2022-09-06 CC Agenda Packet - PRESENTATION - ITEM D14 - Strategic PlanCity of El Segundo
FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Adhering to Citywide Strategic Plan for 2022-2026
January 24, 2022, E-Team Kickoff meeting
January 27, 2022, through February 1, 2022, City Council Interviews
March 9, 2022, Executive Team Workshop
April 12, 2022, City Council Strategic Planning Workshop
September 6, 2022, Adoption of the FY 2022-26 Strategic Plan
• Mission Statement (No change)
"Provide a great place to live, work, and visit"
o Vision (No change)
Be a global innovation leader `where big ideas take off' while maintaining our
unique small-town character
Values(Existing Values
El Segundo's values define how we service and manage our City. We practice:
Ethics Stewardship
Challenging ourselves
Continuous improvement and reflection
Respect for the past
Values (New Values are in Italics)
El Segundo's values define how we service and manage our City. We practice:
Service — We work to provide exceptional services and continuously improve our
practices and processes.
Ethics — We are accountable and responsible for our actions, transparent in our
processes, and follow professional standards.
Collaboration — We work as "one team" on behalf of our community.
Culture (New Culture items are in Italics
El Segundo strives to create a working culture of:
Support and recognition
Leadership by example
Proactive action
Problem -solving — getting to yes
Existing — "Engage the community"
New - "Engaging the community"
Top Ten Priorities (Existing Priorities)
Obtain an "Age Friendly City" designation.
Determine future of the Teen Center.
Continue to advocate for El Segundo's interests regarding LAX expansion.
Develop a plan to ensure long-term viability of recreation programming (especially at the Aquatics
Center and the Plunge facilities).
Identify further infrastructure and downtown improvements for Main Street.
Attract senior living facilities to El Segundo.
Preserve the integrity of the City R-1 zoning and identify potential areas for new housing to comply with
the State of California's Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) requirements.
Conduct a study of repurposing City Hall.
Develop a unique value proposition for attracting new businesses.
Ensure that the City is positioned for post COVID-19 recovery.
Top Ten Priorities (New Priorities are reflected in italics)
1. Enhance our proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public about
City services, programs and issues.
2. Conduct an analysis to include a response coverage study to determine the best and most cost-
effective model for the Fire Department.
3. Address quality of life issues pertaining to homeless, graffiti, noise and other concerns.
Top Ten Priorities (New priorities are reflected in italics)
4. Determine optimal staffing levels required to deliver unparalleled City services and ensure
Council policies are fully implemented.
5. Identify parking solutions throughout the community.
6. Implement the capital improvement plan for parks, recreation, City facilities, library and Park Vista
Senior Living Facility.
To Ten Priorities (New priorities are reflected in italics)
7. Encourage progress in the development of Smoky Hollow Business Zone.
8. Conduct a long-term financial analysis to identify ways to maximize and enhance fiscal
sustainability from a variety of sources to support City services.
9. Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and exploration of
potential funding options to support unfunded capital improvements and deferred maintenance to
address the aging infrastructure throughout the City.
10. Develop a robust approach to connecting businesses to each other and conducting proactive
outreach to grow our business community.
Five Broad Goals (Activities were revised and are reflected in italics)
Existing: Enhance Customer Service, Engagement, and Communication; Embrace Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion.
(New Broad Goal) Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication
New Enhance Customer Service Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication:
"Enhance our proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the public
about City services, programs, and issues. "
"Implement the City Council approved recommendations from the Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion (DEI) Committee reports to City Council. "
Five Broad Goals (Goal 5 Activities were revised and are reflected in italics)
Support Community Safety and Preparedness
New Support Community Safety and Preparedness:
"Clearly define our disaster preparedness program to ensure the City is prepared for a variety of
disasters, including our facilities and staff. "
"Implement the recommendations approved by the City Council in the Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion Committee (DEI) Public Safety Report."
"Conduct an analysis to include a response coverage study to determine the best and most cost-
effective response model for the fire department."
"Ensure the police services are provided in a cost-effective manner, including meeting unfunded
state mandates."
"Develop a long-term strategy to hold large-scale neighboring municipal operations accountable
for environmental violations that place the quality of life and health of residents and businesses
at risk."
"Address quality of life issues pertaining to homeless, graffiti, noise and other concerns. "
Five Broad Goals (Goal 5 Activities were revised and are reflected in italics)
Existing: Develop as a Choice Employer and Workforce
(New Broad Goal) Promote a Quality Workforce through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies
°q New Promote a Qualit Workforce throu h Teamwork and Or anizational Efficiencies:
"Review and update the key performance indicators (KPI) to ensure the ones being used can be tracked
with data and the results used to make improvement decisions."
"Implement the recommendations approved by the City Council in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusions
Committee (DEI) Citywide Organization Report."
"Support initiatives designed to improve the overall health, wellness and safety of employees."
"Provide training to employees to ensure they are able to perform their jobs safely, including carrying out
their emergency response roles in the vent of a disaster."
"Determine optimal staffing levels required to deliver unparalleled City services and ensure Council policies
are fully implemented."
"Develop a workplan to institute a records management program and related systems."
"Embrace the use of the Intranet as a one -stop site for employee information and services."
Five Broad Goals (Goal 5 Activities were revised and are reflected in italics)
Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology
it New Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology:
"Initiate a comprehensive update to the General Plan."
"Identify parking solutions throughout the community."
"Implement the capital improvement plan for parks, recreation, City facilities, library, and Park Vista Senior Living
Facility. "
"Examine options regarding the expansion of the fiber infrastructure within El Segundo for economic development
purposes. "
"Update the Technology Master Plan with a new prioritized list for funding and implementation."
"Implement a new ERP/HRIS (enterprise resource planning/human resources information system) to improve
efficiency and transparency"
"Implement technologies to enhance customer service while maintaining human connection in the delivery of City
services. "
"Expand the new agenda management program that will automate processes for Commissions, Committees and
Boards (CCBs)."
"Pursue collaboration with the City and County of Los Angeles to beautify the entryways into El Segundo, to
include parking lot and beach."
Five Broad Goals (Goal 5 Activities were revised and are reflected in italics)
Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability
New Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainahilit :
"Facilitate the move of the LA Chargers headquarters to El Segundo."
"Encourage progress in the development of the Smoky Hollow Zone."
"Collaborate with South Bay cities to spur innovation, promote problem solving and create cost savings."
"Engage in a dialogue about housing east of Pacific Coast Highway, while preserving the R-1 zone."
"Update land use regulations to encourage development and entitlement projects (including the Downtown
Specific Plan, Housing Element and other planning documents)."
"Conduct a long-term financial analysis to identify ways to maximize and enhance fiscal sustainability from a
variety of sources to support City services. "
"Develop a robust approach to connecting businesses to each other and conducting proactive outreach to
grow our business community."
"Sponsor, coordinate and launch a private -public incubator program."
1. The City of El Segundo FY 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item.
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