CONTRACT 6476 Vender Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 6476 5 Terms and Conditions y� AB prlciq , � �,d an a siznE� ase for irrmucdi te shuamcat to a smg e SalEs Polic C is 5 _,�L relL V d eLt i­a t 0 n U ni c-5 m' r uc� t� d a Da. ba; s hp. iD r ne n t s rn zw bc made, R eig h 41 and Kind "i rV, !Eiss .mlli bE, added ea eam atiton� are. �_Ub�ect to ct�_arp wfti�, U, M_ PTk.rw Ali ciricE.&. are �'rl LtS rcAary_ Prices and ­0 nslicc_ 3. P a y r n t Ter rT i i-: P ao.,, rr, mn e r n i s i r L C a s ;1, C -0 D, a -H - P a y r. % en t For ca u r, u vn t h L, s ts L ashcu cc&r, i _­ rms e.31 p.a-tim-. et-,i a T a. ­nell 30", OP', e rw _ik, paymirent An a dvanc c c 1 sWVrn t nz ill r,ea-j i F LIU' r�m,l p_>ymunt rnus- ;nr;udc thp rosi ai sh'W-Mg and handl'inL. 4, Taxa_t: Price-, do ncit include fed wal'B", state C-r taxes, Ln Other spidia5. Tfieav YAO be added lo the &F&_­ invoiLe and laid for bythe bvye; un-Ies,,.bUVei pr,-_Mde�, a.pvoper 5, lnle,c�.si ': !cI2!ItN% at its, opfinn- iriay dmf&';2 Buyer C-T`v drid one- ial` percent!;® 1112K, -irtcrLAt per (TIO=nh or the rnix:rvwn rii°e pErmkted by applicable w,`)ichK-,,icr k. ml any bola nce rat paid vj�,Itr-rl 'hir? �Iuftted wlrn S. 6- FManciaL 13 lhjiy fistandal Ff*[t10,l Of the 8Wer at any WME b4_­_OFPR5 UnSB'lSfRCM'i to Wentiv, ld-enbv the right to `top sh.:.pnwnts or require security of aiay-nent k-, If Buye. fails to rnake payment C-4 comp`vwith the:,e Tor-n-_ of eny rs-laaed a6-eer--m, ldem7v may Wihou t liab4tity and k-, aditkiUr, Tv, atherr -.erqe'd ies"i u'zi ncW any unshipped porv-Zrl rf Product,, sal[; herevndz,,,r and --top any Producis in tnan5:; urAq Suvex pays Al Buyer Shafl be !Gbie fa: cosn oroilpctiont anCiud'n,g ar-,6 ucu-t co;u, 'm any actiarg z-o code et post d1se aimoonm 7. standard r-Oduc, Shipments. 5!Lrd-ard Products we Shipped in Xldays rw i,is akej fecrlzjt, acceptance, g_Vd cu-4urna6or. c-i ard®r. NOTE: �aipinenz u, - card,,, card aeaafvis, and ronfiGU?Ve- PC eqwarvnenor cq;torn requestsIjitL ras mnay ha ray Pxterdiac lead tirne,­ 9, Non-caratoz items I- Cuswni Nodijt:ts: Nun -Catalog ar-.dCLlsIVm products nm fiaed Zn On pulse. 1'7yC Or' noted as Nlvri-stock items are cwi_-Idlercd to be bpeda4 oTdov ite., —� and are- sUWLC" to mininnum order quaniUlw's., sp,edal ha ndiinL L7aFige5, A- nd,/ot athe, cordibo9%, SPEdai orr_'.0 i`cm?a-e ron-cancelable once zr- erdiv is placed and rRrF.notbe !et.,.jfr-.,Ed Emce 1--noreer has bLen Shipped. custorn/Nun­Awa iterns a,c Pricud subject to availadRy- '4- Czrgcellatkisr. Any orders cancelled aftsr shipmcnt has already occu'l led may. inw?, acidiuDnal tharg?w_, tnal. „?;Isbe biffled to 1he Buyer, M Shipping, a. All sWea apldch'.prn-_,pts of Prudu-us 1had ke, =08 sh."Pping PLAnt juni'Llai otherwin-stated ira vie' �ng lti _, by ldisn!,,,;J. alt w1l,ch p =rd 'ide and rimk Vf Ics5 stiaill Pw,s fom Weriti" to gu-jer.