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CONTRACT 1357 Other
STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS.. DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304, LOS ANGELES 90054 July 25, 1972 1�),- 07-LA-0-ESeg T-3041 ( ) City of E1 Segundo TOPICS Study Mr. William Glickman Director of Public Works City of El Segundo 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr. Glickman: Attached for your use in conforming your file is the fully executed copy of Local Agency -State Agreement No. 60. Very truly yours, L RECEIVED ("JOHN W. SHAVER Assistant District Engineer r'� Attach. LOCAL AGENCY -STATE AGREEMENT Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity and Safety TOPICS 7Los AngelesSegundo District County City AGREEMENT No... 6© MASTER AGREEMENT URBAN AREA Name LOB Angeles URBAN AREA No. q1 THIS AGREEMENT, made in this _L-� day of Clelt- , 19 71 , by and between the City1 Segundo and the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, actingbyand nth through the rDivision of Highways `oftheEDe Depart- ment P O of the State of P - ment of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as "STATE".. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has in the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1968 declared it to be in the national interest for Federal Funds to be expended for a "TOPICS" program which consists of making traffic operations improvements on a systematic basis in accordance with an areawide plan over a network of arterial and other major streets within urban areas; and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted Chapter 1141 of the Statutes of 1969, by which the federal funds authorized may be made available for use on county highways,, city streets, and state highways to reduce traffic congestion and to facilitate the flow of traffic in urban areas in accordance with the intent of the federal act; and WHEREAS, there exists a compelling need for traffic operation improvements on existing streets within the boundaries "of LOCAL AGENCY; and WHEREAS, LOCAL AGENCY and STATE therefore desire to make use of such TOPICS funds as may be made available within the jurisdictional boundaries of said LOCAL AGENCY; and WHEREAS, before Federal -aid will be made available for a TOPICS program, LOCAL AGENCY and STATE are required to enter into an agreement with respect to the preparation of an area -wide TOPICS plan and with respect to the cons;,ruction, maintenance and evaluation of such TOPICS improvement projects as may be financed in part with federal TOPICS funds, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED: The Areawlde "TOPICS" Plan and Study Report together with such improvement projects as may be financed with TOPICS funds will conform with the general provisions of U.S. Bureau of Public Roads (also referred to hereinafter as BPR or Bureau) Policy and Procedure Memoran- dum (also referred to hereinafter as PPM) 21-1b and with the following special provisions. FORM MCC 208 10/69 - 1 - T OPICS AC; REFMEN7' ARTICLE I — CONDITIONS 1. As a condition for Federal "TOPICS" Funds participation in an Areawide "TOPICS" Plan and Study Report or in a TOPICS improvement LOCAL AGENCY shall prepare a general plan of highway improvements on local roads and streets and State Highways within the bound- aries of the urban area designated by STATE and approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads based upon a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process meeting the requirements of Section 134 of Title 23, United States Code. 2. Any such transportation planning process within an urban area of over 50,000 popu- lation or which will soon be over 50,000 population shall be conducted in substantial conformance with Bureau of Public Roads Policy and Procedure Memorandum 50-9 and any such transportation planning process with a smaller urban area shall conform substantially with BPR Instructional Memorandum 50-3-69. The U.S. Bureau of Public Roads will determine which category applies to an urban area and STATE will furnish LOCAL 'AGENCY with copies of the applicable Pro- cedural or Instructional Memorandum. 3. Except for those functions specified in PPM 21-18 TOPICS funds may not participate in LOCAL AGENCY expenditures for the continuing comprehensive transportation planning process nor in the preparation of the general plan. When approved by the BPR and agreed between STATE and LOCAL AGENCY federal highway planning funds may participate in the cost of such planning. Federal TOPICS funds may participate only in the areawide TOPICS plan and study report or in TOPICS improvement projects as provided herein. 4. Federal funds may participate only in work which has been officially programmed to and approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads in advance of its performance. ARTICLE II — AREAWIDE TOPICS PLAN AND STUDY REPORT 1. LOCAL AGENCY shall with or without federal -aid prepare or arrange for the prepa- ration of an Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report conforming to the provisions of PPM 21-18 and this agreement. The area to be covered, the estimated cost and the method of financing are set forth in the attached Exhibit "B". 2. The unit designated in Exhibit "B" will serve as a COORDINATING AGENT to represent LOCAL AGENCY" in transactions with STATE described herein as being the responsi- bility of COORDINATING AGENT. 