ORDINANCE 1641ORDINANCE NO. 1641 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2022 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2022 MECHANICAL CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, 2021 INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE, 2021 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE, 2021 SOLAR, HYDRONIC, AND GEOTHERMAL CODE, WITH CERTAIN APPENDICES AND AMENDMENTS AND AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO REFLECT SUCH ADOPTION. The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. A. Government Code § 50022.9 authorizes the City of El Segundo (the "City") to adopt, by reference, codes from another governmental entity as the City's own. B. The California Building Standards Codes (the "California Building Codes") established statewide codes and regulations for building construction and fire safety and is published every three years by order of the California Legislature. C. The 2022 California Building Codes are based upon the International Code Council's 2021 International Building Code; and D. The 2022 California Building Codes were published on July 1, 2022 and became — effective on January 1, 2023. E. California Health & Safety Code §§ 17958.5 and 18941.5 authorize cities and counties to modify the California Building Code by adopting more restrictive standards and modifications if such standards and modifications are accompanied by express findings that they are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions. F. The City seeks to adopt the California Building Codes with various local, City amendments, as justified via Resolution No. 5373. SECTION 2. Sections 13-1-1 and 13-1-2 of Chapter 1 of Title 13 of the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows:. "CHAPTER 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 1 of 123 BUILDING CODE 13-1-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2022 Edition: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.2, the California Building Code, 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 2, of the California Code of Regulations, including Appendices F, H, I, and J ("CBC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth in Section 13-1-2. One true copy of the CBC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-1-2: AMENDMENTS TO CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE: The California Building Code adopted pursuant to Section 13-1-1 is hereby amended as follows: Section 105.1 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: 105.1 Permit Required. Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit. Parking lots shall not be paved, improved, striped, or restriped unless a separate permit for each parking lot has first been obtained from the building official. Exception: A separate permit shall not be required to pave, improve, stripe, or restripe a parking lot when such work is included in the scope of another project for which a building permit has been issued and when the design of such parking lot was included in the plan check review of such project Subsection 14 is added to Section 105.2 of Chapter 1 of the CBC as follows: 105.2 Work exempt from permit. Building: 14. Block wall and concrete fences not over 3 feet 6 inches high. Section 105.3.2 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 2 of 123 105.3.2 Expiration of Plan Check. An application for a permit for any proposed work is deemed abandoned 12 months after the application date. Unless otherwise provided, after expiration of the application, the City will not issue a permit until the plans are rechecked and approved and a new fee is paid. Exception: The Building Official may grant extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 days each if a permit applicant submits in writing sufficient evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded the securing of the permit within the allocated time. Section 105.8 Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 105.8 Responsibility of permittee. Building permits shall be presumed by the city to incorporate all of the work that the applicant, the applicant's agent, employees and/or contractors shall carry out. Said proposed work shall be in accordance with the approved plans and with all requirements of this code and any other laws or regulations applicable thereto. No city approval shall relieve or exonerate any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions of this code nor shall any vested rights be created for any work performed in violation of this code. Section 109.4 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: 109.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee in addition to the normally established permit fee, equal to 100% of such normally established permit fee, or as otherwise determined by the building official. Section 109.6.1 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 109.6.1 Plan check fees refund. No portion of the plan check fee shall be refunded unless plan review has not been performed, in which case 80 percent of the plan check fee shall be refunded upon written application for refund submitted by the person who made original payment of such fee and with the written consent of the owner of the real property on which the work was proposed to be done. The Building Official shall determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 180 ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 3 of 123 days have elapsed from the date of the submittal for plan check, no plan check fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for plan check is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Section 109.6.2 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows 109.6.2 Permit fees refund. In the event any person shall have obtained a building permit and no portion of the work or construction covered by such permit shall have commenced, nor any inspection performed by any City employee, and notice of abandonment has been received from the owner of the real property on which such work would have been performed, the permittee, upon presentation to the Building Official of a written request for refund, shall be entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 80 percent of the building permit fee actually paid for such permit. The Building Official shall determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 12 months have elapsed from the date of the issuance of the permit, no permit fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for a permit is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Exception: 1. If a permit has been issued for a project located in an area outside the jurisdiction of the City, 100 percent of the permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. 2. If a duplicate permit has been erroneously issued, 100 percent of the duplicated permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. Section 109.7 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 109.7 Re -inspections. A re -inspection fee in the amount set by City Council resolution may be assessed for each inspection or re -inspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is incomplete or when required corrections are not made. This section is not to be interpreted as requiring re -inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or re - inspection. Re -inspection fees may be assessed when the inspection record card is not posted or otherwise available on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 4 of 123 building official. In instances where re -inspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until required fees have been paid. Section 110.1.1 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 110.1.1 Setback Certification required. A California State licensed surveyor is required to certify the location and setbacks of all new construction prior to the first foundation inspection. A copy of the certification shall be available to the Building Division inspector for the job file prior to the first inspection. Exception: Wherever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this section, the Building Official shall have the authority to grant modifications for individual cases. Section 113.3 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: 113.3 Board of Appeals. The board of appeals consists of members of the Planning Commission. The term of a board of appeals member will coincide with the term of service as a Planning Commissioner and will terminate should the member cease serving as a Planning Commissioner. The building official is the secretary to the board. The board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and will render all its decisions and findings on contested matters, in writing to the building official, with a duplicate copy for any appellant or contestant affected by such decision or finding, and may recommend to the city council appropriate new legislation. Three members of the board constitute a quorum. The Planning Chairperson is the board's chairperson and in the chairperson's absence the board will select a temporary chairperson. The city will assess a filing fee set by City Council resolution, or a higher amount set by resolution, at the time that an appellant file appeal of any order, decisions, or determination made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code. The filing fee is refundable should the appellant prevail in a decision by the board. The appeal must be taken by filing a written notice of appeal, in letterform, to the board of appeals. The board's decision constitutes the city's final decision. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 5 of 123 Section 113.4 of Chapter 1 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 113.4 Access Board of Appeals. A. There shall be a Disability Access Board of Appeals ("Access Board of Appeals") to consist of five members. Each member shall be appointed and hold office in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. Three of the five members shall be members of the Building Board of Appeals, and shall be co -appointed by the City Council to be a member of the Building Board of Appeals and the Access Board of Appeals. Two of the five members shall be "physically handicapped persons" (as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 19957.5). B. The Access Board of Appeals shall be considered a "standing committee" with a continuing subject matter jurisdiction. Thus, the Access Board of Appeals shall be subject to the requirements of the Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.); however, the Access Board of Appeals shall have no regular meetings, and all meetings shall be special meetings noticed pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956. The Access Board of Appeals shall conduct its meetings in accordance with procedures established by resolution of the City Council. The Access Board of Appeals may establish its own rules of procedure or by-laws consistent with City Council resolutions and ordinances. C. Any person aggrieved by a determination made by the Building Official or Fire Code Official in administering or enforcing the portions of this chapter related to access to "public accommodations or facilities" (pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 19955, et seq.) may appeal the determination to the Access Board of Appeals. The appeal shall be filed with the Building Official no later than 10 days after receipt of written notice of the determination and the appeal provisions of this section. Upon receipt of an appeal by the Building Official, a hearing shall be scheduled before the Access Board of Appeals. The Access Board of Appeals shall consider relevant evidence presented at the hearing, and shall render a final written decision within a reasonably prompt time after conducting the hearing. The authority of the Access Board of Appeals to render a written decision shall be limited to the scope of authority of the Building Official, and the Access Board of Appeals shall have no authority to waive a requirement of this chapter. D. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Access Board of Appeals may request an administrative hearing within 10 days of the issuance of the final written decision. Any such request shall be made and heard in the same manner as an administrative hearing related to an administrative citation, in accordance with City of El Segundo Municipal Code. E. Failure to timely request an appeal to the Access Board of Appeals (pursuant to subsection C), or to an administrative hearing officer (pursuant to subsection D) ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 6 of 123 constitutes a waiver of the hearing and a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. F. Unless otherwise designated by the City Manager, the Building Official shall be the principal city staff liaison to the Access Board of Appeals, and the Building Official shall appoint a secretary to the Access Board of Appeals to comply with all procedural requirements related to the Brown Act. G. The Building Official may request a special meeting of the Access Board of Appeals in order to request advisory comments from the Access Board of Appeals regarding issues related to this chapter, such as the potential adoption of new codes, proposed code changes, or alternate methods and materials. Section 202 of Chapter 2 of the CBC, a new definition is added to read as follows: MID -RISE BUILDING. A building four or more stories high, but not exceeding 75 feet in height and not defined as a high-rise building by section 202 of the California Building Code. Height measurements shall be made from the underside of the roof or floor above the topmost space that may be occupied to the lowest fire apparatus access road level. Section 456 of Chapter 4 of the CBC is added to read as follows: Section 456 Mid -Rise Buildings The provisions of this section shall apply to buildings or structures defined in Section 202 as mid -rise buildings. All mid -rise buildings shall meet the requirements of Section 918 of the El Segundo Fire Code and any other applicable fire and life safety provisions. Section 903.2 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is amended and Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.21 are deleted, to read as follows: 903.2 Where Required A. New Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, an approved automatic sprinkler system in new buildings and structures shall be required for all occupancies. Exception: New detached buildings under one thousand (1,000) square feet subject to approval of the Fire Official. B. Existing Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any work to an existing building which removes more than fifty percent (50%) of the exterior ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 7 of 123 perimeter wall height as defined in ESMC 15-1-6 for additions and alterations will require the existing building to be fully sprinklered throughout. Section 903.2.22 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 903.2.22 Structures in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area. An automatic sprinkler system must be provided throughout every facility or building hereafter constructed within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area. 903.2.22.1 Existing Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any work to an existing building which removes more than fifty percent (50%) of the exterior perimeter wall height as defined in ESMC 15-1-6 for additions and alterations will require the existing building to be fully sprinklered throughout. Section 903.3.5.3 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is added to read as follows: 903.3.5.3 Hydraulically calculated systems. The design of hydraulically calculated fire sprinkler systems shall not exceed 90% of the water supply capacity. Section 903.3.8 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is deleted in its entirety and replaced to read as follows: 903.3.8 Limited Area Sprinkler Systems. When a fire sprinkler system is required, it shall be provided throughout the building. Exception: Protection for specific appliances and/or hazards. Section 903.3.9 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: 903.3.9 Floor Control Valves. Floor control valves and waterflow detection assemblies shall be installed at each floor where any of the following occur: 1. Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. 2. Buildings that are three of more stories in height. 3. Buildings that are two or more stories below the highest level of fire department access. Exception: Group R-2 and R-3.1 occupancies floor control valves and water flow detection assemblies shall not be required. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 8 of 123 Section 903.4.2 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is amended to read as follows: 903.4.2. Alarms. One exterior approved audible and visible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water -flow alarm device shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Exterior audible and visible alarm notification shall be provided on NFPA 13, NFPA 13R and NFPA 13D systems. Section 909.11 of Chapter 9 of the CBC is deleted in its entirety and replaced to read as follows: 909.11 General. The smoke -control system shall be supplied with two sources of power. Primary power shall be from the normal building power systems. Secondary power shall be from an approved standby source complying Section 1203 of this code. The standby power source and its transfer switches shall be in a room separate from the normal power transformers and switchgear and ventilated directly to and from the exterior. The room shall be enclosed with not less than 1- hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 712, or both. Transfer to full standby power shall be automatic and within 60 seconds of failure of the primary power. The systems shall comply with the City of El Segundo Electrical Code. Exception: The secondary power is not required for pressurized enclosures in buildings of less than 5 floors used for human occupancy. Section 1206.6 is added to Chapter 12 of the 2022 Edition of the CBC to read as follows: 1206.6: RESIDENTIAL NOISE INSULATION STANDARDS (Airport Noise Sources) 1206.6.01 Noise Insulation Requirements for New Construction. 1206.6.02 Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum noise insulation performance standards for new residential dwelling units and additions of habitable rooms to existing residential dwelling units to protect public health, safety, and welfare from the effects of excessive noise, including ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 9 of 123 without limitation, indoor quality of life, speech interference, and sleep disruption. 1206.6.03 Applicability. This section applies to all newly constructed residences and habitable room additions to existing residence 1206.6.04 Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words must have the following meaning: "Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)" means the noise measure defined in 21 Code of California Regulations § 5001(d), and any successor regulation or amendment. "Habitable Room" means a room that is a space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, garages, and similar areas are not considered habitable space. "LAX" means Los Angeles International Airport. "Noise Impact Boundary for LAX" means the area around LAX as defined in 21 California code of regulations § 5001(1), and any successor regulation or amendment. The city's building safety department must at all times maintain a current map of the noise impact boundary. The latest published map by LAWA located at the Building Safety Counter shall be used as the basis for determination. "Residence" means any occupancy group R building as used in El Segundo title 13 of the El Segundo municipal code. 1206.6.05: Standards. Any new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence that is within the noise impact boundary for LAX must be designed to ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX do not exceed 45 dB CNEL. This standard may be satisfied in two ways: (1) by performing the acoustical analysis described in section 1206.6.06, below, or (2) by employing the prescribed construction methods described in section 1206.6.07, below. 1206.6.06: Acoustical Analysis. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if it includes an acoustical analysis demonstrating that the proposed design will ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX aircraft noise will not exceed 45 dB CNEL. The acoustical analysis shall be proven to meet the standard by providing post- construction/pre-occupancy acoustic measurement to verify compliance with the 45 dB CNEL standard. The Building Official has the discretion to implement policies that meet the intent of this code section. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 10 of 123 A. The acoustical analysis must be prepared by a person experienced in the field of acoustical engineering. The analysis must consider and include: the topographical relationship between LAX aircraft noise sources and the dwelling site, the characteristics of those noise sources, predicted noise spectra and levels at the exterior of the dwelling site, the basis for this prediction (measured or obtained from published data), the noise insulation measures to be employed, and the effectiveness of the proposed noise insulation measures. B. If the interior allowable noise levels are to be met by requiring that windows be unopenable or closed, the design for the structure must also specify a ventilation or air-conditioning system to provide a habitable interior environment, having at least 2 air exchanges per hour for the affected rooms. The ventilation system must not compromise the interior room noise reduction. 1206.6.07 Prescribed Construction Methods. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if the design incorporates the following construction methods. Construction Methods in the 70 dB CNEL and Greater Noise Zone 1206.6.08 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth. B. Exterior finish must be stucco, min imum'/s-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over 1/2-inch minimum solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot must require an interior supporting stud -wall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 11 of 123 E. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. 1206.6.09 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283. B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must: 1. Have a sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB, or 2. Must be 5/8-inch laminated glass with STC rating of 40 dB and must be set in non -hardening glazing materials, or 3. Must be glass block at least 31/2 inches thick. C. The total areas of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the wall area. 1206.6.10 Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 40 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 35 dB. C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must not be allowed in walls that are directly exposed to aircraft noise. Sliding glass doors in walls that are not directly exposed must have an STC rating of at least 40 dB. D. Access doors from attached garage to the interior of a residence must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. 1206.6.11 Roof/Ceiling Construction. A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum 1/2-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 12 of 123 B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. 4. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8- inch thick. Ceiling materials must be mounted on resilient channels. 5. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line or at any point that provides at least a 4-inch space between the skylight glazing and the secondary glazing and must be glazed with at least 3/16-inch plastic or laminated glass. The weather -side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. The size of skylights must be no more than 20 percent of the roof area of the room. 1206.6.12 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of this code in each habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductwork must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non -ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. 1206.6.13 Fireplaces. Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 13 of 123 1206.6.14 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited unless access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings are designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL (or less) standard in the room to which they provide access. Construction Methods In The 65 dB CNEL To 70 dB CNEL Noise Zone 1206.6.15 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth. B. Exterior finish must be stucco, minimum 7/8-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over'/2-inch solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot will require an interior studwall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. E. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. 1206.6.16 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 35 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283. B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must be at least 1/4-inch thick and must be set in non -hardening glazing materials. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 14 of 123 C. The total area of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the floor area. 1206.6.17 Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 35 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 30 dB C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must have glass that is 1/4-inch thick. D. Access doors from a garage to a habitable room must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. 1206.6.18 Roof/Ceiling Construction. A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum 1/2-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. D. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8-inch thick. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 15 of 123 E. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line and must be glazed with at least 3/16-inch plastic, tempered or laminated glass. The weather -side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. 1206.6.19 Floors. The floor of the lowest habitable rooms must be concrete slab on grade or wood framed floors. 1206.6.20 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of at least 2 air exchanges in each affected habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductwork must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non -ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. 1206.6.21 Fireplaces. Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. 1206.6.22 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited. Any access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings must be designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL or less standard in the room to which they provide access. Section 1507.3.1 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1507.3.1 Deck requirements. Concrete and clay tile shall be installed only over solid -structural sheathing boards. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 16 of 123 Sections 1613.5 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 1613.5 Amendments to ASCE 7. The provisions of Section 1613.5 shall be permitted as an amendment to the relevant provisions of ASCE 7. Section 1613.5.2 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows:. 1613.5.2 Structural Separation. Modify ASCE 7 Section 12.12.3 Equation 12.12-1 as follows: Sm = CdS9= —IF- (12-12-1) Section 1613.5.3 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 1613.5.3 Values for Vertical Combinations. Modify ASCE 7 Section Exception 3 as follows: 3. Detached one- and two-family dwellings up to two stories in height of light frame construction. Section 1613.5.4 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 1613.5.4 Wood Diaphragms. Modify ASCE 7 Section as follows: Wood Diaphragms. The anchorage of concrete or masonry structural walls to wood diaphragms shall be in accordance with AWC SDPWS and this section. In wood diaphragms, the continuous ties shall be in addition to the diaphragm sheathing. Anchorage shall not be accomplished by use of toe nails or nails subject to withdrawal nor shall wood ledgers or framing be used in cross -grain bending or cross -grain tension. The diaphragm sheathing shall not be considered effective as providing ties or struts required by this section. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F, wood diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls shall comply with the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 17 of 123 1. The spacing of continuous ties shall not exceed 40 feet. Added chords of diaphragms may be used to form subdiaphragms to transmit the anchorage forces to the main continuous crossties. 2. The maximum diaphragm shear used to determine the depth of the subdiaphragm shall not exceed 75% of the maximum diaphragm shear. Section 1613.5.5 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 1613.5.5 Maximum Sos Value in Determination of CS and Ev. Modify ASCE 7 Section as follows: Maximum Sys Value in Determination of CS and Ev. The value of CS and Ev are permitted to be calculated using a value of Sys equal to 1.0 but not less than 70% of Sys as defined in Section 11.4.4, provided that all of the following criteria are met: 1, The structure does not have irregularities, as defined in Section 12.3.2; 2. The structure does not exceed five stories above the lower of the base or grade plane as defined in Section 11.2, and, where present, each mezzanine level shall be considered a story for the purpose of this limit; 3. The structure has a fundamental period, T, that does not exceed 0.5 seconds, as determined using Section 12.8.2; 4. The structure meets the requirements necessary for the redundancy factor, p, to be permitted to be taken as 1.0, in accordance with Section; 5, The site soil properties are not classified as Site Classes E or F, as defined in Section 11.4.2; and 6. The structure is classified as Risk Category I or II, as defined in Section 1.5.1. Section 1613.7 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 1613.7 Seismic Design Provisions for Hillside Buildings. 1613.7.1 Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum regulations for the design and construction of new buildings and additions to existing buildings when constructing such buildings on or into slopes steeper than one unit vertical in three units ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 18 of 123 horizontal (33.3%). These regulations establish minimum standards for seismic force resistance to reduce the risk of injury or loss of life in the event of earthquakes. 1613.7.2 Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply to the design of the lateral -force -resisting system for hillside buildings at and below the base level diaphragm. The design of the lateral -force -resisting system above the base level diaphragm shall be in accordance with the provisions for seismic and wind design as required elsewhere in this division. Exception: Non -habitable accessory buildings and decks not supporting or supported from the main building are exempt from these regulations. 1613.7.3 Definitions. For the purposes of this section certain terms are defined as follows: BASE LEVEL DIAPHRAGM is the floor at, or closest to, the top of the highest level of the foundation. DIAPHRAGM ANCHORS are assemblies that connect a diaphragm to the adjacent foundation at the uphill diaphragm edge. DOWNHILL DIRECTION is the descending direction of the slope approximately perpendicular to the slope contours. FOUNDATION is concrete or masonry which supports a building, including footings, stem walls, retaining walls, and grade beams. FOUNDATION EXTENDING IN THE DOWNHILL DIRECTION is a foundation running downhill and approximately perpendicular to the uphill foundation. HILLSIDE BUILDING is any building or portion thereof constructed on or into a slope steeper than one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33.3%). If only a portion of the building is supported on or into the slope, these regulations apply to the entire building. PRIMARY ANCHORS are diaphragm anchors designed for and providing a direct connection as described in Sections 1613.7.5 and 1613.7.7.3 between the diaphragm and the uphill foundation. SECONDARY ANCHORS are diaphragm anchors designed for and providing a redundant diaphragm to foundation connection, as described in Sections 1613.7.6 and 1613.7.7.4. UPHILL DIAPHRAGM EDGE is the edge of the diaphragm adjacent and closest to the highest ground level at the perimeter of the diaphragm. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 19 of 123 UPHILL FOUNDATION is the foundation parallel and closest to the uphill diaphragm edge. 1613.7.4 Analysis and Design. 1613.7.4.1 General. Every hillside building within the scope of this section shall be analyzed, designed, and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this division. When the code - prescribed wind design produces greater effects, the wind design shall govern, but detailing requirements and limitations prescribed in this and referenced sections shall be followed. 1613.7.4.2 Base Level Diaphragm -Downhill Direction. The following provisions shall apply to the seismic analysis and design of the connections for the base level diaphragm in the downhill direction. 1613. Base for Lateral Force Design Defined. For seismic forces acting in the downhill direction, the base of the building shall be the floor at or closest to the top of the highest level of the foundation. 1613. Base Shear. In developing the base shear for seismic design, the response modification coefficient (R) shall not exceed 5 for bearing wall and building frame systems. The total base shear shall include the forces tributary to the base level diaphragm including forces from the base level diaphragm. 1613.7.5 Base Shear Resistance -Primary Anchors. 1613.7.5.1 General. The base shear in the downhill direction shall be resisted through primary anchors from diaphragm struts provided in the base level diaphragm to the foundation 1613.7.5.2 Location of Primary Anchors. A primary anchor and diaphragm strut shall be provided in line with each foundation extending in the downhill direction. Primary anchors and diaphragm struts shall also be provided where interior vertical lateral -force -resisting elements occur above and in contact with the base level diaphragm. The spacing of primary anchors and diaphragm struts or collectors shall in no case exceed 30 feet (9144 mm). 1613.7.5.3 Design of Primary Anchors and Diaphragm Struts. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 20 of 123 Primary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 1613.7.8. 1613.7.5.4 Limitations. The following lateral -force -resisting elements shall not be designed to resist seismic forces below the base level diaphragm in the downhill direction: 1. Wood structural panel wall sheathing, 2. Cement plaster and lath, 3. Gypsum wallboard, and 4. Tension only braced frames. Braced frames designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 2205.2.1.2 may be used to transfer forces from the primary anchors and diaphragm struts to the foundation provided lateral forces do not induce flexural stresses in any member of the frame or in the diaphragm struts. Deflections of frames shall account for the variation in slope of diagonal members when the frame is not rectangular. 1613.7.6 Base Shear Resistance -Secondary Anchors. 1613.7.6.1 General. In addition to the primary anchors required by Section 1613.7.5, the base shear in the downhill direction shall be resisted through secondary anchors in the uphill foundation connected to diaphragm struts in the base level diaphragm. Exception: Secondary anchors are not required where foundations extending in the downhill direction spaced at not more than 30 feet (9144 mm) on center extend up to and are directly connected to the base level diaphragm for at least 70% of the diaphragm depth. 1613.7.6.2 Secondary Anchor Capacity and Spacing. Secondary anchors at the base level diaphragm shall be designed for a minimum force equal to the base shear, including forces tributary to the base level diaphragm, but not less than 600 pounds per lineal foot (8.76 kN/m) based on Allowable Stress Design (ASD) levels. The secondary anchors shall be uniformly distributed along the uphill diaphragm edge and shall be spaced a maximum of 4 feet (1219 mm) on center. 1613.7.6.3 Design. Secondary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be designed in accordance with Section 1613.7.8. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 21 of 123 1613.7.7 Diaphragms below the Base Level -Downhill Direction. The following provisions shall apply to the lateral analysis and design of the connections for all diaphragms below the base level diaphragm in the downhill direction. 1613.7.7.1 Diaphragm Defined. Every floor level below the base level diaphragm shall be designed as a diaphragm. 1613.7.7.2 Design Force. Each diaphragm below the base level diaphragm shall be designed for all tributary loads at that level using a minimum seismic force factor not less than the base shear coefficient. 1613.7.7.3 Design Force Resistance -Primary Anchors. The design force described in Section 1613.7.7.2 shall be resisted through primary anchors from diaphragm struts provided in each diaphragm to the foundation. Primary anchors shall be provided and designed in accordance with the requirements and limitations of Section 1613.7.5. 1613.7.7.4 Design Force Resistance -Secondary Anchors. 1613. General. In addition to the primary anchors required in Section 1613.7.7.3, the design force in the downhill direction shall be resisted through secondary anchors in the uphill foundation connected to diaphragm struts in each diaphragm below the base level. Exception: Secondary anchors are not required where foundations extending in the downhill direction, spaced at not more than 30 feet (9144 mm) on center, extend up to and are directly connected to each diaphragm below the base level for at least 70% of the diaphragm depth. 1613. Secondary Anchor Capacity. Secondary anchors at each diaphragm below the base level diaphragm shall be designed for a minimum force equal to the design force but not less than 300 pounds per lineal foot (4.38 kN/m) based on Allowable Stress Design (ASD) levels. The secondary anchors shall be uniformly distributed along the uphill diaphragm edge and shall be spaced a maximum of 4 feet (1219 mm) on center. 1613. Design. Secondary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be designed in accordance with Section 1613.7.8. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 22 of 123 1613.7.8 Primary and Secondary Anchorage and Diaphragm Strut Design. Primary and secondary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be designed in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Fasteners. All bolted fasteners used to develop connections to wood members shall be provided with square plate washers at all bolt heads and nuts. Washers shall be minimum 0.229 inch by 3 inches by 3 inches (5.82 mm by 76 mm by 76 mm) in size. Nuts shall be tightened to finger tight plus one half (1/2) wrench turn prior to covering the framing. 2. Fastening. The diaphragm to foundation anchorage shall not be accomplished by the use of toenailing, nails subject to withdrawal, or wood in cross -grain bending or cross -grain tension. 3. Size of Wood Members. Wood diaphragm struts collectors, and other wood members connected to primary anchors shall not be less than 3 inch (76 mm) nominal width. The effects of eccentricity on wood members shall be evaluated as required per Item 9. 4. Design. Primary and secondary anchorage, including diaphragm struts, splices, and collectors shall be designed for 125% of the tributary force. 5. Allowable Stress Increase. The one-third allowable stress increase permitted under Section 1605.3.2 shall not be taken when the working (allowable) stress design method is used. 6. Steel Element of Structural Wall Anchorage System. The strength design forces for steel elements of the structural wall anchorage system, with the exception of anchor bolts and reinforcing steel, shall be increased by 1.4 times the forces otherwise required. 7. Primary Anchors. The load path for primary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be fully developed into the diaphragm and into the foundation. The foundation must be shown to be adequate to resist the concentrated loads from the primary anchors. 8. Secondary Anchors. The load path for secondary anchors and diaphragm struts shall be fully developed in the diaphragm but need not be developed beyond the connection to the foundation. 9. Symmetry. All lateral force foundation anchorage and diaphragm strut connections shall be symmetrical. Eccentric connections may be permitted when demonstrated by calculation or tests that all components of force have been provided for in the structural analysis or tests. 10. Wood Ledgers. Wood ledgers shall not be used to resist cross -grain bending or cross -grain tension. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 23 of 123 1613.7.9 Lateral -Force -Resisting Elements Normal to the Downhill Direction. 1613.7.9.1 General. In the direction normal to the downhill direction, lateral -force -resisting elements shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this section. 1613.7.9.2 Base Shear. In developing the base shear for seismic design, the response modification coefficient (R) shall not exceed 5 for bearing wall and building frame systems. 1613.7.9.3 Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces. For seismic forces acting normal to the downhill direction the distribution of seismic forces over the height of the building using Section 12.8.3 of ASCE 7 shall be determined using the height measured from the top of the lowest level of the building foundation. 1613.7.9.4 Drift Limitations. The story drift below the base level diaphragm shall not exceed 0.007 times the story height at strength design force level. The total drift from the base level diaphragm to the top of the foundation shall not exceed 3/4 inch (19 mm). Where the story height or the height from the base level diaphragm to the top of the foundation varies because of a stepped footing or story offset, the height shall be measured from the average height of the top of the foundation. The story drift shall not be reduced by the effect of horizontal diaphragm stiffness. 1613.7.9.5 Distribution of Lateral Forces 1613. General. The design lateral force shall be distributed to lateral -force -resisting elements of varying heights in accordance with the stiffness of each individual element. 1613. Wood Structural Panel Sheathed Walls. The stiffness of a stepped wood structural panel shear wall may be determined by dividing the wall into adjacent rectangular elements, subject to the same top of wall deflection. Deflections of shear walls may be estimated by AWC SDPWS Section 4.3.2. Sheathing and fastening requirements for the stiffest section shall be used for the entire wall. Each section of wall shall be anchored for shear and uplift at each step. The minimum horizontal length of a step shall be 8 feet (2438 mm) and the maximum vertical height of a step shall be 2 feet 8 inches (813 mm). 1613. Reinforced Concrete or Masonry Shear Walls. Reinforced concrete or masonry shear walls shall have forces distributed in proportion to the rigidity of each section of the wall. 1613.7.9.6 Limitations. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 24 of 123 The following lateral force -resisting -elements shall not be designed to resist lateral forces below the base level diaphragm in the direction normal to the downhill direction: 1. Cement plaster and lath, 2. Gypsum wallboard, and 3. Tension -only braced frames. Braced frames designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 2205.2.1.2 of this Code may be designed as lateral -force -resisting elements in the direction normal to the downhill direction, provided lateral forces do not induce flexural stresses in any member of the frame. Deflections of frames shall account for the variation in slope of diagonal members when the frame is not rectangular. 1613.7.10 Specific Design Provisions. 1613.7.10.1 Footings and Grade Beams. All footings and grade beams shall comply with the following: 1. Grade beams shall extend at least 12 inches (305 mm) below the lowest adjacent grade and provide a minimum 24 inch (610 mm) distance horizontally from the bottom outside face of the grade beam to the face of the descending slope. 2. Continuous footings shall be reinforced with at least two No. 4 reinforcing bars at the top and two No. 4 reinforcing bars at the bottom. 3. All main footing and grade beam reinforcement steel shall be bent into the intersecting footing and fully developed around each corner and intersection. 4. All concrete stem walls shall extend from the foundation and reinforced as required for concrete or masonry walls. 1613.7.10.2 Protection against Decay and Termites. All wood to earth separation shall comply with the following: 1. Where a footing or grade beam extends across a descending slope, the stem wall, grade beam, or footing shall extend up to a minimum 18 inches (457 mm) above the highest adjacent grade. Exception: At paved garage and doorway entrances to the building, the stem wall need only extend to the finished concrete slab, provided the wood framing is protected with a moisture proof barrier. 2. Wood ledgers supporting a vertical load of more than 100 pounds per lineal foot (1.46 kN/m) based on Allowable Stress Design (ASD) levels and ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 25 of 123 located within 48 inches (1219 mm) of adjacent grade are prohibited. Galvanized steel ledgers and anchor bolts, with or without wood nailers, or treated or decay resistant sill plates supported on a concrete or masonry seat, may be used. 1613.7.10.3 Sill Plates. All sill plates and anchorage shall comply with the following: 1. All wood framed walls, including nonbearing walls, when resting on a footing, foundation, or grade beam stem wall, shall be supported on wood sill plates bearing on a level surface. 2. Power -driven fasteners shall not be used to anchor sill plates except at interior nonbearing walls not designed as shear walls. 1613.7.10.4 Column Base Plate Anchorage. The base of isolated wood posts (not framed into a stud wall) supporting a vertical load of 4,000 pounds (17.8 kN) based on Allowable Stress Design (ASD) levels or more and the base plate for a steel column shall comply with the following: 1. When the post or column is supported on a pedestal extending above the top of a footing or grade beam, the pedestal shall be designed and reinforced as required for concrete or masonry columns. The pedestal shall be reinforced with a minimum of four No. 4 bars extending to the bottom of the footing or grade beam. The top of exterior pedestals shall be sloped for positive drainage. 2.The base plate anchor bolts or the embedded portion of the post base, and the vertical reinforcing bars for the pedestal, shall be confined with two No. 4 or three No. 3 ties within the top 5 inches (127 mm) of the concrete or masonry pedestal. The base plate anchor bolts shall be embedded a minimum of 20 bolt diameters into the concrete or masonry pedestal. The base plate anchor bolts and post bases shall be galvanized and each anchor bolt shall have at least 2 galvanized nuts above the base plate. 1613.7.10.5 Steel Beam to Column Supports. All steel beam to column supports shall be positively braced in each direction. Steel beams shall have stiffener plates installed on each side of the beam web at the column. The stiffener plates shall be welded to each beam flange and the beam web. Each brace connection or structural member shall consist of at least two 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) diameter machine bolts. Section 1613.8 is added to Chapter 16 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 26 of 123 1613.8 Suspended Ceilings. Minimum design and installation standards for suspended ceilings shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Section 2506.2.1 of this Code and this section. 1613.8.1 Scope. This part contains special requirements for suspended ceilings and lighting systems. Provisions of Section 13.5.6 of ASCE 7 shall apply except as modified herein. 1613.8.2 General. The suspended ceilings and lighting systems shall be limited to 6 feet (1828 mm) below the structural deck unless the lateral bracing is designed by a licensed engineer or architect. 1613.8.3 Sprinkler Heads. All sprinkler heads (drops) except fire -resistance -rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies, shall be designed to allow for free movement of the sprinkler pipes with oversize rings, sleeves or adaptors through the ceiling tile. Sprinkler heads and other penetrations shall have a 2 inch (50mm) oversize ring, sleeve, or adapter through the ceiling tile to allow for free movement of at least 1 inch (25mm) in all horizontal directions. Alternatively, a swing joint that can accommodate 1 inch (25 mm) of ceiling movement in all horizontal directions is permitted to be provided at the top of the sprinkler head extension. Sprinkler heads penetrating fire -resistance -rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies shall comply with Section 714 of this Code. 1613.8.4 Special Requirements for Means of Egress. Suspended ceiling assemblies located along means of egress serving an occupant load of 30 or more shall comply with the following provisions. 1613.8.4.1 General. Ceiling suspension systems shall be connected and braced with vertical hangers attached directly to the structural deck along the means of egress serving an occupant load of 30 or more and at lobbies accessory to Group A Occupancies. Spacing of vertical hangers shall not exceed 2 feet (610 mm) on center along the entire length of the suspended ceiling assembly located along the means of egress or at the lobby. 1613.8.4.2 Assembly Device. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 27 of 123 All lay -in panels shall be secured to the suspension ceiling assembly with two hold- down clips minimum for each tile within a 4-foot (1219 mm) radius of the exit lights and exit signs. 1613.8.4.3 Emergency Systems. Independent supports and braces shall be provided for light fixtures required for exit illumination. Power supply for exit illumination shall comply with the requirements of Section 1008.3 of this Code. 1613.8.4.4 Supports for Appendage. Separate support from the structural deck shall be provided for all appendages such as light fixtures, air diffusers, exit signs, and similar elements. Section 1704.6 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1704.6 Structural Observations. Where required by the provisions of Section 1704.6.1, the owner or the owner's authorized agent shall employ a structural observer to perform structural observations. Structural observation does not include or waive the responsibility for the inspections in Section 110 or the special inspections in Section 1705 or other sections of this code. The structural observer shall be one of the following individuals: 1. The registered design professional responsible for the structural design, or 2. A registered design professional designated by the registered design professional responsible for the structural design. Prior to the commencement of observations, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement identifying the frequency and extent of structural observations. The owner or owner's authorized agent shall coordinate and call a preconstruction meeting between the structural observer, contractors, affected subcontractors and special inspectors. The structural observer shall preside over the meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be to identify the major structural elements and connections that affect the vertical and lateral load resisting systems of the structure and to review scheduling of the required observations. A record of the meeting shall be included in the report submitted to the Building Official. Observed deficiencies shall be reported in writing to the owner or owner's authorized agent, special inspector, contractor and the Building Official. Upon the form prescribed by the Building Official, the structural observer shall submit to the Building Official a written statement at each significant construction stage stating ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 28 of 123 that the site visits have been made and identifying any reported deficiencies which, to the best of the structural observer's knowledge, have not been resolved. A final report by the structural observer which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved is required before acceptance of the work by the Building Official. Section 1704.6.1 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1704.6.1 Structural observations for seismic resistance. Structural observations shall be provided for those structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F, where one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. The structure is classified as Risk Category III or IV in accordance with Table 1604.5. 2. The height of the structure is greater than 75 feet (22860 mm) above the base. 3. The structure is classified as Risk Category I or II in accordance with Table 1604.5, and a lateral design is required for the structure or portion thereof. Exception: One-story wood framed Group R-3 and Group U Occupancies less than 2,000 square feet in area, provided the adjacent grade is not steeper than 1 unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10% sloped), assigned to Seismic Design Category D. 4. When so designated by the registered design professional responsible for the structural design. 5. When such observation is specifically required by the building official. Section 1705.3 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1705.3 Concrete Construction. The special inspections and tests for concrete construction shall be performed in accordance with this section and Table 1705.3. Exceptions: Special inspections and tests shall not be required for: 1. Isolated spread concrete footings of buildings three stories or less above grade plane that are fully supported on earth or rock, where the structural design of the footing is based on a specified compressive strength, f c, no greater than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17.2 Mpa) regardless of the compressive strength specified in the construction documents or used in the footing construction. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 29 of 123 2. Continuous concrete footings supporting walls of buildings three stories or less above grade plane that are fully supported on earth or rock where: 2.1. The footings support walls of light -frame construction; 2.2. The footings are designed in accordance with Table 1809.7; or 2.3. The structural design of the footing is based on a specified compressive strength, f'c, no greater than 2,500 pounds per square inch (psi) (17.2 Mpa), regardless of the compressive strength specified in the construction documents or used in the footing construction. 3, Nonstructural concrete slabs supported directly on the ground, including prestressed slabs on grade, where the effective prestress in the concrete is less than 150 psi (1.03 Mpa). 1.1 Concrete patios, driveways and sidewalks, on grade. Exception 3 of Section 1705.13 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1705.13 Special inspections for seismic resistance. Special inspections for seismic resistance shall be required as specified in Sections 1705.13.1 through 1705.13.9, unless exempted by the exceptions of Section 1704.2. Exception: The special inspections specified in Sections 1705.13.1 through 1705.13.9 are not required for structures designed and constructed in accordance with one of the following: 1. The structure consists of light -frame construction; the design spectral response acceleration at short periods, SDS, as determined in Section 1613.2.4, does not exceed 0.5; and the building height of the structure does not exceed 35 feet (10 668 mm) 2. The seismic force -resisting system of the structure consists of reinforced masonry or reinforced concrete; the design spectral response acceleration at short periods, SDS, as determined in Section 1613.2.4, does not exceed 0.5; and the building height of the structure does not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) 3. The structure is a detached one- or two-family dwelling not exceeding two stories above grade plane, is not assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F and does not have any of the following horizontal or vertical irregularities in accordance with Section 12.3 of ASCE 7: 3.1 Torsional or extreme torsional irregularity. 3.2 Nonparallel systems irregularity. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 30 of 123 3.3 Stiffness -soft story or stiffness -extreme soft story irregularity. 3.4 Discontinuity in lateral strength -weak story irregularity. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 31 of 123 Section 1807.1.4 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1807.1.4 Permanent wood foundation systems. Permanent wood foundation systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with AWC PWF. Lumber and plywood shall be treated in accordance with AWPA U1 (Commodity Specification A, Use Category 4B and Section 5.2) and shall be identified in accordance with Section 2303.1.9.1. Permanent wood foundation systems shall not be used for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Section 1807.1.6 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1807.1.6 Prescriptive design of concrete and masonry foundation walls. Concrete and masonry foundation walls that are laterally supported at the top and bottom shall be permitted to be designed and constructed in accordance with this section. Prescriptive design of foundation walls shall not be used for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Section 1809.3 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1809.3 Stepped footings. The top surface of footings shall be level. The bottom surface of footings shall be permitted to have a slope not exceeding one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10- percent slope). Footings shall be stepped where it is necessary to change the elevation of the top surface of the footing or where the surface of the ground slopes more than one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope). For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F, the stepping requirement shall also apply to the top surface of grade beams supporting walls. Footings shall be reinforced with four No. 4 bars. Two bars shall be place at the top and bottom of the footings as shown in Figure 1809.3. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 32 of 123 MIN, 244 IREBAR (TOP & BOTrOM VA STEPPED FOUMMONS FIGURE 1809.3 - STEPPED FOOTING ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 33 of 123 Section 1809.7 and Table 1809.7 of the 2022 CBC are amended to read as follows: 1809.7 Prescriptive footings for light -frame construction. Where a specific design is not provided, concrete or masonry -unit footings supporting walls of light -frame construction shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with Table 1809.7. Prescriptive footings in Table 1809.7 shall not exceed one story above grade plane for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. TABLE 1809.7 PRESCRIPTIVE FOOTINGS SUPPORTING WALLS OF LIGHT -FRAME CONSTRUCTION a, b, c, d, e ....... .......... NUMBER OF WIDTH OF FLOORS SUPPORTED BY FOOTING THICKNESS OF THE FOOTING f (inches) FOOTING (inches) 1....... .....1_.-.. ..... ...... 2 6 2..._.. ......... 15 ...._ ....6 _ ......... . 3 ...._... .�.....��... 1_$ 8 _. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm a. Depth of footings shall be in accordance with Section 1809.4. b. The ground under the floor shall be permitted to be excavated to the elevation of the top of the footing. c. Not Adopted. d. See Section 1908 for additional requirements for concrete footings of structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F. e. For thickness of foundation walls, see Section 1807.1.6. f. Footing shall be permitted to support a roof addition to the stipulated number of floors. Footings supporting roof only shall be as required for supporting one floor. g. Not Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 34 of 123 Section 1809.12 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1809.12 Timber footings. Timber footings shall be permitted for buildings of Type V construction and as otherwise approved by the building official. Such footings shall be treated in accordance with AWPA U1 (Commodity Specification A, Use Category 4B). Treated timbers are not required where placed entirely below permanent water level, or where used as capping for wood piles that project above the water level over submerged or marsh lands. The compressive stresses perpendicular to grain in untreated timber footing supported upon treated piles shall not exceed 70 percent of the allowable stresses for the species and grade of timber as specified in the ANSI/AWC NDS. Timber footings shall not be used in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Section 1810.3.2.4 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1810.3.2.4 Timber. Timber deep foundation elements shall be designed as piles or poles in accordance with ANSI/AWC NDS. Round timber elements shall conform to ASTM D 25. Sawn timber elements shall conform to DOC PS-20. Timber shall not be used in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Section 1905.1 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1905.1 General. The text of ACI 318 shall be modified as indicated in Sections 1905.1.1 through 1905.1.11. Section 1905.1.7 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 1905.1.7 ACI 318, Section 14.1.4. Delete ACI 318, Section 14.1.4, and replace with the following: 14.1.4 — Plain concrete in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F. — Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F shall not have elements of structural plain concrete, except as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 35 of 123 (a) Concrete used for fill with a minimum cement content of two (2) sacks of Portland cement or cementitious material per cubic yard. (b) Isolated footings of plain concrete supporting pedestals or columns are permitted, provided the projection of the footing beyond the face of the supported member does not exceed the footing thickness. (c) Plain concrete footings supporting walls are permitted provided the footings have at least two continuous longitudinal reinforcing bars. Bars shall not be smaller than No. 4 and shall have a total area of not less than 0.002 times the gross cross - sectional area of the footing. A minimum of one bar shall be provided at the top and bottom of the footing. Continuity of reinforcement shall be provided at corners and intersections. Exceptions: Detached one- and two-family dwellings three stories or less in height and constructed with stud -bearing walls, are permitted to have plain concrete footings with at least two continuous longitudinal reinforcing bars not smaller than No. 4 are permitted to have a total area of less than 0.002 times the gross cross -sectional area of the footing. Sections 1905.1.9 thru 1905.1.11 are added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows 1905.1.9 ACI 318, Section 18.7.5. Modify ACI 318, Section 18.7.5, by adding Section and as follows: Where the calculated point of contraflexure is not within the middle half of the member clear height, provide transverse reinforcement as specified in A Cl 318 Sections, Items (a) through (c), over the full height of the member. — At any section where the design strength, (pPn, of the column is less than the sum of the shears Ve computed in accordance with ACI 318 Sections and for all the beams framing into the column above the level under consideration, transverse reinforcement as specified in ACI 318 Sections 18.7.5. 1 through 18.7. 5.3 shall be provided. For beams framing into opposite sides of the column, the moment components are permitted to be assumed to be of opposite sign. For the determination of the design strength, (pPn, of the column, these moments are permitted to be assumed to result from the deformation of the frame in any one principal axis. 1905.1.10 ACI 318, Section 18.10.4. Modify ACI 318, Section 18.10.4, by adding Section as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 36 of 123 — Walls and portions of walls with P. > 0.35Po shall not be considered to contribute to the calculated shear strength of the structure for resisting earthquake - induced forces. Such walls shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318 Section 18.14. 1905.1.11 ACI 318, Section 18.12.6. Modify ACI 318, by adding Section as follows: Collector and boundary elements in topping slabs placed over precast floor and roof elements shall not be less than 3 inches (76 mm) or 6 db in thickness, where db is the diameter of the largest reinforcement in the topping slab. Section 2304.10.2 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2304.10.2 Fastener requirements. Connections for wood members shall be designed in accordance with the appropriate methodology in Section 2301.1. The number and size of fasteners connecting wood members shall not be less than that set forth in Table 2304.10.2. Staple fasteners in Table 2304.10.2 shall not be used to resist or transfer seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Exception: Staples may be used to resist or transfer seismic forces when the allowable shear values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official. Section 2304.12.2.8 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2304.12.2.8 Wood used in retaining walls and cribs. Wood installed in retaining or crib walls shall be preservative treated in accordance with AWPA U1 for soil and fresh water use. Wood shall not be used in retaining or crib walls for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Section 2305.4 is added to Chapter 23 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 2305.4 Quality of Nails. In Seismic Design Category D, E or F, mechanically driven nails used in wood structural panel shear walls shall meet the same dimensions as that required for hand -driven nails, including diameter, minimum length and minimum head diameter. Clipped head or box nails are not permitted in new construction. The ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 37 of 123 allowable design value for clipped head nails in existing construction may be taken at no more than the nail -head -area ratio of that of the same size hand -driven nails. Section 2305.5 is added to Chapter 23 of the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 2305.5 Hold-down connectors. In Seismic Design Category D, E or F, hold-down connectors shall be designed to resist shear wall overturning moments using approved cyclic load values or 75 percent of the allowable seismic load values that do not consider cyclic loading of the product. Connector bolts into wood framing shall require steel plate washers on the post on the opposite side of the anchorage device. Plate size shall be a minimum of 0.229 inch by 3 inches by 3 inches (5.82 mm by 76 mm by 76 mm) in size. Hold-down connectors shall be tightened to finger tight plus one half (1/2) wrench turn just prior to covering the wall framing. Section 2306.2 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2306.2 Wood -frame diaphragms. Wood -frame diaphragms shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AWC SDPWS. Where panels are fastened to framing members with staples, requirements and limitations of AWC SDPWS shall be met and the allowable shear values set forth in Table 2306.2(1) or 2306.2(2) shall only be permitted for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C. Exception: Allowable shear values where panels are fastened to framing members with staples may be used if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official. The allowable shear values in Tables 2306.2(1) and 2306.2(2) are permitted to be increased 40 percent for wind design. Wood structural panel diaphragms used to resist seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F shall be applied directly to the framing members. Exception: Wood structural panel diaphragms are permitted to be fastened over solid lumber planking or laminated decking, provided the panel joints and lumber planking or laminated decking joints do not coincide. Section 2306.3 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2306.3 Wood -frame shear walls. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 38 of 123 Wood -frame shear walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AWC SDPWS. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F, application of Tables 4.3A and 4.313 of AWC SDPWS shall include the following: 1. Wood structural panel thickness for shear walls shall not be less than 3/8 inch thick and studs shall not be spaced at more than 16 inches on center. 2. The maximum nominal unit shear capacities for 3/8 inch wood structural panels resisting seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F is 400 pounds per linear foot (plf). Exception: Other nominal unit shear capacities may be permitted if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official. 3. Nails shall be placed not less than 1/2 inch in from the panel edges and not less than 3/8 inch from the edge of the connecting members for shear greater than 350 plf using ASD or 500 plf using LRFD. Nails shall be placed not less than 3/8 inch from panel edges and not less than 1/4 inch from the edge of the connecting members for shears of 350 plf or less using ASD or 500 plf or less using LRFD. 4. Table 4.313 application is not allowed for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, application of Table 4.3C of AWC SDPWS shall not be used below the top level in a multi -level building. Where panels are fastened to framing members with staples, requirements and limitations of AWC SDPWS shall be met and the allowable shear values set forth in Table 2306.3(1), 2306.3(2) or 2306.3(3) shall only be permitted for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C. Exception: Allowable shear values where panels are fastened to framing members with staples may be used if such values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official. The allowable shear values in Tables 2306.3(1) and 2306.3(2) are permitted to be increased 40 percent for wind design. Panels complying with ANSI/APA PRP-210 shall be permitted to use design values for Plywood Siding in the AWC SDPWS. Section 2307.2 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: 2307.2 Wood -frame shear walls. Wood -frame shear walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 2306.3 as applicable. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 39 of 123 Table 2308.6.1 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows, TABLE 2308.6.1' WALL BRACING REQUIREMENTS BRACED PANEL LOCATION, MAXIMUM DISTANCE SEISMIC STORY MAXIMUM SPACING OF SPACING (D.C.) AND MINIMUM PERCENTAGE (X) OF BRACED WALL DESIGN CONDITION (SEE BRACED PANELS FROM EACH END OF BRACED CATEGORY SECTION 2308.2) WALL LINES WALL LINE Bracing method' LIB DWB, WSP SFB, PBS, PCP, HPS, GB- d 35'- 0" Each end and Each end and 52Y-0'ox. Each end and 25'- 0" o.e. 12'- 6' 25'- 0" o.c. A and B 35'- 011 Each end and 2Y- 0' o.c. Each end and Each end and:5 25'- 0" ox. 12'- 6' . .. .... .. < 25'- 0" o.c. 35'- 0" NP Each end and _e,2Y-O"o.c. Each end and _e.25'-O"o.c. 12'- 6" 35'- 0" NP Each end and 25'- 0" ox. Each end and <, 25'- 0" o.c. 12'- 6' C Each end and 25'- 0" o. c. Each end and 25- 0" ox, 35'- 0" NP (minimum 25% of wall (minimum 25% of wall 12'- 6' length)' length)' Svs < 0.50: Each end and < 5,, < 0,50: Each end and 25'- 0"o.e. (miuimum21% 25'- 0" o.c. (ininimum 43% of wall length)' of wall length)' 0.5 < SD, < 0.75: Each end 10.5 < S,, < 0.75: Each end and5 25'- 0" o. c. (mini- and 5 25'- Uo. e. (minimum mum 32% of wall length)' 159% of wall length)' D and E El", 11 25'w 0" NP 81-01 0.75 SS,,,:5; 1.00: Each end 0.75:5; S,, 5 1. 00: Each end and:5 25- 0" o.c. (mini- and < 25'- 0' o. c. (minimum mum 11% of wall length)' 71% of wall length) SDS > 1.00: Each end and , SDs > 1,00: Each end and 25'- 0" o.c. (minimum48% 25'- 0" o.c. (minimum of wall length)' 100% of wall length)' For 81: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I foot = 304.8 min, NP = Not Permitted. a. This table specifies minimum requirements for braced wall panels along interior or exterior braced wall lines b See. Section 2308.6.3 for full description of bracing methods c. For Method 611, gypsum wallboard applied to framing supports that are spaced at 16 inches on center, d. The required lengths shall be doubled for gypsum board applied to only one face of a braced wall panel. e. Percentage shown represents the minimum amount of bracing required along the building length (or wall length if the structure has an irregular shape). E. DWR SFH� PHS _andMIS wad bi aeas art ng P. afbrWSE or bollb ragra 9f ffic wall boat Wig 0"tung7 2 inchwidefaclutal I V.741dj IL iled widt %I cornmon til 12 inctics gil cgjWr Mon interinctfiate jarning. munbers. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 40 of 123 Section 2308.6.5, Figure 2308.6.5.1, and Figure 2308.6.5.2 of the 2022 CBC are amended to read as follows: 2308.6.5 Alternative bracing. An alternate braced wall (ABW) or a portal frame with hold-downs (PFH) described in this section is permitted to substitute for a 48-inch (1219 mm) braced wall panel of Method DWB, WSP, SFB, PBS, PCP or HIPS. For Method GB, each 96-inch (2438 mm) section (applied to one face) or 48-inch (1219 mm) section (applied to both faces) or portion thereof required by Table 2308.6.1 is permitted to be replaced by one panel constructed in accordance with Method ABW or PFH. 2308.6.5.1 Alternate braced wall (ABW). An ABW shall be constructed in accordance with this section and Figure 2308.6.5.1. In one-story buildings, each panel shall have a length of not less than 2 feet 8 inches (813 mm) and a height of not more than 10 feet (3048 mm). Each panel shall be sheathed on one face with 3/8-inch (3.2 mm) minimum -thickness wood structural panel sheathing nailed with 8d common or galvanized box nails in accordance with Table 2304.10.2 and blocked at wood structural panel edges. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D or E, each panel shall be sheathed on one face with 15/32-inch-minimum-thickness (11.9 mm) wood structural panel sheathing nailed with 8d common nails spaced 3 inches on panel edges, 3 inches at intermediate supports., Two anchor bolts installed in accordance with Section 2308.3.1 shall be provided in each panel. Anchor bolts shall be placed at each panel outside quarter points. Each panel end stud shall have a hold-down device fastened to the foundation, capable of providing an approved uplift capacity of not less than 1,800 pounds (8006 N). The hold-down device shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The ABW shall be supported directly on a foundation or on floor framing supported directly on a foundation that is continuous across the entire length of the braced wall line. This foundation shall be reinforced with not less than one No. 4 bar top and bottom. Where the continuous foundation is required to have a depth greater than 12 inches (305 mm), a minimum 12-inch by 12-inch (305 mm by 305 mm) continuous footing is permitted at door openings in the braced wall line. This continuous footing shall be reinforced with not less than one No. 4 bar top and bottom. This reinforcement shall be lapped 24 inches (610 mm) with the reinforcement required in the continuous foundation located directly under the braced wall line. Where the ABW is installed at the first story of two-story buildings, the wood structural panel sheathing shall be provided on both faces, three anchor bolts shall be placed at one -quarter points and tie -down device uplift capacity shall be not less than 3,000 pounds (13 344 N). ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 41 of 123 3 ., H MIN !a" THICK WOOD a = STRUCTURAL PANEL w SHEATHING ON ONE FACE - MIN. 2x4 FRAMING. MIN. DOU g STUDS REQUIRED -- 0 o STUDS UNDER HEADER AS REQUIRED HOLD-DOWN PER SECTION.- 2308.6.5.1 2'-8" MIN PANEL —FOR PANEL SPLICE (IF NEEDED) ADJOINING PANEL —LENGTH EDGES SHALL MEET OVER AND BE FASTENED TO COMMON FRAMING ....... ...... -1/ 11 6d COMON NAILS AT 6" O.C, AT PANEL EDGES FOR SINGLE STORYAND AT4" O.C. AT PANEL EDGES FOR THE FIRST OF 2 STORIES R BOLTS PER SECTION 2308.6.5.1 WNIMUM REINFORCING OF FOUNDATION, ONE #4 BAR TOP AND BOTTOM OF FOOTING. REINFORCING SHALL BE LAPPED 46 24 INCHES MIN. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. FIGURE 2308.6.5.1 ALTERNATE BRACED WALL PANEL (ABW) 2308.6.5.2 Portal frame with hold-downs (PFH). A PFH shall be constructed in accordance with this section and Figure 2308.6.5.2. The adjacent door or window opening shall have a full-length header. In one-story buildings, each panel shall have a length of not less than 16 inches (406 mm) and a height of not more than 10 feet (3048 mm). Each panel shall be sheathed on one face with a single layer of 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) minimum -thickness wood structural panel sheathing nailed with 8d common or galvanized box nails in accordance with Figure 2308.6.5.2. For structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D or E, each panel shall be sheathed on one face with 15/32-inch- minimum-thickness (11.9 mm) wood structural panel sheathing nailed with 8d common nails spaced 3 inches on panel edges, 3 inches at intermediate supports and in accordance with Figure 2308.6.5.2. The wood structural panel sheathing shall extend up over the solid sawn or glued -laminated header and shall be nailed in accordance with Figure 2308.6.5.2. A built-up header consisting of at least two 2-inch by 12-inch (51 mm by 305 mm) boards, fastened in accordance with Item 24 of Table 2304.10.1 shall be permitted to be used. A spacer, if used, shall be placed on the side of the built-up beam opposite the wood structural panel sheathing. The header shall extend between the inside faces of the first full-length outer studs of each panel. The clear span of the header between the inner studs of each panel shall be not less than 6 feet (1829 mm) and not more than 18 feet (5486 mm) in length. A strap with an uplift capacity of not less than 1,000 pounds (4,400 N) shall fasten the header to the inner studs opposite the sheathing. One ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 42 of 123 anchor bolt not less than 5/8 inch (15.9 mm) diameter and installed in accordance with Section 2308.3.1 shall be provided in the center of each sill plate. The studs at each end of the panel shall have a hold-down device fastened to the foundation with an uplift capacity of not less than 3,500 pounds (15 570 N). Where a panel is located on one side of the opening, the header shall extend between the inside face of the first full-length stud of the panel and the bearing studs at the other end of the opening. A strap with an uplift capacity of not less than 1,000 pounds (4400 N) shall fasten the header to the bearing studs. The bearing studs shall also have a hold-down device fastened to the foundation with an uplift capacity of not less than 1,000 pounds (4400 N). The hold-down devices shall be an embedded strap type, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The PFH panels shall be supported directly on a foundation that is continuous across the entire length of the braced wall line. This foundation shall be reinforced with not less than one No. 4 bar top and bottom. Where the continuous foundation is required to have a depth greater than 12 inches (305 mm), a minimum 12-inch by 12-inch (305 mm by 305 mm) continuous footing is permitted at door openings in the braced wall line. This continuous footing shall be reinforced with not less than one No. 4 bar top and bottom. This reinforcement shall be lapped not less than 24 inches (610 mm) with the reinforcement required in the continuous foundation located directly under the braced wall line. Where a PFH is installed at the first story of two-story buildings, each panel shall have a length of not less than 24 inches (610 mm). ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 43 of 123 EXTENT OF HEADER DOUBLE PORTAL FRAME (TWO BRACED WALL PANELS) R SINGLE PORTFAL FRAME (ONE ...... mmmmm� ( RACED WALL PANEL) M.. x11.25 NET HEADER - IN 3 ._._ 6' TO 18' �_........ -...... � w —1000 lb STRAP OPPOSITE SHEATHING 1 -- •••• FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER WITH TWO a ROWS OF 16d SINKER NAILSAT 3" Q.C. TYP. o FASTEN SHEATHINGTO HEADER WITH 8d COMMON OR GALVANVED BOX NAILS IN. 3" GRID PATTERN AS SHOWN AND 3" Q.C. IN ALL FRAMING (STUDS, C9. ) BLOCKING AND SILLS)TYR W MIN, WIDTH = 16" FOR ONE-STORY STRUCTURES _ MIN WDTH = 24" FOR USE IN FIRST OF TWO S"TOR Q L STRUCTURES MIN. 2x4 FRAM ING ! MIN. THICKNESS WOOD g STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATH ING PAM 3100LBTIF-DOWNDEVgCE EMBEDDED INTO CONCRETE AND NAeLEfO dNT'O F MG IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS) SEE SECTION230&6T52—\ FI MIN. 1000 LB TIE-D DEVICE TYPICAL PORTAL FRAME CONSTRUCTION FOR PANEL SPLICE (IF NEEDED PANE! EDGESHALL- BLOCKEDAND OCCUR WITHIN MIDDLE 24 IN. OF PORTAL HEIGHT, ONE ROW OF TYPICAL SHEATHING -TO -FRAMING NAILING IS REQUIRED AT EACH PANEL EDGE, IF 2x4 DOUBLE BLOCKING IS USED THE 2x4S MUST BE NAILED TOGETHER WITH (3) 16d SINKERS -•• DOUBLE 2x4 POST MIN• 1000 LBTIE-DOWN DEVICE For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 pound = 4A48 N. a, Egl, sixwaanu ass9 reed ru Seismit Resign Cattgrx D ua T 1teamhad an onefacir vwklx 11341-kndr-vilIn ilmn-thkkneis 0 L9 rrusi w ead gruwturat pmi4M,shrathka. FIGURE 2308.6.5.2 PORTAL FRAME WITH HOLD-DOWNS (PFH) ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 44 of 123 Section 2308.6.8.1 of Chapter 23 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2308.6.8.1 Foundation requirements. Braced wall lines shall be supported by continuous foundations. Exception: For structures with a maximum plan dimension not more than 50 feet (15240 mm), continuous foundations are required at exterior walls only for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A, B, or C. For structures in Seismic Design Categories D and E, exterior braced wall panels shall be in the same plane vertically with the foundation or the portion of the structure containing the offset shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice and Section 2308.1.1. Section 2308.6.9 of the 2022 CBC is amended to read as follows: 2308.6.9 Attachment of sheathing. Fastening of braced wall panel sheathing shall not be less than that prescribed in Tables 2308.6.1 or 2304.10.2. Wall sheathing shall not be attached to framing members by adhesives. Staple fasteners in Table 2304.10.2 shall not be used to resist or transfer seismic forces in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E or F. Exception: Staples may be used to resist or transfer seismic forces when the allowable shear values are substantiated by cyclic testing and approved by the building official. All braced wall panels shall extend to the roof sheathing and shall be attached to parallel roof rafters or blocking above with framing clips (18 gauge minimum) spaced at maximum 24 inches (6096 mm) on center with four 8d nails per leg (total eight 8d nails per clip). Braced wall panels shall be laterally braced at each top corner and at maximum 24 inches (6096 mm) intervals along the top plate of discontinuous vertical framing. Section 3115 of the 2022 CBC is amended as follows: SECTION 3115 INTERMODAL SHIPPING CONTAINERS ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 45 of 123 3115.1 General. The provisions of Section 3115 and other applicable sections of this code shall apply to intermodal shipping containers that are repurposed for use as buildings or structures or as a part of buildings or structures. Exceptions: 1. Not adopted 2. Stationary storage battery arrays located in intermodal shipping containers complying with Chapter 12 of the California Fire Code. 3. Intermodal shipping containers that are listed as equipment complying with the standard for equipment, such as air chillers, engine generators, modular datacenters, and other similar equipment. 4. Intermodal shipping containers housing or supporting experimental equipment are exempt from the requirements of Section 3115 provided they comply with all of the following: 4.1. Single -unit stand-alone intermodal shipping containers shall be supported at grade level and used only for occupancies as specified under Risk Category I in Table 1604.5; 4.2. Single -unit stand-alone intermodal shipping containers shall be located a minimum of 8 feet from adjacent structures and are not connected to a fuel gas system or fuel gas utility; and 4.3. In hurricane -prone regions and flood hazard areas, single -unit stand- alone intermodal shipping containers are designed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 16. 4.4 Intermodal shipping containers approved as temporary structures complying with Section 3103. 5. [HCD] Shipping containers constructed or converted off -site that meet the definition of Factory -built Housing in Health and Safety Code Section 19971 or Commercial Modular(s) as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 18001.8 shall be approved by the Department of Housing and Community Development. 6. Single -unit stand-alone intermodal shipping containers used as temporary storage or construction trailer on active construction sites. Construction support facilities for uses and activities not directly associated with the actual processes of construction, including but not limited to, offices, meeting rooms, plan rooms, other administrative or support functions shall not be exempt from Section 3115. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 46 of 123 3115.2 Construction documents. The construction documents shall contain information to verify the dimensions and establish the physical properties of the steel components, and wood floor components, of the intermodal shipping container in addition to the information required by Sections 107 and 1603. 3115.3 Intermodal shipping container information. Intermodal shipping containers shall bear the manufacturer's existing data plate containing the following information as required by ISO 6346 and verified by an approved agency. A report of the verification process and findings shall be provided to the building owner. 1. Manufacturer's name or identification number 2. Date manufactured 3. Safety approval number 4. Identification number 5. Maximum operating gross mass or weight (kg) (Ibs) 6. Allowable stacking load for 1.8G (kg) (Ibs) 7. Transverse racking test force (Newtons) 8. Valid maintenance examination date Where approved by the building official, the markings and manufacturer's existing data plate are permitted to be removed from the intermodal shipping containers before they are repurposed for use as buildings or structures or as part of buildings or structures. 3115.4 Protection against decay and termites. Wood structural floors of intermodal shipping containers shall be protected from decay and termites in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 2304.12.1.1. 3115.5 Under -floor ventilation. The space between the bottom of the floor joists and the earth under any intermodal shipping container, except spaces occupied by basements and cellars, shall be provided with ventilation in accordance with Section 1202.4. 3115.6 Roof assemblies. Intermodal shipping container roof assemblies shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 15. Exception: Single -unit stand-alone intermodal shipping containers not attached to, or stacked vertically over, other intermodal shipping containers, buildings or structures. 3115.7 Joints and voids. Joints and voids that create concealed spaces between intermodal shipping containers, that are connected or stacked, at fire -resistance - ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 47 of 123 rated walls, floor or floor/ceiling assemblies and roofs or roof/ceiling assemblies shall be protected by an approved fire-resistant joint system in accordance with Section 715. 3115.8 Structural. Intermodal shipping containers that conform to ISO 1496-1 and are repurposed for use as buildings or structures, or as a part of buildings or structures, shall be designed in accordance with Chapter 16 and this section. 3115.8.1 Foundations and supports. Intermodal shipping containers repurposed for use as a permanent building or structure shall be supported on foundations or other supporting structures designed and constructed in accordance with Chapters 16 through 23. 3115.8.1.1 Anchorage. Intermodal shipping containers shall be anchored to foundations or other supporting structures as necessary to provide a continuous load path for all applicable design and environmental loads in accordance with Chapter 16. 3115.8.1.2 Stacking. Intermodal shipping containers used to support stacked units shall comply with Section 3115.8.4, 3115.8.2 Welds. The strength of new welds and connections shall be no less than the strength provided by the original connections. All new welds and connections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Chapters 16, 17 and 22. 3115.8.3 Structural design. The structural design of the intermodal shipping containers repurposed for use as a building or structure, or as part of a building or structure, shall comply with Section 3115.8.4 or 3115.8.5. 3115.8.4 Detailed structural design procedure. A structural analysis meeting the requirements of this section shall be provided to the building official to demonstrate the structural adequacy of the intermodal shipping containers. Exception: Structures using an intermodal shipping container that meet the limitation of Section 3115.8.5.1 and designed in accordance with the simplified procedure in Section 3115.8.5. 3115.8.4.1 Material properties. Structural material properties for existing intermodal shipping container steel components shall be established by Section 2202. 3115.8.4.2 Seismic design parameters. The seismic force -resisting system shall be designed and detailed in accordance with ASCE 7 and one of the following: 1. Where all or portions of the profiled steel panel elements are considered to be the seismic force -resisting system, design and detailing shall be in accordance with the AISI S100 and ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 requirements for systems not ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 48 of 123 specifically detailed for seismic resistance, excluding cantilevered column systems. 2. Where all or portions of the profiled steel panel elements are not considered to be a part of the seismic force -resisting system, an independent seismic force - resisting system shall be selected, and detailed in accordance with ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1, or 3. Where all or portions of the profiled steel panel elements are retained and integrated into a seismic force -resisting system other than as permitted by Section 3115.8.4.2 Item 1, seismic design parameters shall be developed from testing and analysis in accordance with Section 104.11 and ASCE 7 Section or 3115.8.4.3 Allowable shear value. The allowable shear values for the profiled steel panel side walls and end walls shall be determined in accordance with the design approach selected in Section 3115.8.4.2. Where penetrations are made in the side walls or end walls designated as part of the lateral force -resisting system, the penetrations shall be substantiated by rational analysis. 3115.8.5 Simplified structural design procedure of single -unit containers. Single -unit intermodal shipping containers conforming to the limitations of Section 3115.8.5.1 shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with Sections 3115.8.5.2 and 3115.8.5.3. 3115.8.5.1 Limitations. Use of Section 3115.8.5 is subject to all the following limitations: 1. The intermodal shipping container shall be a single -unit, stand-alone unit supported on a foundation and shall not be in contact with or supporting any other shipping container or other structure. 2. The intermodal shipping container's top and bottom rails, corner castings, and columns or any portion thereof shall not be notched, cut, or removed in any manner. 3. The intermodal shipping container shall be erected in a level and horizontal position with the floor located at the bottom. 4. The intermodal shipping container shall be located in Seismic Design Category A, B, C, and D 3115.8.5.2 Simplified structural design assumptions. Where permitted by Section 3115.8.5.1, single -unit stand-alone, intermodal shipping containers shall be designed using the following assumptions for the profiled steel panel side walls and end walls: 1. The appropriate detailing requirements contained in Chapters 16 through 23. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 49 of 123 2. Response modification coefficient, R = 2, 3. Over strength factor, no = 2.5. 4. Deflection amplification factor, Cd = 2, and 5. Limits on structural height, h„ = 9.5 feet (2900 mm). 3115.8.5.3 Allowable shear value. The allowable shear values for the profiled steel panel side walls (longitudinal) and end walls (transverse) for wind design and seismic design using the coefficients of Section 3114.8.5.2 shall be in accordance with Table 3115.8.5.3, provided that all of the following conditions are met: 1. The total linear length of all openings in any individual side walls or end walls shall be limited to not more than 50 percent of the length of that side walls or end walls, as shown in Figure 3115.8.5.3(1). 2. Any full height wall length, or portion thereof, less than 4 feet (305 mm) long shall not be considered as a portion of the lateral force -resisting system, as shown in Figure 3115.8.5.3(2). 3. All side walls or end walls used as part of the lateral force -resisting system shall have an existing or new boundary element on all sides to form a continuous load path, or paths, with adequate strength and stiffness to transfer all forces from the point of application to the final point of resistance, as shown in Figure 3115.8.5.3(3). The existing door interlocking mechanism shall not be considered as a component of the required load path. 4. Where openings are made in container walls, floors, and roofs for doors, windows and other similar openings: 4.1. The openings shall be framed with steel elements that are designed in accordance with Chapter 16 and Chapter 22. 4.2 The cross section and material grade of any new steel element shall be equal to or greater than the steel element removed. 5. A maximum of one penetration not greater than a 6-inch (152 mm) diameter hole for conduits, pipes, tubes or vents, or not greater than16 square inches (10 322mm2) for electrical boxes, is permitted for each individual 8 feet length (2438 mm) lateral force resisting wall. Penetrations located in walls that are not part of the wall lateral force resisting system shall not be limited in size or quantity. Existing intermodal shipping container's vents shall not be considered a penetration, as shown in Figure 3115.8.5.3(4). ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 50 of 123 6. End wall door or doors designated as part of the lateral force -resisting system shall be intermittently welded closed around the full perimeters of the door panels. TABLE 3115.8.5.3 ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES FOR PROFILED STEEL PANEL SIDE WALLS AND END WALLS FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING CONTAINER CONTAINER ALLOWABLE SHEAR CONTAINER DIMENSION DIMENSION VALUES DESIGNATION b (Nominal Length) (Nominal Height) (PLF) a,c Side Wall End Wall 1 EEE 9.5 feet (2896 mm) 45 feet (13.7 M) 75 1 EE 8.6 feet (2591 mm) 1 AAA 9.5 feet (2896 mm) 1 AA 8.5 feet (2592 mm) 40 feet (12.2 M) 84 1 A 8.0 feet (2438 mm) 843 <8.0 feet (2483 1 AX mm) 1 BBB 9.5 feet (2896 mm) 8.5 feet (2591 1 BB mm) 30 feet (9.1 M) 112 8.0 feet (2438 1 B mm) 1 BX <8.0 feet (2438 mm) ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 51 of 123 1 CC 8.5 feet (2591 mm) 1 C 20 feet (9.1 M) 8.0 feet (2438 168 1 CX <8.0 feet (2438 mm) a. The allowable air�rshear values for the side walls and end walls of the intermodal shipping containers are derived from ISO 1496-1 and reduced by a factor of safety of 5. b. Container designation type is derived from ISO 668. c. Limitations of Sections 3115.8.5.1 ;and 3115.8.5.3 shall apply. max V2 L existing existing hole in top railing comer. casting opening existing coiner column existing hark, existing liftpocket F bottom railing if L 1 L = length of wall FIGURE 3115.8.5.3(1) Bracing Unit Distribution — Maximum Linear Length ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 52 of 123 A existing -j existing h - ole in top railing comer Casting opeOng e)ashng corner column exis* fork existing lift pocket bottom railing WITgurni FIGURE 3115.8.5.3(2) Bracing Unit Distribution - Minimum Linear Length existing existing hole in top railing comer testing opening existing comer column existing fork existing , lift pocket' bottom railing FIGURE 3115.8.5.3(3) Bracing Unit Distribution - Boundary Elements ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 53 of 123 >_8ft. min existing wr 3it rmax 6 in diam penetration 11-1 T� existing j existing hole in top railing comer casting opening existing comer column existing fork existing lift pocket �� bottom railing L L = length of wall FIGURE 3115.8.5.3(4) Bracing Unit Distribution — Penetrating Limitation Section J101.3 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.3 Hazards. 1. Whenever the building official determines that any land or any existing excavation or fill has, from any cause, become a menace to life or limb, or endangers public or private property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of public or private property, the owner or other person in legal control of the property concerned shall, upon receipt of a written notice thereof from the building official, correct such condition in accordance with the provisions of this appendix and the requirements and conditions set forth in the notice so as to eliminate such condition. The owner or other person in legal control of the property shall immediately comply with the provisions set forth in the notice and shall complete the work within 180 days from the date of the notice unless a shorter period of time for completion has been specified in the notice in which case the owner shall comply with the shorter period of time. Upon written application and good cause shown, the building official may approve the request for an extension of time to complete the work required by the notice. 2. If the above condition is not eliminated within the specified time period, the building official may file with the Office of the Los Angeles County Recorder a ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 54 of 123 certificate stating that the property is deemed substandard and that the owner thereof has been so notified to correct the substandard condition. Said certificate shall specify the conditions creating the substandard classification. 3. When the above conditions have been corrected to the satisfaction of the building official, upon receiving a sixty -dollar fee from the owner or his agent, the building official shall file with the Office of the Los Angeles County Recorder, within a reasonable period of time, a certificate specifying that the conditions creating the substandard classification have been corrected and that the property is no longer considered substandard. Section J101.4 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.4 Safety Precautions 1. General a) If at any stage of work on an excavation or fill, the building official determines that the work has become or is likely to become dangerous to any person, or is likely to endanger any property, public or private, the building official must be authorized to require safety precautions to be immediately taken by the property owner as a condition to continuing such permitted work or to require cessation thereof forthwith unless and until it is made safe and to amend the plans for such work. b) Safety precautions may include, without limitation, specifying a flatter exposed slope or construction of additional drainage facilities, berms, terracing, compaction, cribbing, retaining walls or buttress fills, slough walls, desilting basins, check dams, benching, wire mesh and guniting, rock fences, revetments or diversion walls. c) Upon the determination of the building official that such safety precautions during grading are necessary, the building official must provide a notice and order to the permittee to implement same. After receiving such notice, oral or written, it is unlawful for the permittee or any person to proceed with such work contrary to such order. 2. Removal of Ground Cover a) The existing vegetative ground cover of any watershed in any hillside area cannot be destroyed, removed or damaged except for routine maintenance pursuant to lawful grading, use or occupancy of the property or to clear hazardous vegetation near structures and roads. b) Whenever ground cover is removed or damaged pursuant to a validly issued grading permit, the permittee must restore and maintain the ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 55 of 123 affected area with an approved ground cover, or must accomplish such other erosion control protection measures as may be approved by the building official. Such erosion control must be completed within thirty days after cessation of the grading work or other work pursuant to a validly issued building permit. 3. Maintenance of Protective Devices All devices used to protect hillside areas from erosion or landslide damage including, without limitation, retaining walls, cribbing, terracing, surface and subsurface drainage structures, interceptor drains, check dams, and riprap must be maintained in good condition and repair as approved by the building official at the time of completion of construction thereof. Section J101.5 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.5 Protection of Utilities The owner and permittee of any property on which grading has been performed and that requires a grading permit must be responsible for the prevention of damage to any public utilities or services. Section J101.6 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J 101.6 Protection of Adjacent Properties The owner and permittee of any property on which grading has been performed and that requires a grading permit is responsible for the prevention of damage to adjacent property and no person must excavate on land sufficiently close to the property line to endanger any adjoining public street, sidewalk, alley, or other public or private property without supporting and protecting such property from settling, cracking or other damage that might result. Special precautions approved by the building official must be made to prevent imported or exported materials from being deposited on the adjacent public way and/or drainage courses. A 30- day excavation notice must be provided as required by California Civil Code Section 829-834 when the excavation is of sufficient depth and proximity to adjacent lot structures. Section J101.7 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.7 Storm water control measures. The owner and permittee of any property on which grading has been performed and that requires a grading permit under Section J103 shall put into effect and ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 56 of 123 maintain all precautionary measures necessary to protect adjacent water courses and public private property from damage by erosion, flooding, and deposition of mud, debris and construction -related pollutants originating from the site during, and after, grading and related construction activities. Furthermore, the owner and permittee shall be responsible for putting into effect and maintaining appropriate measures necessary to prevent any change in cross -lot surface drainage that may adversely affect any adjoining property as a result of grading and/or construction - related activities. Such measures to prevent any adverse cross -lot surface drainage effects on adjoining property shall be required whether shown on approved grading plans or not. Section J101.8 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.8 Conditions of approval. In granting any permit under this code, the building official may include such conditions as may be reasonably necessary to prevent creation of a nuisance or hazard to public or private property. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to: 1. Improvement of any existing grading to comply with the standards of this code. 2. Requirements for fencing of excavations or fills which would otherwise be hazardous. Section J101.9 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J101.9 Rules and regulations. J101.9.1 Rules. The permissive provisions of this chapter shall not be presumed to waive any regulations imposed by other statutes or other ordinances of the State of California or the City of El Segundo. J101.9.2 Regulations. If two or more pertinent regulations are not identical, those regulations shall prevail which are more restrictive or which afford greater safety to life, limb, health, property or welfare. For the purposes of these regulations, grading permits shall be considered as building permits and shall be subject to the administrative provisions of this code, unless otherwise specifically provided for in this chapter. Section J103.2 is amended to the 2022 CBC to read as follows:. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 57 of 123 J103.2 Exemptions. A grading permit shall not be required for the following: 1. When approved by the building official, grading in an isolated, self- contained area, provided there is no danger to the public, and that such grading will not adversely affect adjoining properties. 2. Excavation for construction of a structure permitted under this code where the excavation is limited to within the volume of the proposed structure. 3. Cemetery graves. 4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. 5. Excavations for wells, or trenches for utilities. 6. Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing or stockpiling rock, sand, aggregate or clay controlled by other regulations, provided such operations do not affect the lateral support of, or significantly increase stresses in, soil and adjoining properties. 7. Exploratory excavations performed under the direction of a registered soils engineer or engineering geologist. This shall not exempt grading of access roads or pads created for exploratory excavations. Exploratory excavations must not create a hazardous condition to adjacent properties or the public in accordance with Section J101.3. Exploratory excavations must be restored to existing conditions, unless approved by the building official. 8. An excavation that does not exceed 50 cubic yards (38.3 m^) and complies with one of the following conditions: (1) is less than 2 feet (0.6 m) in depth. (2) does not create a cut slope greater than 5 feet (1.5 m) measured vertically upward from the cut surface to the surface of the natural grade and is not steeper than 2 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical (50 percent slope). 9. A fill not intended to support a structure, which does not obstruct a drainage course and complies with one of the following conditions: (a) is less than 1 foot (0.3 m) in depth and is placed on natural terrain with a slope flatter than 5 units horizontal to I unit vertical (20 percent slope). (b) is less than 3 feet (0.9 m) in depth at its deepest point measured vertically upward from natural grade to the surface of the fill, does ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 58 of 123 not exceed 50 cubic yards, and creates a fill slope no steeper than 2 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical (50 percent slope). (c) is less than 5 feet (1.5 m) in depth at its deepest point measured vertically upward from natural grade to the surface of the fill, does not exceed 20 cubic yards, and creates a fill slope no steeper than 2 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical (50 percent slope). Exemption from the permit requirements of this appendix shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Section J103.3 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J103.3 Permit issuance. 1. The issuance of a grading permit shall constitute an authorization to do only that work which is described or illustrated on the application for the permit or on the grading plans and specifications approved by the building official at the time of issuance. 2. Jurisdiction of other agencies. Permits issued under the requirements of this chapter shall not relieve the owner of responsibility for securing required permits for work to be accomplished which is regulated by any other code, department or division of the governing agency. 3. Conditions of permit. The building official, upon recommendation of the city traffic and transportation administrator, may impose such regulations with respect to access routes to and from grading sites in hillside areas as the building official shall determine are required in the interest of safety precautions involving pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 4. Consent of adjacent property owner. Whenever any excavation or fill requires entry onto adjacent property for any reason, the permit applicant shall obtain the written consent or legal easements or other property rights of the adjacent property owner or their authorized representative, and shall file a signed and duly notarized copy of such consent with the building official, and no permit for such grading work may be issued unless and until all necessary consent documents are so filed. The consent shall be in a form acceptable to the building official. Section J103.4 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J103.4 Grading fees. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 59 of 123 1. Fees for grading plan checks and for grading permits shall be established or modified by resolution of the city council. The schedule of such fees shall remain on file and be available in the office of the building official. The building official shall, with the approval of the city manager, recommend changes to the council when the costs to provide grading plan check and grading inspection services make it appropriate. 2. The applicant shall pay a plan check fee prior to acceptance of grading plans and specifications for checking by the city. The plan check fee shall be based on the total volume of the excavation and fill, on the site. The grading plan check fee shall be recalculated each time the grading plan volume of excavation and fill exceeds the volume used to determine the original plan check fee, and the applicant shall pay the difference between the revised and original fee before the revised grading plans are accepted for review by the city. The original grading plan check fee includes the cost to the applicant for the original submittal plus two additional submittals of corrected grading plans and specifications. When required by the building official, the applicant shall pay a supplemental grading plan check fee in accordance with the fee resolution established by the city council. 3. Whenever the applicant submits a grading plan for plan check that is substantially different in design of the earthwork as compared to previously submitted grading plans, the submittal shall be considered an original and a new grading plan check fee shall be determined and paid to the city as provided in this section. 4. The applicant shall pay a grading permit fee prior to the issuance of a grading permit by the city. The fee shall be based on the total volume of excavation and fill, on the site. If, during grading operations, the plans and specifications for the grading project are revised increasing the volume of excavation, fill, or a combination thereof above the volume that was used to determine the grading permit fee, the applicant shall pay to the city the difference between the original grading permit fee and the recalculated fee before work may resume under the grading permit. 5. Whenever grading operations are commenced without an approved grading permit; a penalty shall be added to all unpaid fees for grading plan check and grading permits. The penalty shall be three hundred percent of all fees due to the city. Section J104.2.1 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J104.2.1 Grading Designation. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 60 of 123 Grading in hilly terrain and all grading in excess of 2,500 cubic yards shall be performed in accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a registered civil engineer, and shall be designated as "engineered grading." Grading involving less than 2,500 cubic yards and not located in an area of mountainous terrain shall be designated as "regular grading" unless the permittee chooses to have the grading performed as engineered grading, or the building official determines that special conditions or unusual hazards exist, in which case grading shall conform to the requirements for engineered grading. Section J104.2.2 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J104.2.2 Regular grading requirements. In addition to the provisions of Section 106, and Section 104.2, Chapter 1, Division II, an application for a regular grading permit shall be accompanied by plans in sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work. The plans shall give the location of the work, the name of the owner, and the name of the person who prepared the plan. If the slope of the grade exceeds 3 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical or as required by the building official, the plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by an individual licensed by the state to prepare such plans or specifications. The plan shall include the following information: 1. General vicinity of the proposed site. 2. Limits and depths of cut and fill. 3. Location of any buildings or structures where work is to be performed, and the location of any buildings or structures within 15 feet (4.6 m) of the proposed grading. 4. Contours, flow areas, elevations, or slopes which define existing and proposed drainage patterns. 