CONTRACT 5749B AmendmentAgreement No. 5749B DocuSign Envelope ID: F07B20C1-A849-47C1-B8CF-C93574572D4C SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 5749 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND DUDEK THIS SECOND AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this ay of 2022, by and between CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ("City"), and DUDEK, a California Corporation ("Consultant"). Pursuant to Sections 11 and 35 of Agreement, the parties desire to amend Section 2 of the agreement as described in the attached Exhibit A. 2. Pursuant to Section 35 of Agreement Section I (C) is amended to increase the amount of the Agreement by Seventy Six -Thousand, Three -Hundred and Forty Six Dollars ($76,346), for Consultant's services. This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitutes one instrument executed on the same date. 4. Except as modified by .this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement No. 5749 will remain the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ("Joe U4, Acting City Manager ATTEST: Trac Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: by Mar D. nsley, City Attorney DUDEK, a California Corporation. Joseph Monaco President and CEO Taxpayer ID No. 95-3873865 DUDE11K EXHIBIT "A" - ADDITIONAL SCOreement No. 5749B 38 NORTH MARENGO PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91 101 T: 626 204 9800 F: 626 204 9834 April 28, 2021 Paul Samaras, AICP City of El Segundo Planning & Building Safety Department, Planning Division 350 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 Subject: Second Amendment (Change Order 3) for Contract No. 5749: Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan Project Environmental Impact Report Dear Mr. Samaras This letter provides Dudek's proposed Change Order Number 3 (CO-3) to reflect additional effort requested and required to support the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan (Project) This CO-3 includes augments to Task 4, Responses to Comments, and Task 5, Certification Documents. During the latter part of 2020, several ongoing changes to the proposed Project were underway, which required schedule delays and ongoing revisions to the Draft EIR. Such changes included, but were not limited to: changes to the Specific Plan; revisions to text and figures in the Draft EIR; revisions and multiple reviews of the Transportation Impact Report and Parking Study; updates to the Drainage and Utility reports; remodeling air quality/greenhouse gas emissions and health risk assessment for change to construction schedule; review and discussion of the preliminary development agreement; investigation by noise and traffic managers into the potential for making the fire/access road at PCC-North a through -street, and additional coordination and calls with the City and Applicant. In email correspondence dated November 16, 2020, the Project Applicant confirmed that they would prefer to use existing budget from future tasks rather than ask for a budget augment at the time. Now that all comments on the Draft EIR have been received and assessed for level of effort, this CO-3 has been prepared to request adequate budget to complete the Response to Comments, Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations tasks. Task 4 Final EIR (Augment) Dudek will prepare a First Draft and Revised/Final Draft EIR, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), as described in our PSA Agreement No. 5749. Additionally, in order to respond to Noise -related comments attributable to the existing conditions of COVID-related atypical noise environs at the time of the preparation of the Draft EIR, Dudek proposes to conduct an outdoor sound level survey: Dudek will conduct a brief field survey during daytime hours to measure outdoor ambient sound pressure level (SPL) measurements at up to eight (8) positions in the PCC vicinity, expected to include one or more of the six (6) previously -studied locations "ST1" through "ST6" as discussed in the EIR and including more distant offsite representative locations in the single-family residential neighborhood west of Washington Park. The collected empirical data should quantify and help characterize baseline acoustical conditions for the Project vicinity and validate previous estimates, and to the extent feasible calibrate traffic noise prediction models. These investigator - attended short-term (ST) measurements will typically be no more than 15 minutes in duration each and performed with a portable ANSI Type 1 or 2 sound level meter (SLM). During the site survey sampling period at each location, '✓v P:W DUDE?: CUM Agreement No. 5749B Mr. Paul Samaras, AICP the investigator shall makebafficvo|ume count.sfor tbe neari,-.)w obsened madwav segment or intersection and documerkother observations with respect. tofield conditionsand