CONTRACT 6342 Other CLOSEDAgreement No. 6342 FACILITY USE AGREEMENT INTERNSHIP BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND UNITED P'ICKL.ESALL MANAGEMENT, LLC AN INDIANA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY r THIS F SE AC -E%RENT Agre rnenf) is rnade ard entered in o this _ day of " � � 292Z by and b t,�jj en the Cit f EI Segundo, a general la e city ar ,1 n rdr Icipai wo toratiorr d.0 t, °i. and United Picklebal-,agement. L LC, alµ, Indana limited liabillty company (."APP''). The tern, "Parties" shaft refer both to City and APP. The .erm '°Party...=ill refer to either City or AP?., as appiia?b?e. 1. RECi ,AL; . This Agreement is. inade -vvfth refere-nce to 'he following facts and: objectives: A. EI Segondo P,1t,r•iClpal Cede ("ESr-1: Chapter 9-8 provides perrnit ing protocols for certain e`Jents cof td Litt:Cis^, in City parks or recrea ional lablities. B. ESNIC Chapter 9-8 excludes. from its requirements any activity conducted in or on a. City park or recreational facility con,duc}ed by a prive e organization or individual pursr.rant to an agreerzent between the City and; such private organizatior. . or mdivi:ival. pursuant to ESMC §, 9-8-2, C. APP proposes to conduct a pic.kleba l tournament event on City recreational facilities bet"veen June 23 th.ror g h June 26. 2022 the "Event";. The City facilities proposed as the site for the. EFvem are City tennis court no. 2 and City tennis court no. 3. located at 401 Sheldon Street in the City Cvtrhere tennis courts nos. 1, 4.w, ar,d 3, picklebail courts rzos. 'R-4. volleybatl courts nos,1-2, and Ia-.,,,i1 bowling sink are also located) and illustrated in Exhibit "A" this Aareernent vvhlch is incorporated herein by this referer::ce. i;• The Parties intend for this Agreement to govern the requirements and obligations reia ed to the E�jen;:. pursuant to '*S?%,TC '9-8-2. E. The Parties agree that the fees for the Event payable to the City by APP equal the sum of $.38,000 (the -E,: ent Fees";. The Event Fees are connprised of special event application fee, facility reservation fee, estin.ated staff fees for assistance ..ith n7onitcring the evert. 2. TERM. This Agreerent -Mil become effeciive upon APP's delivery of the Evert Plan. proof Gf iFlSllren,ce required u*,Jer S e-c ion 7, and Court Resiora ion Fund (as defined' belo,v>> ir.: Section 3) to the City, and co°)tirUe in effect through July 31, 2022 unless other -wise terminated pursuant to Agreement Section 5. 3. AAP'S RES PONSf;3IL TIES, Page 1 of 11 Agreement No. 6342 A. APP must deliver a detailed ,!an or the Event (the •'Evenit Plan-) to he Cittr or, or before Mav 2. 2022, The Ever-t Plrr>. ai a rnininium.. 7iust include the irforn,ariorn requested n Exhibit "E•' _o this Agree;nen?. E. As consideration for the City's-,vajver of the i=vem Fees: APP must duiv deiiter' the Event Plan to the City: and coordinate. oversee. and conduct file Eveni in substandai conformance �trith she E-ven! Plan; and APP 's su«stantial conformance .;,ill be determined by the Ci,y s Direcror of Recreation and Parrs or designee. C. For clarity. the Parties a^yree that the Event Plan requires APP to resurface and' repaint City tennis courts r;os. 2 and 3 to accommodate the Event at APP's sole cost Rhe 'Court IPVork"). The CourT'A/crk includes.. ;4ithout 4mi ation. thle repair of existing, surface cracks. prime coating. repainting, and restriping of City tennis courts nos. 2 and 3, APP will bee responsible for furnishng all labor, personnel, equipment, ma, erials, and ail other rnear:s whatsoever to effectuate the Court Yv'ork in accordance with applicable laws. D. The COUrt Work also inclUde.S. Without Ifri'itation, the restoration City tent is courts nos. 2 and 3 to their original tennis Court speclflcations and layout, as depicted it Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. E. As additional consideration for the Citys waiver of the Event Fees. APP tr.