5. Storm water provisions in accordance with the requirements of Appendix J and Title 5 Chapter 4 of the City of El Segundo Municipal Code. 6. Location of existing and proposed utilities, drainage facilities, and recorded public and private easements and use restricted use areas. 7. Location of all Special Flood Hazard Areas as designated and defined in Title 44, Code of Federal Regulations. Section J104.2.3 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows:. J104.2.3 Engineered grading requirements. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 61 of 123 In addition to the provisions of Chapter 1 Division II, Section 107 and Appendix J Section J 104.2, an application for an engineered grading permit shall be accompanied by plans and specifications, and supporting data consisting of a soils engineering report and engineering geology report. The plans and specifications shall be prepared and signed by an individual licensed by the state to prepare such plans or specifications when required by the building official. Specifications shall contain information covering structures and material requirements. Plans shall be drawn to scale and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the location of the work, the name and address of the owner, and the person by whom they were prepared. The plans shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following information: 1. General vicinity of the proposed site. 2. Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage. 3. Limiting dimensions, elevations, or finish contours to be achieved by the grading, proposed drainage channels, and related structures. 4. Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work. A map showing the drainage area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains shall also be provided. 5. Location of any existing or proposed buildings or structures on the property where the work is to be performed and the location of any buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners that are within 15 feet (4.6 m) of the property or that may be affected by the proposed grading operations. 6. Recommendations in the geotechnical engineering report and the engineering geology report shall be incorporated into the grading plans or specifications. When approved by the building official, specific recommendations contained in the geotechnical engineering report and the engineering geology report, that are applicable to grading, may be included by reference. 7. The dates of the geotechnical engineering and engineering geology reports together with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the firms or individuals who prepared the reports. 8. A statement of the earthwork quantities of materials to be excavated and/or filled. Earthwork quantities shall include quantities for geotechnical and geological remediation. In addition, a statement of material to be imported or exported from the site. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 62 of 123 9. A statement of the estimated starting and completion dates for work covered by the permit. 10. A statement signed by the owner acknowledging that a field engineer, geotechnical engineer and engineering geologist, when appropriate, will be employed to perform the services required by this code, whenever approval of the plans and issuance of the permit are to be based on the condition that such professional persons be so employed. These acknowledgements shall be on a form furnished by the building official. 11. Storm water provisions are required to be shown on the grading plan in accordance with Appendix J Section J and Title 5 Chapter 4 of the ESMC. 12. A drainage plan for that portion of a lot or parcel to be utilized as a building site (building pad), including elevation of floors with respect to finish site grade and locations of existing and proposed stoops, slabs, fences or other features that may affect drainage. 13. Location and type of any existing or proposed private sewage disposal system. 14. Location of existing and proposed utilities, drainage facilities, and recorded public and private easements. 15. Location of all recorded floodways. 16. Location of all Special Flood Hazard Areas as designated and defined in Title 44, Code of Federal Regulations. Section J109.5 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: J109.5 Disposal. All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry waters to the nearest practicable street, storm drain, or natural watercourse drainage way approved by the building official or other appropriate governmental agency jurisdiction provided it is a safe place to deposit such waters. Erosion of ground in the area of discharge shall be prevented by installation of non -erosive down drains or other devices. Desilting basins, filter barriers or other methods, as approved by the building official, shall be utilized to remove sediments from surface waters before such waters are allowed to enter streets, storm drains, or natural watercourses. If the drainage device discharges onto natural ground, riprap or a similar energy dissipater may be required. Building pads shall have a minimum drainage gradient of 2 percent toward approved drainage facilities, a public street or drainage structure approved to receive storm waters unless waived by the building official. A lesser slope may be approved by the building official for sites graded in relatively flat terrain, or ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 63 of 123 where special drainage provisions are made, when the building official finds such modification will not result in unfavorable drainage conditions. Section J113 is added to the 2022 CBC to read as follows: SECTION J113 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) COMPLIANCE J113.1 General. All grading plans and permits shall comply with the provisions of this section for NPDES compliance including the owner of any property on which grading has been performed and which requires a grading permit under Appendix J Section J103. Sites which have been graded and which require a grading permit under Appendix J Section J103 are subject to penalties and fines per Appendix J Section J113.4. All best management practices shall be installed before grading begins or as instructed in writing by the building official for unpermitted grading as defined by Section J 103.3. As grading progresses, all best management practices shall be updated as necessary to prevent erosion and control structures related pollutants from discharging from the site. All best management practices shall be maintained in good working order to the satisfaction of the building official unless final grading approval has been granted by the building official and all permanent drainage and erosion control systems, if required, are in place. J113.2 Storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). When requested by the building official, no grading permit shall be issued unless the plans for such work include a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan with details of best management practices, including desilting basins or other temporary drainage or control measures, or both, as may be necessary to control structures - related pollutants which originate from the site as a result of structures related activities. For unpermitted grading as defined by Section J103.3 upon written request a SWPPP in compliance with the provisions of this section and Section J106.4.3 for NPDES compliance shall be submitted to the building official. J113.3 Wet weather erosion control plans (WWECP). In addition to the SWPPP required in Appendix J Section J113.2, where a grading permit is issued and it appears that the grading will not be completed prior to November 1, then on or before October 1 the owner of the site on which the grading is being performed shall file or cause to be filed with the building official a WWECP which includes specific best management practices to minimize the transport of sediment and protect public and private property from the effects of erosion, flooding or the deposition of mud, debris or structures related pollutants. The best ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 64 of 123 management practices shown on the WWECP shall be installed on or before October 15. The plans shall be revised annually or as required by the building official to reflect the current site conditions. The WWECP shall be accompanied by an application for plan checking services and plan check fees equal in amount to 10 percent of the original grading permit fee." SECTION 3. Sections 13-2-1 and 13-2-2 of Chapter 2 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 2 RESIDENTIAL CODE 13-2-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 2022 Edition: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.2, the California Building Code, 2022 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 2.5, of the California Code of Regulations, including Appendices J and AX ("CRC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth in Section 13-1-2. One true copy of the CRC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-2-2: AMENDMENTS TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE: The California Residential Code adopted pursuant to Section 13-2-1 is hereby amended as follows: Subsection 11 is added to R105.2 of the 2022 CRC: R105.2 Work exempt from permit. Building 11. Block wall and concrete fences not over 3 feet 6 inches high.. Section R105.3.2 of the 2022 CRC is hereby amended to read as follows: R105.3.2 Expiration of Plan Check. An application for a permit for any proposed work is deemed to have been abandoned 12 months after the application date. Unless otherwise provided, after expiration of the application, the City will not issue a permit until the plans are rechecked and approved and a new fee is paid. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 65 of 123 Exception: The Building Official may grant extensions of time for additional periods not exceeding 90 days each if a permit applicant submits in writing sufficient evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded the securing of the permit within the allocated time. Section R105.8 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is added to read as follows: R105.8 Responsibility of permittee. Building permits shall be presumed by the city to incorporate all of the work that the applicant, the applicant's agent, employees and/or contractors shall carry out. Said proposed work shall be in accordance with the approved plans and with all requirements of this code and any other laws or regulations applicable thereto. No city approval shall relieve or exonerate any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions of this code nor shall any vested rights be created for any work performed in violation of this code. Section R108.5.1 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is added to read as follows: R108.5.1 Plan check fees refund. No portion of the plan check fee shall be refunded unless plan review has not been performed, in which case 80 percent of the plan check fee shall be refunded upon written application for refund submitted by the person who made original payment of such fee and with the written consent of the owner of the real property on which the work was proposed to be done. The Building Official shall determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 180 days have elapsed from the date of the submittal for plan check, no plan check fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for plan check is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Section R108.5.2 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is added to read as follows: R108.5.2 Permit fees refund. In the event any person shall have obtained a building permit and no portion of the work or construction covered by such permit shall have commenced, nor any inspection performed by any City employee, and notice of abandonment has been received from the owner of the real property on which such work would have been performed, the permittee, upon presentation to the Building Official of a written request for refund, shall be entitled to a refund in an amount equal to 80 percent of the building permit fee actually paid for such permit. The Building Official shall ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 66 of 123 determine, in such official's discretion, whether an applicant is qualified to receive a refund. After 12 months have elapsed from the date of the issuance of the permit, no permit fees shall be refunded. In the event subsequent application for a permit is made by a person who has received a refund, the full amount of all required fees shall be paid as elsewhere provided in this chapter. Exception: 1. If a permit has been issued for a project located in an area outside the jurisdiction of the City, 100 percent of the permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. 2. If a duplicate permit has been erroneously issued, 100 percent of the duplicated permit and plan checking fee may be refunded. Section R108.6 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R108.6 Work commencing before permit issuance. Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee in addition to the normally established permit fee, equal to 100% of such normally established permit fee, or as otherwise determined by the building official. Section R109.1.7 of Chapter 1 of the CRC is added to read as follows: R109.1.7 Setback Certification required. A California State licensed surveyor is required to certify the location and setbacks of all new construction prior to the first foundation inspection. A copy of the certification shall be available to the Building Division inspector for the job file prior to the first inspection Exception: Wherever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this section, the Building Official shall have the authority to grant modifications for individual cases. Section R109.5 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is hereby added to read as follows: R109.5 Re -inspections. A re -inspection fee in the amount set by the City Council resolution may be assessed for each inspection or re -inspection when such portion of work for which ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 67 of 123 inspection is called is incomplete or when required corrections called are not made. This section is not to be interpreted as requiring re -inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or re -inspection. Re -inspection fees may be assessed when the inspection record card is not posted or otherwise available on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official. In instances where re -inspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until the required fees have been paid. Section R112.3 of Chapter 1 of the 2022 CRC is hereby amended to read as follows: R112.3 Board of Appeals. The board of appeals consists of members of the Planning Commission. The term of a board of appeals member will coincide with the term of service as a Planning Commissioner and will terminate should the member cease serving as a Planning Commissioner. The building official is the secretary to the board. The board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and will render all its decisions and findings on contested matters, in writing to the building official, with a duplicate copy for any appellant or contestant affected by such decision or finding and may recommend to the city council appropriate new legislation. Three members of the board constitute a quorum. The Planning Chairperson is the board's chairperson and in the chairperson's absence the board will select a temporary chairperson. The city will assess a filing fee set by City Council resolution, at the time that an appellant files appeal of any order, decisions, or determination made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code. The filing fee is refundable should the appellant prevail in a decision by the board. The appeal must be taken by filing a written notice of appeal, in letterform, to the board of appeals. The board's decision constitutes the city's final decision. Section R301.1.3.2 of Chapter 3 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R301.1.3.2 Wood -frame structures. The building official shall require construction documents to be approved and stamped by a California licensed architect or engineer for all dwellings of wood - ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 68 of 123 frame construction more than two stories and basement in height located in Seismic Design Category A, B or C. Notwithstanding other sections of law; the law establishing these provisions is found in Business and Professions Code Section 5537 and 6737.1. The building official shall require construction documents to be approved and stamped by a California licensed architect or engineer for all dwellings of wood - frame construction more than one story in height or with a basement located in Seismic Design Category Do, D1, D2. Section R301.1.5 is added to Chapter 3 of the 2022 CRC to read as follows: R301.1.5 Seismic design provisions for buildings constructed on or into slopes steeper than one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33.3 percent slope). The design and construction of new buildings and additions to existing buildings when constructed on or into slopes steeper than one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33.3 percent slope) shall comply with Section 1613.6 of the Building Code. Items 1, 3 and 5 of Section R301. of the 2022 CRC are amended to read as follows: R301. Irregular Buildings. 1. Shear wall or braced wall offsets out of plane. Conditions where exterior shear wall lines or braced wall panels are not in one plane vertically from the foundation to the uppermost story in which they are required. 3. Shear wall or braced wall offsets in plane. Conditions where the end of a braced wall panel occurs over an opening in the wall below. 5. Floor level offset. Conditions where portions of a floor level are vertically offset. Section R301. is added to Chapter 3 of the 2022 CRC to read as follows: R301. Anchorage of Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing Components and Equipment. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 69 of 123 Mechanical, electrical, or plumbing components and equipment shall be anchored to the structure. Anchorage of the components and equipment shall be designed to resist loads in accordance with the California Building Code and ASCE 7, except where the component is positively attached to the structure and flexible connections are provided between the component and associated ductwork, piping, and conduit; and either 1. The component weighs 400 lbs. (1,780 N) or less and has a center of mass located 4 ft. (1.22 m) or less above the supporting structure; or 2. The component weighs 20 lbs. (89N) or less or, in the case of a distributed system, 5 lb/ft. (73 N/m) or less. Section R313.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R313.1 Automatic fire sprinkler systems. A. New Buildings and Structures: Unless otherwise prohibited by law, approved automatic sprinkler systems in new buildings and structures shall be required for all occupancies. B. Existing Buildings and Structures: Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any work to an existing building which removes more than fifty percent (50%) of the exterior perimeter wall height as defined in ESMC 15-1-6 for additions and alterations will require the existing building to be fully sprinklered throughout. R313.1.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. An approved automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in townhouses. Exception: Deleted R313.1.2 Design and installation. Automatic fire sprinkler systems for townhouses shall be designed and installed in accordance with Section R313.3, NFPA 13 or NFPA 13D." Section R328.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows:. R328.1 General Energy storage systems (ESS) shall comply with the provisions of this section and the El Segundo Fire Code. Exceptions: Deleted ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 70 of 123 Section R328.4 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R328.4 Locations ESS shall be installed only in the following locations: 1. Detached garages and detached accessory structures. 2. Deleted 3. Outdoors or on the exterior side of exterior walls located not less than 3 feet (914 mm) from doors and windows directly entering the dwelling unit; including accessory dwelling units. 4. Deleted Section R328.5 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R328.5 Energy Ratings Individual ESS units shall have a maximum rating of 20 kWh. The aggregate rating of the ESS shall not exceed: 1. Delete 2. 80 kWh in attached or detached garages and detached accessory structures. 3. 80 kWh on exterior walls. 4. 80 kWh outdoors on the ground. ESS installations exceeding the permitted individual or aggregate ratings shall be installed in accordance with Section 1207 of the El Segundo Fire Code. Section R328.7 of the 2022 CRC is deleted in its entirety: Section R341 is added to the 2022 CRC to read as follows: R341: RESIDENTIAL NOISE INSULATION STANDARDS (Airport Noise Sources) R341.1 Noise Insulation Requirements for New Construction. R341.2 Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum noise insulation performance standards for new residential dwelling units and additions of habitable rooms to existing residential dwelling units to protect public health, safety, and welfare from ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 71 of 123 the effects of excessive noise, including without limitation, indoor quality of life, speech interference, and sleep disruption. R341.3 Applicability. This section applies to all newly constructed residences and habitable room additions to existing residences. R341.4 Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following words must have the following meaning: "Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL)" means the noise measure defined in 21 Code of California Regulations § 5001(d), and any successor regulation or amendment. "Habitable Room" means a room that is a space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, garages, and similar areas are not considered habitable space. "LAX" means Los Angeles International Airport."Noise Impact Boundary for LAX" means the area around LAX as defined in 21 California code of regulations § 5001(1), and any successor regulation or amendment. The city's building safety department must at all times maintain a current map of the noise impact boundary. The latest published map by LAWA located at the Building Safety Counter shall be used as the basis for determination. "Residence" means any occupancy group R building as used in El Segundo Title 13 of the El Segundo municipal code. R341.5 Standards. Any new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence that is within the noise impact boundary for LAX must be designed to ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX do not exceed 45 dB CNEL. This standard may be satisfied in two ways: (1) by performing the acoustical analysis described in section R341.1207.6.06, below, or (2) by employing the prescribed construction methods described in section R341.1207.6.07, below R341.6 Acoustical Analysis. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if it includes an acoustical analysis demonstrating that the proposed design will ensure that internal noise levels due to LAX aircraft noise will not exceed 45 dB CNEL. The ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 72 of 123 acoustical analysis shall be proven to meet the standard by providing post- construction/pre-occupancy acoustic measurement to verify compliance with the 45 dB CNEL standard. The Building Official has the discretion to implement policies that meet the intent of this code section. A. The acoustical analysis must be prepared by a person experienced in the field of acoustical engineering. The analysis must consider and include: the topographical relationship between LAX aircraft noise sources and the dwelling site, the characteristics of those noise sources, predicted noise spectra and levels at the exterior of the dwelling site, the basis for this prediction (measured or obtained from published data), the noise insulation measures to be employed, and the effectiveness of the proposed noise insulation measures. B. If the interior allowable noise levels are to be met by requiring that windows be unopenable or closed, the design for the structure must also specify a ventilation or air-conditioning system to provide a habitable interior environment, having at least 2 air exchanges per hour for the affected rooms. The ventilation system must not compromise the interior room noise reduction. R341.7 Prescribed Construction Methods. A building permit application for a new residence or addition of one or more habitable rooms to an existing residence must comply with the minimum noise insulation performance standards established in this section if the design incorporates the following construction methods. Construction Methods in the 70 dB CNEL and Greater Noise Zone R341.8 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth.B. Exterior finish must be stucco, minimum 7/8-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over 1/2-inch minimum solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot must require an interior supporting stud -wall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 73 of 123 D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. E. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wall board or plaster. R341.9 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283. B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must 1. Have a sound transmission class rating of at least STC 40 dB, or 2. Must be 5/8-inch laminated glass with STC rating of 40 dB and must be set in non -hardening glazing materials, or 3. Must be glass block at least 31/2 inches thick. C. The total areas of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the wall area. R341.10 Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 40 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 35 dB. C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must not be allowed in walls that are directly exposed to aircraft noise. Sliding glass doors in walls that are not directly exposed must have an STC rating of at least 40 dB.D. Access doors from attached garage to the interior of a residence must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. R341.11 Roof/Ceiling Construction. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 74 of 123 A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum 1/2-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code. B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. 4. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8- inch thick. Ceiling materials must be mounted on resilient channels. 5. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line or at any point that provides at least a 4-inch space between the skylight glazing and the secondary glazing and must be glazed with at least 3/16-inch plastic or laminated glass. The weather -side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. The size of skylights must be no more than 20 percent of the roof area of the room. R341.12 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of this code in each habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductworks must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non -ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. R341.13 Fireplaces. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 75 of 123 Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. R341.14 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited unless access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings are designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL (or less) standard in the room to which they provide access. Construction Methods In The 65 dB CNEL To 70 dB CNEL Noise Zone R341.15 Exterior Walls. New walls that form the exterior portion of habitable rooms must be constructed as follows: A. Studs must be at least 4 inches in nominal depth B. Exterior finish must be stucco, minimum 7/8-inch thickness, brick veneer, masonry, or any siding material allowed by this code. Wood or metal siding must be installed over 1/2-inch solid sheathing. C. Masonry walls with a surface weight of less than 40 pounds per square foot will require an interior studwall that is finished with at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. D. Wall insulation must be at least R-11 glass fiber or mineral wool and must be installed continuously throughout the stud space. Exterior solid sheathing must be covered with overlapping asphalt felt. F. Interior wall finish must be at least 5/8-inch thick gypsum wallboard or plaster. R341.16 Exterior Windows. A. Openable Windows: All openable windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must have a laboratory sound transmission class rating of at least STC 35 dB and must have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.5 cubic feet per minute when tested according to ASTM E-283. B. Fixed Windows: All fixed windows in the exterior walls of habitable rooms must be at least 1/4-inch thick and must be set in non -hardening glazing materials. C. The total area of glazing in rooms used for sleeping must not exceed 20% of the floor area. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 76 of 123 R341.17: Exterior Doors. A. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are directly exposed to aircraft noise and are facing the source of the noise must be a door and edge seal assembly that has a laboratory sound transmission class of at least STC 35 dB. B. Exterior hinged doors to habitable rooms that are not directly exposed to aircraft noise and do not face the source of the noise must have a minimum STC rating of 30 dB. C. Sliding glass doors in habitable rooms must have glass that is 1/4-inch thick, D. Access doors from a garage to a habitable room must have an STC rating of at least 30 dB. R341.18 Roof/Ceiling Construction. A. Roof rafters must have a minimum slope of 4:12 and must be covered on their top surface with minimum '/2-inch solid sheathing and any roof covering allowed by this code. B. Attic insulation must be batt or blow-in glass fiber or mineral wool with a minimum R-30 rating applied between the ceiling joists. C. Attic ventilation must be: 1. Gable vents or vents that penetrate the roof surface that are fitted with transfer ducts at least 6 feet in length that are insulating flexible ducting or metal ducts containing internal 1-inch thick coated fiberglass sound absorbing duct liner. Each duct must have a lined 90-degree bend in the duct so that there is no direct line of sight from the exterior through the duct into the attic, or 2. Noise control louver vents, or 3. Eave vents that are located under the eave overhang. D. Ceilings must be finished with gypsum board or plaster that is at least 5/8-inch thick. E. Skylights must penetrate the ceiling by means of a completely enclosed light well that extends from the roof opening to the ceiling opening. A secondary openable glazing panel must be mounted at the ceiling line and must be glazed ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 77 of 123 with at least 3/16-inch plastic, tempered or laminated glass. The weather -side skylight must be any type that is permitted by the building code. R341.19 Floors. The floor of the lowest habitable rooms must be concrete slab on grade or wood framed floors. R341.20 Ventilation. A. A ventilation system must be provided that will provide at least the minimum air circulation and fresh air supply requirements of at least 2 air exchanges in each affected habitable room without opening any window, door or other opening to the exterior. All concealed ductwork must be insulated flexible glass fiber ducting that is at least 10 feet long between any two points of connection. B. Kitchen cooktop vent hoods must be the non -ducted recirculating type with no ducted connection to the exterior. R341.21 Fireplaces. Each fireplace must be fitted with a damper at the top of the chimney that is operated from the firebox and must have glass doors across the front of the firebox. R341.22 Wall and Ceiling Openings. Openings in the shell of the residence that degrade its ability to achieve an interior CNEL rating of 45 dB or less when all doors and windows are closed are prohibited. Any access panels, pet doors, mail delivery drops, air-conditioning, or other openings must be designed to maintain the 45 dB CNEL or less standard in the room to which they provide access. Section R401.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R401.1 Application. The provisions of this chapter shall control the design and construction of the foundation and foundation spaces for buildings. In addition to the provisions of this chapter, the design and construction of foundations in flood hazard areas as established by Table R301.2(1) shall meet the provisions of Section R322. Wood foundations shall be designed and installed in accordance with AWC PWF. Exception: The provisions of this chapter shall be permitted to be used for wood foundations only in the following situations: 1. In buildings that have no more than two floors and a roof. 2. When interior basement and foundation walls are constructed at intervals not exceeding 50 feet (15 240 mm). ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 78 of 123 Wood foundations in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2 shall not be permitted. Exception: In non -occupied, single -story, detached storage sheds and similar uses other than carport or garage, provided the gross floor area does not exceed 200 square feet, the plate height does not exceed 12 feet in height above the grade plane at any point, and the maximum roof projection does not exceed 24 inches. Section R403.1.2 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R403.1.2 Continuous footing in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2. Exterior walls of buildings located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2 shall be supported by continuous solid or fully grouted masonry or concrete footings. All required interior braced wall panels in buildings located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2 shall be supported on continuous foundations. Section R403.1.3.6 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows R403.1.3.6 Isolated concrete footings. In detached one- and two-family dwellings located in Seismic Design Category A, B, or C that are three stories or less in height and constructed with stud bearing walls, isolated plain concrete footings supporting columns or pedestals are permitted. Section R403.1.5 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R403.1.5 Slope. The top surface of footings shall be level. The bottom surface of footings shall not have a slope exceeding one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope). Footings shall be stepped where it is necessary to change the elevation of the top surface of the footings or where the slope of the bottom surface of the footings will exceed one unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10-percent slope). For structures located in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di or D2, stepped footings shall be reinforced with four No. 4 rebar. Two bars shall be place at the top and bottom of the footings as shown in Figure R403.1.5. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 79 of 123 RE)CONIN : a > b 8 � cm STEPPED F0MAVONS FIGURE R403.1.5 - STEPPED FOOTING Section R404.2 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R404.2 Wood foundation walls. Wood foundation walls shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Sections R404.2.1 through R404.2.6 and with the details shown in Figures R403.1(2) and R403.1(3). Wood foundation walls shall not be used for structures located in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2. Section R501.2 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R501.2 Requirements. Floor construction shall be capable of accommodating all loads in accordance with Section R301 and of transmitting the resulting loads to the supporting structural elements. Mechanical or plumbing fixtures and equipment shall be attached or anchored to the structure in accordance with Section R301.2.2.11. Section R503.2.4 is added to Chapter 5 of the CRC to read as follows: R503.2.4 Openings in horizontal diaphragms. Openings in horizontal diaphragms with a dimension perpendicular to the joist that is greater than 4 feet (1.2 m) shall be constructed in accordance with Figure R503.2.4. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 80 of 123 na rr„, p r METAL TIE 16GA. x 1 1@" x X-V MIN., (4 TOTAL) W116-16d COMMON NAILS AS SHOWN .on - METAL TIE 16GA. x 1 U2" x (OPENING WIDTH + 4'-W) MIN., (2 TOTAL) W/ 24-16d COMMON NAILS Far SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, I form - 304.8 mm. PLYWOOD SHEATHING DIAPHRAGM OPENING r^� s rr. ram. ��r r r err a,„ � ra• r, r' �. r ram" �.r inches 38 mm wide with eight 1d common nails on each side of the header -joist intersection, The metal ties shall have a minimum yieldof 33 00 psi (227 MPa), c. ODeninos in diaohraoms shall be further limited in accordance_ with Section R301. FIGURE R503.2.4 OPENINGS IN HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 81 of 123 Table R602.3(1) lines 20, 21,24, 34-37 of the 2022 CRC are amended to read as follows: TABLE R602.3(1)—continued FASTENING SCHEDULE ITE DESCRIPTION OF NUMBER AND TYPE OF SPACING AND M BUILDING ELEMENTS FASTENERa, b, c LOCATION _. _. 3-8d box (21/2" x 0.113'); or ....... _...... ........ 20 1 " x 6" sheathing to each 2-8d common (21/2" x Face nail k bearing 0.131'); or 2-10d box (3" x 0.128'); or 2 staples, 1 "crown, 16 ga., 13/4" Ion 3-8d box (21/2" x 0.113'); or 3-8d common (21/2" X 3- 10d box 3- 31'�; or 0.1 0.1 21 1 " x 8" and wider sheathing to x 0.1or or Face nail each bearing 3 staples, 1 "crown, 16 ga., 13/4" long .......... Wider than 1 " x 8" 4-8d box (21/2" x 0.113'); or 3-8d common (21/2" x 0.131 '); or 3-10d box (3" x 0.128'); or 4 staples, 1 "crown, 16 ga., 13/4" Ion Floor 3-8d box (21/2" x 0.113'); or 24 1 " x 6" subfloor or less to each 2-8d common (21/2" x Face nail k joist 0.131'); or 3-10d box (3" x 0.128'); or 2 staples, 1 "crown, 16 ga., 13/4" Ion Other wall sheathing) 1/2" structural 11/2" x 0.120"galvanized roofing 34 cellulosic fiberboard nail, 7/16" head diameter, or 11/4" 3 6 k sheathing long 16 ga. staple with 7/16" or 1 " crown ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 82 of 123 .................. ...... ..... ............ .........._ _...._ 35 25/32rrstructural 13/4r'x 0.120" galvanized roofing 3 6 k cellulosic fiberboard nail,'/16" head diameter, or 1 Y4" sheathing long 16 ga. Staple with 7/16"or 1" crown 36 1/2" gypsum sheathingd 11/2" x 0.120" galvanized roofing 7 7 k nail, 7/16" head diameter, or 1 %" long, 16 ga.; staple galvanized, 11/2" long; 7/16" or 1" crown or 11/4" screws, Type WorS „................__.d 13/4„galvanized roofing nail,'/16" 7 ._._._._7 37 5/$ gypsum sheathing g k head diameter, or 1'/4" long, 16 ga.; staple galvanized, 11/2" long;'/16" or 1" crown or 1 1/4" screws, Type WorS TABLE R602.3(1)— continued FASTENING SCHEDULE k. Use of staples in roof, floor, and braced wall panels shall be Rrohibited in Seismic Design n Cate o Do, Q1 or d2, TABLE R602.3(1)—continued FASTENING SCHEDULE a. Nails are smooth -common, box or deformed shanks except where otherwise stated. Nails used for framing and sheathing connections shall have minimum average bending yield strengths as shown: 80 ksl for shank diameter of 0.192 inch (20d common nail), 90 ksi for shank diameters larger than 0.142 inch but not larger thin 0,177 inch, and 100 ksi for shank diameters of 0.111? Inch or less. b. Staples are 16 gage wire and have a minirrrudrr 7/16-irdr.^^➢r on diameter crown width. c. Nails shall be spaced at not more than 6 inches on center at all supports where spans are 48 inches or greater. d. Four -foot by 8-foot or 4-Foot by 9-foot panels shall be applied vertically. e. Spacing of fasteners not included in this table shall be based on Table R602.3(2). f. Where the ultimate design wind speed is 130 mph or less, nails for attaching wood structural panel roof sheathing to gable end wall framing shall be spaced 6 inches on center. Where the ultimate design wind speed is greater than 130 mph, nails for attaching panel roof sheathing to intermediate supports shall be spaced 6 inches on center for minimum 48-inch distance from ridges, eaves and gable end walls; and 4 inches on center to gable end wall framing. g. Gypsum sheathing shall conform to ASTM C 1396 and shall be installed in accordance with GA 253. Fiberboard sheathing shall conform to ASTM C 208. h. Spacing of fasteners on floor sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking and at floor perimeters only. Spacing of fasteners on roof sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking. Blocking of roof or floor sheathing panel edges perpendicular to the framing members need not be provided except as required by other provisions of this code. Floor perimeter shall be supported by framing members or solid blocking. I. Where a rafter is fastened to an adjacent parallel ceiling joist in accordance with this schedule, provide two toe nails on one side of the rafter and toe nails from the ceiling joist to top plate in accordance with this schedule. The toe nail on the opposite side of the rafter shall not be required. L Use of sta, laps in br°aced rva�arels sliall bt rrnhibifed in Skismir Orsi, p Cale c t i�� I&P= Table R602.3(2) footnote "b" of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 83 of 123 b. Staples shall have a minimum crown width of 7/16-inch on diameter except as noted. Use of staples in roof, floor, subfloor, and braced wall panels shall be prohibited in Seismic Design Category Do, Di, or D2. Section R602.3.2 exception and Table R602.3.2 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: Exception: In other than Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2, a single top plate used as an alternative to a double top plate shall comply with the following: 1. The single top plate shall be tied at corners, intersecting walls, and at in -line splices in straight wall lines in accordance with Table R602.3.2. 2. The rafters or joists shall be centered over the studs with a tolerance of not more than 1 inch (25 mm). 3. Omission of the top plate is permitted over headers where the headers are adequately tied to adjacent wall sections in accordance with Table R602.3.2. TABLE R602.3.2 SINGLE TOP -PLATE SPLICE CONNECTION DETAILS .. TOP -PLATE SPLICE LOCATION CONDITION Corners and Intersecting walls Buttjoints In straight walls Splice plate size Minimum nails each side of joint Splice plate size Minimum nails each side of joint Structures in SDC A-C; et*4+HS,�' 3" x 6" x 0.036" (6) 8d box 3' x 12" x 0.036" (12) 8d box Dr-DT a4 Liz­� galvanized steel plate (21/z" x 0.11 T j nails galvanized steel plate (21/2 % x 0.1 IT) nails -� or equivalent or equivalent 9G Dew &td D2, x a 3 �c 161, x ._7 bFftee��PftftVe&hMgalvem"d ste*4 plate Vor �)L I"Wrl -40"'1 'u.root =„atIVOmm. Section R602.10.2.3 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R602.10.2.3 Minimum number of braced wall panels. Braced wall lines with a length of 16 feet (4877 mm) or less shall have a minimum of two braced wall panels of any length or one braced wall panel equal to 48 inches (1219 mm) or more. Braced wall lines greater than 16 feet (4877 mm) shall have a minimum of two braced wall panels. -In Seismic Design Category Do, D1, or D2, no braced wall panel shall have a contributing length less than 48 inches in length or as required in Section R602.10.3, whichever is greater. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 84 of 123 Table R602.10.3(3) of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows:. TREBLE R802.70_30) RRACING RFOIIIREIAENTS BASED ON SEISMC DESIGN CATEGORY • WALL HEIGNT . 10 FEET • 10 PSF FLOOR DEAD LOAD • 15 PSF ROOMEILING DEAD LOAD • BRACED WALL LINE SPACING 5: ZS FEET NINORM TOTAL LENGTH {FEET) OF laRACED WALL PANELS REOW2ED ALDNG EACH BRACED WALL LINE-S $n_ Catogoc Dig. Story Location Bracod Wall Line Larbo ifoel9� �h� �� Mclkiods DWS, SFB, PBS, 'PCP, NPS. CS.SFW Mkdiads WSP. Mp AB, PFF1 and PFGa r Mthods CS-WSP, CS G, CS-PF [Uownhollses anly) ID 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.4 21k 53) 5.0 5.0 3.2 2.7 30 7.5 7.5 7.5 4.9 4.1 40 10.0 10.0 10.0 6.4 5.4 DD 12.5 12.5 12.5 B.0 6.9 10 NP 4.5 4.5 3.0 2.6 zo NP NP 9.0 13.5 9.0 13.5 6.0 9.0 5.1 7.7 40 NP 18.0 18.0 12_0 10.2 50 NP 22.5 22.5 15.D 12A 10 ZD N P NP fi_0 12.0 6.0 12.0 4.5 9A 3.8 7.7 30 NP 18.0 18.0 13`5 11.5 40 NP 24.0 M 18.D 15.3 50 NP 30.0 30.0 22.5 19.1 10 NP 2 8 s G -S S_d l.8 1.G 20 NP 1 44 ILO 3.0 3A 30 NP 94 84 1" 5.4 4.6 40 NP 22.01 '-�0 7.2 6.1 50 NP 4&427A 27. s 9.0 7.7 Dd 10 NP 44NP . NP 3.8 3.2 20 NP NP NP 7. i 6.4 M 40 NP NP . NP NP n ' -IP 11.3 15.0 9.6 12.8 50 NP i" NP -FH1 4F 18.8 16.0 f0 NP -74:.w 44 P 5.3 4.5 20 3D 40 NP NP NP 4 `a NP NP NP 4" K? NP _ Mp 10.5 15.8 21.0 9.0 13.4 17.9 50 NP ` '4P NP 2&3 22.3 ft-cnie # ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 85 of 123 TABLE 11802.10.3(3)-conned RRArimr_ RFnU1PFMFNTS RASED ON SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY • WALL HEIGHT -10 FEET • 10 PSF FLOOR DEAD LOAD • 15 PSF RDOFICEILING DEAD LOAD BRACED WALL LINE SPACING 25 FEET WMM JM TOTAL LENGTH (FEEn DF BRACED WALL PANELS REQUIRED ALONG EACH BRACED WALL LINE' 1 Saismic Design Categor Sowlr Lomtion Braced Wall Leis Length 11oay` Method ioa Method' Media& QWB SFB, RBS, PGP, HPS, CS-5FB- UKhp& WSP, A8W , PFFf and PFG" Methods CS YfSP, CS G, CS-PF ID NP 2.$&0 4.4 &0 2-0 1.7 2D NP 6812.0 . .112D 4.0 3.4 30 NP A.91xo 1&a0 6.0 5.1 40 NP " 24 D 4" L4.0 8.41 6.9 50 NP "'_ 3o.0 +&0 30-0-0 ID.0 8.5 Dp� 10 20 30 NP NP NP &8 NP -qP 441-#NP NP 4.4 NP 444 NP 44. _ :'dP, 4.5 9-0 13.5 3.8 7.7 11-5 40 50 NP NP 4} NP 4" PT "O E 4"�NP IB.0 22.5 15.3 19.1 10 20 NP NP 84 NP 4gIONP 8.4 mF 4- NP 6.0 12.0 5.1 10.2 30 NP 44."- P :" NP I B.0 15.3 40 NP . hP DTP 24.0 20.4 50 NP X P 4M NP 3D.0 25-5 ID NP 4.4 5®0 ,, 2.5 2.1 20 NP $B 16.0 90 W.0 5.0 4.3 30 NP 24 4" 24.0 7.5 6.4 40 NP 441 32.0 4T 3=.a 10.0 8.5 50 NP " , 4D.a ' `,° 4D.0 12.5 10-6 5 10 NP 44 NP 44 N-P 5.5 4.7 20 30 NP NP 4-FA NP 444NP 'P NhP 11.0 IG.5 9.4 14-0 4D 50 NP NP IMP, 34-4 NP T + I- &_IP 22.0 27.5 18.7 23A Three slary dwelling 10 NP NP NP NP N NP 2D NP NP NP NP NP 30 NP NP NP NP NP 40 NP NP I NP SIP NP 50 NP NP NP NP NP Cripple wall below one- or two-Owy we og ID NP NP NP 7-5 6.4 2D NP NP NP 15.0 12.8 30 NP NP NP 22.5 19.1 40 NP NP NP 1 30.0 25.5 5D KP NP NP 37a5 a1d9 &onfintradl a. Linear interpolation shall be permitted. b. Interpolation of bracing length between the Sds values associated with the seismic design categories shall be permitted when a site -specific Sds value is determined in accordance with Section 1613.2 of the California Building Code. P ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 86 of 123 c. Where the braced wall line length is greater than 50 feet, braced wall lines shall be permitted to be divided into shorter segments having lengths of 50 feet or less, and the amount of bracing within each segment shall be in accordance with this table. d. Method LIB shall have gypsum board fastened to not less than one side with nails or screws in accordance with Table R602.3(1) for exterior sheathing or Table R702.3.5 for interior gypsum board. Spacing of fasteners at panel edges shall not exceed 8 inches. e. Methods PFG and CS-SFB do not apply in Seismic Design Categories D0, D1 and D2. f. Methods PFH, PFG and ABW are only permitted on a single story or a first of two stories. g. Where more than one bracing method is used, mixing methods shall be in accordance with Section R602.10.4.1. h. One- and two- family dwellings in Seismic Design Category D2 exceeding two stories shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. i. Methods GB and PCP braced wall panel h/w ratio shall not exceed 1:1 in SDC D0, D1 and D2. Methods DWB, SFB, PBS, HIPS, and CS-SFB are not permitted in D0, D1 and D2. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 87 of 123 Table R602.10.4 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: METHOM MATERIAL I TMCKNM FIGURE CONNECTION GRIMM' FaMIMMM Swing l X I wwiotntl of Wimootl': 2-ad can=n' w't la per sind and top LIU apprwwwd nictal straps � � �.�� 3- (212" long x OA13 and bottom platys s®brar fw lnraxcttnl" 1eltrp.Ip��rcwnlaarltlar r stt�nl sp ing o nMmak tntt It ' r DWI ll 3j4aa (1 ° r ratittalj fcr � a 2-8d (2't11'r long x &I Ir dia.) Mils Per Diagonal wood iris 'da int,9tnN Z'T spacing Q 2'131+" long staples snid wSP Lagammon 18" sew „ 61— 6" eml,grs 12" field list c o ttr a eirr Wwrtx)dritnal panel 31a11 (ia�e Section ) Varies lagener dis�nce to "anal tm W"-wS'P11 Woodstructural 4' at Martel edges 12"' at panels with sdoncr or Tl Set" FI imre a (2aFr" � ,131� nags � internierliate sia tw 4 "° brace' U Mawttrt vearcr (Srs pvectlot) R662.l l ip �.2' at wt a liarrel end posts l 1pill2. I llA ) or zs for "3axtom , m lltr°.h ill a. thick thic � shcatletn 1104"' lent; * tli.1 Ilia_ r 6" fteld St ►cu m 1 st (firlshealtt 1llotl,t"dtaK edges eadhi Pi A �I tthick Mort tr ]Yetis txscrr"+w+�s Pt^r "l"al& fl�G02'.3(I) Fo r all to3M. 1 wall V ti for exterior ltx:ations 1 tt l at Gypsum board f* Nails or screws 'l;sttic� 7' u1 �s larcAudh' lop aril tottont later 7" P w, 71>2.3.5 r interior locations field PUS lwart1t .wpree ire lw" for fs f1g6ttal ➢""or dt , it k 1a3mon 4oag 3' rrtirs 6®'field sresnr i�.., (211" r PCP See Section RM 6 For 16 • loin. 11 �e 4 t211"' diaa,„ at "" db. tr,3d .t Is, or 6°" o_t, an all 1 artting l irrtland can arm. Pl c tyre r maximum SHA spacing d, re11""i 10% l tl gagestapsiess Members rs IMPS r '" for M3XIMUM DAM' dia, 0.-225" die head nails Wills length to aocnrnmodale lre�3 4" t d!7w S" field Hard6rraatl panel Sid]ng I &I stud spacing % j w pendfallon into sands ,�° 3.d " � � Seet[csn 1YC112.1Q.G.l See Sec'tio n lternaw br�ared mall ' WN R602.10.6.1 = ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 88 of 123 TABLE R602.10.4—,continued BRACING METHODS ......__. _....... _ ....... CONNECTION CRITERIA' ....... METHODS, MATERIAL MINIMUM THICKNESS FIGURE .............. Fasteners Spacing _. h PFH � See Section Portal frame with hold- 31a" See Section RG02.10.6.2 R602.10.6.2 eo downs ��11-1J PFG t /1a " �� 0 � � � I ' See Section R602.10.6.3 See Section R602.10.6.3 v Portal frame at garage i '". q common 1 12 x0 1 1m _m is PeFTebie ....... 6" edges 12" field 318eate aygaut, to panel eye 1402.3� CS-WSP °"` Continuously sheathed 3/e" wood structural paned d]WslsiaF shamhing plef TableVanes by fastener xmrrwr 1 l �fC 1T� Is ------------- en . ed. a ...... _.... 2 CS-Gb` v Continuously sheathed - a wood structural panel '/B' See Method CS. "ASP See Method CS-WSP adjacent to garage openings c 5 CS-PF Continuously sheathed 711e" See Section R602.10.6.4 See Section R602.10.6.4 o portal frarne U CS-SFB" '/Z" or 25/32" for thing) Pl 1 long X Continuously sheathed maximum 16' Of 12'' lialti �nrshee 3" edges 6" field structural fiberboard stud spacing galvanized roofing nails For Sl: .......... 1 Inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm,1 degree = 0.0175 .......... ...... rad,1 pound per square Foot = 47.8 N/m2,1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s. a. Adhesive attachment of wall sheathing, including Method GB, shall not be permitted in Seismic Design Categories C, Do, Di and D2. b. Applies to panels next to garage door opening where supporting gable end wall or roof load only. Shall only be used on one wall of the garage. In Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2, roof covering dead load shall not exceed 3 psf. c. Garage openings adjacent to a Method CS-G panel shall be provided with a header in accordance with Table R602.7(1). A full -height clear opening shall not be permitted adjacent to a Method CS-G panel. d. Method CS-SFB does not apply in Seismic Design Categories Do, Di and D2. e. Method applies to detached one- and two- family dwellings in Seismic Design Categories Do through D2 only. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 89 of 123 f. Methods GB and PCP braced wall panel h/w ratio shall not exceed 1:1 in SDC Do, Di and D2. Methods LIB, DWB, SFB, PBS, HIPS, and PFG are not permitted in SDC Do, Di and D2. g. Use of stapes in braced wall panels shall be prohibited in SDC Do, Di and D2. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 90 of 123 Table R602.10.5 of the 2022 Edition of the CRC is amended to read as follows: TABLE R602.10.5 MINIMUM LENGTH (inches) METHOD .. CONTRIBUTING LENGTH (See Table R602.10.4) Wall Height (inches) ............8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 fm feet 12 feet DWB, WSP, SFB, PBS,. .. . .. PCP, HPS, BV-WSP 48 48 48 53 _ _ 58 _ Actual' GB 48 48 48 53 58 Double sided = Actual Single sided = 0.5 x Actual LIB 55 62 69 NP NP ........ Actualb SDC A, B and C, ultimate design 28 32 34 38 42 ABW wind speed < 140 mph ........ _ ................ - 48 SDC Do, D, and DZ, ultimate design 32 32 34 NP NP wind speed < 140 mph ............. .....m. CS-G 24 27 30 33 36 Actual Adjacent clear opening height (inches) < 64 24 _.._...._ 27 30 ...... .. ......... 33 ......: 36 ... .._... ... 68 26 ...... 27 30 33 36 .... ._. 72 .. .............. _ 27 27 30 33 36 ...... 76 30 29 ... 30 33 .............. 36 ....... 80 32 30 30 33 1 36 ........ .. 84 -_....... 35 32 32 33 36 88 .._..�. 38 35..._, 33 ._....... 33 36 92 43 37 35 35 36 ... 96_ 48...._.. 41 1 38 36 3.6..._. ....... CS-WSP, CS-SFB 100 - 44 40 _._. 1 38 38 104 49 43 40 39 Actual' _ 108 - 54 ........ 46 43 .......... 41 _..... 112 ...... — -•- _. 50 45 ........... 43 ...... 116 55 48 45 120 - mm 60 52 48 124 ........ _...... ......... ......... 56 51 128 61 54 ........ ....... 132 ......... — ..... - 66 ___..._._ 58 ........... 136 . _ _- 62 66 144 — _.... _ 72 METHOD Portal header height (See Table R602.10.4) 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet 11 feet 12 feet Supporting roof only 4H 24 24 46 24 Note c Note c 48 PFH PP g story Su ortin one sto and roof' 24 24 24 Note c Note c PFG -24 27 30 .... _ Note d Note d 1.5 x Actual' .. SDC A, B and C 16 18 20 1 Note e _ Note e .. 1.5 x Actual' CS-PF SDC Do, D, and Dz 24 3S 24 -20 24 Note e Note e Actual' ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 91 of 123 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 mile per hour = 0.447 m/s.. NP = Not Permitted. a. Linear interpolation shall be permitted. b. Use the actual length where it is greater than or equal to the minimum length. c. Maximum header height for PFH is 10 feet in accordance with Figure R602.10.6.2, but wall height shall be permitted to be increased to 12 feet with pony wall. d. Maximum header height for PFG is 10 feet in accordance with Figure R602.10.6.3, but wall height shall be permitted to be increased to 12 feet with pony wall. e. Maximum header height for CS-PF is 10 feet in accordance with Figure R602.10.6.4, but wall height shall be permitted to be increased to 12 feet with pony wall. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 92 of 123 Figure R602.10.6.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: IA IN -MI-WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL — SHEATHING ON ONE FACE MIN eat 4PPNyINGPAIN — DOUBLE STUDS REQUIRED (2) HO LO-DOWN OR (2) STRAP -TYPE -- ANCHORS PER TABLE R502 10,6 1 ('OH OF EACH SHOWN FOR CLARITY). STRAP -TYPE ANCHORS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE ATTACHED OVER THE WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL PANEL MUST BE ATTACHED TO CONCRETE FOOTING OR CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL CONTINUOUS OVER BRACED WALL LINE (2) 112- DIAMETER ANCHOR BOLTS LOCATED BETWEEN 6'ANO 12' OF EACH ENE) OF THESEGMENT PANEL LENGTH PER TABLE R602105 TOP PLATE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR PANEL SPLICE (IF NEEDED) ADJO I NI NG PANEL ED G ES SHALL MEET OVER AND BE FASTENED TO COMMON FRAMING BID COMM 0 N4R4*e0-9e*- MAILS @ 6- O,C. AT PANELEDGES. FOR SINGLE STORY AND Q 4 O.C. PANEL EDGES FOR THE FIRST OF 2 STORIES STUDS UNDER HEADER AS REQUIRED 80 COMMO NI� NAILS @ 12- O,C- AT INTERIOR SUPPORTS IAIN, REINFORCING OF FOUNDATION, ONE 04 BAR TOP AND BOTTOM LAP BARS -IF-IAINIMUM. 