CONTRACT 1372 Other1 EC s c��tiad v� - v q91 siQvtcz,4orf Cry- CCU.' - �ailrooy 4,�rec rl c CW 7j7"Z3 aCt���s��cQrl S � 1'0&rCe4 ?Z-27, 29,30,3(7 32 LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE 227 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012 974-6611 RECORDING RECEIPT DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORD ON ASSIGNED NO. (S).1 2 J 8 .. TO FEES PAID: RECORDING: $ TRANSFER TAX: TOTAL: $ �� 76RIOB -is - REV. 3/75 - PS 7/77 NOV 15 1971 REGISTRAR —RECORDER BY PLW'"'"IIW`" INCL. 95192 79 13PEIA AW PAPTA FF RAVOMIn con, IN;, P �Iwsl corpornAlin, hereinafter callad "Santa Fall 00 ('�`r)�YNTY P' ANDITES, a, body IMMA W nv­ qxete and a"Aiticki Wdivision of W State of 1 al5for1„oia, hotainafuer MIA "On 0 aml tin MY OF El, `-,r,�f�PID aiMUK 0711 1mration in the County of' US AngeQ, halo- , AM= called "City,., 410U)b Sqn Fm ownn and operatne a We o' railroad in and through the WouQ,,, of Lou higu9s, State of California and City in connection with the Uprovement of El Segundo AulsvRk- Street and Boulevard propoea to construct a.n inwroass an an intngral part of said improvement. The underpass croonAg jjj yv;aaas 'the aransing all, SaMa Fe's tracK� I qnue, Massing No. 2H-14.1. o. Wsexd 11,4i' highway will, pass ander the traMs by"eAwu of U MO - and steol strustyra and approacbes therctoo all Inuat'A W� 1,os fir" xN,c,,eles, State of Californ5a,, 1�rl Ehis aprcemant ahall Acluda the War- pavu structure romd thereto; tegyarary stru'taurc!q t"o'IA tyack ougmonto We necessary FV detovr alignments of higWy %nd WWM� diui,iy'qg p."vC."cou of conatrustion; Ms; fills; highway pavarant; drnWng,,,,,, WAIMes; retaining walls; ncrnov-ry travk work; vhangog to talegr";W talephosm, AgW, electrical Ynos and other utility lineq and WPMOWIPW inolujAN, if any, their temlex�rg,ralocation during conotruction; ant 00- Mor work nacco5ory to „ay camp>n� tha construction of—Ahe grado svpnxatjo,� Ducr, under nod/or in thv� Fcl�� AZU mum The Un&rpasr vill cross a portion of Santa Fete right of way at the location shaded red on Exhibit "A! and in a manner as shown on Exhibit "B". Both Exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof® By Decision No. 80874 dated Decular 19, 1972, in Case No. 9423, the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California designated the El Segundo Boulevard Underpass project as No. 12 on a priority list of grade separation projects to be constructed. As a result of the assigned priority, said project is pligible for an allowtion. of funds pursuant to Section 190 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California as amended. The County and City desire to cause said Underpass to be constructed as aforesaid, making use of the available allocation. In addition, the County has applied for TOPICS Federal -aid funds to aid in the financing of the Underpass. It is mutually understood and agreed that this agreemant is contingent upon an allonation of funds being made pursuant to Section 190 of the Streets and High'µ,r<,%ys Code and that the Santa Fe's contribution toward the cost of the Underpass shall be in accor- dance with Federal rules and regulations. However, should Federal funds not be usad, it is further mutually agreed and understood that this agreement shall be modified to provide that Santa Fe's contribution shall be in accordance with the State of California ruies and regulations. The parties hereto desire to reduce to writing their underVanding and agreement pursuant to which said Underpass is to be located, constructed, used and maintained.- M ARTICLEW I IN CONSIDMRATION of the covenants of County and City hereinafter contained and the faithful performance thereof, Santa Fe agrees: 1. To furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment to: a. Relocate its main track to the shoo -fly alignment after the County's contractor has completed th4 necessary excavation. b. Relocate the automatic crossing protection on El Segundo Boulevard-11-10 accommodate the crossing of n c. Relocate its main line track from the shoo -fly align- !ment to final alignment over the Underpass structure and remove the relocated automatic crossing protection.. d. Make necessary temporary alterations and relocations to Santa Fe's c onvriul) i cation system and signal system, and restoration of same to permanent location. upon completion of the Underpass. 2. To furnish inspectors, watchmen and flagmen as may be necessary for the safety of its property and the operation of its trains turing the construction of the Underpass. 3. To do all work herein provided to be done by Santa Fe in fulfillment of its obligations hereunder -vrith its own employees, working un.der Railroad Labor Agreements and on a force account basis. To give or grant and hereby does give or grant to County a right of way for public roadway purpose; to County, its agents and contractors the right to enter, locate, and construct the proposed improvements; and to City the right to use and maintal a grade separation structure (underpass) on, across or under Santa Fels right Of way, tracks, and other facilities at the i-iocations shown and specifically described on said Exhibit "A", upon and subject to the terms.and conditions hereinafter sel Santa Fe does not warrant its Title to said right of way and in any case of claims against County or City by anyone owning or claiming Title to all or any part of or any interest in said right of way, Santa Fe shall not be held liable to Coimty or City for any damage due to the failure of Santa Fels Title. 1. -U to Up uty I - U1 durille; C0118t:rUctioll Peu-iQ(A'JIC bLaLeiaexlLs L covering the cost of work performed by it. Said statement to be segregated as to labor and material for each item in the recapitulation shown in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and said statements shall not be submitted at intervals less than monthly. ME 6. To submit to County, upon completion of Underpass, a detailed Matement covering the cost of all paxticipating work performeqJ1, by it, segregated as to labor and materials for each item in the recapitulation shown in Exhibit "C". The rates and schedules for labor, equipment and materials, and manner of billing shall be as set forth in the Federal Highway Administration Policy and Procedure Memorandum No. 30-3, dated 6ctober 26, 1971, and any revisions thereof or amendments thereto, which said meanrandum, for this purpose only, is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this 7­ Upon completion of the Underpass, to maintain, at its sole cost and expense, the portion of the structure and appurtenances above the bridge seats, including the bearing assemblies, the roadbed, track, railroad drainage and all other rail -road facilities; provided, however, that this maintenance obligation of the to ty f 1FeshallnootylievetheCioanyjability it =old have at. law with respect to damage caused to said structure by negligent acts or omissions of City or its employees. I ARTICTLE, II IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants i of Santa Fe and City and the faithful performence therof, County agrees: 1, That, except as hereinafter othervd.se specifically provided, all -work Aso be done hereunder by County in the constraVion of thc, Underpass will be done pursuant to a contract or contracts to be let by County to a contractor or contra.ctors -,%vho sha.. . be sllbjCcl, to the approval of Santa Fe as to his, its, or their responsibility -6- and ability to perform the work over and under the track and on the right of way of Santa Fe, and all such contracts shall provide: :Lmiis of said a. All work performed thereunder within the limi right of way shall be done to the satisfaction of Santa Fe, in accordance with approved plans and specifications. 1). 140 work shall be coirffaenced within Santa Fc Is c0sting right of way or property untii each of the prime contractors employed in connection with said work shall have executed and delivered to Santa Fe a "Letter Agree- ment" in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "F" and made a part hereof; and (ji) delivered to and secured the approval by Santa Fe of the insurance required by Exhibit "D" attached hereto and made a part hereof. c. T . hat if in the opinion of County it shall be for the best interest of the County of los Angeles it nay direct that the construction of the Underpass bu done by day labor under the direction and - control of County; or if at any tiny in the opinion of County the contractor has failed to prosecute with diligence and force the work specified in and by terms of said contract, it may, in the manner provided by law, terminate the contractor's control over said work and take possession of all or any part thereoQ and proceed to complete same by day labor or by emp3aying another contractor or contractors provided that all such IM contracts shall require the contractors to comply with the obligations in favor of Santa Fe as hereinabove set forth in Section I of this Article II, and provided further that if such mark is completed by day labor, County will I provide for and on behalf of Santa to the insurance required by Section 1 of this Article M d. That the specifications -Nill include provisions entitled "Relations With Railmay-Cypany" as set forth in Exhibit attached hereto and made'a part hereof. 