- grovided 0-hat lde.ntiv shawl retain a 4umwlty fmerest H the Vioduds until the 4134 pwcha5e Price is pa�A b- Unless the Custan"Ev Spc-Qifiec DtIELzwie, sfiirprnerlzl will be by' UPS and the sL­,kc xevel will bs, Graund. C, flh5 fOl"o-wing UPS ,hipping mption% are for anywoie-e n ?hLccnOrwnt A Vrl4ed States id-0ivel-i Urnes Mmy ""ry ir -1;Me azrz' !,!: Gratlod jl.-E days, depLnuiqg ep location✓, I Day Se!eck; 2nd Day Air, grad Day Ai- AJ-A , Next Day Mi Sav,a:, Next Day Air,',Sntwdav opl6arL NIL:,d Day Ail Eac'W A.Mi j5awfday irp! i s-It 1900 8 Carnegie Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 +1949.250.8888 www.identivxorn Agreement No. 6476 "��i)xt 0 M k 't, d, UPS shaI act as the. agent o" Buye-, r Snid delivery to uth carrier sh-211 cor,%Utul-� ) EDVer- Sup_- May rLlq'X-'�t their c.5r. iv; snirv]n= -.;jFr el, mr. cV-cod of shiprne, aBu-�er'wl !� cr.arricf accoune nrnb-r rnu-- be rpo-,,ded al, 6. 'pme c1l order. Alt orders --out,,Up. ,re US & C'mnane 01.2 custorne, rnus!i prov ;diL- lreigin det8is' Rcccum nambp", etc. c. Del"Mv Rr'd m?I"'P4)mg are- e6. nal'e5 V . by idl-tot%-v rj:Li tiflpypljr—; -;n - V .vith cauier fpquommierts and extra charges, i�pP h? hoc specia' t , 0-) i,, d mns c. �,.;Mbt"-,unfs, for addlun ccwr�d'cns c.mz--- �'h'T-rrqvnt Lt in ttanrit, or sh;pm-,-nk fACajj5 thal0-vbfl."Ed to nqc= 9L'yL"-- Aw eew�"'Ents be'hkeen 4JL�701i'e se -Dc2lrn�. t.s� Cara Axid< d R", Cale. Pleatle iOwv u: NOTES as dO�WLC- below, 12. RL'Icckirg-- Nc rGDIJr. May be ILAU'r-W-d foor e.pair, eX&jar-j& or cred;a withrift thlia PrI-or writte r. pvrrnis:ljclri o` ldc-Q-1v and witham" pfiov PkV v-' tw r- Iaerial AL-triorizaboi t,, number be-i-C issupa by ldv-priv. Gc-i.,d-s nnaj be returrpa wri.tWn r1l- et-q (S-3 I da vsnt 110� the original vA of !,Hern pwchaEv pricc less a ?Sl, t*tt,.),-krq chmp, Such identiv mAprnEnr m4w, be In the oTigmail, unripened parkhg.A-h-%Pp'Mg ccwaEyo, s- Returns of Mw-,46�!nU�v roan wfac,,ur:d jtvrr.5 ar:s to rrlanufartu-v's acceptance. Rezurn--Rd rt-,atc6al rnu-,t bc sh.i.oped pre -paid, Uniftled %VaT na- My: We nt;,v warrant,, the p7advz ts m an wfadu.- ed by ld-rrWv to be fi, -..,a frorn de','ec-,S in n iatei-W and yourkninansf6p for -. prnl'ud of t-wa N ty -Iour t2 4 1 rnonul-'s (trawl B:-lte Z� sh'ipme-lr ham P)a facterv. ptovded: a. Lhe prcduct has nal, hEei ',--bused. misused, or impropctny rnantainvd, eEpalred, aii-dia-. m cmfifi ed du F ipg sGth Period, b. zr-.d such dchrt kw,� nnt htc-i c:�u--ud b-t• grdinxy wcLi arty tear. c. and such r,'Lhia is not a result of voage s-'rgesAbrc;vf.IQ'JtN, lightnim.e. mi--r dernage"Poodin- fire% exDlusitsn' 01 or s;nfl.