ORDINANCE 1637UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE NO. 1637 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MILITARY EQUIPMENT USE POLICY. The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council finds, determines, and declares as follows: A. Assembly Bill 481 ("AB 481"), codified at Government Code§§ 7070 through 7075, requires City Council adoption, via ordinance, of a military equipment use policy ("MEU Policy") at a regular meeting prior to taking certain actions related to the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment, including without limitation, the continued use of military equipment acquired before January 1, 2022. B. The City Council seeks to approve a MEU Policy consistent with AB 481 by adopting this Ordinance. C. Pursuant to Government Code § 7071(a)(2), the City Council conducted a first reading of the proposed MEU Policy ordinance on April 19, 2022, and the El Segundo Police Department ("ESPD") staff submitted the policy to the City Council and made MEU Policy documents publicly available on the City's website for at least 30 days prior, beginning on March 17, 2022. SECTION 2. Adoption of MEU Policy. The City Council adopts the proposed MEU Policy, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by this reference, based upon the totality of evidence in the record based upon the findings set forth below, in accordance with Government Code § 7071(d)(1). A. The military equipment described in the City's MEU Policy is necessary because there is no reasonable alternative that can achieve the same objective of ESPD officer and civilian safety. B. The City's MEU Policy will safeguard the public's welfare, safety, civil rights, and civil liberties. C. Any military equipment to be purchased will be reasonably cost effective compared to reasonably alternatives that can achieve the same objective of ESPD officer and civilian safety. D. ESPD's prior use of military equipment complied with applicable use policies. City of Ell Segundo Ordinance No. 1637 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 3. Annual Review; Policy Posting. The City Council directs the ESPD Police Chief, or designee, to: A. Present this Ordinance to the City Council for its annual review where it will vote on whether to renew this Ordinance, beginning within one year of the effective date of this Ordinance (Gov. Code, § 7071(e)(1)). B. Submit an annual MEU Policy equipment report to the City Council for the body to consider compliance with the MEU Policy, beginning within one year of the effective date of this Ordinance, to assist with the City Council's review of this Ordinance as described in paragraph A, above. C. Conduct a well -publicized and conveniently located community engagement meeting at least 30 days prior to submitting the annual report, as described in paragraph B above, to the City Council (Gov. Code, § 7072(b)). D. Post the City's adopted MEU Policy on the City's website as long as associated military equipment is in ESPD use (Gov. Code, § 7071(d)(2)). E. Post each annual report, as described in paragraph B above, on the City's website for as associated military equipment is in ESPD use (Gov. Code, § 7072(a)). SECTION 4. Environmental Assessment. Adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq., "CEQA") and CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code of Regs., § 15000 et seq., "CEQA Guidelines") because the Ordinance concerns general policies and procedures and therefore, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3), it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this Ordinance will have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 5. Repeal and Supersession. The City Council adopts this Ordinance with the specific intent of superseding any contrary regulation or administrative policy and procedure. Consequently, all regulations that conflict with this Ordinance are repealed. SECTION 6. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. Page 2 of 5 City of Ell Segundo Ordinance No. 1637 Page 3 of 5 SECTION 7. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 8. Publication. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with state law. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective 30 days after adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 2022. ATTEST: er,, ity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Mark D. H nsley, City Attorney ���III �«iwl �uullllllll�l F0MR:• Page 3 of 5 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. 1637 Page 4 of 5 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1637 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of April, 2022, and was duly passed, and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of May, 2022, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Nicol, and Council Member Giroux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of May, 2022. L Tr cy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California Page 4 of 5 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. 1637 Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT "A' MEU Policy Page 5 of 5 El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Military Equipment 708.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the approval, acquisition, and reporting requirements of military equipment (Government Code § 7070; Government Code § 7071; Government Code § 7072). 708.1.1 DEFINITIONS Definitions related to this policy include (Government Code § 7070): Governing body — The elected or appointed body that oversees the Department. Military equipment — Includes but is not limited to the following: • Unmanned, remotely piloted, powered aerial or ground vehicles. • Mine -resistant ambush -protected (MRAP) vehicles or armored personnel carriers. • High mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles (HMMWV), two -and -one -half -ton trucks, five -ton trucks, or wheeled vehicles that have a breaching or entry apparatus attached. • Tracked armored vehicles that provide ballistic protection to their occupants. • Command and control vehicles that are either built or modified to facilitate the operational control and direction of public safety units. • Weaponized aircraft, vessels, or vehicles of any kind. • Battering rams, slugs, and breaching apparatuses that are explosive in nature. This does not include a handheld, one -person ram. • Firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or greater, excluding standard -issue shotguns and standard -issue shotgun ammunition. • Specialized firearms and ammunition of less than .50 caliber, including firearms and accessories identified as assault weapons in Penal Code § 30510 and Penal Code § 30515, with the exception of standard -issue firearms. • Any firearm or firearm accessory that is designed to launch explosive projectiles. • Noise -flash diversionary devices and explosive breaching tools. • Munitions containing tear gas or OC, excluding standard, service -issued handheld pepper spray. • TASER® Shockwave, microwave weapons, water cannons, and long-range acoustic devices (LRADs). • Kinetic energy weapons and munitions. • Any other equipment as determined by a governing body or a state agency to require additional oversight. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2022/04/28, All Rights Reserved. Military Equipment - 1 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Military Equipment 708.2 POLICY It is the policy of the El Segundo Police Department that members of this department comply with the provisions of Government Code § 7071 with respect to military equipment. 708.3 MILITARY EQUIPMENT COORDINATOR The Chief of Police should designate a member of this department to act as the military equipment coordinator. The responsibilities of the military equipment coordinator include but are not limited to: (a) Acting as liaison to the governing body for matters related to the requirements of this policy. (b) Identifying department equipment that qualifies as military equipment in the current possession of the Department, or the equipment the Department intends to acquire that requires approval by the governing body. (c) Conducting an inventory of all military equipment at least annually. (d) Collaborating with any allied agency that may use military equipment within the jurisdiction of El Segundo Police Department (Government Code § 7071). (e) Preparing for, scheduling, and coordinating the annual community engagement meeting to include: Publicizing the details of the meeting. 2. Preparing for public questions regarding the department's funding, acquisition, and use of equipment. (f) Preparing the annual military equipment report for submission to the Chief of Police and ensuring that the report is made available on the department website (Government Code § 7072). (g) Establishing the procedure for a person to register a complaint or concern, or how that person may submit a question about the use of a type of military equipment, and how the Department will respond in a timely manner. 708.4 MILITARY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY The following constitutes a list of qualifying equipment for the Department: See attachment: Military Equipment Inventory.pdf 708.5 APPROVAL The Chief of Police or the authorized designee shall obtain approval from the governing body by way of an ordinance adopting the military equipment policy. As part of the approval process, the Chief of Police or the authorized designee shall ensure the proposed military equipment policy is submitted to the governing body and is available on the department website at least 30 days prior to any public hearing concerning the military equipment at issue (Government Code § 7071). The military equipment policy must be approved by the governing body prior to engaging in any of the following (Government Code § 7071): Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2022/04/28, All Rights Reserved. Military Equipment - 2 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Military Equipment (a) Requesting military equipment made available pursuant to 10 USC § 2576a. (b) Seeking funds for military equipment, including but not limited to applying for a grant, soliciting or accepting private, local, state, or federal funds, in -kind donations, or other donations or transfers. (c) Acquiring military equipment either permanently or temporarily, including by borrowing or leasing. (d) Collaborating with another law enforcement agency in the deployment or other use of military equipment within the jurisdiction of this department. (e) Using any new or existing military equipment for a purpose, in a manner, or by a person not previously approved by the governing body. (f) Soliciting or responding to a proposal for, or entering into an agreement with, any other person or entity to seek funds for, apply to receive, acquire, use, or collaborate in the use of military equipment. (g) Acquiring military equipment through any means not provided above. 708.6 COORDINATION WITH OTHER JURISDICTIONS Military Equipment used by any member of this jurisdiction shall be approved for use in accordance with the El Segundo Police Department. Military equipment used by other jurisdictions that are providing mutual aid to this jurisdiction shall comply with their respective military equipment use policies in rendering mutual aid. 708.7 ANNUAL REPORT Upon approval of a military equipment policy, the Chief of Police or the authorized designee should submit a military equipment report to the governing body for each type of military equipment approved within one year of approval, and annually thereafter for as long as the military equipment is available for use (Government Code § 7072). The Chief of Police or the authorized designee should also make each annual military equipment report publicly available on the department website for as long as the military equipment is available for use. The report shall include all information required by Government Code § 7072 for the preceding calendar year for each type of military equipment in department inventory. 