2022 Sep 06 - CC MINMEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 5:00 PM. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel Council Member Pirsztuk Council Member Nicol Council Member Giroux Present Present @ 5:04 PM - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the Agenda. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (GOV'T CODE §54957.6): -3- MATTER(S) Employee Organizations: Fire Fighters' Association (FFA), Police Officers' Association (POA), and Supervisory Professional Employee Association (SPEA). Agency Designated Representative: Irma Moisa Rodriquez, City Manager, Darrell George, and Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk Adjourned at 5:55 PM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:00 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present INVOCATION — Pastor Chris Stewart, The Bridge Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Giroux SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 1 Holly Mitchell, Los Angeles County Supervisor attended the meeting via Zoom to introduce herself to the Council and Community. 2, Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief and Council recognized Sgt. Brandon Browning for graduating from the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Linda Cohen, resident, commented Bicycle Angels is hosting a charity event on September 17, 2022 at the California Yacht Club. Cyrus Rangan, M.D., from Department of Health, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Sanjay Gaur, Culver City, commented on the drought situation in California. Margie Leahey, resident, commented on Washington Street's traffic, residents running stop signs and speeding. Liz Garnholz, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Corrie Zupo, resident, commented on the AQMD hearing. Commented on Dr. Low and his history of downplaying residents' concerns. Kyle Wheeler, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Mike Bornstein, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Jeffry Schuh, resident, commented on the City's emergency preparedness when lives are threatened. Trevor Koppel, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant and the AQMD Hearing that occurred today. Angie Greenspan, resident, commented on the AQMD Hearing today and the inspector who testified. Mentioned Childcare options in El Segundo are lacking. Kirt Suihkonen, resident, asked who is the regulatory body that is accountable for the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Julia Cohen, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Danielle Busse, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Joe Mannion, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Sam Hedding, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Tamara Kechowski, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Michelle Bergdahl, resident, commented on the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Council Member Nicol left the dais due to an emergency Recessed at 7:02 PM Reconvened at 7:08 PM CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: Commented on various items regarding Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant and the City's role. Mark Hensley, City Attorney also commented on previous hearings and meetings that the City has attended. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 2 Mayor Boyles suggested full court press, possibility of declaring State of Emergency, and/or possible lawsuit/litigation. Council agreed to will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 7:00 AM to discuss next steps regarding the Hyperion Reclamation Wastewater Plant. Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief commented and updated the community on the bomb threat at ESMoA that occurred over a year ago. Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director reported the Field Use Metrics. Council requested a higher -level discussion on Field Use Metrics. A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only, MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 (Council Member Nicol was at the dais for the vote, the vote was out of order) B. CONSENT: 3. Approve Regular City and Special meeting minutes of August 16, 202Z (Fiscal Impact: None) 4. Approve warrants demand register for July 4, 2022 through August 14, 2022, number 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, and 4A, warrant numbers 3041387 through 3041988, and 9002562 through 9002626. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: $15,813,685.55 ($3,767,560.23 in check warrants and $12,046,125.32 in wire warrants)) 5� Authorize City Manager to execute one-year Agreement No. 6485 for hardware and a subscription with Tec-Refresh, Inc. to purchase Palo Alto Networks Cyber Security Firewall providing cyber security protection for fiscal year 2022-23. (Fiscal Impact: $178,699.95. These costs are included in the FY 2022-23 Information Technology Equipment Replacement Budget) 6. Adopt a motion, by four -fifths vote, to determine there is no longer a need to continue the emergency actions approved under Resolution No. 5343, accept the El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center Heater Repair by Knorr Systems as Complete and authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion in the County Recorder's Office. Project No. PW-22-14. (Fiscal Impact: Wiseburn has provided the City with three checks in the amount of $40,000 each, totaling $120,000, over the prior three fiscal years. Wiseburn was invoiced for the FY 2022-23 contribution of $40,000, bringing the total to $160,000 that Wiseburn has contributed towards the replacement reserve account per the joint use agreement. The $160,000 is placed in a reserve account in Fund 601 (Equipment Replacement Fund) and needs to be reimbursed to the GF where the repair of the pool heater was expensed) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 3 7. Authorize the City Manager to Execute Standard Maintenance Contract No. 6483 for one year (plus to optional one-year extensions) with Western Indoor Environmental Services in the annual amount of $49,980 for the Downtown El Segundo Sidewalk Power Washing and authorize an additional $10,020 for contingencies. Project No. ENG 23-02. (Fiscal Impact: $60,000. Included in FY 2022/23 Budget) 8. Waive second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1638 amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 5-8 to implement State Assembly Bill 1276 regulating Single -Use Foodware Accessories and Standard Condiments and designate the City as the associated enforcement agency. (Fiscal Impact: City enforcement costs will correspond to the level of enforcement the City deems appropriate, although fine collection may mitigate such costs) 9, Authorize City Manager to execute Agreement No. 6486 with Impex Technologies to purchase a Nutanix license renewal and support services for $67,966.49 to maintain the City's technical infrastructure. (Fiscal Impact: $67,966.49. Included in FY 2022/23 budget) MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk approving Consent Agenda items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 4/0 C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 10. Resolution Adopting Vehicle Miles Travelled Thresholds of Significance for Purposes of Analyzing Transportation Impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Fiscal Impact: None) Mayor Boyles stated this was time and place for a Public Hearing regarding a resolution adopting Vehicle Miles Travelled Thresholds of Significance for purposes of analyzing transportation impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act. Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. Michael Allen, Community Development Director and Paul Samaras, Principal Planner gave a presentation on the item. Public Input: None MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Council Discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 4 RESOLUTION NO. 5358 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTING VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED (VMT) THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR PURPOSES OF ANALYZING TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) AND DETERMINING THAT ADOPTION OF THE VMT THRESHOLDS IS NOT A PROJECT SUBJECT TO CEQA REVIEW MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux approving Resolution No. 5358. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS: 11. PULLED AND MOVED TO SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 COUNCIL MEETING Grant Award from Chevron U.S.A., Inc. in the Amount of $75,000 to Support Economic Development within the City of El Segundo (Fiscal Impact: $75,000 Revenue for the Economic Development Grant Account 702-221-2401-1281) 12. Main Street / Imperial Highway Monument Sign (Fiscal Impact: $450,000 ($150,000 General Fund & $300,000 Cultural Arts Fund - included in the Adopted FY 2020-2021 CIP Fund Budget) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director introduced the item, Chuck Foley, President, Hirsch & Associates gave a presentation. Council Discussion Council requested a few changes and a specific breakdown of cost regarding option two. The item will be brought back to a future City Council meeting for a final decision. Recessed at 9:13 PM Reconvened at 9:23 PM Mayor Pro Tern left the dais and joined the meeting via teleconference. 13. Implementation of Reorganization of City Departments (Fiscal Impact: None. Included in FY 2022-23 Budget) Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director reported on the item. Council Discussion EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 5 Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only; RESOULUTION NO. 5359 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASIC MONTHLY SALARY RANGES FOR FULL TIME JOB CLASSIFICATIONS MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux approving Resolution No. 5359 as amended. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only; ORDINANCE NO. 1639 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO REFLECT CHANGES TO THE CITY'S INTERNAL ORGANIZATION, INCLUDING REVISED NAMES OF CERTAIN DEPARTMENTS AND CLASSIFICATIONS. Council Member Giroux introduced Ordinance No. 1639. Second reading and possible adoption scheduled for the regular scheduled City Council meeting on September 20, 2022. 14, City of El Segundo FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan (Fiscal Impact: Implementation of the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan will be considered and prioritized in the annual Citywide budget each fiscal year) Darrell George, City Manager and Portland Bates, Management Analyst gave a presentation. Council Discussion MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk adopting the FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 15. Update on the City's Homeless Outreach Program (Fiscal Impact: None) Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief introduced the item. Sgt. Alex Leavitt, Community Engagement Division, reported on the item. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 6 E. COMMITTEES, COMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: (Moved up to after Public Hearing) 16. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Local Economy Report (Fiscal Impact: There will be direct and indirect fiscal impacts to the City's General Fund, including staff time and possibly funds for additional business community engagement activities. These costs will likely be absorbed in the FY 2022-2023 General Fund Budget. If there are greater financial needs, staff will return to City Council for separate budget appropriation requests) Avery Smith, DEI Chairperson reported on the item. Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director answered Council's questions. Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to moved forward on recommended activities #1-5. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — No report G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — (Moved up to before Consent) 17. Investment Portfolio Report June 2022 (Fiscal Impact: None) Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer gave a presentation,: Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Giroux — No report Council Member Nicol — No report Council Member Pirsztuk — Mentioned two upcoming events; Ed!toberfest on Friday, September 17, 2022 at 6:00 PM and Main Street Fair on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Enjoyed the Artwalk and would like to see a final accounting of the event to gage if the City will need to subsidize next year. Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — No report. Left teleconferencing at 10:15 PM EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 7 Mayor Boyles — Attended ribbon cuttings for Dipped Ice Cream and L'Oreal, met with leaders from Torrance to share ideas and mentioned the State of the City will be on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at Pacific Corporate Towers from 11:30 — 1:30 PM. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Announced the City of El Segundo received a unanimous verdict in favor of the City in the case of O'Connor vs El Segundo. There will be legal fees in upwards of $500,000, however, a portion of the fee could be recovered. Mr. Hensley will report if fees are recovered and what amount when appropriate. J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — Announced the City of El Segundo is a finalist for the Most Business Friendly City from the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC). The Annual Eddy Awards will take place November 9, 2022 at SoFi Stadium. MEMORIALS — None Adjourned at 10:19 PM UWfA k)MtWd Tracy WeWver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 PAGE 8