-v V'VlLrornc-r.'4t' and d, useat as in.tepa' 1,0E 'yle-ans tare as specified By lden'U-vu'e.g_ cable, banerles. Llc.e, and t. te pt�,duct has bLc:n praperjy MStP-fied ZLCOr6316 Lo the approp.-IDNz Identiv installation. -fL-wriL . -- -,pta0c-n 14, P? afess�onal Services at« taveued by a quoted co--e-pF.if MWni isnance Agree —en:. Sub -eq uent year. requi:e pu;chasL L" artnual year Maintenance Ag-?,Flmruits- 'MiLn, products are- i?)drided as p -at I jj f " Profe 5M.0 ny" Ssznvicpa offering" U-ne v sha 11 be, covv 4�d by Id.v ndv's standard U'F-.�,Nea 15. OVE ro.- eq U:P[Tler, t arl c officr eq uip nier. I p u r Ch immA and '-L SOL, by Wen L,; mh all ( a r i y cwaly the w 3rT an ty griver, by the ufiMi n a I w na n uf@ cum nm crld is NO- T coveted b, ' i!dendw% warr'anty- 16. FOR ALL DEF---',:T,arc IIIARDWA.Fxr- PRODUCTS RETURNED By BUYER 4,J H6 OWN EXPENSE DURENG ltIf', 04AK!•:AW'f KXNWV'-I N)t L tJI:-;LJ(aAl ION MIALL ft 10 HEPAIV. UK HWLALL I HL DEFECTIVE PROD) j' OR PARTS THEREOF AT 1DENTWS OPTION, TIE REPAIRED OR REPLACED EQIJ I P('dI ENT W ILL BE WAR.R. —IIIJTED FOR TH = 8ALANCEr OF THE ;N 24 N1,011TH IgVARRA N TV PERIOD OR FOR NINETY ;j% DANS, WHICHEVER IS tONGEFIL E-1E'Ves vt%e fight to rrlace` Irl de-14gn on any of irs PmIducr.s we:houl J'nclut-Ong any spnne chan.ges on piudurt IDENITIV MA KES M'O GTHER 'AfARRANTY, AND ALi W. lE0 WARRANTIES tN-cl-JOH-4c� ANY TY eeARFAN—Fe Cif OR F:`NE55 FQF A P9 LIMITEOTO 1900 B Carnegie Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 +1949.250.8888 www.identiv.com Agreement No. 6476 T P i: " �E DUPATiWJ OFT-',,- EXPRESSED WARRMYTY PERPOUD AS SET MRTH ABOVE. �DE s MAXINIUM UAMUTY =S U1101TED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF 'THE PROEUC.7- ;M e 0 E N—F INCLUUNG THE CA5 E' OF 9% CLAIM. Fi--IF% NEGUGENC-c. OR, MHSUSEE Or DATA COLLECT ED BY THE PRODUCT. SIHAUL MENT W BE UAKE COP, ANY CON—QUENTLAL, M, IRECT , IijCIDF%�T L Op, SPECIAL DAMAGES OF AN-.' NATURE AR.N-L',G FROW TH. F SALE OR USE OF THE PRODUCT. E& I Idvntiv wzrraFas eh e Profctonal F°ErvicEs arm: ormlopmed in a prof -;I I a ' I c.- compelent m a rzm~g , cPMV,-, MMIR '--- ge neraEv a I ce. tiad star-dards apphc a b IV tu 'Pnftes provided by naGcne I fy r ecogrnz-.td I kmt spp aol 1.3 cializing jrj nt 1� , a�wp under this Eaa v-, u? th = individualn zsaignEd to pro-,ide any Sery-'ffze S u;idc-- Ohis Ahl -L Etu' em -n ave e pop e ° a kirL a if S i "-'& an J bnkgr au r:d i c, pr uv id'e thiSe ry i r es, r- u s I o ri,,®f FTIUB?l report any rnwl'er�al 6�'ficiza-nrle--- in Pfofeb'*Ln-:A scrnAles wail to identivin wrfo'ag Muhir I,- --- khetcmaa thv W'n, Fnanc eL v2venedyfUT'hebrz, c "Uhia %4 ink men't vv--rr;3r---tv %e-fl be txw fe-peft, manc� of the -'vc.