-us: deliver the sum of S10.000 (the "Conic: Restoration Funs''') to the City or, or before April 25. 2022 and the City maV utilize the Court. Restoration Fund to pay for the cost of any City ..ork required to be effeCiL12ted to restore the Cihv tennis courts nos. 2 and 3 to their original specifications and layout of n or before Juty 1, 2022. F. APP must cause the pays -tent of prevailing wages to workers for the Court'Alork. It is APP's responsibility to Interpret and implement arty prevailing .irage requirements and APP agreas to pay any penalty or civil damages resulting from a violation of prevailing .rage laves, in accordance 4th Labor Code § 1773,2, copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are avallaUle Grp ion regUest from CITY-s Engineering Division or tie webslte for State of Callfomia Pre•.+akina determination at http::k:r;3::Y.diir,cG.Uo�,'DLSR?P�.�ytD. V G, APP .rill be responsible for Intern's professional activities and condUct ,rrhiie participating in the Internship with the City, H. APP will provide City .Aith a list of all staff, contractors. employees, voiUnteers, or other agents requiring access to the City facilities depicted it-, Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. APP will conform io all applicable City policies. procedures anti guidelines. applicable stale and federai laws and regulations. Pace 2 of 11 Agreement No. 6342 4. CITY'S RE:,SPONIS EaLME ., A. I.i lthin 5 business dFys of the City's receipt of APP's delivery of the Event Plan, proof of insurance requirec: under Section 7. and Cour; Restoration Fund (as defined belo,�v in. Section 3), the V :;kV Will issue a permit to APP for the event. The City reserves the right to apply reasonably conditions for the Event through this Permit. B. City %ojill provide APP,. inclu6 ig its contractors, agents, en iployees.:-olunteers. and Other agents a revocable license to Col aIuC! the COLH !''trark and CondLlCt the Event. so iong as APP is not in breach of this Ag-een,,ent, C. As consideration for the cofnmunity benefits outlined in i Exhibit "C" to this Agrees ient and the Cour tjV+ork. the City will waive the Event permit fees identified above in Sec fort 1 and finds that the value of such communitV benefits meets or exceeds the value of the Event permit fees and that s UCh community be;efits serve a public purpose of promoting corr,rurnitv health and y^:el!reas. D. The City ;Sill return any unused portion 3f the Court Restoration fund to APP on or before Oc€ober 1. 2022. J. City .' )! designate appropriate personnel to assist with the Event, to the extent such needs are specified in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. 5, TERMINATION, A. The City may tenninate this Agreement at any time ,•nii'h o::N.ithout cause. Notice of termination must be in writing, E. APP may termjnate this Agreement upon providing viritten notice to City at ieast 30 days before the effective termination n date. C. 3y executing this Agreement. APP waives any and all claims for damages that might other -wise arise from the City's termination under this Section 5. 6. iNDEMNiFICATION, A. APP indemnifies, will defend (at City's request'). and holds City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees I, injuries, or liability. arising out of this Agreement, or APP's conduct of the Event, isncludirna -.,%fithout limitation. those associated .