2019-06-25 Arts AgendaREGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ARTS and CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 MEETING TIME: 5:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: El Segundo Public Library Rose Garden Room 111 West Mariposa Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245 The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. The time limit for comments is five minutes per person, maximum 30 minutes. Before speaking to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, please state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that we are holding this meeting on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Tongva. We recognize the Tongva people as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin, So. Channel Islands). We also acknowledge that Los Angeles County is home to the largest Indigenous populations in the US. A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL ❑ Chairperson Jeff Cason ❑ Kristen Dorsey ❑ Michael Kreski ❑ Tyler Leisher ❑ Sally Martin CITY COUNCIL LIAISONS ❑ Councilmember Don Brann C. PRESENTATIONS ❑ Brian Mitchell ❑ George Renfro ❑ Natalie Strong ❑ Vice Chairperson Eva Sweeney ❑ Neal Von Flue ❑ Councilmember Chris Pimentel 1. Recognition of ACC Service for members with expiring terms, including Jeff Cason, Michael Kreski, Ty Leisher, Sally Martin, and Natalie Strong D. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to city business only and for which the Advisory Council is responsible — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). E. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for May 28, 2019 F. SPECIAL BUSINESS —NONE G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Review of ACC Subcommittee and Outreach Assignments (Jeff Cason — 10 minutes) Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. 2. Cultural Development Fund Updates, Proposed Recommendations to City Council, and Presentation (Percent for Arts Subcommittee — 15 minutes) Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. H. NEW BUSINESS 1. Strategic Planning Update and Timed Brainstorming regarding City Hall Vision and City Identity/Marketing (Melissa and Jeff — 20 minutes) Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. 2. Timed conversation about committee's definition of culture in relation to the ACC's scope and work plan. What type of cultural issues, conversations, and advocacy does the group want to engage in? (Marketing Subcommittee — 15 minutes) Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. I. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES 1. Events 2. Grants 3. Percent for Arts 4. Projects 5. Marketing J. BIG IDEALIST UPDATES K. GOVERNANCE L. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Chairperson Jeff Cason Brian Mitchell Kristen Dorsey George Renfro Michael Kreski Natalie Strong Tyler Leisher Vice Chairperson Eva Sweeney Sally Martin Neal Von Flue CITY COUNCIL LIAISON COMMENTS Councilmember Don Brann Councilmember Chris Pimentel M. CITY LIAISON UPDATES N. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: Regular meeting on July 23, 2019 at 5.30 p.m., at the El Segundo Public Library, Rose Garden Room, 111 West Mariposa Avenue, El Segundo, CA 90245. Posted by: Julie Todd Date & Time: 6/21/19, 12:30pm ARTS AND CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S BIG IDEA LIST Centennial Art Piece Grants Civic Center Plaza Relationship with ES Arts Association Fairy Doors at Library Park — ESHS AP Art Class Collaboration with ES History Committee Indigenous People Month Black History Month Imperial and Main Signage El Segundo Blvd and Pacific Coast Highway Signage Connect West and East sides of El Segundo via Bike Path — Collaborate with Planning Commission Make Grand Avenue to beach more park -like Event promotion and communication Social Media Poet Laureate Handprint Alley 2.0 Public Art Live Performance Creative Writing Nightscape SUBCOMMITTEES Events: Tyler Leisher (lead), Brian Mitchell, and Kristen Dorsey Grants: Eva Sweeney (lead), Jeff Cason, and Natalie Strong Percent for the Arts: Michael Kreski (lead), Sally Martin, Brian Mitchell, and Eva Sweeney Projects: Neal Von Flue (lead), Kristen Dorsey, Michael Kreski, George Renfro, and Eva Sweeney Marketing: Natalie Strong (lead), Jeff Cason, Sally Martin, and Brian Mitchell ARTS AND CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OUTREACH TO OTHER CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, AND BOARDS Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee: Michael Kreski Economic Development Advisory Council: Eva Sweeney Environmental Committee: Kristen Dorsey Investment Advisory Committee: Brian Mitchell Library Board of Trustees: Brian Mitchell, Natalie Strong (alternate) Planning Commission: Sally Martin, Tyler Leisher (alternate) Recreation and Parks Commission: Jeff Cason, Michael Kreski (alternate) Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board: Neal Von Flue, George Renfro (alternate) Technology Committee: Tyler Leisher, Brian Mitchell (alternate)