2® To prepare all plans and specifications for Underpass. Four sets of said plans and specifications shall be submitted to Santa Fe for approval prior to commencement of constructionm 3. To make application to the Public Utilities Conanission of the, St.ate of California for an order authorizing construction of Underpaso and to furnish the Commission with plans for Underpass, approved by Santa Fe, tog0hor with a ccrtificd copy of this azresment- 4. When this agreement has been fully executed by -the parties hereto, to apply to the Department, of Public Orks of the State of CalifornK, for an allocation pursuant to Section 190 of the California Streets and Highway Code. 5. To make any and all arrangements that may be necessary to secure the location or relocation of -,.®ire lines, pipe lines and other facilities owned -by other public utilities, private persons, companies, corporatlons, or political MOM!= YOM i® may be found necessary to 2=V� or relocate in any manner whatsoever due to Urderpass. 6. To acquire a!! rights of way necessary for the construction of the Underpass. 7. To construct Underpass and to provide for suitable drainage) as provided for in the plans and specifications for Underpass, except such wnrk as Santa A herein agrees to do. 8, That all work to be performed by County or No contractor or contractors -,Till be performed in such manner so as to mAnimize interference with the operation of Santa Fe's line of railroad. To require its contractor WrIontractors to notify Santa A 48 hours in advance of any blasting so that proper flagging prptec- tion may be provided to prevent damage to Santa Fefs trains or proparty9 10. To require its contractor or contractors to furnish Santa A four copies of sketches of any falsework that nay be planned to be used over, under or adjacent to Santa Fets tracks for rc- view and approval Prior to consbyuGtion of said falrcwork, in case the use of such falsevork %,,-."-,Al impair the cloarances requested by the County in its application to the Public Utilities CoWssion of the State of California, County will ANY to the Public Utilities Commission for approval of such impairmeyyt during the period of construction of Underpass. 11, To require its contractor or contractors to reir,,c)-vre all ballast material for shoo -fly and relyted track connections and to back - fill and restore the shoo -fly area to 5ts former condition. 12. Then the annunt of those bills rcceived by County in accordanGe vd-th Article A Section 5 of W3 agreement exceedo the Sant, Fe's estimated contribution towards the project in accordance I= with Article IV, Section 5 of this agreement, to promptly reimburse Santa Fe the excess amount. -AJRVTICLE III IN CONSIDERATION of the noverants of Santa Fe and County herein contained and the faithful performance therof, City agrees: 1. To It County act as the coordinating agency to effect the construction of Underpass. 2. Upon completion of the Underpass, to maintain at its sole cost and expense, the portion of the structure and appurtenances below the bridge seats, including pavement, drainage structures and retaining walls; provided, however, that this maintenance obligation of the City shall not relieve Santa Fe of any liability it would have at law urith respect to damage caused to said struc- ture by negligent acts or omissions of Santa Fe or its employees. 3. Upon 72-hour advance notice to City by Santa Fe, City to provide and maintain traffic controls nnnessw to Mow Santa Fe to paint that portion of the structure above the bridge seats. City to_ selectpaint color. City to pioyide required permits and controls at no cost to Santa Fe. Painting to be pernatted during reason- able daylight hours mutually agreed upon by both parties. That portion of the street to be closed by City during the painting operation to be determined by City but in no case will more than one lkne in each direction be closed at any one time except by approval of City Engineer. Santa Fe to conform to ,all rules and regulations of all legally constituted'authorities including but, sot limited to Air Poliution Control District duTing painting , operations. city to also provide and maintain at no cost to Santa Fe at-, any time traffic controls necessary to allow Santa Fe to make necessary emergency repairs due to structural. dwrage to structure caused by use of public throughfare. ARTIcizi, I IN CONSIDI,,ATION of the preni5es, it is mutually agreed: 1. kll- work contenTlated in thii agreement shall be performed in a good and worI,,,',fnanlike maurner in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the parties hereto, and each portion shall be promptly commenced by the parties hereto obligated to do the same and thereafter diligently prosecuted to conclusion in its logical order and sequence. 2. Underpass shall provide for an eig,,bt-Iane divided highiTay to cross under (1) main track. The work shall be done in accordance with detailed plans approved by all parties and subject to approval of Un State of California, with by the Public UtilitiM minimum clearances of not loss than those specified in General Order No. 26,D of said Co�°kid.ssion® 3, The existing grade crossing No. 2H-14-1 will be eliminated as a result of the constructinn of the Underpass. 4, The contract to be advertised and administered by the County for higbway improvements is not limited to construction of the Unde:,'�pass� However, Sa--nta Fs will participate only toward�� tha��.t cost of work vfhich iS attri but able to the presence of Santa Fe and which As eligible under Foderal rules and regulation3. The work attributable lo the presonze of Santa Fe includes con Asucting t1je ixn.de�rpas'-' Struct','�r'c appurtenanceso ...Wering, drainagr�'�� facilitfig W,11s, utility relocations, right of way, rosAway apProach"ork and all other work necessary to acaunplish the construction of the Underpass including the area lying between ?I El, Segundo 80--olevard Bigbw,ay Statiors 208f-40 an2 d 13+50 o� ai'.i.d all w,)rj< on Aviation Boulevard, The area of roadway work attrj,,,,- butable to the prusence of Santa Fe is shown. :1-n V-lue and red J Ex-h-J.bi t B. The are roadwa-y �,rork due "Lo coy-Istriiction of additional Anes is shown in red on Exhibit B. 5. Fe (�antribute 5% of the actual cost of work mbich is attributable to the presence of SantFe and vfriich is el.J..g-ible unde.r Federal ru�ias and -,-e-A %.ions. The estinvAe of said work: and percentages elizibl( under Federal rules and regulations are shaw'.1.1 E,on, xhibi,t attacoEad ade part hereof. It is he,).nz,,bv rrputual"Liy agreed that the percentages showi on. Fxh...Lbit to be considered fixed percentages. The total cost of Santa Fe's contribulion is est-1-mated to be Fifty -Six Thousand Dollars SPAM). 6. The final cost to Connty,sect. City and to Santa Fe, based on Para- graph 4 of this.Article W, shall reflect and La detarmined 10- the final cost of the work as follows: a. Upon completion of the work, County shall prepare and furnish Santa Fe a detailed statement which shows tho total actual cos-t of -the viork attributable to t1i.e., presence, of Santa Fe I (estimate shown in Obibit IT"). Said stateanent shall show actual cost of contract work (using final contract qyantities and uait prices), vrork, wMaity -relocatioD,, X-1911t Of and wor'k j)-,;rforMf-,,(.jL ',,,y, Sayj.tn, Fe -p,-onsuamt to hrticle I hereof (esti-'Glate S!101u113 III r., statem irt, shall include actual prelixiiinary and. construction engineering costs. The percentages of participation by Santa Fe as shown in Exhibit "Ell shall be applied to all said costs to determine Santa Fe's final cost, b, Upon. presentation of said statement, should Cou&Y's payments to Santa Fe iTI arncordance wibh Arti.cle !I., Section 12, exceed the difference between the final cost of imrk porforried by Samta Fe; l,3, forces and, Santa. Fews final cost as sjjcl�uL on saJ d state�-aent,, Santa Fe shall pay difference to County upon Wand; if the anount, paid by CoUrtty in accordance, t,d,th Art-Lc!C, -11" Section 12 is less thanthe difference between the fWal cost of mark penformed, by- Santa Fels forces and Santa Feis final cost for the project, County shall pay the difference to Santa Fe upon, demand. 7. Shoti.ld some unforeseen condition or combination of conditions t work to be perforimed, b-y Santa, Fe in Lnerease the cos , of th, P excess of the total estimated cost as set forth in Exhibit "0"., Santa Fe will not be obligated to Jixicin:, any iY! c Ce3�`i of said total unless and until_ au Iior! zed by County, it being the i.n,tant of t1-i-a pm'.,ti, s that Santa. Fe 'be reim:L�uxsed for argr and all expendittir,,..