708.8 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Within 30 days of submitting and publicly releasing the annual report, the Department shall hold at least one well -publicized and conveniently located community engagement meeting, at which the Department should discuss the report and respond to public questions regarding the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment. 708.9 COMPLIANCE The El Segundo Police Department Administrative Division will ensure that all Department members comply with this policy. The Administration Division will conduct an annual audit with Copyright Lexipol, LLc 2022104/28, All Rights Reserved. Military Equipment - 3 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Military Equipment the assistance of the Range Staff. The Chief of Police or designee will be notified of any policy violations and, if needed, the violation(s) will be referred to the Administrative Division and handled in accordance with El Segundo Police Department's Policy and Procedures. All instances of non- compliance will be reported to City Council via the annual military equipment report. Any member of the public can register a question or concern regarding military use equipment by contacting the El Segundo's Police Department's Administrative Division. Any member of the public can submit a complaint to any member of the Department and in any form (i.e. in person, telephone, email, etc.). Once the complaint is received, it should be routed to the Administrative Division, 348 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245, (310) 524-2200. City of El Segundo Administrative Division 348 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 (310) 524-2200 Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2022/04/28. All Rights Reserved. Military Equipment - 4 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Attachments Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2022/04/28, All Rights Reserved, Attachments - 5 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department Policy Manual Military Equipment Inventorympdf Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2022/04/28, all Rights Reserved., Military Equipment Inventory.pdf - 6 Published with permission by El Segundo Police Department El Segundo Police Department Military Equipment List Armored Vehicles: Type: Tactical Humvee Quantity: 1 Cost: $0 (Acquired through the 10-33 Military Program) Lifespan: 20+ years based on maintenance care Capabilities: The Humvee can support first responders in any hazardous, high risk, or critical incident which would benefit from having a vehicle that provides a high level of ballistic protection. Manufacturer's Description: The high -mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle (HMMWV or Humvee) is a tactical vehicle designed and produced to replace the US Army's current tactical vehicles in the 0.25t to 1.25t range. It is manufactured by AM General LLC at its Mishawaka industrial plant. More than 50 countries and military organizations operate these vehicles. Purpose: The purpose of the Humvee is to provide protection for the SWAT members in high risk or critical incidents such as, serving high risk search warrants or arrest warrants of dangerous subjects. Authorized uses: The Humvee is to be used exclusively by the SWAT unit. These uses could include active shooters, armed barricaded suspects, hostage situations, high -risk tactical operations, disaster response, officer/citizen rescues. Fiscal Impact: $500 (Maintenance Costs) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy-300 Use of Force. Training: Oversized SWAT and Police Vehicle Safety and Operation Training. This training is put on by the California Truck Driving Academy. Explosive Breaching Tool: Type: Remington 870 Magnum 12 Gauge Shot Lock. SN LM010456 Ammo: (Quantity:58) 12 Gauge, Avon, Breaching Round, Part #3105 Quantity: 1 Cost: $700 Lifespan: N/A Capabilities: This tool allows for officers to safely utilize shotgun breaching rounds to destroy deadbolts, locks, and hinges. The stand-off that is attached to the end of the barrel allows for positive placement of the device into the correct position and vents gasses to prevent overpressure. This device can also defeat windows and sliding glass doors with a flash bang round. Manufacturer's Description: The Remington 870 family of shotguns was first introduced by Remington in the 1950s and since, has become one of the most popular USA -made pump action shotguns ever. Sales of the 870 reached over 7 million guns by 1996 and have since continued to grow. This particular model is configured with a pistol grip and a door -breaching accessory threaded into the barrel making it ideal for forceful entry situations. Purpose: During crisis situations, it may become necessary for a SWAT team to facilitate an entry into a target location. It is critical the point of entry is breached quickly and as safely as possible. A quick and effective breach is one key to a successful tactical mission. In some instances, an explosive breach may be required to provide an added degree of safety and tactical advantage in order to accomplish a mission. Authorized uses: An Explosive Breach should only be utilized after taking into consideration the overall mission, officer and citizen safety, the overall construction of the structure, the presence of unstable chemicals, explosives or incendiary materials, and whether other means of mechanical breaching would be effective and safe to use. The option to use an explosive breach shall be at the discretion of the SWAT Team Leader with the approval of the SWAT or Incident Commander. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and f federal laws and Lexipol Policy-300 Use of Force. Training: Only SWAT Officers that are certified Explosive Breachers are authorized to utilize explosive breaching tools. SWAT Explosive Breachers must successfully complete an 80 hour SWAT Academy and must attend extensive POST certified Explosive Breaching Courses. 2 Projectile Launcher Platforms: Type: 40mm, Single shot launchers. SN# D37725, SN# D36314, SN# 19782 and SN# D37841 Quantity: 4 Cost: $835 each Lifespan: N/A Capabilities: 40mm launchers are capable of firing a variety of munitions with a maximum effective range of one hundred twenty (120) feet. 40mm launchers can deliver 40mm munitions in the form of chemical agents, sponge baton rounds, or combined use sponge baton OC chemical agent rounds. Manufacturer's Description: The 40LMTS is a tactical 40mm single shot launcher that features an expandable stock and an adjustable Integrated Front Grip (IFG) with a light rail. The Ambidextrous Lateral Sling Mount (LSM) and QD mounting systems allow both a single and two point sling attachment. The 40LMTS will fire standard 40mm Less Lethal ammunition, up to 4.8 inches in cartridge length. This weapon is NOT designed to fire 40mm High Velocity HE ammunition. The Picatinny Rail Mounting System will accept a wide array of enhanced optics/sighting systems. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon. (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, and Policy 300 Use of Force. Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile 3 launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. Type: Penn Arms, Model # PG5, 40mm, Pump action, Multi -Shot (6) launcher, SN 3131 Quantity: 1 Cost: $2,000 Lifespan: N/A Capabilities: 40mm launchers are capable of firing a variety of munitions with a maximum effective range of one hundred twenty (120) feet. 40mm launchers can deliver 40mm munitions in the form of chemical agents, sponge baton rounds, or combined use sponge baton OC chemical agent rounds. Manufacturer's Description: A 40mm pump -action advance magazine drum launcher with a fixed stock and combo rail. It has a six -shot capacity and rifled barrel. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon. (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, and Policy 300 Use of Force. Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. 51 Specialty Impact Munitions (SIM): Type: Direct Impact 40mm OC Crushable Foam Round — Part# 6320 Quantity: 233 Cost: $18.25 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capability: 40mm launchers are capable of firing a variety of munitions with a minimum effective range of five (5) feet and a maximum effective range of one hundred twenty (120) feet. 40mm launchers can deliver 40mm munitions in the form of chemical agents, sponge baton rounds, or combined use sponge baton OC chemical agent rounds. Manufacturer's Description: The 40mm Direct Impact® Round has evolved from Defense Technology® design of the eXact iMpactTM. This lightweight, high- speed projectile consists of a plastic body and a crushable foam nose which is spin stabilized via the incorporated rifling collar and the 40mm launcher's rifled barrel. The rounds utilize smokeless powder as the propellant and have velocities that are extremely consistent. The 40mm Direct Impact® Round consists of a plastic body and a crushable foam nose that contains a powder payload. This payload area can hold inert, marking, OC or CS powder. The crushable foam nose dissipates energy upon impact while releasing the powder payload. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. The Direct Impact OC round additionally brings the effects of an irritant powder, maximizing the potential for incapacitation. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon, within the force guidelines of Department Procedure (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic 5 Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. Type: Exact Impact 40mm Standard Range Sponge Round -Part# 6425 Quantity: 238 Cost: $17 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capability: 40mm launchers are capable of firing a variety of munitions with a minimum effective range of five (5) feet and a maximum effective range of one hundred twenty (120) feet. 40mm launchers can deliver 40mm munitions in the form of chemical agents, sponge baton rounds, or combined use sponge baton OC chemical agent rounds. Manufacturer's Description: The 40mm eXact iMpactTM Sponge Round has evolved from the design of the 40mm XM1006 projectile, developed by the US Army Research Laboratory. This lightweight, high-speed projectile incorporates a plastic body and a foam (sponge) nose which is spin stabilized via the incorporated rifling collar and the 40mm launcher's rifled barrel. The round utilizes smokeless powder as the propellant and has velocities that are extremely consistent. The 40mm eXact iMpactTM Sponge Round is a "point -of -aim, point -of - impact" direct fire round that is most commonly used by tactical teams in situations where maximum deliverable energy is desired for the incapacitation of an aggressive, non -compliant subject. In many municipalities, these are being selected for both tactical call outs and as an available option for patrol. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. The Direct Impact OC round additionally brings the effects of an irritant powder, maximizing the potential for incapacitation. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life- 0 threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon, within the force guidelines of Department Procedure (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. Type: Exact Impact 40mm Extended Range Sponge Round- Part# 6325LE Quantity: 15 Cost: $19 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capability: 40mm launchers are capable of firing a variety of munitions. The minimum effective range is thirty three (33) feet and the maximum effective range of the extended range sponge round is two hundred thirty (230) feet. 40mm launchers can deliver 40mm munitions in the form of chemical agents, sponge baton rounds, or combined use sponge baton OC chemical agent rounds. Manufacturer's Description: The 40mm eXact iMpactTm Extended Range Round has evolved from the Defense Technology® design of the eXact iMpactTM. This lightweight, high-speed projectile incorporates a plastic body and a foam (sponge) nose which is spin stabilized via the incorporated rifling collar and the 40mm launcher's rifled barrel. The round utilizes smokeless powder as the propellant and has velocities that are extremely consistent. The 40mm eXact iMpactTm Extended Range Round is a "point -of -aim, point -of -impact" direct fire round that is most commonly used by tactical teams in situations where greater accuracy and deliverable energy is desired for the incapacitation of an aggressive, non -compliant subject at longer distances. 7 Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. The Direct Impact OC round additionally brings the effects of an irritant powder, maximizing the potential for incapacitation. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon, within the force guidelines of Department Procedure (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. Type: 40 mm Stinger 60-Cal Rubber Ball Smokeless Powder Round -Part# 6097 Quantity: 98 Cost: $20.49 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capability: The Stinger 40mm, 60-Caliber Round is intended to be skipped or directly fired at the discretion of the operator. It is most suitable at close to moderate ranges of fire, approximately 15 to 40 feet. Manufacturer's Description: The Stinger® 40mm, 60-Caliber Round incorporates a 4.8-inch casing that contains approximately eighteen (18) rubber balls. It differs from its 37mm counterpart in that it utilizes smokeless powder as the propellant and therefore has velocities that are considerably more consistent 8 and have tighter patterns. The Stinger® 40mm, 60-Caliber Round is most widely used as a crowd management tool by Law Enforcement and Corrections. The round is generally deployed in low trajectories or skip fired in the general direction (non -target specific) of the intended targets. It is suitable for administering a means of pain compliance over a greater distance than its counterpart, the Stinger® 32 Cal. Round. Like the Stinger® 32 Cal., the Stinger® 60 Cal. Round is not well suited as a dynamic, high-energy single subject round for the purposes of incapacitation. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. The Stinger 40mm, 60-Caliber Round is a pain compliance round for crowd control. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon, within the force guidelines of Department Procedure (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force. Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. Type: Ferret 40mm CS Liquid Projectile -Part # 1262 (Newer version is Part # 2292. Quantity: 46 Cost: $23 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capability: The effective range of the Ferret 40mm CS Powder Barricade Penetrating Projectile is fifty-four (54) yards. Manufacturer's Description: The Ferret 40mm Round is a frangible projectile filled with chemical agent. It is designed to deliver chemical agents in barricade situations from a 40mm launcher. Spin stabilization from barrel rifling affords maximum stand-off distance and accuracy for safety. The Ferret® 40mm Round is non -burning and suitable for indoor use. Used primarily by tactical teams, it is designed to penetrate barriers, such as windows, hollow core doors, wallboard and thin plywood. Upon impacting the barrier, the nose cone ruptures and instantaneously delivers a small chemical payload inside of a structure or vehicle. Purpose: Kinetic energy projectiles, when used properly, are less likely to result in death or serious physical injury and can be used in an attempt to de-escalate a potentially deadly situation. The Direct Impact OC round additionally brings the effects of an irritant powder, maximizing the potential for incapacitation. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Authorized Use: 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may be deployed to impact subjects demonstrating assaultive behavior or life - threatening behavior. 40mm launchers utilized with less lethal sponge baton rounds may also be used to control an actively resistive subject reasonably believed to possess or have immediate access to a deadly weapon, within the force guidelines of Department Procedure (Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force). Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.6 Kinetic Energy Projectiles, 303.8 Kinetic Energy Projectile Training, 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines, 303.11 Pepper Projectile Systems, and Policy 300 Use of Force. Training: Every sworn El Segundo Police Officer attends a less lethal refresher course every two years. The refresher course consists of reading the department policy on each less lethal device, overview of the use of force policy, nomenclature of the projector launcher device and live fire with the projectile launchers. Additionally, SWAT members train on the projectile launcher platforms numerous times throughout the year. 10 CS Munition #1: Type: Triple -Chaser, Separating Canister CS- Part# 1026 Quantity: 50 Cost: $50 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: This device can be hand thrown or launched from a delivery system. Manufacturer's Description: The Triple -Chaser consists of three separate canisters pressed together with separating charges between each. When deployed, the canisters separate and land approximately 20 feet apart allowing increased area coverage in a short period of time. This grenade can be hand thrown or launched from a fired delivery system. The grenade is 6.5 in. by 2.7 in. and holds an approximately 3.2 oz. of active agent payload. It has approximate burn time of 20-30 seconds. Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Purpose: The Triple -Chaser CS is used as crowd management in an outdoor setting. Authorized Uses: Tear gas may be used for crowd control, crowd dispersal or against barricaded suspects based on the circumstances. Only the Watch Commander, Incident Commander or SWAT Lieutenant may authorize the delivery and use of tear gas, and only after evaluating all conditions known at the time and determining that such force reasonably appears justified and necessary„ When practicable, fire personnel should be alerted or summoned to the scene prior to the deployment of tear gas to control any fires and to assist in providing medical aid or gas evacuation if needed. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Pocket Tactical device. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. South Bay Platoon officers can also use them. They train on crowd control scenarios once a year. 11 CS Munition #2 Type: Pocket Tactical CS Saf-Smoke - Part# 1017 Quantity: 20 Cost: $22.67 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: The Pocket Tactical is a small lightweight easily carried device that provides a medium volume of chemical agent or smoke for certain situations. Manufacturer's Description: The Pocket Tactical Grenade is a quick burning, reduced volume, continuous discharge grenade available in OC, CN, CS, and Saf-SmokerM. Pelletized chemical agent or smoke is discharged through one (1) gas port located on the bottom of the canister. The Pocket Tactical Grenade is a small, lightweight, easily carried device that provides a medium volume of chemical agent or smoke for certain situations. It was designed with the tactical team in mind for distraction, concealment, rescue, or signaling. Purpose: The Pocket Tactical was designed with the tactical team in mind and can be used for distraction, concealment, rescue, or signaling. Additionally, the Pocket Tactical may be used to dislodge barricaded suspects from confined areas. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines. Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Pocket Tactical device. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. CS Munition #3 Type: Pocket Tactical CS- Part# 1016 Quantity: 14 Cost: $22 each 12 Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: The Pocket Tactical is a small lightweight easily carried device that provides a medium volume of chemical agent or smoke for certain situations. Manufacturer's Description: The Pocket Tactical Grenade is a quick burning, reduced volume, continuous discharge grenade available in OC, CN, CS, and Saf-SmokerM. Pelletized chemical agent or smoke is discharged through one (1) gas port located on the bottom of the canister. The Pocket Tactical Grenade is a small, lightweight, easily carried device that provides a medium volume of chemical agent or smoke for certain situations. It was designed with the tactical team in mind for distraction, concealment, rescue, or signaling. The pocket grenade is not specifically intended as a crowd management device; however, it can be used in chemical configurations in conjunction with larger smoke canisters to "piggy back" chemical agent into a predominately smoke environment. This device should be deployed utilizing wind advantage. It should NOT be deployed onto rooftops, in crawl spaces, or indoors due to its fire - producing capability. Hand throw or launch. The fuze should be removed prior to inserting the grenade into the launching cup, and then the open threaded end is inserted into the launching cup first. Launching of grenades will provide deploying officers additional standoff distances. This small canister affords good coverage and may also be used as a distraction device. It may also be used as a distraction to focus attention away from other activities. Purpose: The Pocket Tactical was designed with the tactical team in mind and can be used for distraction, concealment, rescue, or signaling. Additionally, the Pocket Tactical may be used to dislodge barricaded suspects from confined areas. Its purpose is to minimize the risk to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Pocket Tactical device. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. 13 CS Munition #4 Type: Flameless Tri-Chamber, CS- Part# 1032 Quantity: 13 Cost: $45 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: The design of the Tri-Chamber Flameless CS Grenade allows the contents to burn within an internal can and disperse the agent safely with reduced risk of fire. The grenade is designed primarily for indoor tactical situations to detect and/or dislodge a barricaded subject. This grenade will deliver approximately.70 oz of agent during its 20-25 seconds of burn time. The Tri-Chamber Flameless Grenade can be used in crowd control as well as tactical deployment situations by Law Enforcement and Corrections, but was designed with the barricade situation in mind. Its applications in tactical situations are primarily to detect and/or dislodge barricaded subjects Manufacturer's Description: The Tri-Chamber Flameless Grenade is designed for indoor use. This grenade's pyrotechnic contents are burned within an internal can that is one of three in this design. The internal combustion allows the chemical -laden smoke to be released through three (3) ports on the outer canister side while safely containing any of the fire -producing properties within the two internal canisters. The fuze is shrouded to further protect surrounding materials from the possibility of fire. Purpose: The purpose of the Tri-Chamber Flameless Grenade is to minimize the risks to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort, and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. The Tri-Chamber Flameless Grenade provides the option of delivering a pyrotechnic chemical device indoors, maximizing the chemicals effectiveness via heat and vaporization, while minimizing or negating the chance of fire to the structure. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines. Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Tri-Chamber CS. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. 14 CS Munition #5 Type: Flameless Expulsion, CS- Pa►t# 2042 Quantity: 6 Cost: $50 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: The Flameless Expulsion CS device can be used in tactical deployment situations. Its applications include detection and/or dislodging barricaded subjects. The purpose of the Flameless Expulsion Grenade is to minimize the risks to all parties through pain compliance, temporary discomfort and/or incapacitation of potentially violent or dangerous subjects. Manufacturer's Description: The CS Flameless Expulsion Grenade is a compact, non -pyrotechnic, chemical agent device that provides safe expulsion without risk of fire. It is safe to use inside of a residence. Unlike pyrotechnical grenades, this device's contents are expelled upon actuation of a CO2 cartridge that will affect a confined area of approximately 1500 square feet. This grenade is 7.5 in. by 1.65 in. and delivers approximately .16 oz. of active agent during its 3-second discharge time. Purpose: To de-escalate a situation and lower the likelihood of lethal force. Situations for use of the less lethal weapon systems may include, but are not limited to, dangerous and/or combative individuals, riot/crowd control and civil unrest incidents, circumstances where a tactical advantage can be obtained, and potentially vicious animals. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Flameless Expulsion CS. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. 15 CS Munition #6 Type: Spede-Heat, CS- Pa►t# 1072 Quantity: 19 Cost: $25 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: Can be hand thrown, deployed via robot, launched, placed into a Gas Ram, Burn Safe and Munitions Pole. Manufacturer's Description: The Spede-Heat CS Grenade is a high volume, continuous burn it expels its payload in approximately 20-40 seconds. The payload is discharged through four gas ports on top of the canister, three on the side and one on the bottom. This launchable grenade is 6.12 in. by 2.62 in. and holds approximately 2.9 oz. of active agent. Purpose: To safely resolve critical situations such as violent civil unrest and high risk tactical operations Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 303.10 Tear Gas Guidelines Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Spede-Heat CS. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of hand deployed chemical agent devices during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. Additionally, officers who have received P.O.S.T. certification in the use of chemical agents are authorized to use them. Unmanned, Remotely Piloted Powered Aerial Vehicle: UAS#1 Type: DJI Phantom 4 Quantity: 3 Cost: $7,339.48 (Total for all three drones) Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: UAS can support first responders in any hazardous incident which would benefit from an aerial perspective. These uses could include search and 16 rescue, barricaded suspects or high -risk tactical operations, disaster response, and video and photographic documentation of a crime scene. Manufacturer's Description: Featuring a 1-inch CMOS sensor that can shoot 4K/60fps videos and 20MP photos, the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 grants filmmakers absolute creative freedom. The OcuSync 2.0 HD transmission system ensures stable connectivity and reliability, five directions of obstacle sensing ensures additional safety, and a dedicated remote controller with a built-in screen grants even greater precision and control. P] A wide array of intelligent features makes flying that much easier. The Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 is a complete aerial imaging solution, designed for the professional creator. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#2 Type: DJI Tello #1 Quantity: 1 Cost: $100 per drone Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: Can be flown indoors or outdoors. It is very light and easy to fly. It has a thirteen -minute flight time, has 720p HD transmission and 51VIP photos. 17 Manufacturer's Description: It works great and is far superior to any other technology. The Tello is stable on uneven surfaces like stairs and different floors, The drone responds quickly to pilot inputs and makes precise, smooth movements in flight. When flying indoors, the Tello feels completely under the pilot's control. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#3 Type: DJI Mavic Mini Quantity: 1 Cost: $450 per drone Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Mavic Mini is an interior drone used to clear the interior portions of residences, office buildings, or warehouses. The interior drones allow for officers to get an idea of what a room or building looks like prior to entering. Manufacturer's Description: Weighing just 249 g, DJI Mavic Mini is smaller and lighter than all of its predecessors, giving the pilot the ultimate flexibility to capture unique moments. Unlike other DJI drones that feature quick -release propellers, Mavic Mini propellers are screwed on, which helps to preserve the weight of the drone. A 3-axis stabilized gimbal is located at the front of the drone, 18 which is protected by a camera guard. And a microSD card slot is located on the back, providing a convenient location to change storage quickly. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#4 Type: DJI Matrice 210 V2 Combo (SP) Drone System with DJI Enterprise Shield Basic SN# 17TDG180020031 Quantity: 1 Cost: $30,125.64 Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Matrice 210/300 drones are used for exterior overwatch missions. Both of these drones are large and have similar features that police helicopters have ranging from FLIR to zoom and wide-angle cameras to a very bright spotlight to illuminate a search area. Manufacturer's Description: The ultimate platform for aerial productivity combines a rugged design and simple configurability to work as a solution for a variety of industrial applications. Improvements to the M200 Series V2 enhance intelligent control systems, flight performance, and add flight safety and data security features 19 Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#5 Type: DJ/ Mavic Air Quantity: 1 Cost: $500 per drone Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Mavic Air is an interior drone used to clear the interior portions of residences, office buildings, or warehouses. The interior drone allows officers to get an idea of what a room or building looks like prior to entering. Manufacturer's Description: Mavic Air takes camera and flight performance to the next level with 48MP photos, 4K/60fps video, up to 34 minutes of flight time, and more. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to 20 increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#6 Type: DJI Matrice RTK 300 Commercial Drone System Quantity: 1 Cost: $30,603.08 Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The DJI Matrice RTK can support first responders in any hazardous incident which would benefit from an aerial perspective. These uses could include search and rescue, barricaded suspects or high -risk tactical operations, disaster response, and video and photographic documentation of a crime scene. Manufacturer's Description: The Matrice 300 RTK is DJI's latest commercial drone platform that takes inspiration from modern aviation systems. Offering up to 55 minutes of flight time, advanced Al capabilities, 6 directional sensing and positioning and more, the M300 RTK sets a whole new standard by combining intelligence with high-performance and unrivaled reliability. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. 21 Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#7 Type: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom Enterprise Universal Edition with Enterprise Shield Support Program Quantity: 1 Cost: $3,245.58 Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Mavic Zoom is used for exterior missions including overwatch on smaller scale containments. The Mavic Zoom offers a 12X zoom lens to get visual of the target from farther away. Manufacturer's Description: Capture accurate details in any mission with the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced — a highly versatile yet compact tool that packs a whole lot of performance upgrades. With high -resolution thermal and visual cameras, the M2EA supports up to 32x digital zoom and is capable of centimeter -level positioning accuracy with the RTK module. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. 