2022-10-04 CC Agenda PacketAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2022 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Scot Nicol, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer Executive Team Darrell George, City Manager Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief Michael Allen, Community Development Dir. Jose Calderon, IT Director Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks & Library Dir. Mark Hensley, City Attorney Joe Lillio, Chief Financial Officer Deena Lee, Fire Chief Rebecca Redyk, HR Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Dir. MISSION STATEMENT: "Provide a great place to live, work, and visit." VISION STATEMENT: "Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while maintaining our unique small-town character." 1 Page 1 of 67 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 310-524-2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. 2 Page 2 of 67 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5-MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30-MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for purposes of conferring with City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with City's Labor Negotiators. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (GOV'T CODE §54957.6): -4- MATTER(S) Employee Organizations: Fire Fighters Association (FFA), Police Officers Association (POA), and Supervisory Professional Employee Association (SPEA), and Professional Support Services Employee Association (PSSEA). Representative: Irma Moisa Rodriquez, City Manager, Darrell George, and Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (GOV'T CODE § 54957) -2- MATTER(S) City Manager and City Attorney Performance Evaluations 6:00 PM — CONVENE OPEN SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL INVOCATION — Pastor Rob McKenna, The Bridge PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Sgt. McEnroe Graduating from Sherman Block Supervision Leadership Institute 2. National Bullying Prevention Month 3. Breast Cancer Awareness Month 3 Page 3 of 67 4. West Basin Drought Update PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30 MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS 5. Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Update A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Read All Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only Recommendation - Approval B. CONSENT 6. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation - 1. Approve Special Joint meeting minutes of the City Council and Recreation and Parks Commission on August 31, 2022, City Council Special meeting minutes of September 8, 2022 and September 15, 2022, and Regular City Council meeting minutes of September 20, 2022. 7. Warrant Demand Register for August 29, 2022 through September 18, 2022 Recommendation - Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 5A, 5B, and 6A: warrant numbers 3042240 through 3042547, and 9002632 through 9002663. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 0 Page 4 of 67 8. Grant Award from Chevron U.S.A., Inc. in the Amount of $75,000 to Support Economic Development within the City of El Segundo Recommendation - 1. Authorize the City Manager to accept grant funds in the amount of $75,000 for Economic Development. 2. Appropriate grant funding to the Economic Development Grant Account 702-221-2401-1281. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 9. Residential Sound Installation (RSI) Program Update Recommendation - 1. Receive and file report provided by the Los Angeles World Airports regarding the recent roll out of the Residential Sound Insulation Program 10. Ordinance Adding Chapter 13-33 to the El Segundo Municipal Code to Enable Reasonable City Cost Recovery for Excessive False Fire Alarm Responses Recommendation - Introduce and waive the first reading of an Ordinance adding Chapter 13- 22 to the El Segundo Municipal Code to include a section specific to fire false alarm regulation and fees. 2. Direct Staff to schedule the Ordinance's second reading for October 11, 2022, or as soon thereafter as it may be considered. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 11. Establish the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Classifications and Adopt Associated Classification Specification, Examination Plans, and Salary Ranges Recommendation - 1. Approve establishment of the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 classifications. 2. Adopt the classification specification and examination plans for the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 positions. 3. Adopt a resolution establishing the basic salary ranges for the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-II positions. 5 Page 5 of 67 4. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 12. Convert the Information Systems Manager Classification from Civil Service to At -Will Status and Adopt Revised Classification Specification, Examination Plan and Salary Range Recommendation - 1. Approve the conversion of the Information Systems Manager classification from Civil Service to at -will status. 2. Adopt the revised classification specification, examination plan, and salary range for the Information Systems Manager position. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS F. REPORTS - CITY CLERK G. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER H. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX COUNCIL MEMBER NICOL COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK MAYOR PRO TEM PIMENTEL MAYOR BOYLES REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIALS A Page 6 of 67 ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: September 29, 2022 TIME: 2:03 PM BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Page 7 of 67 tC%tp of (EC *egunbo, California WHEREAS, bullying is the aggressive use of power targeting another person or group of people with repeated, unwanted words or action, hurting them emotionally or physically; and WHEREAS, bullying occurs in neighborhoods, playgrounds, schools, and online through technology; and WHEREAS, various researchers have concluded that bullying is the most common form of violence, affecting millions of American children and adolescents annually; and WHEREAS, thousands of children and adolescents are affected by bullying annually in our community; and WHERE AS, targets of bullying are at increased risks for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school and students who are repeatedly bullied often fear such activities as riding the bus, going to school, interacting online, and attending community activities; and WHEREAS, children who bully are at greater d4z of engaging in more serious violent behaviors; and WHEREAS, children who witness bullying often feel less safe, helpless to stop it, and intimated. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby proclaim the month of October, 2022 *National Bullying Prevention Month" and encourage schools, students, parents, recreation programs, religious institutions, businesses, and the community organizations to be encouraged to engage in a variety of awareness and prevention activities designed to makze our communities safer for all children and adolescents. GtT Y O� A �tSEGU�4 ,Mayor Drew Bo fes .Mayor Pro gem Chris Pimentef Councif9dember CaroC(Pirsztuk Councd9YemberScot Nicol CouncdWemberLance Giroux Page 8 of 67 roctamatt'011 Cttp Of (el 6PgUribD, California WHEREAS, During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we honor the courage and strength of over 3.8 million who are battling this terrible disease and remembers loved ones whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. In memory of those we have lost, we pledge never to waver from our ongoing search for effective and innovative medical advancements to treat and prevent this disease; and WHEREAS, More than 287,850 women and approximately 2,710 men are diagnosed with breast cancer annually. While deaths from breast cancer have declined over time, it remains the second most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths overall among women, with a staggering estimation of 43,250 lives lost this year; and WHEREAS, Regular breast cancer screening including mammograms, clinical breast exams, and breast self -exams, also play an important role in breast cancer prevention and detection; and WHEREAS, While there is currently no cure for breast cancer, researchers, organizations, and individuals are dedicating their time, energy, and resources to developing a cure to prevent future health issues and unnecessary loss of life from this devastating disease; and WHEREAS, This month and throughout the year, we take time to recognize the hard-working citizens, organizations, and health care providers working toward a cure, and we honor all breast cancer survivors and victims for their strength, grace and perseverance. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2022 Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 9dayor Drew Boyfes .Mayor Pro gem Chris Pi'mentef Councif9dember Caro(1Tirsvuk Council 9dember Scot Nicof Counci(W ember Lance Giroux, Page 9 of 67 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: City Manager Follow-up Comments Item Number: 5 TITLE: Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Update RECOMMENDATION: FISCAL IMPACT: 1_[81',,0]:00]ki113 DISCUSSION: CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Darrell George, City Manager APPROVED BY: ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 10 of 67 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL & RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2022 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Boyles at 6:00 PM ROLL CALL City Council Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Scot Nicol, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Recreation and Parks Commission Bob Motta, Chairperson Lee Davis, Vice -Chairperson Dave Lubs, Commissioner Julie Stolnack, Commissioner Kelly Watson, Commissioner Present Present at 6:12 PM Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Darrell George, City Manager introduced the meeting and explained the talking points up for discussion this evening. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Gerry Cody Jr., resident, hopes that no matter decisions made tonight, the El Segundo Co -Op would be able to continue in the Clubhouse in the future. Paul Rayburn, resident, commented on the HS tennis program and the usage of the Recreation Park courts for the team. Julia Peretti, Mina Kreski, Nicolas Rayburn, residents, and HS tennis players, commented on the HS tennis program and the usage of the Recreation Park courts for the team. Chris Edeim, resident, commend on the need to renovate the Teen Center skatepark. Bruce Barrish, resident, commented on the school district's use of the tennis courts at Recreation Park due to the fact that the school district is removing the High School courts in the near future to begin construction on the tennis courts site. Barry, resident, commented on the condition of the tennis courts with the tape used for pickleball courts. Schelter, resident, commented on the use of Recreation Park tennis courts for the HS tennis program once the High School courts are removed. SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL & RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 31, 2022 PAGE 1 Page 11 of 67 Sergio Boerica, Tennis Academy Owner, explained the courts will be impacted if the High School tennis program is allowed to use the courts. Brian, resident, commented on the use of Recreation Park tennis courts for the HS tennis program once the High School courts are removed. Tracey Miller-Zarneke, resident and school board member, commented on the High School removing the tennis courts for the school districts long term master plan and stated the City and District discussed the students using the City's courts. Gregory Phillips, tennis player, advocated for more tennis courts. Jamie Sanchez, resident, advocate for continued tennis court usage and is willing to help find a solution for all to use the courts. Chris Hall, resident, pickle ball player, believes there is the opportunity for both tennis and pickle ball players to use the courts over time. Chrissy Kiel, resident, commented on the use of Recreation Park tennis courts for the HS tennis program once the High School courts are removed. Karen, resident, commented on tennis court usage. Darrell George, City Manager thanked everyone for the comments and answered questions for the public commenters. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Joint Meeting of the City Council and Recreation and Parks Commission to Discuss the Recreation Park Needs Assessment and Next Steps Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director gave a presentation and answered Council and Commissioner's questions. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director answered Council and Commissioner's questions. Council and Commissioner's discussed, and consensus is Option 1, (Option One, including the initiation of the first project (Renovation of Teen Center, Skatepark and Basketball Courts). Direct staff to work with the Recreation and Parks Commission to draft an Implementation Plan for all other projects within Option One and ancillary projects) which includes the following; • 1A - Renovation of Teen Center, Skate Park and Basketball Court • 1 B - Renovation of Joslyn Center • 1 C - Renovation of Sports Courts; Tennis, Pickleball, Racquetball • 1 D - Renovation of Ballfields & Ballfield Fencing • 1 E - Replacement of Irrigation system • 1 F - Removal of Lawn bowling, addition of Dog Park, Sports Courts or Picnic Plaza • 1 G - Renovation of Checkout Building • 1 H - Renovation of Gordon Clubhouse • 11 - Renovation of Community Garden Consensus is Teen Center is first priority (1 A), from there items 1 C, 1 D, 1 E and 1 F (not the dog park option) are high priority as well. SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL & RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 31, 2022 PAGE 2 Page 12 of 67 Darrell George, City Manager suggested a phased approach to completing the items Council and Commission suggested and will meet with the Finance and Public Work Directors to discuss and will present a detailed plan for completing the projects within the next 3 years. Discussion and suggestions from Council and Commission; • Need a true rotation of fields for field recovery • Asset Utilization • Design Plan for the items discussed • Inclement weather policy • Requested the Recreation and Parks Commission to address policy decisions and make recommendations to the Council • Research turf vs. grass for fields • Updated field allocation usage 2. Designation of Voting Delegate and Alternate to the Cal Cities — 2022 Annual Conference and Expo Darrell George, City Manager reported on the item. Council Discussion MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux approving designating Darrell George, City Manager to serve as voting delegate and Mayor Boyles as alternate at the Cal Cities Annual Conference and Expo. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 Adjourned at 7.51 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL & RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 31, 2022 PAGE 3 Page 13 of 67 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 7:00 AM. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (INITIATION OF LITIGATION) Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(4): 1 - matter Adjourned at 8:05 AM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 8:07 AM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) - NONE Mark Hensley, City Attorney announce that during closed session Council authorize the filing of a lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles with regards to the failure to operate the Hyperion plant. Council considered a resolution declaring a State of Emergency due to the health implication at the Hyperion plant. SPECIAL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 PAGE 1 Page 14 of 67 MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel authorizing the filing on a lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. Consideration and possible action regarding the City of El Segundo's options to address the ongoing nuisance caused by operations at the City of Los Angeles' Hyperion Treatment Plant, including but not limited to declaring a state of emergency and/or authorizing the initioantion of litigation to address the nuisance. Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only; RESOULUTION NO. 5360 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE §8360 AND EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2-2 REGARDING THE ONGOING RELEASE OF NOXIOUS GASES AND ODORS FROM THE HYPERION SEWER TREATMENT FACILITY. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirzstuk approving Resolution No. 5360. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Darrell George, City Manager, mentioned that staff will initiate media outreach related to matters regarding Hyperion Plant. Council Discussion PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) - NONE Adjourned at 8:24 AM Lili Sandoval, Deputy City Clerk SPECIAL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 PAGE 2 Page 15 of 67 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, SEPTMEMBER 15, 2022 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 10:30 AM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6): -3- matters 1. Employee Organizations: Fire Fighters Association (FFA), Police Officers Association (POA), and Supervisory Professional Employee Association (SPEA). Representative: Irma Moisa Rodriquez, City Manager, Darrell George, and Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk. Adjourned at 11.44 AM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 1 Page 16 of 67 MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 4:00 PM. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1)): -1- MATTER(S) 1. Breck Slover (Retired Fire Fighter) v. City of El Segundo, Workers Compensation Appeals Board Case No. ADJ2008178 130001921:121►us] ZKYWY1II:IIxeL111111111541411L6y21W_1►11111[ylLT_�IMIDI IIIleL Kffl01 Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(c): -1-matter CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (GOV'T CODE §54957.6): -3- MATTER(S) Employee Organizations: Fire Fighters' Association (FFA), Police Officers' Association (POA), and Supervisory Professional Employee Association (SPEA). Agency Designated Representative: Irma Moisa Rodriquez, City Manager, Darrell George, and Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk Adjourned at 5:45 PM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:00 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 1 Page 17 of 67 Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present INVOCATION — Rabbi Dovid Lisbon, Jewish Community Center PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Nicol SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Elena Meloni, with New Star Family Justice Center, spoke regarding the Center and its services provided to the South Bay Community. Invited Council to "The Power of Hope", a Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign on Friday, October 7, 2022 at Hawthorne City Hall from 2:30 PM — 4:30 PM. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: 1. Police Chief, Jaime Bermudez gave a Public Safety Update and answered Council's questions. Darrell George, City Manager and Mark Hensley, City Attorney gave an update and answered Council's questions on the Hyperion Wastewater Reclamation Plant regarding the steps being taken since Council declared a State of Emergency and gave direction to initiate litigation against the plant. A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. CONSENT: 2. Approve Regular City and Special meeting minutes of September 6, 2022. (Fiscal Impact: None) 3. Approve warrants demand register for August 15, 2022 through August 28, 2022, number 4B and 4C, warrant numbers 3041389 through 3042239, and 9002627 through 9002631. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: $2,864,192.08 ($1,748,802.38 in check warrants and $1,115,389.70 in wire warrants)) 4. Authorize City Manager to execute a standard Public Works Contract No. 6493 with DASH Construction in the amount of $999,777 for FY 22-23 Pavement EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 2 Page 18 of 67 Rehabilitation of East El Segundo Boulevard from Whiting Street to Illinois Street, and authorize an additional $117,523 for construction related contingencies and authorize the City Manager to execute standard Professional Services Agreement No. 6494 with KOA Corporation in the amount of $77,000 for construction inspection and testing services and authorize an additional $7,700 for construction contingencies. Project No. PW 22-01 (Fiscal Impact: $1,200,000 included in adopted FY 21-22 budget and re -adopted for FY 22-23. The project cost is fully funded by the SB-1 Fund, ($333,550), Measure M Local Return Fund, ($666,450) and Measure R Local Return Fund ($200,000). 6. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Measure M Funding Agreement No. 6495 between the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to receive $4,050,000 Measure M funds and $786,537 in Federal Transportation Earmark Exchange Program Funds to finance the El Segundo Boulevard improvement project, adopt Resolution No. 5362 approving plans and specifications, authorize staff to advertise the project for construction bids, authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption (NOE) with the Los Angeles County Clerk in support of the City's determination that the project is exempt from CEQA and authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No. 6496 with MNS Engineers for $65,300 for construction administration during bidding and construction phases. Project No. PW 23-02. (Fiscal Impact: $7,401,000, the City will receive $4,050,000 in Measure M funds, and $786,537 in Federal Transportation Earmark Exchange funds from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The amount budgeted for the El Segundo Blvd. Improvement Project in the adopted FY 22-23 budget is $1,400,000 from Local Return (Prop C), additional appropriations of $6,001,000 are required and an additional $786,537 will be held in reserve, as detailed: $4,050,000 in revenue account 127-300-0000-3742 (Measure M revenue) to recognize Measure M Grant, $4,050,000 appropriation to 127-400-8203-89xx (Measure M - El Segundo Blvd CIP Project), $1,951,000 appropriation to Proposition C (114-400-8203-89xx - Prop C - El Segundo Blvd CIP Project), $786,537 in revenue account 124-300-4101-37xx (Federal Grant Funds - Federal Earmark Exchange) to recognize the Federal earmark, $786,537 to designated reserve for El Segundo Blvd Imp. Project (124-270-4101-37xx)) 7. Authorize the police department to purchase sixty-five (65) TASER 7's for $181,988.60 and replace the X26P TASERS that are currently being used and pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code 1-7-10, allow staff to purchase tasers through Axon Enterprise, incorporated under an existing contract with NPP (National Purchasing Partners, contract #VH11630. (Fiscal Impact: $181,988.60, $99,200.00 from the Equipment Replacement Fund and additional appropriation of $82,788.60 from the Asset Forfeiture Fund) 8. Adopt Resolution No. 5363 authorizing acceptance of a $74,901 grant from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) for its alcohol EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 3 Page 19 of 67 enforcement and education program and authorize the City Manager to execute the associated Grant Agreement No. 6497 with the ABC. (Fiscal Impact: $74,901. El Segundo to accept from the ABC for participating in the multi -agency use, unexpended grant monies will be returned to ABC after the conclusion of the grant period) 9. Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1639 amending the El Segundo Municipal Code to reflect revised names of certain departments and positions. (Fiscal Impact: Funding for the proposed actions was incorporated in the adopted FY 22-23 Citywide budget) 10. Adopt Resolution No. 5364 to continue the City's utilization of relaxed teleconferencing requirements under the Brown Act. (Fiscal Impact: None) MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk approving Consent Agenda items 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 II�J����l���t•[•yi 5. Imperial Sewer Flume and Sand Hill Sewer Flume Rehabilitation Project Project No. PW 22-16 (Fiscal Impact: $175,000 included in adopted FY 22-23 budget) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director answered Council's questions regarding the project. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to adopt Resolution No. 5361 approving plans and specifications for the Imperial Sewer Flume and Sand Hill Sewer Flume Rehabilitation and authorize staff to advertise the project for construction. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 6. El Segundo Boulevard Improvement Project Project No. PW 23-02 (Fiscal Impact: (Fiscal Impact: $7,401,000, the City will receive $4,050,000 in Measure M funds, and $786,537 in Federal Transportation Earmark Exchange funds from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The amount budgeted for the El Segundo Blvd. Improvement Project in the adopted FY 22-23 budget is $1,400,000 from Local Return (Prop C), additional appropriations of $6,001,000 are required and an additional $786,537 will be held in reserve, as detailed: $4,050,000 in revenue account 127-300-0000-3742 (Measure M revenue) to recognize Measure M Grant, $4,050,000 appropriation to 127-400-8203-89xx (Measure M - El Segundo Blvd CIP Project), $1,951,000 appropriation to Proposition C (114-400-8203-89xx - Prop C - El Segundo Blvd CIP Project), EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 4 Page 20 of 67 $786,537 in revenue account 124-300-4101-37xx (Federal Grant Funds - Federal Earmark Exchange) to recognize the Federal earmark, $786,537 to designated reserve for El Segundo Blvd Imp. Project (124-270-4101-37xx)) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director answered Council's questions regarding this item. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk authorizing the City Manager to sign the Measure M Funding Agreement No. 6495 between the City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to receive $4,050,000 Measure M funds and $786,537 in Federal Transportation Earmark Exchange Program Funds to finance the El Segundo Boulevard improvement project, adopt Resolution No. 5362 approving plans and specifications, authorize staff to advertise the project for construction bids, authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Exemption (NOE) with the Los Angeles County Clerk in support of the City's determination that the project is exempt from CEQA and authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No. 6496 with MNS Engineers for $65,300 for construction administration during bidding and construction phases. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Boyles and Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel left the dais due to possible conflicts of interest. 11. Smoky Hollow Pilot Parking Project Update (Fiscal Impact: None) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director introduced the item and answered Council's questions. Giuseppe Canzonieri, PE, VP/Senior Engineer, KOA Corp gave a presentation and answered Council's questions. Council Discussion MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk approving Option 1 (signing and stripping only) with the addition of California Street and directed staff to advance the option. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 3/0 Recessed at 7:32 PM Reconvened at 7:41 PM Mayor Boyles and Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel returned to the dais. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 5 Page 21 of 67 12. Main Street / Imperial Highway Monument Sign (Fiscal Impact: $450,000, this project was included in the adopted FY 20-21 Capital Improvement Program Budget. The previous conceptual design expenditures and the design cost for this project total $103,660. The remaining balance is $346,340. If the cost of the project (once bid) exceeds the budgeted amount, an additional appropriation would be required) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director introduced the item. Chuck Foley, President, Hirsch & Associates gave a presentation. Council Discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux directing staff to proceed with option "Old Time Postcard Inspiration" conceptual design with the decomposed granite and no walk path. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 3/2 YES Boyles Giroux Pimentel NO Nicol Pirsztuk 13. One -Year Extension of Joint Use Agreements with El Segundo Unified School District (Fiscal Impact: It is anticipated that the City of El Segundo's in -kind contribution to supporting the services within the agreements is estimated to be $944,190) Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director reported on the item. Council Discussion MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol approving a one-year extension of Joint Use Agreement No. 4347B for Public Recreation Facilities and the Joint Use Agreement No. 4346A Studio and Equipment between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 E. COMMITTEES, COMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: (item moved to before item D#12) 14. El Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board Updated Annual Report and Requests of Council (Fiscal Impact: Depending on City Council's approved direction, there may be a positive financial impact to revenues for Park Vista senior housing facility. The fiscal impact to Park Vista's net operating budget as a result of the increases to parking rates and rental rates are outlined in the attached Financial Scenario Comparisons) Paul Lanyi, Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board Chairperson gave a presentation. Joe Lillio, Chief Financial Officer answered Council's questions. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 6 Page 22 of 67 Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file presentation. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk granting the Board the authority to increase parking rates by 2% per annum until canceled and increasing rental rate for new, incoming tenants to 65% of market rate effective 1/1/2023 for new tenants. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — No report G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — (Item moved to before Staff Presentations) 15. Resolution to adopt Updated Investment Policy (Fiscal Impact: None) Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer reported on the item. Council discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only; RESOLUTION NO. 5365 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY, AS AMENDED, AND TO TAKE EFFECT OCTOBER 1, 2022. MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Nicol adopting Resolution No. 5365. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 (Item moved to before Staff Presentations) 16. Resolution Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund by Specified City Officers (Fiscal Impact: None) Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer reported on the item. Council discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only; RESOLUTION NO. 5366 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INVESTMENT OF CITY MONIES IN THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND BY SPECIFIED CITY OFFICERS. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 7 Page 23 of 67 MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk adopting Resolution No. 5366. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Giroux — No report Council Member Nicol — Invited the Community to the Main Street Fair on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Council Member Pirsztuk — No report Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — Attending the County Sanitation District meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 and recently attended a Transportation Committee meeting. Mayor Boyles — Commented on the State of the City and complimented staff and Chamber of Commerce for a great event. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — Stated Community Development Director, Michael Allen was contacted by LAWA regarding the Residential Installation Program stating they will begin reaching out to residents in the next few weeks and that Mr. Allen will be the City's liaison. Mr. George also stated they would like to have LAWA make a presentation regarding the program at an upcoming City Council meeting. Adjourned at 8:51 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 PAGE 8 Page 24 of 67 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.7 TITLE: Warrant Demand Register for August 29, 2022 through September 18, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 5A, 5B, and 6A: warrant numbers 3042240 through 3042547, and 9002632 through 9002663. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The warrants presented were drawn in payment of demands included within the FY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget. The total of $3,297,576.14 ($2,046,644.75 in check warrants and $1,250,931.39 in wire warrants) are for demands drawn on the FY 2022- 2023 Budget. BACKGROUND: California Government Code Section 37208 provides General Law cities flexibility in how budgeted warrants, demands, and payroll are audited and ratified by their legislative body. Pursuant to Section 37208 of the California Government Code, warrants drawn in payments of demands are certified by the City's Chief Financial Officer and City Manager as conforming to the authorized expenditures set forth in the City Council adopted budget need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment, but may be presented to the City Council at the first meeting after delivery. In government finance, a warrant is a written order to pay that instructs a federal, state, county, or city government treasurer to pay the warrant holder on demand or after a specific date. Such warrants look like checks and clear through the banking system like Page 25 of 67 Warrant Demand Register October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 2 checks. Warrants are issued for payroll to individual employees, accounts payable to vendors, to local governments, and to companies or individual taxpayers receiving a refund. Q 6*9111*4 :s] ki I The attached Warrants Listing delineates the warrants that have been paid for the period identified above. The Chief Financial Officer certifies that the listed warrants were drawn in payment of demands conforming to the adopted budget and that these demands are being presented to the City Council at its first meeting after the delivery of the warrants. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5B: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Wei Cao, CPA, CPFO, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Joseph Lillio, Chief Financial Officer APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Register 5a summary 2. Register 5b summary 3. Register 6a summary Page 26 of 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 2042240 - 3042347 DATE OF APPROVAL'. 9002632 - 9002660 001 GENERAL FUND 359,470.07 W3 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 4.219.39 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 0.21 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - in ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 9,299.36 110 MEAURE-R- - Ill COMM, DEVEL_ BLOCK GRANT 13.77500 112 PROP"A"TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP-C"TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 67,94 115 70A ARTICLE 3 - S13621 BIKEWAY FUND - 118 MTA GRANT - 120 C.O. P. S_FUND - 121 FEMA 422 LA.WA. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT 394.64 726 JVF CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 86.27 127 MEAURE-M' - 128 SE-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM - 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 473 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 33.810836 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 45,793.64 502 WASTEWATER FUND 2.151,29 503 GOLF COURSE FUND 156.07 605 SOLID WASTE FUND 77.995.56 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 002 LIABILITY INSURANCE 59.68 603 WORKERSCOMP_ RESERVOINSUkANCE 2.30 Tel RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND- DEVELOPER FEES 179.61 704 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT 29001 57 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST 29,005.00 TOTAL WARRANTS S 605,496.86 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Inlorn-alion on actual expendlures Is available hi the Director of Finance's office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability o1 fund 1W payment thereof, For Approval: RegWar cheeks hard for City Counpl authorization to release. CODES: R = Computer generated checks for all a60-emergerayiurgewy payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks AS OF o912or22 REGISTER N 5a VOID CHECKS DUE TO ALIGNMENT: NfA VOID CHECKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: VOID CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: AP - U = Computer generated Early Release disbursements andfor adjustments approved by the City Manager Such as: payments for ulPdy services. petty cash and employee travel expense NOTES reimbursements, various refunds. contract employee services consistent mth current oanuactual agreements, instances whale Prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided br when a situation arises that the City Manager approves, H = HavdwrjUen Early Rel disbur ants r adjustments approved by the CAy Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CITY MANAGER ��!! DATE: DATE: q — Page 27 of 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 08/29/22 THROUGH 09/04/22 Date Pa ee Description $130/2022 Cal Pers 61674.60 , _ EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 52,333,60 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 51,825.20 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 36,096.15 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 28,886.16 EFT Retirement Safety- Police- PE PRA New 25021 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 13,625.62 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 8/30/2022 Cal Pers 5,899.66 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 9/2/2022 Unum 211.30 Long Term Care Premium 9/2/2022 Cal Pers 500.00 Admin fee - 20283 Arrears, Ca1PERS 9/212022 IRS 282,317.72 Federal 941 Deposit 9/2/2022 Employment Development 4,992.86 State SDI payment 9/2/2022 Employment Development 64,592.66 State PIT Withholding 9/2/2022 Mission Square 58,591.61 457 payment Vantagepoint 9/2/2022 Mission Square 1,038.46 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 9/2/2022 Mission Square 2,278.50 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 9/2/2022 Mission Square 300.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 9/2/2022 ExpertPay 2,720.76 EFT Child support payment 08/22/22-08/28/22 Workers Comp Activity 47,865.81 SCRMA checks issued 08/22/22-08/28/22 Liability Trust - Claims 35,151.70 Claim checks issued/(voided) 08122/22-08/28/22 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 750, 902.37 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/06/22 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: i �/ % 01 eputy CitZTrea rer II Date Chief Financial OfCer Date �. ? IS _2 Z- City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 750,902.37 PACity TreasurerlWire TransferslWire Transfers 07-01-22 to 6-30.23 9/6/2022 1/1 Page 28 of 67 r• 0 rn N N 0) (6 a_ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 09/20/22 REGISTER # 5a DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 184.90 1201 City Treasurer 305.92 1300 City Clerk 193.37 2101 City Manager 80.00 2102 Communications 170,05 2103 El Segundo Media 2201 City Attorney 12,320,86 2401 Economic Development 120.00 2402 Planning 150.00 2500 Administrative Services 70,504.84 2601 Government Buildings 49,521.32 2700 Community Outreach/Planning 2900 Nondepartmental 1,673.17 6100 Library 12,38T03 147, 611.46 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 79,952.11 3200 Fire 19,124.12 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 278.79 99,355.02 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 9,294,96 4200 Streets/Park Maintenance 52,108.91 4300 Wastewater 837.39 4601 Equipment Maintenance 4.8$2,88 4801 Administration 352.61 67,456.75 COMMUNITY SERVICES 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 15,386.32 5400 Centennial 9,320,00 24, 706.32 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 33,808.36 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 232,558.75 TOTAL WARRANTS 605,496.66 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3042348 - 3042423 DATE OF APPROVAL' AS OF.09120122 9002661 - 9002662 — •••'•' 001 GENERALFUND 314,855.48 001 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 2,000.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 10a STATE GAS TAX FUND 9.990.00 106 ASSOCIATED RECRE'ATEoN ACTIVITIES FUND - m9 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 3.954.D0 110 MEAURE"R• 97,067.05 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 112 PROP'A"TRANSPORTATION 114 PROP'C" TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM 118 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - its TDAARTECLE 3- SS e21 SIKEWAY FUND 119 NITA GRANT - 120 C,O,P,a FUND - 121 FEMA 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAx PuaLic SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT 126 AIP CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 57.69 177 MEAURE "M" - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIEQACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 20,708A0 702 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 973 - 301 CAPITAL PMPROVEMENT FUND 79,87035 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 1,591.07 502 WASTEWATER FUND 10,563,50 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - rol EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - W2 LIABILITY INSURANCE 1.6£8.90 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVE/INSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP, INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 846.76 704 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT 73322 TOIL OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS § 546,278.63 A STATE OF CAL.IFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the ClUeo[or of Finance's ollice in the City Of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: VOID CHECKS DUE TO ALIGNMENT: N!A R >~ Computer generated cheeks for ah non-emergencylurgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations VOLO CHECKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: For Ralif[catlon: A = Peymll OM Employee Benetkt checks VOID CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: AP - U = Computer generated Early Release disbursements andlor adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, party rash and employee travel expense NOTES reimbursements, various refunds. Contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discoums Can be Obtained or late payment Penalties can be avoided or when a silualion arises [hat the City Manager approves_ H = Handwritlen Early Release disburseyffMos a LslnlenIs approved by the City Manager, CHIBF FWANCiAL OFFICER CITY MANAG DATE: DATE: [ �+ REGISTER X Sb Page 30 of 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 09/05/22 THROUGH 09/11/22 Date Enee Description 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 61,652.10 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1st Tier 28 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 50,497.10 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 50,220,25 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 35,981.35 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 28,978.02 EFT Retirement Safety- Police-P E PRA New 25021 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 13,920.66 EFT Retirement Safety- Fi re-PEPRA New 25020 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 5,899.66 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 1,391.02 20283 Arrears, CalPERS 9/7/2022 Cal Pers 435.34 Late Enroll, CalPERS 08/29/22-09104/22 Workers Comp Activity 39,091.24 SCRMA checks issued 08/29/22-09/04/22 Liability Trust - Claims 62,242.68 Claim checks issued/(voided) 08/29122-09/04/22 Retiree Health Insurance 8,180.20 Health Reimbursment checks issued 358,489.62 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/12/22 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: ;rtified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: < "C eputy City Treasurer II Chief Financial b6cer City Manager 0" o . Date q- /-3 — �- Date 7-13 -2-z Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 358,489.62 PACity TreasurerlWire TransferslWire Transfers 07-01-22 to 6-30-23 9/12/2022 111 Page 31 of 67 r• 0 N N (o a_ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 09/20/22 REGISTER # 5b DEPT# !NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 791.27 1201 City Treasurer 398.00 1300 City Clerk 206.89 2101 City Manager 1,543.37 2102 Communications 2103 El Segundo Media 685.95 2201 City Attorney 74,934.40 2401 Economic Development 103.99 2402 Planning 450.00 2500 Administrative Services 87,442.23 2601 Government Buildings 20,311.14 2700 Community Outreach/Planning 2900 Nondepartmental 932.38 6100 Library 1,930.23 189,729.85 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 15,052.90 3200 Fire 1,496.05 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 150,00 16,698.95 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 2,908.00 4200 Streets/Park Maintenance 18,854.38 4300 Wastewater 441.22 4601 Equipment Maintenance 402.28 4801 Administration 1,111.36 23,717.24 COMMUNITY SERVICES 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 71,892.64 5400 Centennial 71, 892,64 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 79,879,35 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 162,360.60 TOTAL WARRANTS 544,278.63 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3D42424 - 3G42547 DATE OF APPROVAL; AS OF 10f04724 9 W2(563 - - co1 GENERALFVND 722,720.97 003 P-XPENDABLE TRUST FUND- OTHER 14,500.00 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - tD6 STATE GAS TAX FUND 33,266,95 108 ASSOCIATED RECREAT*N ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 236.3B lie MEAURE"R' _ 171 COMM, DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 112 PROP"A'TRANSPQRTATfON 114 PROP"C"TRANSPORTATION _ 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND _ lie TDAARTICLE 3- Sa 82101KEWAY FUND 118 MTA GRANT _ 120 CO. P,S FUND 121 FEMA 177 L.A.W. A. FUND _ 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS _ 12S STATE GRANT _ 126 A1P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE - 127 MEAURE -M" 8,415.00 128 Sa-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - I" AFFORDABLE HOUSING _ 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #73 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 26,202.00 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Sol WATER UTILITY FUND 370.46 502 WASTEWATERFUND 90,657.72 503 GOLF COURSE FUND _ 505 SOLID WASTE FUND _ 501 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 002 LABILITY INSURANCE _ 603 WORKERS COMA. RESERVEnNSURANCE _ 701 RETIRED EMP_ INSURANCE 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - DEVELOPER FEES - 704 CULTURAL OEVELOPMENT 709 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS g 6gg.66g.48 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual e"riddnras 1S available in the Direclor of Finance's office in the City of EI Segundo. I certify as to fie accuracy of the Demands and the availability or fund for payment thereof. Far Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES: VOID CHECKS DUE TO ALIGNMENT: R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency7urgeAcy payments for materials, supplies and MA services in support of City Operations For Ralificatiors: VOID CHECKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: A = Paylnli and Employee benefit checks VOID CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: AP - U = Computer generated Early Release disburSamenls andlaT adjustments approved by the City Manager Stich as: payments for Wilily services, petty cash and employee travel expense NOTES reimbursements, various refunds, contrail employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, Instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided orwhen a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Releas disbursemo is aatlrb adjustMen 5 approved by the City Manager CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CITY MANAGER GATE: DATE: a�--t C,- � 7-'z0 R G TER46 Page 33 of 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 09/12/22 THROUGH 09/18/22 Date 9/14/2022 9/16/2022 9/16/2022 9/16/2022 9/16/2022 — uee — IRS Mission Square Mission Square Mission Square Mission Square 9/16/2022 ExpertPay 09/05/22-09/11/22 Workers Comp Activity 09/05/22-09/11/22 Liability Trust - Claims 09/05/22-09/11/22 Retiree Health Insurance DATE OF RATIFICATION: 09/19/22 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: puty City Treasurer li A114— Chief Financial bfficer City Ma ager Description 1,751.60 Federal941 Deposit 59,592.96 457 payment Vantagepoint 1,038.46 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 2,278.50 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 300.