CONTRACT 6396 Vender Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 6396 CORENET G L 0 B A L CoreNet Global 133 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 3000 Atlanta, GA 30303 USA toll free: +1.800-762.8111 tel: +1.404.5893200 fax: +1.404.589.3201 Participation CONFIRMATION CoreNet Global North American Summit, Chicago, IL — November 1 to 3, 2022 Please Sign and email to abgLirbeaL1Ca)corengtgl2b2,1.M IMPORTANT: A signed Participation Confirmation must be received by June 8, 2022 at 5PM Eastern Time to be valid. D ate: 5/31/2022 Sponsor: City of El Segundo Address: 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 SIGNATURE: Contact: Ms. Cristina Reveles Title: Economic Development Coordinator Tel: 310.524.2372 Email: creveles@elscgundo.oKg DATE: /'z—z— COVID-19: CoreNet Global continues to monitor the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The safety of our members and attendees Nvifl always be a priority and will guide any precautionary measures taken, or decisions made, relative to future events. We expect to make a decision about any vaccine and masking requirements for our 2022 Global Sumrruts in late June. Participation: Standard 10' x 10' Exhibit Booth Nvith Pre -Printed Graphics (Location #450) - $7,500 Includes: 0 Printed Graphics for Back panel and interior side panels (sponsor to provide graphics to Freeman based on their requirements) • One (1) full Summit registration • One (1) booth staff pass • Basic Company Profile in the Summit Mobile App o Includes 50-word company description, company logo, full contact information, and social media links. • Pre- and Past -Summit attendee list* • Exhibitor Ribbons for staff *Usage of Attendee Mailing Lists must adhere to the CoreNet Global f cjL.NeLQYlobal A tLe idee jLozgqr Eolicy. Sponsors and Exhibitors of the CoreNet Global North American Summit must submit a signed copy of the in order to be eligible to receive the lists. Lists will be sent out to companies that have submitted signed copies of the policy starting six weeks out from the event. Lists will not contain individuals that have opted -out from having their information shared or any individuals that live of work in the EU, per the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Agreement No. 6396 Total Commitment (Participation Fee). $7,500 Credit from the 2021 Global Summit I North America: TOTAL: NQTF_ — CoreNet Global reguires a si ncd confirmation and'100'Zo deposit to be roceived ctn or before - f itiv 6. 2022. Notwithstanding the foregoing, full payment must be received prior to the Summit. POLICIES: Sponsors must adhere to all CoreNet Global policies. Listed below are a number of key policies. Additional policies are found in this agreement and others might also be sent to sponsor. CoreNet Global reserves the right to amend to its policies at any tune: • Sponsor must sign and return the roster policy form togbourbeitj a corenetelobal,or- in order to receive the list of opt -in attendees. • Sponsors must complete and return the sponsor details to 14c)"I'S form prior to the deadline. • All sponsors With a minimum spent of $5000 have an opportunity to host a private event held during authorized dates and times. Sponsor must complete and return the Private Event form to abourbeau@corenetglobal.org for approval. If you have any questions about your event or authorization, please contact a reD c gi, PIROR to booking your private event. • For all exhibiting sponsors: all setups must be completed no later than Nov, 1, 2022 at 2PM and under no circumstances can exhibitors start dismantling their booth, partially or completely prior to Nov. 3 at 2:30PM. • Exhibiting sponsors must respect dimensions of displays (see appendix A). Failure to do so will result in CoreNet Global requesting sponsor to dismantle their display and NO refund will be provided. • All linear booths (10'x 10', 10'x 20', 10'x 30') will be provided with pipes & drapes behind their booth as well as side rails. Under no circumstances can exhibitors remove the pipes & drapes pto-'rided even if side rails are built in the booth display. • All islands booth structures including the hanging banner cannot be higher than 20'. • Exhibitors must provide their certificate of insurance to at a minimum of 2 weeks prior to Summit — see clause #6. • It Is the responsibility of the sponsor to ensure that dicir staff and suppliers are aware and respect all policies and regulations of CoreNet Global. If there we any changes to make to the above contact information please make them below, ]'lease type or print all the requested information. Please sign above and email to ljjMM_rbeau fiiNMEp nl,2.