22 Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. UAS#8 Type: DJI Mavic 2 Dual Enterprise Quantity: 1 Cost: $4,181.81 Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Mavic Dual is used for exterior missions including overwatch on smaller scale containments. The Mavic Dual offers a 12X zoom lens to get visual of the target from farther away. The Mavic Dual offers a FUR lens to sense heat sources during night hours. Manufacturer's Description: Capture accurate details in any mission with the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced — a highly versatile yet compact tool that packs a whole lot of performance upgrades. With high -resolution thermal and visual cameras, the M2EA supports up to 32x digital zoom and is capable of centimeter -level positioning accuracy with the RTK module. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. 23 UAS #9 Type: Brinc Lemur S Quantity: 1 Cost: $22,110.22 Lifespan: 5 year manufacturer warranty Capabilities: The Lemur S is an interior drone used to clear the interior portions of residences, office buildings, or warehouses. The interior drone allows officers to get an idea of what a room or building looks like prior to entering. Two way communication drone, allowing officers to communicate with any subject located, It will also has a Glass breaker feature that lets the drone break and fly through glass (ie car windows, glass doors). There is a thirty one minute flight time. Manufacturer's Description: Repeater that doubles the drones range. Pushes open doors.IR flying capabilities that does not use GPS. This allows us to fly in total darkness. Two-way communication capabilities with a powerful speaker to assist with a barricaded suspect in a CNT situation. 31 minute flight time Turtle mode that makes it virtually crash proof and can self -correct and re -fly without the pilot physically needing to touch the drone or flip it right side up. LIDAR based pilot assistance (uses lasers not GPS to fly which avoids the constant connection issues traditional GPS drones encounter. 1 0-hours perch time that allows the pilot to land the drone and record video and audio and speak with a subject on a single charge. Glass breaker feature that lets the drone break and fly through glass (ie car windows, glass doors). Spot light, dropper accessory, landing strip that lets the drone take off from the front of a vehicle/bearcat without the pilot stepping out in harms way. Can withstand drops of up to 40'.The drone also has a carry feature that allows it to deliver anything from a bottle of water to a flash bang. Purpose: A law enforcement specific application involving aerial drones are used for open terrain or large field searches as a force -multiplier to assist in high -risk apprehensions of armed or violent suspects. Aerial drones can be used as an interior search tool to locate suspects barricaded inside a residence or commercial structure. Authorized Uses: Unmanned vehicles have numerous applications. Aerial drones are used instead of personnel or a police helicopter in high -risk environments to increase safety for law enforcement. Drone pilots also respond to mutual aid requests from outside agencies to assist with locating outstanding suspects. Fiscal Impact: Battery Replacement (depending on frequency of use and charging) Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 433-Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program. 24 Training: All Drone pilots must pass the UAV FAA Remote Pilot test. Additionally, all drone pilots attend a monthly drone training. The Drone Team and the SWAT Team train together a couple of times a year, to become familiar with each other's tactics. Unmanned, Remotely Piloted Powered Ground Vehicle: Type: Avatar H/ Robot Quantity: 1 Cost: $22,246.90 Capabilities: Robots can support first responders in any hazardous incident which would benefit from a remotely powered robot entering an area to provide details of the environment. These uses could include search and rescue, barricaded suspects or high -risk tactical operations, disaster response, and communication with suspects and victims. Life Span: N/A Manufactures Description: The AVATAR® III is a rugged, easy -to -use tactical robot that enhances the capabilities of law enforcement and first -responders by allowing them to safely and quickly inspect dangerous situations. The AVATAR III is completely customizable with plug-n-play payload bays, allowing users to build the robot to fit their needs. Purpose: To be used to remotely gain visual/audio data, deliver CNT phone, open doors, disrupt packages, and clear buildings. Authorized Uses: Only SWAT team members shall be permitted to operate the robots on an incident with the approval of the SWAT Commander or Incident Commander. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 300-Use of Force. Training: Only SWAT Officers that have completed a SWAT basic academy are authorized to utilize the Avatar III Robot. SWAT Officers will conduct continued training with the use of the robot during supplemental SWAT courses and trainings. 25 Flashbangs: Type: Low Roll 11 Distraction Device by Defense Technology Quantity: 25 Cost: $50 each Lifespan: 5 years from date of manufacture Capabilities: Diversionary Devices are capable of releasing large amounts of stored energy in the form of heat, light, pressure, and noise. They are intended to temporarily distract, confuse, and disorient subjects. They can also be used as "attention -getting" devices. Manufacturer's Description: The 11-Gram Low Roll II® Non-Reloadable Distraction Device, High Humidity utilizes an M201A1 type fuse with Hex design steel body. This compact version of the 8933 Low Roll Distraction Device body is the newest version of the first reusable non -bursting canisters that limits movement and rolling once deployed. Purpose: The flashbangs are used as a distraction device and to provide an added degree of officer safety by disorienting subjects. Authorized uses: Diversionary Devices are to be used exclusively by the SWAT Unit. Diversionary Devices can be used in high -risk tactical operations as an attention getting device. They can also be used during high -risk warrants, hostage rescue incidents, and some mobile field force incidents. Fiscal Impact: None Legal and Procedural Rules: Authorized use must comply with state and federal laws and Lexipol Policy 300-Use of Force. Training: SWAT Officers must successfully complete an 80 hour SWAT Academy and are subject to ongoing extensive classroom and practical application training in the use of the Diversionary Devices. Additionally, SWAT Officers regularly train on safe device deployment in a variety of operational settings. 26