3. COORDINATING AGENT will be responsible for coordinating the following operations within the boundaries of LOCAL AGENCY and where applicable with similar operations in jurisdictions contiguous to LOCAL AGENCY. (a) the selection of a Type II Federal -aid primary system, (b) the conduct of comprehensive traffic engineering studies, (c) the preparation of a general plan of highway improvements, (d) the preparation of an Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report, (e) the selection of TOPICS IMPROVEMENTS, and (f) the determination of TOPICS IMPROVEMENT priorities. COORDINATING AGENT will also perform all other acts necessary to coordinate TOPICS program operations at the local level in conformance with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, and operation procedures. FORM HCC 208 10/69 —•? — TOPICS AGREEMENT 4. Unless specifically set forth otherwise in Appendix "B" all. data for the Areawido "TOPICS" Plan and Study Report specified in PPM 21-18 is to be furnished by LOCAL AGENCY, or by a consultant under contract to or in agreement with LOCAL AGENCY or its agent. 5. When a portion of the Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report is to be done by a consultant with federal -aid, the agreement or contract with the consultant shall be subject to Article VI, Paragraph 3, of this agreement. 6. Upon completion of the General Plan of Highway Improvements, the Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report, The Primary Type II System and the list of traffic operation improvement priorities, they shall be adopted by the local governing body and submitted to STATE in sep- tuplicate with the following: (a) With respect to urban areas in excess of 50,000 population a statement by policy committee of the local Urban 'Transportation Planning Study attesting to compatability of the proposed Type II System and improvement program with overall urban planning.. (b) Assurance that the TOPICS plan and Type II System has been coordinated with con- tiguous jurisdictions where applicable and that the recommended plan of development has been coordinated with plans for local public or mass transportation services with possible plans for fringe parking, and with airport access planning. (c) .Assurance that whether or not federal -aid is granted for the purpose, LOCAL AGENCY intends to implement the adopted plan of traffic operation improvements within a reasonable period to the extent that same may be done with available funds. 7. STATE will review submitted material for conformance with federal requirements and obtain approval of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. 8. LOCAL AGENCY shall retain approved TOPICS plan, report„ and all supplemental. data for STATE or Federal inspection for a period of three years following final payment of any federal funds which may participate in the TOPICS plan or improvements included in the plan. ARTICLE III _ TOPICS IMPROVEMENTS 1. The term "TOPICS IMPROVEMENT" as used herein means any construction that is financed in part with federal funds provided in accordance with Section 10 of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1968. 2. LOCAL AGENCY may submit for consideration and approval of STATE and U.S. Bureau of Public Roads programs for TOPICS improvements when the following items described in PPM 21-18 have been completed or when they are in preparation with reasonable expectation of being completed within 18 months: a. The general plan of highway improvements. b. The Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report. c. The official Type II Federal -Aid Primary Highway System. d. The priorities for the proposed TOPICS improvements. 3. When the Type II Federal Aid Primary Highway System has not been officially approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads any program of TOPICS improvements must be preceded by the submittal and approval of a "tentative" Type II System which conforms substantially to Section 4 of PPM 21 -18.' FORM HCC 208 10/69 —3— TOPICS AGREEMENT 4. When the areawide TOPICS plan has not been completed and approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads any program for a TOPICS improvement must be accompanied by a show- ing that the proposed improvement can reasonably be expected to be high on the priority list to be established in said plan. 5. The program shall be in a form prescribed by STATE and shall designate the federal funds requested and the matching funds to be provided by LOCAL AGENCY and if a State High- way is involved the matching funds to be provided by STATE. Adoption of the program by reso- lution of the governing body of LOCAL AGENCY and approval by STATE shall cause such program to be a part of this agreement as though fully set forth herein. 6. In processing TOPICS IMPROVEMENTS, LOCAL AGENCY will conform to all STATE statutes, regulations and procedures relating to the TOPICS program and to all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policy and procedural or instructional memoranda. This includes the holding of public hearings when required, the publishing of various press notices, and the prepa- ration of study reports, estimates and plans. 