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 2,720.76 EFT Child support payment 63,178.67 SCRMA checks issued 10,678.45 Claim checks issued/(voided) - Health Reimbursment checks issued 141,539.40 0 9 / 9 z0 Date 17-/,7-�, a21- Date Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 141,53.9.40 PACity TreasurerkWire TransferskWire Transfers 07-01-22 to 6-30-23 9/19/2022 1/1 Page 34 of 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 10/04/22 REGISTER # 6a DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 1201 City Treasurer 1300 City Clerk 7,188.00 2101 City Manager 7,154.00 2102 Communications 79.22 2103 EI Segundo Media 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 1.234.00 2402 Planning 20.00 2500 Administrative Services 44,905.30 2601 Government Buildings 17,886,44 2700 Community Outreach/Planning 2,404.85 2900 Nondepartmental 948.59 6100 Library 860.28 82,680.68 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 520,896,30 3200 Fire 33,728.98 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 554,625.28 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 4200 Streets/Park Maintenance 41,931.90 4300 Wastewater 4601 Equipment Maintenance 5,030.34 4801 Administration 46,962.24 COMMUNITY SERVICES 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 15,638.85 6400 Centennial 3,780.00 19,418.85 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 26,202.00 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 166,980.41 TOTAL WARRANTS 896,869.46 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.8 TITLE: Grant Award from Chevron U.S.A., Inc. in the Amount of $75,000 to Support Economic Development within the City of El Segundo RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to accept grant funds in the amount of $75,000 for Economic Development. 2. Appropriate grant funding to the Economic Development Grant Account 702-221- 2401-1281. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: $75,000 Revenue for the Economic Development Grant Account 702-221-2401-1281 7_[81:(r]:A1l1►113 Staff applied for a grant from the Chevron Social Investment Partnership Program which makes available financial resources in the form of competitive grants for investment within the communities where Chevron maintains operations. The application was submitted to support the City of El Segundo Economic Development Program. The purpose of the program is to retain, expand and attract new businesses and create jobs in El Segundo with an emphasis on attracting new industries to the city. DISCUSSION: The Chevron Social Investment Partnership Program has approved the grant application and will award the City of El Segundo a grant in the amount of $75,000.00. Page 36 of 67 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Grant October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 2 This is the ninth time El Segundo has been awarded grant funding from Chevron. City Council previously accepted grants in the amount of $200,000 in 2013, $175,000 in 2014, $200,000 in 2015, $185,000 in 2016, $125,000 in 2017, $125,000 in 2018, $110,000 in 2019, $100,000 in 2020, and $75,000 in 2021. A one-time $75,000 payment will be made to the City of El Segundo tendered by check. Staff recommends that these funds be utilized to support the following marketing and branding goals: • Enhance long-term economic stability and employment opportunities through business attraction and industry diversification. • Support business retention through pro -active, Citywide economic development assistance. • Evolve exciting destination and tourism marketing efforts (hotel, retail, restaurants, arts/culture, and recreation). • Continue and enhance marketing and branding efforts with focus on commercial and industrial business attraction. Staff requests Council to formally authorize the City Manager to accept grant funds in the amount of $75,000 to support economic development within the City of El Segundo. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Communication Objective A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective A: El Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for businesses and the community PREPARED BY: Cristina Reveles, Economic Development Coordinator REVIEWED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 37 of 67 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.9 TITLE: Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Program Update RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file report provided by the Los Angeles World Airports regarding the recent roll out of the Residential Sound Insulation Program ;1Ih'ia_1NILTA 12_1;"I1 There is no fiscal impact. BACKGROUND: Residential units exposed to aircraft noise of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) or higher are considered by California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 21 to be incompatible with land uses and must be addressed/mitigated to achieve compatibility. Since the 1990s, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and its surrounding noise - impacted jurisdictions initiated Residential Sound Insulation (RSI) Programs in compliance with these California regulations. In El Segundo, 1,851 units have been previously sound insulated. To address the untreated units in El Segundo and the City of Los Angeles, LAWA has taken steps to establish the current LAX RSI Program. Under this new Program, LAWA will provide an opportunity for eligible owners of noise -impacted dwelling units within the approved noise contour in the City of Los Angeles and the City of El Segundo to receive sound insulation upgrades. LAWA plans to mitigate these homes with sound insulation improvements over the next seven years. DISCUSSION: Representatives of LAWA will provide a presentation and update on the current implementation of the RSI program in El Segundo. Additional information regarding the Page 38 of 67 Special Presentation October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 2 RSI program, eligibility, and next steps can be found at https://www.lawa.org/lawa- environment/noise-management/sound-insulation-grant-program/rsi-program. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Michael Allen, AICP, Development Services Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 39 of 67 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.10 TITLE: Ordinance Adding Chapter 13-33 to the El Segundo Municipal Code to Enable Reasonable City Cost Recovery for Excessive False Fire Alarm Responses RECOMMENDATION: 1. Introduce and waive the first reading of an Ordinance adding Chapter 13-22 to the El Segundo Municipal Code to include a section specific to fire false alarm regulation and fees. 2. Direct Staff to schedule the Ordinance's second reading for October 11, 2022, or as soon thereafter as it may be considered. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed Ordinance would enable the City's cost recovery for excessive fire false alarm calls. The El Segundo Fire Department ("ESFD") will present a fee resolution on October 18, 2022 (or as soon thereafter as may be considered) to the City Council to modify an existing false alarm fee that ESFD included with the recently adopted Master Fee Schedule. The adopted fee allowed the City to collect ESFD costs after three(3) false alarms, but the proposed amendment will conform with the Ordinance to allow City cost recovery after the first two false alarms. City staff anticipates the Ordinance will cause most alarm system owners to be more responsible in maintaining their systems in proper working order, requiring a lower number of responses. Pursuant to California Constitution article XI I IC, § 1(e)(3), the fees authorized through the Ordinance do not constitute a "tax" as they concern City regulation enforcement and investigation performance associated with a regulatory program. BACKGROUND: A false alarm is defined as the activation of an alarm when an emergency does not exist. From 2021 to 2022, the ESFD is seeing an increasing number of false alarms. In Page 40 of 67 False Fire Alarm Ordinance October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 3 2021, there were 317 false alarm calls and there have been 264 false alarm calls so far in 2022 (January 1- September 1, 2022). To help recover the City's reasonable costs associated with responding to such calls and to encourage alarm system owners to be more responsive in maintaining their systems in proper working order, the ESFD is proposing a fee to be charged on the third false alarm call and each subsequent call -out at the same address in the calendar year. Any person may receive two responses to false alarms in a 30-day period without charge. Third and subsequent responses in the same calendar year will be billed at the costs determined by the City of El Segundo Fee Schedule. Activation due to weather, or to power outages is not considered billable within the scope of this policy. Businesses may appeal a charge to the City's Fire Chief should they feel that they were wrongly fined. The intent of the program is not to discourage owners from using alarm systems, but to encourage responsible use. Timely response to reported emergencies is one of the most valuable services provided by the ESFD. Prompt response to fire alarms is a service reasonably expected for the protection and well-being of the entire community, and ESFD's responds to such alarms as reports of emergencies. DISCUSSION: El Segundo Fire Department is proposing to have a false alarm fee adopted by Ordinance into the El Segundo Municipal Code similar to that of the El Segundo Police Department. These fees would be implemented to modify alarm user behavior and divert public safety resources to legitimate activities which helps maintain El Segundo Fire Department response times. Additionally, false alarm fees collected help offset the costs associated with responding to false alarms. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective: El Segundo is a safe and prepared city. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5B: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. Page 41 of 67 False Fire Alarm Ordinance October 4, 2022 Page 3 of 3 PREPARED BY: Vanessa Arias, Administrative Specialist REVIEWED BY: Deena Lee, Fire Chief APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. El Segundo False Fire Alarm Ordinance 2. Master Fee Schedule 2022 - False Alarm Fees Page 42 of 67 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 13 TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER 22 TO ENABLE CITY COST RECOVERY FOR EXCESSIVE FALSE FIRE ALARMS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") Title 13 (Building Regulations) is amended to add Chapter 22 (False Fire Alarms) to read as follows: liia:/_1i94Zw*A FALSE FIRE ALARMS 13-22-1 Purpose. This chapter is adopted in accordance with California Constitution article XI, § 7 to protect public health, safety, and well-being by reducing the waste of City Fire Department resources in responding to excess false fire alarms and establishing a mechanism for reasonable City cost recovery to safeguard City resources. Pursuant to California Constitution article XI IIC, § 1(e)(3), the fees authorized in this chapter do not constitute a "tax" as they concern City regulation enforcement and investigation performance associated with a regulatory program. 