CC RESOLUTION 5284RESOLUTION NO. 5284 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CITYWIDE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE FOR CITY DOCUMENTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of El Segundo as follows SECTION 1. The City Council finds as follows A. Keeping and maintaining public records that are unnecessary or duplicative results in the consumption of public resources including money, time and space, B. Government Code §§ 34090, et seq establish methods by which the City may approve the destruction of unneeded documents, C. It is in the public interest to reduce the City's cost for storing documents while, at the same time, ensuring that the City preserves those records that are required to conduct City business. SECTION 2 As used in this Resolution; "record" has the same definition as set forth in Government Code § 6252. SECTION 3 Pursuant to Government Code § 34090, the City Council approves the Citywide records retention schedule in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by reference, and authorizes the City Clerk to dispose of records according to the time intervals listed in that schedule upon the request of the City Manager, or designee, and the written approval of the City Attorney. SECTION 4 Notwithstanding the records retention schedule adopted by this Resolution, the City Clerk may, upon complying with the provisions of Government Code § 34090.5, dispose of documents i n a n y legal manner without the further approval of the City Council or City Attorney. SECTION 5 Upon destroying any documents in accord with this Resolution, the City Clerk is directed to complete a certificate verifying the destruction of such records and file the certificate with the City's official records. SECTION 6 The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution, record this Resolution, in the book of the City's original resolutions, and make a minute of the adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and minutes of this meeting. RESOLUTION No. 5284 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 7 This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded.. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of November, 2021 rew Boyles, Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, herby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City is five, that the foregoing Resolution No. 5284 was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Major of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of November, 2021, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following roll call vote AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Nicol, and Council Member Giroux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST JWq oww Tracy Weaver, tity Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM r7 1h w- IAQZ- Mark Hensley, City Attorney RESOLUTION No. 5284 Page 2 of 2 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-1 Officeof Retention No.l Records Description Retention 1 Disposition Comments I Reference . m.......... ------ ------------.. ....... Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Media I=Import Paper Vital? after (in office} (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC"d? Retentions =ly to the da arlmenl that is NOT the Office of Record OFR , or the "Lead Department". if uu are the OFR„ refer to caur de sadment retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and k2l a fold frVs folder d, .last document + 2 years), since destruction is raormalf erforrned by file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, com laints, claims uhlic records act re oasts, audits andlor investigations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corn lehi n CITY WIDE Used b all Departments) Accident Report / Injury Reports t Incident Reports: Lead Dept. CW-001 PUBLIC 2 years 2 years Ppg' GC §34090 (Send Employee Reports to ........ ........ Human Resources) .. ......... --- - ---------- ................................... ... ...... ..... Agreements & Contracts - Send Send Mag yes: After City Clerk CW-002 APPROVED BY CITY Originals to I Originals to Mfr, OD, S & OD §34090.7 COUNCIL the City Clerk the City Clerk Ppr _ �GC :Covers E&O Statute of !Limitations; Published Audit Agreements &Contracts - Standards=4-7 years; Statute ADMINISTRATION RECORDS Completion + Yes: Before Mag, Yes: After of Limitations: Contracts & Lead Dept. CW-003 P Completion P 10 Y ears 10 years Completion Mfr, OD, S(I QC & OD Spec's=4 years, Wrongful Project Schedules, Ppr Death=comp. + 5 years, Correspondence with Vendor, etc. Developers=comp. + 10 years; CCP §337 at. seq., GC §34090 The The Department preference Retention of Retention of Mag, (Appeals usually are retained Lead Dept. CW-004 !Appeals the Appealed the Appealed Ppr as part of an Agenda Packet); Record Record GC §34090 at seq. Series Series EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: ' Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Paper Vital? after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC d . Retenlions 2U/y to the department that is NOT the Office of Record (Off , or the "Lead Cie arlmerW, Ifyou are the OFF;, refer to our do aliment retention schedule. Relenlions begin when the act is corn feted, and impj a hill file foMor e, , last document + 2 eats , since destruction is n°rmall erl'ormed by file folder. HOLDS: Lit± anon, complaints claims, public records act request , audits andlor investi atrons suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or cons, lefion . Boards, Commissions, & Committees: Citizens Advisory Bodies Formed by CITY Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Department Preference; GC Staffing Dept. CW-005 COUNCIL years years Ppr §34090 AGENDAS,AGENDA PACKETS ......... .. Boards, Commissions, & _. .... .__...--- ... . Committees: Citizens Advisory Mag, Staffing Dept. CW-006 Bodies Formed by CITY P P Yes Mfr, OD., S No GC §34090 COUNCIL Ppr MINUTES, BYLAWS ............ ........ ..... ... .......... ......_. Boards, Commissions, & ,Committees: External When No When No CW-007 Organizations Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non -records Required Required (e.g. County Board of Supervisors) Committees Internal - Attended by employees: All i Records Lead Dept. CW-008 2 years 2 years Ppr" GC §34090 (e.g. Records Management Committee, In -House Task Forces, etc.) EL SEGUNDO, CA 91995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-3 Office of Record Retention No Records Description ..... _ Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive Image: Destroy {OFR) Active Storage it Total Media Paper 1=lmport m office ( ) (Off site, Vital? Retention Options after M=Mfr OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & Retentions a.r I to the do artmeoit that is NOT the Office of Record OC'd? OFF,' , or the "Lead Lie arfinent"'. If ot,r are the OFR, refer to our de antment retention schedule. Reterldons begm when the act is com doted, and irn l a full file folder e. . last document + 2 years), since destruction is normalP erformed h file fe Pder, HOLDS: Lrtr atton, corn taints, claiMS, Public records art requests, audits and/orinve, aPPons suspend normal retention Periods retention resurates after settlement or t onr lePiory Lead 7C.mpl.,.t. City preference; Statute of (Responding) / Concerns from CW-009 Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Limitations for personal Dept. Citizens (operational) years years Mag Ppr property, fraud, etc. is 3 (Claims must be filed in 6years; months; CCP §§338 et seq., 340 et seq., 342; GC §34090 Copies - Copies - _ {{ CW-010 Copies or duplicates of any When No When No record Longer ' Longer Mag Ppr GC'34090.7 _ _. Required Required ;Correspondence - ROUTINE (Content relates in a substantive way to the Dept. that conduct of the public's Authors business) Document or CW-011 (e.g. Administrative, 2 years 2 ears Mag, y Receives the Chronological, General Files, Ppr GC §34090 City's Original i Letters, Memorandums, Document Miscellaneous Reports, Press Releases, Public Records Requests, Reading File, Working Files, etc.) j EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted:: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments t Reference Record . ............... ------ . . ..... ............ Inactive Image Destroy Active Storage Media !.a I=Import Paper vital? after (OFIR) opt'. (in office) (Off -site, M=Mfr imaged & I DID or Mfr) S=Scan OC'd? Retentions ay to the department that is NOT the Office of Record 2=-1or he "Lead =Haient". Ifyou are the till R, refer to, our de arimenl retention schedule Retentions begin when the act is completed, and �=) a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 ears ,since destruction is n armaR erfornred toy file folder. HOLDS. Lifigation, complaints,, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor inve stwo ions suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or com lehon Correspondence - TRANSITORY I Refer to the City's e-mail PRELIMINARY DRAFTS, policy. Electronic and paper Interagency and Intraagency !records are categorized, filed Memoranda not retained in the land retained based upon the ordinary course of business CONTENT of the record. Records where either the Content NOT Substantive, or Content relates in a NOT made or retained for the substantive way to the conduct purpose of preserving the of the public's business, or informational content for ARE made or retained for the Dept. that future reference purpose of preserving the Authors informational content for future Document or CW-012 (e.g. calendars, checklists, e- When No Longer When No Longer Mag, reference are saved by placing Receives the mail or social media postings, Required Required Ppr them in an electronic or paper City's Original instant messaging, T invitations, (project) file folder and retained instant messaging, logs, for the applicable retention Document mailing lists, meeting room period. If not mentioned here, registrations, speaker slips, consult the City Attorney to staff videoconference chats, determine if a record is notes and recordings, supply considered transitory I (preliminary drafts. GC §34090, inventories, telephone messages, text messages, JGC §6252; 64 Ops. Cal. Atty. transmittal letters, thank yous, )Gen. 317 (1981)); City of San requests from other cities, I (Jose v. Superior Court (Smith). :undeliverable envelopes, S218066. Supreme Court of visitors logs, voice malls, California, 2017 webpages, etc.) EL E UNDO, CA @1995-2009GI.dwellGovernment ise...---,Inc. ed I I Arippted, Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Record Retention / Disposition Comments ! Reference ....... --....... _..... ......... - ._... ......... .. Destroy Inactive Image: (OFR) Paper Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import after � (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr) S=Scan CtC'd? Retentions appt to the department that is NOT the Office of Record f077 or the. "Lead De artrraent". Ifam are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentr°ons bet in when the act is com feted, and hnpf a full file folder e. g. last document + 2 years „ since destruction is normally performed 6 file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits andfor investf atrons suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). As long as the drafts and notes are not retained in the "Regular Drafts & Notes: DraftsWhen that are No When No Mag' Course of Business'. Consult Lead Dept. CW-013 revised (retain final version) Longer Longer Pp the the City Attorney to determine Required Required if a record is considered a draft. GC §§34090, 6252, 6254(a) The Lead Department should print out historical documents (or save source data) prior to GIS Database! Data 1 Layers When No When No replacing the data, ifthey Lead Dept. j CW-014 (both City-wide and Longer Longer Yes Mag require the data or output for Specialized) Required Required historical purposes; Department Preference ,(Preliminary documents); GC §34090 et seq. Lead Dept. CW-015 Grants (UNSUCCESSFUL 2 years E2ye., Mag' GC §34090 Applications, Correspondence) Ppr EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-6 Office of Retention No.: Records Description Retention Disposition Comments / Reference - ------------ ---------------- - . ....... . . ..... . . . .... . ..............-- -- -- ------------ Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Tota Media I=Impor Paper T Total Vital? t after :] (in office) (Off -site, Retention t Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & QC'd? Retentions apply to the depirtment that is NOT the Office of Record (Or-R), or the "Lead Doaartn7ent". If au are the OFR, refer toour Lepartment retention schedule. �Retentions he in when the act is rnmniptntl and imnlv n hill filp, folder ib.j. last document + 2 yoar�.i, since destruction is normall e rfarnred b file folder, i Litigation, uesi audits endlo( ±nvesti raPions suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corn pletio"). Grants / CDBG / Reimbursable Claims I Subventions , , EMA Meets auditing standards; Claims / DES Claims Grants covered by a (SUCCESSFUL Reports, other Consolidated Action Plan are records required to pass the After required for 5 years; Uniform funding agency's audit, if Funding After Funding Admin. Requirements for Irequired) Agency Agency Audit, Grants to Local Governments Lead Dept. CW-016 1 2 years Audit, if if required - Mag, is 3 years from expenditure Send Grant Financial Reports Required - Minimum 5 Ppr report or final payment of to Finance Minimum 5 years grantee or subgrantee; 2 CFR 200.334; 24 CFR 91.105(h), Applications (successful), program years 92.505, & 570.502(a), 29 CFR rules. regulations & procedures, 97,42; OMB Circular A-1 10 & reports to grant funding agencies, A-133.320(g); GC §34090; GC correspondence, audit records, §8546.7 completion records ........................... . . ..... . . ....... - ----- When No .......... When No ------------ - - .............. .......... . . . . . . Non -records - may be obtained Lead Dept. CW-017 Newspaper Clippings Longer Longer Ppr I from the newspaper company; Required Required GC §34090 .. . . ............ ........ . ....... ............... . . ............ . ..... . . ............. Notices: Public Hearing i Mag, Statute of Limitations on Staffing Dept. CW-018 Notices and Proofs of 2 years 2 years Ppr Municipal Government actions Publications is 3 - 6 months; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-7 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention l Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record _ Destroy Inactive Imo e: Paper (OFR) Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? after (in office} (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr ,imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? Retontions appty to the de artment that is NOT the Office of Record 0FR , or the "Lead De artmoM". IfEa are the OFR, refer to our da artment retention schedule. Retc- ntiar.s be fn when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder d., .last document + 2 ears ,since destruction is ncrnaafl erformed bV file folder MOLDS: l di atlon, com laints, alarms„ public records act re u is, audits and/or investf ations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after soltlenaent or com leUon . Upon Upon Separation or Separation or Human Personnel Files (Full-time and Transfer, Transfer, Mag, Human Resources is OFR; Resources CW-019 Part-time) Send to Send to Ppr GC §34090.7 Human Human Resources Resources Notes maintained in a separate (After Incorp. (After Incorp. Before ]folder to be incorporated into Lead Dept. CW-020 Personnel Supervisory Files In In Annual Mag, performance evaluation, or to (Supervisor's Notes) Performance Performance Performance Ppr document progressive Evaluation) Evaluation) Evaluation discipline; GC §34090 et seq. ........ ......... .._.. ..,_._,.,... _ When No ........ When No .. Time Cards are the final (these Lead Dept. CW-021 Personnel Work Schedules Longer Longer Ppr p are preliminary drafts); GC Required Required _ ...... 1§34090 — ' When No When No Mag Considered preliminary drafts; Lead Dept. ` CW-022 Photographs Longer Longer Ppr GC §§34090, 6252 6254(a) Required Required _... .,, Brown Act challenges must be filed within 30 or 90 days of Mag, action; Statute of Limitations Lead Dept. CW-023 Public Hearing Notices (Mailed) 2 years 2 years Mfr, OD, on Municipal Government Ppr actions is 3 - 6 months; GC §§34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted; Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-B Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments /Reference Record � Inactive Image: Destroy paper Active Storage Total Media 1=Import (OFR) Vital? after (in office) ; (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC'd? Rotention.s a 1 to the da edmonl that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR), or the "Lead De aninenl " If vou, are the OFR, refer to your de part✓Went retenhon schedule. Retentions he in when the act is com feted, and imply a full file folder LL.g. last document + 2 Zears2, since destruction is narmall erfornaed' h file folder. HOLDS., Lil c atiorp, complaints, claims„ public records act re uests, audits andlor investia afions sus' end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Real Estate Appraisal Reports II Lead Dept. (Acquisition or Sale): Property Mag, Not accessible to the public; (Who Ordered CW-024 NOT purchased, Loans not 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §§34090, 6254(h) the Appraisal) funded, etc. - ....._ ... _ ......... ---- ....... --............ .-.... Not accessible to the public When No When No until purchase has been Lead Dept. Real Estate Appraisal Reports Longer Longer Mag completed; meets grant (Who Ordered CW-025 (Acquisition or Sale): 2 years Required - Required - Yes: Before Mr, OD, Yes: After auditing requirements; 2 CFR S the Appraisal) Purchased Property, Funded Minimum 3 Minimum 5 Purchase Ppr QC & OD 200.334; 24 CFR 91.105(h), 24 Loans CFR 97.42(b), 24 CFR years years 570.502(b); 29 CFR 97.42, GC §34090 i Reference Materials: Policies, Procedures, Brochures, Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Department preference; GC Lead Dept. CW-026 Manuals, Newsletters & years years Ppr §34090 Reports: Produced by YOUR Department Reference Materials: Policies, Procedures, Brochures, When When Mag, Lead Dept CW-027 Manuals, Newsletters & Superseded Superseded Ppr Copies; GC §34090.7 Reports: Produced by OTHER (Departments EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-9 Office Of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments Reference Record . . ........ .. ............ ........ . . . .......... .. . Destroy es ro Inactive Image: Paper (OFR) Active Storage media 1=Import Vital? after [E] (in office) (Off -site, Options M=Mfr Imaged aged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd I I Retentions av to the dprinriment that is NOT the office of Record (OFR), or the "Lead 02artment". If ru are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions be in when the act is con!eloted, and impj a full file folder Loa, last document + 2 years), since destruction is MOLCIS; Litt titian, corn taints, claims, rbfic records act requests, audits andlor investi aPions sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or complet=l. Reference Materials: Policies, Procedures, Brochures, Manuals, Newsletters, & When No When No Mag CW-028 Reports: Produced by Longer Longer Ppr Non -Records OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS Required Required (League of California Cities, Chamber of Commerce, etc.) -------------- Administratively and Reports and Studies Mag, Yes: After Historically significant, Lead Dept. CW-029 (Historically significant - e.g,, 10 Years P I P Mfir, OD, S/I QC&OD therefore retained . ........ . . . . . . . . . ........ Zoning Studies) . .... . ....... . .. . . .......... Ppr . .. . . ...... . . permanently; GC §34090 ........... . . . Reports and Studies (other Mag, Department preference; Lead Dept. CW-030 than Historically significant 5 years 5 years 1 Ppr Information is outdated after 5 reports - e.g. Annual Reports) 11 years, GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted; Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Page CW-10 f Office a Retention No. Records Description Retention Disposition Comments Reference Record ------------ . . .. . . .. ................. . . ... Inactive Image: Destroy I Paper [--Import Active Storage Total Media [--Import Vital? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options ged & Imaged OD or Mfr) S=Scan On? , or the "Lead DeEartr000l", lf"ouarethe0l'R, referto� our de retention schedule. Retwffions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record (2FR n .�, Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder (e., last document + 2 yews, since destruction is normL.erformed bL file folder. HOLDS,, Litigation, c .. on7plaints claims, public records act requests, audits and/or investkispans suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion).. Previous MSDS may be obtained from a service; SDS I SDS ( Safety Data Sheets) t MSDS may be destroyed as MSDS (Material Safety Data Mag, long as a record of the Lead Dept. CW-031 Sheets) I Chemical Use Report 30 years 30 years Mfr, OD, S Yes: After chemical / substance I agent, Form (or records of the i Ppr QC&OD where & when it was used is chemical / substance / agent, maintained for 30 years; where & when it was used) Applies to qualified employers; 8 CCR 3204(d)(1)(B)(2 and 3), GC §34090 J . . . . . ................. . .... . . . ........... . ..... . . . ................. ---------------- Transitory records not retained When No When No in the ordinary course of Lead Dept. CW-032 Speaker Cards (submitted at Longer Longer Ppr i business (used to accurately public meetings) Required Required produce minutes); GC ffl34090 at seq., 6254(a) Lead Dept. CW-033 �Special Event Permits Expiration + 2 Yes: During Class or Mag, Ppr GC §34090 years Program EL SEGUNDO, CA @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Adopted:. Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY-WIDE STANDARDS Office of 1 Record I Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Page CW-11 Comments / Reference Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper afte (in office} (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr r OD or Mfr) S=Scan I Imaged & QC'd? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR , or the "Lead Department", If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule.. Retentions beoin when the act is Como/eted. and imply a full file folder fe.a. last document + 2 vearsl. since destruction is normally nertormed by file folder. Surveys I Questionnaires (that the City issues). If a summary of the data is Lead Dept. CW-034 compiled, the survey forms are 2 years considered a draft or transitory record, and can be destroyed as drafts (When No Longer Required) Training - ALL COURSE RECORDS Lead Dept. CW-035 (Attendance Rosters, Outlines and Materials; includes Ethics & Safety training) 2 years 2 years 3 years 1 5 years Mag, Ppr Mag, fr, OI Ppr GC §34090 (Department Preference; OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; Calif. Labor Division is required to keep their OSHA records 7 years; Ethics Training is 5 years; EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) Yes: After requires 3 years for promotion, S QC & OD demotion, transfer, selection, or discharge; State Law requires 2 -3 years; 8 CCR §3203 at seq., 8 CCR 114300.33(a); 29 CFR �1627.3(b)(2), 29 CFR 1904.33, 29 CFR 1904.44; LC §6429(c); GC §§12946, 12960, 34090, 53235.2(b), 53237.2(b) EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY MANAGER Page CM-1 Office of Retention No.' Record I Records Description P Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive,,,,,, Image:,,,,: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan C'd? If the record is .not fisted here, refer to the Retention for Q1 -Wide Standards r11elcnhons begin when the act is corn Y'eled, and dm i a f€tit lifer folder c, , last document + 2 cars , since destruction is narrmaft arfemrmed b file folder. k(OLf7S: Litigation, corn alalnts, claims„ Public records act re uesfs, audits andlcar r'nve:,sta ations sus end normal retention periods retention resurnes after Settlement or corm lettdrp . CITY MANAGER & CITY COUNCIL OFFICE Copies - es - City Clerk CM-001 Agenda Packets t Staff Reports: When No No Mag, Mfr, Yes: After City Council Longer ger OD, Ppr S 2 years GC §34090.7 Required [:ired City _ ...... ..... ... .... Manager & City CM-002 Awards & Certificates to the City 2 years years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Council Office_ City __ .. .. Manager & City Council Correspondence City CM-003 (directly to and from Council 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr'' GC §34090 Council Members) Office ..... City Manager & City CM-004 City Manager's Correspondence 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Council Office City _ Manager & City CM-005 Department Files Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC Council years years OD, Ppr QC §34090 Office City_...,.,... - ---... .... Manager & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Brown Act challenges must be City CM-006 Committee Agendas, Agenda Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr filed within 30 or 90 days of Council Packets years years action; GC §§34090, Office 54960.1(01) EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY MANAGER Page CM-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: 1 Destroy 1 Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & D or Mfr S= c n C.d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards ,Retentions begin when the act is com leted, and im l a full fife folder 2.9. last document + 2 years , since destaxtion is normal/ er'fornred b rile folder HOLDS: Lifirlation, complaints, claims, gublic records act rec uests„ audits andlor invest! abons suspend normal retention peric,ds retention resumes after settlement or com l0011 . city ManCager & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion P P Yes Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC CM-007 Committee Minutes OD, Ppr QC & OD §34090 Council Office City Brown Act challenges must be Manager & Economic Development Advisory Minimum 2 Minimum 2 filed within 30 or 90 days of City CM-008 Commission Agendas, Agenda years years MagPpr , action; GC §§34090, Council Packets 54960.1(c)(1) Office City Manager & Economic Development Advisory P Yes Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC City CM-009 Commission Minutes P OD P r P QC & OD § 34090 Council Office City Manager & City CM-010 Maddy Act List (Board and 2 Years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Commission Vacancies) Council Office ....... ...... City Manager & Proclamations I Commendations ! City CM_011 Certificates 1 Recognitions 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Council (includes requests) Office .... ...,.. City _i Manager & City CM-012 Project / Program Working Files Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag' Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Council years years Office EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY MANAGER Page CM-3 Office of Retention Retention No, Records Description Record I Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive Image: Destroy {OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr S=S an ? If the record is not listed Isere, refer to the Retention for Gil -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is cpmjplejedand imply a full fit(,, folders (e.g. last document + 2 cars , since destruction is nornrralt erformed b ffle ftllrJea°. HOLDS: Lrtl a = com rlairrts, claims ublic records act requests, audits and/or invesli ations sus, end rrormat retentions aedods Yetantion resumes after settlement or com lotion . City Review for historical Manager & Public Relations - City Produced Minimum 2 Minimum 2 significance. Transfer historical City CM-013 Publications, Press Releases, Mag, Ppr documents to SMC Historical Council Photos years years Association; Department Policy; Office __.. GC §34090 City. Manager & ! Recruitments for Boards and City CM-014 Commissions, Advisory Boards: 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Council Applications, Interview Notes, etc. Office . City __ .............. .................... __.. --------------- ------ .......,.. Manager & City CM-015 Speeches 1 PowerPoint When No Longer WhejNo Lon Mag, Ppr Notes, drafts, or preliminary Council `' Presentations Required Requ documents; GC §34090 at seq. Office li EL SEGUNDO, CA 91995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY MANAGER Page CM-4 Office of'Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition I Comments! Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy {OFR) Active Storage Total ? Media 1=Import Vital. Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr =S n Cd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Retentions be rn when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder e. , last document + 2 eats} since destruction is normatly porrormed bv file folder. HOLDS: Litl anon, com laints claims, rrhla'c records act rer uests, audils and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). MEDIA and COMMUNICATIONS Boards, Commissions-,& Department preference; State City Manager / Committees: AUDIO Tape law only requires for 30 days for CW-016 & RECORDINGS or VIDEO 4 years 4 years (Mag) audio recordings, 90Media days for Comm n. RECORDINGS of Meetings I video recordings; GC Audio Tapes _ §§54953.5(b), 34090.7 City City Council AUDIO Department preference; State Manager / RECORDINGS or VIDEO Tape law only requires for 30 days for Media & CW-017 RECORDINGS of Meetings / 4 years 4 years (Mag) audio recordings, 90 days for video recordings; GC Commun. !_ ...... ....._,__....... Audio Tapes ._.. _..... .. ,_____._ §§54953.5{b), 34090.7 .... ...... City i Manager / I CW-018 Community Cable Advisory Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Yes (all} Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Media & Council Agenda Packets years years Commun. I§34090 City,,,,,,,,,, Manager / CW-019 Community Cable Advisory P P Mag, Mfr, S t l No iGC §34090 Media & Council Minutes &Bylaws OD, Ppr Commun. City Manager / Community Programming / Department Preference; GC CW-020 Government Access Channel 1 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr §§34090 at seq., 34090.6 and Media & Cable TV Programming 34090.7 Commun. City Manager! Legislation (Correspondence from CW-021 Media & the CitySupporting 4 osin PP 9 pP 9 2 ears Y 2 ears Y Mag,P r P GC 34090 § Commun. proposed Legislation) City " MMed Press Releases 2 yearsMag, 7y..r. Ppr lGC §34090 aanage &/CW-022 Commun. EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY ATTORNEY Page CA-1 Office of Classification Record OR Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments i Reference File Number Destroy (OFR) Image: Inactive Paper Active Total Media I=Import (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan , ,If the record is trot listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions he in when the act is com xleled, and imply a full Pile folder fog. last document + 2 gaaLs, since destruction is normal! erformed to4 file folder. HOLDS: Liti alion, com laiots, claims, public records act reguests, audits andfor investl ations sus egad normal retention . en'ods retention resumes after settlement or com letion CITY ATTORNEY Advice Files f Subject Files Reference materials and copies of City Advice �arovided to the City an a When No When No documents generated by other Attorney CA-001 Longer variety of sublerts) e.gGable-TV,-- Longer Mag, Ppr departments pertaining to various r tr ) Required Required topics required by Attorney staff; �.... ._ ...... -- ......... ..... ........ GC §34090 et seq _ .. Citations and Complaints (A..._,w II are Provided there are no outstanding City Attorney CA-002 misdemeanors. Includes 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr warrants, do not involve inspections, warrants, etc.) i identifiable items which have not been recovered, GC §34090 CRY... ^,n Mag, ivttr, ii ajSi§tffBN&..I ➢B:. r""8 lq-,a9r�Q tu"�$t' Fkk'tti'. d9et"er3(.p:ph....y 4aYk 0i 2 ..... _.._._. :�sRtj$-a tiiF&'F�"bE" ^-& fbFf9kCAIFR..IN.Aex .A-aft`ars III P� Y <�Fl� C�r�,-�fDN. 149 4� lNf�I�AII�BBes r .�� propose ":atuiAd.r;,€:IXlad--�" 2-y ems, 43C §34090 city fr' Deipa tme d_frrcfcrenre Stotewiade Atto Attorney CA 0�03 City Attorney Opinions 5 years P P Yes gip' P Sit p No quW hoes ptets&w e superseded c.ded + ....---. ._.. ...... ...- .. 2 years; GC §34090 ........... .. .......... Fir-afaea-w uait'saurrvs setlflNe.wrr rot.. ra eeirek',-Claim must be filed within 1 year, lawsuit within 2 years; City Yes: complaints against peace officers Attorney t& CA-004 Settle + 5 Claims - Not Juveniles Settle + 5 Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, S within 5 years; Statute of Finance / years years Settlement OD, Ppr After 'Limitations Settled for contracts is 4 years; Risk Mang . g- wrongful death for construction is completion + 5 years; CCP §§ 337 at seq.; GC §§ 911.2, 945, 34090, 34090.6; PC §832.5 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 02002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY ATTORNEY Page CA-2 Office of Classrficatronl (Record Records Description Retention t Disposition Comments f Reference OR File Number Destroy (OFR) Inactive Image: paper Active Total Media I=Import (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan � if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention lot Cit - "vide Standards Relentions he in when the act is completed'„ and imply a full file folder a . last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normatf ' erfbrrnad by file folder. HOLDS, Li ti ation, corn lain is, claims„ public records act r'er crests, audits and/or investiclabons suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corn tenon . City Age of Age ofF,4wy rna4q6ifra..,r,ttlewro-elra ... AttorneyMajority — F�nanret. GA-005 -"-"-" Claims -Juveniles (minimum Majority (minimum Yes: Until Mag, Mfr,' S Yes: After Feeerde Juveniles may have additional legal recourses; CCP §§ 9 Risk Manag. Settle + 5 Settle + 5 Settlement OD, Ppr Settled 337 at seq.; GC §§ 911.2, 945, ......... ...Years) .. ...... ........... ears)- 34090 34090.6; PC §832.5 City - .-._ ... ..._._ Attorney C{t-006 Closed Session Materials 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 City Clerk ..... ... ...... -------- heap -No _..... When irn ----........ ....... .--.-.... v.>�a p u:: ur fp' a:. 4�r"ro V4;'^s@:4r�CiILk?rt:u"YC4:4f art'" ff:#zcart p t TMt N.on geF Mag-µtaw Gl-§344DOd 4 .-._ RP(tu tree _. .. F%rro.affed _.. GefrespCSriG%C.&#u,h.;-...-i4'N..t i-412: (e &y., _.-.. -..-.. e.tilheukJ- e-f-mA4w:Iy P r:NlfnuBfilN titQ'n3i{I kJ� citlf^F4'{�k7N Si~A�;.. dl A kd,fit...i:..5�t��&3-r4;44: &#itt.§f eaur'se....of.. GA"-k-4)08 �-v Nita.➢nrarrur Prsr.r, pN+r<su 2-yearns q-yeoils Mom.-Ppr net-fift led to diotwge-tia,tanrtalli&d+fiesef-the - R Incarte,-R .aulsig-VV9FPd*,q..Files, pee-h)radmftrrng %r;llwc#cr%fnr eM ...... t', unst lWite. Qly A torncpy- ith-arpy- ,,,,, ,,, ,,, -.... ....... -.... __. ... afauesfions" G G-W6245: 340qi) hoLdd tar. 1�oufine4y desp ,ed.if.. ('.4 i erof- e"1oce 7.N'4s(PM&11 QfR-Y- ' 1 'Rot kept 44 the-Fe�if cowse-(-4- (e.q4`; h-m--Ali A logs' lrPh iXNIriq lPs"xi )t beR-No- -i' :W&-k^N&'.#... im 4"-AlfJl&t AN"4'-Ir4it-f°94'4 "lhi@ td3..... Lead N.t. €" m W9 LS49 jr51' -Gndl" <, N-Wlk)tW£ ,w,-VviN (47§StCurl- N.:kAVroG E,"d'..... Lqnger N`wfv"Afit� l."Pr d0sohwge 4he i34i4"a) e-du4e& fA"lih,'.... Nettr;u<r,.,i8rouafroN�goe :;-o- l:a axll,,..Yrnkv I Regtlwed Begi4ed gemeroat{raft6nqrweh-uepurn'ewrCe-: nn a k ; eFa;;, y Geft Ldlhe C.3y-AtkwPiey wutc..orw, j utaaa tins n;w- "I % § 11 pt+2, 3 N�19tk CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. CD2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY ATTORNEY Page CA-3 Office of Classification Record „ OR Records Description P Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Fite Number _ Destroy (DER) Inactive Image: Paper I Active Total Media 1=Import (Off -site, Vital? (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan i It file record is not listed Caere, refer to the Retention for City,Witte Standards Retention$ beafn when the act is co leted, and irrz ( a it'idd fife todder L e last document' + 2 eats• , since destruction is normal l erforrneY ta' file folder ion, corm laPnts, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor rnvesta atlons suspend normal retention penods 'relention resumes after settlementor torn letma tiln(AiA4ipe-rotrot¢taa8y-tie d+oyea'N t fir -hi+7r afP that:-ti:rp 8 de- d W4 +o--N4¢p- ty I :a"Fad [�OiA :r?e�Y19 fevis d(fekaif6fina l...aF@.N 8Y3fi) - Ak&1&)4,1'- '4AIPoG)G:?>r'- •- "{rWpi usiriesf,� i are-no� t�wede t too 4w,Ouargre 'PwE-p&914lk,-du*Y of#4:'._ `f&�Ie rNpec�i(p l'rlrh.ss u4EtC'a, ete%: f fi&N4-:fhed la"eWored fD64%Gn dfq'0"it4Yf3','W ftA-&fC?ff,Y.tMe1 ts­. c("ons,R,61t 4jAe .BEN^ya-A.t$GAT+1+Ff+-wd4�"i..;-,tn,'y. ,,, _........., ..... ._.. _._ 4„fEd4.s6C' F i; �;4044 6.262,34090 t",#ty- f -0fl Esl.... AfN ('af If4. 4'i1'tltt i0..(frrr 9t..{w4"v reGj4dhw- "atffWFfY&3y' f isd"A {)t„: � 4q tfl'tiMWf+hdi°f�Sf� #WG-fn f �' I kip' 4^fRai Il E§ C� YcA &ntk)n untifl fE4t ki dW?fR#9" Ptif -dv3 f... f0.... Housing� IX Err or ll4 mse �0 � Ih �Ft9.�IhiRd:s33➢......., fr�l&fgj Pf.�* �'. ff�'hY ro,AN ('911O Pte nt State 4f qu, re5 2 _. � 4-2- years '., YeaF r eft -EN :..-a"i 5,fiOIR i;'z-i(fR n, G G... All State and Federal laws require AS Human CA007 Grievances (Escalated from Return to Return to Yes: retention until final disposition of Resources — = Human Human Resources) Human Before Ma g, PPr formal complaint; State requires 2 Resources Resources Disposition years after action is taken; GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 Statute of Limitations runs 6 Litigation Files! Legal Case Files months - 5 years; for contracts is 4 City Attorney CA-00Hg, Settle + 1 Sr Final Settle + 4 Settle + 5 Yes: Until Ma Mffr, S Yes: years; wrongful death for construction is completion + 5 nd S(o lrmn ant year Agreements to the City lerk years ears a Settlement OD, P r After Inactive years; Civil Courts retain their records for 10 years; CCP §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ 945, 34090, cagy_ . _ _----- .. _.. _.._..,., 34090.6, 68150 PC §832.5 Atuaney.4m fads, f1 _ a@ddll"kNNc➢M1'r&E:f.. FuNly-1 4ryd.. . FiAlly ir�'Rfrt i Yee-. .....`�nNi Ndi av� -Mff-Y k y _ .._ y Zy e: .A 2 y4:WS f".,No&ed.R 6"�11�m?-Rf I ,�.fP" Mrar�lt� atuddYir' tlek"d' di...Gr^., *`'3rfdYt)fi - CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-1 Office of Classification Records Description Retention ! Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR File Number _ Destroy Image: Inactive Paper Active I=Import {OFRj Vital?Media (Off-site,Elon after Options M=Mfr (in office)OD or Mfr)n Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer'to'Me Retention far Cif -W de Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and inip ! a full fife folder e, , last' docurnent + 2 ears , since destruction is nornrall erformed b fiie fofdor. MOLDS : Lada tw`orr, c am Faints, claians, public records act requests, audits ancMor investigations suspend normal retention godods t'etcnflon resumes afte/ settlement oar corn leb n'. CITY CLERK City Clerk & i Mag' Public C 1' Abandonments / Vacations P P Yes (all) , D, MfrPpr S/I Yes: After GC §34090 at seq. Works / (Streets) / Rights of Way p QC & OD Engineering CityClerk C,,C 002 Agenda Staff Reports P P Mag Mfr OD S / I Yes After CMG & OD 'Department Preference GC 1 Ppr ....., i fe aw §34090 City Clerk CC-003 .. Agenda Packets P P Mag Mfr, OD, S / I Yes. After QC&OD. Deoartment Preference; GC yeawa t, fPafs Ppr §34090 ..,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .....—...... r rda d ea ,G4 Adv_k ory `ag, cwy-C4wk �00 R d o.,, r ea.r:d t Ptaawrti 0- bars ✓ ye c , a twr t G-§34090 wo-rs; 7ii€a -nerd-Ra=cre.afionr ._s: _ eeme . .. _ _ g nts &Contracts Approved I ---- Yes: Mag, Yes: After Administrative &legal value City Clerk... Y CC 004 b � Y I: Mutual Aid, Joint Superseded � P P Before Mfr, OD, S 1 l Cw,1,C & OD {Emergency Preparedness), GC .._ � _. Authorities (JPAs) Powers A + 2 years Expiration Ppr , Nadt'r §34090 Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-2 Record 1 OR File Number (OFR) Records Description Agreements & Contracts: ALL INFRASTRUCTURE OR IMAGED: insurance certificates Arad iiteoIs,s ujjdjp+g S r4ffidtjes, Retention / Disposition A Total Inactive Image: --y Active (Off -site, port (in office) OD or Mr) Vital? r) I Retention Media l=ImPaper on Options M=Mfr after S=Scan Imaged & Comments I Reference - ­­" I—— " ­." —, I �In e, IPAs, & Mutual Aid RK&S; infrastructure, p -)ef contracts are permanent for C_005 �fese Yes: Aft r City Clerk Completion Yes: Mag, CLg & OD emergency Statute ttahRtaes,grg2aejg ' i ' P P Before Mfr, OD S _ . Limitations it , years; 10 years _6�: ;z + 2 years i 1! Aflef paWng lVrcj 'ev COInpietiOn Ppr W-letive for Errors & Omissions; CCP §§337. 337.1 (a), 337.15, 343; GC ExampWLo §34090, Contractor has retention _fInfrastrucrLL I Infrastructure:_ requirements in 48 CFR 4.703 Park LlmEuyernents pro2 rt 4 a_1.1Px.j.M.Pr_0V empnt Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-3 Office of Record Classification Records Description Retention Disposition OR Comments I Reference . ......... File Number Destroy Image: (OFR) Paper Total Active Inactive Media I=Import (off -site, vital? ft:d [ n office) M=Mfr r Retention n Option DO or Mfr) s� Imaged & S=Scan ffthe record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cilv-WWO Sta0dafds Retentions begin when the art is,completed, and fmplV a full file folder last document + 2 ears)l since destruction is uormaklyperfornled by Me folder. HOLDS: Litigation, c nor com =Joints, claims, gublic records act re2uesls, audits andlor investi0 ga us suspend normal retention perio s (retention resurnes after settlement letion). Agreements & Contracts Approved , by Council: NON - INFRASTRUCTURE NOT IMAGED) e.g. Amendments. or Successful Proposal) and gid; fines insurance certificates Yes: After PfGP�ifA� 4 oofnlp8ehwi -5 Y`BaFrAGF- 4 (,miF+Aaf4&v W, ndecal*tg, Completion Completion Yes" Mag, QC&OD Fion-c-apke#*VrP City Clerk CC-006 Y"YaOAafrav+ 2 years 8 years + 10 years Before Mfr, OD, Sit AfUw Completion Ppr inadivc, serv�cer, --eto� ag+eeffie�ga. Statute of Limitations for contracts is 4 years; CCP _Exam Iles of NON-InfLAstructurp: §§337., 337.1 (a), 337.15 GC Consultinm.prams-d-sposal, §34090 servicgu EV ..1of P e I) I [Vicle —.ssion se s shirr y _ s_eals . . ..... . tree trim.n.ling—etc.. ................ . ........ . - --- - -------------- . . . . .... ....................... .. .. . . . - EEOC / ADEA (Age) requires 1 Agreements & Contracts Approved I Yes: Mag, Yes. 6LeE year after benefit plan termination; City Clerk CC-007 by Council: Retirement 2 years P P Before IVIfr, OD, S/ I QC & OD State Law requires 2 years after Agreements (PERS) Expiration Ppr INo action; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); GC ................. . .... . ... . §§12946,12960,34090 Agreements & Contracts Approved City Clerk CC-008 by Council: Subdivision LLA's 2 years i (Lot Line Adjustments), i LSA'smm P P Yes (all) M,9g, M, D, Yes: After S/I QC&OD Land Records; GC §34090 (Lot Split Agreements) i Ppr Agreements & Contracts Approved Mag, Yes: After City Clerk Q -0 9 by Council: Title Insurance, Land 2 years P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD, S/I 6616D 'GC §34090 iRecords Ppr INe f-,Uvpm;u. 141 1 1 /zUV4 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-4 Office of IClassification IRecords Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record I OR File Number _ Destroy Image: Inactive Paper Active Media 1=Import {OFR} (Off -site, vital? after Options M=Mfr Imaged & {in office} OD Mfr)[E] or 1 3=Scan It the record as not listedhere refer to the Retention for Cit Wjde Standards Retentions be in when the act is corn leted, and aint i a full file folder e.., last document + 2 ears , slipce §festruChan is apormally porformed,bfile folder: MOLDS; Litigation, com faints, claims, Pubfic records and requests, audits antfAor investi aeons suspend normal retention penods retention resumes after settlement or com lellon . li EEOC / FLSA requires 3 years for Agreements &Contracts Approved Expiration + Expiration + Yes: Mag, Yes: After MOUs; State requires 2 years; 29 City Clerk CG010 by Council: MOUs - Memorandas 5 years 5 years 5 years Before Mfr, OD, S iI OD CFR 516.5, GC §§12946, 129_ of Understanding I Ex rratlon p P r p s 34090 G -Gt(-,,c-k ....A<fry'erRerr�AS&(.w�§b+a9r'.H3tm.,- C O4P,yr, BidQponiw•otp,... i4ueid.t{f,cAoaureai _ " 4;?,�.t34090i ,3 &. nstmeo'esaful Bids- +.2.-ya,a% *.2-years Mag, City Clerk CC-012 Annexations P P Mfr, OD, S/I No GC § 34090 Ppr G4ty CAefk G 13 A e.p.+wkaeatrN.,tlrPrt, Bouogamy f§ fl Aa of Dir*fut * f� el Atumbin of DoMckg�r Mag Mfr cx..) 9 d II x Afteea if Qr.) f }uT o- fleait-'avkF ruaae . nfI A mreb�;ta:,.u:a " iwP�[:'6�Yd."v',-�'6uAfw'iffN1'rrtll'.^,"$'iiffdi .l,^:.ffDl&;�."IY:v 6-'rc3V"?s e"3'- "aAr:a Pfbr No i^?.IFF?�q"�d},rla�iiC3^9ti117CYB,9�-L'ara',`y'^r9fa1- _, _ _ .— .. ._. ... ., _ _ _. ._..., ..Y-a CPm.YP NN,9V0 hrtl4A0..'b,P+4,h�.1�tm•:P-'�+"4z'uV#d4Cf0.0 Wu�POW:s9-�- Ig'9f f$"',�-fk'rsWe k3e.�G'MdY-drP'k3`r3�td�K.i,m'p�7i't-. vm'ifwed: -SlrennmHnfj video fk-,,s- ret Mmad onantearr§eml-fer 3-ya ars,. o'hy--fraaat e N {ttar,n e;eaf"P'ied fio D $, }..w r"ad6 or' ort- f re efing'" lxord r server p s Icy twaap 5 icrn'f w'. O on mr<ei bt t P and- At an intern d of 9IIVlerq-lot to -a l.' g ., : lwdi G°4-ef' and b 11M*.'d tfec §t mfn t f M;e 5 0 Woai, f ambarcrrr Ca ly. e* GG (44 �, •" �aoLRb7Cmi �i4fv.„r">ti1P8.��s �'&liY-P�tVC' 3tVrtrt- GoLi tin i Alm rnin ada mtwtld f , iM'r m § I�g '� dh 7� wilt -be - id aef tDVD per`§+perms 3tfy j 9o-r •&'4dP'a 1,_ rEt cnn most e4'Jt"%y �.ogi'�-i4'N f�Pt}�$„I§;:"ffq .a, ffNC�kG�'., a:IL9t"rG:�'b1$- uffe'+1 aabnrl 1 000py-seM Gif Mick Ciby 9u mA.9"ddeefings -6n str£k.M'YariC g- vid( )-wW-tb(-)*efAt permanently -on- . Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11108/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-5 Office of Classification) Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR i File Number Image: Destroy Inactive Media 1=Import Paper Active Total (OFR) (in office) site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & if the record is not fasted here, refer to the Retention for Ci't wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is com feted, and imply a full file fodder (eq last document + 2 Pars„ since destruction is normally performed bZ file folder. HOLDS: Lific ation, complaints, claims„ 2ublic records act re nests, audits and/or investi atl ms suspend normal retention eriods relenti n' resumes after settlement or corm letion . Formal � r�i y.. City Clerk CC 01w2 lion ! RFP and Bid O enin Specification I .._ _.__ essfBul Bid Responses. Unsucc ids + 2�9 Bid O enin � + 2 M g r Mfr OD S t I Ye s: After GC F 34090 years r arrd Proposals etc. Certificates Yes: After — Longest Statute of Limitations is of Insurance (Normally Yes: Mag, QC & ODAgr 10 years; Ge4sfrns wittF City Clerk CC-015 filed with Agreement) All(A- nca- 2 years 9 years 11 years Before Mfr, OD, S,l l a a rra� aC,-Ftrwt+4nee , %ekawa<fe- tP w-kel'sGernfrelmak9ni Completion Ppr guidelines...propese-pmerraamlenty_ CCP §337 et seq.; GC §34090 _......,. City Clerk -----... ----- CC-016 ....... ....... ........... ..... Chronological History of Mayors 2 years P P Mag" Historical Value; GC §34090 and City Council Ppr llvlag f Yes, Afl r Griginal& arc m"rwntain d layGily Gi. k GG7 CiifAilorney-Opindaaraa e...yeam P P lv&t 00 xd C f f At&rrcay, rirrsfay Gdlyfl r+ Ppr ll*a PWmsne kly" GG `1090'''7 City Clerk CC-018 City Incorporation, Logo, City Seal P P Mag, ............ ....... ........,, GC §§34090 ------------ . ..... Expiration of Expiration of Mag, Statute of Limitations for Errors City Clerk CC-019 City Clerk - Notary Public Term + 10 Term + 10 Mfr„ OD, S No and Omissions is 10 years; CCP years years Ppr §337 at seq.; GC §34090 Risk Management is Office of Record for the Claim File; GG Yes: After§§340g0 Risk_ 2years tt0a.- --4- 2 ears Yes: Until Mag. QC & OD =tatul el11,�,iirwh,-.i1!o i& run") Manag. CG-020 Claims Farms w rslti h 1 years G -g Settlement Mfr, OD, S ! I - 7 4 r rortihu - 6•yr ar .ttnr-cia3riraskal4, "lty-arl,"" year yea�� yserrrae Ppr lrku�: y€ sr o'oragfwd dra slRa•for �Yeni�'tr'45$at6FA'f F7� T.r'+71�rh�lelbUCd-°a.:e"p.. j/o AFF-'GGP §§.337.,.et-s q.--'.GG.. ,§... 946, 34090, 91090,6 PC §83 5 Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-6 Office of Classification Records Description Retention !Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR File Number Image; Destroy (OFR) Inactive Paper Active (off -site, Vital? Media I=Import after [E] (in office) Options', M=Mfr OD or Mfr) i Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer In the Retention for Chv-Wide Standards Retentions be La when the act is a2T d since destruction is normally poiformed by file folder. p)etod, an injUly a full file foj��g last document + 2 yeaz�' HOLDS; Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act reques1s, audits andlor rnvesti ations suspend normaif retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion2. Yes, After City Clerk I- Atmual-Finari,ma[ Qc i")E Adwirm- GG-02, P Rapo;t (CAFR) P I Mfr, OD, S-1-4 AfUNr- �'-)raposa 7. S(WW40% Ippir ldnkKAV'a yeam;. Otker oky shows-7 years', . . . . ..... . . ...................... . ..... . . — -------- --------- .................... .............. . — - - - - - ----- --------------- ----------- Leo"11' Mag Rpl:,:: GG §34090, 7 Gen'e&pnndwi(.,,* F &hould N� foutnely 4'astroyed if ne4-kept iry the Gencqal Foes, LoWhrr, M'�9__ 1 %0(1044,0- Lead pqp- Menwoian&.iiss, Miseelinneous 2 years 2. years ppf 46soharqe the-pubho,duPies -of flie- Repnrts, Rr-a6nq, Wrjrk41q_A Wr efc.) Gem,0 the ijoesUaR&�GG Ft 6262y'A0W As, long as4hey-afetreat -Fplaimed4ri- W.t.xN.'�-No Ole "Rle%dar GcnirA, of Suslness-" mag, I It not .rnenfioned hweroqRsult Me iet4efs, yc�4oe Rex4uWed Requked PPF City Aderrwr,�y-to deWrn4)e4f,,'a- Wpr, ek@') ........................................................ . . .. .. . ... . . . . . GIC §6252 Csy Cle� k Q 022 -- — --- P R li M a GD_�. si4 Y Afte� 95L�i IzUKitoric and-AdirnkiishaAdve Value, ppr Ne GG §34090 City Clerk CC-023 Deeds: Property owned by City 2 years P P ........ . . . ....... ........ ........----- Yes (all) Mag Mfr, OD S 1 No GC §34090 (property acquisition files) I - I Ppr Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-7 Office of Classification Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference Record OR File Number Image: De stroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, vital? Retention Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & , ? ffthe record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is c2 feted, and im i a hiPi frla folder e. .fast document + 2 gars), since destruction is normally eriomied b4 file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, Public records act requests, audits and/or envest6 afrsans sus end normal retention petieds retention resumes after settlement or completion). "f ( not-ki ,the-4e@Wiree Hrse p i a -id'. Drafts arc..- iUtC i4u:aIts #vat-@w- VMi H in No Wftre-N&e•- fi b"444'vI4"iIC. s v„A�1i4" ,w—' fRet-naaederi $Qk-- Lead-1 e µit- r : ns4*€J f4 et+u4 fiir at 4 Bc s d:::€ang mr:.. L,Gr)9eF- l dt ckaa",, Mae-t4ebhe...du4e,, aat-#iue Teleta.:w,,fne atfaes;etc:- Fkr>rt44ia4ri a Required 1 iF ewr a'Idw vta4hWrearmRAG,+.... feirisulttae..QAyAIHor y wAkaviy. I +�rmc s 6i4crts--fat�t t>t?Gs'�,,34t�9ff Mag, City Clerk CG024 Easements 2 years P P Yes (all) 'Mfr, OD„ S No GC §34090 Ppr Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-8 Office of Classification' Record Records Description OR Retention !Disposition Comments t Reference File Number Destroy Inactive Image: paper Active Total Media I=Import (OFR} (in office} (Off -site, Retention vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr} Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions bo in when the act is completed, and irnply a full file folder e. g. last document + 2 ears', since destruction is normally performed by fide folder. HOLDS; Litlaralion. com Taints„ claims, public records act requests, audits and/or investictations Suspend normal retention aerrods retenlion resumes after settlement or corn Potion , ELECTIONS - CONSOLIDATED Campaign Disclosure Statements Data that has been maintained for (FPPC 400 Series Forms, 501 at least 10 vears may then be City Clerk Form): SUCCESSFUL CC-025 2 years P P Mfr, OD, S After 2 archived in a secure format: Paper CANDIDATES (Elected Officials) Ppr years must be retained for at least 2 i1, wwheth . r,filed„eCecti,°a,rz,i,c;a ly or, years; GC §81009(b)&(g); GC :not 84615 Campaign Disclosure Statements Candidates without committees (FPPC 400 Series Forms, 501 'are not required to file their Form): UNSUCCESSFUL statements , reports or conies City Clerk CC U2 . CANDIDATES 5 years 5 years Ppr online or electronically° Paper Includes_ Unsuccessful Candidate_'', must be retained for at least 2 4kl C,trmmwttc es that a "t File years; GC §81009(b)&(g); GC (l'Yra Electronical� 84615 .......... .. ..... ............ i C.dnlDdiGrC IJisd�osure `J�tatE:fY1P15tS ..___—_.. _____ ...... ...... (FPPC 4)0 Series Forms 501 Ye 5 eleetronicaleV a ._; C ity_Cl rk. CC 027 10 ears __ 10_y _years Mf S / I QCfter r 10 years GC §81009(b�fi__ ELECTRONICALLY FSILED _ &(g) GC 684615 WITH or WITHOUT Committees Elections - Campaign Reports City Clerk (FPPC 400 Series Forms): CC-02F3 Years 7 years Mfr, OD, S After 2 Paper must be retained for at least OTHER COMMITTEES (PACS - Ppr years 2 years; GC §81009(b)(g) not candidate-contr . Elections - Campaign Reports ........... (FPPC 400 Series Forms): City Clerk GG-029, THOSE NOT REQUIRED TO FILE 4 years 4 years Mfr, OD, S After 2 Paper must be retained for at least ORIGINAL WITH CITY CLERK Ppr years 2 years; GC §81009(f) (copies) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-9 Office of Recartd Classification, Records Description OR Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference File Number ' Destroy (OFR) Image: Inactive Paper Active Total Media I=Import (in office) (Off -site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan • o It the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Standards Retentions be in when the act is coma feted„ and imply a full file folder fe, g, last document + 2 ears since destruction is normall4 geiforrned tr file Balder. HOLDS: Lrticahon, complaints, faints claims, pubfic records act re ua, sts, audits and/orinvestd atiarts suspend normal retention periocFs ivtenl on resumes after settlement or cram klehdn . Department Preference; No City Clerk GC030 Duration of Elections - Candidate Statements Office + 4 Duration of Office + 4 I Ppr S M / Iyears After 2 specific legal requirement; 3ta&r cr fe tp r rfeRiurxr;s lruc f raa.- W- (to be printed in the sample ballot) y ears years 1iea�-recczrruraae�ad-ter-rtvt-�w-4-yeas• fEb4,-adinBllrhistf£iRiM16E?: 'i6ai!h4e-", GC § ......-- ...... . ....... — ,........ — .. 34090 ....._.. Department Preference No Duration of Duration of Yes After specific legal requirement City Clerk CC-031, Elections - Certificates of Election Office + 4 Office + 4 Ppr S J I CC $a_Oi� 94 atewMe-eltwWcAw ws-pfopcse 4 - Years years Aftrt^a- years-wecwrs�nerad-terrf - t 4 a a,,are.. Nwwac-tive feat traa+rstlst* txvr;-vakie GC § " 34090 WORKING or ADMINISTRATION Election File (Correspondence to City Clerk CC-032 candidates or FPPC, Npplications ' 2 years 2 years Mag, Used for a model for the next for vacancies on the Council Ppr election, GC §34090 Master of Candidate's Packet, etc.) Elections - HISTORICAL File City Clerk CC-033 (Sample ballot, all Resolutions 8 years P P Mag' Mfr, OD, S No Retained for Historical Value, GC (calling the election, canvass, §34090 _ .... .. a election summary) _.. Ppr Department¢ I DadartdenPrefere4 City Clerk CC-034 Duration of Elections -Nomination Papers: Office + 4 Duration of Office + 4 Mag Mfr, OD, &-d 2 ara Y unsaapessfid; CA law states term SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES years Ppr of office and 4 years after the years expiration of term-wW-a$aa°:a-riot - rtp4nerate"4: o e in,-the-tewoy EC §17100 Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-10 Office of Classification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments t Reference Record OR File Number ` Destroy Image: (OFR) Inactive Paper Active (Off -site, Total 1 Irt Vital? Media ` =mpo=after Mfr (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not fisted here, refer to the I?etent'ion for City -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the art is completed, and im l a full file folder e. . Iasi'' document + 2 'ears), since destruction is normailyperformed by file folder. fiOLDS : Litigation, com tlain1s, claims, rublic records act requests, audits arid/or investi atinns Suspend normal retention eriiod$ retention resumes after settlement nr cam lebon . ptatd dv-t}dad�la II�r+*�-iirrrafrr� rwm r&- 1la ars-fra+r... ac, .ws ;t'. f Gr"„IfPfilrrirc�tt""d"i _;,.N_. Mag +7ee� iss ferkrnsinx fW; CA law City Clerk CC-p35 Elections - Nomination Papers: p ! Election + 4 Election + 4 Mfr, OD, states term of office and 4 years UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES years years Ppr after the expiration of term -and- daDi IrK)4 dtehine add' betrdPC wi-tt%- ........ ......... ..... t'ww, EC §17100 Results + 8 Results..+ 8 -. rnonths or months or Final Final Not accessible to the public; The 8 Examination Examination month retention applies after if No if No election results, or final City Clerk CG036 Elections - Petitions (Initiative , Election +1 , Election + 1 Ppr examination if no election, unless Recall or Referendum) year after year after there is a legal or FPPC zi EIti — petition proceeding. EC §§17200(bl(3), examination examination 17400 ff oetitlon is f petition is msufticwient Yira- insufficient No specific legal requirement �t�^k�.r�i�ts�e1"aia9ellarroes-tsro{f�r� 2... City Clerk CC 037 Elections -Precinct Maps 2 years 2 years Mag' Ppr yca' e +&fy Ceti,-�Pnd to Gecirata+I-e)t S' Wlef EC §17501, GC §34090 ELECTIONS - STAND-ALONE use in conjunction with Consolidated elections ,.. records series are not repeat d Elections - Vgte_by_�ail City Clerk 9C-038 App�grl"u nliao't5 0! Absentee 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr 7EC§17505 Applications, Roster of Absentee Applications Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-11 Office of Classification Record OR Records Description Retention f Disposition Comments / Reference File Number Image: Destroy {OFR) Inactive Paper Active (Off -site, Total Yital? Media I=Import after {in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options Ili Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions bog in when the act is completed, and itoo/V a full file folder e. , last document + 2 year,91, since destruction is norrnaa4 perlonmed h file fodder. HOLDS: Liti ation, complaints, claims, ablic records act ra uesls, audits andior rnvesli ations sus and normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion , Elections - Vokt by Mail City Clerk CC-039 Identification Envelopes / 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr I EC §17302 Absentee Identification Envelopes City Clerk CC 040 Elections - Ballots_After Election 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr EC §17302 City Clerk CC-0 I Elections - Ballots - After Recount -- .. ......... 6 mo. _.. .. 6 mo,. Ppr —............ ... ....._ EC 17306 §_._ ,.. a §5 37 a r �4 6 [ror s tGa t vvlEtl'r City Clerk Elections - Assessment District CC-042 2 years- 2 ma-rs re4ep . n for Ek Jon B Het Ballots -Prop. 218 proceedings 6 rvaa� 6 n+rr Ppr &alew idf' "ideMww145 plroposa' fs rueeoaetrt;EG 4"1 CA ten, titufax+-Artr llii Clerk CityCC Elections - Challenged & Assisted 043 Voters List 6 me. 6 mo, Ppr If uncontested, EC §17304 CityClerk _ �.... ! CC 044 Elections - Inspector Receipts for (Ballots 6 mo. 6 mo. ---p ..,.,., Ppr EC 17302, 17306 City Clerk _ ....,_.. .... CC045 iElections - Precinct Officer Appointments _... 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr EC §17503 Mag, .... ...,. .m ..,. City Clerk CC-046 Elections - Roster of Voters 5 years 5 years Mfr„ OD„ EC §17300 Ppr, City Clerk CC-047Elections -Tally Sheets 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr EC §17304 Elections -Voter Index Copies City Clerk CC-048 used as the Voting Record at 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr EC §17304 Polling Places I Cit Clerk CC-049 Elections - Voter Index Ori inal 5 ea s 5 ears P r EC 17001 End of Elections Section Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-12 Office of Passification Record Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference File Number Image: Destroy (OFR) Inactive Active Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper (Off -site, Total after (in office) Options, M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & I i S=Scan @2 'g? ................ If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for (30-Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and �imgly a full file folder Le.2. last document + 2 years), since destruction is rrormaU gerformed by file folder. HOLDS: fits ation, con saints, claims„ pubfic records act re nests, audits and/or inveslr` ations sus wend normal retention neriods retention resomes, after settlement or corn &Wuba f.9 11 jinrnkalkwi� fix Pub4c City Clerk- 9�i� 691;ployee &eRaFajjorj4- YINS, Mfr; QV-, S officik4 rniscon6wet Ne offence $4-yerkrs­GCrr§§�3(jljo� 4-y'aim, 4-years Ppr ............ . . . . . . . .. LASCI 4 143 Q�ity Clerk �_ C_051 Ethics Trainina Certificates 5 years 5 years -------------- Mg_q� Mfr0D � 1 $1 Yes:After QC & OD, �G�235 �2b Ppr FPPC 700 Series Forms (Statement of Economic Interests):, Mag, City Clerk CC-052 DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES 3 years 4 years 7 years Mfr, OD, S Yes: After City maintains original statements; (specified in the City's Conflict of Ppr 2 years GC §81009(c) & (g) ........... ..................... . . Interest codel, FPPC 700 Series Forms . . . . . . ........... ...... . .............. -------- (Statement of Economic Interests): Department preference, City PUBLIC OFFICIALS (elected & Mfr, OD, Yes: After maintains copies only and the City Clerk CC-.0.5.3 not elected. Includes City Council ) years 4-2-years T.4 years Ppr S mandate is 4 years; original 2 yeas — r Members, Planning Commission statements are filed with FPPQ Members, City Manager, City GC §8 1 009(f) & (g) Treasurer & City, Attorney) I I City' Clerk PPC Form 801 G ift to Agency L74zygaias CC- 4 F ..QL Reporth ..................... 7 4::years ............ . ------ mm� PDr Must post on website' CC §81009(e) . City Clerk i Q 7-years 7 veers Me _g_ ................ . . ......... . . . ............ . . Must post on websto for 4 veers' PPY _05� byAgenc _j Re ort port)i GC �O09 e)t EPPIC Farm 803 (Behested Payment 99_926 Report) ZAg�ars years_ 7 rs --ye --- FPPC Regulation 1873 f(e) GC.___. §810 For CuyCIE CC 057 E__�Zars A I FECEprM8LIQ(A enPep. quf _ M-ap—q Must post on_we_bsite,2 CC� R 187Q2.5(b)QjA6- QCPuwic��W _ Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-13 Office of Classification Record Records Description Retention / Disposition ORComments 1 Reference Pile dumber Destroy (OFR) Image: Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import paper (Off -site, Vital? (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan � ff the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions 6e in when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder d, , last document + 2 aqW. since destruction is nonvally rerformed by file folder. HOLDS: Li ation, com wlaints, claims, Cublic records act requests, audits and✓orinuesti aCrons suspend normal retention periods retenttr>rr resumes after settlernent or completion). pity -4 i&;5{C t"PP( Ir am k{�-elkrrk ,..F:: °o._and 6`tiet'F fki nk,atl°;atmrrrm ti...,wxenn:ir;x ii-&^'e?�rp4':"n Ni aq, r, 0o' B' Yes ' f'•Pl + iPkiknr: (nr7 �fAl'Yg,&;,r ...- - .. .._. �'8.ii,p° requirement Franchise Agreements - I Bid Opening Bid Opening City Clerk CC-058 Unsuccessful bids (e.g. Cable + 2 years + 2 years Ppr GC § 34090 TV„ Electric, Gas, etc.) .... sE}IfiY4{3letion....•+.._t'i-Y'd;2pars-1`ofH dwaa- haiDital-M7}IISV'27Gdd;;wfi"Oee'4t-eQt'6m'fv d"st;s..A..... ea^ r npledoq-'+. 4 Yeelr .i . f�ty�cr� 6;;ab Fr�id o,Ag rnwrts (eq taWe l Tenn-' 2 k -s gGe 4 yr--Untill i'�4'YFkxa�l&alf+b""9PrY4�bC-bff%GG.F6. ma& rt , t,:IGtrir,;- TV-�aGas,, xrai rtrne y,"ar° i a .... at$iNw fn 46N{dp��,,134aktutC-efUrnkitfa>F& Nnecr We is 4 "fci4,..10-years fog Erfersm- .. (DrA4s aumxsi.Gs6 &r«t: 3:37TIW..: ( .. 343;,-1-5,-24 i.-GC-§;t40W)-- 4 e ntir:rooter-bas-re€caw Fe q wwe i s'+er is in 4,&3 4—,R C743 t;ity- ,Ns k & Cm 4 &I G9ove riwlnweant �racac c iaie-- i f e sews 2, years y (:F:0.-t AFG Q lek) f""1ka U-§34090 City Clerk determines historical significance; records can address City Clerk CC-061 Historical Records P P Mag„ Mfr, OD, S No a variety of subjects and media. Some media (e.g. audio and video Ppr tape) may be limited because of the media's life expectancy; GC §34090 t'A &';iierk �`t' 96-2 _.. a. IFt wii wwwe r .. ,geri e e C .rtdk autG::w.- (: itrr r4 rfFl°rd'- lai4&a ili;afSi�FUWr &`3wriFrntnlr:tae+w- .. 4 h'§rP#f'�14"tNraNm Ya s &^"re;&t7iif, t wF3 thiiir,"� t't-} ,.°'rt i k< sz After +..'e@d,�"-(r+-.("tt.... C 'Ari .vstoiF4l MdtttR-r4 . .. 6pll eC: %N'tG.ri8 6tlq°�1H8a3n4'.�3`t=-�^+Fa„ Fieod,-eto, f -;IeviCC+ M „i y�errmr"ee 'FCtS+IFF'i&i&7k"0 'Rit.YY y -f� xpi—ga ian ',, Y "#IX:Folea, twat " 'R 'i'§" v -t' a + . Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-14 Office of Classification Record OR Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments !Reference File Number ., Destroy (OFR) Image: Inactive Active Total Media 1=Import Paper (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Gtt -Wide Stantlartfs Detentions i>a in when the act is com leled, and impiv a full file folder e. . last document + 2 ears), since destruction is normal4 performed by file folder. PdOt DS: Lit! alion, complaints, claims, Public records act re nests, audits and for anvestk allons suspend normal retention periods relenticrr resumes after settlement or cam let' . ity. i � C>0 (44ry rcdp t�A-e8 insur,lfwm,- as)4ty (General ew 4 ARpeu I. eu roHrr&I4Nr g k: r k 0 ityan to �3 GG-§,340 ' rVsr , yer.kre fern Sataen ,,... ........ fl GW$'g,Atkw+iey 4 QFR-1 $.,kShn fmAst_.. t.m, fl , -+ 4fiio 2 yems'i a a+irr lakskr+. . zegaakl t Peace c 0frk& ew',-w+0i: R &- y L 1w wtsb Vv ��::1tlti,�n3�4�EArTr,--��&'ti"d4t4&vA�...� k4en �1e i4 Beek, Ne �re lAA aq Y(S mtc 1 y'4'^,`. e 81 Autd £Di l kwtafion Y fur- d�dtv`.FS14r+7Q3.;�' GG 064° _.. _.., utu nt�+a- Le�ragaaic- N�aw�aglea� Before Ilalfir, ()t S. II " d 4 P co+nti act +sue ya sr ;-vw or fpr a.i... Rectuim"N Roqunire, Se tk:a went ; 48kM . death, R F (aenMr k�f+ir com{alstiran-+@l a .332 gat-e: c2" Mag, City Clerk CG065. Minutes: City Council P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 ... When No When No ..P.p.r Cit y ClC'erk C...d5.5, p Longer ...... Longer Mag, Prr Ion7drr ar Crafts Icanniitlads to y Distribution, etc.Administration, Required Required ppr Codrfrer and deoartments)_GC § 2 years ? er a 34090 Municipal Code Su . )ement When No p ___ie Longer When No Lon er Mag' —Preliminary Drafts (transmittals to Codifier arrd_deoartments) GC d — § City Clerk CC 067 Books and H- A y-F-H en u:ds.. Required Required ...: t'4, w B le r t¢u,+ca 1-saµrofaloexa nol) i,, Ppr 34090 R Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 Ver, 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-15 Office of ,Classification Records Description Retention i Disposition Comments / Reference Record OR File Number Image: Destroy (OFR) Inactive Paper Active Total Media 1=Import (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & S=Scan u o If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cdt -U4'ide Standards Retentions bo Fn when the act is completed, and 4 1 a full file foldere. , last document + 2 years), since destruction is normaVyperforined b4 file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, coma Feints, claims, public records act requests, audits and✓or inves0r atioos sus p end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or com aletloar . Department preference Statute of Limitations: Public official Oaths of Office - City Council and Mag, Yes After misconduct is discovery of offense Volunteers (required of all "City Separation + Separation + Mfr, OD, S,! I (C & OQ, + 4 years, retirement benefits is 6 City Clerk CC-068 Officers", Elected and Boards & 6 years 6 years pr- Ppr Aft, years from last action; strrteavvieFs;- Commissions) 4attkK, qusdedrfea....pr%fease-TerfninatRir+..... 6 yc am", GC §§36507, 34090; PC ......... §§801.5, 803(c); 29 USC 1113 __.... ... _. __ Mag, t City Clerk CCC 069 Ordinances P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD S No GC §34090 et. seq. Ppr Q44 Ofdipan es Not .i .fE,a- €ycmr, h 0e4artrent 4Fef rerC a E& ue&ce»f$(%Ill w�eexa1} .PprtV w....... ... §W_AA et ssq .. .... .. Petitions (submitted to Council on any subject Doe1 Parks, Parkin 1 Department preference: Law City Clerk CC-071 1 calfiti i'; .Iming tc.) . r, r.'.. 2 years Ppr requires 1 year for petitions; GC q....Ye;er �-yee-ati §50115 See Elections for Initiative, Recall ,or Referendum Petitions Property Deeds / Offers of g No City Clerk is OFR and maintains CityClerk CC 07Z —.--....- Dedication: Processed resented P (p �to P Mfr OD S_l_I 1 AID them permanently; GC §34090 Council) P %at tive ...... — — Publications issued by the City - Mag, Yes After, City Clerk determines historical City Clerk CC-073 2 years Historically Significant P P Mfr, OD, S / I QQ & Qp si 34090 nificance; GC 9 § Ppr No — . ........ ... ... ........... - _ Yes: After, City Clerk CC-074 Real Estate Surplus Property 2 years P P Mag' Mfr, OD, S /_I QC & OD Aft ,!, GC §34090 Sales Ppr toaolr!ve Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11 /08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-16 Office of Classification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments Reference Record OR File Number Destroy Image: Inactive Paper Active Total Media I=Import (OFR) (Off -site, vital? after (i n office) Retention Options M=Mfr IE OD or Mfr) Imaged & S= can gc-g? ff the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards .................. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and = a full ince destruction is normally poiforry7ed bg file folder. HOLDS: Lftaori, conip-1writs, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor investii atFons suspend normal retention oerio s (retention resumes after settlement or completion . Records Management Mag, Yes: After Paepqrtnjqnt ej@Nnr�e City Clerk CC-075 Destruction Lists i Retention 2 years P Mfr, OD, S/I _&_0Q After- , __ -_ _�..GC §34090 et. seq. Schedule Ppr jqla'goe Mag, City Clerk CC:076 Resolutions - City Council P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 et. seq. Ppr Revocable Lease Agreements or : YesAftqE. Not all Encroachment ermits are p Licenses !Encroachments .ee Mag, . OD submitted to Council; Stalew0a- City Clerk City CC-077 Public Works for utility y 2 years P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD S/I sftanrNeli7i..pr,mimuase_ParmaarH7r C.. encroachments, wide load permits, Ppr lkfaGfive GC § 34090 etc.) -- ---- — -- ---------- .. . . ....... . . . . .................... . ..... . .......... P Mag, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC City Clerk CC 07 8 Scan Logs P Ppr 1 year §34090 Mag, Yes: After Die r City Clerk C.C-079 - IStreets: Vacations 2 years P P Yes (all) Mfr. OD, S/I I QC&Q GC Ppr Fca §34090 Subpoenas (Mliscellaneou�s Mag City Clerk CC-08 Requests for Public Records, 2 years 2 years Ppr, GC §34090 Miscellaneous Mag Yes: After City Clerk CC-981 Title Reports. Property owned by 2 years P p Mir, OD, S./I QC&OD GC §34090 ICif Ppr Ne 1 When Ne w4e�fANe lJr6fef+n Go&�s afoq�i:AAFA, 'Undorm ]Longef L(Xqe� Rpf x, privah.4y a-r)(4-C,"aR 1. '-Owaine(J40, in- God*-efe Re�� " lW4 City Clerk CC-082 . ......... . . . . . ............................... . . . ... ... Utilities Administration .... 1 2 2 years Mag, . . ................. GC § 34090� . (Correspondence with PUG, etc.) i I Ppr Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY CLERK Page CC-17 Office of Classificaflon Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR File Number Image: Destroy A tive Inactive - Media I=Import Paper (OFR) (Off -Site, (in office) Vital? Options IE M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & it the record is rid listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is camp document + 2 4ears), since destruction is nonaaalt erfornrcad t3 file folder. HOLDS: Litd ation. complaints, claims, 2uhlic records act requests, audits and/or investi alions suspend normal retention perio s (retention resumes after settlement or c=/e12n._, Transfer Mag, City Clerk Vehicle Pink Slips Transfer to New Owner to New Owner Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 Ppr Qty Uerk 4LC__(8L4 2 years, ZI —1 5 At,,,;o srE AUD16 TAOES {Mag) requiredfep OG days-,GG, §34 090r7 mag, - StaWte W U�ta6oVYo for cor*,wta- for Aqreements-an& 5 yeaF,& mfi..' Q.. 11444 Q�aj '&P ir 4-year-_�,-GG" -,at soq.GG GomlMetkin R P. r Aftw­ ! Woo() Gar4k Inactive Adopted: 12/17/2002 Amended: 06/07/06 Amended: 11/08/06 Ver. 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY TREASURER Page CT-1 Office of Record I Retention No. Records Description Retention l Disposition Comments / Reference _ Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vitalg Media I=Import . Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or MfQS=Scan 'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Cdt -Wide Standards Retentions ire an when the act is coin lOed, and imply a full fide folder 1. fast document + 2 oars' , since destruction is normadl portbrived by file folder HOLDS: Liffc ation coda laints claims uhdic records act re nests, audats andJor feavestt ations scrs Bead normal retention eerods retontion resumes after; settlement or corm Ictran , CITY TREASURER City CT-001 Bank Statements 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Treasurer .... ........ ......... ... .-------- ............ ........ §34090, 26 CFR 31.6001-1 Department preference; Meets City CT-002 Checks - Cashed (maintained by 7 Years 7 years Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After municipal government auditing Treasurer the bank) OD, Ppr QC standards, GC §34090, CCP § 337 City Historical Treasurers Records Mag, Mfr, Department preference; GC Treasurer CT-003 (samples of old Leather-bound P P S OD, Ppr No §34090 books, etc.) When No When No City CT-004 Investment Committee Agenda Longer Required - Longer Required - Yes (all) Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Treasurer Packets Minimum 2 Minimum 2 §34090 years ears City CT-005 Investment Committee Minutes P P Mag, Mfr, S / I No GC §34090 Treasurer _,.. & Bylaws ....... ......... ............. OD, Ppr Investments / Certificates of Deposit (CDs) / Advisor Reports Department preference; Meets City CT-006 and Statements ( Trade Tickets 1 7 years 7 years Yes: Until Mag, Ppr municipal government auditing Treasurer LAIF (Local Agency Investment Paid standards; GC §34090, CCP § Fund) 337 Receipts (Citations, Outside Firm Department preference; Meets City CT-007 Collections, Property Tax, Sales 7 years I 7 years Mag, Mfr„ S Yes: After municipal government auditing Treasurer Tax, UtilityTax, etc. OD, Ppr QC standards; GC §34090, CCP § 337 Treasurers Report Department preference; Meets City CT-008 (Also in Ci'ty Council Agenda 7 years i 7 years Mag, Ppr municipal government auditing Treasurer Packet) standards; GC §34090, CCP § 337 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: CITY TREASURER Page CT-2 Office of (Retention No. Records Description Record Retention I Disposition Comments i Reference Inactive Image: Destroy _._ (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (in office) (Off site, Retention Options I M=Mfr Imaged & D or Mfri S=Scan CC'd? If the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions he in when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normal!1, lowfor,ed to file Waist'; OLDS: Lit i atidn complaints, claims utrlic records act re uests, audits and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion), Department preference; Meets City CT-009 Voided Checks 7 years 7 years Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After municipal government auditing Treasurer OD, Ppr QC standards; GC §34090, CCP § 337 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-1 Office of � Retention No. Records Description Retention Disposition Comments I Reference Record In Image: -Cti;: Destroy Storage Media 1 I=Import Active t Vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scal3 QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is compleled, and JmL)ly a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is norma& HOLDS: Lifi. Y.dlon, complaints. claims, public records act requests, audits andlor inves1l 11almns suspend normal retention amods (retention resumes after settlement or cool�etl'on . FINANCE/MANAGEMENT Financ i I FIN-001 Audit Reports / Consolidated 10 years P P �Mag. Mfr, I Sit Yes: After Standard within the protesson, Mgrnt. Annual Financial Report ------ ......... . . .... . ................... .......... ...... OD, Ppr QC &- OD- ---GC--§3-4.0-9-0 . ...... Finance I FIN-002 Audit Work Papers / Audit 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Meets municipal government Mgmt. Schedules auditing standards; GC §34090 Statute of Limitations for bonds, mortgages, trust deeds, notes or debentures is 6 years; Bonds Cancellat., issued by local governments are Finance I Bonds: Debt Official Statements Cancellat., Redemption Yes: Until 10 years; There are specific FIN-003 Mgmt. I Certificates of Participations Redemption I years or Maturity + Maturity Mag, Ppr requirements for disposal of (COPS) or Maturity 10 years unused bonds; CCP §§336(a)&(b); 26 CFR 1.6001 - 1 (e):337.5(a)-*GC §§34090, 43900 at seq. Finance I Yes: �Mag, Mfr, Y. After Must be filed with County FIN-004 Mgmt. I Budgets - Adopted / Final P P Current I OD, Ppr Sit QC&OD Auditor; GC §34090, 40802, Fiscal Year � 53901 - ----------------- — - ---- Finance I FIN-005 Mgmt:_ - - ------- - - ----- ............ ............... . . . . . . ........... Financial Services Database . . .. ....... Indefinite Indefinite . .... ..... Yes . ........ . . .. .. . . . .................. Mag . . . . . ............. . . ..... ... ......... .. Data Fields / Records are interrelated GC §34.0-9.0 . .... .. .. .. ............... .. When No I When No Finance I FIN-006 Golf Course Subcommittee Longer Required - Longer Required - Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Mgmt. AGENDAS, AGENDA PACKETS Minimum 2 Minimum 2 §34090 years years Finance l FIN-007 Golf Course Subcommittee P P Mag, Mfr, S No GC §34090 Mgmt. MINUTES, BYLAWS OD, Ppr Meets municipal government Finance I FIN-008 Journal Entries I Back Up 5 years 5 years MagPpr , standards Statute of Mgmt. Documents I Budget Adjustments �auditing Limitations is 4 years; GC L— 1 §34090, CCP § 337 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-2 Office of Record Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage TotalMedia I=Import Vital Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention n Options M=Mfr Imaged & rl OD or MfS=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the, RV olonon for City-Wido _OC'd_? Standards Retentions beon when the act is completed, and imply, a full file folder ar2l last document + 2 years), since destruction is normallerformed by Me folder, HOLDS: Litiqation, complaints, claims, gublfc records act reqtlests, audits andlor invest q lions sus end normal retention periods tretention resumes after settlement or completion), Finance f FIN-009 Mgmt. Management Audit Letters 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Meets auditing requirements; . ......... .... ...... . ..... .. ---------- ­­­ . . . .............. ...................... . . ......... . ... . . . ... . ..... GC §34090 .... ........- Finance FIN-010 Management Reports I Measure 5 P P Mag, Mfr, Sit Department preference; Meets Yes- After '& Mgmt. "A" / Single Audits years CD, Ppr 1 QC OD auditing requirements; GC §34090 Finance I Reports I Registers - Balance When No When No - -- --- ---- -- -- Preliminary - I I . drafts it . he database Mgmt. FIN -01 I Sheet, Revenue, Expenditure, Longer Longer Mag, Ppr is the original); GC §34090 et Trial Balance, etc. Required Required seq. Finance I FIN-012 Reports: Annual State or Federal: State Controller's 5 years 5 years Mag, Mft_,� S/I Yes: After Department preference; GC Mmt. g Report, Street Report, etc. OD, Ppr QC & OD §34090 Finance FIN-01 3 Reports: Year-end General 5 years 5 years Mag, Mfr, I S /I Yes: After Department preference; GC Mgmt. Ledger OD, CC & OD §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA CD1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Paper after Vital? (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or f S=Scan C'd? If the regard is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cif-tl+ide Standards Retentions begin when the act is cor r toted„ and im l a ftril file folder o. .fast document + 2 ears), since destruction is normaPB erfprmed (a file folder. MOLDS: Liti abon, com Paints claims, uhlic records act ref Crests, audits andlor investl rtilons sus, end normal retention eriods retention resumes troffer settlement or completion), FINANCEI ACCOUNTS PAYABLE I IRS: 4 years after taxis due or Finance I paid (longer for auditing & Accounts FIN-014 1099's Issued / 1096, 5 years ]5ye ars Mag, Ppr contractor delinquency}; Ca. Payable FTB: 3 years; 26 CFR 31.6001- 1, R&T §19530, GC §34090 GRANT -FUNDED Vendor File / Accounts Payable / Check Finance / = Copies 1 Invoices and Backup / 2 5 years 7 years Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, Sit I Yes: After Meets municipal government Accounts FIN-015 Credit Card Statements / Credit Years Paid OD, Ppr QC & OD 'auditing standards; GC §34090 Payable Card Receipts / Travel j Reimbursement NOT GRANT FUNDED Vendor Finance / File / Accounts Payable / Check Copies 1 Invoices and Backup / Yes: Until I Mag, Mfr, S/ I Yes: After ..Meets municipal government Accounts FIN-016 Credit Card Statements / Credit ea3 years rs 2 yea, 5 years Paid OD, Ppr QC & OD auditing standards; GC §34090 Payable Card Receipts / Travel Reimbursement Finance 1 i Vendor Vendor Mag, Mfr, Yes: After Meets IRS Auditing Standards; Accounts FIN-017 W-9s Inactive + 3 Inactive + 3 OD Ppr S / I QC & OD GC §34090 Payable _ _ years ears _ .. _... Finance / Warrant (Check) Register (Detail) Department preference; DGC Accounts FIN-018 - Includes Grant Funded and Non- 2 years 5 years 7 years Mag, Ppr §34090 Payable Grant Funded EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record - _ Inactive . Image: Destroy j Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr $= n C'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions beg'in when the act is completed, and imply a full fife folder e. . last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normal/ erftrrrraesJ.La ftlo folder. HOLDS: 11 Litre atfon, complaints, claims, jZubfic records act requests, audits andror investigations suspend normal retention pedoits retention resumes after settlement or cony ietion . FINANCE t BUSINESS SERVICES Finance / Business FIN-019 Accounts Receivable (Paramedic 2 years 3 years 5 years Yes: Until Mag Ppr Department preference; GC Billing, TOT, etc.) Paid §34090 Services �............. ._ .. ...... ........... - . Meets Municipal Government Finance / Business FIN 020 Accounts Receivable Write -Offs 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr auditing standards (negative (due to non-payment) information remains on credit Services ratings for 7 years); GC §34090 Finance 1 Business FIN-021 Business License Applications, 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Meets auditing standards; GC 9 Licenses and Renewals, Letters §34090 et seq. Services Finance / Data Fields I Records are Business FIN-022 Business License Database Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag interrelated; GC §34090 Services _ i Department Preference Finance ! (negative information remains on Business FIN-023 Collection Agency Assignments 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr 'credit reports for 7 years); GC Services §34090 et seq. EL SEGUNDO, CA @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-5 Office of Record (Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference L Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active f Storage Media Total ' 1=Import Paper after Vital. (in office) I (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & fr OD r S=Scan C'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn lelod, and impiv a full file folder o.. bast document + 2 aars', since destruction is nonnatl erformed tr file folder HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims ublic records act requests, audits andlor Investigations suspend d normal retention • eriods retention resumes after settlement or com letiorI , FINANCE / PAYROLL Finance / FIN-024 Batch Activity Reports 1 Payroll 2 ears 3 Y Mag, I Department preference; meets Payroll Y 1 Processing Processin File � years Ppr, municipal government auditing i standards; GC §34090 __ - .. Finance 1 Payroll FIN-025 Checks 1 Warrants (Payroll Only) / Cancelled Checks 2 years 3 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; meets municipal government auditing ..-... 9years ......-_. standards; GC §34090 DE-6, DE-7, DE-9, DE-34, DE-43, Department preference; IRS: 4 W-3 & DE-166, 941 Forms, yrs after tax is due or paid; Ca. Finance / FIN-026 PIERS / FICA & Medicare 2 Years 3 years Yes Current Mag, Ppr FTB: 3 years; Articles show 7 26 Payroll Adjustments - Quarterly Payroll Year years; CFR 31.6001-1, R&T Tax Returns / OASDI, Federal §19530; 29 CFR 516.5 - 516.6, Tax Deposits, Adjustments, etc. 29 USC 436, GC §34090 _ 26CFR31.6001-1 Department preference; IRS Regulations for W-4s: four years Finance ! Payroll Employee File: Benefit Separation +j Separation + after the due date of such tax for Payroll FIN-027 Deduction Authorizations, 5 Mag, Ppr the return period to which the Garnishments, W 4s, etc. Y ears 5 ears Y records relate, or the date such tax is paid, whichever is the later. 26 CFR 31.6001-1 GC §60201 GC §34090 Finance ! Payroll Processing Report ! Department preference; meets Payroll FIN-028 Y Payroll Registers I Payroll Check 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr municipal government auditing Registers! Earnings Register standards; GC §34090 Department preference; IRS: 4 Finance / FIN-029 Payroll PIERS Report - Retirement 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr yrs after tax is due or paid; Ca. FTB: 3 years; Articles show 7 Reports (CalPERS) years; 26 CFR 31.6001-1, R&T §19530; 29 CFR 516.5 - 516.6, 29 USC 436, GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA 91995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-6 Office of I Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments f Reference Record InactiveVital? Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Paper after {OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged $ OD or Mfd If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cil -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn leled, and imply a full fide holder e, . last document + 2 years), since destruction is norniall serformed h file folder. HOLDS: Lili atlon cam lal?its, cfaiins, aublic records act requests, au0s and br htvesli icons suspen normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Department preference; IRS: 4 yrs after tax is due or paid; Ca. FTB: 3 years; Articles show 7 Finance ! FIN-030 Timecards / Timesheets 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr'' y ears 26 CFR 31.6001-1 R&T Payroll §19530; 29 CFR 516.5 - 516.6, 29 USC 436, GC 34090 § 26CFR316001 1 01 ----- ......_ ...,... „ � ...... _ De artment reference; IRS: 4 p yrs after tax is due or paid; Ca. Finance ! FIN-031 W-2's 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr, FTB: 3 years; Articles show 7 years; 26 CFR 31.6001-1, R&T Payroll §19530; 29 CFR 516.5 - 516.6, 29 USC 436, GC §34090 Department preference; IRS Regulation 31-6001-1 four years after the due date of such tax for Finance t No Longer in No Longer in Mag, Mfr, Yes: After the return period to which the Payroll FIN-032 W-4s Effect + 4 I Effect + 4 OD, Ppr 51 I QC & OD 'records relate, or the date such years years tax is paid, whichever is the later. GC §34090-1 26 CFR 31.6001-1 GC §60201 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-7 Office of R,etentlon No. Record Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or MfQ S= C'd? If the record is not listed here; refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions ho in when the act is completed, and im l a full Pale folder e last document + 2 years), since destrucUon is nvrrnall performedbZ file folder. HOLDS., Li"tfgation, com faints ciaims, public records act requests, audits andlor investi atlons suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion), PURCHASING Finance / FIN-033 Enformal Bids S Quotes from Vendors (Quotes may be 2 years 3 years 5 years I Mag, Ppr Department preference for grant Purchasing submitted by the DaparimenE) ........................ auditing purposes; GC §34090 Finance / FIN 034 Purchase Orders, Requisitions, 2 years 3 years 5 years .............. Yes Until Mag, Mfr, S/ I Yes: After ....... ...-_. _ ....,,,... .... _ Meets municipal government Purchasing Quotes, Change Orders Paid OD, Ppr QC & OD auditing standards; GC §34090 Finance t FIN 035 Surplus Property Disposal !Sale 2 years 1 3 years 5 years Yes. Until Mag, Mfr,' S / I Yes, After Meets municipal government Purchasing _. ....... Paid OD P r p I QC & OD auditing standards; GC §34090 Finance /When FIN-036 (Vendor List No I ..... Longer Mag Ppr, Transitory /preliminary drafts; Purchasing Required d Re ed GC §§34090, 6252, 6254(a) EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-8 Offace of Record (Retention No. Records Description Retention !Disposition Comments ! Reference Inactive Image: Destroy OFR ( ) Active I Storage Total Media 1=Import Paper after Vital. (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr I It the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is com toted, and injify a full Mile toPder Le.a, last document + 2 ears', since destruction is normall erfbrmed b file HOLDS; Litigation, complaints, claim's, public, records act reguests, audits andldr investi attons "'folder s uspeod normal retention p erlods 'retention resumes after settlement or comp sletion . UTILITY BILLING Finance l Utility FIN-037 ( Bankruptcies Where City does p 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr (Department preference; GC Billing not pursue a claim) ....... . ... _..... _ .. ...... i §34090 _. Transitory records not retained Finance ! Billing Registers / Reports, Daily When No When No in the ordinary course of Utility FIN-038 Update, Bank Draft, Adjustment Longer Longer Mag, Ppr business; Financial system Billing Posting, etc. Required Required qualifies as a trusted system and can re-create reports accurately, GC §34090 Finance / Checks deposited to Bank (City Utility FIN-039 scans them for the Bank, rather Follow Bank Follow Bank These are bank instruments, Billing than physically taking the checks Instructions Instructions Mag, Ppr and not City records; per bank to the bank to deposit them.) a reement. g Finance ! _ Department Preference Utility FIN-040 Collection Agency Assignments 1 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr (negative information remains on Billing Write Offs o, 7 years); GC §34090 et seq. Finance / Utility FIN-041 Payment Stubs (mailed) ( Utility Transitory records not retained Receipts 4 months 4 months Mag, Ppr in the ordinary course of Billing business; GC §34090 Finance 1 ItFIN-042 Prop 218 Notices: Master Mailing List 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Billing Finance J Utility FIN-043 Prop 218 Notices: Undeliverable 3 months Ppr Transitory records not retained in the Billing Mail ordinary course of business; GC §34090 Finance / Eyears Utility FIN-044 Returned Checks (NSF, etc.) 5 years Yes: Until Mag Ppr Meets municipal government BillingPaid auditing standards; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Govemmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-9 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference I Record Inactive _ Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) {in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfirl S=Scan 'd? If the record 7s not listed here, refer to l'he Retention for C'i't -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and imo!v a full file folder fe. , last document + 2 ears), since destruction is normaliy performed b file folder HOLDS: Liti' cation, com hints, claams, public records act 1`01011. sts, audits anoVor investi actions sus end normal retention Periods retention resumes after settlement or coal Ietoon . Finance 1 j Department preference; GC Utility FIN-045 Service Applications 5 years 5 years Mag, Per §34090 Billing Finance 1 Data Fields ! Records are UtilityFIN-046 q Utility Billie Database Y g Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag � interrelated; GC §34090 Billing Finance / Utility Users Tax Exemptions Close + 5 Close + 5 Mag, Ppr Department preference GC Utility FIN-047 Di (Low Income Senior sabled) years years 34090 Billie m Finan e! Water Billing: Appeals Final Final Mag, Yes: After Documentedor ached to Utility FIN-048 Delinquency & Impending Decision + 2 Decision + 2 Ppr, Mfr, S / I QC & OD dti.... Customern database Billing Discontinuation years ears OD GC §34090 H&S §116908 Finance! Utility FIN 049 Water Billing Auto -Billing 2 years 2 years Mag Ppr, Mfr, S / I Yes: After OC & OD GC §34090 I Billing 1,.... Authorizations _.._ ........... .., OD — Finance! Water Billing: Non-payment When No When No Ma g' Yes: After Documented or attached to Utility FIN-050 Notices !Notice of Payment Langer Longer Ppr, Mfr, S J I OC & OD Customer Record in database Billing Delinquency & Impending Required Required OD GC §34090; H&S §116908 Discontinuation (Initial, Final) 11 i ...FL. ....., Finance / _ Water Billing: NSF Checks ! When No When No Mag Yes: After Documented or attached to Utilit.. y N-051 Adjustments to Customer Longer Longer Ppr, Mfr, S / I OC&OD Customer Record in database Billing accounts .................. Required Required OD GC §34090 H&S §116908 ..--_- Finance ! Water Billing Payment Plans: Expiration orgy Completion Expiration or Completion Ma g' Yes: After Documented or attached to Utility FIN-052 Amortization, Alternative of Payment of Payment Ppr, Mfr, S / QC & OD Customer Record in database Billing Payment Plans, Deferrals, etc. Plan Plan OD GC §34090; H&S §116910 Finance ! Water Billing: Policy on When Superseded; W hen Superseded; • Mag Yes: After Must post to Website; H&S Utility FIN-053 Discontinuation of Residential Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Ppr, Mfr S / I QC & OD §116906; GC §34090 Billing Service for Nonpayment years ears OD EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-10 Office of Retention No.l Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments l Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total ' Media I=Import Vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office] (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & I OD or fr =Scan Cd? ffthe record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is com aleted, and irr l a full file folder le.g. last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normally aerformed by file folder HOLDS: Litigation, com law°nis„ claims„ uhlic records act re. uests, audits and/or investi ations sus entf normal r'e ention periods retention resumes after settlement or com: ietiorr . Finance / Water Billing: Report of Annual Minimum 2 Minimum 2 PprMag, Mfr, S / I Yes: After Must post to Website; H&S Utility FIN-054 Discontinuations of Residential years years , OC & OD §116918; GC §34090 Billing Service ... OD __. _ .. ....... . -- City preference forr drinking Finance / Water Turn On / Turn Offs 5 5 years Mag, Ppr' water regulations; CCP §§338 et Utility FIN-055 (includes Work Orders) years seq., 340 et seq., 342; GC Billing 34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted. Ver. 2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: RISK MANAGEMENT Page RM-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments i Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFRj (in office) (offsite, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & 00 o fr =Scan OC'd? 11 If Iho record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for C= Wide Standards Retontions bo n twhon the act rs Dorn leted, and fm al a full file folder' a last document + 2 tsars " since destruction is normally erforiraed b file folder. HOLDS, Litigation, cam faints, claims, ublic records act re uests, audits audfor ihvosil alions suspendrorrnal retention ercuds i'eferltrnn resumes after settlement or completion . RISK MANAGEMENT cityAge of Age of Juveniles may have additional Y Attorney & Majority Majority Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, Yes: After ''legal recourses; CCP §§ 337 et Finance / RM-001 Claims - Juveniles (minimum (minimum Settlement OD, Ppr S Settled seq.; GC §§ 911.2, 945, 34090, Risk Settle + 5 Settle + 5 34090.6; PC §832.5 Manag. years) .. ..... _gears)— — ........ ......... _ ...... - ..- Claim must be filed within 1 year, lawsuit within 2 years; complaints against peace City officers within 5 years; Statute of Attorney & Claims -Not Juveniles Tort Settle + 5 Settle + 5 Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Limitations for contracts is 4 Finance ! RM-002 Claims / Liability Claims years years Settlement OD, Ppr Settled years; wrongful death for Risk construction is completion + 5 Manag. years; CCP §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ 911.2, 945, 34090, 34090.6; PC §832.5 _.-..... ..,... ._ _ .. Department Preference; Covers Final various statute of limitations; Risk RM-003 Claims Against Others (Damage Final 5 years Settlement + Yes: Until Mag, Ppr CCP §§ 337 et seq.; GC §§ Manage. to City Property, etc.) Settlement 5 years Resolution 911.2, 34090, 34090.6; PC §832.5 ... . Risk _ Insurance Policies & Certificates _........ Completion Completion Yes: Before Mag, Mfr, S l I Yes: After Consistent with Agreement retention; CCP §§337; GC RM 004 Manage. (City -owned -NOT liability + 5 ears Y + 5 years Expiration OD Ppr QC & OD §34090 I insurance): Fire, Flood etc. 1_...mm.--_-.. ......._ _ .... Insurance Policies & Certificates Risk {City -owned): ICMA, Self- P Yes: Before Mag, Mfr, S J I Yes: After For protection from litigation; RM-005 Manage insurance & Liability (General & P Expiration OD, Ppr' QC & OD CCP §§337. GC §34090 j Public), Workers Compensation EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ad Opted: Ver. 2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: RISK MANAGEMENT Page RM-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record i Inactive 1 I Image: Destroy Active Storage Total ? Media 1=Import Vital. Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr = Scan C'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act Is rompdeted, and imply a find file folder (e.g. last docurn�rars , since destruction is normal erf`errned b file folder. HOLDS., Litigation, com iaints, claimspublic records act rec nests, audits andlor investi aCions sus end normal retention periodstretention resumes after seldernent or com lotion , Calif. Labor Division is required to keep their records 7 years; OSHA Inspections & Citations, OSHA requires 5 years; State Risk RM-006 Log 200 and Log 300, 301, 301A, 2 years 3 years 5 years Ppr law requires 2 years; 8 CCR Manage„ etc. §3203(b)(1), GC §34090; LC §6429(c) _........... Department Preference; OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; 8 CCR §3203 et seq., Risk RM-007 Safety Committee Minutes 5 years 5 years Mag, Mfr, OD, Ppr S l i Yes: —After QC & OD 8 CCR 14300.33(a); 29 CFR Manage. 1627.3(b)(2), 29 CFR 1904.33. 29 CFR 1904.44; LC §6429(c); I GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention t Disposition Comments / Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr =Scan C'd If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cil _Wide Standards Retentions he In wrhen the act is aom.rteted, and im 1 a Putt tJtc folder 's. .last document + 2 Leans , since destruction is nor-171 l ert'ormed l! file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act recluests, audits andlorinvesttr ations :sirs end normal retention periods (retentfon resumes after settlement or com, letion . HUMAN RESOURCES Department preference; EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, Classification / Reorganization demotion, transfer, selection, or Human HR-001 Studies (for employee Minimum 3 Minimum 3 Mag, Ppr discharge; State Law requires 2 - Resources classifications and department years years 3 years; retirement benefits is 6 structures) years from last action; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(2), 8 CCR §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC ............. __ §§12946, 12960, 34090 - Department preference; EEOC/FLSAlADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion, transfer, selection, or Human '', HR-002 Classification Specifications ! Job Minimum 3 Minimum 3 Mag, Mfr, S ! I Yes: After 1 discharge; State Law requires 2 - Resources Descriptions years years OD, Ppr year 3 years; retirement benefits is 6 years from last action; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(2), 8 CCR §3204(d)(1) at seq., GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; Department preference; EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion, transfer, selection, or Human HR-004 Compensation Surveys & Studies 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr discharge; State Law requires 2 - Resources 3 years; retirement benefits is 6 years from last action; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(2), 8 CCR §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention 1 Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I I=Import vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD r Mfr ' I S=Sca C'd? If the record is riot listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions bow when the act is com feted, and imply,a fuH file fealde e. .last document + 2 ears,, since destruction is normally erformed bg file folder HOLDS: Litigation ation„ coin faints, clxaimis, public records act requests, audits andlor inveslie atlons suspend normal retention periods rete0on resumes after settlement or com lotion .. Department Preference to match Personnel Files; EEOCIFLSAtADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, Human HR-005 Confidential Investigations Separation +j Separation + Yes: Until Mag, Ppr demotion, transfer, selection, or Resources 6 years 6 years Separation discharge; State Law requires 2 - 3 years; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; 29 USC 1113, LC 1174 Human HR-006 COVID-19 Notifications to 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr LC §6409 6(k) GC §34090 Resources Employees man HR-007 DMV -Addition, Deletion Form 2 years 2 years Mag Ppr = GC §34090 Res Department preference; Transitory or source records not When When retained in the ordinary course Human DMV-Pull Notices, Waivers for Superseded j Superseded Ma Ppr p of business; CHP audits every 2 Resources HR-008 Pull Notices or or g years; Bureau of National Affairs Separated Separated recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel records; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record _ Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, 'Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & O or Mfr S=Sca d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention fvr City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is coL leted, and imply a full file folder e.g. last document + ? years), since destruction is normatl urforrned by file fdidor, HOLDS: Oli anon, cram faints, claimspublic records act re. uesIs, audits and/or investi afions sus end normaf retention. eriods irptention resumes after settlement or completion). D.O.T. Requires 5 years for positive tests, refusals, annual summaries, etc, 1 year for Drug Testing Program / DOT negative tests; EEOC / FLSA I Human HR-009 Testing - Eligible Pool Lists, Drug 2 Years 3 years 5 years Mag Ppr ADEA (Age) requires 3 years Resources & Alcohol Test Results, Training, physical examinations; State BIT Inspections, etc. Law requires 2 years; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(1)(v), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; 49 CFR 655.71 et .----_. _. .._. seq.; 49 CFR 382.401 et seq. Department preference; All State and Federal laws require Equal Opportunity Employment - retention until final disposition of Human HR-010 Complaints 1 Department of Fair Separation p Se aration + P Mag, Ppr formal complaint; State requires Resources Employment & Housing (DFEH or', + 3 years 3 years 2 years after "fully and finally EEOC) Claims disposed"; 2 CCR 7287.0; GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 Human HR-011 ........ Equal Opportunity Employment - 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr 29 CFR 1602.30; 29 CFR Resources EEOC Reports (EEO-4 Reports) 1602.32 Department Preference to match Personnel Files; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, Human HR-012 Grievances Separation + Separation + Yes: Until Mag, Ppr demotion, transfer, selection, or Resources 6 years 6 years Separation discharge; State Law requires 2 - 3 years; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; 29 USC 1113, LC 1174 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-4 Office of ( Record Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments i Reference Re Inactive Image:... . Destroy (OFR} Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after rn office Off -site Retention O Options M=Mfr ( ) ( P Imaged & g OD or Mfr) S=Sc n If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a fullfile Ab. dder e. . last document + 2 ears since destruction is normally performed by file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, cram daints„ claims, public records act re uests, audits andlor investi a ions suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after seliiement or completion). Required for 1 year from termination or 3 years from hiring, whichever is later; EEOC d FLSA d ADEA (Age) requires 3 Human Separation + Separation + Mag, Mfr, Yes: After years for "any other forms of Resources ' HR-013 I-9s 3 years 3 years OD, Ppr S I i QC & OD employment inquiry"; State Law requires 2 -3 years; 8 CFR 274a.2; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(1); GC §§12946, 12960, 34090; INA 274A(b)(3); INS Rule 274a.1(b)(2) Department preference (protects City in the event of past employee misconduct); DOJ Human LiveScan Fingerprint Clearance Separation + Separation + allows retention for legitimate HR-014 Resources Forms -for Employees, 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr business needs; must be Contractors, Volunteers, Interns maintained in a secure and confidential file; DOJ Information Bulletin No. 02-17-BCII; GC§ 3409D et seq. Human HR-015 Negotiation Binders 1 Notes, Side 10 years 10 years Yes while Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Resources Letters, Correspondence, etc. current §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments l Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr an C'd? if the record is 11 not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is com doted, and imply a full file ladder e.. list r ocatmorat + 2 ears , since destruction is normallyperformed by file folder HOLDS: I-Agration, complaints, claims, public records act re uosts„ audits andlorinvesti at' ns suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or cam lebori . Department Preference; Statute of Limitations for Retirement Benefits is 6 years from last action; EEOC/FLSAtADEA (Age) requires 3 years for Personnel Files -All Employees promotion, demotion, transfer, Human Separation +'[ Separation + Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, S / i Yes: —After 'selection, or discharge; State Resources HR-017 (Part-time employee's files are 1 year 5 years 6 years Separation OD, Ppr QC & OD Law requires 2 -3 years; 8 CCR forwarded to Human Resources 5144, 8 CCR 15400.2; 29 CFR when they are Separated) 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090, 3105; LC §1198.5; 29 CFR 1602.14; 53235.2(b); 53237.2(b); LC § 1198.5„ ......... _ ...,.,.,.,.,....,.,., ......... ......... _ ..�.., Department Preference; Statute of Limitations for Retirement Benefits is 6 years from last action; EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion, transfer, Human Personnel Files -Fire Separation +- Separation + Yes: Until Mag, Mfr„ S l Yes: —After selection, or discharge; State Resources HR-018 Department Background Files 1 year 5 years 6 years Separation OD, Ppr QC & OD Law requires 2 -3 years; 8 CCR 5144, 8 CCR 15400.2; 29 CFR 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090, 3105; LC §1198.51 29 CFR 1602.14; 53235.2(b); 53237.2(b); LC 1 §)198.5 EL SEGUNDO, CA 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted:. Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-6 Office of €Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options , M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Sca❑ d? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn feted and imply a full file folder Log last document + 2 years , since destruction is normalt rarfarmed by file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, com laints„ claims, public records act re r oasis audits and/or investi alrons .sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion), Separation + Department preference; Files I 29 years, 30 years, maintained separately; Claims Personnel Files - Medical OR OR can be made for 30 years for Human Records (all employees) Termination Separation + Termination Yes: Until Mag, Mfr, Yes: —After toxic substance exposure; 8 Resources HR-019 1 year of Benefits + of Benefits + Separation OD, Ppr S / QC & OD 'CCR §3204(d)(1) et seq., 8 CCR Includes Breathing Apparatus Fit 5 years 5 years 5144,8 CCR 15400.2; 29 CFR Tests & LiveScan Log (whichever (whichever 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), GC §§12946, s longer) is longer) i 12960, 34090 Department preference; EEOC / FLSA / ADEA (Age) requires 1-3 years; State Law requires 2 - 3 Human HR-020 Recruitment Database - NeoGov 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr years; 29 CFR 1602 et seq & 1627.3(a)(5) and (6), 2 CCR Resources 11013(c); 8 CCR §11040(7.( c))GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 Recruitment Files - Full-time preference;requires Employees FDLSAr/ ADEAtment (Age) 1-3 years; State Law requires 2 - 3 Human {Includes Applications, Minimum 3 Minimum 3 Mag, Ppr years; 29 CFR 1602 at seq & Resources HR-021 Advertisements, Job Brochures, years years 1627.3(a)(5) and (6), 2 CCR Test Data, Rating Sheets, 11013(c); 8 CCR Questions, Eligible Lists, §11040(7.( c)), GC §§12946, Reference Checks, Background 12960, 34090 Checks from PD, etc.) - _ _...... ®..... _....... _......__,_. Studies & Surveys Conducted on Human Behalf of the City (Attrition, Minimum 3 Minimum 3 Ma Ppr g' p Department preference; GC Resources HR-022 Benefits, Succession Planning, years years §34090 etc.) EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3515 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 6.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-7 Office of (Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record ... inactive age: Destroy Total Active Storage Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M-Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr)= can C'd? If the record is riot listed here„ refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions bra in when the act 1a cc1m, ;Bated, and !rn d a full file folder a. , tasl dcacunrenf + 2 ears since destruction is normall etformed b Me folder. HOLDS: Litt ation, com lalnts„ claims, ubfic records act re ur,sts, audits and/or investr ations sags on normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or romp] - tion . Department Preference; OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; -Calif. Labor Division is required to keep their OSHA records 7 years; Ethics Training Training - Harassment is 5 years; EEOCIFLSAIADEA Prevention and Violence in the (Age) requires 3 years for Human Workplace (for others, see the Mag, Mfr, Yes: After promotion, demotion, transfer, Resources HR-023 City-wide Schedule) 5 years 5 years OD, Ppr S / QC & OD selection, or discharge; State Law requires 2 -3 years; 8 CCR ( Attendance Rosters, Outlines §3203 et seq., 8 CCR and Materials) 14300.33(a); 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2), 29 CFR 1904.33, 29 CFR 1904.44; LC §6429(c); GC §§12946, 12960, 34090, 53235.2(b) Department preference; Claims Workers' Compensation or 29 years, Separation + can be made for 30 years for Disability Claims! Employee or OR 30 years, toxic substance exposure; Volunteer Accident Reports Termination OR Claims are required for five Human HR-024 Until Closed ii of Benefits + Termination Mag, Mfr, S / i Yes: -After years after the end of injury, Resources Includes all Employee Accident, 5 years of Benefits + OD, Ppr QC & OD compensation, or Incident, or Injury Reports, (whichever 5 years whichever is longer8 CCR 5144, Refusal of Medical Treatment of s longer) (whichever 8 CCR 15400.2; 29 CFR an Industrial Accident is longer) 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention !Disposition Comments i Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total (Off -site, Vital? (O Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged R I S=Scan it the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Clt-In✓tda Standards Ratentioays ba Jn wham the .act is c.orra laled, a,nd inplv a full fale folder e.g. Mast document + 2 years), since destruction is normally erformed trL file folder. HOLDS; Liti ation, com faints, claims, aublic records act re Vests, audits and/or rmvestr ations suspend normal retention genods retention resumes after settlement or corn )felion ,. FIRE t EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Fire / EMS FR-001 EMS / Paramedic Training Records 4 years 4 years Mag, 22 CCR 100395, GC 34090 § 1 Continuing Education Ppr Statute of Limitations for health Mag, providers is 3 years; 13 CCR Fire / EMS FR-002 EMS Complaints 3 years 3 years Ppr 1100.7, UFC §104.3.2, §104.3.4, L...,,, ....... „After ....... —. ._..__ IHIFAA Policies and Procedures ......... Superseded M Mag Mfr, OD S l 24 CFR 64 .5300) Fire / EMS FR-003 (Health Insurance Portability and + g years Accountability Act) Ppr year EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-2 Officeof Retention No.l Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference RecordImage: Destroy Inactive Paper (OFR) Active (-site, Vital? Vital? Media I=lrnport after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan , lithe record is riot listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Retentions begin when the tact is coixa leted, and imal a full file folder e r. last document + 2 years , since destruction is normal14 performed by file folder. HOLDS: Lifi anon, eons Paints„ claims, uhAc records act ra uesP9, audits and/or investr aPiarrs sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corn lotion . Department Preference; law requires 7 years for clinics, health facilities, hospitals, adult day health care centers, and in -home skilled nursing services, and is actually based upon "if the licensee ceases operations'; 10 years is recommended by AHIMA for"healthcare providers": California Healthcare Association recommends Acute Care Facilities Patient Care Reports 1 PCRs ! Mag„ Yes. ',retain adult records for ten years Fire / EMS FR-004 Paramedic Release Forms (EMS 7 years 7 years Mfr, OD, S After 1 following discharge; Juvenile transportation): ADULTS Ppr year records are required until patient becomes 18 years old; Statute of Limitations for health providers is 3 years; Federal law requires 3 years, statewide guidelines propose 3 years; HIPAA provides privacy regulations for patient's health records; 13 CFR 1100.7, ICCP §340.5, GC §34090; H&S §123145 I EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladweli Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted; Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention i Disposition p Comments ( Reference Record Destroy Image: (OFR) Inactive Paper Active Total Media I=Import (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan , if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retenton for City- Wide Standards Detentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a Full file folder (e.g. bast document + 2 ears', since destruction is normail orfarn ad tr file folder. HOLDS: Litigation. com laIs, claims, out 11 rtic records act requests, audits and/or investitiatiis suspend normal retention penods fretention resumes after settlement or com letiort . Department Preference; law requires 7 years for clinics, health facilities, hospitals, adult day health care centers, and in -home skilled nursing services, and is actually based upon "if the licensee ceases operations" 10 years is recommended by AHIMA for "healthcare providers"; California Healthcare Association Patient Care Reports / PCRs 1 Ma9e Yes: recommends Acute Care Facilities Fire / EMS FR-005 Paramedic Release Forms (EMS 20 years 20 years Mfr, OD, S After 1 retain adult records for ten years following discharge; Juvenile 9 g transportation): MINORS! JUVENILES Ppr year records are required until patient becomes 18 years old; Statute of Limitations for health providers is 3 years; Federal law requires 3 years, statewide guidelines propose 3 years; HIPAA provides privacy regulations for patient's health records; 13 CFR 1100.7, CCP §340.5, GC §34090; H&S §123145 FIRE ADMINISTRATION EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-4 Office of Retention No. i Records Description Retention t Disposition Comments / Reference Record i _....... Destroy Image: Inactive Active Total Media I=Import paper (OFR) (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 S=Scan QVIJ If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standaivs Retentians ba an tvtaen the act rs carr feted, and ina I a full fide folder e. . last docunaent + 2 ears , since des}ruction is norrrradl performed b file folder. PIOLDS., Litigation, com lako claim public records act' re uests, audits and/or investi ations suspend normal retention onods reberat?on resumes after settlement e r oor 7 Petion . Meets auditing standards; Grants covered by a Consolidated Action (Plan are required for 5 years; Uniform Admin. Requirements for All -Hazards Incident Management Mag, Grants to Local Governments is 3 Yes: Fire ! FR-006 Team (AHIMTj 10 years 10 years Mfr, OD, S / years from expenditure report or After QC final payment of grantee or Admin, Partially Funded by FEMA 1 OES Ppr & OD subgrantee; 2 CFR 200.334; 24 CFR 91.105(h), 92.505, & 570.502(a), 29 CFR 97.42, OMB Circular A-110 & A-133.320(g); GC §34090; GC §8546.7 _... _ 1 _........ .... _.... _ - -........ Department preference; EEOC 1 FLSA t ADEA (Age) requires 1-3 Background Packets - years; State Law requires 2 - 3 UNSUCCESSFUL Applicants Mag, years; 29 CFR 1602 et seq & �7287.0(c)(2), Fire / FR-007 3 years 3 years Ppr 1627.3(a)(5) and (6), 2 CCR Admin. (Successful Applicants are sent to 8 CCR Human Resources) §11040(7.( c)), GC §§12946, 112960,34090 `Billing: Alarms, Annual Department preference p Fire t FR-008 Inspections, Life & Safety 5 years 5 years PPS' municipal ovvernmt(meets p ent auditing �standards)� Admin. Inspections, SpnnklerTesting etc. _ _ § 4090 Citizen's Emergency Response Fire / Training / Neighborhood Training 5 5 years Mag, Mfr, OD, S / i Yes: Department Preference; GC After QC FR-009 Admin. years ,Disaster Service Worker P r � p & OD §34090 r !Certification, Roster, etc. EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-5 Officeof Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference I Destroy Image: Active Inactive IEPa per Media I=Import p(Off-site,Vital? after (OFR) (in office) Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged 8 S=Scan If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Gii -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is com feted„ and im 1 a ftr11 fife folder e . last document + 2 ears , since dostruction is normapy. performed by Fide folder. HOLDS: Litigation, corn laintS, claims ubiic records act requests, audits and/or inveshic atidns sus end normal retention Deriods retention resumes after settlement or com letion . Department Preference; OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; Mag, Yes: 8 CCR §3203 at seq., 8 CCR Fire / FR-010 Department Safety Committee 5 years 5 years Mfr, OD, S I i After QC 14300.33(a); 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2), I29 Admin. Minutes Ppr & OD CFR 1904.33, 29 CFR 1904.44; LC §6429(c); GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 Fire / Emergency Plans I Disaster When Superseded When Superseded Mag, Mfr, OD, S i Yes: Department Preference; GC After QC FR 011 Admin. Preparedness Manuals, etc. Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Ppr & OD §34090 years ears Department preference to allow for FEMA audits (up to 6 years & 3 months from the date of the final FEMA Reports / FEMA 3 years After 3 years After inspection report); Uniform Admin, I Fire! Reimbursements / EOC Activations Reimburse- Reimburse- ment, Mag, Requirements for Grants to Local FR-012 Admin. I Cal OES Strike Team ment, Minimum Minimum Ppr Governments is 3 years from Reimbursements expenditure report or final payment p p p y 10 years 10 years of grantee or subgrantee; (Also See Grants on City-wide); GC §34090 et seq. Fire / FR 013 Fire RMS Incident Database Indefinite Indefinite Y es Mag Data is interrelated; GC §34090 et Admin, seq Fire 1 Admin, ORi Fire When No When No Mag, Department preference; data is in Prevention FR-014 Fire Incident Reports Longer Longer Mfr, OD. (RMS database; GC §34090 at seq.. Required Required Ppr or Police (for Arson) EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adoptedr. Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-6 Office of Retention, No, Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments f Reference Record Destroy Image: Inactive .Per Active Total Media 1=Import mMfr (OFR) (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) Retention Options OD or Mfr} Imaged 8 S=Scan If the record is not fisted here, refer to the Retention for Clt -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is rcrn feted, and im l a fuI/ file folder (P., last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed b file folder. HOLDS: Litt ation, cram faints, claims, gublic records act requests, audits a7dJo,r invest[ ations suspend narma/ retention periods 'retention resumes after settlement or com (anon . Fire 1 t Mag, Yes' Preference (rated FR-015 Admin. ISO Insurance Ratings 15 years 15 years Mfr„ OD S ( i After QC ,Department =every 10 years); GC §34090 Ppr & OD Copies - IMemoranda Understanding Copies - Mag, ( Originals Maintained by City Clerk of When No When No City Clerk FR-016 (MOUs) / Mutual Aid Agreements / Mfr, OD, or County Clerk of the Board Lon er Joint Power Authorities 9 Required Longer 9 Re aired ---- Ppr Permanently; GC §34090.7 _ Fire / _ ......... Minimum 2 ..._........ Minimum 2 Mag, Department Preference, GC § FR-017 Admin. Programs and Projects � years ears Ppr 34090 et seq. Fire / FR-018 Requests for Copies of Incident 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Admin. Reports Department preference Claims Human Send to Respiratory Fit Tests for Breathing Send to Mag' can be made for 30 years for toxic FR-019 Resources Human Apparatus Human Ppr substance exposure; 8 CCR Resources Resources §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC §§12946, 12960,34090 / FR-020 FireFIRE Staff Meeting Minutes 2 years 2 years ........_ Yes ......... Ppr GC §34090 Admin I Environmental Safety - CUP' A Certified Unified Program Agencies) ii Department preference for environmental contamination Fire I Mag Yes: investigations; Reporting is Environ„ FR-021 Business Inspections P P Mfr, OD, S / i After QC :required for 5 years, enforcement Safety Ppr & OD actions for 3 years after resolved; GC §26202, 34090; 27 CCR 15188(a) EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted[ Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-7 Office of I Retention No. Records Description Retention l Disposition Comments l Reference Record Image: Destroy Inactive Paper Active Total Media 1 (OFR) (Off -site, Vital? M=Mfrt after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & Ifthe record is not lasted here, refer to the Retention for Cdt -Wide Standards Retentions bec in when the act is completed, and rm d a full file folder 66.q last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally, oelarrned b file folder. HOLCiS. La'ta atdon, cam hints, odairais, aiblic records act re nests, audits and/or investi ations sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or com 1660n .. When No When No Department preference; NPDES Fire nventory ! er er Mag, Yes: Monitoring records required for 3 Required - Environ. FR-022 New Conlsltruction, Site Required q Required - q Mfr, C D, S / i After QC Years; 40 CFR §§122.21, 122.41; Safety (Assessments Minimum 3 Minimum 3 Ppr & OD GC §34090 years ...__ ..._—. ears — Fire 1 CUPA Self Audit, State Summary Mag GC §§26202, 60201 et seq.; 27 Environ. - FR-023 Report 5 years 5 years Ppr CCR 15188(a), 15280(a)(2) Safety I _ Enforcement Files / Notice of :Violation / Compliance Historyl Enforcement Actions / Hazardous Fire / Materials Enforcement Actions /! Mag, Yes: Department Preference; GC Environ. FR-024 Hazardous Waste Enforcement 5 years P P Yes Mfr, OD, S / i After QC §34090 Safety Actions Ppr & OD (Except UST Violations Resulting in a Release - see Site Mitigation) Fire ! 1 Hazardous Materials Disclosures / Environ, FR-025 Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag Data Fields / Records are Business Emergency Plans interrelated; GC §34090 Y Fire 1 Mag, Yes: Department Preference; GC Environ, FR-026 Hazardous Materials Notifications P P Mfr, OD, S / i After QC §34090 Safety ., ./ Ppr & OD _ Fire I I Environ. Department preference; Claims Safety & Mag, Yes: can be made for 30 years for toxic Fire FR-027 Hazardous Materials Responses P P Mfr, OD, S / i After QC substance exposure; 8 CCR Marshal ! Ppr & OD §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC §§12946, Fire 12960, 34090 Prevention EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-8 Office of ( Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record Iestroy Image: Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr Imaged & ) S=Scan , If the record is not listed here, f'efer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions ire in when the act is com leted and imply a full file folder e.. last document + 2 yparsj, since destruction is normally erformed to file folder. PdOd AS': LiN adlon, com' faints, claims, ublic records act rec uests. audits and/or investi rations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or com ,tiarl . Fire / I Mag, Yes: Department preference Monitoring nviron. FR-028 Eviro Lab Data /Sampling Data (by P P Mfr, OD, S / i After QC records required for 3 years, 40 Safety address) Ppr & OD CFR §§122.21, 122.41 Site Assessments / Mitigations {Department Preference; Claims Fire f (Contaminated Soil, UST Closures Mag, Yes: can be made for 30 years for toxic Environ. FR-029 / Violations Resulting in a Release, P P Yes Mfr, OD, S / i After QC substance exposure; 8 CCR Safety Site Assessment and Remedial Ppr & OD §3204(d)(1) at seq., GC §§12946, (Action Records, etc. 12960, 34090 FIRE MARSHAL t FIRE PREVENTION Alarm Plans and Sprinkler Plans Copies - When No - o I Mag, Mfr, OD, S / i Yes: After QC Department Preference; GC Deve DeCommuvelop. FR-030 (large format drawings) Longer ;Reu p r..Annual & OD §34090 7 Building .............. Required d _....__ Fire Inspections / Business Until Fire 1 Fire Inspection Files / Annual Building g Mag, Yes: Required for the Life of the Marshal & FR-031 Inspections, Life & Safety Demolished Demolished Mfr, OD, S / i After QC Structure or Activity, or Minimum 5 Fire Inspections (Approvals, Minimum 5 Minimum 5 Ppr & OD years CFC §§ 104.6—104.6.4 Prevention Inspections, Fires, Modification / Alternative Methods or Materials) years years Fire (Fire Marshal & Citations / Notice of Violations (Fire Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Mfr, OD, S / i Yes: After QC Department preference; GC Fire FR 032 iDepartment) years years Ppr & OD §34090 Prevention .,.,.,...... ...... _ _........ _ Fire / CUPA ---_. ............................................... Department preference, Claims & Fire Mag, Yes: can be made for 30 years for toxic Marshal & FR-033 Hazardous Materials Responses P 11 P 1 Mfr, OD, S / i After QC substance exposure; 8 CCR Fire Ppr & OD §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC §§12946, Prevention 1 12960, 34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted; Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-9 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record _ .. Image: Destroy Active In Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention vita? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is court feted, and impiv a full file folder e.q last document + 2 ears , since destruction is norrnall performed bV the folder, mxibs'.° t d allow, corm l aittts, claims, public records act requests, audits an investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Fire Code Permits / Film Permits, 1 Fire i Fire Marshal & Special Event Permits (assembly Expiration + Expiration + Yes: Before Mag, GC §34090 et seq. FR-034 Fire permits, candle permits, tent 2 years 2 years Ppr Prevention permits, fire hydrant use, open Event e- - .,.,.,._. ............ .... .... De partment Preference (no statute Fire t Fire Investigation Re Reports - Capital p P Ma 9 Yes: of limitations on these Marshal & FR-035 Crimes & Suspected Capital P P Mfr, OD, S / i After QC incidents/crimes); California Fire Fire Crimes (Arson, etc) Ppr & OD ,Code requires 3 years; CFC §§ Prevention .........., 104.6 - 104.6.4, GC §34090 Fire / Fire ........ ...... Investigation Reports Criminal & 1 ......_. Department Preference California Marshal & FR-036 Citations (Administrative, 5 years 5 years Mag, Fire Code requires 3 years, CFC Fire Infraction, or Misdemeanor), Ppr §§ 104.6 - 104.6.4, GC §34090 Prevention , Service R... ----.... .............. equests..,, Community 1 Copies - Copies - Develop / 1 FR-037 Plan Checks / Conditions of When No When No Mag, Copies; GC §34090.7 Approval Longer Longer Ppr Building Required Recluired Fire /Fire Marshal & Public Information / Education Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Department Preference; GC Fire FR-038 (when produced internally) years years Ppr §34090 Prevention` Community Copies - Record Drawings ("As-Builts") and When No Copies - When No Ma g" Mfr, OD, S / i Yes After QC Copies; GC §34090.7 Develop / FR-039 CAD drawings of buildings Longer Longer Ppr r & OD Building Required Required OPERATIONS l' SUPPRESSION EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 9.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE - FIRE Page F-10 Retention No.I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Destroy Image: Inactive Paper Active Total Media 1=Import (Off site, Vital? after (OFR) (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) ' S=Scan , If the record is not lisled here, refer to the ,Retention For CI -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act rs canx feted, and i / a full file tofder e, . last document + 2 ears), sinrre destruction is norrrraff erfomaed by file folder HOLDS: Lil ation„ complaints, claims ubllc records act requests, audits and/err rnvesti ations suspend nprrnaf retenfion periods tretention resumes after settlement or coma aleir(an . Department Preference to be in A aratus & Equipment LARGE PP(LARGE) compliance with NFPA Standards Fire i FR-040 Records & Testing Disposal + 2 Disposal + 2 Mag, for in-service automotive fire Operations P erations years years , Ppr apparatus ; NFPR 1911.4.7.3 & Ladder, Hose, Pump Testing Annex C.5 GC §34090 , . .- —..... _ —.......... Department Preference_.,., OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; Human Personnel Training File - Tests, Separation + Separation + Mag, Mfr, OD, S ! i as After QC 8 CCR §3203 et seq., 8 CCR 14300.33(a); 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2), Resources ` FR-041 ';Training, Bulletins, Certificates, Field 5 years 5 years Ppr & OD 29 CFR 19129 GFR 1904.44; etc. LC §6429(c); GC §§12946, 12960, 340910 Fire When When Mag, � GC FR-042 Operations Pre -Fire Plans Superseded Superseded Ppr §34090 et seq. Expiration of Expiration of Fire ! Self-contained Breathing Certificate - Certificate - Mag,Certificates are issued for 3-5 Operations FR-043 Apparatus (SCBA) and Bottles Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Ppr years; GC §34090 et. seq. years ears Fire / FR-044 Station Log Books (Incidents - kept 2 years P P I Mag' Mfr, OD, S/I No Retained for historical and Operations at Fire Stations) Ppr administrative value; GC §34090 Vehicle Safety Checks / Daily Lead Dept. FR-045 Vehicle Inspections / Daily 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Equipment Checks EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995 - 2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted;. Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Page ITSD-1 Office of (Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Record i Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mf S=Scan '0 ff the record is not listed here refer to the Retention far Crt -I Lida Standards Relentions he in when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder e.[. last document + 2 ears), since destruction is normally performed by rile folder. HOLDS: Litigation, com hints, claims.. txblic records act reuests, audits andlor invest/ ations suspend normal reterttton eriods ietent9on resumes after settlement or com letion . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Used for Disaster Recovery Information When No When No Purposes Only; Considered a Technology ITS-001 Backup Tapes / Disks - Daily Longer Longer Yes Mag. copy and can be destroyed Services Required % Required when no longer required; GC §34090 et seq. _................. ... ...., ................. ......... Used for Disaster Recovery Information I When No When No Purposes Only; Considered a Technology) ITS-002 Backup Tapes / Disks - Weekly Longer Longer Yes Mag. copy and can be destroyed Services Required Required when n to nrequired stored _.._Q offsite §3§3 4090 et seq Information Technology ....._ .... ITS-003 Enterprise System Catalogue 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 et seq. Services (posted on line) nformation Network Configuration Maps & When No When No Preliminary documents not Technology ITS-004 Longer Longer Yes Mag, retained in the ordinary course Services Plans Required Required of business; GC §34090 et seq. Information Technology I ITS-005 Software Licenses, Warrantees, When No When No Mag" Department preference; GC Installation Media Longer Used Longer Used §34090 at seq. Services For legal compliance for UNALTERABLE MEDIA (WORM Trustworthy Electronic Records Information / DVD-r f CD-r 1 Blue Ray-R) or (when the electronic record Technology ITS-006 other unalterable media that does P P OD serves as the official record); GC Services not permit additions, deletions, or §§34090, 12168.7, EVC §1550, changes i i 2 CCR 22620 et seq.. EL SEGUNDO, CA ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-1 Office of ''Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy {OFR) Active Storage Total Media -import Vital? Paper after (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr & or Mfr) 8--ScanImaged If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for C)l -Aide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and im al a full We folder e. g last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally performed bL fife folder. HOLDS: Lite ation complaints, rlaims, public records act recnests, audits andlorinvesli ahons suspend normal retention Uvriods. retention resumes after settlement orco+re letion LIBRARY Community Arts & Culture Advisory Brown Act challenges must be Services / CS-001 Committee Agendas, Agenda Minimum 2 Mimm 2 Mag, Ppr filed within 30 or 90 days of action; Library Packets years years years GC §§34090, 54960.1(c)(1) Community Arts & Culture Advisory Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC Services ! CS-002 Committee Minutes P P Yes OD, Ppr QC & OD §34090 Library Community Disruptive Patrons / Patron Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Mfr, S / I Department Preference; GC Services ! CS-003 Complaints / Incident Reports years years OD, Ppr §34090 Library El Segundo Unified School Finance CS-004 District School Libraries 2 years 2 years Mag. Ppr Department preference for Management Invoices, Backups auditing purposes; GC §34090.7 and Copies of Checks Community Department preference; meets Services f CS-005 Gifts to Library 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag. Ppr municipal government auditing Library 1 standards; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA- 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted; Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-2 f Retention No, Records Description Retention /Disposition Comments /Reference Rf eicordce Inactive Image: Destroy Paper Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not lastedhere, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corm leted and P"IL a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 ears, since destruction is normally eiformed by file folder. HOLDS: Lifirlatioo, cram faints, Claims„ ublic records act re nests, audits and/or investf attons sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or corm detrnn . (77,7w: LSCA (Library S'ervicvs 'and Construction), LSTA (Library Services and Technology), SLRC (State Literacy Resource Centers), CLLS (California Library Community Literacy Services); CLSA Library Services Act) Final Final Mag, Mfr, Per California State Library Records Management Program Services / CS-006 ,(California and PLF (Public Library Expenditure Expenditure S OD , Ppr meets {April 27, 1998); GC Requirements Library Foundation) ONLY. For all + 5 years + 5 years § others, follow City-wide !Schedule. (SUCCESSFUL Reports, and Financial Information) Send copy of application and award to Fingnr'a ...... _m. ......,, Community Historical Records of Significant P P Yes Mag, Mfr, S Department Preference; GC No Services/ CS-007 Historical Value OD, Ppr §34090 Library __ __ i __ _.., _ _ Community Inter Library Loan Records Department preference to ensure De Services / CS 008 Reports to the State Library (for 5 years 5 years IMag, Ppr reimbursements GC §34090 Library reimbursement) Community Services 1 CS 009 Internet User Statistics 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr ; �GC §34090 Library, — .. __ _ ----.- -- ...... _ _........... . Community Library Board of Trustees Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr Brown Act challenges must be within 30 or 90 days of action; Services ! Library CS-010 Agendas, Agenda Packets years years I Ifiled GC §§34090, 54960.1(c)(1 ) EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted:: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy paper Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder e. . last document + 2 ears , since destruction is noinlald erformod bL file folder, HOLDS: Litigation, complaints,, claims, publib, records act re rests, audits avid✓or invesdi aP' ns sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or cony le9iorr . Community Library Board of Trustees P Yes Mag, Mfr, S Yes: After Department Preference; GC Services / CS-011 Minutes P I OD, Ppr QC & OD §34090 Library _ Comm System / Data Fields 1 Records are Services ry CS-012 ILibrary (Database Management Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag, Ppr interrelated; GC §34090 Libra Preliminary / Transitory documents Community Services 1 CS-013 Patron Applications for Library When No Longer When No Longer Mag, Ppr not retained in the ordinary course of business (entered into Library Cards Required q Required q database); GC §34090 Community When No When No Preliminary / Transitory documents Services ! CS-014 program Sign Ups (e.g. Longer Longer Mag, Ppr not retained in the ordinary course Library Summer Reading) Required Required �of business; GC §34090 Community m Services / CS-015 Release Forms (Photos of 2 years 2 years Yes: Before Mag, Ppr GC §34090 LibrarY. Children, etc.) ._..... Event . _ . . _. ,, ... Department preferencee(Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) requires Lead Volunteer Applications & Inactive / Inactive / Mag, Mfr„ S)I Yes: After 3 years for promotion, demotion, Division CS-016 Agreements / Reserves - Separation + Separation + OD, Ppr QC & OD transfer, selection, or discharge; Successful Applicants 3 years 3 years 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 EL SEGUNDO, C.A. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-4 Office of Retention No.. Records Description Retention l Disposition Comments ! Reference Record _ . _ � Destroy Inactive Image: paper Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import ft aer (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention foa Cit -Wide Standards Retontlons he in when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder Le. . last document + 2, ears , since destruction is nornially Performed P4 file folrler. MOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, eublic records act requests, audits andtor investi ations sus end normal retention Periods 'retention resumes after settlement or corn letjol Department preference (Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOC/FLSA/ADEA (Age) requires Volunteer Applications & 3 years for promotion, demotion, Lead CS-017 Agreements / Reserves - 3 years 3 years Par transfer, selection, or discharge; Division Unsuccessful Applicants 29 CFR 1602.31 & �1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii), GC §§12946, �12960,34090 PARK MAINTENANCE Community Gateway Committee Agendas, Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr Brown Act challenges must be filed within 30 or 90 days of action; �GC Services ! PW-018 Agenda Packets years years §§34090, 54960.1(c)(1) Park Maint. Comm unity Mag, Mfr, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Services / PW-019 Gateway Committee Minutes P P Yes OD, Ppr S QC & OD 1§34090 I Park Maint. RECREATION Community Activity Guide f Class Mag, Mfr, S/I Yes: After Department preference for Services / CS-018 Schedules P P OD, Ppr QC & OD historical value; GC §34090 Recreation Class Registration / Trip Permits 1 Fee & Charge / Liability Waiver Forms 7 Release of Community Liability Forms / Permissions / Services / CS-019 Sign -in Sheets etc.: 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Recreation Camps, Field Trips, Authorization to give Medicine, etc. I EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted; Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-5 Office of Retention No.l Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments i Reference Record 1 Inactive Image: Destroy paper Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8'. or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not hstc d here„ refer to the ,Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentioras lbec in when the act is cam !rated, and imply a hall file Bolder Lea last document + 2 years), since destruction is nortnally perro,rmed bL file folder. HOLDS; Li ti ation, cornlaiots, clairns, pubfir records act requests, auffits andfor,investi attons sus p end norn'tal retention oriods(retention resumes after settlement or com lebon). Community Services ! CS-020 Daily Vehicle Inspections 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Recreation Facility Use Permits and Equipment Applications, Books, Yes: Community Services 1 CS-021 Alcoholic Beverage Applications 2 years 2 years Before Mag, Ppr UGC §34090 Recreation Includes Certificates of Event Insurance _ ..._.. .. ......-------- Community Services / � CS-022 _...,,.,_ Lifeguard Certifications Termination _._..-__ Termination ......... Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC + 3 years + 3 years § 34090 Recreation ____ Community Services / CS 023 Outreach / Community Referrals 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 /Correspondence Recreation Community Services / CS-024 Privilege Suspension Record Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr GC §34090 (Difficult Participants) years years Recreation Community Services / CS-025 Receipts / Daily Deposits (Detail 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr I The detail is NOT forwarded to Finance; GC §34090 et seq. Backup) Recreation Community Recreation & Parks P Mag, Mfr, S/I Yes: After GC §34090 Services / CS-026 Commission p OD, Ppr OC & OD Recreation _. MINUTES, BYLAWS _ _._ Community t�c2,r�aervrrer� Commission Minimum 2 El Mag, Ppr partment Preference; GC DeAGENDAS,AGENDA Services t CS-027 years ;§34090 Recreation EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-6 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Paper Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? after (OFRj (in office) (Off -site, DO Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan C, I If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards fderontions begin when f w act is completed, and im f a full Me folder e.c . last document + 2 ears, since destruction is uormally performed bL file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act rer tresis, audils and✓or investi nssusicend normal retention periods fretention resumes after settlement or completion . Community (IDepartment Preference; data is Services! CS-028 Recreation Database Indefinite Indefinite Mag interrelated; GC §34090 Recreation _ Community Services / CS-029 Special Event Permits 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Recreation Community Sports - Rosters, Waivers, Services / CS-030 Applications, Ejection Letters, 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Recreation etc, — Preliminary Drafts / Transitory Community Surveys 1 Evaluations (Program 2 2 Mag, Ppr records not retained in the Services / CS-031 Feedback or Evaluations) years years ordinary course of business; GC Recreation §34090 Community Services / Recreation OR Public CS-032 Swimming Pool / Plunge 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Health 1 a12, G regulations; 8 p 9 CCR §3195.12; GC §34090 'iChemical Readings &Additions Works ( Governmen i t Buildings Community Services ! CS-033 Swimming Pool /Plunge 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Health Department regulations; 8 CCR §3195.12; GC §34090 Recreation Incidents _. .. ........ .. ...._ Community Services ! CS 034 Transportation Dial -A -Ride 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference for grant funding audits; GC §34090 Applications Recreation Community Transportation Dial -A -Ride 5 5 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference for grant Services / CS-035 Monthly Reports - Transit years funding audits; GC §34090 Recreation EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-7 Office of Record Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference Inactive Image; Destroy (OFRj Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import aper after (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and impl a full file folder e.. last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normallyperformed h file folder. HOLDS, Liti ation, complaints, claims, public records act rec tuests, audits andlor investi ations sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Department Preference; If a motor carrier, required for 18 months Community Transportation Dial -A -Ride Disposal of Disposal of after vehicle is sold; CHID requires Services / CS-036 Vehicle & Equipment History I Vehicle + 2 Vehicle + 2 Mag, Ppr life of vehicle; OSHA requires 1 Recreation Files I years years year; 8 CCR § 3203(b)(1); 49 CFR 396.21(b)(1); 49 CFR 396.3(c); CCP §337 et. seq., 13 CCR 1234(f); GC §34090 Transportation Dial -A -Ride CommunityVehicle Safety Checks / Daily Services / CS-037 Vehicle Inspections / Daily 2 Years 2 years Ppr 13 CCR 1234(c); GC§34090 Recreation Equipment Checks i CHP Inspections (Pre -Trip -- ........ I Inspections ..... .. ....... .. ...... .. Community Transportation Shuttles Beach, -- Services / CS-038 Lunchtime etc Daily Logs, 5 years 5 years Ppr Department Preference for grant Deparfunditment Recreation Passenger Counts etc .... ...... _. audits, GC §34090 Vehicle Safety Checks / Daily Community Vehicle Inspections / Daily Services / CS-039 Equipment Checks ! CHIP 2 years 2 years Ppr 13 CCR 1234(c); GC§34090 Recreation Inspections / Pre -Trip Inspections EL SEGUN DO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted:. Ver. 8.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-8 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Record ....Destroy Inactive Image: paper Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) t S=Scan if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- jde Standards Detentions be- in when the act is corn aleted and imply a fW file folder e g. last document + 2 ears), since destruction fs normalt . erlbrmed by file folder. HOLDS: Liti ation, com la4'nts, clairns, public records act rec nests, audits and/or investir atxws suspend normal retention Periods retention resumes after settlement or eom7labon , Department preference (Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOCiFLSAlADEA (Age) requires Volunteer R Applications & PP Inactive / 7Separation Ma Mfr, g' Yes: After ton promotion, demotion, 3 ears for r , y P Division CS-040 Agreements tReserves - Separation + Stl OD, Ppr QC & OD transfer, selection, or discharge; Successful Applicants 3 years 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii), GC §§12946, 12960, 34090 Department preference (Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOClFLSAlADEA (Age) requires (Volunteer A lications & PP 3 years for promotion, demotion, Lead CS-041 Agreements 7 Reserves - 3 years 3 years Ppr transfer, selection, or discharge; Division Unsuccessful Applicants 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii), GC §§12946, I12960, 34090 Youth Sports Council All Records Community Services 7 CS-042 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 (Comprised of representatives Recreation from various sports organizations) EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-1 Office of i Retention Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference Record No. Inactive Image' Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1-Import paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr) S=Scan QG'd? If the record is not listed here„ refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards I Retentions Mae irr when the act is completed, and im la full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normal)4 erfonned li file folder. HOL1D& Liti alion, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor investigations suspend normal retention aenods retention resumes after settlement or com lelion , BUILDING SAFETY Develop. Services / DS-001 Building Permit Database Indefinite Indefinite Yes (all) Mag Department Preference -Data is interrelated; GC Building §34090, Safety Building Permits / Building Address Files - Permanent Documents Permits & Attachments, Certificate �of Develop. Occupancy, Geotechnical / Mag' Services ! DS-002 Geological Reports, Grading P P Yes Mfr, OD, Sit Yes: After Department preference; GC Building Permits, Lab Test Reports, Ppr QC & OD §34090; H&S §19850 Safety Structural Observation Reports, Site Plans Special Inspection Reports, Soils Reports, Structural Observation Reports, Final Inspection Reports L.... Develop. .................. ......_ ..-- — _ ..,,, Preliminary draft not retained in Services ! DS-003 Building Plans - Expired Expiration + 6 Expiration + Mag, Ppr the ordinary course of business; Building months 6 months GC §34090 et seq. Safety Develop. Preliminary draft not retained in Services ! DS-004 Building Building Plans -Withdrawn Upon Withdrawal Upon Withdrawal Mag, Ppr the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. Safety EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-2 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments Reference Record No. _ _.. Destroy Inactive Image: Paper Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 I OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC,d? If the record is not fisted here, refer to the Retention for Cot Wide Standards Retentions be m when the act is compfeted, and j= a full file folder i . . last document + 2 ears), since destruction is noimatl performed b file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, com laints„ ciairns, public,records act re uesCs, audits and/or investic ations suspend normal retention periods Iletenfion resumes after settlement or completion . Department preference; plans are not required to be submitted Develop. Building Plans and Construction Mag, for these projects but if they Services / DS-005 Documents - Finalled - SINGLE P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After res be are, the CBC requithe y QC & OD Building FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - SFR and Ppr retained for at least completion Safety APPURTENANCES + 180 days; H&S§19850; CBC §§104.7 & 107.5; GC §34090 Building Plans and Construction.. ._. .... - _..i — .. Documents - Finalled - 'Department Preference; Law Develop. INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, Mag requires for the life of the Services / ServiceDS-006 MULTI -FAMILY DWELLINGS, P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After QC & OD building for commercial only; Building PLACES OF PUBLIC Ppr CBC §§104.7 & 107.5; Safety ACCOMMODATION, TENANT H&S§19850, GC §34090 IMPROVEMENTS, PRODUCTION HOMES ... ,..... ._.__. __.. - .. .... Develop. . .....__ .._ Minimum Minimum Mag„ Services i California Building Codes (CBC While While Mfr, OD, S t I Yes: After GC §50022.6 DS-007 Building etc.} Ordinance is Ordinance is Ppr OC & OD Safety in Force in Force When No When No Develop. Complaints Longer Required - Longer Required - Services! DS-008 Building (Written correspondence received or sent) Minimum Minimum Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Safety Close + 2 Close + 2 years years EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-3 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. ---- L _ Destroy Inactive Image Paper (OFR) Active Storage Total I Media I=Import Vital? after (in office) (Off site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wido Standards Retentions C e rn when the act is completed, and imp l a fudd fide folder e. . lasf document + 2 eears , since destruction is narmadl arforrrped tp file folder HOLDS,: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests„ audits and/or invest✓ aticns sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corm pd'etion . Develop. Mag' I Services ! DS 009 Covenants P P Yes MfPp D S 1 Yes: After QC & OD GC §34090(a) Building Safety Develop. Inspection Construction Notices Until Cleared Until Cleared Department Preference Services d DS-010 I Inspection Notices or Project or Project Mag, Ppr (preliminary documents); GC Building (correction notices, compliance Completion Completion §34090 Safety _P _ orders, stop work notices, etc.) ..S./.1... Develop. P Services t DS 011 Modification Approvals ! Deviations PP P Yes MM OD„.. fr, Yes: After Department preference; GC Building from Code Requirements Ppr QC & OD §34090 Safety.. Develop. Services ! Plan Check Review t Plan Review ! Project Completion or Project Completion Mag, Yes: After ,Department preference; GC Building DS-012 Extension of Time for Permit or Upon or Upon Yes Mfr, OD„ S 1 I QC & OD '§34090; H&S §19850 Safety Plans - Expiration _. .... Expiration Ppr ., ! - Develop. Requests &Permissions to Services 1 DS-013 Receive Copies of Plans (to and 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr, GC §34090 Building from architects) Safety CODE ENFORCEMENT EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-4 Office of Retention ! Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. .......... _ _ .... .,.,. �...._..... ---.. ........ Destroy Inactive Image: paper Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital-. after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC"d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention fore City -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is com leted, and jrnEIZ a full file folder e. . last document + p gears), since destruction is normal! perforryied,bg No folder. HOLDS: Litigation, t orn lain is, claims, artafic records act re uests, audits and Jor investr` ations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corer letiarr . iDepartment �i preference; Case is Code Enforcement / Abatement open until satisfactorily resolved Develop. Case Files Minimum Minimum Yes: Until Mag, Yes: After some cases are not resolved); Services / DS-014 Close + 2 Close + 2 Resolution '' Mfr, OD. S / I QC & OD ICity Clerk maintains original Code (Includes appeals and Code years years Ppr staff reports and resolutions that Enforce. Enforcement Complaint Letters) are presented to Council; GC §34090 Develop. I Code Enforcement/ Abatement Mag" Services / Case Files P P Yes: Until Mfr, Sit I Yes: After GC §34090 Code DS-015 Resolution Ppr QC & OD Enforce. Liens & Releases DEVELOPMENT / PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Private Development Projects ! Job Statute of Limitations for Errors Files: Administration File & Omissions is 10 years; Published Audit Standard5=4-7 Develop. ! Construction Inspections, Photos, years; Statute of Limitations: Private DS-016 Private Lab Verifications, Testing Upon 10 years Completion + Yes: Until Mag, Ppr Contracts & Spec's=4 years, Lab Final Reports Completion 10 years Completed Wrongful Death=comp. + 5 Develop. years, Developers -comp. + 10 Examples: CUPs, Lot Line years; -CCP §337 et. seq., GC Adjustments, Specific Plans, Split §34090 Lots, TPMs, TSMs EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-5 Office of Retention Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Record No. ! ......-__ Image; DestroyPaper Inactive (OFR) Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC,d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cif -Wide Standards Relentions be in when the act is com feted, and imp/y a full file folder o. , last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normally erformed by file folder. HOLDSr Liti align, com faints, claims, aublic records act re uests, audits andlor invesli ations suspend normal retention ponods retention resumes after settlement or cm/stun . Private Development Projects I Job Files: Permanent Files Drainage, Encroachments, Rights of Way, Soils Reports, Stormwater, Develop. / etc. Mag' Department preference; Private DS-017 Upon P P Yes: Until Mfr, OD, Sit Yes: After iretained for disaster Copies of Deeds, Dedications, Completion Completed P r QC & OD preparedness purposes; GC Develop. Easements, Abandonments (City p §34090 Clerk is OFR) Examples: CUPs, Lot Line Adjustments, Specific Plans, Split Lots, TPMs, TSMs HOUSING AND SENIOR HOUSING PARK VISTA Develop. i Five Year Consolidated Action Plan Expiration of Expiration of Consolidated Plan Services / DS-018 and the related Action Plans !PHA Plan + 5 year Plan + 5 Mag, Ppr Requirement; GC §34090 Housing Plans years EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-6 Office of I Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record No. -- _ Destroy Inactive Image: Paper Active Storage Total ? i Media 1=Import Vital? after (OFR} (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 ' OD or Mfr) � S=Scan OC"d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and impty a full file folder Le. . last document + 2 earss , since destruction is normall'r erformed by file folder. MOLDS: b6 ation, complaints, claims, pubfic records act re uests, audits andlor investi atiorts suspend normal retention penocis tretention resumes after settlement or corn fetrdn . 1 � HUD requires 5 years after the 5 years after 5 years after I project completion; documents the the imposing recapture / resale Housing Programs: Affordability Affordability restrictions are 5 years after the All, including Home Repair, Low- Period Period affordability period terminates; Develop. Services ( DS-019 Mod, CalHome, CDBG & HOME Terminates, Terminates, Mfr, OD, S Yes: After Uniform Admin. Requirements OD for Grants to Local or the Written or the Written P r lo OC & Housing WITH Recapture or Resale Agreement Agreement Governments is 3 years from Restrictions Terminates, Terminates, expenditure report; 2 CFR Whichever is Whichever is 200.334; 24 CFR Longer Longer 92.508(a)(c)(2); 29 CFR 97.42, GC §34090 HUD requires 5 years after the project completion; documents Housing Programs: All, including imposing recapture / resale Develop. (Home Repair, Low -Mod, CalHome, Mag, Irestrictions are 5 years after the affordability period terminates; Yes: After Services / DS-020 CDBG & HOME Loan Pay-off Loan Pay-off Mfr, OD, S / I OC & OD Uniform Admin. Requirements Housing + 5 years + 5 years Ppr for Grants to Local NO RECAPTURE / RESALE 'Governments is 3 years from RESTRICTIONS 'expenditure report; 2 CFR 200.334; 24 CFR 92.508(a)(c)(2); 29 CFR 97.42, GC §34090 Develop. Department preference; ; GC Services 1 DS-021 HUD Reports (ALL Reports to years 5 years Ma9 PPr; §34090 HUD) I Housing EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-7 Office of I Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. ..., , _. ...- P y...i Destroy Inactive...,.., Image: pope Media 1Im Active Storage Total Me Vrtal? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8 OD or Mfr) S=Scan OC'd . , If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cft -Wide Standards lo Retantlons be l when the act is com leted, and impj a Full file folder (e.g, last document + 2 ears), since destruction is normel� performed b 4 Pile folder. hfCitr,DS: t_tti a'tlon, complaints, cieims, public records act re uests, audits andlor investl atlons suspend normal retention periods 4tention resumes after settlement or, ronr letion . Senior Housing / Park Vista Develop. Services / DS-022 Apartments (Property Management 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; ; GC ' §34090 Housing I Tenant Records, Income Verifications, etc. are Contracted) Develop. 1 Senior Housing Board (Park Vista) Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr Department Preference GC Services / DS-023 AGENDAS, AGENDA PACKETS years years §34090 Housing -.......... Develop. Senior Housing Board (Park Vista) P P Mag' Mfr, OD, S/I Yes: After GC §34090 Services / DS-024 MINUTES, BYLAWS OC & OD HousingPpr PLANNING Develop. Ma 9' Services t `Annexations / Boundaries / DS-025 2 Years P P MfrP OD, Sit Yes: After Land Records; GC §34090 Planning & Consolidations / LAFCO p QC & OD City Clerk Develop. Mag, Yes:After Department Preference, GC Services / ' DS-026 Congestion Management Plan. P P Mfr, OD, S / I & ODs: Planning Ppr. - .... ....,. Develop. s The final decision filed in the Services ! DS-027 Director Hearings / Adjustments 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr Project Entitlement Folder; GC Planning ..... . ,- ..__ L,,... §34090 . _- --- Usually filed in the project file; Environmental Determinations Final environmental Develop. Environmental Impact Reports Mag, Yes: After determinations are required to Services / DS-028 (EIRs), Negative Declarations, etc. P P Mfr, OD, Sit OC & OD be kept a "reasonable period of Planning ) Ppr time"; 14 CCR §15095(c); GC Inside City Boundaries §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc- -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-8 Office of ' Retention Records Description Retention (Disposition Comments Reference Record i No. . ...... ... . ---------- Destroy . ..... ......... Inactive Image: Paper e E Media I=Import Total Active Storage Total Vital? after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr imaged & OD or Mfr) I L_ S=Scan QC'd? if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cij-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and itn fy a full Me folder e.g. last document, 2years), since destruction isnorm performed by file folder, HOLDS: Litioation, coLElaints, claims, public records act reques1s, audits and/or invesligalior suspend normal retention Deriods (retention resumes after settlement or cowletion ,_ Environmental Determinations: Non -records; EIRs and Develop. � Environmental Impact Reports When No N 0 When No Negative Declarations within the, Services DS-029 I(EIRs), Negative Declarations, etc. Longer Longer Longer Ppr, OD City Boundaries are with the Planning Required Ahen Required ur. Required qd :project file Outside City Boundaries . . ............. . . ... . . . .......... ............ Not all internal communications and notes are required to be saved; "E-mails that do not provide insight into the project Environmental Determinations: or the agency's CEQA Environmental Impact Reports :compliance with respect to the (EIRs), Negative Declarations, etc. project — are not within the Develop. EQA/NEPA ) / CEQA C' respondence submitted to, orl Completion of Completion Mag, scope of section 21167.6, subdivision (a) and need not be Services DS-030 transferred from the agency, and CEQA Process of CEQA Process Ppr retained." Golden Door Planning all internal agency Properties, LLC v . Superior communications, including staff Court of San Diego County notes related to a non-exempt (County of San Diego, et al., CEQA action Real Parties in Interest) JD076605, D076924, D076993) (4th Dist. 2020); PRC 21167,6 GC §34090 'Develop. Services I DS-031 'General Plan Working Papers When No Longer When No Longer I Mag, Ppr Preliminary drafts; GC §34090 Planning , Required Required EL SEGUNDO, CA. Q1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-9 Office of Retention J Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. . . .... Inactive Image: Destroy paper Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import after i (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC,d7 If the record is not listed here„ refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retendrr ras ber'n when the act is cam feted, and irn sty a full file folder e. . , last document + 2 years), since destruction is normal! performed h file folder. HOLDS: t.rik ation, complaints, claims. public records act rer uestso audits andlor Investi at+"or°ps suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or comp tenon). Develop. General Plan, Elements and P Yes (all) I Mag' Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After Department preference; GC Services / I DS-032 Amendments Ppr QC & OD §34090 Planning Develop. Mag Yes After Department preference; GC Services / DS-033 Land Use Studies / Plans / Reports P P Mfr OD Sit QC & OD §34090 Planning ... .. .... .... -pr .... _ Develop Master Plans Specific Plans, P Mag' Mfr, D, S / I Yes: After Department Preference; GC Services / DS-034 Bikeway Plans, etc. P QC & OD §34090 Planning ........ _ .... Develop. . 1 Miscellaneous Planning Research Minimum 2 Minimum 2 6 Mfr, 06, S / 1 Yes: Afte r Department preference GC Services DS-035 Projects (by property address) years years Ppr QC & OD §34090 et seq. Planning Department Develop. Planning Commission Agenda P P Yes all ( ) Mag' Mfr, OD S / I Yes: After original Staff Reports are ( g p Services / DS-036 packets QG & OD filed in the Project Entitlement Planning Ppr Folder) GC §34090.7 ___ ............. Develop. .... _............ ..._ Planning Commission Minutes & _ P P Mag, Mfr OD, S / I 1 No GC §34090 Services 1 DS-037 Bylaws P r Planning _.___ _ ....... 9, Develop. M L......._ Services / DS-038 Planning Commission Resolutions 9 P P Yes Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 at seq. Planning Ppr EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-10 Office of Retention Records Description Retention t Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? paper after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for 2i1=�de Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and Pm of a full file folder e. . last document + 2 ears ,since destruction is r)ormally - erformad by foe folder. HOLDS: Liticlation, complaints, claims, public records act re uests, audits andlor invest! ations sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or corn tefiw . Planning Project Files - Permanent Entitlements (All) (Includes Associated Conditions of Department preference; Approval, Environmental Department maintains complete Determinations, Staff Reports, files for administrative Develop. Plans & Maps, copies of Mag, Yes: After purposes; Final environmental Services ( DS-039 Resolutions and Ordinances) 2 years P P Yes Mfr, OD„ S / I QC & OD determinations are required to Planning Ppr be kept a 'reasonable period of Examples: Conditional Use time" 14 CCR §15095(c); Permits (CUPs), Design Review, GC§§34090, 34090.7 Lot Line Adjustments, Parcel Maps,' Site Plans, Tentative Subdivisions, Variances, Zone Changes, Zone Text Amendments, etc. f Department preference; Develop. Services 1 DS-040 Preliminary Review File (No Final When No Longer When No Longer Mag, Ppr Preliminary Documents (no Planning Application) Required Required application submitted); GC §34090 i Develop. Project Log Index 1 Spreadsheet / P P Yes Mag' Mfr, OD, S t I Yes: After Department Preference, GC Services ! DS-041 Binders of Historic Actions Ppr QC & OD § 34090 Planning _ Develop. Regional Organizational Studies & Programs Agencies When No When No Non -records; GC §34090 et Services 1 DS-042 where other Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Planning are the Lead (e.g. Air Quality Required Required seq. f Studies, etc.) EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-11 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. — ............ ----- ..... Inactive Image: Destroy. Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & g OD or Mfr) S=Scan O d? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions he in when the act is completed, and iXgly a full file folder e. . last document + 2 yearsI, since destruction is normalIV performed by file folder. HOLDS. Liti action, com laints, claims''public records act requests, audits and/or invest+ ations suspend normal retention panods retention resumes after settlernani or coin p letien . Develop. Special Studies (Not related to a P P Mag° Yes Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After Department Preference; GC Services ! DS-043 specific project) Ppr QC & OD §34090 Planning - _ __ ....... ..._ Temporary Use Permits / Special Use Permits I Temporary Temporary uses; Department Develop. 1 Entitlements: Yes: maintains complete files for Services / DS-044 2 years 2 years During Mag, Pprl' administrative purposes; Planning Christmas Tree Lots, Ambient Event GC §34090 Sound, Banners, Pumpkin Lots, Outdoor Events, etc. iCopies - Copies - City Clerk DS-045 Zoning Amendments, Zoning Text When No When No Mag, Ppr Copies; GC §34090.7 Amendments Longer Longer Required Required L.......... Develop. Services ! DS-046 . _ ........... ....... Zoning Conformance P P Mag„ Yes Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After QC & OD GC §34090 et seq. Planning _. -. _, Ppr ....... Department Preference; City Develop. Services ! DS-047 Zoning Maps of Significant P P Ma g Mfr, OD, S / I Yes: After Clerk Maintains originals of all Historical Value QC & OD documents that were resented p Planning P r p to Council; GC §34090.7 RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION When No When No Airport DS-048 Airport Noise Documents Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non -records Required Required EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-1 2 Office of j Retention Records Description Retention / Disposition f Comments I Reference Record No, . . .................... - --------- .. ..... .. ............... . - -------- . ....... ..... . Destroy Inactive Image: Paper (OFR) Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? I after (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan [ J QCd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards RMeoflons be in when the act is czaloted, a nt + 2 years', since destruction is normaily performed b V file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, gubfic records act reques s, audits andlor invests atioras suspend normal retention p eriods retention resumes after settlement or con;L)lotioia Department Preference; Statute Develop. of Limitations is 4 years; 10 Services years for Errors 1, Omissions; Residential DS-049 Contractor Correspondence 1 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr land records are permanent by Sound I Project Administration law; CCP §§337. 