>& allowed under this Agreement, but; insofar as 01-1 is practicable, it shall. secure aothority frona befc)re exceeding the tobal estimated oast as Aet forth in said Exht , 8. ThK the aork of constructing Underpass shall not begin. until COMY has given notice in Wting to the Assistant General Manager-, Engln.ee-ring of P'e,, whIch notice shall s-I-.,a-(,e the tLme Lhat operations for the constructionof the Underpass shall begin. That Ithe books, papers, records and accounts of the paxties hereto insofar as they relate to items of ex�pense for labor and material or are in any way cbnnected with tltie. work herein conteMplated, shal-1. at all times be open to inspection and, Pradit by a,gents canid the authorized representatives A the paxties hereto for a period of not less t'r tan. three year from the date fina-I pal,,tnnt has been r,"ide. 3m0. ti..e covenants and. provisions of the foregoing J.nstrwr�ert shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the succeSSOVS and assigns of the respective parties hereto. WLY'l- _'IYCEO�F. 'Uhe pa-ics hereto have fully executed this a0_ree- 1,1,e r.,`Ie-y and year first above written. . . . . . ...... APPROVU AS TO !QnL� CO 01', OF EL Sj'..,'ZU]N`D0 THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AUD SAnTAFE RAILWAY COMPANY' xq ma "In 3, au_ lzmr,'-x Exacytive Officer - Clerk of the Board of Superviaors n- 5, Mayor) AP7?JR0VJF,0 P,'�' '10 ]�G,­�21 TOW ATTE,',,T_ (Giby Cl ­k) Ly Approved as to For,�,,a and Procedure o L3�y. 1AM(M 0, MAP mm4pV4 offlqq� STATE OF ILLINOIS ss. COUNTY OF COOK ) On .this day of Ae, '✓ ', in the year one :thousand nine hundred and seventy • , before me, w I FEENEY a Notary Public in and for said County. of Cook,. State of Illinois, personally appeared dOHN C. DAVIS I ,• known to me to be the Vice President of the -corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of the .corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant 'to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in said County the :day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public in and 7f_sa_J'__d County of Cook State of Illinois (8EAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) On this day of w in'the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy - before me, a Notary Public in and for said County of Los Angeles, State of California, personally appeared known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in said County the day and year in this certificate first above written. Notary Public in and for sal County of Los Angeles State of California 0FICIA1, SEA1, % D T11NROL.DSNflH NOTA'.,Y FLDRJ(VALAFORMA LOS akaCUUPJY ply Cornmissiot'l Er4ii'tcs Oct. 14, 1978 IM11141 LIKE (SEAL) CERTIFIED COPY OF EXCERPTS Or IVITNUTES HAD AT A REGtJLAR MEE`1)­N1'(_'- OF THE'C"ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIF ORNLI%, FIELD ON THE 14TH DAY OF MAY, 1973. "A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Et Segundo, California., was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City on the above date. Prior to calling the meeting to order, these present joined in pledging allegiance to the Ftag of the United States of America followed by invocation by Councilman Gordon T. Stephens. The meeting was then called to order by E. L. Balmer, Mayor, the hour being 7:00 o'clock p.m. Councilmen Present: McGill, Stephens and Mayor Balmer; Councilmen Absent: Morgan and Nagel. REPORTS OF OFFICERS S. Presented for the Council's consideration Agreements between the City and County of Los Angeles and between the City, County andEhe Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for the construction and maintenance of the grade separation structure on Et Segundo Boulevard at Aviation Boulevard. The agreements specify in detail the responsibility of each agency in- volved in the construction and. 1-n-aintenance of the proposed grade separation project. The tri-partite agreement to be approved by the City, County and Railroad, states each agency's obligation during construction and specifies the Railroad's share of the cost of construction. The agreement between the City and the County specifies the apportionment of costs for construction to be divided between -the two agencies. The City's share of the cost is fixed at $298, 500 plus $56, 496 In TOPICS funds previously assigned to the County. Funds are available to cover this obliga- tion- All nostp, in Pyrp.q.q of thp. ('itvl.q qliq-rp will I)P. hnrnp 'hv -'I-'hP- (`:niint-v_ Recommended that the two agreements be approved by the Council. Motion was made by Councilman Stephens, seconded by Mayor Balmer that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVE' n ., that that certain Agreement between the County of Los Angel -es and the City of El Segundo, for the construction and maintenance of grade separation structure on El Segundo Boulevard at Aviation Boulevard, presented to this Council on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and that a copy of said Agree).nent be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT F IT- HER RES'OLVED, that the llvlayor of the C'Uy of El Secrundo be and he is hereby aiathoi..,ized to execl.tte tD I C said Agreernont for au-,,d on bela,lf of the City and the C'i'3' Clerk lo attest the sarne. Moldon. carried by the, following ­vote- b Aye s - Councih,-n(,..n St-eyi_)�.,en.s and IVLIyor-" j -Noe, s - (_'o,An i-n None; NlorgaJa and '1. 1T:1L,`1­1n Motion was made by Counciii-nan Stephens, seconded by Mayor Balmer that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that that certain tri-partite Agreement between The Atchison, Topeka ,and Sa,nta Fe Railway CoiTipany, the County of Los AngeLes and the City of El SegLindo for the coinstmiction and maintenance of grade separation ion struct-ure on Et SegLando Boulevard at Aviation Boulevard, pl7esented to this Co-uncil on this date, be and the same is hereby approved, and that a copy of said Agreement- be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of E! Segundo be and he is hereby authorized to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of the City and the City Clerk to attest the came. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen -Xic"Till, Stephens and Mayor Balmer; Noes: Councilmen None; Absent: Councilmen Morgan and Nagel. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO 1, Jane D. Hough, City CLerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing excerpts from the minutes of the City Council of said City had at a regular meeting of said Body hc�Ld on the 14th day oL' May, 1973, are true ant] correct, and tlia% to date, said excerpts have not been amended or repealed in any way. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of El Segundo, California, this 16th day of May, 1973. )ligh, it " e A " y of 1,11 Seg-uindo, Ity Ca[j-1'o�,,.,n.j@. T (S'1!,'A1,) E CHIBI`i "All Descriptions of Parcels of Land in the City of El ' Segundo for Use in A�reement with The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for and in w Connection with Public Road and Highway Purposes (SHOWN CROSS-HATCIMD) EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD 22-27 AND 29 TO 32 INCLUSIVE Parcel 22-27: Those portions of Sections 7 and $, Township 3 South, Range l�'Tet, Subdivision of Part of the Sausal Redondo Rancho, . in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shovm on vmp filed in Case No. 11929 of the Superior Court of the St at;! of California for the' County of Los Angeles, uit^in the foiloviing describes. boundaries: Beginning at the intersect ion of the westerly bouildar- of that certain parcel of land described in deed to Cit;- of El Segun(Io, for .street Durposes, recorded as Docua"°Cnt E'o- ', O� ���^�"v,�* � a. a i�y 7 '1 on ^. r n _ M � "7 r � " W � �'w � y � » ti ads � r w r• � s � a: w a� f } � �.. �. c° ��v3 , ^.i.! f�iN'1� 0 4 ,9...'7 4.5 ,, t✓ � ,�"'�.;." ::. m:,...r' f }.• � .i v....w.+ w.. .. .., of the Recorder of said County, with the northerl boundar y ol.,. that certain parcel of land described in deed to Cit,- of c1 Segundo, for l Segundo Boulevard, recorded as Document No. 3806 on I. p�-�� 1 1053, on Hook: 41 7" r Page 27 ,E of said Orfi cial Tecords; t�e�+ce westerly along said norL per-ly ooL�naa� , to the westerly .rl r of t ie e�as'terl'`r' 129.6 feet of said Section 7; thence northeriti� �Or.v said westerly if ne to the nortyrerly line of Z:.e SOui.iiel'1;' EG eet of,�ryy l.p ry ; ijed s�.�ct. ��. � tarlce Souta 8e` { r 041. -, .th-llS, c Nor�3 ,said ioi erl line 1i. ' '�' to intersect exl v line of so- h� eM 1 feeLOl Of"e PO"f- - b2.j said f feel id !_aSmen �l ne'd sec—i ion w_t_, I-heL'O�"C=-- l• � 1 L ' of that certain 100 root S p cf land C1e5Cr_uGd f�rSt in. C?e� to Redondo Beach 'ailyra;� coi:�'i2ny.='e"�+".C.wCoed as 'a ;� c • �i''-� � or O�yy i y, 7 1 l�'ice:V i a1 O :: 5�lb ! --,ne, "i. C 5 ! 01 ,k ^0�d,a , -.sa with i office of said Corder; [,hence nort.^.Cr.i�� a10�a�; sa�'d ���� ,:��"1 10'4 O �, i:ecterlY• C?OLIn d T•'y" L. .57 fe i to i �� 1z "L: `� 1 e C7! ;":. 