13-22-2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter: A. "Alarm" means the giving, signaling, or transmission to the Department, or any Department employee or designee, whether by telephone, e-mail, or other medium, information to the effect that a fire or emergency situation exists at or near the place indicated by the person giving, signaling, or transmitting such information. B. "Automatic fire sprinkler system" means an integrated system of underground and overhead piping designed in accordance with fire protection standards that is activated by hear from fire, or other similar mechanism, and discharges water over the fire area. C. "Chief' means the El Segundo Fire Department Chief. D. "Department" means the El Segundo Fire Department. E. "False alarm" means an alarm requiring Department response where a fire or emergency situation does not exist. Page 1 of 4 Page 43 of 67 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. Page 2 of 4 F. "Fire alarm system" means a system designed to detect and announce the presence of fire or fire byproducts. G. "Notice" means written notice, given by personal service upon the addressee, or given by the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person to be notified. at the last known address. Service of such notice will be effective upon the completion of personal service, or upon the placing of the same in the custody of the United States Postal Service. H. "Person" means any company, firm, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, unincorporated organization, corporation, corporation, government agency, or natural person. 13-22-4 Alarm Registration. Any person that owns or operates a business in the City must notify the Department of any installation of any automatic fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system. Such notice must be in writing, delivered to the City within 10 days of installation, and include the following information: name, address, and telephone number of the associated alarm business or its agent and the name, address, and telephone number of the best contact person for the business. 13-22-4 Alarm Testing. A person must notify the Department at least 24 hours prior to any service, test, repair, maintenance, adjustment, alterations, or installations of an automatic fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system that may activate a false alarm. Any alarm activated where such prior notice has not been duly given to the Department will constitute a false alarm for this chapter's purposes. 13-22-5 Fees Imposed. The owner or lessee of any premises containing an automatic fire sprinkler system or fire alarm system will be assessed a fee under this chapter for each false alarm more than two, occurring within any calendar year. 13-22-6 City Council Sets Fees. The City Council will, by resolution, establish the amount of all fees imposed under this chapter. 13-22-7 Fee Collection. It is the Department's duty to collect fees pursuant to this chapter." Page 44 of 67 City of Ell Segundo Ordinance No. Page 3 of 4 SECTION 2. Environmental Review. This Ordinance was reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"). Based upon that review, this Ordinance is exempt from further review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 3. Electronic Signatures. This Ordinance may be executed with electronic signatures in accordance with Government Code §16.5. Such electronic signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. SECTION 4. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Enforceability. Repeal or amendment of any provision of the ESMC will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 7. Recording. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the city of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 8. Execution. The Mayor, or presiding officer, is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Ordinance signifying its adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk, or duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 9. Effectiveness. This Ordinance will take effect on the 30th day following its final passage and adoption. It may be enforced commencing on January 1, 2022. ORDINANCE NO. HAD ITS FIRST READING ON , ITS SECOND READING ON , AND WAS DULY PASSED, APPROVED, Page 45 of 67 City of Ell Segundo Ordinance No. Page 4 of 4 AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY Joaquin Vazquez, Deputy City Attorney Page 46 of 67 Reference Number Title Fee Amount ($) Unit FR-026 Failure to obtain initial permit Original fee +50% FR-027 Late CERS submittal Citation 215.00 per citation FR-028 Late CERS submittal corrections (after March 31) citation 215.00 per citation FR-029 CUPA- LatePaymentPenalty 10% penalty FR-030 Environmental Safety Application Review 425.00 per application FR-031 Methane Barrier Plan Check/Inspection First Building 275.00 Each Additional Building 275.00 FR-032 AB1646 Operations& Maintenance 9,380.00 perfacility FR-033 Program 4 CALARP Emergency Response Public 102,615.00 per facility FR-040 Fire False Alarm Response First 3 responses in calendar year no charge 4th response 260.00 5th response 520.00 6th and subsequent responses 780.00 Master Fee Schedule FR-001 through FR-040 _22_ Page 47 of 67 {.,rVoy City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.11 TITLE: Establish the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Classifications and Adopt Associated Classification Specification, Examination Plans, and Salary Ranges RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve establishment of the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 classifications. 2. Adopt the classification specification and examination plans for the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-II positions. 3. Adopt a resolution establishing the basic salary ranges for the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 positions. 4. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ;1Ih'ia_1NILTA IW_1;"I1 Funding for the above actions was approved in the adopted FY 2022-23 budget. No additional funding is needed. BACKGROUND: During the FY 2022-23 budget process, the City adopted an overall five percent vacancy rate in lieu of freezing individual positions. This Citywide change provided an opportunity to reevaluate the staffing of the Fire Prevention Specialist position to best meet operational needs while servicing residential and business customers. The department is budgeted for two full-time Fire Prevention Specialists. One position is filled with a long-term incumbent and the second position was filled with a part-time employee while the full-time position was frozen. Restructuring the Fire Prevention Specialist job classification to Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 would provide the Department with greater flexibility in filling positions at the level needed, promote career growth from entry level to journey level, and increase employee retention. Page 48 of 67 Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Classifications October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION: The Fire Prevention Division in the Fire Department continuously evaluates service levels in alignment with the City's Strategic Plan Goal 1, "Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Inclusion and Communication," and Objective 1A to "El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers." To increase the department's ability to provide a higher level of efficiency in completing the more complex fire prevention inspections and plan checks, establishing a journey -level Fire Prevention Specialist classification is recommended. Currently, the Fire Prevention classification series includes the entry-level Fire Prevention Specialist and the Fire Marshal with overall responsibility for all fire prevention functions, including supervision of the Fire Prevention Specialist and other support staff. Restructuring the Fire Prevention Specialist job classification to a flexibly staffed Fire Prevention Specialist 1/11 will support department goals and enable the Fire Marshal to assign a higher level of technical work to the Fire Prevention Specialist 11. In creating the new classifications, Human Resources worked closely with the Fire Department to ensure that the essential functions described in the new proposed classification specifications are appropriate for the level of work performed. Although new, proposed classifications, the specifications utilize language from the Fire Prevention Specialist as the foundation for the positions. The Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 job specification includes distinguishing characteristics to define the roles as entry- level, performing more routine tasks and journey -level, requiring specialized training to perform the more complex functions. As positions are newly created or revised, Human Resources also incorporates new standardized language regarding driver's license, disaster service worker requirements and diversity, equity, and inclusion into the classification specifications. Staff recommends examination plans consisting of a structured technical and career preparation interview weighted at 100% of the total score as appropriate for both classifications. This examination plan is consistent with the current Fire Prevention Specialist. Utilizing an internal compensation comparison of the salary ranges between the Fire Marshal and Fire Prevention Specialist, the following monthly salary ranges are recommended: Fire Prevention Specialist 1 $6,231.08 to $7,573.90 and Fire Prevention Specialist II $6,870.45 to $8,351.07. These ranges represent no change to the entry- level classification and an approximately ten percent differential at the top step salary. If approved, the Fire Prevention Specialist 1/11 position will be placed in the El Segundo City Employees' Association (CEA). Human Resources provided CEA with the proposed classification specification and salary ranges for review. CEA agrees with the duties as described in the classification. Page 49 of 67 Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Classifications October 4, 2022 Page 3 of 3 The recommendations presented above will provide the Fire Department with more flexibility in filling positions at the level needed to enhance customer service, while also supporting Strategic Plan Goal 3 to, "Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies," promoting career growth within the classification series, and increasing employee retention. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Job Classification 2. Fire Prevention Specialist 1-II Examination Plan 3. Resolution Establishing Basic Salary Ranges Page 50 of 67 Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 DEFINITION: The Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 is responsible for providing a variety of technical and professional work in support of the Fire Prevention Division within the Fire Department. Depending on assignment, work includes code enforcement and outreach activities promoting the preservation of life and property, including field inspection, plans examination, data research and analysis, community preparedness and education programs and activities. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Prevention Specialist II may provide technical Specialist I and/or Fire Prevention Interns. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Receives supervision from the Fire Marshal. Fire and functional direction over Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Specialist I: This is the entry-level class in the Fire Prevention Specialist series. This class is distinguished from the Fire Prevention Specialist II by the lesser degree of independence, responsibility and accountability exercised in the fulfillment of duties, and by the performance of more routine tasks and assignments. Fire Prevention Specialist 11: This is the journey -level class in the Fire Prevention Specialist series. Incumbents at this level are experienced and perform the more complex functions, have specialized training, and are expected to possess a strong working knowledge of life safety programs, methods, and procedures. When performing field inspection work, incumbents at this level are expected to conduct the full range of fire inspections and when performing community outreach and preparedness activities the incumbent will exercise full program responsibility. Positions in the Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 are advancement form the Fire Prevention Specialist I, prior public sector fire prevention experience. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: flexibly staffed and are normally filled by or when filled from the outside, may require Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following typical duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and other characteristics for this classification. This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class. Incumbents may not perform all of the listed functions and/or may be required to perform additional or different functions from those below, to address business needs and changing business practices. Performs existing construction/equipment plan reviews and indicates necessary corrections for fire protection/life safety systems; ensures plans meet the requirements of related federal, state, and local fire protection, life safety codes, regulations and restrictions; Interprets and explains requirements and restrictions relative to fire/life safety codes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures to residents, visitor, and businesses; reviews alternative methods to comply with requirements and restrictions; Inspects routine new construction and existing businesses for fire hazards, proper operation of suppression devices, adequacy of fire escapes and exits, and general compliance with fire Page 51 of 67 City of El Segundo Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Class Code: codes; Inspects installed fire protection systems, fire alarm systems and automatic fire suppression systems; observes fire flows; coordinates work with other local agencies; Prepares notices for code violations; conducts follow-up inspections to ensure corrections have been made and issues permits; issues citations when necessary and closes structures which are declared a fire hazard; Assists in training Fire Department Suppression personnel related to promoting life safety services, community education, and the enforcement of codes and standards of Fire Operations occupancy inspections; Conducts research, analyzes data, compiles information and writes comprehensive technical reports on inspections and actions taken with respect to fire prevention; Works collaboratively with Fire Department, Building Department, City Attorney's Office, Code Enforcement staff, other governmental agencies, and related personnel on a variety of fire and life safety prevention inspection, enforcement and outreach activities; Maintains up-to-date records, writes detailed reports, and maintain related files; Participates in a variety of special projects related to life safety activities; Responds to basic complaints from the general public; investigates complaints and resolve, or assist in resolving matters; Performs a variety of administrative, operational, research and analytical duties in support of life safety programs; develop reports and recommend changes to policies and procedures; Provides administrative and logistical support on a variety of department and City special events as assigned; May attend courses to learn fire investigation techniques; May assist as a Fire Investigator Trainee on investigations with the Fire Marshal; Regularly and predictably attend work, and Perform related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge and/or skill required. Knowledge of: Accepted safety standards and methods of building construction; California Fire and Building Codes and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards; Pertinent Federal, State, and local rules, regulations, and ordinances including El Segundo Fire Page 52 of 67 City of El Segundo Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Class Code: Department Standard Operating Procedures, General Orders, and Administrative Guidelines; Principles and techniques of municipal life safety services work including fire prevention, code enforcement, community preparedness, and emergency planning activities; Research methods and sources of information related to fire and safety inspection work; Fire protection and alarm systems, and building construction; Principles and guidelines of public education, community, and customer relations; Modern office practices, procedures, methods, equipment and software; and English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Skill in: Interpreting and applying fire and life safety codes and standards; Organizing, coordinating assigned work, and report work progress; Applying technical knowledge; Analyzing problems and develop logical solutions; Promoting life safety programs and principles; Effectively enforcing a variety of life safety and fire prevention codes; Gaining compliance through professionalism and education; Reading and interpreting building plans, specifications, and building codes; Performing mathematical calculations; Organization and time -management; Communicating clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; Working creatively and collaboratively; Regularly and predictably attend work; Following directions from a supervisor; Understanding and following posted work rules and procedures; Accepting constructive criticism; and Establishing and maintaining cooperative working relationship with those contacted in the course of work. This position may be required to work overtime. Page 53 of 67 City of El Segundo Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Class Code: QUALIFICATIONS: A combination of experience and education that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities may be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: FIRE PREVENTION SPECIALIST I: Experience: One (1) year experience in fire prevention/inspection is required. Education: Associate degree in Fire Science or a related field and completion of State Fire Prevention 1A and 1B classes are required. Licensing/Certification Requirements: Due to the performance of some field duties which require the operation of a personal or City vehicle, a valid and appropriate California driver's license and acceptable driving record are required. Certification as California State Fire Prevention Officer or I.C.C. Fire Inspector I must be completed within 1 year from date of appointment. FIRE PREVENTION SPECIALIST 11: Experience: Three (3) years' experience in fire prevention/inspection is required. Education: Associate degree in Fire Science or a related field. A Bachelor's degree in the construction trades, fire administration, public administration or related field is desirable. Licensing/Certification Requirements: Due to the performance of some field duties which require the operation of a personal or City vehicle, a valid and appropriate California driver's license and acceptable driving record are required. Certification as California State Fire Protection Specialist or I.C.C. Fire Inspector II must be completed within 1 year from date of appointment. Disaster Service Worker: In accordance with Government Code Section 3100, City of El Segundo employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to respond accordingly. Working Conditions: Regularly required to climb ladders. Occasionally required to lift and/or carry up to 50 pounds. The City of El Segundo is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives to build and sustain an environment that values diversity, welcomes opportunities to engage and understand others, and fosters a sense of belonging City Employees' Association Established Date: 9/1/2008 Revision Date: 10/4/2022 Page 54 of 67 Examination Plan Fire Prevention Specialist 1-11 Open -Competitive and/or Closed Promotional Structured Technical and/or Career Preparation Interview Weighted 100% May include a structured writing/analysis skills test; and/or other professional skills examination included within the overall applicant testing process, as may be deemed appropriate October 4, 2022 Page 55 of 67 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASIC MONTHLY SALARY RANGE FOR FULL-TIME JOB CLASSIFICATIONS. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council approves the following basic salary ranges: Classification Salary Range Fire Prevention Specialist I Fire Prevention Specialist II $6,231.08 - $7,573.90 Monthly $6,870.45 - $8,351.07 Monthly SECTION 2: Authority. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to take any steps necessary in order to effectuate this Resolution. SECTION 3: Construction. This Resolution must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Resolution. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 4: Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 6: This Resolution is effective October 4, 2022 and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 41" day of October 2022. Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 56 of 67 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 1 SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2022, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY Joaquin Vazquez, Deputy City Attorney Page 57 of 67 Give} City Council Agenda Statement ELSEGUNDO Meeting Date: October 4, 2022 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.12 TITLE: Convert the Information Systems Manager Classification from Civil Service to At -Will Status and Adopt Revised Classification Specification, Examination Plan and Salary Range RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the conversion of the Information Systems Manager classification from Civil Service to at -will status. 2. Adopt the revised classification specification, examination plan, and salary range for the Information Systems Manager position. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the above actions is included in the adopted FY 2022-23 budget. There is no change to the salary range for the position. BACKGROUND: The Information Systems Manager is a Civil Service position requiring successful completion of a one-year probationary period to achieve permanent status and is included in the unrepresented Management and Confidential Group. Human Resources received notice that the incumbent will be vacating the position this month. Prior to opening a recruitment for a successor, Human Resources evaluated the classification specification, accompanying examination plan, and salary survey of comparable positions in surrounding cities. Human Resources recommends conversion of this Division Manager level position to at -will status consistent with the City's practice and in alignment with the following other Page 58 of 67 Information Systems Manager Classification October 4, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Division Manager level classifications: Assistant City Clerk, Communications Manager, Human Resources Manager, Planning Manager, and Risk Manager. Additionally, changes are recommended to the job specification. 