- ith Event participants or spectators. B. For purposes of this section: the tern-) "City" includes its officers: officials. Page 3of11 Agreement No. 6342 en;plo,ee . rents. , epresentat ves. and Certified volrintea;s. C. APP expressly- agrees tI".ra this retease. -,valve!. and indenl.6ty aureemerft is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted b-;s the of' the state of California er:d -ih , if ar�y portioi7 is held invalid. it is agreed that the baiarce ,:-ill. r-a--iths'anding. con imle in fL0 le-C; force and effect. D. It is expressly understood and agreed that the for esoing provisions :�ili sur.ri+,e terrninatior, of tints Agreemert. . The require.n-ents as tJ the tapes and lir17its of insurance cover , ,e t, be maintained by APP as required herein, and any approval of said insurance by Citv. are not intended to and =iii riot ire any n",s,nner limit or quality the liab.iRies and' obligations othervvise ass-urned by ,.APP pursuant to this Agreement, including b:rt not lirrrlte: to .he provisions concerning irnde.ii: [,nification. A. APP corn-rnlancing performance Under this Agreement and at all other times tWs Agreement is effective. APP a?ll procure and m.a4-stain the follov° ing types of insurance '-. jzh coverage iirnit'3 --omplying, cI a MiNMLMI. With the limits set forth below,: Tip rye of -Insurance imits i cor"ti cornbined srr_ ) Corgi?m:erclal genera; liability: S1.000.000 Business aLrtomobiie liability S1.000, 010 A° P,r orkers compensation Statutory requirement B. Comn-,emial general liability! insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CG'_ Form No. CG 00 01 'i ; 85 or &S. The arnou:nt of insurance set forth above tVili be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal ir,jUry, and property damage for the poiiGv Cove! age. Liability policies will be endorsed to'name the City, its officials. and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to slate that such insurance vvill; be deemed 'primary" such that any other insurance that ma'v be carried by the City -wit) be excess thereto. Such insurance %-,A! be on al.'s -occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be Cancelable or' subject to redUcilon exc®pt U-or, 30 days prior �-:vri;ten notice to the C. Autornobile coverage ,rill be written on ISO BUSiness Auto Coverage Form CA QO 01 06 92. including symbol 1 (Any AUto). D. APP will fiurnish to lhe City duly authen'b:uateel certificates Of insurance evide.nCi=)g maintenaanGe of the inSUI-a .Ce req.UirC-d Unde!- this kkree-r'dent. endorsemems as Page 4 of 11 Agreement No. 6342 required herein, a,ne, succ; o her e-ic ence of insurance or copies of policies as it:c:v be reasonably required by the City fr�on; tirne to time. Insurance r:1trst be olace^ ..,:ith ii�:suiers "Mich a cu;-renAM. Bes Cornoanv Rating equivalent to at least a racing o "AMI." Ceiti1iCF1te(S) ntisa reflect that the prokyide thin"ry'' 0-d;av notice of any canceliaKiori 0I Cot ,€ ei , APP �.R�K'ill require wiiti SLfr; to a modif such certificates to delete anv, e:Cculvatory< <il or -ding stating :hat failure of the insurer to mall •.,,rritten notice of canceilaton imposes nc obligation, and to delete the %rrord ..endeavor % ith regard to, any notice pro -visions, E. Should AAP, for any reason, fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement. City rna!: obtain such coverage at APP 'S expense or t. rrninate this Agreement, 5. RELATIONSHIP. APP employees. principals. staff, volunteers, or other . ents participating in the. Event pursuant to this Agreement :vill not be considered Citv's employees. City does not asst;me any liabillty under la'-P, reiating to--ndorr<ers. compensation on account of any act of any actions of such APP employees. pr incip-als, staff, volunteers, or other agents pursuart so the Agreement. 9, L;�N'S AP40 REGULATIONS. APP is responsible for complying %vith any and aPl applicable federal' stale., C u!7ty. and n LIOCipal la'6vs and re�iuiationS respect to perforrnar,ce under this Agreement. Sucn compliance will be at APP 's sole cost. MA-CEPTAN IE OF ELECTRONIC S?GrLNATURE5. In accordance with Govemmeni. Code 15.5, the parties agree that this Acreernent will be considered sicined .