5"a l- Ilnor! t ery 110 f.ee4 of said las- men -,,lone 7 secs '�;�;.:ce Soup 89�j5r25'' cast along said last mentioned non�,.����rly Rne, a dyfts easterly prolongation 82-32-feet .-boundary; thence southerly along - . _,boundary 60-14 feet to the point to -said first mentioned westerly Said first mentioned viesterly of beginning. "U16 ,7DO BOULEWL 1) To be knu��,,n as, EL S' j G rr ]L;7,arcels 22-29 and 31: Those portions of Sections 17 and 18, Tov m.shiD 3 South, Range ­14 West., above mentioned Subdivision of Part of the Sausal Redondo Rancho, within the following described boundaries: I Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Section 18; thence southerly along the easterly line of said last mentioned southerly line of the northerly 20 feet of said section to the said last mentioned section; thence •North 89`5512<'11 Zest along feet to the northerly continuation of that southerly line 25-34 fee�.. A t certain 2834.93 foot radius curve in the easterly boundary of Lot .,n on map filed in Book 6715� pages 93 1, 'Tract Jjo. 26556, as shoi - and 94, of I,';,athence in the office of above mentioned Recorder; u °southerly aloncr said northerly continuation and said certain curve 90-54 feet to a line parallel with and 110 feet southerly,. mea --sure,d at right angles, from the northerly line of said last men- ko L = said parallel thence South 89'55125" East a1c d section, f�, f, �-iith and �,'G*feet'easterly) " f eeT.. to a curve concentric line 60 - 40 -herly certain curve; thence sort measured radially, from said ceri., - along said concelltric cul-ve .110.66 feet to the nort,e-,Iy line of said Section 17; the. ­*ice "westerly along said, last ment-JoAned northerly line 36.66 feet, to the point of beginning. To b e kno,,,,m as EL SEGUNDO BOULE , VARD. Parcels 22-30 and 32'. Those portions of above mentioned Sections 17 and 18, ,..Yi t h i n a stria of land 50.5 feet wide, the easterly boundary of which is -descriDed as fo'loWs: �r� -0 Beginning at t',-e sout.I-erly ter i-rdnus of a curve conca—c IVI to a line a radius of esterly, r.e�asured a,� and 26 leet; 7 th,ac tu certair curs 01 01*t" eastorly boundary of IL-,I,at cel-tain pallcel 0'.0 land described as j recorded as D0Cu!7-.en.t Parcel A in deed I-.o co,..nty of Los .`t r E e I e 3 C �72) 01 n U o . 3 "I�i'63 o and i t C o _`f c .2 o I, ab 0.1. ficial R 0 C 0 r a �s 4, tan'r-ent, to a l-, ne parallel witI,. :�,,,id 25. 2:' cas sured ato righL angles, rom 0 sc, - �j ir j, t line in t' 14 _� s paj-c'I A j� 0, of land descr.Jbel" boundar, -L 4 - ' )uI,- , I �_n v a r d re in, decd to County of Los A nE C I C 0 1 Lod _� - 2 __ Corded as Doctimert 11o. 4205, on October 22, 1956, in Book 52650; page 362, of said Official Records; thence Souk 11121100" 1, est along said last mentioned parallel line 223.68 feet to the begin - to the east and ha-�"Jng a radius nir.g, of a tangent cuiwe co A. I of 1130 feet; hence nce sout,",erly along said last mentuloned I curv? feet,w. Excepting from last des . cribed parcel of land that portion thereof which"31-Jes easterly of the easterly boundary, -and its southerly continuation, of above described Parcels 22-29 and 31. To be knwwm as AVIATION BOULEVARD. DESCRIPT101i APr-110_V'ED SEP 1 i 1972 _Y 1UPIVE a Count- n.:'.er B 3 EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, CALIF. J. G. FRY FEBRUARY 71 1973 CHIEF ENGINEER SCALE : IN. TO 200 FT. T Oti c - AVIATION 4'.00, AT EL SEGUNDO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY , CALIF . 30' 11 50' 50' i a t I � w r ' M CP rrl c Z q NY 1 N m c) J C Z n r z zm io CO V 0 y + m N N O co THE A. BOULE\ a LEGEND AREA OVER WHICH TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY IS PERMITTED SHOWN SHADED. RIGHT OF WAY COVERED BY AGREEMENT SHOWN CROSS —HATCHED. A TWO —SPAN STEEL RAILWAY BRIDGE STRUCTURE LOCATED ON THE RAILWAY COMPANY'S RIGHT OF WAY AND SUPPORTING SAID COMPANY'S HARBOR DISTRICT MAIN TRACK AS SHOWN OUTLINED RED. n rn 0Cc) c z+ --iw TO REDONDO JCT.— 129.6 . ... � �—........... ........._... 40' C. E.C.L. NO. 21 - 3 1403 H W y V Q W O all.: 1 O J W ti w ¢ w Z wp r m O J Z Z j r p w a Q- E a,, r u z J R Q W m w F a 3 m N vxi o rwi, J a m F x W i m w Z W a a s w o a? F m m 3 3 Z. o o> 2 r z w z rc. a O u a w W a a w z '� Z¢ m y f w w u u= w W r r i a p tl m r z w w E r z Y z w 3 o E w E f w 3 0 3 y m z z J o a o z ? i u a a",. W o ¢a m a w J a m z G w'.,'', r a> N F m J r w o o w a a a d> 0 ¢o x x r u z a o m i s w w m c > w ¢ a J r W �,,,. O m r Q z z Z oI. o u w w w r W r z uwi rc a o w m J a - i z r- o o w o a z_ ¢ a w w z N - w J r @ J o a w ¢ i w W u? U W_ w m 6 O 1 o o i i o 0 0 o ¢ U u z c¢.i u u o z o 0 3 z m- y w a 3 3 a o x N w o 3 3 ¢ z z m _ Z z z -_ U w ou = z Z Z W, r w r w O z i� u coa u u N rc J Y N R r o a w y o i 3 m Z N 3 0 a _ r x h-' i N" W a m W x x N x a a a H z w w u a z a a a a a a a c¢i o y z¢ u z w w z ¢ a 'v15 r w m a a a N o z Z Z Z m a J m O Z a a a r r J n a a a a 6 6 Y U a w W 3_ j m r -z W a Q F w a 3 N x cai = w = ',,. ¢ a u m a a x z > r a z z> 0N ¢¢ U r w r a a r w .. p w > W o mf a w o m m o o _ d a E E? o Y y J v u¢ w in ,o 0 ¢ 0 � N b bo 0000000000000000000®0� o 0 0 W D W 6 J m z O H Q Q W 0 O N O F- (1) U) a J U' O 0 gr U.10 O w V.._ F .. yN.. T.. cr I n 111L1L�111� Oou� 00abc����-0��® } a m z O Z i z wo i LL r a o m cri a z N r o a a¢ W>x C z ac�w u aJ ¢ 2 w¢ V TAS O m r W Y¢❑ x W x Z Z Z 2 w W > J J VR ro '�a 3mm�LL �Ea a¢wmin rri,y r >3 3 U W O K a z W 0 V) O as z MPA m U z w LII Lo 41 . MIT- - -I Mfd > EL LU T mi Qi 1. I II ITFBI E 2, S a� N� �,� von '� F2 w C) E qua w M 4 s v ^ P m pp WO (r ' ^ a s � r P� { ti z 1 t (( r pk}L I r d f 11 'S 61 1, pl oil AS J + 4 3 gg 4Y �°y P r s o s In N wg y o GG �i roe, .cm j e 9 ry 2 �3 IT I p V z W ti r p�� mTm W O � m max• yy— Vs pq hIr 0iz Po 'lot tv, re. Po Q Al f" . ... . . .. . .. ik In z S t 0 P �c I�E l ) 0, 10)" "o, -1,"Z,-­ YIAWI 4 R l�, ON +­45 "S n17 0 /,C�, a� a .. ....... . .. ......... . . . . . ...... . .. .. .9 ... 6� VB cz NR c e, a co 0 N4, i -T, w z., .� �' y' 1p O o Q "J z `j z , Z M W C < Q W W r 0 ®J cc m inn o Q Z r F- Z Z Q Q o Z V a �L :D Q z Z V U _ cN D __xx 0V a u W LU Q N ®J O LU J iiF� d • d ^d �� f­1 "1 „. z N � n � U 1 o � PLIJ LLIOJ ` I g 4� k W4...' .' I� Al...m, 1 - i y 3LIV � fie'.Tb � tiq . . Q�\\� \ ��� \� ! .. � pq \ ZCS rL` � � \) � / \�� \ �\ I z ;1.2��"A FL RAILWAY COITJ ANC COAST 7ITS i1 TkI�., ATCIi ,SOLI �TOPELt1 'I�p..'��...��..��� 3 �(111BIT ►'C►► Estimated cost of Lgbor and Material required to construct, surface and remove 3567.6 ft. of shoofly track, remove 1375 ft. of chainlinl, fence, remove, replace and resurface 2850 ft. of main track; place communication lines in temporary underground cable and return to permanent open 1-Tire after completion of construction, rearrangement of signal crossing nro�- -- - -�---- tecti_on---and close --crossing- 1-,To 2IIm11, 1 account County of Los Angeles construction of El Segundo Blvd. underpass under Harbor District main track at M.P. 14 plus 0664 ft. at Lairp ort, Cal-ifornia. Office of Asst. Gen. I4 ;r.�Fn�;r. Los Angeles, California Rev: June 2, 1972 1. Encineering & In,;or.-ction Salaries i Expenses Vacation, Paid Holiday Retirement &- Unomployment Tax Health & Welfare Benefits & Group . Life Insurance Insurance Excise Tax Estimated Cost of Engineering & Inspection 2. 'Track Work (Terfip.) Material 41199 --l-j-r-Randling at Storehouse 1$648 Transportation to site of job 1,144 Use Taxes 2,060 Estimated Cost of Material Labor Sa aries 25 408 Expenses 2,430 Vacation, Paid 11oliday ' 2,363 1 Retire-ment & Unemployment Tax 3 804 9 Health & Welfare Benefits & Group Life Insurance 1,270 Insurance 25795 ,Excise Tax 476 Estimated Cost of Labor Estimated Cost of Labor & Material (Temp. 3. 'Track Work Germ® ) Material' 1$346 *Ka- n-d", T i—n—a- at -Storehouse 54 `3 Transportation to site of job 170 Use Taxes Estimated Cost of Material Labor *� �a ia, r— J. , e a 7$031 Expenses 695 Vacation, Paic! Holiday 654 Retiremciit & Unemploy74ient Tzix 1,053 Health & Welfare Benefits &- Croup Life Insurance 352 Insurance 773 Ex6ise Tax 3-32 Estimated. Cost of Labor Estimated Cost of Labor & Material (Per-m.) 7,330 240 682 1,097 366 806 109 EM M MM 3� a NaLeg A a 1 1, 71c9 ATIATE at Storehouse 120 Tr,-..i.nspc,rta!tir,n to site of job 67 Use Taxes 68 Estimated Cost of I'lateria".1. 