� MENT: Make check_ r_ �, or fax a copy to: +1.404.5893201. PAYL payable to CoreNet Global and mail the original, signed agreement with payment to: CoreNct Global, 133 Peachtree St- NI.,, Ste. 3000, Atlanta, GA 30301 ("ont"Ict— Company Address. Financial Contact (invoiccs):_ llholw1 aa.v Rules sad regulations of the CoreNet C46bal Summits Mow this page. Please read c2refuLf .Fand sign. 1. As a condition of acceptance of this agreement, exhibitors and/or sponsors agree to abide by these Rules and Regulations, as set forth herein. Furthermwe, exhibitors and/or sponsors agree to abide by CIORFNETStandard,, as may be amended by COREINI-'Ffrom time to time, ']'his participation Confirmation shall .qe,%,c as an offer by CORENID' to Sponsor and or Exhibitor and until signed and received by CORENI: Yon or before the date and time noted on page 1, shall be subject to revocation or modification and CoreNet reserves the right to sell any sponsorship or exhibit location to any other party for any reason. Upon written acceptance, this document represents a cornnuitmcni to exhibit and/or sponsor a CORENT.-,Tevent, and shill serve as a binding agreement between the parties, constituting their entire agreement regardless of prior negotiations and understandings regardless ofonw written or verbal presentations of ant' agent, manager, board member, officer, or other employee of ('0111 NET to the contrary. ']'his shall constitute the entire -agreement between the parties and this agreement %, ill not Agreement No. 6396 include any oral or unwritten terms for goods or services that are not specifically set out in this 1gruemera or COREM.-,-Ps Standards, or orheRvise agreed ra in writing by q CORI s'N I s'T officer or employee. None of the clauses or terms of this Agreennatir may be revised or orhenvige amended %% ithour the prior written consent of CORT"'NET officur m fariplo ' yuc� The participation, goods and services to be providod under this Agreement must receive the prior xi rattan approval of term IcaRosales, VP, Strategic Events it COREN I �T, 2- COR FNFJ': The phrase -C X)RENE I"' ,is used herein shall mean CoreNet Global of it., officer.;, CORE ' NET approved agents, or employees acting for it, in the management of the Fxhibition, provided however that third parries shall not have the authority` to offer Participation, goods, of services or proposed amendments to dias Agrccmenr within[ rhu prior written consent of CORHM-D'officcr. 'rhe pi,rafe colt iN i? r shall not include ,my third party agent Use of CORENT-I's or the Convention Curser's logo, design, trademark, trade name, patent, copyrighted work or symbol iTluq be arpriwed in writing by the party prior to any use by exhibitor. 3 FXI 11111TSPACE RUNTAI ° FEE. The rental fee far exhibit space includes an 8' high back urill drape if needed and 3' high side rails, -a booth identification sign (if requested), Exhibitor Kit and a haling in the Show Program - providing maketiqk are Submitted one hundred twenry (120) cho's before the first day of the Event, Also included are two full conference registrations for agents, representatives or employcei (unless othurwise noted in the above participation inclusion.,) 4- PAYMENT'i'l C11UMS: Fjfty percent (50"01) of the total Participation Ueo must accompany this application The balance of the Participation Fee will be do- on one hundred riventy (120) days before the first day of the 1-I'vent. Applications received after one hundred rif-unq (120) days before the firs[ day of the Event must be 'hecks shrift be ma -ureNet G accompanied by 100",, of the fcts, with such fee, to Ile Paid by cashier's check, money order or crLdir card. C 13 do payable. to ( �lobal and 'lobal, 1.13 Punchucc St. NI?, Ste. 3(M, Atlanta, GA, 30303. CORENET may elect nor hold ani exhibit space For application; that are not scar[ to CorcNcr G Y accompanied by the required payment. If full fna)ment is not received 30 days before [he Event, the exhAntrarand/or sponsor shall forfeit any exhibit space rewn,cd, shall be subject u) dre cancellation policy below, and CORUNETrinq reassign die exhibit space, a., determined in CORENE I'l sole discretion 3) CANCELLATiON POIACY: Cancellations rnusr [)a made in wn6ng mid are subject to the following provisions: Cancellations received more dInTl 90 days before the Event arc subject too 15"o penalty on the price of the booth and/or Participation. Cancellations received less than 90, clays, but more: than 60 days before the Event, are subject to a 50",. penalty, an the price of [lie booth and/or participation. No refunds will be issued if (:0Rl:NF'.T is nor notified of the cancellation it least 60 days before the Elvcru and the Exhibitor/Sponsor twill be liable for any unpaid balance of cancellation is received after that date, b)DEFAUI.-rTNPAYMl.,'1NT: Failure to rnakc timely payment of any invoice gives C'OlW1N1;Tdfe right to exercise any one or more of the: follinring remedies. @PxS1 due invoices wili be subject to interest charges at the rate of per month (annual percentage rate of on the unpaid balance (collection charges and/or legal fees necessary to enforce payment will be added to the balance due); (d) any carly, payment or promotional discounts can be revoked with Exhibitors /Sponsors liable for the full list price of the corresponding exhibn or ponsorsrnp; and (ui) CORVNETmay relocate exhibitors in booth spaces othur than those specified in the executed exhibitoragreemem. even if the space is nor comparable. 5. LWITATION OF HABILHA': The exhibitor and/or sponsor assumes entire responsibibry for and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless, CORE,'NHTfmd its agents and/or employees, the Convention Center and or I lotel, and its employees and igcmq, against all claims, losses and damages to persons or properry, gro'crimacrical charges or fines, and attorneys feats arisingout of or caused by exhibitor installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of exhibit premises or 3 part thereof CORENETwill be held harmless For any trademark, trade nirric., copyright or power infringement on any printed materials Wringing to or distributed by any exhibitor of sponsor. 6. INWRANCI ': Liability insurance, property insurance and worker's compensation, with a minimum limit of S] million, must be token out by each Exhibitor at he own expanse. l`xhibitor shall proi ide CORE'NETwidit proof of insurance upon request by CORE'NEA' Exhibitor twill immediately notify COM -,N HT in file event of any changes to insurance coverage required tinder this Agreement- 7. DD�jkCING 01, BUI LDJNGl Miibitors/Spnnsors may not fasten any disph) s or Fixtures to the building floars,walls or standard booth equipment without the or fixtures to the building hours, ivalls or to the prior wriaenappureval of CORENET' liable for damage caused by fequnring displays standard booth equipment, or for damage caused in any other manner. F'Nhilutors/Sponsoni may not apply punt, lacquer, adhesive or an other costing to building walls and floors or to standard hooth equipinent, & DISPLAY DI MENS IONS: With the c-sceprion of Hand booths, maximum exhibit height is 8 fact FiJubhors in island spaces wishing to go beyond 8 Eat must submit a display sketch for prior written approval from CORENHI'and building management. Where an unfinished portion of an exhibit is exposed, the offending surface must be made presentable, as dckormined in CIORENH.T's sole discretion, at the expense of dic Exhibitor Each Uxhibdor is entitled to a reasonable sightline from the aisle regardless of the size of the exhiba. Therefore, a display may not "tend above the side rail more than 4 feet from the back wall % SOUND DEXICHIS:The use of devices for mechanical reproduction of sound or music is permitted, but must 1), controlled, Sound of any kind must nor be projected outside the confines oaf the exhibit booth. 10. 