%,,hen the Siam ire of a party is delivered by electronic transmission, Such electronic signature wrill be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 11. NOTICES. A. All notices given or required to be given pursuant, to this Agreement %,01I be in vvritinct and may be given by personal delivery;. mail, or email. B. Notice sent by mail will be addressed as 1`'0llo;'.s: To City: City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo. California 90245 Attu: John Jones. Interim Community Services Director, fionesCg�eIsegundo.org To AAP: Attn: Kerr He.rrrne;r:n. CEO of APP. Iced @app our,org Page 5 of 1 -I Agreement No. 6342 ` Vhen addressed in accordance .vith this paragraph. notices -,J11 be deemed riven upon deposit in the United Staves 1-;ail. postage prepaid. In all other instances. notices ;t'ili be deemed civer: at the time of actual delivery. C. Notice sent by e:;;ai1 v it be addressed as foilot✓•s: To Ci ;,: John Jones. Interim Con-ti—nunity Services Director. jjones@elsegundo.org, To AAP: ;Ken Hermann. CEO of APP, keno. �•apptour,orp 'Ashen addressed in accordance -✓✓i h this paragraph, notices will be deerr.ed given upon the recipient Part; s receipt and acknc vledgement thereof. C. Changes may be made in the nacres, addresses, or email addresses of persons to whore novices are to be. given by giving notice in the manner prescribed in this section. 12. CONSTRUCT iON,. The language of each part of this Agreement vvill be construed ,imply and according to its fair meaning. and this Agreement wilt never be construed either for or against either party, 13. E' ERABL . if any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent � jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable. then such portion --M be deerned modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the cour to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion: end the balance of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 14. ENTIRE ACREEMEN-F, This Ag--eement constitutes the sole agreement bet;,veen City and AAP respecting the subject matter herein and correctly sets forth the obligations of City and AAP. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral, or written,. 15ANAIVEl .`'Waiver of any provision of this Agreement Shill not be deeimed to constitute a waiver of any other provision. nor will such waiver constitute a continuing waiver. '16. GOVERNING LAW, This Agreement has been made in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California and exclusive venue for any aciior; involving this Agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 17 AUiTHOPI' T Y/f�"1ODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action; has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written agreernent. City's City tvfanager may execute any such amendment on behalf of City. Pane 6 of 1 I Agreement No. 6342 18. 'C"I'DUNTERPARTS, T; his Agreernei- inav be executed ilk any nUmber ov counte!pw-,s each of which bNE, an cri.,ghnat. bUt all of which Toqethev will constitute one il'-SLUFner)" exe(-'Wed Or) the SWIle [SIGNATURES ON F0LL0',,",.,'ING PAGE-1 j Agreement No. 6342 I l','!:TNESS i°;'HEREOF the parties hereto hFve �i 'Cccui„©U-' this P " ray any: °Near firs; i�er�einaho�,rr �.�ritrer;. ,�, City OF EL SEGUNDO, l.fN['TE.D PICKLEBALL MANAGEMENT, a �; ornia rnunic' al corporasio;-r a Lillli?ed L',abifitv Con rangy• Darrell ~George. Irfte nn Cl'l f-dana er Ken Hermann. Chief Executive Officer AIIES �'�w Tracy i veav Cif', 'lerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, City ATTORNEY B;f: Joaquin /*quez. Deputy City Attorney Page 8 of I I Agreement No. 6342 EXHIBIT "A" ILLUSTRATION OF CITY FAl"".1LITIES TO BE USED FOR THE EVENT -1. Court -?'