1,965 Labor - Salaries 19025 Axpenses 350 Vacationj Paid Holiday 95 Retirement & Unemployment Tax 153 health & Welfare BeRefits & Group Life Insurance 51 Insurance 113 Excise Tax 17 Estimated Cost of Labor Estimated Cost of Labor & Material Qemp.) 5. Jjgnj1_Work (Perm.) Material 646 1101010 at Storehouse 58 Transportation to site of job 38 Use Taxes Estimated Cost of Material 768 Labor - Salaries 850 Expenses 250 -Vacation; Paid Holiday 79 Retirement & Unemployment Tax 127 Health & Welfare BenefitG & Group Life Insurance 43 Insurance 94 Excise Tlax, 13 Estimated Cost of Labor Estimated CAt of Labor & Material (Perm.) 25224 6 . Gom-,,iuvticalion (Temp.') 55739 10YATTIJ at Storehouse 230 Transportation to site of job 34 Use Taxes 287 Estimated Cost of Material 6$290 Labor - Salaries 25056 Expewes 760 Vacation, Paid Holiday 191 Retirefrient & Unemploy-ment Tax 308 Health & Welfare Benefits & Group Life Insurance 103 Insurance 226 NO& Tax- 31. Estimated Cost of Labor Estimated Cost of Labor & Material (Taup.) 9,965 7. cj t,iovi Wo-ij, (Perm.) 11 Ma I te r i - al 13229 10d-1-i-n-g- at Storehouse 49 Transportation to site of job 93 U s e. Tax c s 61 7stimated Cost of Material 1,432 Labor. - Salaries 1,781 Expenses 685 166 Vaation,, Paid Holiday Retirement & Unemployment Tax 267 ..Health & Velfore Benefits Group Life Insurance 89 Insurance 196 27 Excise Tax Estimated Cost of Labor Estimated Cost of Labor & Material (Perm.) 8. (Perin.) Salaries 2$663 Expenses 500 Vacation, Paid Holiday 192 Rat irc.rue nt & Unem . plo) , qq ebt. Tax 309 Health &Welfare Benefits & Group Life Insurance 103 inswauce 227 Excise Tax Estimated Cost of Labor 643 1 __1104-16. 131, 60 J, S U M 11. A R Y 11 Engineering & Inspection ® Nack Work (Temporary) Labor & Material 3. Track 'Work (Permanent) Labor & Material 4® SAnal Wor1r, (Temporary) Labor & Material, 5® Signal Work (Permanent.) Labor & Material 6. Coarnunication Work (Tei-,iporary, Labor & Material 7. Communication Work (Permanent): Labor & Material 8. Fencing (Permanent) Labor Add for contingencies Estimated Cost of Labor and Material Auditing and Billing Equipment Rental. Credi­ Recovered: 2. Track Work 32JO81 5. Comnunication 311 6. Communication Q0,2, Total 322794 Less: Transportation for material re- covered 81 Estimated cost of work to -be performed by Santa Fe forces and paid for by the County of Los Angeles' Office of Asst. Gene Mgrg-Engr. Los AngeIC6, talifornia Rev: June 2, 1972 101630 S4,597 12,327 3,769 21114 9,965 4,643 3,446 144; 761, 27 145,822 U�UINWE EXHIBIT D SECTION RAILROAD PROTECTIVE INSURANCE In addition to any other form of insurance or bonds required under the terms of the contract and specifications, the Contractor will be re- quired to carry insurance of the kinds and in the amounts hereinafter specified. Such insurance shall be approved by THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY hereinafter called "Railroad" before any work is performed on Railroad property and shall be carried until all work required to be performed on or adjacent to the Railroad's property under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily com- pleted as determined by the Road Commissioner, and thereafter until all tools, equipment and material have been removed from Railroad's property and such pro- perty is left in a clean and presen ab� le condition. The insurance herein required shall be obtained by the successful bidder and the original and certified copies of all polies as hereinafter specified shall be furnished to the Road Commissioner, County of Los Angeles, Road De- partment, P. O. Box 4089, Los Angeles, Calif. 90054. The Contractor shall furnish the Road Commissioner with one (1) certified copy of each of the executed policies required by 1, 2 and 3 below, and, in addi- tion, shall furnish Railroad through the Road Commissioner, one (1) certificate reflecting the existence of each.of the executed policies required by 1 and 2 and the original nol icie,s of the i nGiirarcp r. ernii red. by 3 below. A certification on such copies of insurance shall guarantee that the policy under 1 and 2 will not be amended, altered, modif_ed, or canceled insofar as the coverage contemplated hereunder is concerned, without at least ten (10) days notice mailed by registered mail to the Road Commissioner and to Railroad. Full compensation for all premiums which the Contractor is required to pay on all the insurance described hereinafter shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work to be performed under the contract, and no additional allowance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extensions of the policies -of insurance. The approximate ratio of the estimated cost of the work over or under or within 50 feet of Railroad's tracks to the total estimated contract cost is 0.---. 1. Contractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Liability Insurance The Contractor shall, with respect to the operations he performs within or adjacent to Railroad's property, carry regular Contractor's Public Liability and Property DamageLiability Insurance providing for the same limits as specified for Railroad's Protective Public Lial-)i.lity and Property Damage Liability Insur- ance to be furnished for and in behalf of Railroad as hereinafter provided. up rk w1thin or adjacent to Railroad's property is if any part of the wo F carrying the above insurance, subcontractede the Contractox' in additioO n t 1, ubcontractOrs to COV"' shall provide the above insurance X , " ):)c1-1a1f of ti.�e s their OperatiOns- 2. Contractor's protect.ii-ve public Lia ' bilitY and PrOpertY Damage Liability 10surance The Contractor shall, with respect tO the operations performed f0v by V11,10 do, Within or adjacent to Raiiroad's propertYe carry in his OWn behalf regular Contractor's Protective Public Liability '?'nd propyrty Damage Liability Q$Urance pzoviding for the same limits as Qeci- fied for Railroad's protective public Liability and property Damage Liability Invorance to be i"Urro-shccl, foy alir, in bahalf of Railroad as here 4 inafter pro - We& 3. RailrOad's protective Public Liabilifty and property Dalwage Liability insuFance The Contractor shall, with respect to the bG or adjacent to Railroad's PrOPOVY Or Ulat any ol,7, h'i's do work Witijin or adjacent t, Bailroa6ls property porlorm, buv(-issued policy or policies of ipsurance A tiw ,,,tj,, Liabili , ty , Foxm as hereinafter WcUied in favor OC The AA"ASO!" Topeka and Santa Fe Railway company, 121 Sant Sixth StreCto IMS ngelc" Caljfornia90014. Railroad protective LiabilAY FOYM DECLARATIONS: a lter,, 1. NEuned Insured: The Atchi,Son, Tcq-)(,jcZ Mld, Y lx)s :sr,., if,':,XMia 9003A Item 2. P01KY Period: to J& 01 standard Time, at th;`, d0signat" job s"""' ag stated herein, Itma 3, The My WM YOWN" "vo an On company", hurni,n, "a" "icy "Int' stztnd reference thereta, r Item n y" Coverages Limits �CA� Liability .`b.M1.. i W.y --------------------------------------------- '�"cacjj;1y lnji.uxy Uiabilitwy *500,000 Y1,000,000 Not Epp!. Each Forson Z a.Occ;uurn 7„a:�Ce,.a,a:� Not Property, Da� aqe Liability applicable S00,000 $1,000,000 and P'hysic 1, Damage to Pr'a' .per y° ---------------------------------------------------------- tem 4. N,%,ae and address of Contractor: -- ­ Item 5. Name and address of Government Au thorn tyY for whoa the work by the Contractor is being Performed: 'County of %cis Angeles, acting J:rFy and through its Poad C6 L;i ssioner e P ® 0. Box 4.0€39, Los Angeles, California. 90054. Item 6. Designation Of the Job Site and, Description of (Work: B r construction El r.eguT,jd :s Rlvd � �J'y:' c: P .r , a< .' m Yx oa.ur rp..C. o:u p. with a Highway Prcy jcRct, whereby El Segundo Boulevard will Cross under Santa G ..'s main track at El Segundo, Co.".j 1.'.y of Los A�rLge..1_r! s , oi! zin, Rr?'G;.a`as per $' 100 of Cost k`1dii1'a nce Preyrd.. tis q" ., �.`°aa."�.; Coverage A9xw.ov2%,�:. aC.jes B&C Q.:o'",i'era-%.g(... A Coverages .'d.�"'&C contract Cos L wa'o;; ? Z. 19.row°o.�,,:�. FINUMMUMS shklixa, of 'Insurance Company) ttk "G� o .�a "c9 ^ Cb 70 � a' f...:"C .Wfi. Calle the C6:':'ikprany p agre-es with 4 n*j insuzed,w n�c"xak c,;d in Uie declarations ti:ans wade a p a..' t';. hereof, in d:"G:.nsidP,'r ton of the pe:4"ym,,3nt of he Promum aan i y.Ae '& the" e G..g:2"ation ttta e by "the named insured Wd SAM tO all " w hk ter0' s of I I�ISUI�.JtJG j-�CME:SMENTS :E C, ea' r y. To pay on behalf of the insured all, sums which the insuzed shall become 1egally obligated to pay as damages because of, bodily injury, sickness, or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, hereiDafter called '"bodily injury", either (1) sustained by any persoft arising of acts or omissions,at the designated job site which are related to or� are in connect:W.0. with tjle work descr,ibed Sri 6 of the . declarations, or (2) Sustained -�.-xt' the! (qc_�sigTIate.'J, jol x site by he co:,-Itra.cLor or any U01.)IOYOC of the contractOr Or by any t designated employee of the insi.,q-ed wlhet:her or' ),..lot zu'.-ising out of such acts or omissWns- C r.�3, F .' - :,Dperty DEjna�,,�'e rAahili ,yo Pay o:n. lbc°half of 'thc,�, 3,war.,ared r,, ho .