1Zi,,JiiC-IT'D DISPLAYS:Tfic I'Mnlaitcor agrees that its exhibit shall be admitted and shall remain frown day to day solely on strict complionev with these Rules and Regulations. CORENF 1'reservcs the right to reject, eject: or prohibit airy ehibac in whole or in part, or any FsAnilshor or its rcilresentafives, with or withour giving cause. if cause is not given, CORF.NUT's lialarfiry shall not exceed the return to the Exhibitor in the amount of rental unearned it the time of ejection. Han exhibit: or P'xhibitor is ejected for Vi(A-360il of these rules nicluding, but not united to the Summit standards, or for any other reason stated, no return of rental fro shall be made and Ir'.xhibitor shrill be solely responsible for any expenses incurred in the removal ofsucli exhibit. 11, F.XJ HDITOR RI-'PRF`,SFNTA'rTVFS RESPONSIBILITY' Pach Exhibitor must name at [cast one person to be his representative in connection wiril installation, operation and removal of exhibit. Such representative shall beaurhorized to crater into such service contracts is may be necessary, and for which the Exhibitor shall be responsible. ('0RL-.Nl.-',Trcscrvcs the right to have the exhibo installed m the expense of [lie Exhibitor if work has not commenced on installation by 3 ri.m. of the day preceding exhibition opening and CORENFTshalf not be liable for any damages to the ushibn caused during such installation. 12- 1"M IMITOR'S PMSONMI. AND O`fl [Eli. CONSIDERATIONS: Distribution cifociveriising matter and souvenirs must be confined to exhibitors spaces. Undignified methods ofattracting attention wifl not be permirred, solediia:rction f tescri-es the right rat prohibit an exhibit or part of an exhibit: that, in its sole judgment, may detract from the character of or may be considered objectionable to tire Exhibition as q whole. The use of costumes is limited to theater presentations only. The use ot'games or contest., in your booth must receive prior written approval friml CORENET- Balloons are prohibited. Canvassing in exhibit hall!; or distribution of advertising minor or souvarars by representatives ofcxhibinrig or non -exhibiting firms is strictly forbidden. Only those in exhibits may distribute. any materials. All others disiribuning materials not approved by C 01U.",NET may be removed in CORENF:`1% sole, discretion. FAllibitors, sponsors and advertisers their participation at Summit is it the sole business discretion of CORI M."p, Further, ex-habitors, spomqors and a ivCOWOlU ' dverri,crs recognin that they may provide products or services that are competitive with "NET and that C -NF i"s decision to allow them to participate is to further the goals of the corporate real estate industry and to allow for inrefluinuall exchange. 13%, virtue of exhibitors, sponsor:: and advertisers decision to participate in the CORE.NE.1'Summit, exhibitors, sponsurs and/or advertisers agree they will nor directly or indirectly, expresslg or implicitly solicit, recruit or oThenvise promote to COREM- .1 I'lpirticipants any product, sen-ice or organization that to in any way comperitive ivith CORFNF-I'witlmur the advanced, expressed written permission ofCORl,'Nf-'T Agreement No. 6396 1.3 exhibits, electrical work, plumbing, labor, clearing, security, food & beverage° drayage, ind other service, No c_%hhihor or representative shall contract for such scnncus wuh other than tile S.J;d official contractor without tile express wrinim consent ofC0RJ,'.N H I' which, for reasons of security, in its mle discretion can dcri), such permission. 14- UNION JAHOR: Exhibitor/Sponsor must comply willi all union regulations applicable to installing, dismantling, and display of the exhibits. CORENE'T has no control over such union regulations 15- INSTALLATION AND DISMANTJJN(; OF EXHIBITS: Information for inaulUation and dismantling of exhibits will be sent to )'F)U, along With other SCn'iCU forms and information, in ample time to prepare for rh�se iczk-itics Exhibits must remain in place until show closes. If Exhibitor has not set tip their booth by the time specified by C'ORF,NT`I'or the official contractor and his not contacted their sales representative within COMENE'I ' rc9cne, the right to reassign the exhibitor's buotiv(s). M AlTENDANCE'.; CORUNi'J'shall have sole control o,crairendance policies at all times. Space not occupied by the time dorig natcd in dus Agreement eill be forfeited by exhibitors and their space may be resold, reassigned or tied by CORPNEI'without refund 17, SUBLEIASING , OFSPACk: Exhibitors may not sub -let their space, nor any part thereof, 18. GUARDS! COM'NI"I'Ar-illernploy guards during the course of the Fxhibioort.The duty of'che guards will be to protect the general UMnIsnon agaimi fire or other cavastroplies. Neither CORL--,NET, show management, nor the ovners or lesson, of Elie premises trill assume any respomiliddy for .in Exhibitor's personal property, lath exhibitor must make prrjvisionFor the safeguarding of his or her goods, materials, equipment and display at all times It is +Ugjcstcd Hot the F"dubilor insure Ilk property' against loss and their. 