-':2 current photo 2. Court #3 clurrent photo Map of Rec Park I Outlinin,c: entire area being used i'slap of Rec Park 2 Teni-11S COUrtS -y-'--2 and -4f-3 being resurfaced 4, APP Layu-Lli Of C0UFlS;L2 and-#113 5. Prospecq,ve finished Plickle-ball courts once resurfaced Attached gwz� Agreement No. 6342 EVENT FLAN MINIMU,10 REQUIREMENTS ?lac fled; Page ,10 or 11 Agreement No. 6342 EXH BIT "O" COMMUNITY BENEFITS TO THE C'lPf Attached Page 11 cf 11 Agreement No. 6342 Agreement No. 6342 l� u z 4Q 1� a s it pp 1��M1 t mm :n_ Agreement No. 6342 . s . =t G 3 , Agreement No. 6342 Isi ca Y pivot.. _. .... . Mi� CL r ` ° a a � \ ;������w � Aa ^� / Agreement No. 6342 NO WR q awx Fe- -, 1_0 " 4, "t- PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT JUNE23-26-2022 Or Civ COUndl-dif liave t.Itp ei_s afl,' oil lie 6,11.� " Fr'da',v, J-jne 24, 2,D22. (AliMli U, J Ribbon Cutt), ; e: 7:4 57 a. rl-i. for" Mat:119 'vvil� a Ri?d 9 Ce�en-ionv, T',­� a;-j,A1`,)X74T0tn_lV 10 17111-UteS. Audience: Foproximatziv 150 and :everai hundred 41e11C111a-J),$. Value: S1.000 A dl EXCIUSiVe- oirl-4-ii-IF vvi') the h4ay3i, it� CIN C-OW101 k4e.111t_er kr,% oing th PP Too Prc Garne, Shg,.v. T,--,,e: 9,4i-- e a-r)l 1-f app�cv\!n­-atel%,t a 10-fllir'iule sit zilovvn interview on c-ni -ri i -vith our �os, Lauren McLaVjLhfin. To -JCS to irlCUde m.fl D'Uflet El to i,, t9 aft tG P',`,)J'7)01e 70M,"sn) and econo:Tic Au,(,�ence: ln:ev`evv 4o. be bom_ PP Faceb-o" arid, You rx " J\ T1x,_,iP, LjL,,r`,'ejCe. Value: $3.500 -it\; Of Ei SeqLindO 10,040 to be pFir;tei on tNe channpiomship court. Audience: the niinin 2 X 4'Cib,'Cig- be P`ai,ecf for camera vie:Azlna, on owi- charm-ionsilip Co- Urt. Value: $7,000 raPP wlil air ten 0,01 30-sevond conlMercials each dav on the YcuTlube and Facei000k 'estG-C Of 3-0 COMMerdF'l SPOTS th)`)L1,ghC;Ut the coirir-nerdalswill ,)e z*z"W during pro's meaa; jjjat,:,ijes is prit-ne time, VC11tw $7,000 Cftv C-f Ell bioro,,,.,CjeCl a fUl-oage ��tQfy af)d �i ftdk'�EQ& Cnlo, "t"Int adveai5eni�,_W �11 thim, Official Pr0gram GLJdru ThZ)l �:s pro,,ideld to, atil lxvticjpan,ts and sp("snsors, aiong vvioi a ,,velcorne letter fil',T)III ,ihe Mayor and C.,"kv COUICif- Lasi I th v. the Citt-, of EP Segundo Ci,,y iogovvill be ,,)faced on, The cover of the Offloial• Progr w Guldle. Value: $2.500 The City, of El S6gL,1r)dc, -vv;:fl be alloo;ed to post two, (2'r 3' x S'b2rmers to be, placer'! thl'OLIghoUt the venue orcivided Iry the dtv. Value: S3.000 The City ofEll Sag;indo .will be alho,.-ved to, pace One (1) Tx 5, And -Cade sign- On championship. cGW4z'%Vith FRzr1,RrL, viewershilp. Value: $7,000 A4,te�, vis tourname-It, APp -Will j),r0Vide ',IP- Cite a rei)ort dernonstL'ating t6e ecorioNic :irripact *.he tcxjrnan,,ent, Estimated Value: TBD APP,;vill resurface and repaint tel'MiS COLR_tq,#2 & rrd faturn`ng ;hem to the;,, original court sped-J"o,'itions. Value: $­10,00o APR believes this Spoljsors.hiD Pael,-.ket demosjra*tes -ffie vs"Ia the City of El Seol,Indo will receive due to the APP Pickleball TownqnienL to be he on A-Ine 23-26 2022 at Kocrea-lbn Park. TOTAL SPONSORSHIP VALUE = $41,000 [Nol including the eccx)omic`rl"pact 0- this event Zo the C-4v (-,.f E= Se.,. --undo). Agreement No. 6342 Event Plan irtirrrrt Periternerts � f fill _j �l� c�,e�ii I • n �o APP to provide the following, � • Specified dates,'time-s for ,crew day, tournaniem, and hours of operation • Soecial Event insurance to protect the city, • identification of city spaces and courts to be rzguired detailing their engagement with the re-sr.rrtacing of court «3 and Basketball Court. as liven as flow they will tape the remaining eour;s for' use. Ma of park areas which --hill be occupied or blocked off for the tournarnerrt. • '.Mork with city staff to identify ti.e location; of the Food truck on the Park making sure that they are approved by the health department and meeting ali city permits. • ?denti y the location and safe transport of all media vehicles on our Park so there is no damage to our turf • Provide Porte, potties and city to provide location, This will be at the proponent's expense. • Provide their staffing plan for Ihis tournament. • Coordinate with our economic development manager to assist staff in gauging the economic impact of this event, • Provide plan for daily garbage