1] 1*9111*1 [a]► F A Division Manager level position holds a significant level of responsibility and is key in succession planning as an employee in this role has the potential to become a Department Director or gain further experience by rotating to another Manager position within the City. At -will status provides an incentive to maintain a higher level of performance and prepares an employee to progress in their career. The revised classification specification includes updated experience and education requirements to align with other Division Manager level positions within the City along with standardized language regarding driver's license and disaster service worker requirements, and at -will status designation. The experience requirement is updated from four (4) years to five (5) years of increasingly responsible experience in information systems administration, design, programming systems analysis, procedure and documentation or closely related field, including two (2) years of management and supervisory experience. Possession of Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is highly desirable. To provide flexibility in attracting the best qualified candidates for the position, alternative minimum education requirements in lieu of a bachelor's degree substitute up to two years of additional experience for education resulting in a requirement of seven (7) years of experience including two (2) years of management and supervisory experience with possession of an Associate's degree. Currently, the examination plan consists of a structured technical and career preparation interview weighted at 100% of the total score. This is an appropriate examination plan for a Division Manager level position and no changes are recommended. A salary survey conducted among our survey cities found the position is competitively compensated in the market. Staff recommendations provided above support the City's Strategic Plan Goals 1 and 3, to enhance customer service, provide unparalleled service to internal and external customers and to consistently hire for the future. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Page 59 of 67 Information Systems Manager Classification October 4, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Information Systems Manager Class Specification 2. Information Systems Manager Examination Plan 3. Resolution Modifying Basic Salary Range Page 60 of 67 Information Systems Manager (At -Will) DEFINITION: To manage, develop, and implement information systems programs and services, for the City; provides highly responsible and professional staff expertise to the Information Technology Systems Director. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED: Receives general supervision from the Information Technology Services Director. Provides supervision and functional direction to administrative, technical and support staff. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: The Information Systems Manager is the highest -level, full supervisory level, class in the Information System series that handles the most complex and sensitive projects. This position regularly requires considerable exercise of independent judgment and initiative. May act in the absence of the Information Technology Services Director. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Essential functions, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, may include the following duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and other characteristics. This list of duties and responsibilities is ILLUSTRATIVE ONLY and is not a comprehensive listing of all functions and tasks performed by positions in this class. Incumbents may not perform all the listed functions and/or may be required to perform additional or different functions from those below, to address business needs and changing business practices. Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities: Positions in this classification typically perform a full range of duties at a level of complexity represented by the following types of responsibilities: Participates in the development of goals, objectives, policies, and procedures for the information Technology Department; Aligns technical architectural vision with current and future enterprise requirements and goals, makes recommendations and develop strategies and solutions designed to accommodate needs; develops long range planning, coordination, security, and quality assurance efforts to integrate and support all information systems within the City; Oversees system administration including planning, developing, implementing, maintaining and managing Citywide hardware and software applications; researches and makes recommendations for hardware and software acquisition, modifications and compatibility; performs maintenance on technical information systems; Partners with departments and serves as the their technology advocate through collaborative efforts; conducts comprehensive research, detail designs, programming processes and systems implementation requirements; recommends software, local area networks, hardware and peripheral equipment based on findings; identifies, monitors and maintains cost control activities to assure assigned areas of responsibility are within budgetary guidelines; monitor revenues and expenditures to ensure sound fiscal control; Maintains current knowledge of technological trends and developments and operating practices essential to implementing successful new technology programs; develops and maintains the City's disaster recovery system security plans. Resolves information systems -related discrepancies or procedural problems and responds to program procedural and/or delivery questions ensuring necessary follow-up occurs; controls Page 61 of 67 City of El Segundo Information Systems Manager Class Code: XXXX program records for operational and budget accountability; confers with and advises staff and program participants by providing advice, problem solving assistance, answers to questions and interpretation of program goals and policy; Recruits, schedules, assigns, monitors and evaluates staff; provides for and/or conducts staff development; establishes work methods and standards; initiates corrective and/or disciplinary action and responds to grievances and complaints according to established personnel policies and procedures and in consultation with Human Resources; Attends City Council meetings as needed; Regularly and predictably attend work; and Performs related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE. SKILLS AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential function. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Knowledae of: Contemporary information systems environments, hardware platforms, and operating systems including, but not limited to Microsoft technologies, VMware, Networking, and Hyperconverged Infrastructure; Advanced computer networking and logic; Virtualization technology Knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory environments; Datacenter management and governance including support of datacenter hardware; Automated business and financial computing systems; Telecommunications software, hardware, and peripherals; Disaster Recovery, firewalls, and computer system security methodologies and procedures; Personal computer troubleshooting, software applications, hardware, and peripherals; Principles and practices of effective supervision, training, and performance evaluation; Project management and contract administration principles and techniques; Methods and techniques of effective technical report preparation and presentation; Procedures and techniques of budget preparation and administration; Modern office practices, methods, procedures, and equipment; and Applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations. Page 62 of 67 City of El Segundo Information Systems Manager Class Code: XXXX Skill in: Organizing, managing, and implementing comprehensive information systems and programs; Effectively planning, assigning, and evaluating the work of staff and contract consultants to complete technical work; Implementing, managing, and evaluating information systems; Ensuring project compliance with Federal, State, and local rules, laws, and regulations; Supervising, developing, motivating, and evaluating staff performance; Leading and/or coordinating technical information systems training programs; Understanding, interpreting, and applying complex regulations, procedures, and guidelines; Conducting complex technical research projects, evaluating alternatives, and making sound recommendations; Effectively communicating complex technical information to non -technical persons; Preparing and presenting clear, concise, and logical written and oral reports, correspondence, policies, procedures, and other written materials; Making sound, independent decisions within established policy and procedural guidelines; Prepare and administer a budget; Gaining cooperation through discussion and persuasion; Appearing for work on time; Following directions from a supervisor; Understanding and following posted work rules and procedures; Accepting constructive criticism; Working under pressure, handling significant problems and tasks that arise simultaneously and/or unexpectedly; and Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with staff, other City employees and the public. Regularly required to work evenings and extended hours. QUALIFICATIONS: A combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge, skills and abilities may be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Page 63 of 67 City of El Segundo Information Systems Manager Class Code: XXXX Experience: Five (5) years of increasingly responsible information systems administration, design, programming, systems analysis, procedure and documentation or closely related experience managing complex, multi-user information systems, including two (2) years of management and supervisory experience. Education: Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree (minimum 120 units) from an accredited college or university in Information Systems, Computer Science, Industrial Technology or a directly related field. Possession of Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is highly desirable. No Experience: Seven (7) years increasingly responsible information systems administration, design, programming, systems analysis, procedure and documentation or closely related experience managing complex, multi-user information systems, including two (2) years of management and supervisory experience. Education: Associate degree from an accredited college or university in Information Systems, Computer Science, Industrial Technology or a directly related field. Possession of Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is highly desirable. License/Certificates: Due to the performance of some field duties which requires the operation of a personal or City vehicle, valid and appropriate California driver's license and acceptable driving record are required. Disaster Service Worker: In accordance with Government Code Section 3100, City of El Segundo employees, in the event of a disaster, are considered disaster service workers and may be asked to respond accordingly. The City of El Segundo is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives to build and sustain an environment that values diversity, welcomes opportunities to engage and understand others, and fosters a sense of belonging. Unrepresented Management and Confidential Revision Date: October 4, 2022 Page 64 of 67 Examination Plan Information Systems Manager Open -Competitive and/or Closed Promotional Structured Technical and/or Career Preparation Interview Weighted 100% May include a structured writing/analysis skills test; and/or other professional skills examination included within the overall applicant testing process, as may be deemed appropriate October 4, 2022 Page 65 of 67 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION MODIFYING BASIC MONTHLY SALARY RANGE FOR FULL TIME JOB CLASSIFICATIONS. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council approves the following basic salary ranges: Classification Salary Range Information Systems Manager $10,753.00 - $12,903.60 Monthly SECTION 2: Authority. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to take any steps necessary in order to effectuate this Resolution. SECTION 3: Construction. This Resolution must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Resolution. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 4: Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 6: This Resolution is effective October 4, 2022 and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4t" day of October, 2022. Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 66 of 67 ATTEST: I+�1 MINIgo] asL1IIgo] :7011_� COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1 I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2022, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES- ABSENT- ABSTAIN - Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 67 of 67