7. Unless otherwise designated in the approved program, TOPICS improvements will be constructed by contract in accordance with regular federal -aid primary and urban fund procedures. Such procedures require the use of Standard Specifications having prior U.S. Bureau of Public Roads approval, Bureau approval of plans, special provisions and estimated costs prior to ad- vertisement, a certification by LOCAL AGENCY with respect to the right of way, advertisement for a minimum of 3 weeks prior to bid opening, and prior BPR concurrence in the award and acceptance of the contract. The contract will be awarded by LOCAL AGENCY, its agent, or by STATE as may be determined between the parties prior to each project advertisement. 8. When a TOPICS IMPROVEMENT includes work to be performed by a railroad, the contract for such work shall be entered into by LOCAL AGENCY or by STATE, as parties hereto agree. A contract entered into by LOCAL AGENCY for such work must have prior approval of STATE. In either -event, LOCAL AGENCY shall enter into an agreement with the railroad pro- viding for maintenance of the protective devices or other facilities installed under the service contract. 9. LOCAL AGENCY shall provide or arrange for adequate supervision and inspection of each TOPICS improvement, including contracts awarded by STATE. With prior U.S. Bureau of Public Roads approval, surveying, inspection and testing may be performed by a consulting engineer provided overall supervision of the contractor's operations and progress is performed by an employee or employees of LOCAL AGENCY. 10. STATE shall exercise general supervision over TOPICS improvements and may assume full and direct control over the contract whenever STATE, at its sole discretion, shall determine that its responsibility to the United States so requires. LOCAL AGENCY contracts shall so stipulate. 11. With Bureau of Public Roads approval, available federal TOPICS funds may partic i pate in an evaluation of the effoctivoness of the TOPICS improvements as compared to those estimated in the study report. In any event LOCAL AGENCY agrees to conduct a TOPICS IMPROVEMENT EVALUATION PROGRAM as outlined in Section 10 of PPM 21-18, with or without federal aid, and to report the results of same to STATE. FORM HCC 208 10/69 —4 TOPICS AGREEMENT ARTICLE IV — RIGHTS OF WAY 1. No contract for the construction of a TOPICS IMPROVEMENT shall bo awarded until the necessary rights of way have been secured. Prior to the advertising of a project on a local street, LOCAL AGENCY shall certify and upon request shall furnish STATE with evidence that necessary rights of way are available for construction purposes or will be available by the time of contract award. 2. LOCAL AGENCY agrees to hold STATE harmless from any liability which may result in the event the right of way is not clear as certified. The furnishing of right of way as provided for herein includes, in addition to all real property required for the improvement, free and clear of obstructions and encurnbrances, Clio, payment of damages to real property not actually taken but injuriously, affected by the proposed improvement. LOCAL AGENCY shall pay from its funds any costs which arise out of delays to the contractor because utility facilities have not been removed or relocated, or because rights of way have not been made available to the contractor for the orderly prosecution of the work. 3 Subject to STATE approval and such supervision over LOCAL AGENCY'S right of way acquisition procedures as STATE may determine is necessary, LOCAL AGENCY may claim r(,inibur,,,;enient from Federal funds for expenditures to purchase rights of way included in an approved program 4. Whether or not Federal -aid is to be requested for the purchase of rights of way, should LOCAL AGENCY, in acquiring rights of way for a TOPICS improvement, displace an individual, family. business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization, it will place in operation a Relocation Assistance and Payments Program as required by Chapter 5 of Title 23 U.S. Code. Regulations, procedures and instructions for conducting a Relocation Assistance and Payments Program are available upon, request at any District Office of the Division of Highways. ARTICLE V — FISCAL PROVISIONS 1. 14en a TOPIC4,-, IMPROVEMENT contract is to be awarded by STATE, matching funds will be deposited with STATE by LOCAL AGENCY prior to bid opening or within 10 days of being notified of the lowest satisfactory bid received and the amount of local funds required:, 2ry The estiniai,ed total cost of TOPICS projects, the amounts of Federal -aid programmed, and the matching amounts agreed upon may be adjusted by mutual consent of the parties hereto, provided funds aro available to cover increases and provided U.S. Bureau of Public Roads con- curs in any increase in the Federal -aid. This applies both to Areawide TOPICS Plan and Study Report described and estimated in the attached Exhibit "B" and to TOPICS improvements added hereto by programs in accordance with Article 111, Paragraph 5. 3 , - Upon submittal by LOCAL AGENCY of acceptable documentation of expenditures for an Areawide TOPI('.,; Plan and Study Report or for programmed and approved TOPICS improve- ment,�, STATE will pay its agreed share and will advance an amourit equal to the legal pro rata federal ,share or the costs believed to be eligible for participation with federal funds and will voucher Bureau of Public Roads for subsequent reimbursement. Ten percent or such other per- centage of the total amount due as STATE may determine is necessary to protect STATE'S interest will be withheld until the completion of such audits as may be required by STATE and U.Z-; Bureau of Public Roads, 4. LOCAL A6ENC1 shall use "nonfederal" funds to finance the local share of eligible co. -us and o\pendituros ruled ineligible for financing with federal funds. STATE shall make prelinimar) determination of eligtbility for federal fund financing. Ultimate determination shall re, -,a %kith the Bureau of Public Roads. Any overpayment of amounts due shall be returned to ST,kTE upon deniand FORM HCC 208 10/69 — 5 — TOPICS AGREEMENT 4. (a) Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by a LOCAL AGENCY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to a LOCAL AGENCY under this agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, LOCAL AGENCY shall fully indemnify and hold STATE harmless from any liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by LOCAL AGENCY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to LOCAL AGENCY under this agreement. (b) Neither LOCAI. AGENCY nor any officer or employee thereof, shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to LOCAL AGENCY under this agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, ST4TE shall fully indemnify and hold LOCAL AGENCY harmless from. any liability im- posed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or juris- diction not delegated to LOCAL AGENCY under this agreement. If �-TWE i� named as a defendant in a suit involving a local highway. LOCAL AGENCY will at rcque.st of STATE assume full responsibility for the conduct of the defense or will provide such as�i:tance a�, STATE may require and will pay any judgments issued against STATE and all. costs in connection with the defense. STATE reserves right to represent itself in any liti- gation 1n which ST 1'I'E'S interests are at stake. 0. Should there be a conflict between the provisions of the attached Exhibit "B" and other provisions of this agreement those to Exhibit "B" shall apply. ARTICLE VII — MAINTENANCE 1 . t�'pon acceptance by the awarding authority of a completed TOPICS improvement project or upon the contractor heing relieved of the responsibility for maintaining and protecting a portion of the work. the agency having jurisdiction over the street shall maintain the completed work in a manner satisfactory to the authorized representatives of the United States. If, within 90 days after receipt of notice from STATE that a project on a street under its jurisdiction or any portion thereof, is not being properly maintained, LOCAL AGENCY has not satisfactorily remedied the conditions complained of, the approval of further Federal -aid projects of LOCAL AGENCY will be withheld until the project shall have been put in a condition of maintenance satisfactory to STATE and the Bureau of Public Roads. 2. The maintenance referred to in paragraph 1 above includes not only the physical con- dition of the facility but its operation as well. Traffic operations improvements on local streets shall be maintained at no cost to the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads or STATE by an adequate and well trained staff of traffic engineers and technicians. Said maintenance staff may be em- ployees of a LOCAL AGENCY, another unit of government or a consultant under contract with a LOCAL AGEN('Y'. a. The maintenance referred to above includes also any traffic regulations or ordinances necessary for the operation of the network including the prohibition of parking at specified times and control over the direction of travel. The required local regulations or ordinances shall be specified in the design study report and LOCAL AGENCY shall furnish STATE with evidence that they have been adopted, prior to final acceptance of the completed work by the U.S. Bureau Of Public Roads. No change shall be made in such regulations without prior approval of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads unless LOCAL AGENCY has a traffic engineering unit within its own orgitnlzation functioning in it manner acceptable to said Bureau. It is agreed that angle parking adjacent to the through traffic lanes is not to be permitted at any time in the future within the limits of an improvement project that is financed in part with TOPICS or other federal funds. FORM HCC 208 10/69 -7- TOPICS AGREEMENT 5. When any portion of a LOCAL .AGENCY project is performed by STATE, charges therefor shall include an assessment on direct labor casts in accordance with Section 8755.1 of the State Administrative Manual. The portion of such charges not financed with Federal funds shall be paid from funds of LOCAL AGENCY. 6. Should LOCAL AGENCY fail to pay monies due STATE within 30 days of demand or within such other period as may be agreed between the parties hereto, STATE, acting through State Controller, may withhold an equal amount from future apportionments due LOCAL AGENCY from the Highway Users Tax Fund. 7. Auditors of STATE and the United States shall be given access to LOCAL AGENCY'S books and records and shall be given such assistance and information as is requested for the purpose of checking costs paid or to be paid by STATE hereunder. 8. Deposits of LOCAL AGENCY with STATE determined to be in excess of project needs will be refunded. ARTICLE VI — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 1. This agreement shall have no force or effect unless and until its provisions and the projects have been approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. 