disposal and pick up, Private service or City personnel. • Specified Clean up and breakdo in plan for when the tournament is cornpleted, • Specified day and time of -when all courts will be reconfigured back to their, original state, • Specified date and time when all areas :�°ilf be returned and available for public use. Agreement No. 6342 tµ_ Agreement No. 6342 ^s 7 Agreement No. 6342 Agreement No. 6342 A,'AWk_1Fk I IWIN Uf� HURLEBALL PROFESSIONALS PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT JUNE 23-28, 2022 P0�avor c,r Cit Council vvill nave tne o ptortu;,I�, the pvlaye!s anrl, d Y To ia oil F;-,,dv. J.-Une 24. 2022, culfailna!Jnr a Re6 Ribbon Cutt'ng Cerernony, Time! 7:41,551 a..q-,. free aippraximateiy 10 n'linutes. Audience: approximately 150 par"Ucipants and SeVer@1 11URdifed spec.tatu-S. Value: $1-..000 Exclusive on -air interview wit'n the kiiavor of C'Tv-, ("GUncil h.,Iarnber aUring the APP Tour Pre- Tiin,e: 9:45 a.rrl, for apprakwrfaley a 0--minute sit dow'n interview on Camera with our hos� Lauren rvlc�L&,Ughlin. Topics to incude all bullet points for El Segundo to he 7FGY-110te t'DUrism alid econor-k CIev ionnrnerft, Audte:ice: ljite:miiew W be. broadcast to ffie '4 1�-00 APP Facebook and YouTut)e audience. Value: 33.500 I _V -ity of E, Se--glundo logo to lbapaintedioal then--hamprornship court. Audience: the mirdmum 2' L I x 4' City togo to be placed for carnera viewing on oidr charn-PionshipcoLirt, Value: $7,000 APP wiii air 'ten ("'M 30-second commerckals each day on the YouTube and FaCebook U l"i'VestreFai for a total of 30 commercial spots througnocut the tGUrnanient. The coma-ierci;a`s,q will be aired during pro's medal matches which is prime. time, Vatue: $7,000 City of E[ Segundo to be pcoOded a fukpage slory and P fuil-page color print ad'veillsement in the Official Program GU;ide that is providled to all parficipanIks and sponsors, along with a welcome letter from the Mayor and City CQU'Xil. Lastiv. the Citv of EI Segundo City i0go 'Adll be placed on he cover of the Official �rogram Guide. Value: $2,500 The City of El Segundo '*,ill be allowed Ito post two 1,2). ' x -5- banners to be placed throughout the vertue provlded by the city. Value: $3,000 The City of Ei Segundo will be allowed to pjace one 1l) 3` x 5' Ad -Cade, sign or) chars pionship. court w-4h cannera viewership. Valoe: $7.0,00 After the WLIY]IaMel�t, APP t,fjll provide tne City a report dernonstratin of Zhe tournai),jent. g the econonkiwipact Estimated Value- TBD APP vvW resurlace and repaint tennis courts -#2 & =3a-Ind returning them to their original court specifications, Value: $10,000 APP 'Dfalieves this Sponsosh[p Packet dennonstrates the va,,'Ue. the City of El Segundo will receive due to the APP Picklebafl Tournarnenl to be held On June 23-26, 2022 at Recreation Park,. TOTAL SPONSORSHIP VALUE = $41,000 (Not incluCiing the econorn�,c impact of this event To the City of E' Segundo), Agreement No. 6342 APP Event Plan for LA Open Pickleball Tournament in El Segundo 6/22/22-6/26/22 TASKS Prep dates/times Setup will begin 6/22/22 at Sam completed by 1Opm Courts will be taped, equipment delivered, banners, barriers, tables, chairs, canopies, event and registration desks set up, and announcers area. Tournament Dates Begins 6/23/22 at Sam— 6/26/22 6pm Multiple brackets run throughout the day with ebb/flow of players. Primarily 3 different major brackets throughout the day with player groups APP insurance Submitted APP insurance docs to Arecia 5/11/22 Court Company insurance PENDING - CH Court Tech insurance naming The City of ES, officials and employees will be submitted by 5/27/22. Contract with CH Court Tech between APP and CH Court Tech finalizing Championship Project Tennis Court 3 will be converted into one championship pickleball court. Court will be powerwashed by parks staff on 6/15/22 6/16/22 prep and first layer of paint will be done 6/17/22 depending