-uns which t ", insured schall becom . e legally obligated to,pay'as damages because of physical inAury to or destruction Of MOWN, including loss d of use of any property due to such injury or destruction, herein- after called. I,pro..)erty dan,I.agc", arisi:fag out Of EfciLs or omissions at the designated job site which are related to ox are in con- nection wi.t�j tylc-., worIc doscribecl, in 1,,twrj, 6 of the declaraLians. J,�Xsjxal Damagv,, - . Pr To pay for direct and accidental IOSs Of Or damage tO r0l'_ inn stock and their contentsf mechanical construction aquiPment, OUIT; :r, Inotivc power e-c ereinafter called loss, arisinq ,j,u!.pmen.t, h of acts Or Omission's at the des final Job it whiclh. are re- lated to or are in connection with.the work describea in ItWd O:E the declarations; provided such-pxaperty is cwned by the rwmed insured or is leased or entrvud to thk,,,. insured, under a Inase or tr"st agreement. xi, Definitio (a) insured - The unqualifi(�C' word "insur;:d" �.Iyqc­",oides the 3 named insured and ,r,Lso inCLAuGs M execut've off"Cer' director or stockholder thereof zicti-Jig witbin the scoi...,)e of his dut..i,es as SuCh. ;b) The amrd "contractaf means the cant"actul, -Ancludes dmsignated in Etem 4 of the declurz - !AiOns and 11 not all subcontractors coy, W, I re 41, the insured The words "designated of the:: any supezv,isory employee of the insured at the job site. (2) any cuployee of the insured while operating, attached to or engaged on i.,ork trains or Other railroad equipment at the job sitc which are assigned exclusivelY to the contractor, or (3) any employee of the insured not within (1) 01: (2) is speci..fj�,,cally loaun.ed, or assigned to the work of the contractor for p ,r,eventio):1 Of accidents or prot.cction of PrO.PeXtY, the, c',Ost of Whose services borne spp _,cifical1y by the contractor orby goierivaental au�,hority. (�,j) Controct - The word ­contkact" means any contract or )pexty for a con- agreonnnL M carrY 0 WSOn Or M k sidurativn ar auly trus"; or tract, oz: zl%coOmcnt r0sWUM9 "" Me" )Mll"") ,,,,p RY, construction eqUipment. in, pefense. se ttlemen-j With respeut to such insurance as is afforded by this policy under Coverages A and B, the Company shall: - (a) defend any suit against the insured alleging such. -1:�u%.y or d�u��age and seeking darmages _Iy j.1 b terms of Uh.is which apre payable undez. Lhe even if any of the allegations of the suit are gro inn or fradulentr by may makuia1,,aigonuand ,h such investatind- settlement of any claim or suit as it deems expedient; (b) pay, in addition to the applicable limits of liability-, (1) all expenpes incurred by the company, all cos-cs taxed against the insured Ji..n caiy such suit ana all interest on the entire amo-�-.trkt of anY judg- ment therein which accrues after entry of the judgment and befoxe the coupany has paid or tendered or deposited in court that part of the judgment which does not exceed the limit of UIC-- cuipany's liability thereon, '(2) premiums on appeal bonds xequired in any such suite prey.iiiun,s on bond' to reIea, eE atltachments foz," an mnount net in expess Of thi applicable lindt Of liability of this policy, but without obligatiOr' 'dsh an'y '-�-uch bonds' to apply for or f'o_rr (3) expenses lyicurred Ib:y tho insuree"! for s �.e athers as shall Far: aR.C.rsurgi cal rel f to imperative at the time of the occurrence I (4) all reasonable expenses, other than loss of eaxn- i ...... 12, L-q j..nsured at the companY's request,� XV. 11)is Y"Olicy applies only to occurrencos and WSW during the policy period and Withi''I the United States of America, r ,,Sessions, or Canada. EXCIMSIONG This POUCY does not aPPIY: -.1 (a) to liability assumed by tie insured undor any contzact or agreement excePt a contract as defined herein; , 'I (b) to bo&�.,Jy injury or p�ro peyt.y e Cp j-)y cAfat th.e direction, 0 f the inzurcd; (c) to bcxlily i-lilll"Yr P'ro.p'erty daage or .10ss wh'ich after notificatiOn Q the nzwed insured of the accept- ance of the work by the goveznmenl_al authority, other than bodily injury, property damage or loss Xesulting from the existence or YeWval Of -tcals, uninstalle'n, c,quI,y,,%,,,cnt axid aban, ,r doned or wateriall; (d) I under coverages A (), R and Q to bodily injury, .,property damage or loss, tb, ,Ie err oximate ca"bw of which is an act or amissiun Of any insured other than ,,t, r omissions of any designatc;d employee of anY insured; rmder coveraQ A, to any obligation for which a.he insluared or any carrier as his WUME may be PeV'I liable under any workmen"s co,,�,Y.perjsation, unemploy- went co'rflper-�sation or disability benefits law, or thaL the Federal. under any similar law,, ovi�.Ied TOM Eqployers' Liability Act, U,s, Code (194G) 45, sections 51-60, as amended, shall for the pur-- poses of this insurance be de&zed n" " be ang"Y similar law,. dustruction'oF (f) under cavaragc B,40 snjury to or Pr.operty (1) owned Da nal" "nsu"I or le=0 co"� enlcruutud or"Grust agreement. ME wer any Uabily coverag iJ)Ju.rYV -C le .e a TA or destrucion (a) with respect to Wli(°' aF1 ins"a unavy the policY is 5150 an insured under a y,�u.clear enerjy. liability policy issued by 11uclear Energy 1A1.a1,).i,Ji1J;Y 1ns,,urarCO3,.' As-sociation, Mutual. A.t,-)raajc !,.;nergy LiabilitY Under Kri ters OK 1juclear Insurance AssociatiOn Of Canada, or would be an insured unaar anY SVIC, ermination 10011 exhaustion of its �j poli.cy but for it S t 1.jjvit of liability; 01- Cb) ,,Ulting from the hazardous properties Of nuc%ar Water"" and with respect te which (1) an WsOn Or orgaml " . 1 —10 t Q required to maintain financial pvOtectiOn Pursusn " 1954, o,t,,' a"'�Y 3-Uv? thereof Atoinic Energy Act Of . , o.r- had policy not an iss"MI A (2) the insured is United States of- A, would be, entitled toinderOlitY ,r,,,0rjca,, or any ageylc, Syltrj 1�y the U),Atad Stites Of "ter"' or any agon,:"y thereof, v1it11 arly person or organizatian, 2. Under a,ny medical Payments coveyage, -or uDder any s%j�k:plerion-ita=- ralating t() JJ r,,-modiate medical or Surgical -urr Q ith ,,,,Ct to ljodily injuryt disease or dmatb resUlting Aum the hazardous Propertia of nuc>,, ,teriaj and urising out of the oparvticn Of a nuclear faA"."ility by aliy person or organization. bilit�.y Coverage, to injury, �sicknQss, disease, death 3, UIAC`,� alY LiP .. ........ i .. .... Iti,g from the hazardous PZKOWes Of nuclear material, if (a) t"be nuclear ,t,,j,1 (1) is at any ... 1,,r,facjQtk owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, an insuxed or (2) has 'been discharged or dispersed therefromy (b) the n4clear material is cantainad in,spont fuel ax waste d,, handled,�,, p�:Ocewsed, stored, at possesse a d by or- disy�osed of or the injury, -sease, death or destruction arisec out of the furnisluing by an insured of sorvicesp waterialse parts of equipment 2-n pilanning, can­ struction, maintenance,yPerViOn Ot usc of &ny nuclear facility, but if such WAIRY jy located vithinon the UnW&J. States of America, or possasnions or Canadur this exclusion (0) applies only W 'fn" -anl of Property atSci%Iear kityY to or Em t C j,.�yoperti.pjar illcluae radioactiver toxic Or exPlas" properties; ia-), ,,e.cial rg'u,(�'Iear matcrWJ "nuclear watC)CIal" TTI0zU',1s ,or byj..)roduct MAterial; "Source material"o "special nuclear materialr w ynd "byproduct n S T) n the i%LON11c Etle'rgy 71`(-t jrzN reani g give , thern i of 1954 or in any law amendatorY thezeoh funi" means any fuel element or fuel conTonent, SAM Oi- been used, or exposed to radiation in . a yvclear ,reactor; aw terial (1) waste''' meai.-0s any wastf? P 4a- and (2) resuiting from the bpexation by any parC,03 Or Org acility inQluded within the definitiaf,, Oi C�f ally lear f facilitY under paygraph Cal Ox (Q) tberook "nuclear facijity" means (a) �.Lrgy n uclear re�CtOT otent on designea off "5ed for (1) ScPazat"ngj 01ny equir., :aAwn" (2) processing or I ":WU or PIU, S ()f (3) Mnaling, ProcessYcl, e, packaging waste. Wbric"Kw,� IC) any equipKent UX device used for thn pro Or allaying of-SWRI nuclear Wasaint at any tota)� jr,,�C,,jj mntmxial in tha uUMB of the DRUM0, ,�,,hcre SUM PqUipment or device is WNW 25 grz�,s of plutonium or Gonsists of OX COW, 0 or more 1'.-Alays SO UratsJuja 233 Cyr a,'Y 235. -?remi,ses or place p,-- n ,_pared- (d--) any structtrer or used for thc, Stc).-'age or Qspasal of waste, ocated, any of IL]Ie 's 1 and includes the site on. V'Tic' us, P r ed fo all operatiOns conducted, on such site a yad "st._ such operations; e used to MA, j 'jr�ed me,- 41r.u.clear 2, ans nuclear fission in a self-SUPPOrtin- geac tion as: A, Mrltairl a critical mass of )issionable hateriah. or destructWn Of NOW" the" With respect to o—y - -1 --dioacti9r., wu U "AstrucUMAT includ" all forms us 0' e . -04 AS" due, to (J�j) un,-3dr CoY0,'�riiV, condition Au"'unt or vontwmlytian, cc to Wy a3ay of the, G� (The conditions, nxcupt conditions and 12 apply to all cDV8TDM- Mnditions 3,4,5,7, B,9,10,11 and 12 apply only to fl-'hL! COVCOK'U�ffl n0tce.1 thazeunder.) Premium Tim premium bo�.ses, rct-C",3 J"oz- tha ha-zards described in the. declarations are stated therein. and rates Crfhazards not so described are Ahose applicable in accordance MIA the in use by the C0nIJ---,)anY. The term "contract cost" Mans tha toy! cost of all. work. described in item 6 of the declaratiOns- The term Yemtal cmst" means the total cost��a the Can - tractor for rental of work Lrains or other WNW equipmentq, Lb(,,. reall employees 0i the insurad while,operating, attached to or engnged tharcono alle eulvalice preniium stated A the declaration is an estimated )wsmimn only. upaq terminaLion of this POUCY the earned promitan shall ba. in Accardancc with the pw company's rule&, ratcs, rating plans, an(3 premiums appliqable to this insurance. if the earned premiuza t1h,us, colnput�ed. exceeds the estimated, zid'Vamce shall look ,, tl,, Spicified in the declara- tions for any such excess; if less, the cDopany shall retUM, W) the said contr'ac`a )I'le, (,,vc,,,nt shall payment of pxemium be an obligation 0J,' Ln,e named. 