19 FJRRSAFETY AND I lr-,'AI:f`Il:The cahibitor/qponsor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city, state and federal ordinances and regulations covering; fire, safetyand health. All exhibit equipment and materials will be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where nests, , S-.Iqr. Only fireproof materials should be used in displays and the necessary fire precautions will be taken by the exhibitor, Wiring must comply with fire department and undenvraers rules Smoking in the Convemion Center is forbidden Crowding will be restricted. Aides and Fire exits cannot be blocked by exhibits J."xilbitor sbali not provide any display or entertainment that causes aisles and Pre exits in be blocked. No c1ccorarion ol'paper, pine boughs, leafy deconlikins or tree branches is allowcd and no cornbusaildle, ln'ratdoie,, or other chingerou, material will be stored in or around exhibit booths, See additional fire regulations included in the "InmicAr kit, 20 BOOTH LOCATION AND Rl"'LOCATION: COREN FT shall have sole discretion is to the placement oaf all booths and exhibirs. CORENET reservel, the right to relocate exhibitors in comparable ipricus other than [hose specified in the V%CCUred exhibitor agreement if it is deemed advisable surd necessary and in the best interest of the. exhibition. In the cvers: of rclocaticm cihiibao,i, livill be advised in writing Anil given the option of selecting; anorhex location if available, or to cancel and receive a full refund of all payments. In addition, (,ORI'-.NF 1'rescn•c, the right to modify the configuration of the exhibit flour at -any time for any reason in CORENE' I'sealedi5cretion. CORENE,"I'will take ressonible measure, to keep the placement ofe,thiLitor in a similar order as they were prior to rMinfigUration. Such rcconfiguration shall not give exhibitor the right to cancel. 2L SC I IMULECORE{tiET shall have the sole right and option to change, modify, delete or add speakers, educational sessions, networking events and otherwise ML)dif}' tile schedule of events %licil pos,6blv® CORr,NETwill provide notice ol'such change in schedule. 221, ACTS OF GOD, FfIll.'S, STRIKES, ETC : In the event that any outside cause, such as an Act ofGod, war, government rCgQIk160nr, disnstcT, ace, oftcryorisvri, strikes or threat of strikes, civil disorder, helich crisis, curtailment or delay in transportation facilities making it illegal, impossible or impractical for at least 45"i. of the contracted participants from attending, or any other emergency beyond the control ofte[her parry making it illegal, impracticable, or impossible to provide the facilities or prevents the Event from being held, C0R_lsNF'T may retain such part of the F.xhibiricr's rental as shall tic required to recompense management for expenses incurred up to the time such contingency shall have occurred, ]it no event will CORENETprovich, any refunds of airline tickets, hotel charges, or other charges incurred in connection with exhibitor's irrendiricc (if die 1-vem In no event will CORENIlTbe. liable for more than the annount paid by F'smbiror/Sponiinr under this Agreement, 23- -sponsorship comes with the priviElcge cif client entertainment for private business or social event eiren it will not compete with the Summit schedule ofevcnts for the duration of the conference.Thii policy ix 80biccr to rci-ision These e%-cnt% must be by aviation -only, for 32 or more total attendees and may be held on or off -site at the discretion of the hosr, private events will net be published in the onske final program, 11kaw note that CoreNet Global is nor involved in the coordination oftheric events including logistics and vcnUV selection. Your event must not be held during the time posted on ourweliq;tc in the following address: 'a The schedule might not be avadabic at the [tine of signawre and it is the responsibility of the sponsor to ensure the tuning of the client entertainment is in accordance with the cianing posted on the widasire. 