Witnessed urpercekedacousdca|contribui-nrsto the measured SPL At its discretion, E)udekwiU also dep|oyan unattended multi -hour (e.g,, up to 24 consecutive hours) SPL monitorat a safe and securc location to quantify the outdoor sound environmentduhng evening and nightume hours. This field SPL suneyshou|d provide empihca| data on the existing outdoor sound environment and rhus addi-ess Miat. appears to be a perceived gap of infc)rrnation raised 11-irough theJohnson cc)rnnnent letter Additionally, Duce Will expand the RIWA TNINA (version 2.5) traffic noise prediction stud/ Dudek vmU add Washington Street and U|incxs Stre� roadWay segmens beilmeen I icdlyAvenue and E. Pa|m Avenue (c)reven furrher up(o E. Maple Avenue) and extendingthose peviousk+studied roadway segments into the single-family horne neighborhood vvest. of Washington Dudekv:Uprepare aFiotDraft arid Revised/Final �ndings and Statement of Overriding Consideratic)ns, as cescnbed in our PSA Agreement No. 'D749- Apl,.)endix A. CO-3 Budget Request pii o\/Oes an iternized costs by staff arid hourly ratefoithe amount of$44SOG01 which umu|d bring thetolal contract amount10 $303,60.00. All tasks vvi|| conbnueto be billed nn a bme-and- mateha|s basis in accordance with theterms and condit.ions Of our primary Auneement,This Change Order is provided to documentthe Chx's wntten aWbohzadon to amend our existing Agreement, AJ| othertenns and condritions of the original Agreement behxeen the City and Dudek remain in effect. Upon neceipt of signed aullhorrzation from the City, Work can conlinue in accorclance vvith the requested CO 3. Appendix B includes a )rafl Schedule f(Dr the � ask 4 arid 5 deliveral-.)Ies. WR Please cal|meatG262D4-983gshoudyou have any questions regarding this Change Order, Sincerely, Khsbn5tarbird 5eniorPogec[Manager Dudek 1113 U 11D 111( Change Order 2�Contract No5749 2 Mr. Paul Samaras, AICP SuNect: Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan Project 03 c� m m 3 m .-f z O DUDEK Change Order No, 3 Appendix A Mr. Paul Samaras, AICP Subject: Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan Project APPENDIX B. FINAL EIR PROJECT SCHEDULE Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan Project April May June July August September O N O N to N O N_ OI N O N N N N O N N O N N O N N O N N N O N N O N N O N N N O N N O N N O N N O N N N O N N O N N O N 111 N 1 N N O N N O N N O N Task 4: Final EIR Draft Responses to Comments/MMRP -Responses from Fehr and Peers City Review +City Attorney Revised Responses to Comments/MMRP Applicant Team Review City Review and Approval to Print r Revise and Finalize ' ;Task 5: Certification Documents Draft Findings and SOC City Review +City Attorney Revised Findings and SOC City Review and Approval to Print Revise and Finalize loll Task 6: Meetings and Project Management I a Mail responses to Agencies First Public Hearing (Planning Commission) I Dudek This schedule is based on reasonable estimations of time requirements to accomplish each deliverable. Dudek does not have control over the schedule M Applicant Team Review of consultants not under contract to Dudek, or the timeframe required for Project Team reviews/comments. Other factors that could affect schedule t City of El Segundo include: requests for additional analyses; new technical reports; changes to the Project Description; and/or number of public review comment letters received. Meetings/Hearing DUDEK Change Order No. 3 Appendix B i (Q (D (D 3 (D Z O (0 00 December 21, 2021 Revised January 28, 2022 Paul Samaras, AICP City of El Segundo Planning & Building Safety Department, Planning Division 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Subject: Change Order 4 for Contract No. 5749: Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan Project Environmental Impact Report Dear Mr. Samaras: This letter provides Dudek's proposed Change Order Number 4 (CO-4) to reflect additional effort requested and required to support the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan (Project). This CO-4 includes a new Task 8, Response to Hearing Comments, and an augment to Task 6.1 for additional public hearing participation. Prior to the December 9t", 2021 Planning Commission meeting, two substantive comment letters were received by the City which led to the Commission continuing the item for the January 27t", 2022 Planning Commission meeting. At the request of the City, Dudek has reviewed the letters from Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (via Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law) and from Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility ("SAFER", via Lozeau Drury LLP). In light of the comment letters received, responses to the comments will be required to be included in the Final EIR, including, but not limited to: discussion related to cumulative impacts; response to COVID- 19 