on weather condition and dry time of court the second layer of paint applied 6/18-6/19 — weekend — no work/dry time 6/20/22 — Lines for pickleball court will be applied 6/21 /22 — drying time Tennis Court 2 plan Tennis court 2 will be converted into 4 pickleball courts SAME PROCESS AS CHAMPIONSHIP COURT LISTED ABOVE Oversight of Court project C Thrasher will oversee and approve each stage of the process as a representative of the APP Court Taping Process Court taping is a manual process in which two people lay the tape outlining the dimensions of the pickleball courts over the existing surface. TC 1, 4 & 5 will have 4 pickleball courts taped TC 6 will have 2 pickleball courts taped VolleyBall area will have 2 pickleball courts taped Professional Braun court tape will be used Site map of areas used Attached Agreement No. 6342 Food Truck location Food truck Iocation indicated on site map Using Pine street at the top of the parking lot Approval for use of parking spots through city works pending Food truck approval will be attained once truck is selected Completion of all approvals by 6/10/22 Unloading of equipment 6/22/22 beginning Sam All equipment will be unloaded in the emergency vehicle entrance/exit area and cars/trucks will be moved immediately. Nets, chairs, tables, canopies, sound systems signs, banners, barriers, etc. Port A Potties 6/22/22 delivery - 6/27/22 pickup Port A Potties, including an ADA location identified by park staff and indicated on site map Staffing Plan Staffing for tournament is APP and volunteer staff Volunteers signup on Pickleballdesk.com where specific duties are detailed. This site is managed by APP staffing. On site at the tournament, 3 volunteer coordinators manage the volunteer staff and provide oversight. Approx 13 APP staff plus 40 volunteers daily. No city staff required Economic Impact Report Sample detailed and summary report from Del Rey Beach provided to Park management team and B Voss Trash Plan APP and volunteer staff will provide continuous clean up throughout the day. Additional trash and recycle containers are being provided by parks maintenance. City staff has agreed to assist with any large pickups required however that should be minimal. Clean up/breakdown plan 6/26/22 — breakdown of equipment will begin approximately 12noon as courts are released. Nets will be taken down, tape pulled and non -essential equipment packed. Last bracket ends at approximately 5pm. After the final bracket ends all other equipment will be packed and loading will begin. Breakdown crew consists of APP and volunteer staff. No city staff is required. All breakdown crew will remain until all equipment is removed and the park areas utilized by the APP are clean. Release of Space to ES 6/27/22 at Sam All park areas EXCEPT tennis courts 2&3 will be available for public reservations and use at 8am on 6/27/22 Agreement No. 6342 Repainting of TC 2&3 6/27/22 the repainting process will begin and returned to public use effective 7/l/22 at Sam This is a 2-3 step process requiring dry time between painting. Oversight and Inspection C Thrasher, on behalf of the APP will provide daily oversight of the project. Will also provide final inspection upon completion to ensure the courts meet the required standards. Agreement No. 6342 TASKS Prep dates/tires: Tournament Dates: APP insurance: Court Company insurance: Court Resurfacing: Oversight of Court project: APP Event Plan LA Open Pickleball Tournament El Segundo 6/22/22-6/26/22 Court will be power washed by parks staff on 6/15/22 • 6/16/22 prep and first layer of paint will be done • 6/17/22 depending on weather condition and dry time of court the second layer of paint applied • 6/18 - 6/19 — weekend — no work/dry time • 6/20/22 -- Lines for pickleball court will be applied + 6/21 /22 — drying time • Tournament Setup will begin 6/22/22 at Sam completed by 10 pm o Courts will be taped, equipment