24" MINIMUM FOOTING SIZE UNDER OPENING IS 12'X 12'*+URNEBI HALEBEPE ifle0#T80I 4)PEN44G-S— FIGURE R602.10.6.1 METHOD ABW—ALTERNATE BRACED WALL PANEL ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 93 of 123 Figure R602.10.6.2 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: . . .......... ..... — E11EN1 OF HEADER WITH DOUBLE PORTAL FRAMES (TWO BRACED WALL PkNE131,- - - --------- t5' ri'mizo VOUTH OF OPEN[4G ONYWALL . ....... TENSION STRAP PER TABLE RS(n 10 6 4 (ON HEIGPT OPPOSITE SIDE OF — SHE41flNG) ��777777 " . ......... PROHIBITED MIN- 3'xfl'/," NET HEAD ER STEEL HEADER PR IF WSPACER IS USED, PLACE ON BACK SIDE OF HODER IF NEEDED, PANEL oaI a,FASTEN SHEATHING TO HEADER WITH ED SPLICE EDGES SHALL OCCUR OVER AND BE LU COMMONS NAILS IN 3'GRI D NAILEDTO COMMON PATTERN AS SHOWN Bt.DL4Ny^� 4W'`iTI44N THE HEADER 70 JACK�STUD STRAP PER TAS, E­ MIDDLE 24'OF -THE PORTAL,LFr. HEIGHT RE02-10,6,4 ON BOTH SIDES OF OPENING ONE, Row OF 31 O.C. OPPOSITE SIDE OF SHEATHING NAILING IS REOL4RED IN EACH PANELEDGE MIN, DOUBLE 2X4 FRAMING COVERED WITH MIN, 2WTHICK WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELSHEATHING PORrAt WITH OD COMMON NAILS AT V, RA) M C C (;,, q S T R kI C F 10 N 3' O.C. IN ALL FRAMING (STUDS, BLOCKING, AND SILLS)TYR MIN- LENGTH OF PANEL PER TABLE R602.t0 5 PE444A&+94 -ANONAtLED (EMS, DED INTO CONCRETE INTO FRAMING) NqN, Pr1p5fW.04 OF FOUNDATION Tom OP Foo-rc%b tAp TOP AND Rol MIN, "a-"p-po" D641=E)PEP4WO 2 0 1 &AW" MIN. FOOTING SIZE UNDER OPENING IS 12'x12', A-TURNE-p- POWN-&- QFVAI 04G)' MIN. (f) Ne DIAMEI CR ANCHOR 500 INSTMLED PER SECTION R453,1,6, WATH 244&*410 WASHER Tx S'xO 229' FRONT ELEVATION SECTION For St I inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 nun, FIGURE R602.10.6.2 METHOD PFH—PORTAL FRAME WITH HOLD-DOWNS AT DETACHED GARAGE DOOR OPENINGS FASTEN KING STUD TO tl EADER WITH 8 l6DSW4T-.RS HEADER WITH TWO ROWS OF I ED SINKER NAILS AT 31 O.C. TYR jj/32' "N W %VOIIV STRUCTURAL PANEL SHEATHING ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 94 of 123 Figure R602.10.6.4 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows- RAVENT OF I4EADeR WITH 00U9LEPORTALFRAAVES OWOERACED WALL PAN IH5� 'TX14 C19 APACE,' A I, r� SO4ru PORTAL FRAAIE (014 BRACEO WALL PANELy "IF Fl " ... . N,OTH OF op,.,. FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE PORTAL TION30ON 5 TRW PER PONYI, 001PO61TE iliac Qr CONTINUOUSLY& WrTHWOOC FASTEN 94EATHING TO HEADER MIN W PANELS CaMMO PATYGM.4-ISS"o— F NEEDED PANEL SPLI;F. FA)C43 SHALL HFi.DEN TOJ�IGSTI&DS PER TAKE-Cu o RE RAW ATF�.CmnRE To N's,"EA, SHBATNP`D CCAWMON BLOCKING otl WrrNH X" MIN D0bSLE2X4FNG0OVER RAMII!D'UffH&RN LRD. Hela 'MORE or I-OC"T NAILING 1522" �HRT�ICKWOOQ STPLICTURAL PANEL '�AVOA`QL REOUIR ED h EACH O�A $1IL%TWW3 VJ �IKZ ZG&NVN D I X 0Ox %%J1,%, A�, I'Ll C 7R ALL FRAMING (STUD9 t x Bumms. AND SILLS1 rrp TYPI" PORTAL "N PAN LENGTH OF PANEL PER TABLE RW-' 10 6 64, MIN- 0 li-rOVJAETER ANCHOR BOLTS 0OUvwE Z,-PO,$ 7 INSTALLED PER R4038 6WITHHW*p%?��PLATE (KROU'ViD JACK STOW I, INAUER TA N MOM OF JACK NU 5 PER TABLES R5R2 ot p)4q2) ANCHORDOLISPEA OVERCONCRIETE OR MASONRY BLOCK FOUNDATION SEC'NON RQ3 1.6 - L:It-—AOOOP7 "'A194,0AN&L NA'ILSOI.All"TE — I-EATH11,6 To TOP 01 RW4,1. --"A Toxm. I IZ, FRANtNG A�CHQRS APPLIED ACROSS SHLATHINGJ NTAITHA 4, MET VER=ILOI..C`NONS 'I.......-, WOOD OVER RAISED WOOD FLOOR -FRAMING ANCHOR OPTION (WHEN PORTAL BREATHING DOES NOT LAP OVER BANO OR RW JOIST) WOODS TAU'TL A L _8 FLA .4 OVER BAND OR FUNIJORST TABLE RN23111 . . . ............ . < 1� ................ QNI LR APPRq&. BAA0 OR Wd JODT O.G TOP AND ®37TOh® 1,, `"— 'NOOD 9TRuC TURAL PA;%EL SHEArWNG OVER APPROMOmDORRID)IJOST RNRAISED WOOD FLOOR - OVERLAP OPTION SHFATHWO LAPS OVER &AND OR RIkI BOARD) FRONT ELEVATION SECTION For Sl: I inch = 25.4 nuit, I foot = 304.8 mm. FIGURE R602.10.6.4 METHOD CS-PF-CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED PORTAL FRAME PANEL CONSTRUCTION FASTEN TCPPLATE M HwUtWrrHTWO ROWS OF 160 SINKER NALS AT 7 0 Q TYR. N 'Ec S"r, NO VT ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 95 of 123 Section R606.4.4 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R606.4.4 Parapet walls. Unreinforced solid masonry parapet walls shall not be less than 8 inches (203 mm) thick and their height shall not exceed four times their thickness. Unreinforced hollow unit masonry parapet walls shall be not less than 8 inches (203 mm) thick, and their height shall not exceed three times their thickness. Masonry parapet walls in areas subject to wind loads of 30 pounds per square foot (1.44 kPa) or located in Seismic Design Category Do, Di or D2, or on townhouses in Seismic Design Category C shall be reinforced in accordance with Section R606.12. Section R606. of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R606. Reinforcement requirements for masonry elements. Masonry elements listed in Section R606. shall be reinforced in either the horizontal or vertical direction as shown in Figure R606.11 (3) and in accordance with the following: 1. Horizontal reinforcement. Horizontal joint reinforcement shall consist of least one No. 4 bar spaced not more than 48 inches (1219 mm)-. Horizontal reinforcement shall be provided within 16 inches (406 mm) of the top and bottom of these masonry elements. 2. Vertical reinforcement. Vertical reinforcement shall consist of at least one No. 4 bar spaced not more than 48 inches (1219 mm). Vertical reinforcement shall be within 8 inches (406mm) of the ends of masonry walls. Section R803.2.4 is added to Chapter 8 of the 2022 CRC to read as follows: R803.2.4 Openings in horizontal diaphragms. Openings in horizontal diaphragms shall conform with Section R503.2.4. Section 905.3.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R905.3.1 Deck requirements. Concrete and clay tile shall be installed only over solid sheathing. Exception: Spaced lumber shall be permitted in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C. Section R1001.3.1 of the 2022 CRC is amended to read as follows: R1001.3.1 Vertical reinforcing. For chimneys up to 40 inches (1016 mm) wide, four No. 4 continuous vertical bars adequately anchored into the concrete foundation shall be placed between wythes ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 96 of 123 of solid masonry or within the cells of hollow unit masonry and grouted in accordance with Section R609. Grout shall be prevented from bonding with the flue liner so that the flue liner is free to move with thermal expansion. For chimneys more than 40 inches (1016 mm) wide, two additional No. 4 vertical bars adequately anchored into the concrete foundation shall be provided for each additional flue incorporated into the chimney or for each additional 40 inches (1016 mm) in width or fraction thereof." SECTION 4. Sections 13-3-1 and 13-3-2 of Chapter 3 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 3 ELECTRICAL CODE 13-3-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE, 2022 Edition: Pursuant to California Government Code Section 50022.2, the California Electrical Code, 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 3, of the California Code of Regulations, including all Annexes except H, ("CEC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth in Section 13-3-2. One true copy of the CEC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law." SECTION 5. Sections 13-4-1 and 13-4-2 of Chapter 4 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 4 MECHANICAL CODE 13-4-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Mechanical Code, 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 4, of the California Code of Regulations, including all Appendices except A and E ("CIVIC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CIVIC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-4-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE MECHANICAL CODE. Section 104.0 of the CIVIC is hereby amended to read as follows: CIVIC Section 104.0 Permits, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CIVIC. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 97 of 123 Section 104.5 of the CIVIC is hereby amended to read as follows: CIVIC Section 104.5 Fees, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CIVIC." Section 107.0 of the CIVIC is hereby amended as follows: CIVIC Section 107.0, Board of Appeals, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CIVIC. SECTION 6. Sections 13-5-1 and 13-5-2 of Chapter 5 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 5 PLUMBING CODE 13-5-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Plumbing Code, 2022 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 5, of the California Code of Regulations, including all Appendices except for C, F, and L ("CPC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CPC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-5-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE PLUMBING CODE. Section 104.4 of the CPC is amended to read as follows: CPC Section 104.4 Permit Issuance, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CPC. Section 104.5 of the CPC is hereby amended to read as follows: CPC Section 104.5 Fees, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CPC." Section 107.0 of the CPC is hereby amended to read as follows: CPC Section 107.0, Board of Appeals, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CPC. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 98 of 123 Section 1211.8 of the CPC is hereby amended to read as follows: 1211.8 Seismic Gas Shutoff Valves. 1211.8.1 Scope. A seismic gas shutoff valve shall be installed in compliance with the requirements of this section on each gas fuel line in the following: 1211.8.1.1 Any building or structure for which a building permit was first issued on or after January 1, 2023. 1211.8.1.2 Any building or structure which is altered or expanded under a building permit first issued on or after January 1, 2023, when such alteration or addition is valued at more than $250,000. 1211.8.1.3 Any building or structure sold on or after January 9, 2023. However, when an individual condominium unit is sold in a building that has multiple gas lines, then the requirements of this section shall apply only to the line or lines serving the condominium unit that has been sold. 1211.8.2 Maintenance. Where the installation of a seismic gas shutoff valve is required by this section in any building or structure, that seismic gas shutoff valve shall be maintained for the life of that building or structure or shall be replaced with a valve complying with the requirements of this section. 1211.8.3 General Requirements. Where the installation of a seismic gas shutoff valve on a fuel line is required by this section, that valve must: 1211.8.3.1 Be mounted rigidly to the exterior of the building or structure containing the fuel line unless the Building Official determines that the seismic gas shutoff valve has been tested and listed for an alternate method of installation. 1211.8.3.2 Be installed downstream of the gas utility meter, except that a valve may be installed upstream of the gas utility meter at the discretion of the gas utility if the valve would otherwise meet the requirements of this section. 1211.8.3.3 Be listed by an approved testing laboratory and certified by the Office of the State Architect. 1211.8.3.4 Have a thirty-year warranty which warrants that the valve is free from defects and will continue to properly operate for thirty (30) years from the date of operation. 1211.8.4 Critical Facilities. The requirements of this section shall not apply to any building that is used by any public agency for the provision of emergency services, including fire, police, and similar public safety services, provided the following: (a) That the building or structure has available 24-hour, year-round maintenance staffing; and (b) That the gas piping system contained in the building or structure is designed to withstand seismic effects of earthquakes. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 99 of 123 1211.8.5 Definitions. For purposes of this section, certain terms shall be defined as follows: 1211.8.5.1 DOWNSTREAM OF THE GAS UTILITY METER. Shall refer to all customer owned gas piping. 1211.8.5.2 SEISMIC GAS SHUTOFF VALVE. A system consisting of a seismic sensing means and actuating means designed to automatically actuate a companion gas shutoff means installed in a gas piping system in order to shut off the gas downstream of the location of the gas shutoff means in the event of a severe seismic disturbance. The system may consist of separable components or may incorporate all functions in a single body. The terms "seismically activated gas shutoff valves" and "earthquake sensitive gas shutoff valves," are synonymous. 1211.8.5.3 UPSTREAM OF THE GAS UTILITY METER. Shall refer to all gas piping installed by the utility up to and including the meter and the utility's bypass toe at the connection to the customer owned piping." SECTION 7. Sections 13-6-1 and 13-6-2 of Chapter 6 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 6 ENERGY CODE 13-6-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Energy Code, 2022 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 6, of the California Code of Regulations, ("CEC") is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CEC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law." SECTION 8. Sections 13-7-1 and 13-7-2 of Chapter 7 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following read as follows: "CHAPTER 7 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE 13-7-1: ADOPTION OF INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE, 2021 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.1 to 50022.8, the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), 2021 Edition, promulgated and published by the International Code Council, adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 100 of 123 set forth below. One true copy of the IPMC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. Section 13-7-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE:Section [A]111.2 of the IPMC is hereby amended to read as follows: IPMC Section [A] 111.2 Membership of board, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the IPMC. Sections [A]111.2.1 through [A]111.8 of the IPMC are hereby deleted. "SECTION 9. Sections 13-8-1 and 13-8-2 of Chapter 8 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 8 SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE 13-8-1: ADOPTION OF INTERNATIONAL SWIMMING POOL AND SPA CODE, 2021 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code ("ISPSC"), 2021 Edition, promulgated and published by the International Code Council, adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the ISPSC is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. Section 13-8-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE SWIMMNG POOL AND SPA CODE: Section [A]112.1 Membership of board, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the ISPSC. Section 102.9 of the 2022 ISPSC is amended to read as follows: 102.9 The provisions of this code shall not be deemed to nullify any provisions of the California Swimming Pool Safety Act (El Segundo Residential Code Appendix AX), or any other local, state or federal law. Section 301.1.2 is added to the 2022 ISPSC to read as follows: 301.1.2 Conflicts. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Swimming Pool Safety Act, the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2021 Edition, the 2022 ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 101 of 123 California Building Code, or the 2022 California Residential Code, the Building Official shall implement the most restrictive measures cited. Section 305 "Barrier Requirements", in the 2022 ISPSC is deleted in its entirety." SECTION 10. Sections 13-9-1 and 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 9 FIRE CODE 13-9-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Fire Code ("CFC"), 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 9, is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CFC is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. Section 13-9-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE FIRE CODE: Section of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: Fees. The fire department is authorized to collect fees for permits, fire inspections and other services, including the review of plans, annual fire inspections and new business inspections. Fees shall be paid by the applicant prior to issuance of permits. Fire department fees shall be subject to change based upon the producer's price index. Section 104.1.1 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 104.1.1 Authority of the Fire Chief and Fire Department. 1. The Fire Chief is authorized and directed to enforce all applicable State fire laws and provisions of this ordinance and to perform such duties as directed by the El Segundo City Council. 2. The Fire Chief is authorized to administer, interpret, and enforce this ordinance. Under the Fire Chiefs direction, the El Segundo Fire Department is authorized to enforce ordinances of the City of El Segundo pertaining to the following: 2.1. The prevention of fires. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 102 of 123 2.2. The suppression or extinguishment of dangerous or hazardous fires. 2.3. The storage, use, and handling of hazardous materials. 2.4. The installation and maintenance of automatic, manual, and other private fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing equipment. 2.5. The maintenance and regulation of fire escapes. 2.6. The maintenance of fire protection and the elimination of fire hazards on land, in buildings, structures and other property, including those under construction. 2.7. The maintenance of means of egress. 2.8. The investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of fire and unauthorized releases of hazardous materials. 3. The following persons are hereby authorized to interpret and enforce the provisions of this ordinance and to make arrests and issue citations as authorized by law: 3.1. The Fire Chief, Peace Officers and Public Officers of the El Segundo Fire Department. 3.2. The Police Chief and any police officer serving the city of El Segundo. 3.3. Officers of the California Highway Patrol. 3.4. Code Officers of El Segundo Code Enforcement Department Section 104.1.2 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 104.1.2 Operating Guidelines. The El Segundo Fire Department Fire Prevention Standard Operating Guidelines has been created and adopted to serve as instructions and interpretations of the adopted Fire Code. The El Segundo Fire Department Fire Prevention Standard Operating Guidelines shall be a published document, amended from time to time to provide current instruction and interpretation. Section 104.11.2 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 104.11.2 Technical assistance. When there is a fire, explosion, hazardous materials incident or other potential life or serious property threatening ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 103 of 123 situation, the fire code official can request the owner to or operator to hire a private fire protection or hazardous materials investigator, acceptable to the fire code official and at the expense of the owner or operator, to provide a full report of the incident, including, without limitation, such matters as origin, cause, circumstances or proposed solution to the problem. Section 104.12.4 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 104.1.4 Financial Responsibility. Any person who personally, or through another, willfully, negligently, or in violation of law, sets a fire, allows a fire to be set, or allows a fire kindled or attended by him/her to escape from his/her control, allows any hazardous material to be handled, stored, disposed of or transported in a manner not in accordance with this Code, State law or nationally recognized Standards, allows any hazardous material to escape from his/her control, allows continuation of a violation of this Code is liable for the expense of fighting the fire or for the expenses incurred during a hazardous materials incident, and such expense will be a charge against that person. Section 104.12.4 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 104.12.4 Authority of Peace Officers. In enforcing the provisions of the California Fire Code, California Building Code, California Health & Safety Code, California Penal Code, California Vehicle Code and the El Segundo Municipal Code and such laws, orders, rules and regulations, variances and standards in connection therewith, the Fire Marshal and Fire Prevention Specialist are hereby given the powers of peace officers. Section 105.2 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 105.2 Application for Permit. Applications for permits will be made to the fire prevention office in such form and detail as prescribed by the fire code official. Applications for permits must be accompanied by such plans as required by the fire code official. Any applicable permit and/or plan check fees must be paid at the time of application for the permit and/or plan review. Section 107.4 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 107.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. A person who commences any work before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee in addition the normally established plan check fee, equal to 100% of such normally established permit fee, or as otherwise determined by the fire code official. Section 107.7 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 104 of 123 107.7 Cost Recovery. Fire suppression, investigation, rescue, or emergency medical costs are recoverable in accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 13009 and 13009.1, as may be amended from time to time. Additionally, any person who negligently, intentionally or in violation of law causes an emergency response, including, but not limited to, a traffic accident, spill of toxic or flammable fluids or chemicals is liable for the costs of securing such emergency, including those costs pursuant to Government Code Section 53150, et seq, as may be amended from time to time. Any expense incurred by the El Segundo Fire Department for securing such emergency shall constitute a debt of such person and shall be collectable by the city of El Segundo in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under contract, express or implied. Section 108.2.1 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 108.2.1 Inspection requests. It is the duty of the holder of the permit or their duly authorized agent to notify the fire code official when work is ready for inspection. It is the duty of the permit holder to provide access to and means for inspection of such work that are required by this code. Every request for inspection must be filed not less than three working days before such inspection is desired. Such request must be in writing and all inspection fees paid prior to requesting. Section 111.5 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 111.5 Filing fee and application. The City will assess a fee in an amount set by resolution at the time that an appellant files an appeal of any order, decisions, or determination made by the fire code official relative to the application and interpretation of this Code. The fee is refundable should the appellant prevail in a decision by the Board. The appeal must be taken by filing a written notice of appeal, in letterform, to the Board of Appeals. The Board's decision constitutes the City's final decision. Section 112.4 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 112.4 Violation penalties. Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or fail to comply with any of its requirements or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the fire code official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding 6 months, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served constitutes a separate offense. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 105 of 123 Section 202, definition of "Fire Chief' in the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: FIRE CHIEF. The Fire Chief of the El Segundo Fire Department or the Fire Chiefs designee. Section 202, definition of "Low -Rise Building" is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: LOW-RISE BUILDING. Is any building that is less than four stories in height from the lowest level of fire department access. Section 202, definition of "Mid -Rise Building" is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: MID -RISE BUILDING. A building four or more stories high, but not exceeding 75 feet in height and not defined as a high-rise building by section 202 of the California Building Code. Height measurements shall be made from the underside of the roof or floor above the topmost space that may be occupied to the lowest fire apparatus access road level. Section 308.1.4, "Open -Flame Cooking Devices" of the 2022 California Fire Code is deleted in its entirety. Section 311.5, "Placards" of the 2022 California Fire Code is deleted in its entirety. Section 503.2.1 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads must have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 15 feet (4572 mm). 503.2.1.1 Access roads with vehicle parking. No access roads can be less than 32 feet (9754 mm) in width if the vehicle parking is permitted on one side of the access road and not less than 40 feet (12, 192 mm) if vehicle parking is permitted on both sides of the access road. To permit the free passage of vehicles, access roads designated for vehicle parking on only one side must have signs or markings prohibiting the parking of vehicles on the traffic flow side of the roadway. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 106 of 123 503.2.1.2 Road divider. An access road divider into separate adjacent one- way traffic lanes by a curbed divider or similar obstacle must not be less than 15 feet (4572 mm) in unobstructed width on each side of the divider. Section 503.6.1 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 503.6.1 Automatic opener. New motorized gates shall be provided with means to be automatically opened remotely by emergency vehicle in accordance with El Segundo Fire Department Guidelines, as may be amended from time to time. Exception: Gates serving individual one- and two-family dwelling parcels. Section 507.2.1 of the 2022 CFC to amended to read as follows: 507.2.1 Private fire hydrants. When required, private on -site fire hydrants shall be in accordance with the location and spacing specified for public streets and hydrants for similar occupancies. All private hydrants shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 24, Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances, unless required to meet public standards. Private hydrants shall be painted red. When alternate materials or methods of protection, as approved by the chief are provided, these requirements may be modified or waived. Section 510.4.2.9 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 510.4.2.9 Building conduit and pathway survivability. All new buildings shall be constructed with not less than a two inch (2") dedicated conduit raceway or other method approved by the fire code official for future expandability, or the installation of an Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System. The raceway shall meet pathway survivability requirements in NFPA 1221 and shall be installed from the lowest floor level to the roof. 510. Identification. The raceway and junction boxes shall be labeled "Emergency Responder Radio Coverage System use only". Section 511 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: Section 511 Mid -Rise Buildings Section 511.1 General ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 107 of 123 511.1.1 Scope. In addition to other applicable provisions of this code, other laws and regulations, and any policies of the fire code official, the provisions of this article applies to every mid -rise building, of any type construction, newly constructed after the adoption of this Code, or which undergoes a complete renovation that requires the complete vacancy of the building. Exceptions: The following structures, while defined as mid -rise buildings, are not subject to this article: 1. Buildings used exclusively as open parking garage; 2. Buildings where all floors above the third floor (9,144 mm) level are used exclusively as open parking garage; 3. Buildings such as power plants, lookout towers, steeples, grain houses, and similar structures with non -continuous human occupancy, when so determined by the fire code official; 4. Buildings used exclusively for jails, prisons, and hospitals. 511.1.2 Definitions. For definitions of MID -RISE BUILDING and BUILDING ACCESS, see Section 202. 511.2 Building Access. 511.2.1 Building Access. Building access must be provided and approved by the fire code official. 511.3 Fire and Life Safety Requirements. 511.3.1 Automatic Fire Sprinklers. Every mid -rise building must be protected throughout by an automatic fire sprinkler system that is designed and installed in conformance with NFPA 13. A shut-off valve and a water flow alarm device must be provided for each floor. 511.3.2 Standpipes. Every mid -rise building must be provided with a class I standpipe system in each required stairway. The standpipe system must be interconnected with the fire sprinkler system. The system must consist of 2 1 /2 inch hose valves provided for each floor level above or below grade. Two hose outlets must also be located on the roof, outside of each stair shaft enclosure that penetrates the roof. Hose connections must be located in the exit vestibule, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. 