24- (,Oil I M,"I'CLOBAL will be receiving the opt -in registration hits pre and post Summir starting at 6- iveck prior to the Summit and on a weekly bil;i,;, We ask that this data is used only for professional networking and used in accordance to the Sponsor & Exhibitor Attendee Rester Policy which will be sent it a later date This document it ill have to be signed and returned by sponsor to CarcNet Global prior to receiving the Summit Attendee Lisa. 25, AMENDMENTSTO RULES a.) Any and all matters or questions nor specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations mar, be amended at any time by a CORli'NUTofficer or employce and all amendments rillide shall be binding on EXhilshors/Sponsori equally with the foregoing rules and regulations b) Should there be any dispute of any type between the parties to g a to this feerneni, said dispute will be submirred to mandatory bindinrbitration, using an arbiter from the Judicial Arbiter Group, Arbitration will be govenned by the rules used regularly by the arbiter or, if none, then by the rules of the American Arbitration Association Commercial Arbitration Rules, The parties will aquiript to schedule the arbitration as soon Is possible after the dispute arises, with die parties making their best efforts to have the arbitration concluded within 90 days of'st request forarbaration under this provision, 0 I have read and agree to the rules and regulations stated above. X_,,� '_ t",' Agreement No. 6396 CoreNer Global CORENET 133 Peachtree S(reet, N.h., Suite 3000 Atlanta, G1 30303 USA G L O B A L toll free: +1.800.762.8111 tel: +1.404.589.3200 fax: +1,404.589.3201 Appezi iA LINEAR BOOTH DESIGN: As you are designing your booth, CoreNet Global would like to bring to your attention to the following Fire Marshall regulations and industry standards. The first 5' of your booth from the aisle must be clear from obstructions in order to provide a clear sight line from one end of the aisle to the other. Additionally, absolutely no items can go over 8' in height. A) 10' x 10' BOOTHS: Items that would obstruct sight line can be placed in the area shaded in gray below and has the following dimensions: L. 120 inches H. 96 inches NN' 60 inches Therefore, the area in blue must offer an unobstructed sight line from one end of the aisle to the other. However, furniture such as a counter, bar stools, high cocktail table can be located in the first 5' as long as they are 4' in height or lower but no elements can obstruct the view such as a large monitor or large banner. B) 10' x 20' BOOTHS: Items that would obstruct sight line can be placed in the area shaded in gray and has the following dimensions: L. 240 inches H. 96 inches W 60 inches Therefore, the area in blue must offer an unobstructed sight line from one end of the aisle to the other. However, furniture such as a counter, bar stools, Thigh cocktail table can be located in the first 5' as long as they are 4' in height or lower but no elements can obstruct the view such as a large monitor or large banner: Agreement No. 6396 C) 10'x 30'BOOTHS. Items that would obstruct sight line can be placed in the area shaded in gray below that has the following dimensions-. L.360inches H. 96 inches W. 60iches Therefore, the area in blue must offer an unobstructed sight line from one end of the aisle to the other. However, furniture such as a counter, bar stools, high cocktail table can be located in the first Yas long as they are 4'in height or lower but no elements can obstruct the view such as a large monitor or large banner: 3 0"lot ISLAND BOOTHS: All island booths design must be approved by CoreNet Global. Send your design to as soon as your design is ready in order to start the approval process. The maximum height of the structure, imd-kiii—Ing hanging banners, is limited to 20' and CoreNet Global will not be making any exceptions to this rule.