303 1 '1 1 VOTE BY MAIL 564 294 561 106 596 TOTAL' 104 71 96 3,49 nu 158 7-:1 EL SE GUNDO - 2250,017W tj ol 01 0 0 VOTE BY MA IF SERIAL 6505 1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL F0. 2 0 0 01 01 T BALLOT GROUP 246 9990246.Ae, 0 0 1 0 0 0 a VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 8246 0 0 0 a TOTAL01 el 0 0 BALLOT GROUP 247 9990247AA l4 0 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 8247 0- 0 0 0 TOTA:" 0 a ol 0 0 = 0- - . COUNTrO- LOSANGELS- n ,e ERA.- _EC ON .122 - a 4r_c -PA`E--.9`xa5 TY GEN MUNI OFF: -,:A- S. ATEEME OF VOT ESUAS BY PRECUNC. IP S BALLOTS _vC i"td - 9AMON CAST Yl R 1 -1 256 p - _ 504 O`AL 5976' 23861 E504fib= € jj i s i 1 E E [ -c COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - GENERAL ELECTION I 1/ 0.5 2 2) SAG - 3216ol EL SEGUNDO CITY GEN MUNI MEASURE 87 RNAL OFFICIAL S TAT EMENT OF VOTES CAST B 5 Y PEECINCT BALLOTS LOCATION RATION CAST k; SEGUNIDO - 221001 A iK VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0299 526 1 408 TOTAL 211a mv5 650 558 rL SEGUNDO - 22725WOA 302 115 160 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0300 1— 573 454 TGTA�3211 14.5 CH 614 L ---r— —12D4 EL SEGUNDO - 2250004A 368 15 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL0301 1369 580 6' , 6 1737 695, 820 EL SEGUNDO - 2250006A 107 192 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0302 108a 537 44-2- TOTAL fi-41C. 644 634 EL SEGUNDO - 225ki I I A 352 132 190 VOE BY MAIL SERIAL 031,33 i332 6136 510 T I 0"i ATL 25 818 700 EL SEGDO 22500178' VOTE BY MAIL SPERIAL 6505 0 TOTAL UN� 0 BALL GROUP 246 - 9990246AIN VOTE By MAIL SERIAL8246 fl 0 TOTAL 0 1 0 9—ALL& GROUP 9 99024 7P 0— 0— 0 VOTE BY MAIL SEE AL 8247 0 0 1 0 TOTAL 0 0 COUNTY OF G� g G qm u a } -PAGE- \§,m; ESEamCITY GNE q» ; MEASURE BT mz OFFICIAL STAIem27,T:eCAST e� E«! . . . . .� qJ R&S BALLOTS y a �B!&A ; c;&I . - � . . � . ! . PRECINCT» . ....T ,5,..31 . : , .a, z 7\ m\2431 9� TOTAL 124071 �e/ A« �d � w , , .. .� .. �. �.. .... . - � � = � | � . � � } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES • GENERAL ELECTION 06.22 001 'ACE 322ct :7855 EL SEGUNDO CITY GE:N MUNI MEASURE Y F;:_ AL OFFICIAL STA7EMENT OF VOTES CAST BY PRECINCT REC a BALLOTS LOCATION aA'Ox w G _ E LN 225000iA 30 VOTE 3Y MA _ SERIAL 0299 02" -- I =1 TOTAL 2115 1325 907 1 341 - EL SEGUNDO - 2250003A 302 1851 D7 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0300 1153 B49 i 226 j TOTAL 2330i 1455 1.034 3231 SEGUNDO 2250-04A i. 368 189 145 VU E 6Y NA. .4 L SERIAL 0301 '369 919 343 TCTA! 2942' 1737' 1108 488 --- 187 118 EL SEGUNDO - 2250006A 324 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL0302 1086 766 250 TOTAL 2122 1410 953 368 1 EL SEGUNDO - 2250011A 352 207 119 j VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0303 1332 952 290 TOTAL 2585 1684 1159 409i EL SEGUNDO - 2250017B` 1 0 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 6505 1 0 TOTAL 102 2 0 li BALLOT GROUP 246 - 9990246A^ 0 t BY MAIL SERIAL 8246 � TOVOTE TAL 0, 0l 0 3 BALLOT GROUP247-9990247A^ 0 0 VOTE BY AVAIL SERIAL 8247 0 0 0 T X 0 0 3 O � � i 3 � k 1 COUNTY OF uOS ANGELES - GENERA� ELECTION 306,2 -PAGE - 322'. a' 17 855 EL SEGUNDO CITY GEN MUNI MEASUREY VAL 0FF;GlA_ S; AT EVIENT 0-F VOTES CAST BY PRP-C:N.---: LA'ON REMST- SALE .:CTS RAU! CN CAST 1650 949 519 VBV. TOTAL 59K 1 4214 35()l GRAND TOTAL 121071 'S,3 1 ZP. 92 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - GENERAL ELEC THON .0122 307'1 -PAGE - 3222of 11,853 EL SEGUNDO CITY GEN MUNI MEASURE W FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST BY PREONCT LOCATION EL SEG(J.' DO - '225000A - REGIST1 BALLOTS RATION CAST 3 VOT E BY MAIL SERIAL 0299 i022 470 49 1 I TOTA. 2115 132a 573 669 d El. SEGUNDO - 2'250003A 302 86 196 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 0300 1153 435 629 TOTAL 2330 1455 521 825 EL SEGUNDO - 2250004A 368 128 207 VOTE BY MAIL SER0301 .A; I - 1369 626 63-1 TOTAL 2942 1737 754 a" EL SEGUNDO - 2250006A 124 102 t 204 VOTE BY ;A',L SERIAL 0302 1088 4541 562 TOTAL 21221 1 410 556 t 766 SEGUNDO - 225001 IA 352 112 VOTE BY MAIN SE ; A. 0u 3 1332 540 7 TOTAL 2588 1684 652 923 EL SEGUNDO 2250017B' I 1 0 VOTE BY MiAll- SERIAL 6505 1 1 0 TOTA;: 2 0 BA! LOT GROUP 246. 9990246AA 0 0 ol _t V07P BY MAIL SERIAL 8246 TOTAL ai 0 0 BALI: T GROUP 247 - 9990247AA 0 VOTE BY MAIL SERIAL 8247 0 0 0 TOTAL 0? a al EXHIBIT B I, DEAN C. LOGAN, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk of the County of Los Angeles, of the State of California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the provisions of Section 15300 et seq. of the California Elections Code, I did canvass the returns of the votes cast for each elective office and/or measures) for at the General Election, held on the 8th day of November, 2022. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Statement of Votes Cast, to which this certificate is attached, shows the total number of ballots cast in said jurisdiction, and that the whole number of votes cast for each candidate and/or measures) in said jurisdiction in each of the respective precincts therein, and the totals of the respective columns and the totals as shown for each candidate and/or measures) are full, true and correct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Sth day of December, 2022. DEAN C. LAC Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles