The City Council of the city of El Segundo does resolve as follows:
SECTION1. Recitals. The City Council finds:
A. On October 4, 2021, Raytheon Corporation, filed an application for Site Plan
Review 21-02 construction of a new storage building (Butler building) totaling 5,865
gross square feet (5,237 net square feet) at 2000 East El Segundo Boulevard
B. The application was reviewed by the City's Development Services Department for,
in part, consistency with the General Plan, and conformity with the El Segundo
Municipal Code ("ESMC") and the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan
C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the
California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq.,
"CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations
§§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines").
D, On November 18, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public
hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the proposed Site
Plan Review No. 21-02.
E. The Planning Commission considered the information provided by City staff, public
testimony, and the applicant, and adopted its Resolution No. 2904 recommending
City Council approval of Site Plan Review No. 21-02.
SECTION 2. Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds and
A. The subject site is located in Phase IV of the El Segundo South Campus Specific
Plan at 2000 East El Segundo Boulevard.
B. Phase IV of the El Segundo Campus Specific Plan is in the Office/Industrial Mixed
Use (0/1 MU) land use designation which allows for new light industrial uses
consistent with the existing Raytheon Campus facility and specifically within lot 18
where the primary buildings are located.
C. The proposed storage building would be a one-story, 21'-2" tall, butler building
totaling 5,875 gross square feet (5,237 net square feet) and would be located in the
southeast portion of the Raytheon Campus (Lot 18) and would be ancillary to the
primary buildings.
D. With regard to the City's General Plan and ESSCSP, considering all of its aspects,
the proposed Project will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the General
Plan and ESSCSP and not obstruct their attainment. Specifically:
The ESSCSP was adopted in 2015 and amended the General Plan to create
consistent land use designations and therefore was found to be consistent with
the City's General Plan.
2. The ESSCSP serves as the regulatory document to implement the General
Plan for this area of the city, by ensuring that all new developments in the area
are consistent and in compliance with the standards set forth in the Specific
3. The Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU) land use of the ESSCSP allows for
new light industrial and storage uses consistent with the existing Raytheon
Campus facility.
4. Objective LU5-6 of the ESSCSP seeks to encourage a mix of office and light
industrial uses in industrial areas. For this proposed storage building, a new
storage building helps to attain this goal by creating a new, clean, and
organized area of lot 18 in furtherance of the Raytheon Campus. Furthermore,
the newly proposed storage building will meet the design standards of the
E. With regard to Site Plan Review Findings Under ESMC § 15-30, The City Council
The proposed development is consistent with the goals, policies and
objectives of the El Segundo General Plan, the El Segundo South Campus
Specific Plan, and the Zoning Code.
a. The Project is consistent with the El Segundo General Plan as identified
b. The proposed development will be located within the Office/Industrial
Mixed Use (0/1 MU) land use of the ESSCSP which allows for new light
industrial and storage uses consistent with the existing Raytheon Campus
c. The Project is consistent with the El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan
Objective LU 5-6 to encourage a mix of office and light industrial uses in
industrial areas. The construction of a new 5,865 storage building would
further this Objective and would further enhance the area with development
that is compliant with the established ESSCSP design guidelines.
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d. The Project is consistent with the El Segundo Zoning Code in that a full
review of the project has been completed and the project has been found
to be compliant with all relevant property development standards, including
but not limited to, height, setbacks, parking, and floor area.
2. The proposed Project is functionally compatible with the area in which it is
located since it will be ancillary to the primary structures as part of the
Raytheon Campus. Specifically, the design, layout, and use of the proposed
building will be compatible with the industrial use and appearance of the
Project site that includes large, low scale buildings in a campus setting, along
with surface parking spaces, truck loading area and travel lanes, and other
ancillary structures for storage and warehousing. Furthermore, the location
and site layout of the proposed storage building will not impact or interrupt the
way existing uses on the subject site operate.
3. The proposed Project will not adversely affect the general welfare of the City
as evidenced by an Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") Addendum that was
prepared and has determined that the proposed project would not have any
new or detrimental impacts than previously identified in the original EIR. There
will not be any new environmental impacts due to the construction of the
proposed storage building and, therefore, there will not be any adverse effects
on the general welfare of the city. Furthermore, and as discussed above, the
proposed project is also consistent with the El Segundo General Plan and the
El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan.
F. With regard to Site Plan Review Criteria Under Section VII.DA of the ESSCSP, The
City Council finds that the Project's site plan, architecture, and landscape design
are consistent with the Specific Plan because the site plan has been evaluated for
compliance with the ESSCSP and specifically for compliance with the zoning for
the site, including design guidelines and development standards. These guidelines
and standards are intended to achieve a high quality development, with criteria for
site design, architecture, orientation and massing, parking and loading,
landscaping, lighting, connectivity and sustainability. The proposed storage building
has been evaluated in the context of the standards from the ESSPSP and have
been determined to be compliant and therefore the project is consistent with these
guidelines and standards.
SECTION 3. Environmental Review. Concurrent with its review of this Resolution,
the City Council will consider adoption of an Addendum to the El Segundo South Campus
Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report prepared to analyze the environmental effects
of the proposed Project. The factual findings and conclusions set forth in such Resolution
are incorporated herein by reference.
SECTION 4. Approval. The City Council hereby approves Site Plan Review No. 21-
02 subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit "A."
SECTION 5. Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and
determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence,
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both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings
and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the City
Council in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in
the record as a whole.
SECTION 6. Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will
not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the
provisions of this Resolution are severable.
SECTION 7. Electronic Signatures. This Resolution may be executed with
electronic signatures in accordance with Government Code §16.5. Such electronic
signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature.
SECTION 8. Signature Authority. The Mayor, or presiding officer, is hereby
authorized to affix his signature to this Resolution signifying its adoption by the City Council
of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk, or her duly appointed deputy, is directed to
attest thereto.
SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect immediately upon the
effective date of Ordinance No. 1631 approving an amendment to associated Project's
Development Agreement, and the Ordinance's adoption and effectiveness are conditions
precedent to this Resolution taking effect. Thereafter, this Resolution will remain effective
unless repealed or superseded.
SECTION 10. City Clerk Direction. The City Clerk will certify to the passage
and adoption of this Resolution, enter it in the City's book of original Resolutions, and make
a record of this action in the meeting's minutes.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of December, 2021.
Drew o —a" or.
Page 4 of 17
I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the
whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing
Resolution No. 5290 was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and
signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a
regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of December 2021, and the same was
so passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, and
Council Member Nicol
NOES: Council Member Giroux
Tracy Wea er, City Clerk
Mai- D. Hensley] City
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In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC), the
Raytheon Corporation ("Applicant" or "Owner") agrees to comply with the following provisions
as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Site Plan Review No. 21-02 ("Project
1, This approval is for the project as shown on the plans approved by the Planning
Commission on November 18, 2021 and approved by City Council on December 7,
2021 and on file with the Development Services Department.
Z Prior to issuance of any grading or building permit for the project, the applicant must
submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and
conditions of approval on file with the Development Services Department. The
Development Services Director is authorized to approve minor modifications to the
approved plans or any of the conditions if such modifications achieve substantially the
same results as would strict compliance with said plans and conditions. Any
subsequent modification must be referred to the Development Services Director for a
determination regarding the need for Planning Commission and/or City Council review
and approval of the proposed modification.
3, This approval allows for construction a storage building facility on Lot 18 (Phase IV
Specific Plan area). Specifically, the approved construction includes the following:
a) a one-story building totaling approximately 5,865 gross square feet and
5,237 square feet of net floor area
A change in use(s) or change(s) in the allocation of square footages specified above
must be referred to the Development Services Director for a determination regarding the
need for Planning Commission and/or City Council review and approval of the proposed
4. All lighting must comply with the ESSCSP Master Lighting Plan, including:
• All light fixtures and supporting poles throughout the facility shall be
architecturally compatible with the architecture of the building.
• Wall -mounted lighting, including security lighting, shall be compatible with
the architecture of the building.
5. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permit, the applicant shall submit a
photometric lighting plan that illustrates spill light at the project boundary shall not
exceed 8 foot-candles. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Development
Services Department. Exterior building and parking lot lights shall be provided with
decorative lighting fixtures. Exterior lighting for the project shall be designed to be
confined to within the project site. Light shields shall be used to block light and reduce
spill over light and glare as necessary. Prior to the final inspection and issuance of a
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certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection with the
Planning Division to verify compliance with this requirement, and to ensure that lighting
is appropriately shielded to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director.
6. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permit, the proposed chain link fence
associated with the new storage building shall either be removed from the project plans
if it is determined that the fence is not required during the plan check process or a
landscape plan shall be prepared to Development Services Director's satisfaction to
screen and soften the appearance of the fencing.
7. All landscaping must be in substantial conformance to the ESSCSP Master Landscape
Plan. Tree must be of a species that provides for large canopy and shade. The use of
palm trees shall not be permitted.
8, Prior to issuance of any demolition, grading or building permit or as otherwise
appropriate, a matrix/spreadsheet shall be submitted to the City, as applicable, for
review and compliance with:
The ESSC-SP EIR (EA-905) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
(MMRP) as adopted by the City Council on January 19, 2016, and revised
on September 9, 2019, per the First Amendment to the DA 11-02 (Ordinance
All project conditions of approval including applicable requirements of
Development Agreement 11-02 as amended.
9. Prior to Certificate of Occupancy, the project shall demonstrate compliance with all
applicable mitigation measures in the MMRP for the ESSC-SP EIR and project COA.
A final mitigation and COA monitoring matrix/spreadsheet shall be submitted to the
the ESSC-SP EIR (EA-905) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
(MMRP) as adopted by the City Council on January 19, 2016, and revised
on September 9, 2019, per the First Amendment to the DA 11-02 (Ordinance
All project conditions of approval including applicable requirements of
Development Agreement 11-02 as amended.
10. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be architecturally screened in accordance with
ESMC Section 15-2-8(C). Prior to permit final, the equipment shall be adequately
screened to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director.
General Conditions
11. The project is subject to the Public Art or In -Lieu Fee Requirement (Cultural
Development Program) established by City Council Ordinance 1594, which requires
Page 7 of 17
placement of public art on -site or payment of in -lieu fees to the Cultural Development
Fund. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit an application
to the Community Services Department and shall either: a) enter into an agreement
with the City of El Segundo to provide public art onsite; or, b) in -lieu of commissioning
public art onsite, pay a fee equal to 1 % of the project cost to the City's Cultural
Development Fund.
12. A positive balance shall be maintained in all project Reimbursement Accounts at all
times. If the balance of the Reimbursement Account(s) associated with the project
becomes negative at any time, all work on the project shall be suspended, including
the issuance of permits and project inspections, until such time as the sufficient funds
are deposited to return the account(s) to a positive balance.
13. A weatherproof notice/sign to report dust, noise, or other construction -related impacts
shall be posted and prominently displayed on the construction fencing clearly visible to
the public from along the abutting street(s). The notice/sign shall set forth the name of
the person(s) responsible for the construction site and a phone number(s) to be called
in the event that a construction -related impact occurs.
14. Landscaping must conform to the City's Water Conservation in Landscaping
requirements as set forth in ESMC Chapter 15.
15. All utility lines installed to serve the new construction shall be placed underground..
16. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of any existing utility resulting from
the development.
17. Pedestrian walkways within the project must include admixture colored concrete and/or
design that enhance and complement the project.
18. The project site shall be fenced and screened during construction.
19. All areas within the project site shall be maintained free of trash and debris.
20. Erosion control devices shall be installed at all perimeter openings and slopes. No
sediment shall leave the job site. All newly graded surfaces not immediately involved
in construction shall have some method of erosion protection, i.e., mulching, fiber
fabric, planting, or tackifier.
21.. Water spraying or other approved methods shall be used during grading operations to
control fugitive dust. Recycled water shall be used for grading operations whenever
22. The owner or contractor must conduct daily street sweeping along the streets abutting
the project site(s).
Page 8 of 17
23. In the event that a Planning, Building, Public Works, Fire Department or Police
Department requirement are in conflict, the stricter standard shall apply.
Impact Fee Conditions
24. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27 A-1, et seq., prior to issuance of a building permit for new
Building C, the applicant must pay a one-time fire services mitigation fee. The fee
amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued.
25. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27 A-1, et seq., prior to issuance of a building permit new
Building C, the applicant must pay a one-time police services mitigation fee. The fee
amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued.
26� Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27 A-1, et seq., prior to issuance of a building permit for new
Building C, the applicant must pay a one-time park services mitigation fee. The fee
amount must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued.
28. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27 A-1, et seq., prior to issuance of a building permit for new
Building C, the applicant must pay a one-time traffic mitigation fee. The fee amount
must be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued.
Building Safety Conditions
29. All projects shall comply with the El Segundo Municipal Code, and the California
Building Code, California Electrical Code, California Mechanical Code, California
Plumbing Code, California Energy Code, and the California Green Building Standards
Code in effect at the time of the plan submittal to Building and Safety Division for plan
30. All projects shall comply with the El Segundo Municipal Code, and the 2019 editions of
the California Building Code, California Electrical Code, California Mechanical Code,
California Plumbing Code, California Energy Code, and the California Green Building
Standards Code.
31. Construction projects must comply with Best Management Practices for construction
and storm -water runoff requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System MS4 Permit. Construction activity resulting in a land disturbance of one acre or
more, or less than one acre but part of a larger common plan of development or sale
must obtain the (SWPPP) Construction Activities Storm Water General Permit.
32. A site -specific soils and geotechnical report must be submitted to Building and Safety
Division for review and approval. The report shall comply with the minimum
requirements of Chapter 18 of the CBC and shall address the possible sulfate content
of the soils.
33.. A stamped setback certification by a Licensed Surveyor will be required to certify the
location of the new construction in relation to the setbacks prior to the first foundation
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inspection and stamped setback certification by a Licensed Surveyor will be required
to certify the height of the structures prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
34. The applicant shall obtain a building, grading, mechanical, plumbing, electrical,
demolition permit for the project.
35. Plans submitted for plan check must be stamped by a State -licensed architect or
engineer and shall include:
a) Complete structural calculations, details, notes and material specifications,.
b) Complete Accessibility Plan with a statement from a California Certified Access
Specialist (CASp) indicating that a plan review has been performed and that it
complies with the requirements of Chapter 11A V 1 B of the CBC.
c) A stamped and signed Boundary and Topographic survey by a California licensed
Land Surveyor.
d) A complete grading and drainage plan showing compliance with the Los Angeles
Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) Low Impact Development (LID)
requirement. The Los Angeles County LID Manual may be used as a guideline for
preparing the LID report.
e) Hydrology report along with hydraulic calculations.
f) Complete energy calculations, details, notes, and material specifications.
36. Applicant shall submit a site -wide New Address Issuance request to the Building
Division. Approved building addresses to be shown on the submitted plans.
37. Applicant shall pay all development fees, including school district developer fees, prior
to issuance of building permits.
Fire Department Conditions
38. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must provide Fire Life Safety
Plans to the Fire Department for review and approval, which include, without limitation,
the following:
a) Fire lanes;
b) Fire lane signage;
c) Fire lane access;
d) Fire hydrant locations;
e) Minimum acceptable flow from any fire hydrant must be 2,000 gallon per minute at
20 psi;
f) Fire safety precautions during demolition and construction;
g) Emergency site access during construction;
h) Permanent fire department access;
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39. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided, installed in accordance with
CFC 903 and the currently adopted edition of NFPA 13.
40, A fire alarm system shall be provided, installed in accordance with CFC 907 and the
currently adopted edition of NFPA 72.
41. An on -site private hydrant shall be provided within 600 feet of the structure. Private
fire hydrants must be installed and maintained in accordance with El Segundo Fire
Department Regulation " Fire Hydrant and Private Fire Main System Installation".