511.3.3 Smoke Detection. Smoke detectors must be provided in accordance with this section. Smoke detectors must be connected to an automatic fire alarm system installed in accordance with NFPA 72. The actuation of any detector required by this section will operate the emergency voice alarm signaling system and will place into operation all equipment necessary to prevent the circulation of smoke through air return and exhaust ductwork. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 108 of 123 511.3.3.1 Location. Smoke detectors must be located as follows: 1. In every elevator machinery room and in all elevator lobbies. Elevator lobby detectors must be connected to an alarm verification zone or be listed as a releasing device. 2. In the main return -air and exhaust -air plenum of each air- conditioning system. Such device must be located in a serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet. 3. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving two or more stories from a return -air duct or plenum of an air conditioning system. In Group R- 1 and R-2 Occupancies, an approved smoke detector may be used in each return -air riser carrying not more than 5,000 cubic feet per minute and serving not more than 10 air inlet openings. 4. For Group R-1 and R-2 Occupancies, in all corridors serving as a means of egress for an occupant load for 10 or more. 511.3.4 Smoke Control. A passive or active smoke control system must be provided for all mid -rise buildings whenever a complete floor is in excess of 55 feet (16.764 mm) from the lowest point of Fire Department access. Such system must be mechanical and must be designed, installed, and tested to be in compliance with Section 909. 511.3.5 Fire Alarm System. An approved and listed, automatic and manual, fully addressable and electronically supervised fire alarm system must be provided in conformance with this code and any policies of the Fire Prevention Division. 511.3.6 Emergency voice alarm signaling system. The operation of any automatic or manual fire alarm initiating device must automatically sound an alert tone followed by a pre-recorded voice instruction giving appropriate information and direction on a general or selective basis to the entire building, occupied and normally non -occupied areas. 511.3.6.1 Manual override. A manual override for emergency voice communication must be provided for all paging zones. 511.4 Central Control Station. 511.4.1 General. A central control station room for fire department -operations must be provided. The location and accessibility of the central control station room must be approved by the fire department. The room must be separated from the remainder of the building by not less than one -hour, fire resistive occupancy ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 109 of 123 separation. The room must be a minimum of 200 square feet with a minimum dimension of 8 feet. It must contain the following as a minimum: 1. The voice alarm and public address panels. 2. The fire alarm graphic annunciator panel. 3. Elevator annunciator panel when the building exceeds 55 feet in height 4. Status indicators and controls of air handling systems. 5. Controls for unlocking stairwell doors. 6. Annunciator panels for emergency and stand-by power status. 7. Annunciator panels for fire pump status. 8. Complete building plans set. 9. Work table. 10. Elevator control switches for switching of emergency power. 511.4.2 Annunciation identification. Control panels in the central control station must be permanently identified as to function. Water flow, automatic fire detection and manually activated fire alarms, supervisory and trouble signals must be monitored by an approved central monitoring station and annunciated in the central control station by means of an audible and visual indicator. For the purposes of annunciation, zoning must be in accordance with the following: 1. When the system serves more than one building, each building must be considered separately. 2. Each floor must be considered a separate zone. 3. When one or more risers serve the same floor, each riser must be considered a separate zone. 511.5 Elevators. 511.5.1 Standards. Elevators and elevator lobbies must be provided and must comply with the California Building Code and the following: 511.5.2 General. At least one elevator cab must be assigned for Fire Department use, which serves all floors of the building. All provisions hereinafter are in reference to said elevator cab(s). 511.5.2.1 Size. The size of the elevator cab must have dimensions as specified in Section 915. 511. Ambulance Stretcher. The elevator cab must be provided with adequate dimensions to accommodate an ambulance type stretcher in accordance with the provisions of Section 3002.4a.1 of California Building Code, 511.6 Standby Power. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 110 of 123 511.6.1 General. An on -site standby power system conforming to the City of El Segundo Electrical Code must be provided. In the event of failure of the normal power source, the standby power system must provide an alternate source of electrical power to serve at least the designated loads as set forth in Section 915.6.2 at full power. The system may consist of an on -site generator or a system of batteries, or both. The installation must be in accordance with this code, nationally recognized standards, and any policies of the fire code official 511.6.2 Loads. The power load requirements for sizing the standby power system must include, without limitation to the following: 1. Exit signs and exit path illumination; 2. Fire alarm system; 3. Elevator(s) assigned for fire department use; 4. Electrically driven fire pumps (if provided); 5. Smoke control systems; 6. Stairwell pressurization; 7. Lighting circuits supplying all elevator cabs, elevator lobbies, generator room, fire pump room, and other areas designated by the fire code official. 511.6.3 Fuel Supplies. On -site fuel supplies for prime movers of a standby power generator must be sufficient for at least 12 hours at the generator's listed full load. Where fuel supplies require automatic transfer into a primary tank from a secondary fuel storage tank, the fuel transfer system must be provided with redundant fuel pumps to insure reliability. The fuel supply tank provided must be capable of storing at least 200% of the calculated amount of fuel needed. 511.7 Emergency Electrical System 511.7.1 General. Electrical systems and equipment specified in Section 915.6 are classed as emergency systems and must be installed in accordance with this code, NFPA 110, NFPA 111 and policies of the fire code official. Such systems must operate within 10 seconds of failure to normal power supply. Such emergency power supply may be separate from the standby power required for fire pumps and elevators assigned for fire department use. 511.7.2 Emergency Systems. The following are classed as emergency systems: 1. Exit signs and means of egress illumination ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 111 of 123 2. Fire alarm system 3. Fire detection system 4. Sprinkler alarm system 5. Elevator cab lighting 6. Smoke control systems. 511.8 Means of Egress 511.8.1 General. Means of egress must comply with the provisions of Section 915.8. 511.8.1 Stairway enclosures. All stairways used for exiting must be protected by an exit enclosure designed in accordance with the California Building Code, Section 1020.1 and this Section. 511.8.2.1 Construction. Construction of stairway enclosures must in accordance with the California Building Code, Section 1023. 511.8.2.2 Extent of Enclosure. Stairway enclosures must be continuous and must fully enclose all portions of the stairway. Exit enclosure must exit directly to the exterior of the building or include an exit passageway on the ground floor, leading to the exterior of the building. Each exit enclosure must extend completely through the roof and be provided with a door that leads onto the roof. 511.8.2.3 Openings and Penetrations. Openings and penetrations must be as specified in the California Building Code, Section 1023.4 and 1023.5. 511.8.2.4 Pressurized Enclosures. A pressurized stairway enclosure must be provided for all mid -rise buildings whenever a complete floor is in excess of 55 feet (16.764 mm) from the lowest point of Fire Department access. The pressurized stairway must be designed and pressurized as specified in the California Building Code, Section 909.20. 511. Vestibules. Pressurized stairway enclosures, serving Mid -Rise buildings must be provided with a pressurized entrance vestibule on each floor that complies with the California Building Code, Section 909.20. 511. Vestibule Size. Vestibule size must be not less than 44 inches in width and not less than 72 inches in the direction of travel. 511. Vestibule Construction. Vestibules must have walls, ceilings ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 112 of 123 and floors of not less than two-hour fire resistive construction. 511. Vestibule Doors. Vestibule doors must comply with California Building Code, Section 909.20. 511. Pressure Differences. The minimum pressure difference within a vestibule must comply with California Building Code, Section 909.20. 511. Standpipes. Fire Department standpipe connections and valves serving the floor must be within the vestibule and located in a manner so as not to obstruct egress when hose lines are connected and charged. 511.8.2.5 Locking of Stairway doors. All stairway doors that are locked to prohibit access from the stairway side must have the capability of being unlocked simultaneously, without unlatching, upon a signal from the fire control room. Upon failure of normal electrical service, or activation of any fire alarm, the locking mechanism must automatically retract to the unlocked position. Hardware for locking of stairway doors must be State Fire Marshal listed and approved by the fire code official by permit before installation. Stairway doors located between the vestibules and stairway shaft must not be locked. 511.8.2.6 Communications. A telephone or other two-way communications system connected to an approved emergency service which operates continuously must be provided at not less than every third floor in each required exit stairway vestibule. Section 901.4.8 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 901.8 Partial fire sprinkler systems. Where in this Code or the Building Code a partial fire sprinkler system is required, the fire sprinkler system must be installed, modified or extended to protect the entire building or structure. Section 901.11 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 901.11 Problematic systems. In the event of a failure of a fire protection system or 2 or more alarms in a week where the fire code official finds no evidence of a situation requiring a response, the fire code official is authorized to require the building owner or occupant to provide a fire watch until the system is repaired. Fire watch personnel must be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the Fire Department and their only duty is to perform constant patrols of the protected premises and keep watch for fires. Section 901.12 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 901.12 Firewatch. Per Section 901.11 the Fire Chief is authorized to require the building owner or occupant to provide a fire watch with personnel ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 113 of 123 acceptable to the Fire Chief until documentation is provided that the system is repaired and is operational. Such individuals shall be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the fire department and their only duty shall be to perform constant patrols of the protected premises, keep and maintain a log and keep watch for fires. Section 903.2 of the 2022 CFC is amended as follows: 903.2 Where required. A. New Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, an approved automatic sprinkler system in new buildings and structures shall be required for all occupancies. Exception: New detached buildings under one thousand (1,000) square feet subject to approval of the Fire Official. B. Existing Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any work to an existing building which removes more than fifty percent (50%) of the exterior perimeter wall height as defined in ESMC 15-1-6 for additions and alterations will require the existing building to be fully sprinklered throughout. Section 903.2.1 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.2 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.3 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.4 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.5 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.6 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.7 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.8 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.9 of the 2022 CFC is deleted in its entirety. Section 903.2.10 of the 2022 CFC is deleted. Section 903.2.10.2 of the 2022 CFC is deleted. Section 903.2.11.1 of the 2022 CFC is deleted. Section 903.2.11.3 of the 2022 CFC is deleted. 'Section 903.2.22 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 114 of 123 903.2.22 Structures in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area. An automatic sprinkler system must be provided throughout every facility or building hereafter constructed within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area. 903.2.22.1 Existing Buildings. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any work to an existing building which removes more than fifty percent (50%) of the exterior perimeter wall height as defined in ESMC 15-1-6 for additions and alterations will require the existing building to be fully sprinklered throughout. Section 903.3.5.3 is added to the 2022 CFC to read as follows: 903.3.5.3 Hydraulically calculated systems. The design of hydraulically calculated fire sprinkler systems shall not exceed 90% of the water supply capacity. Section 903.3.8 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 903.3.8 Limited Area Sprinkler Systems. When a fire sprinkler system is required it shall be provided throughout the building. Exception: Protection for specific appliances and/or hazards,. Section 903.3.9 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 903.3.9 Floor Control valves. Floor control valves and water low detection assemblies shall be installed at each floor where any of the following occur: 1. Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. 2. Buildings that are three or more stories in height. 3. Buildings that are two or more stories below the highest level of fire department access. Section 903.4.2 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 903.4.2 Alarms. One exterior approved audible and visible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water -flow alarm device shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 115 of 123 system. Exterior audible and visible alarm notification shall be provided on NFPA 13, NFPA 13R and NFPA 13D systems. Exception: Group R-3 and R-3.1 occupancies floor control valves and waterflow detection assemblies shall not be required. Section 909.11 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 909.11 General. The smoke -control system shall be supplied with two sources of power. Primary power shall be from the normal building power systems. Secondary power shall be from an approved standby source complying with Section 1203 of this code. The standby power source and its transfer switches shall be in a room separate from the normal power transformers and switchgear and ventilated directly to and from the exterior. The room shall be enclosed with not less than 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 712, or both. Transfer to full standby power shall be automatic and within 60 seconds of failure of the primary power. The systems shall comply with the Electrical Code. Exception: The secondary power is not required for pressurized enclosures in buildings of less than 5 floors used for human occupancy Section 1207.11.3 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 1207.11.3 Location. ESS shall be installed only in the following locations: 1.Detached garages and detached accessory structures. 2. Deleted. 3. Outdoors or on the exterior side of the exterior walls located not less than 3 feet (914mm) from doors and windows directly entering the dwelling unit. 4. Deleted. ESS shall not be installed in any attached structure to a dwelling unit. Section 1207.11.4 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 1207.11.4 Energy Ratings. Individual ESS units shall have a maximum rating of 20kWh. The aggregate rating structure shall not exceed: 1. Delete. 2. 80 kWh in detached garages and detached accessory structures not associated with dwelling units 3. 80 kWh on exterior walls ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 116 of 123 4. 80 kWh outdoors on the ground. ESS Installations exceeding the permitted individual or aggregate ratings shall be installed in accordance with Sections 1207.1 through 1207.9 of the California Fire Code. Section 1207.11.6 "Fire Detection" of the 2022 CFC is deleted. Section 3305.9 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 3305.9 Separations between construction areas. Separations used in Type I and Type II construction to separate construction areas from occupied portions of the building, shall be constructed of materials that comply with one of the following: Non-combustible materials. 2. Materials that exhibit a flame spread index not exceeding 25 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723 3. Materials exhibiting a heat peak release rate not exceeding 300kW/m when tested in accordance with ASTM E1354 at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2 in the horizontal orientation on specimens at the thickness intended for use. Section 5601.1.3 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows 5601.1.3 Fireworks. The possession, manufacture storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks is prohibited. The possession, sale, use, and/or discharge of "Safe and Sane" fireworks is prohibited. Exceptions: 1. Storage and handling of fireworks as allowed by Section 5604. 2. Manufacture, assembly and testing of fireworks as allowed in Section 5605 and Health and Safety Code Division 11. 3. The use of fireworks for fireworks displays, pyrotechnic before a proximate audience and pyrotechnic special effects in motion pictures, television, theatrical or group entertainment productions are allowed in Title 19,Division 1, Chapter 6 Fireworks reprinted in Section 5608 and Health and Safety Code Division 11. Section 5601.3.1 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 5601.3.1 Fireworks. The manufacturing, possession, storage sale, use and handling of fireworks, including without limitation, "Safe and Sane" fireworks, is prohibited. ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 117 of 123 Exceptions: 1. Storage of fireworks in accordance with the requirements for low order explosives in Title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 10. 2. Storage of fireworks, 1 AG in accordance with the Building Code. 3. Use and handling of fireworks for professional display in accordance with Title 19, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 6. Section 5601.7 of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: 5601.7 Seizure. All fireworks including "State approved" shall be illegal in the City of El Segundo. The fire code official and police officers shall have the authority to seize, take and remove fireworks and/or safe and sane fireworks stored, sold, offered for sale, used or handled in violation of the provisions of Title 19 CCR, Division 1, Chapter 6 and Health and Safety Code, Chapter 9. Exception: When permits are issued for such use. 5601.7.1 Financial Responsibility. See section 104.11.4 Financial Responsibility for cost recovery of enforcement of section 5609.1. Fireworks may be identified as hazardous waste by the State of California; violators shall be responsible for any disposal fees. Section 5801.1.1 is added to the CFC to read as follows: 5801.1.1 Methane Soil Gas. All sources of methane soil gas, including petrogenic and biogenic, are subject to methane soil gas testing, passive or active mitigation, and methane detection and alarm system per El Segundo Fire Departments Guidelines. Section B105.2 of Appendix B of the 2022 CFC is amended to read as follows: B105.2 Buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses. The minimum fire -flow and flow duration for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings, Group R-3 and R-4 buildings and townhouses shall be as specified in Table B105.1. Exception: A reduction in required fire -flow up to 50 percent, as approved, is allowed when the building is protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.1.1, 903.1.2, or 903.3.1.3. The resulting fire -flow must not be less than 1,500 gallons per minute (5678 U/min) for the prescribed duration as specified in Table B105.1 ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 118 of 123 Section 13-9-3: GEOGRAPHICAL LIMITS Geographic limits referred to in certain sections of this Code are established as follows. Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks are prohibited. The limits referred to in Sections 5704. and 5706.2.4.4 in which the storage of Class I flammable liquids or Class II combustible liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is restricted are established as the City of El Segundo's corporate boundaries. Exceptions: Such use is allowed in the following zoning districts: 1. The storage of Class I flammable liquids or Class II combustible liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is allowed in M-1 and M-2, Zones; 2. The storage of Class II combustible liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is allowed in C-0, MM, MU-N, MU-Sor P-F Zones; Establishment of limits of districts in which storage of liquefied petroleum gases are to be restricted. The limits referred to in Section 6104.2 in which storage of liquefied petroleum gas in excess of an aggregate of 2,000 gallons water capacity is restricted are established as the City of El Segundo's corporate boundaries. Exceptions: 1. The storage of liquefied petroleum gas in excess of an aggregate of 2,000 gallons water capacity is allowed in the M-2 Zone, when located at least one-half (1/2) mile from property zoned or designated for residential use and at least one-half (1 /2) mile from existing residential development with a density greater than one (1) dwelling unit per acre and at least one-half (1 /2) mile from any hotel or motel. 2. The storage of liquefied petroleum gas in excess of an aggregate of 2,000 gallons water capacity is allowed in M-1 Zone with a Conditional Use Permit issued by the Planning Department. SECTION 11. Sections 13-10-1 and 13-10-2 of Chapter 10 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows:, "CHAPTER 10 EXISTING BUILDING CODE 13-10-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDING CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Existing Building Code ("CEBC"), 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 10, of the California Code of Regulations, is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 119 of 123 additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CEBC is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-10-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING CODE. Section 1.8.8. of the CEBC is hereby amended as follows: CEBC 1.8.8 APPEALS BOARD, is deleted in its entirety. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CEBC." SECTION 12. Sections 13-11-1 and 13-11-2 of Chapter 11 of Title 13 of the ESMC are repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 11 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE 13-11-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Green Building Standards Code ("CGBSC"), 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 11 of the California Code of Regulations, is adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CGBSC is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law. 13-11-2: AMENDMENTS TO THE GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE. Section 101.13 is added to the 2022 Edition of the California Green Building Standards Code to read as follows: 101.13 Board of Appeals. The 2022 California Building Code, as incorporated into the El Segundo Municipal Code, will govern the administration of the CGBSC." SECTION 13. Sections 13-19-1 of Chapter 19 of Title 13 of the ESMC is repealed and replaced by the following to read as follows: "CHAPTER 19 SOLAR, HYDRONICS, AND GEOTHERMAL CODE 13-19-1: ADOPTION OF UNIFORM SOLAR, HYDRONICS, AND GEOTHERMAL CODE, 2021 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the Unform Solar, Hydronics, and Geothermal Code ("USHGC"), 2021 Edition, promulgated and published ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 120 of 123 by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, adopted by reference, subject to the amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the USHGC is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law." SECTION 14. Sections 13-23-1 of Chapter 22 of Title 13 of the ESMC are added to read as follows: "CHAPTER 22 HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE 13-23-1: ADOPTION OF CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE, 2022 EDITION. Pursuant to California Government Code § 50022.1 to 50022.8, the California Historical Building Code ("CHBC"), 2022 Edition, published at Title 24, Part 8, of the California Code of Regulations is adopted by reference. One true copy of the CHBC, is on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as required by law." SECTION 15. Effect of Ordinance on Past Actions and Obligations. The adoption of this Ordinance will not affect any civil action initiated or criminal prosecution for ESMC violations committed prior to this Ordinance's effective date; will not waive any fee or penalty due and unpaid prior to this Ordinance's effective date; and will not affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit posted, filed, or deposited pursuant to the ESMC, prior to this Ordinance's effective date. SECTION 15. Consistency, Repeal of Prior Codes. Prior City ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance, in whole or in part, are superseded and expressly repealed. SECTION 17. Environmental Assessment. The City Council determines that this ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines") because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to an existing code of construction -related regulations and specification of procedures related thereto and will not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings required therefor, and therefore does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment. In addition, this ordinance is an action being taken for enhanced protection of the environment and is exempt from further review under CEQA Guidelines § 15308. Also, there is no possibility that the ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15061(b)(3), and it will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15060(c)(2)). SECTION 18. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 121 of 123 facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 19 Savings Clause. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC or any other city ordinance herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 20 Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 21. Publication. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 22.Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective on the 31st day following its passage and adoption. SECTION 23. Filing with Building Standards Commission. The City Clerk must file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15t" day of November, 2022, Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: (�VA# Tray r, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: --4� Mark D. ensley, City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 122 of 123 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1641 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 1st day of November, 2022, and was duly passed, and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor Pro Tern, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of November, 2022, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Nicol and Council Member Giroux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None pa WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of November, 2022. OW4 - OUIZ60 acy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California ORDINANCE NO. 1641 PAGE 123 of 123