2. The Congress of the United States, the Legislature of the State of California, and the Governor of the State of California, each within their respective jurisdiction, have prescribed certain employment practices with respect to contract and other work financed with Federal or State funds. LOCAL AGENCY shall insure that work performed under this agreement is done in conformance with rules and regulations embodying such requirements where they are applicable. Any agreement or service contract entered into by a LOCAL AGENCY for the performance of work connected with this agreement shall incorporate Exhibit "A" attached hereto, or such other provisions as STATE or U.S.. Bureau of Public .Roads may prescribe. 3. When Federal funds are to participate in the cost of work done by a consultant, the agreement or contract with the consultant may not be executed or awarded until the selection of the consultant and the terms of the agreement or contract have been found by STATE to be in conformance with. U.S. Bureau of Public Roads Policy and Procedure Memorandum Number 40-6 and have been approved by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Such agreement or contract shall include a provision that the work and records of the consultant are subject to inspection at all times by representatives of LOCAL AGENCY, STATE, and the Bureau of Public Roads and that agreement or contract may be terminated by LOCAL AGENCY upon a finding that the consultant is failing to live up to the terms of the agreement or contract. All major changes in the agree- ment or contract must have prior approval of U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. All such approvals shall be requested through STATE. As soon as agreement or contract with consultant has been awarded five certified copies of said agreement or contract shall be submitted to STATE. FORM HCC 208 10/69 — 6 — TOPICS AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF F-� EGUNDO Department of Public Works Division of Highways Deputy State Highway Engineer ATTEST: ...� By HQ Federal Al i and City =ounty Projects Engineer City Clerk Approval Recommended: By Chairman, Board of Supervisors District City -County Projects Engineer ATTEST: Clerk of Board Approved as to Form and Procedure: mtoincy, Department of Public Work" APPRt ViD AS TO FORM i C:p"rY ATTORNEY FORM HCC 208 10/69 -a- (SEAL) TOPICS AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A Nondiscrimination Provisions: During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and suc- cessors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The contractor will comply with the Regulations of the Department of Commerce relative to nondiscrimination in federally -assisted programs of the De- partment of Commerce (Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. 2. Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 8.4 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers d program set forth in Appendix A -II of the Regulations. 3. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or national origin. 4. Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the State Highway Department or the Bureau of Public Roads to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this infor- mation, the contractor shall so certify to the State Highway Department, or the Bureau of Public Roads as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the State Highway Department shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Bureau of Public Roads may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to, (a) withholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor com- plies, and/or (b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph 1 through 6 in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment unless exempt by the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the State Highway De- partment or the Bureau of Public Roads may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions in- cluding sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and, in addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. Form HCC 208 10/69 - 9 - Fol y 7 Fg W, All 5rR Fff M7 T EXHIBIT B Mu!1 WAIMMMEM, MEMO KIM DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The preparation of an AREAWIDE TOPICS PLAN ANDS Y REPORT cover- ing the entire portion of the City of El Segundo within the existing Urban Area bound- aries approved by the Federal Highway Administration ration. IMM91 I 19MAMON .. ... . . . . . . . .......... ... . ... . .... Work in connection with the project will be performed by Alderman, Swift & Lewis, Consulting' Engineers All costs involved in the preparation of the aforementioned AREAWIDE TOPICS PLAN AND STUDY REPORT will be borne by the City of El Segundo using Local Funds® COORDINATING AGENT Pending the designation of an offlicial coordinating agent in accordance with r Section 2316 of the Streets and Highways Code 'the District OfI ice of the Division of Highways will perform the required coordinating functions. SPECIAL COVENANTS Article VI, Paragraph 5 of this agreement applies only to local highway improvements or other work on local highways financed partially with Federal TOPICS Funds in accordance with this agreement® The preparation, completion, or submission of the General Plan of Highway Improvements and the 18 months limitation specified — in Article 11 and Article III shall not apply to this agreement. Coordination of the Areawide TOPICS Plan with any existing Local Agency General Plan for Highway Improvement is required. Al I references herein to the U . S. Bureau o'f Public Roads, BPR, or Bureau, shall be construed to mean the Federal Highway Administration or FHWA.