42. Applicant shall 'submit a Hazardous Materials Management Plan prior to occupancy.
43. A knox boxes shall be provided for one of the man gates.
44„ The applicant must develop and submit an Evacuation Plan and Procedures for review
and approval by the Fire Department. Before the City issues each Certificate of
Occupancy, the applicant must provide evidence to the Fire Department that the
approved Evacuation Plan and Procedures were implemented.
Police Department Conditions
45, The applicant shall comply with the requirements contained in Municipal Code Chapter
13.20, Security Code.
46. All landscaping shall be low profile around perimeter fencing, windows, doors and
entryways taking special care not to limit visibility or provide climbing access. Floral or
grass ground cover is recommended. Bushes shall be trimmed to 2 to 3 feet high and
away from buildings. Dense bushes shall not be clumped together; this provides a
hiding place for criminal activity. Trees shall be trimmed up to 7 feet.
47. Trees/bushes/shrubs shall not be planted next to or near any light
fixture/standard/bollard. When grown to maturity this landscaping will block the light and
reduce lighting on the ground surface.
48. Trees with high canopies are preferred when planted near light standards.
49, All parking lots shall be illuminated with a maintained minimum of 1.25 footcandles of
light on the ground surface during hours of darkness.
50. All exterior pedestrian walkways, interior common corridors, and open parking lots shall
be illuminated with a minimum maintained one foot-candle of light on the walking,
Page 11 of 17
parking or driving surface during the hours of operation and one hour thereafter. The
addressing, all exterior entry doors, walkways, bicycle racks and trash dumpsters shall
be illuminated with a maintained minimum of 1 footcandle of light on the ground surface
during hours of darkness.
51. A site plan shall be provided, showing buildings, parking area, walkways, detailed
landscaping, fixture schedule, mounting height, lighting ratio and a point -by -point
photometric calculation of the required light levels. Foot-candles shall be measured at
grade on a horizontal plane and conform to a uniformity ratio of six to one (6:1)
average/minimum. Landscaping shall not be planted to obscure required light levels
with light fixtures exceeding eight -feet (8) in height installed at least two -feet (2') from
a tree's canopy at 70 percent maturity. A photometric study, which includes all of the
above, shall also be provided prior to issuing of a Building Permit. A site plan shall be
provided showing buildings, parking areas, walkways, and the point -by -point
photometric calculation of the required light levels. Footcandles shall be measured on
a horizontal plane and conform to a uniformity ratio of 4:1 average/minimum.
52. Entry and Mechanical/Electrical/Fire doors shall comply with El Segundo Police
Department Approved Security Hardware list.
Security Plan
53. A security plan shall be submitted, if the Police Department deems it necessary, due
to the type of business, hours of operation, location, and propensity to crime.
Public Works Conditions
"City Engineer" = City Engineer or his/her designee throughout this document.
54. The applicant calculated a fair share percentage of .06% contribution towards each
traffic improvement identified in the ESSC-SP EIR MM TRA-1 through 9 improvements
based on the methodology provided in the First Amendment of the DA No. 11-02
Section 7.9, "...the `Fair Share' is determined by dividing the number of PM peak hour
trips produced by the individual development seeking a Certificate of Occupancy by
the total Project PM peak hour trips Ceiling as noted in City Council Ordinance No.
1516, Exhibit D `Conditions of Approval' (3,120)." The applicant shall continue to work
with the City to determine the total construction value of the TRA-1 through 9
improvements that permit "fair share" contributions as opposed to actual construction,
as submitted by a State licensed Civil Engineer and accepted and approved by the City
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55. The applicant shall submit a .06% fair share contribution towards each traffic
improvement identified in the ESSC-SP EIR to the City prior to issuance of Certificate
of Occupancy.
56. All work in the City's right-of-way or on City -owned and maintained facilities shall
require review and approval of the City Engineer or his/her designee. "City Engineer"
= City Engineer or his/her designee throughout this document.
57. The applicant shall ensure that encroachment permits are secured from the Public
Works Department/Engineering Division before commencing any and all work in the
City's public right-of-way (ROW), including lane closures..
5& Construction inspection shall be coordinated with the Public Works Inspector and no
construction shall deviate from the approved plans without approval of the City
Engineer. If plan deviations are necessary, the applicant shall provide a revised plan
or details of the proposed change for review and approval of the City Engineer prior to
59, Prior to issuing of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall ensure installation
of all improvements required by the Public Works Department are inspected and
approved by the City Engineer.
60. All construction -related parking shall be accommodated on -site or on other private
property. No construction related parking shall be permitted off -site in the public right-
61. A grading and drainage plan shall be provided and stamped by a California (CA) State -
licensed civil engineer as part of the Building Permit process.
62. A utility plan shall be provided that shows all existing and proposed utility lines and
their sizes (sewer, water, gas, storm drain, electrical, etc.), including easements, within
200 feet of the project site boundary.
63. All record drawings (PDF and CAD format) and supporting documentation shall be
submitted to the Public Works Engineering Division prior to scheduling the project's
final inspection.
64. Haul trucks are to use PCH north to Imperial Highway and PCH south to El Segundo
Boulevard. All three of these streets are currently designated as truck routes in the
Street Improvements & Traffic Control
65. The applicant is required to obtain any necessary approvals from the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for any work that involves
encroachment onto Metro easement areas or right-of-ways. These approvals may
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include, without limitation, pedestrian, bicycle and roadway easements and temporary
right -of -entry agreements.
66. All new sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps shall be
constructed per the latest Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC)
"Greenbook" and City standards. New sidewalk to be a minimum of 5' wide.
67. All existing sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveway approaches, and curb ramps that are
broken or not in conformance with the latest SPPWC or City standards shall be removed
and constructed per the latest SPPWC and City standards.
68. Any obstruction located within existing curb ramps shall be relocated.
69. All unused driveways shall be removed and replaced with full -height curb, gutter and
sidewalk per SPPWC standards and City standards.
70. The applicant shall provide a minimum 4' sidewalk clearance around any obstruction in
the sidewalk i.e. posts, power poles, etc.
71, PG-64-10 tack coat and hot mix asphalt shall be used for all slot paving required next
to new concrete installations. Slot paving shall be 3 feet wide and 1 foot deep, consisting
of 6 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of base.
72. The applicant shall provide street signing and striping plans for the new development.
All striping in the public ROW shall consist of thermoplastic paint per the latest CA
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
73. The applicant shall provide traffic control plans for all work requiring a lane closure.
74. The work scheduled in the public right-of-way on major arterial streets shall be Monday
through Friday from 9am to 3pm, except holidays. Work scheduled on all other street
classifications shall be Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm. Contractor shall obtain
prior approval from the City Engineer for performing weekend work, night work, or work
on a holiday.
75. During construction, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide safe
pedestrian traffic control around the site. A pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted
to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. This may
include but not be limited to signs, flashing lights, barricades and flag persons.
76. Once the ROW improvements are accepted by the City Engineer, they are not to be
used for staging building construction activities, including but not limited to, storage of
construction materials and equipment. The street and sidewalks shall be kept free of
construction debris, mud and other obstacles and shall remain open to traffic at all times.
The applicant shall bear the entire cost of replacement or repair to any damage to
improvements caused by its use, or its Contractors' and Subcontractors' use, of the
improvements after acceptance by the City Engineer.
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77. The applicant shall submit any new traffic signal plans to the City Public Works
Department and LA County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) for review and
approval. The applicant will coordinate all inspections with the LACDPW inspector for
acceptance of the traffic signal poles and related equipment. The applicant will inform
the City of any updates during this process.
78. The applicant must comply with all mitigation measures identified in the Final
Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Project. All mitigation measures and
conditions of approval must be listed on the plans submitted for plan check and the
plans for which a building permit is issued.
79. The proposed improvement will impact the capacity of the existing City owned water
main lines. The applicant must submit a water study to determine if there is a capacity
deficiency in the affected water main lines and if so, water main upgrades will be
required. The water study shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
80. Any existing water meters, potable water service connections, fire backflow devices and
potable water backflow devices must be upgraded to current City Water Division
standards. Backflow devices shall be placed or relocated onto private property.
81. City water mains cannot be located on private property. The applicant must provide a
main meter in the public right-of-way.