�k 'eAthil a 'orTar"ercia'.1-v 1 .2. eenanct� Agree I'WS NlARd'TENANCE AGREE-FAc, N T WAR PANV JS EX USIVE AND 6 flN' L Cd OF ALL OT H ER WARFANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IIAPUEDINCLUD.N-G ANV 'VMRRA'-lqnES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNIESS FORA PARTICULAR SIURPk!SEANDATi'g'O�-C;%LOF',WR4' IF7E� RP-RESEN'TATIONS, rROPPOSALS OR STATE;VIENTS Mews'® ON OR MOR. TPC THE EFFECTME DATE 0c: T;-,E Ca AONTENAIKE AGGREFNIENT, -1 HE PROFE'SS074AL S'E-WiICES MIAINT ENANCE: AGREPMENT DISCLAMMS AL® OTHER IWARRANTkE-S- 1&,ntsVevil{ not be li-Abic ici •-PL601, ir',dtrecof comEcjue-l' dal incur-UC Ur -2AWe4!21!- or -,Elatacl: to tblle ped'faumance ol, triu,. P-Qf-as;ional Seavircs work, ir. contr-.4rl' .or, or Olner'wise, 2aSn if tI'El ---ustomnw Tnas veen tad'--.sed of thm posiURty Of 1M.-I ct d'arnagei, cu-'-'orler -'errN 'Doenvidy and hv,-,d, W&niflv harmless zqzainst any clB; 5iricurredby ldc-n0v a'iung out UFD- in corijurvivin wit th Cuimlller's brrzach cftWs At;-Lerne�l,,, AJ weN as al ea So ro b >e c Is+ s. expLr- S.E. 5 a rld" 1%, [or n ey'-, .6- e-s.'.'mu T.- ed I hp I e I n de wnt'. Vs � n 1, a =gadl-, "Y u R&r with. - -q-.ar i en �,nsk. e v-�,w g, I.q, .-,f i— ru "� nl-y 7-r! Al nnfiexcEed -lie total arnounfol lees pa.-db�Cw--wrner to idernlv. L9. R epait and m, M These -Predeta m'med p'i c-es -app',( wit, to kerns in she ,-jrmnl, oubfi,hed prier Ust. Eowpoiscrit tepa4Ld oy replactd b-i IrLq.l . v i5 warromed to be Prom d elect-: zr. rne��,vi al aacfvworki na ns h ip fur nin cty Ira?' da,?< fr orn date a' re tum i*h-rpme 9 i e 1 n�t r t vuvn receip, of rquipment� ll,,c twmamund t4ve fux rtanefardl rpp,2;1-:� eil a. Nm4 i. UAW Al humt sent'n for renal, rnvs-r:®'iu lr a R.etum fvlete-rlak Aunhonza-lion M.ark packagir..p. A—MNT10N: WAARAUNT'f REPAM DEPARTMENT, RPAA 0 Tht nun ki �ssue pun MNIA, -dve- -J u emjw--vr_.- •jf, uw, as PW"A t- :JOLP"fi'� =�lj i> guLd i'u: 30 dd. ld!!�-A'v % 'll not 7, do vicld. I' � --v.P! dekwfj, of kemi lecehmd altw dm� Mi. I - p , . - —Sh;PP.-'lE: Relumed podiuml must bu svnz to 16ntiv irai ht MEMO, COLLECT sh ' ipmLron, will be REFUSED, For '04'aminty 5epaies. incom"rig fs-,ighe will beat cu' tormer's expLmw, For lk-.,::r,-Ww'?a.nty zq)s;r,. unh inicornirzgg jnJ outgoing freigh" cv--eqes will be at cu�tomer'� expensL- Urle5s otherwii° specified, do-mestic lh4--rQier[--, w"M be by UP5 G.ou-nd and intennau-m-n-al ;hhputara---- vifll be bdi Ldl tc, =ev-.:penCs piL4er—d carrier accuura