2. kha named insured shall make available to the ca7t,,pzny, Y-ecords o�f jj-tfori,,,aaticm rela�tinq, to the subject mat= Of this,insuxanca- ,rje conq.:9-any ba permitted to ins"ect all opexations % connection with, thfa bnaoi:k in J[tc-,N, (5 of tbe declarations. 3. Limits of LiabilifX, The IWAS Of.bOdilY WUXY liab"""tY stated in the dec3arrah ions as WAY, cable to "each persDn" is the 1%0, _!)y,s liability fox all damages, includin��.; damages for care and loss of services, arisiM Out R. bodily injury sunained by one piarsorl ias ,a. er.-�Uit of'" -any one occurrance; the limit of such liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each Occurrence" is, Subilut respectiny each pazson, the tOta limit of the company'e 11abilitY At all such dawage vr"" out pf bodily lnjyy sustained by two ox Mace yorson,n mg the X, C-S It of c1111y` on I I I )� The jimit of liability undeK CQVGxaW4 41 B and C stated in the declarations as applicable to Much 00CUzKonce" is t&, total limit of the covVW's lia1,J­1JA.,j., fo.r al,l all loss under physical injury to, dwsMutiOn Or "s of L11 PrOP" Y on,.�,, or more pezvons or organ loss of 11ne c)E ZUly or Covexage B, as the result of any one occurrence. g � �x; u - Subject to the above prov-1.,sioll-Is "*,�ach 1 cr-- rance'', the limit of liability under Coverages B and C stated in tho declaxation as "aggregate" is the Mal HMA Of the corq?anyts liability for all Wages and all loss under Cover—- e>f 1glysical injury Q, jcz, T3 AMU, the loss of use Of' strust3on or loss of PXOPQW, any du(o SUIch iyljury or destruction under Cover- age Under Coverage C, the'limit of W company's liabilit'l "Io,,s shal-3t. not. e),,,.( ,"Ped, �,he C,-Ash Of the praper­­ LY 0!r if the loss is of a part thereof the actual cash value I . J ,f ,p, ,,t, at time of loss, nor WaL VIL NW)uld then C�")S!:� a r t thex&of. with tc� rw3pa-J_i c).-% wi.sAace the properi:y 03`,s'_U.�11 P­Y c)tluar of lihe kind and quality. Sever?1litV of Intexests The term "the insuXed" is used vos _ AW . V1 I- B ­­___ severally I and not collectively, but the inclusion IMMA Of 'WX0 than.one Ansured shall not operate to increase the Umits,; Notice in the event of an or 10,ss, wr.it�ten. notice containing par.ticulars sufficient to identify the insoxed and alau xamsbwaW Obta"nah" "nfer­ mation with respect tO the tilikme, place and circumstances arid, of and ilia ye,?of , ;xnd tli.c name.,,, ,,afluble witnesses, shall be-givcnt byox" for th.e re: to thsa c=qxany or anY Of its authorized agents as socn practicable. if claim is ,de or suit is brought against 1--d rto the company the insured, he shall immediatelY M—L every demand, notice, sunw0n`3 by, him ox,� his 71 ASK., tan.ce The insured.�hall cooperate with tile Covernaes A and B company and, up= c1xnPa11YQ; rMuest, attend hearings and trials and assist in making ,ttlemOnts, securing and giving evidence, Dbtuain­ I . ing tbe attendancy of Witnessel; t1le conduct of Wits, The insured Anall, DX)t, c"'ost, voluntarily ny payuwnt, aBswvi any obligation Or incur MY Wens( ­ such immndiatu and U", ,.,hall be imperative at t,ha tima of accident� UMM 8. Action A I C—pan, Do action salie against the company MYS I es !4. and )3 unaess, a'spry a condition preaedcnt thereto, the insured shall have fully WmPlSed AW all the terms of this policy, nor until the amount of the insured's obligation to pay shall have been finally datermined ejtj-aPr 1,,y 'judgment against the insured after actual trial or by vaittmi agreement of the insured, the claimant and the company�, Any person or organization or the legal xepresentative who ha!,,. secured, such jjo-, ,ga,ijent or G,,rritten agacment z0al! uereafter be entitled to recover under this policY tO the extent of the insurqnce afforded by this poliW No pczswj = organimation Vail bave any right under this poli(MY to join th,,,.,, co-xpal3y as a paxty to any action against the in -- to aztermine the CAM's liability. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insur& Or Of M insurad% ustate'shall not'relieve the co�npany of any Df its obligations hereunder. rA C -- � Ma's action shall lie, against 'L J).r " c,'0,Mj,?iiny U &S a condition precede.nt.. tho-YX21,'O, UIC,�L-6- Shall, have been coinLpliance i�t�" all the termu of thiS POINY j,:3-1til thirty days after proof of 10ss is filed and thqa amunt of loss is determined as provided in this policy� Mured's Duties in Event of Loss In the event of IOSS thC' insured Shall; (a) protccl,: th,,prc,perty, wbether or not tlle 10Ss is Covered by thi,,r; ;,1013.cy " ily)(.1 any, fur� he-- loss dura, W failure to protect shall not be re- 6exa2jle undex 1his pol;�-cY; �,:easonablv expc,.-..n�3es incur).ed in affording such proUction shall Sa deemed jucur,,—.,cA L'11-; raqnust; (b) fil, �tj, tl,e cmqmny, as soon as practicable after loss, his , swoXy., 1�j.jG ) ,Jfo�k:n and n i- " r00f (:)f.loss jj-1 s cluding such information as the cailpal!Y' reason- Aly requiYe and shall, upon the company's request, e),.:hibit the day.iaged property. I if the insured and companY fail to agree to the awolal"It off Iciss, either Yaby, vll-thll! 60 days after the profxf of loss is Mcd, demand an appraisal of the loss. in such event the insured amd the coa;Dany shall eacb. select a appraiser, and the appraisers shall select a cOrPTOteat, Wlrl "Plsintex- ested jupixe, The appraisers shall state sepayately the actu&,I� ca�-;j,,� and the amount of loss and failing to agree Moll EWA t their dif MMOS to the umpire. M awaKd in writing Of MY ON sla" U-te of loss,a ff Me �,.nd tile his chosen aUpraisc,", shall each pay 010 10011 loco, equally Ma othnr CXPanses of 0 * ill , j(,j(I t(-,) 1�ave waived Thic,rr YiUhts by any a0tyOnting to in, monoy J,ess TIHI CAM— Y no bo 01, i"JI0, dam,aqed PKOPf-'rty tO tll(,' Cun,"PWly"� W-0 qtr, insurance affo&K by this POUCY 12, No B fl-A., - — -- "'xr in6irect shall not inuM th, b,nofit of any a thc, kailee, other than the nameu 33 AW'd, IM10 for loss t proper- tY - ' tile tavent, cf any payment under this POIRY, 13 subrogated to all t.j,e We foy against W POrsOn insured's Aghtg rd reccvcry thar'(�� nd delb7er in- argaotization and the insnred shall Met= ,tl and shall dn nothing after 1007, seoure such rQ,'' h r I-0 prejudice SUM -C , .- - .urp �fforde(! by C. The 1� SUYN'A�`c' anco -Yro I PMjjcy period of three Years "s cam - prised of A periods. COK)Iltation limits end Of of poIlicy AW"! apply to eac'n. E1111111c'! by a,",Y to a1ly Etgent or know d,9( 16,, C' I t C al] agent or by aTay other. "Ct CfAct a W5 Pulicy OM OMP too waiver or a cnanga in any patu M tenm4 of this company WOM thn policy; not shall the torms of this policy, be waived Ur � - par. t changed, fOX-I"R Cx this ;:Iolicy. -d 17!�i(I! I s-i�YIT�'of interest unethiPORY shall til its consenL is, not bAnd the C:0lt`P�`r`y u endorsed hereon, 2Th�is po) IQY r"IZAY 0 -8- s- tUM xwtdc':' ured M hxn all 1W affectiva. stti:Lting thDrell"Ir o This POUCY MOY by authority, thc rlanIL76 sl.o�enn "i.n _ 4.,. tj,,,,afLCr ruch Can- j,r, not less than WIM PJ,n�Jf notice as MIUSA6 Shall he in the natic,%, shall bc- and houx 03 Shull if the nameml insured cancels, earned premium Hall be c,omput,ad. In accoydanco with tole cnistamary short zate table apd. proc::e(Juxe., If � unnpany Cancels, ea;'%Aed preluLlxa sh';a1l be comptited pro rata. Prentixlm adjtzstrnent itVay be nizule ,:wither at the tine cancellation is effect2d or as soon as practica- We after cancellation becomes effective, but paynent or tender of unearned preplijunis not atcondition of can.hlation. 19. Declarations By acceptance K this p6licy' the nai�ned °insure(-1 agre:EsS that stich statements in the as are Tnade by him arc,, arid r(lpre6entatio)"s, that this policy is issued in ralkuice UP= lima tanAll Of' such representations and that this policy cubodies all agreements existing between himself and t1ae comj,,)@nY or aDY Of' its agents relating o this insurance., IN WITNESS WHERE01,F', the Indemnity Com?,any lias (nkjjn30d thiS sign,�cl �by its president. Y and a secretary iP,t ....... .. ... and codntersigned ara the declazations ps;57a`­j:T,,47-'� duly author,ized ajjei�14 of the coraj,,'aany, SIGNAUU1,-UED) Secretary Prooident IMM fir' r m F, 0 &0 r 11 -A CO +D 4-1p cd P- CO "I p Al Ol C ) bo A .1 Q rb, Ul al Fw E � ""q Pi hl xj Rd U) , C l ps N. r , IN ODD kNa P4 Al U) z C) ir, 1 A 6 rl c,,,, • "0 r-A h -4- kr" �v 1, 0 0 IN on 0 N TA. Wil lb a, IKA. 0 0 0 B SO r-A ir'.4 rl rA rl r-4 0 CD CD 0 0 0 LC% 0 0 C) 0 CD 1p% M 10 0 A 0 THrr 0 nj dO .64 U� tgj tka cd 0 ri 4 11 ho bo 0 W al (13 P, 4) ltl) T I "I �A rK 05 Q 43 04 r-f v. f. � �3 'A "c" &,l � 0 P1 41 0 -1 0 ch cr" F", 4-1 +3 run ca -P —,0 ED and .11--1 .rj O-D c15 -ri IN "ri .a g" 0 0 b0 cly all, w +-', i5 P i., V ro P F4 ;A, 0 cd 4.1 1 8 (D CD E—j al 4-11 if'\ V) 0 r-4 v.