CONTRACT 1290 OtherSTATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Divisiox OF HIGHWAYS Al- Z77T County I Rte. T ------ _ 1107 P. M. 1111112M INTERSTATE—_ __--r_ «�= »_ — _ _ _ NOTICE NO.--- - ---- -- oil COURCE CODE• [oil, V z 10 LAR&IMMI UTILITIES AGILEEMENT N0-_7Ut_!4Z283___. FORM HFZ/W-39 (REV. 2-456) 1 (9-90, E. A. 07207 Adjustment of City of El Segundo sewer manboles for resurfacing project on Pacific Coast Highway (Pacific Coast Highway - Artesia"Boulevard to ImpylaIRIghgay). D2te-.-.__June._2.9.,__._1 9 6 9..__1_­..­_.._ FIRST PARTY: State of California, acting by and through its Department of Public 'Works, Division of Highways, hereinafter called STATE. SECOND PARTY: CITY, SEGUNDO hereinafter called OWNER. Relocation is required of certain utility facilities of OWNER, cost of which is to be borne byo'* )k"VIn , , )TA, % , , 9t 0 er because City -owned sewer facilities were Installed In a City street after City street became a State higbway and will be relocated by the Highway Contractor at Owner's expense. I. JSCKELia�of Work In aecordance with Notice to Relocate No. 7-64850 dated May 13, 1969x adjustment of City of El Segundo sanitary sewer manholes to clear the construction area on Pacific Coast Highways Artesia Boulevard to Imperial Highway. !1,_flan a.aQ_%t1m;jej All work shall be performed subotantially in accordance with plan entitled "Plans for resurfacing on State Highway in Los Angeles County at various locations" and State Highway Engineer's estimate dated are 21, 1969, on file in the District 07 Office of the Division of Highways, 120 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012. It ±_ hereby# • R ♦ andagreed betweens underrelocation work set forth in Section I above, Plans designated in Section 11 above, shall be State M Owner agrees to accept the operation, une,, and maintenance of the sewers as constructed. V. It is understood and agreed that the State will not pay for any betterment or increase in capacity of Ownerla facilities in the new location, and accrued depreciation credit is not applicable to this Agreement. VI. It is understood and agreed between ;.ill reimbursebills for said construction being performed by State's Contractor. Estimated cost to City of El Segundo for work to be performed by Highway Contractor, as authorized under Construction Contract. ,$- OWNER agrees to f! Y -€md- pay -ftr_3.t-mL-ahara ... of ' a° c- �Wo �it�__. r _.of this Agreement. State agree& to perform all work, in aaeordance with the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above written. ATTEST: Right of Way Clearance Agent APPROVED: 'a. MAcMNALU MMAOQUARTERS R,1W1, n'CrT:.""........'m.""".•,.'.'. 1MVISION OF HIGHWAYS L 23 1 Owner— STATE OF CALIFORNIA FPmt°ImEt-,TT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGIIWAY5 N R, w District Right of Way Agent -2 - EST. 7946. 70699-500 5-66 15M Q OSP CCRITFMD COPY UF ZXCZRP'rS OF MINUTES HAD AT A, REGULAR MZETING OF THE CUUNCIL OF 17119 aryF EL SEGUNDOoCALIFORNIA, DAY OF JUNE. 1989. 131REC11110111- PUBLAC WORKS N DRIE, MADEREUHT ASFOLLOWS: 1. Reported that the State Division of Highwaysa ace the west of Sepulveda, Boulevard from ElSegundoBoulevard °> Lmperial Highway ,and In order that the sewer manholes of theCity ayatieza willeel the now surface eleva,tion. adjustruent wiU have to be accomplished after reaurfacizi6 is carnpleted. highwa3Ns has agreed to include this wtxk as a, jy3rtLu xi of the resurfacing contract, at a post to the City of $5 0. 010. ftec)uxrneaded tkut, she City enter into an Agreementwith the Division of Highways oraplish 04's work., Motion was made by Councilman, Stephens. seconded by Councilm, an Frederick thatthe following resolution)adopted.- RESOLVED, tint comain form of UtilitiesAgreement between tho City of Val Xegrwdo and the State of CaWornlia Department of PubUe 'Works, Divisic',)ngl s, present i, this , together with the ^ caU � c , , b by n B IT FUR 111ERRESOLVED, at the Mayor of the City of El Segundo and he is hereby autixixized"WID OXeCUildm, for and oubeh&U of said City and the City, Clerk to &,",test the le, Carried by the foHowlngvt4k, yes. Cowscilzaen 1;`%jUner. 14oles'. cirjuncuWen 11f, Absent: Councilmen Notie. STATE OF CALWORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES S CITY Or, EL SEGUNDO Frederick, gel• Stephens and 11dayor Carr; 1 E r 21 1�a M.6�ES1� 1yoF,6te:isE'' � �."r Vma;.ig1�V Arthur E. Jones, City Manager City of E1 Segundo 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, California 90245 Dear Mr. Jones: 9 300 SOUTH GREVILLEA AVENUE • INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA Mailing Address BOX 4501, INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90309 August 20, 1969 You have requested a hold harmless provision from the Gas Company and Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Benson in connection with the proposed installation of a gas light using plastic piping. Southern California Gas Company and Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Benson agree to save harmless, defend and indemnify, at their own expense, the City of E1 Segundo from and against all liability, cost and expense arising out of death or injury to any person or damage to any property resulting or claimed to have resulted from the installation of plastic pipe and fittings to serve a gas light at the premises of Mr. and Mrs. Benson located at 730 California Street. In the event this type installation is permitted under a future City Code this agreement will automatically terminate. I believe this will provide the type of protection you have requested. Agreed: m Date e� Date,..... Sincerely, Paul B. Cliff ,1r, ll. K B nson 6 Mrs. D. K. Benson