nurntrer or shipped -'allect- 1900 B Carnegie Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 +194-9.250.8888 www.ideiitiv.com Agreement No. 6476 Warranty R e p a i r i: F L P7. i - y tar pr on -j c: t.,, ;j d a t w j r - a ro. V are e at r. , c I i a , g e, R -a pz it slay lu T! Z", an u p-d a 1. e C. " P ? od"�r I I c C'-' r I n i r-, i own. u f a c 1, u n c, Pi , a t sc- n -< (a option'; and complqte tcstir.�g, ivrion-Wwrarw, Repairs: Gw'y I&Lndv rrlcnu!actured equipr7lLn- will' Cam• wriwdered for Non-Wafrimty--Pait- Repa:rkx prcdicts oulsAde of warrimity P'odun i E-f rc;jj:! Ible. tbe r'R-J'pm---rr" will Lks? a E Z psis_ `prod - -S deerr; nct ahle lu b, rcpeirrs?d due to extimsive damidge, li-, g., ffghlmi'ng . �!, the cus"rmior wil 1 be noli' 7e d the C.-pVcm of 'havir., th! P rn.-C L,--,L -1!twned to OIL 4::VsAornef u. of Dur-mm.;P., 2 ni!vf product -a- tist Pi,? v., ar app'i.-able d-lcoumted Us! Price if 0!:e ru,-,trnmizr has a onlrar`usl rel,,u.onship .,cth kkntiv. 20. RIMIA Procvd-xp: DefeciNrE- ftLm: CuJ or,--, ET ronract- U- wlt';v Tect-;mcal Supox, and. prcevidcshe 1, t0odE, & Ver-%;U-n hunter ii. SL':=! Nlwl&•_l n. Sr n i p t u r i i s b- cmtorr'LT SH, p' llls mnateltaf -!ight PREPA"D to Identiv a1-:N71g viith IhL fcI*Mkvi'r!g: C--,<npa`Jame.-1"' Addlr�!ss. Tian:-Neminbet. and Concact Persot! ii. PurchaseorJw'r 1, for eL"Ming custon-,ws only) or c! Ldit sari, zurnin--, for repa-rs and shipplrig i!;. Mor-10 &- Versicm Number w- Seri_! Nutnhi�r N% 5"im P1 orns am, sUspvc? ed cause of fa i7u re vi, Notes on Zr6s!allatian conldifloina and or configuration of sy-,terri, wh-ch may E--*-, applicalb4e for IrcuWes.-hooting, ziong with arl..y r0awd printouts. vu. RNIA. r-,umbLf dpi2i ly inarkLr or the oulstdn, of the box and mi the packing s1lip Arly shapnirv-t that is iot clearly marked may r,-�t b-.,? afceptad Ly ids-r.t:v a. The calunv', to Lhe right of the List Price is a TiPp cu�rjrnn. The rueanr.ng of -me 6,jot-tss i,.- zs foi!okqs: A - Indicaze:i t1his is a &-heduk-- A iLin and subject cc a ','�:'lAard ciistour-lt for til"se cus-ainers ha.ira a cc. mr e cujaO .-la tio nshp wi r� ide nriv. i'l- 0 , lnjd`rate5 OiS is a Schedule B iter"n and SUI3-42C' to R discount for tho5e -L;5wm_,' s 'I z4ving a -0111ir a?-'LIJ31 re I a 6nnshi.p with teJen-Viii, m,. C - Ind-1-1-3tes InisiE a5rhpdule C iturn and subiect to a non-standard discougit. fur blase customers bav,'rg, a contractual r;OzAionsh-ip wAh Ider-tiv apnd- needs additional OoAow- u7 -,Ath 12. P, 2 o�e-ikxial SLevii:8s: Purchase of Iderttivi rvie>sianasServicen. 