2022-06-21 CC Agenda Packet - Public Communication related to Item #B9 - Pool2022-06-21 CC AGENDA PACKET
Harada, Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2022 8.45 AM
To: Harada, Patricia; Sandoval, Lili
Subject: Fwd: Pool Use/Repair
Council received email below.
Tracy Weaver
City Clerk
Begin forwarded message:
From: J B <jboulgarides@msn.com>
Date: June 17, 2022 at 4:04:28 PM PDT
Cc: J B <jboulgarides@msn.com>
Subject: Pool Use/Repair
Greeting all.
Jim Boulgarides here. Just wanted to reach out with some info you may not be aware of, and a
suggestion regarding the pool and its out of service heaters. I have spoken about this with pool
staff, but thought I would pass it along to you as well.
So, I use the pool regularly and have been involved with aquatics all my life, and here in El
Segundo for many years. I understand that the heaters are broken and I see you are working
on getting them fixed. What you may not know, is that it is plenty warm in this area for the 50
meter pool to be used in the Summer months without heating.
I grew up in Culver City and swam, coached and worked at the outdoor Plunge on
Overland. This is a 50 meter outdoor pool. While it is now heated and used year-round, it used
to be seasonal and unheated. We did 6:00 a.m. workouts all Summer. Also, the pool was open
until 9:00 p.m. It was not covered overnight as our outdoor pool is. This clearly keeps a pool
even warmer.
I stuck my foot in our unheated pool today, and I can tell you that it is plenty warm enough for
workouts. If the heaters are also the filtering system for the pool, then it makes sense that it
can't be used. Other than that, there is no reason the pool couldn't be used now, and probably
at least through September and probably October.
I encourage you to look into this. I believe it was Councilman Giroux who mentioned in a recent
meeting you might have to reimburse for pool use. It would be great to save that $$$!! At
least reach out to staff and get some data.
Thanks for your attention to this, and your service on the Council. Trust me, I appreciate how
challenging the job is!
Best regards,
Jim Bouglarides