delivered, banners, barriers, tables, chairs, canopies, event, and registration desks set up, and announcers' area. • Begins 6/23/22 at Sam — 6/26/22 6pm o Multiple brackets run throughout the day with ebb/flow of players. Primarily 3 different major brackets throughout the day with player groups. • APP Insurance does to Arecia o Submitted - 5/11/22 • PENDING - CH Court Tech insurance naming the City of ES, officials and employees will be submitted by 5/27/22, Contract with CH Court Tech between APP and CH Court Tech finalizing. • Tennis Court 3 will be converted into one (1) championship pickleball court. • Tennis court 2 will he converted into four (4) pickleball courts. + Connie Thrasher, Representative of APP will oversee and approve each stage of the court resurfacing process. Agreement No. 6342 Court Taping Process: Site map of areas used: Food Truck location: Unloading of equipment: Port A Patties: Staffing Plan: Economic Impact Report: Trash Plan: • Court taping is a manual process in which two people lay the tape outlining the dimensions of the pickleball courts over the existing surface. Professional Braun court tape will be used. o TC 1, 4 & 5 will have 4 pickleball courts taped o TC 6 will have 2 pickleball courts taped o Volleyball area will have 2 pickleball courts taped • Attached • Food truck location indicated on site map. o Using Pine street at the top of the parking lot o Approval for use of parking spots through city works pending Food truck approval will be attained once truck is selected. o Completion of all approvals by 6/10/22 • 6/22/22 beginning 8 am o All equipment will be unloaded in the emergency vehicle entrance/exit area and cars/trucks will be moved immediately. Nets, chairs, tables, canopies, sound systems signs, banners, barriers, etc, • 6/22/22 delivery - 6/27/22 pickup o Port A Potties, including an ADA location identified by park staff and indicated on site map. • Staffing for tournament is APP and volunteer staff o Volunteers signup on Pickleballdesk.com where specific duties are detailed. This site is managed by APP staffing. On site at the tournament, 3 volunteers coordinators manage the volunteer staff and provide oversight. Approx. 13 APP staff plus 40 volunteers daily. No city staff required • Sample detailed and summary report from Del Rey Beach provided to Park management team and B Voss. Report for the current tournament will have to be provided once the tournament is completed. Prospective date 7/31 /2022 • APP and volunteer staff will provide continuous clean up throughout the day. o Additional trash and recycle containers are being provided by parks maintenance. City staff has agreed to assist with any large pickups required however that should be minimal. 2 Agreement No. 6342 Clean up/breakdown plan: • 6/26/22 — breakdown of equipment will begin approximately 12 noon as courts are released. o Nets will be taken down, tape pulled, and non -essential equipment packed. Last bracket ends at approximately 5 pm. After the final bracket ends all other equipment will be packed and loading will begin. Breakdown crew consists of APP and volunteer stab No city staff is required. All breakdown crew will remain until all equipment is removed and the park areas utilized by the APP are clean. Release of Space to ES: 6/27/22 at 8 am - All park areas EXCEPT tennis courts 2 & 3 will be available for public reservations and use at Sam on 6/27/22 Repainting of TC 2 & 3: • 6/27/22 the repainting process will begin and returned to public use effective 7/l/22 at 8 am. This is a 2-3 step process requiring dry time between painting. Oversight and Inspection: + Connie Thrasher, Representative for APP will provide daily oversight of the project. Will also provide final inspection upon completion to ensure the courts meet the required standards. Agreement No. 6342 tyg 2 CL di C. 0 0 LL w > 13 Lu 4- I I "S, N WRI d 2U9 uwnu��