4id.ud4igsaftware, 1ki:m1ea and labor, re!ijuires a di--:overy pracass. delined Fvnct•orrraf nc jae o, del iveFabes, and detailed prunposxf vqNc h cpri increase !he pr.k'Ls of the i-tandwd rtrodLa i;, nhia P%cE• Us., b-:sed nrt addiUrnal fur.clfi--mnai pokies, and blu-sfncss rums at 'hu, C'J--'1om'L7' CITY OF EL I SE6UNDO X IN Soo Acting Director, Information Technology Services Department A TrAcy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY Vazquez, Attorney Joaqu Vazquez, Deput City Attorney R;w LIU r"Ma'nagement 1900 B Carnegie Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 +1949.250.8888 www.identiv.com Agreement No. 6476 E E R I� I ENTERPRISE SECURITY, INC. 22860 SAVI RANCH PKWY 0 �-� C, - °' ` YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 CA LTC #821590 TEL: (714) 630-9100 FAX: (714) 630-9800 TP TO rr BILL TO I CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 350 MAIN STREET 350 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 SALES QUOTE DATE 6/21/2022 QUOTE#51373 - 1 —.._ .. 1-1-1 1 ._ . ,__ ............. �_....� ._.. ...�........4. _ _ _..m.... CITY OF EL SEGUNDO VELOCITY LICENSE UPGRADE Summary: City of El Segundo is having an Identiv Velocity Expiration Remainder issue and would like a solution to remedy/rectify. Scope of Work: Enterprise Security (ESI) utilized its engineering network at Identiv, and inhouse Identiv Certified Engineers to determine what needed to remove the stated the Velocity Expiration Alert. Enterprise Security (ESI) will dispatch a qualified engineer who will conduct the following: - Install Identiv Velocity Security Management Server Maintenance License. - Install Identiv Active Velocity License, ESI Engineering Resources will complete all work remotely unless onsite assistance/completion is needed. Note: Support Dates are 07/01/2022 to 6/30/2023. j.V , r",r .1 V r%� VELOCITY SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVER MAINTENANCE LICENSE - YEARLY; SERVICE FOR SUPPORT OF UP TO 64 MODULES, 10 THICK CLIENT CONNECTIONS AND APPLICATION FEATURES. ONE LICENSE REQUIRED PER VELOCITY SERVER VERSION 3.7 OR HIGHER, Y STARTS SECOND YEAR, REQUIRED FOR ACCESS A TPDATES. RE TRES VELOCITY LICENSEELANNUAL _ ._,. _, ......... . MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. INCLUDES TELEPHONE SUPPORT DURING NORMAL a BUSINESS HOURS (8:00AM-5:00PM M-F PACIFIC TIME, USA). PROBLEMS CORRECTED AND DELIVERED IN A NEW SERVICE PACK OR NEW RELEASE. ASSURES ACCESS TO FUTURE RELEASES OR SERVICES PACKS (INCLUDING NEW FEATURES) FOR LICENSED INSTALLATIONS UNDER MAINTENANCE � LABOR FOR 1NTf+LtATYCYN, ENGINEERING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT i $574.86 $574.86 $1,021 ENTERPRISE SECURITY, INC. 22860 SAVI RANCH PKWY, YORBA LINDA, CA 92887 TEL: (714) 630-9100 FAX: (714) 630-9800