-I 1--i r� 43 0 r 41 �rll 0 q i 0 0 Ol 0 C) tk q,b VTCY1rr7� P tv311! ITE CUISTRUMUN or A Ga= SEPARATION UP rrhe �'!,t ch isoyo , 'DOP0 il ant1 S'zm-"A.a. 1"'C" Raxlteay C'ua�pa,-�'y 2,21, East'- Sixtll J:,os cz-:�ir�rnizl' 909.) I",,. 1, o I a 1!�!!) 1� � . 1 Gentlenmn: Rnferonce j, t,,o dated y W—", Los hrgolesr under ;I;lih!-Zi;untY is conotruMNU batmoon YCAI 0101 !J,a Cowity of the right of way, PrOPOU"Y I i an-1 grow! sepnratiwl Structore across Los Angeles,Pk of yc-u�v i, the City of El Sogunda, County of OE counonly �Blvd. Undarpass�;. The undersigned Ws antored inLo a 197 SUA the County of Los hngeles for'the perEormance 02 UMS" WS i''n 0ion with construct.",, on of said grade separation structure in the per- fornance of work -t.'he vii-11 " nocessarily &,-x roquired tu conduci.-, operations thi, ,ur rpolt c3f ;joy and property. . The agreement between you and 'the Munty Pz0vidOS that no woxic sh,,11, vji-thin your righr- of way or yxxoparty unt,,,. CMT10yed in connection with said work for the (Azaty shnil have ycya a letter agzlemomt in thc:! foxm K"Cof and AM of COVOl'i)9e and limits spec-, Wed A said contr'act- If thlis lcttei"' ,t is execul,;cd by other than owner , Gelneral Part-111r, Prenident or vice Presiqunt of the undarsigned firm, �- Y ert fvi lrVc th'at, 'grkzt:OT, evidence is f urnishr-,'.�d to yo'u- 11:`- C'Wd,th C Q - A to execute this agraement for the f0m. of tho 15z�.yt of the consideratinn f,, ,Ur grantIng pzzmissian to the t-0 your Yiri"it f or Proporty Or Vic porfoxmanca of so TMMh r-)S� the to be done the undersigned has agreed and Key hereby agree with you as f0ilOws: 2. That the undersigned will procure and maintain in force insuxanc"-, poeting all of the requirements auLlined in the special provisions for and in contract refeyred to in Me second paragrqgi abover and t1cra is handsa yoa hercraith original ox certified copy of the policy Ox POlicius Of insuranc°m !)-Signed will oLserve ana comy, AM all the PrOWSMS, 2, That i,'11C! 1)�Kl' and limitations to ba obseryed by COntrMtOt "i" are conbum.0 AM tk,, uf the contnact MAMcd W in thy sccold- poragraph Wuol; Ontitl,,�X2 Kinaly aMnowledgo receipt of this sign of the insury ' nM showings herein provided to be furnished to you,Eby signing and returning 1;o the turn dersignad a copy of this letteri which,shall thareupon constitute an agreement betwoen us. Yours truly, A Receipt Of the foregoing letter and of the 'policies and certificates of insur- ance therein pxo��,rlded 'to be flarnished is hereby acknowledged this jEFaTCH1S0Q li'65,6EKA AND smm rE RAILWAY CON01WI Its 2. -1,01 as P f"or No satisfactmry as �'-o bis' rospMEATil-ity ""o ovor and across the P"OPM! am! Over W: !moor "M t",-ac"Is " A" Unocal, jjjk(3� s;�jj y C 1 -q"- a ,t�). 1,,e o, ) Xt Tcp,',J0. and Sa'ota� Ra�..-"way will coopexate� w-,,th tlia contractor ta.tbu end that the work MaY h'' handlecl A ;ul efficient manner, but the sh�)�C'L no (-')-ZJJ1) Ir znt his work is held.�p ;.�j f"ox"- flxrk�ag(.��.s 0:r- " I t2"C 0e.v the C)j.,. tl"'e ra.J_Lway forces. ­3_02 (loing any VIONK (,M ):'ight of Way, 02, tbo Contrvotnr will be Le., exeuut,(� �;,ncl "U'LIA"Ej': `Lo Thx' -A, S Inta Fe Railwvy' Comlyny a letter agreement, in the, f'ox'n zutta'ch.ed hercUo obligating tdR io knep ill f a 1,1,. , 0 3 ca„effect Me insurance caiNd Am: undw: %Mnurancc" these special provisions. 't0l',' Sha' I L U I,o3 Railway Requirements. Whe. CAmYac, coopoxate The 7acTiman, Top&�,, �,­,id &�,'mtzl 00 ROOM is Over tbo MIMS, or IWASID, -Whe limits of Rallw"Y Propexty in order to tLe of tile v7o& and with thr,rules an("), of Or t1u,.1 cd its xePresentativ0s in relaLion to the PrOPYC I I mr,"KHM, of WMIaNy ar"! t1a Mffic tho trac)'�'s a--nd. "'Ir� Y I - onll as ,11 as tiva 111res, sign&o " g. of pailway, its tenanU,�, Or at and A Me ACKAY Of th(l during the of constx"IGUOM S 11 Tha S11,111 perform his work in manner amd at Suc Limes as shall noL cn�]�Irlgcx Or WJ01 t'he sax'(,' OEM c'!-.' and -Hat movin".' or" wires, signals and other, P',0PCXtY 01 R'ai).'way, its or licensees, ai-. or :Ln the vj-CAI-�.-"'.ty (A'.' tbe' rV, 1, "p e'r 'Phe cont:xa"Ctor C;hall not Pila to: Stan - equipment, Closur W the COnt" Of t"s 1�1 tl'f, C, lines, thim parmitted by the� rig Ut-';arances. 1DI-o" lorizontally frwa ccntar line of track. 221-W, Varti,cally al"Ovetoof rzdA, ves cz'trx"�""iovj abov.�' top of rail fo- t,-han T50 Volts. vart."Lca."Lly 'tx""J'� "W" K,r C K;�f rail for NectrY pires MMY09 W—O" to 3 4 6- V Vertically pllavn to; of rail 2 1 0 71,101 PAT (.� Any swigammat on""h, zdmvc cleazonvan dnu wD Un (MKOMU4; operotions WAII be submittow! to the VailwaY and to "V! "W"Or 211111, rAol- be. u,n�, y' tho WORY, and th(-' ui,tained,' allUWritaLion NOW the MIN UAlit"s i.Nal extrn )'0 allowed aN Uv-, is dela, Z"'YO FUC M the carn W injWred volVical Wouxanue Move N4) Of XMI, Railway Hall have the o , pLion of AsLaIling tall-tain," o1:JAc"t� protcutiv,"', d,,,, for px0taptina of nuilway trainmen or ra) traffic. • 'The details of construction affecti, the MiWay tracks and propartY zjotinSaided A the cxwat]aZ:,kct Shz-11-1, ba, z,,W;miWd Lo the HailmaY for ken approM Imf oxe stich W'cl-k iS, UffidCrt--�', ' - -, if the Contractor desires to ho's eqll'; Hailvay's "Urn.r.W.; ae shall Main permission from Railway and should it I �,(.J' the tAmtxauU)r shall a 1,e reqtvj re requ.-irer..3, 11"h.e crossing Q�-,;tallation I.X"c of thc Coll tractox", if at tIK',- experse of tAw, co"ati:aCtor", in advance of an-y blasting, the'Contractor =13 notify pailway in or dea, a. VI�.�t -q)oShall x fjaggipg pj.- may be ir ed "Ietion of t1he worh, �,,�o-vared, , contrl.ut, tc% by ,:h.c u. pcn the "Ir, Inenly Riot 1100 traclos of Railway, promptly Xemove WOM the premises of Railway all of Contractor's tools, inplemen.te and othn,: whether Wtoolght ITOn said pxeW-st,s�-)y MMaMor 0-r any exwp].(:i^ye?e or Q!. cont)�actox ox, of any subcontractor, Fold, z�ausa-i-C tf,-:p be left in a Mean zuid of Ra.ilrcad 10cilities.-M) Railroad Reprasenta Uvus,, conductors, flagmcn or watzhuNui W11 be PrOvided bY WIXOM tO NO" Sts f.Haities, propsrty wS =nments of its generalr Railroad will furnish sunh personnel or other rooteative serviaew�., (a) vaKni any part of any i.s -,.tandinq or loning opo-rae"'Leci v,!itjIirI 10 ject, measured horizontally, 1-na centw: Ane c"I" on, vilich Ilay c,r or construction activities are in A -Y), re.9ardleso of elevat..'Lon any excavation below elevation of trach subgrz"W if, in the op3jaicni of rai.Mad's represmAwtiv, t1adz or other railroad facilities ntay be subject to settlement. or movement. IWAryl any WearSyl, Q11009, (IMMYS, z`X 131"t"M proximity to railroad facilitinas WAS', in Ue o , AM= Ain.'. 11 1 Imilroad s xr,-rsentativa, may ea'idaM,,�IeY' or Operations, 11 when, An Agnals, wire Cantrncturls operations Ed) mming any ol"Railroad'i of ropicronLativo knit slot MaKed to, tracks, %Udingn, DO JYMBIT (� (2) InUoymation as to the railroad employees,which may he required to IMOVide Inotection to Xailraad facilities is as Wlows: Maximmil Ban; Pay Hum= (a) Classification (b) for 8 hours (c) Hoadquazters (d) 3 Pilot Conductaxs 36.97 L.A. I Yard Engine Foreman 42.91 L.A. 2 Yard Engine Helpers 2/80.14 L.K 1, Section Foreman 57.09 Torrance 2 Laborers 2/6015 Wrrance I Truck Driver 34,68 Torrance I 1.13F,131 31.7orerian 43.05 VA. 2 B&B Carpenters 2/45.42 L.A. Notes; Ca) A full MayQryl cnTew connists of 3 men, as indicated in Move grouping, Wer.cort6i0conditions, less than 3 men may be sufficient. The classifications are shown solely Car the prospective bidders' information, and thexe in no quamantee that the above classes of labor will actually be used, or that the rates of pay shown in column (c) will be thuse ir effect at the time the work is undertaken. (c) Shows base pay for normal eight -hour shift in Afect Normal avcrUme rato after, ciq rat-e. (a) Estimated costs fox travul per,omployee from headquarters to jobsite and retuzn is 2 Ms. per day per man. The WO, mated daily cost fox meals and othex accommodaLions is, $25.00 per euployee. To all direct labor costs, there shall be addedadditional charges Or vacation allowance; holiday pay; health and welfare; WOW retirement, alle"I taxes; public liability, property damage, nnd workmon's, on,pensatian insurance; and accounting and billing. For estimating pur- ,mses cm1y, thuse additlys5 colloctiveLy Llway be cunsidered as approximating 4o per cent of direct labor costs. Me determination of the cost of flaqging and proUctive devices to be used as a basis for the Waitting of bids shall be the rouponsibility of the prospective bidders. - I Ur D Y 11