82. The applicant must submit plans for water system upgrades to the City of El Segundo
Public Works Department for review and approval.
83. Any unused water laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City main.
The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic control
plans and shoring plans.
84. The proposed improvement will impact the capacity of the existing sewer main lines.
The applicant must submit a sewer study to determine if there is a capacity deficiency
in the affected sewer main lines and if so, sewer upgrades will be required. The sewer
study shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
85. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, proof of payment of the sewer
connection fee to the Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) must be provided
to the City Engineer. LACSD can be reached at (310) 638-1161.
86. Any unused sanitary sewer laterals shall be abandoned and properly capped at the City
main. The Contractor is to obtain necessary permits and licenses, and provide traffic
control plans and shoring plans.
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87. The applicant must contact the County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
Industrial Waste Section and receive a determination as to the necessity of a permit for
industrial waste discharge before City approval of a Site Plan Review for any project
within the ESSCSP.
Storm Drain
88. Provide a Low Impact Development Study (LID) signed and stamped by a registered
Civil Engineer. Make sure to comply with the project design requirements to retain on
site (infiltrate or store for use) volume of runoff from 3/ inch storm or the 85t" percentile
24-hour storm, whichever is greater (SWQDv).
89. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to size appropriate storm drain
facilities to control on -site drainage and mitigate off -site impacts. Refer to the most
recent Los Angeles County Hydrology Manual. Instructions and the manual are
available at the County website at
Calculations shall be signed by a registered civil engineer.
90. The project shall comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) requirements and shall provide Best Management Practices (BMPs) for
sediment control, construction material control and erosion control.
Landscaping & Irrigation
91. Irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and
approval. All irrigation meters and mechanical equipment shall meet the City Water
Division standards.
92. All public landscape improvements shall be designed to City standards and approved
by the Parks & Recreation Department.
93. The property owner shall maintain all landscaping and irrigation in the public ROW
fronting the property.
94. The applicant shall coordinate any tree removals in the public right-of-way with the
Parks & Recreation Department prior to the start of construction.
95. The applicant must cooperate with the City in creation of a landscaping and lighting
assessment district for the Continental Boulevard Extension in accordance with Section
7.2.5 of the Development Agreement if a dedication of the Continental Boulevard
roadway extension and associated improvements is accepted by the City.
Miscellaneous Conditions
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96. Approval of this perrrnit shall not be construed as a waiver of appifcable and appropriate
zoning regulations, or any Federal, State, County and/or City Bars and regulations.
Unless otherwise expiressiy specified, all offer requirements of the ESMC shad apply.
97. Failure to comply with and adhere to all of these conditions of approval may be cause
to revoke the approval of the project by the Plarnrning Commission, or City Council„
pursuarnt: to the provisions of the ESMC.
gd, in the event that any of these conditions conflict with the recommendations arid/or
requirements of another permitting agency or City Department, the stricter standard
shell apply.
W 'The applicant and fts successors in interest shall indemnify, protect, defend (with legal
counsel reasonably acceptable to the City), and hold harrrnless, the City, and any agency
or instrumentality thereof, and its elected and appointed officials, officers, errnployees,
and agents from and against any and all liaditlities, claims, actions, causes of action,
proceedings, suits, damages„ judgments, liens, levies, costs, and expenses of whatever
nature, including reasonable attorney's fees and disbursements (collectively "Clairns")
arising out of or in any way relating this project, any discretionary approvals granted by
the City related to the development of the project, or, the environrnental review
conducted under California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Section
21000 et seq., for the project. ifthe City Attorney is required to enforce any cornditions
of approval, all costs, including attorney's fees, shall be paid for by the applicant. The
Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and wfth counsel satisfactory
to the City) and will indernnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any SUMS
paid oaut in settlement or otherwise., For purposes of this section "the City" includes the
City of IF.i egurndo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees.
y signing this document, Richard Field_._ on behalf of Raytheon Corporation,
certifies that he/she has read, understands, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in
this docurnnent.
Marne, 'T ft�
(Raytheon Corporation)
{Ilf Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer Signatures or evidence that one
signature binds the cornnpan)
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