CONTRACT 2616 - PERM Memorandum of Understanding CLOSEDAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION 1. The term of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall commence on July 1, 1998 and end on September 30, 2001. 2. The City and the Association shall incorporate the terms of this agreement into the existing comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding such that it shall contain all currently effective agreements between the City and the Association. 3. The City shall increase salaries by 5% effective July 18, 1998. 4. The City shall implement the results of a classification and compensation study for unit members on or before July 1, 1999, in accordance with Attachment "A". 5. The City shall increase salaries by 2% or by the Consumer Price Index Percent change for the year ending May, 2000, "Los Angeles - Riverside - Orange County Area, All Urban Consumers", whichever increase is greater. The salary increase shall be effective July 2, 2000. 6. The Association agrees to reduce the maximum allowable amount of accumulated sick leave from 1056 hours to 600 hours, effective July 1, 1998, in accordance with Attachment "B". Additionally, the City agrees to add all unit members to its currently existing Long Term Disability Plan. 7. The City's aggregate contribution toward dental, optical and life insurance coverage shall be capped at $135 per employee per month, in accordance with Attachment "C". 8. The City agrees to interpret "sufficient number" of candidates for a promotional examination as three eligible and qualified applicants, in accordance with Attachment "D". 9.. The City shall modify the Computer Loan Program, in accordance with Attachment "E". 10. The City shall modify its policy relative to the direct deposit of paychecks, in accordance with Attachment "F". 11. The City shall modify Personnel Rule 14.4 in order to provide a pre -disciplinary hearing process for all suspensions without pay, in accordance with Attachment "G". 12. During the third year of this MOU, the City and the Association shall meet with the intent of discussing the 2% at 55 PERS Retirement Plan. 13, The City shall institute a Standby Duty Policy, in accordance with Attachment "H". 14. The Association agrees to the method of computing adjustments to salary ranges, in accordance with Attachment "I". 15. The City shall revise Article 2.02(1) of the MOU to delete sick leave as time worked for 0( f 1 purposes of calculating overtime, in accordance with Attachment "J". 16. The City agrees to increase the current $10,000 term life insurance coverage for unit members to $20,000. 17. The City agrees to increase recall pay from a minimum of two hours to a minimum of four hours. 18. The City agrees to increase the maximum amount of compensatory time off which can be maintained at any one time from 60 to 80 hours. 19, The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 1.13, "Grievance Procedure," to reflect the following: A. The Association may grieve on behalf of an individual, group of employees or the Association as a whole. B. Steps within the Grievance Procedure will be completed within ten working days. C. Copies of written materials which may be used for disciplinary purposes shall be provided to the employee prior to placement in their official personnel file. The employee shall have the right to rebut any such document and have the rebuttal attached to the document prior to it becoming a permanent part of the employee's personnel file. 20. The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 1.14(2), "Grievance Procedure - Notice to Employees," to include the following: The City shall notify the Association thirty days prior to the implementation of layoffs, to provide for adequate time to meet and confer regarding the impact. 21. The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 2.03, "Family Emergency Sick Care Utilization," to include the following: The City shall comply with the Federal and State regulations of the Family and Medical Leave Act. 22, The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 2.04, "Uniform Allowance and Replacement," to include the following: A. The allowance for Crime Scene Investigator shall be increased from $198 to $240 per year. B. Fire Inspector 1/II shall be provided an allowance of $240 per year. C. Requests for an additional shoe allowance when such individuals have worn or damaged safety shoes shall not be unreasonably denied. If denied, the reason for such denial shall be provided in writing to the employee. 23. The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 2.13(E), "Step Advancement - Anniversary Date" to add the phrase "subject to meet and confer with the Association," after the statement, "the City Council reserves the right, at any time, and in its sole discretion, to change the range number assigned to any officer or employee and to determine the particular step in any range number which is to be thereafter assigned to any such officer or employee." 24. The City and the Association agree to modify MOU Article 3.04 "Alternative Work Schedules," to add the phrase "such as the 9/80 schedule," after "if the employee requests a change to the schedule..." 25. The City agrees to pay on behalf of the employees covered under this agreement the member contribution on shift differential, uniform allowance, and uniform replacement when such benefits are includable as additional compensation for PERS purposes. 26. Deferred compensation as previously defined in regards to Retirement shall reflect modification for social security coverage. Deferred pay will equal 7% of the sum of Total earnings less $133.33 per month. Total earnings less deferred pay equals base pay. Example of Salary and Deferred Pay with OASDI Modification: Base Pay $1,869.33 Deferred Pay 130.67 Total Pay $2,000.00 FOR THE: EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION W;'Odrver resident �'- canna Carson Treasurer Seane Nemeth Secretary �... Ochat Sergeant -at -Arms A.. Date h:\chron98\negs-98.gea\agrmntcea FOR THE: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COmmond, Interim City Manager Bob Hyland, Director of Human Resources/ Risk Management ri Date qMq III �+ ,Mf. ,yWN EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY The City and the Association agree that wage increases effective July 1, 1999 shall be determined in accordance with a classification and compensation study ("study") to be conducted by a recognized third part consultant, at City expense, chosen after consultation with the Association. The study will commence in October, 1998. The parties agree that all wage increases prescribed by the study shall be implemented on or before July 1, 1999 and made payable on the first pay period thereafter and will be made, if necessary, retroactive to that date. The study shall determine the appropriate compensation for all covered classifications with reference to the median rates then currently paid at the following cities: Culver City, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Torrance, Los Angeles, and the County of Los Angeles. All covered employees may provide input to the consultant during the course of the study. The results of the study shall be provided to the Association representative when complete and the City will meet with the Association, at the Associations's request, in order to discuss them. "Y" rated individuals, as determined by the study, shall be eligible for "step" increases within classification as prescribed by the MOU, but shall receive no across the board increase on July 1, 2000, or thereafter, unless and until their particular "Y" rating is or has been exceeded by the increase or increases. h:\ch ron98\n egs-98, s & p\cls&compg en 1.) �- 1- 1 :� n - 'po 6 1 t EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION 10, 1614 2 MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SICK LEAVE ACCUMULATION/LTD PLAN Effective July 1, 1998, the maximum allowable amount of accumulated sick leave for unit members will be reduced from 1056 hours to 600 hours. The City will add all members to its currently existing Long Term Disability plan. 600 hours becomes the cap for all current employees with accumulations less than 600 hours and for all newly appointed employees. Current employees with more than 600 hours of accumulated sick leave will be allowed to utilize that amount as their personal sick leave cap throughout the remainder of their service with the City of El Segundo. All other provisions in the current MOU, as regards the accrual, use and distribution of sick leave shall remain in full force and effect. hAchron9ftegs-98 s&p\mx-amislaccgen EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS For the purposes of interpreting Section 2.28.080(B) of the El Segundo Municipal Code, entitled "Examinations," the City agrees that a "sufficient number" shall be three eligible, qualified applicants who have indicated an interest in a particular promotion in writing to the Director of Human Resources/Risk Management. BHlawd 5/98 hAchronWnegs-98.geMprmexam. gea mir EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM A. Eliminate the current practice of "refinancing" to the maximum allowable loan amount. B. As of July 1, 1998, all participants to the loan program will be eligible for an initial, interest free loan in the amount of $4,000 (four thousand dollars). An employee with an outstanding balance on a prior computer loan as of July 1, 1998, will have that amount currently due from the previous loan subtracted from the amount the employee can borrow interest free under this program. C. Subsequent loans or amounts in excess of the above maximum interest free loan, would be at an interest rate of 3%. All loans would include a 36-month repayment term. D, Eligible purchases shall be expanded to include ergonomic -related furniture and equipment. E. Anti -viral software shall be required as a prerequisite in granting requested loans. F. City would retain title, as security, to any equipment purchased with funds from the above described loans, until such time as the loan is fully paid off. City is to be notified of any exchange or updating of equipment. G, "After -the -fact" financing is allowed only with prior approval of the Director of Finance or his/her designee. BHlawd 5/98 h: \chron98\negs-9a, gea\comloan. gea 6 EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION DIRECT DEPOSIT It is agreed between the City and the El Segundo City Employees Association that it is in the mutual interest of the City and its employees that all covered employees utilize the currently available direct deposit system. Employees who do not desire to utilize direct deposit shall make their wishes known in writing to the City's Director of Finance, together with a statement of their reasons therefore not be denied. BH/awd 5/98 h:\chron98\neg-gea\dir-depo.gea Exceptions to this direct deposit policy shall n 6 'i 11 V G EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PERSONNEL RULE 14.4 101 Prior to making a final decision to take disciplinary action involving suspension, demotion, dismissal, or reduction in pay, the City Manager shall give written notice of the proposed action to the concerned employee. The notice shall include a statement of reasons that a disciplinary action is being proposed and shall include a copy of the charges being considered by the City Manager. Except when of a confidential nature, the supporting documentation will be provided with the written notice to the employee. A written notice delivered to the employee's last known address shall constitute adequate notice. BH/ss 5/98 h:\chron98\n egs-98 G EA\d isa ctn.gea r 1 EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION STANDBY DUTY Standby duty is the time that employees, who have been released from duty, are specifically required by their supervisor to be available for return to duty when required by the City. During standby, employees are not required to remain at their City work station or any other specified location. Standby duty employees are free to engage in personal business and activities. However, standby duty requires that employees: 1. Be ready to respond immediately. 2. Be reachable by paging device or telephone. The City may, in its' discretion, provide a paging device, e.g., a beeper, to an assigned standby duty employee. 3. Be able to report to work within one hour of notification. 4. Refrain from activities which might impair their ability to perform assigned duties. This includes, but is not limited to, abstaining from the consumption of any alcoholic beverage and the use of any illegal drug or incapacitating medication. 5. Respond to any call back during the assigned standby period. As with any City equipment, any paging device assigned to an employee is the responsibility of the standby employee during the standby assignment. The employee is liable for loss or damage to the paging device which is caused by the employee's negligence or intentional acts. Failure of an employee to comply with the provisions of standby duty may subject the employee to discipline, up to and including termination of employment with the City. For each assigned period of standby duty employees shall be provided two hours of pay. Employees recalled to duty shall receive a minimum of four hours of recall pay. H:\chron98\negs-98GEA\standby.dtygea ry 2 EL SEGUNDO CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FIA OVERTIME CALCULATION Revise Article 2.02(1) of the MOU to delete sick leave for purposes of calculating overtime. The revised language is shown below: - AIFAUMM 1 • Overtime C lculationi - An employee who is required to work more than forty (40) hours during any given work week shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times his/her regular rate of pay. The City, for purposes of calculating overtime pay, will include holidays and pre -approved vacation leave as time worked. BH/awd 5/98 h:\Chron98\ann-negsgnl\ovrtime.cea