pandemic conditions; mitigation measure feasibility; and impact analysis support for environmental topics (e.g., transportation, hazards and hazardous materials; air quality; greenhouse gas emissions; energy; population and housing; and land use and planning). Additionally, comments received at the December 9, 2021 Planning Commission hearing will be addressed. The comments have been received and assessed by Dudek for level of effort, this CO-4 has been prepared to request adequate budget to complete the Response to Hearing Comments tasks. Task 6.1 Meetings (Augment) This task provides additional budget for preparation and participation in up to two additional public hearings. Additional budget is provided that can be allocated to technical subject matter experts, as appropriate, including but not limited to the topics of transportation, hazards and hazardous materials, and/or air quality/greenhouse gas. Agreement No. 5749B TO: MR SAMARAS, AICP SUBJECT: PACIFIC COAST COMMONS SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT - CHANGE ORDER 4 Task 6.1 Assumptions 0 Up to 40 hours of additional staff time for senior staff is included. If more hours are required, a budget augment will be requested. Participation in the public hearings can be accomplished via internet participation and in -person attendance at the public hearings is not required. Task 6.1 Deliverables m Participation by the Project Manager and technical subject matter experts in preparation calls with the City and in public hearings. Task 8 Responses to Additional Comments Received This task includes the preparation of a "Responses to Additional Comments Received" document to address environmental issues pertinent to the analysis presented in the EIR that were received prior to the Planning Commission hearing. This task includes preparation of responses to the letters from Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (via Mitchell M. Tsai, Attorney at Law) and from Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility ("SAFER", via Lozeau Drury LLP) and verbal comments raised at the Planning Commission meeting. Similar to Task 4, Final EIR, all comments will be numbered to indicate comment letter and comment number, and the responses to those comments will be similarly numbered to allow easy correlation. If necessary, Dudek will update the "Clarifications to the Draft EIR" chapter of the Fina EIR that will identify any instances where revisions to the Draft EIR are appropriate. In this chapter, deleted text will be indicated by strikeout and inserted text by double underline. All revisions to the document based on City comments will be provided in track -changes for ease of review and confirmation that comments were adequately addressed. Additionally, any required updates to the Findings of Fact will be prepared. Task 8 Assumptions This task assumes review by the City and the City Attorney's office, excluding review from the Project Applicant's team. a This task assumes responses to the two comment letters received to date and verbal comments made at the public hearing; additional comment letters may require a budget augment. 0 This task assumes that the City staff will provide answers related to the assertion that the comment letters were previously provided to the City. Task 8 Deliverables One draft document for City review (Word), one revision (Word and PDF), and one proof check document for approval to finalize (Word and PDF). E 1202 2 JANUARY 22 Agreement No. 5749B I t ) 1 I, ,' &A NIA 1 ✓ '7, A I ( I ,I 111 JF:C 1'/" II IC 03 V1117 ;~aOIN9NICANII rl I I, PI r,&I 4'Ill(").lF(1 "I I',NK )I!' C1I'DI R 4 Cost Estimate As shown in Attachment A, Cost Estimate, this Change Order request provides an itemized costs by staff and hourly rate for the amount of $31,840,00, which would bring the total contract amount to $335,441.00. All tasks will continue to be billed on a time -and -materials basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of our primary Agreement. This Change Order is provided to document the City's written authorization to amend our existing Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement between the City and Dudek remain in effect. Upon receipt of signed authorization from the City, work can continue in accordance with the requested CO-4. Client Authorized Signature Title Date Please call me at 626-204-9839 should you have any questions regarding this Change Order. Sincerely, ristin StrNrd Senior Project Manager Dudek 12171 3 JANUARY 2022 DVDEW Dudek Labor Hours and Rates Project Hydrogeologi Senior DirectorlEnvir st VIEngineer Publications Team Role: Specialist IV Analyst III Specialist III onmental Specialist III V Specialist II TOTAL DUDEK OTHER DUDEK LABOR DIRECT 2-10�\ �~��\\ HOURS COSTS COSTS _TOTAL FEE' i ii$22,640.00 Tort Hur S :__ [ S 8 192I Total ,77 .t . i ?, a # $37, .0 $31,840.00