337.1 (a), Insulation �337.15, 343; GC §34090 ------ . . . .................. ..... . ......... . . ..... ---------- ---- Department Preference; Statute Develop. of Limitations is 4 years; 10 Services years for Errors & Omissions, Residential DS-050 Contractor Correspondence 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr land records are permanent by Sound Project Administration law; CCP §§337. 337.1(a), Insulation 337.15, 343; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-13 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. _, .. .._.._— .... ..._.... Inactive I Image. Destroy Paper p Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital') after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & I I OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? if the record is not listed here, refer to the Relenfeon for Cd -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and irn pl a full file folder (e.g, last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normal/ erformed hL file folder. 1-NOLDS: Lila ation, complaints, claims, public records act re uestsw audits andlor Invest/ ations sus end normal retention periods relention resumes after settlement or corn letion . Meets auditing standards; Grants covered by a Consolidated Action Plan are required for 5 years; Uniform Admin. Requirements for Grants Develop. After FAA After FAA to Local Governments is 3 years Services / I FAA Financial Information 1 Grant 2 Audit if Required - Audit, if required - Mag, Ppr from expenditure report or final Residential DS-051 Funding years 5 ;payment grantee or Sound Minimum 5 Minimum subgrantea; 2 CFR 200.334; 24 Insulation years years CFR 91.105(h), 92.505, & 570.502(a), 29 CFR 97.42; OMB Circular A-110 & A- 133.320(g); GC §34090; GC §8546.7 _.... Develop7 I ........, Services 1 List of Protects (Historical Excel P P IMag, Ppr Department preference, GC Residential � DS-052 File) §34090 Sound Insulation Develop. Services / Residential Sound Insulation Project Project Department preference; covers Residential DS-053 Homeowner File ! RSI Homeowner Completion + Completion + Mag, Ppr all warrantee periods; CCP Sound File (for each property) / Window & 10 years 10 years §337 et. seq., GC §34090 Door Replacements Insulation EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Adopted: Ver. 11.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Page DS-14 Office of Retention Records Description Retention / Disposition i Comments Reference Record No. . ....... Destroy Inactive Image: Paper Active Storage Vital? Media I=Import Total] after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not lister) here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards . Retentions toe to when the act is corWleted, and i=t a full rile folder le.g. last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally perforined'!Y file folder. ,HOLDS., 1.6gation, complaints, claims, Pubfic records act reques s, audits and✓or investigatio sus pend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or Develop. Standard Specifications Used for 1 Services I Residential Sound Insulation I RS I P P Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC DS-054 Residential§34090 projects (provided by the City to I Sound oun Contractors) Insulation EL SEGUNDO, CA. @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. - all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909) 337-3516 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-1 Office ofiCdassificationl Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments i Reference Record OR Destroy File Number Image: Inactive Paper Active (Off -site, aTota'onVital? Media 1=Importafter (OFR) Options M=Mfr Imaged & (in office) OD or Mfr) S=Scan If the record is not lisled here„ refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards irn I a fuil Me folder eent + 2 ears . since destruction is normatl Reieern ions iae n when the act is cam' feted, and . Ia 3t docum erfarmed b rote folder. HOLDS: t.iti anon, cam hinds, claims, utato"o records act re c gists, aaxdits andlor investo atdons suspend rrormad retention edods retention resumes after settlement or copr alctaoaa . POLICE ADMINISTRATION I CHIEF 1 NTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS I SUPPORT SERVICES Gy @da &_dC s & ^1 'dear 4Ck :x tC?�"� =pDF Licenses hTMYp� r m qd3 ..r?-y Fs DOJ manages the sale and transfer of firearms; Non -records Police / Concealed Weapon Permits (CCW) - Expiration + Expiration + Ppr (State is OFR); most agencies Pd-001 Admin Civilians t Retirees 2 years 2 years retain for 2 years; GC §34090, PC _,-§12070 at seq .. ... `4`„ra131E:a "CA4"-C',iXi S�VArc4dd5F ny- f eeaea'd Ien� & Inalri d""4- 9 C�+; l�lfx GC ,1^'dt�"90J �' 4'.C'Y Nle C i ah" 9Chdren ..... fa£9rfes1xEi8PElf rKTe I��-t..7�i-6-N dNE '',, AFtb'4"4WFlhR.:+t9"J P61NP.>,-�.::�'Vf&.7rtliDiE36:j@U"all - Leant- f' " ni f Na M o- QT a 2-yerans 2- yea r«. mncl,-ppir GC §340&0 t�malal:^ 1 IC11EYfYafalf'IOMi4:11nF8C Ndla . e.Caiffn4iC.fr4G}°x- Fvi3�}lDMria,'d^�a4-l�B�:�N�N£,�- I e@u �"aW 43F14� raCi-ti"#ey w•�eG Nb&�?.if�E34e"�$C4F^Pt-+Ifh- ,v 4',arr X)Rdenee-TC:,fnINSi 1FOR QI-0C ' t:C &:tdC�'r dAOkYr, S'3 cgii f rv.➢^v}Wlk"";v." °.:... �W -a C"h ck is4 IdbEy V4 wi -Na-- W he n l+lo- li W24Adri7r(2nfio de d �'e e.; Gen Wkkrt'leh(+- .. gAldl"'-NEk" e.Gk�'ai9n h'r^atl°mEN99t6,44A.11eis" L-eIFiLJi37.... N 6AIfBrye?4"... -. tba$d"X f?'r' Q:„, y M,4t£-CFney ka a-dC?di£"wW -te it a.. De11}Q: CMiFA'd•'#14 yr 4 'x,-t.- ma j kbp-veieo n'waGI?'r<,. E'aff quire[-J I"."equi `cd OQ �'1i &tr B" G-fbP4 VdG Yrd C�-'IPri60"`IK&Y.�r'p�'.. _ .....J. .......... .... ... . _, ....... -___ _.. ,.... As lcseryT aa-;-tnn, etkzgt«r «a+ad note-- aPti:...not ...h'EkIui99�§C?Kk-4'4-fib£.}---RC'.4:k1£iIF_ T )rnaf? 4 Note+ Qkaft^ thud VAiaq No- When, No Getu, r aa8 l6#9n rya re ° C e i a a 0t-46 e Leade rem a d (e#Tcap final gar x a en)p-- f.cti plf LeTiger C aqn PPF Q G� T fa wi« to da k iFf ain 4 a rnMa;uld- f-el),lkd4k4w,,-N %'.x, 3-04,:- fin:&ik 4nf R quiFed 1rC 1ad4te4"g841 164IQ:° GG f4%QQdtly.. Qryc'-n,V&a 52 Police_? Crime Statistics I Uniform Crime 5 P P Mag, Mfr, S / 1 Yes: After (Historical Value; GC §34090 pD-002 Admin Reporting (UCR): ANNUAL years OD, Ppr QC & OD CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-2 Office of jClassification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record OR File Number Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (Off -site, Vital. after (O,FR) (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cil „Wide Standards Retentions he in uwhr n the act is com laded, and imply a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 aars', since destruction is norrmalt e formed h4 fife folder. f tDLDS: Lida ati0n, coma iatrats, cJafnrs, ubtic records act rer nests, audits andlor invcstir4atlons suspend normal reten/don penods retention resumes after" settlement or com letaon . Crime Statistics / Uniform Crime Police I PD 003 Reporting (UCR), NIBRS Statistical 5 y ears 5 years MagMfr, , , S t I Yes: After OC & OD GC §34090 Acmin Reporting: PERIODIC (Monthly, Bi- OD, Ppr monthly, etc. !LiwtltaaawrrAdrriwra 14�a:e{ea&rnllza�*rafelr... Attk'.ff'- AtNJiF''- C�J1f ciIR'tEv'Ef){.&dQmllc'D(wG1r MBt'9k?Me, Bu'.x'Ii'.. k4L+'iklA Wg F498AdilN) f6,4#8R;'-45€f&VRtUF Grfwt.-v 'ejpC- ts, ei'1 $je'wy AgeF#@y yT4,M# A t qd0es % ears"late 4t�k ead-IGt. 71ert R , OMr snd-ec.yM% 2 years 5"t � A&l, � ttS�lFfo- QG& QF 4 prfo(�1,u4NYrtV-.. f�l uta4r to-guav orct f . ff.14Ad. 22.2,8,21-rov ,4, 2.4 t,l4m'R 85A2,.&., NnIIIIr ksm-4- . d.Mf'GH-4- 3��g,F-�� G #^:R_t.3:d' yee s yema s .... §340 t i ,.,..... Lead- 4-�r&ffHat ;t ltW�n�'a't.d� � #-airaW^t.�t .. m.? ea 4'ib,,, y� ... �r � yeairs .... t`�dCak , I2 Tlf yr &�^rit � r`` 4W) �, 'DN6G ulltE7Y t3', Gork(� ffldee1x;) ".._. . ____. ...,.....,_... .... _..,_ ..... __ ........ ,... ..... 1 _. ... .. .. ..,,. ........ .....„�.... _..,., . . . . _ .. ......� Meets MtG ,LPrl1C tana;dards Or4nt's �w ort�v�rccl bV a C,un��niirEated A�Ofuori_ Plan ars r-oggire d fear a y�gML jr,uform_<!tdcroin. Regj pirpn"ior for Ldo'nmpi s r rvrres Sups 0rtsy Ur znls ko k oval C oven7mends sJi, ce ! PD-004 H t sl O rtre�rh f A{ai ( - 5 years Sears_ mag,_� y) ai s from KrxOenjikum re )QA a.f.. Y z 1irlad tea rr sff•r7t tat Irao'atc e o Adl min, host[sM1 G srdkaruaairm . C�arc Gx�nks , stitast@ tee 7 QI Ft,.200.�,#4L"44 etr, mm�� d.1fJ5((a) g2.50a 92 `roQy,,.,m 5✓01 ()& 5705Q (a&-bi 29CER 9if2.'VStS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-3 Office of( Classification Record OR Records Description File Number (OFR) 1 Retention 1 Disposition Comments 1 Reference Retention - Image: i Destroy Paper Active Inactive (Off -site, Total Vital? Media 1=Import after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr Ima ed &I OD or Mfr) S=Scan g 7 ff the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards _ Retentions begin when the actis corn letsd„ and itrr f a full file folder e. fast docurnent + 2 sans .since dostructloo !s normall erformed by file folder. HOLDS; Litr abon, cone saints, cl,)ims, uhlic records act re �u ts, audits andlor investi atis on suspend rlorrnal retention Periods retention resumes afCer 5etttenfant or t.orrt Bstion Department Preference; State & Federal laws require retention until f nal disposition of formal complaint; State requires 2 years i after action is taken; Statute of Internal Investigations: Sustained, Final Final Limitations is 4 years for Police / PD-005 Not Sustained and Officer Involved Dis Disposition P Disposition Mag, Ppr misconduct;-NJOickurrK3v.. _.. — Adm€n Shootings + 5 years + 5 years gtAde6FK,,,s.reec adnend 25_Ye erw- fen oftla ric..4 wojvix4—FAio 4Ag% EVC §1045(b)(1), GC §§12946, 34090, PC §§801.5, 803(c), 832.5, VC ._._..... _ ..._ - §-547 L.- "PWlt�r*irnalVra- dhert-il+de� issua* & Rroje' f (I ,,.uue W. Ids w Longer lk-N@ef Ye'--.-VVT*4c AS { G ty, ct r�^�t' w y evea- turfle r q .. Pequpi ed Rt qua iFed8 Aetdve Maq -R-pr 4:,Q § t 1094t cEnwzu uu"r4"dnravca:i C Nuad°rct<) Ihw' hrmfw WFYt 2 mfl4ar+u -2 Issue l ---- — - - -- -- yeaF� Ve u .... Onginal Workers Compensation Police „lm � PD-006 Light Duty Reports 9 Y P 2 years years 2 e Ppr `part of Personnel file; GC §34090 Admn et seq. ..... ...-- ....._ — .. .,..._ --- � Claims can be made for 30 years for toxic substance exposure; EEOClFLSA/ADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion, Police„/ POST Data, Files and Printouts Separation + p Separation + Mag, Mfr, S / I Yes After e selection or discharge; transfer, 9 ; PD-ao7 Adrnin, —"" "" (Training Courses) 5 years 5 years OD, Ppr QC & State Law requires 2 -3 years; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii), 8 CCR §3204(d)(1) et seq., GC §§12946, 34090 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-4 Office of Classification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record OR File (Number - Destroy Image: Inactive Paper Active (Off -site, Total Vital? Media 1=Import after (OFR) (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged 8I S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for "Wide Standards Reteartidrrs he in wren the act is corn hated„ and irXfy a full file folder e . last document + 2 ears since d'estrucIlon isnorrnalt erformed b4 file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests. audits andlor invesfi ations suspend normal retention oetiods retention resumes after settlernent or COMPletion I Department Preference; EEOC's Yes: basic requirement Is 1 year after Police / PD-008 Work Assignments (Schedules) 7 years 7 years Current Schedule Ppr action; Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for work Admin, only schedules; 29 CFR 516.6(1), 29 CFR 1602.14, GC 34090 ANIMAL REGULATION Police,..{_, PwBc¢ts-ray fottro¢ sta drr°;,-GC An� imi l EQ-002 Animal Licenses 2 4 years 6?_4 years Mag, Ppr §34090 Rea. P011Ce %_ Animal PDm010 Animal Control COUntV Reports / 2 years 2 years Mao. Ppr GC §34090 Lists Re INVESTIGATIONS ALL 3iaerrlNV<r- When r"+'k3d-Krk�t3: yea g 8 ff :siiearlhdrt'a a ag o-' ILt*i gee tip �Ygon a c€arsiu t fy34090 - fer4aiw+& �... IP& __._...._ Background Checks for Business Licenses: Bingo, Massage Expiration of Expiration of Mag, Mfr, Yes: After) Pollee / pp_011 nvesti q. Technicians &Parlors, Peddlers, License + 2 License + 2 OD Ppr S ! I QC & OD GC §34090 Taxi, etc. years years �. 9 Separation + Separation + Mag Mfr, S ! I Yes After Retained for administrative value; PD 012 Investia• Reservists Employees, Volunteers & Reserves 30 ears 30 ears OD Ppr OC & OD GC §34090 Police! Btarkgac lttr9,f IOe U Vitas T J1 3s _y_ Mag Mfr Yes After! S / I Per immigration GC §34090 ; PD-013 nvesfi -- m with_INS Letters /Victims of Crime PCs 4 V aarS QC & ©D OD, Ppr I, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 02002 Gladweli Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-5 Office of Classification Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR Destroy File Number Image: (OFR) Inactive Paper Active Total Media 1=Import (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options S SMafn Imaged &I If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards ✓2etentlons Ira t'n when the act is corm feted and imply a full file folder a" , last document + 2 years), since destruction is norm2 dtformed by file folder. ,FW4rlLDS. Liti ation, corn faints claims, public records act re vests, audits andlor invests atr"ons suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Department Preference; EEOC / FLSA / ADEA (Age) requires 3 Police l PD-014 Background Files - Unsuccessful JCl Years 5.'If•)--years years; State Law requires 2 - 3 . Investi Applicants (Not Hired) y ears; 29 CFR 1627.3(a)(5)and (6),8CCR §11040.7( c), GC ,§§12946, 34090 - - ........... t yqr .. AtRea-Data _ 141. it Da4ar Notes destroyed in the regular Police / PD-015 Field Interview Cards f may Include Entpmd u)10- w trwa. t iurnias Mag Mfr, S (I Yes Afters "mmC course of business; GC §34090 et Investig. photos) R w RIQ OD, Ppr & OD seq. 'q— A , Based on DOJ Inventor Police t_ When No When No Rye uirements Some dealers have Investia. PD-01,6 Guns: Dealers Record of Sale Longer Longer Mag, Ppr an automated link to DOJ; PC Required Required .... . -- §12070 .,.,.,..,.,. ,......... __ ...- -- .... Most arlrb bsolete_ unreli hl Lp information is rr quireci to be Police / dd troyed;,remginbg records must nvestimm. PD-017 Intelligence Raoorts 5 years 5 years Mag, Por Lint be cg9ammmrd Ion cr tllt rn 5 L _--"— years, 28 CFR 2 i 2iJ,(ti),; G 34090 RECORDS and PROPERTY Police (, • Follows Follows Yes: Yes: After ! Department Preference; GC Arrest Reports (LA County Booking Retention of Retention of Before Mag, Mfr, 5 / I Records,! PD.-018 #) Crime Crime OD, Ppr QC & OD §34090 & Prop. o Report Re ort Disposition ......_ _ _ —... _ Finance. PD_t)19 _. ...ip Auction Receipts &Records 4 .-......_.. years 4 years Ppr Consistent with auditing GC (Evidence) Evidence standards; §34090 Police l PD_.PZQ Background Clearance Letters 3 ears. - %- 3 veers Mag, Mfr. OD Ppr S l I I Yes After QC & C)D Departrnent.oreference GC §3449Q Investi � CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 02002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc- (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-6 Office of Classification Records Description Retention i Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR I Destroy File Number Image: i Paper p ActiveiInactive Total Media I=Import after (Off -site, Vital? OFR) (n office) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) g S=Scan QC If the record is not listed here, referto the Retention for Cif -Wide Standards Retentiombuiri when the act is cons feted, and imply e. . a full file tolder last dvcuirient + 2 ears , since destruction is normallyaerformod b file folder MOLDS,. Litigiation, cam faints, claims, public records act re uests, audits and/nr investf atrans suspend normal retention periods rOonfion resumes after settlement or corrt iciroer 1, Police ! Record PD-021 Citations: Marijuana Citations or i 2 years 2 years Maq, Ppr GC 34090, H&S 11361.5 § .Sa: � Reports (less than 28.5 grams) & Prop. � & Pro - - of Limitations is up to two ( Records PD-022 Citations: Misdemeanor Traffic, 2 years 2 years Maq. Ppr (Statute years; Also See Crime Reports; -- ----- Parking, or Criminal ,GC §34090 PC §802 LP rn 1 Department Preference; Provided there are no outstanding warrants, unrecovered weapons, criminal deaths, they are not historically Police / Crime Reports: Felonies and 7 years or 7 years or Yes: Mag, Mfr, Yes: After significant, and it is not classified Records PD_023 Misdemeanors -ALL except those upon DOJ upon DOJ Before S / I OD, Ppr QC & OD under PC §800 & 290 and H&S w & Proms ` otherwise specifically mentioned in Notification Notification Disposition §11850; Stat. of Limit. is 2 yrs; this retention schedule Destroy juvenile marijuana after age18; H&S §11361.5, GC §34090, PC §802, PC §§187, 800 et seq. Crime Reports: Homicide, Falsification of Public Records, Department Preference; Most Kidnapping, Unsolved Child or Elder Police 1 Abuse, Sexual Assault & Neglect, Yes: Mag, Mir, S / I Yes: After' have no limitations on commencement of action; PC §§ Recnmrds PD-(i?4 Rape, Misuse of Public Funds, Train- P P Before OD Ppr QC & OD 261, 286, 288, 288a, 288.5, 289, & Prop. wrecking, Treason, Suicide, Officer Disposition Involved shootings (Crimes Subject 289.5, and 799 to Death Penalty or without statute of Limitations' CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 9)2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-7 Office of Classlf?cation I Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record OR File Number Destroy Image: Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (Off -site, Vital? after (in office) 'Retention Options M=Mfr OD or Mfr) Imaged & If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cid -Wrda SFanWards Retentions begin when the act rs cc m fated, and irrr I a full file folder e. . last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normally performed !�j file folder. HOLDS: Litl ation, coax? taints, claims, xublic records act re oasts, audits and/or invosti ations suspend normal retention oehods retention resumes after settlement or rom Fetion . Conviction Conviction or Arrest of or Arrest tiF Police / ftPrordsm P[3-025 Crime Reports: Marijuana less than No Canviction3 No, " " Conviction} Mag, Mfr, Yes: S / I When (Golgft, etroa_I o711er A_gcncies "Shall"' destro H&S§ 11361.5 at seq., & Proms 28.5 grams + 2 years air- OD, For p Inactive GC§3409 + 2 years oir, ,44ffjs',0t i8 �u,llta,r't 1(% ye'�or's-elci czars Dort Crime Reports: Misdemeanor Police f Marijuana §11357(e) - Juvenile on Offender is Offender is Yes: Mag Mfr, Yes: After (Courts and other Agencies "Shall" Records', PD-026 School Grounds during School 18 Years 18 Years Before I OD, Ppr S / I QC & OD destroy); H&S§ 11361.5 et seq., & Proo. Hours (with procedure in H&S Old Old Disposition 11357(e) _ §11361.5) Police /, Crime Reports: Missing Person 2 years or Until P P Yes: Before Mag, Mfr, Yes: After S11 Dept. Preference; Also see Crime Fteeords PD-027 & Pro_p_ gym._._. Reports (unsolved) Located Disposition OD, Ppr QC & OD i Reports; GC §34090 Police / l Crime Reports: Public Assist and Mag, Mfr, Also see Crime Reports; GC Records PD- 228 ......-----.a other Non -Criminal Police Contact 2 years 2 years OD, Ppr §34090 & Prop. Reports - shall" de stroIndividual petitions Police I Crime Reports: Sealed Cases- Date of Date of Mag, Mfr, District Attorney; PD concurs that Records.! PD-029 ("Factual Innocence") Arrest_+ 3 Arrest + 3 OD, Ppr person is factually innocent, then & Prop years years seals record; GC §34090; PC §851.8(a) ...... ........ ........ __. _. ..... ......... .._. i--- oWtu to a LBU IoWutaW; totl h Ui) rtr..... age of majority + 8 years; Sealing Police / Reports: Sealed Cases (e.g. Sealing date Sealing date Mag, Mfr, for Juveniles and Wards of the ord'Crime Rs... § PD-03.0 + 5 years (or + 5 years (or OD, Ppr p Court retained for 5 ears; CCP y & Prop.Juveniles) Court Order) Court Order) 1340.1, GC §34090; W&I 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-8 Office of [Classification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR _ Destroy File Number Image: i Inactive Paper Media 1=Import (OFR ) Active (Off -site, Total vital? after (in office) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfr) S=Scan g if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cil -Wide Standards Retential'is begin when the act is completed, and impfy a full file folder t�. last document+ 2 ears', since destruction is normal! gerformed b file folder. HOLDS: 8. Lrtr` anon cam tsr"rats, claims, public records act re nests, audits andlor rnvesliestidns suspend raormat relentr'on eriods retention resumes after settlement or cem NeCcorr . Police/ Department of Justice Validation 2 2 years Mag, Ppr Information received by DOJ; GC Records.; PD-03.1 Lists years §34090 & pro[ _„ Department Preference (follows crime report retention); Police ( Records PD m032 Drug Registrants (maintained in >.7 ears =.. Y 5 7 ears Y Mag, Ppr Registration is required for 5 RMS) years; GC §34090, H&S §11590 et & Prop.I seq., H&S §11594(a) Police P Evidence Sheets (Property cards (Criminal (Criminal Ppr Statute of Limitations is 1 year for seized by officers; CCP Records PD-033 ---J and records) Re port P Retention) Report p Retention (property 340(d); GC §34090 & Prate - _ If artifact over $10,000, artifact is permanent - Statute of Limitations Police t Evidence Sheets: Found Property 2 P P Mag, Ppr is up to 3 years (recovery from 1 Records I PD-034 Lawfully disposed (over $10,000) years seized property by police is & Praa. year) CCP §338(c), 340(4), 341(a); GC §34090 _ ----- If artrfact over $10,000, artifact is permanent - Statute of Limitations Police / Records PD-035 Evidence Sheets: Found Property 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr is up to 3 years (recovery from seized property by police is 1 , Prop.^i Lawfully disposed (under $10,000) year); CCP §338(c), 340(4), 341(a); GC §34090 Police Officer Recordings: Body -Worn PCB 832.18(b)f5)(E) GC Cameras — LOGS of Access or Records, PD-036 , _______ ... P P _. Mao. 634090.E et seq. peletion of Data CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 121l7/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-9 Office of Classification Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record OR - File Number Image: Destroy ''_ Media 1=Import Paper Active InactiveIE Vital? after (OFR) Options M=Mfr (in office) OD or Mfr) Ima ed & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wde Standards Retentions begin when the act is corar leted, and impl a full file folder e, , Vast document + 2 ears , since destruction is normalg aerfolmed by fide folder. HOLDS: Ltlb' ation„ complaints, clairnsublic records act requests, audits andr'or invesfi actions suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after setldement or corm letior . Police I Officer Recordings: Body -Worn Follows retention for ---``-""' Evidence Ewiaws retention for Evidence. PC$ 832.18 tr}(5}(B}& C GC i ( L--�........_ Cameras -that ARE evidence Roe r Arc PD-037 Prate " Mag, Oicer Involved Shootings f ff M°n°murn 2, N1r01mum 2 $34090.6 st sea. Detention or Arrest / Complaints years ears Police / Records PD-038 Officer Recordings: Bativ Worn 60 days 60 days 60 Mag. PC§ 832.18(b)(5)(A) GC Cameras - that are NOT evidence & Prnp" 34090.E et sea preference' Police ).. Officer Recordings: Mobile i?efor�i crags thgt tegpme Qvldencg( Records PDL039 Ott,°( 1QLVid@g mRg_wrd'a,tu(s lltg( n I�t�rt 1 near 1Yegr are stored with evidence- & Prop, evidence f hip recorders", etc.) consistent wit� re_c uirements: GC 1134090 .6fa Department Preference; Non - ...) -- _.. records used for investigations; Police t Originals entered into the State Records PD-040 Pawn Slips / Secondhand 2 years 2 years Ppr Automated Property System; most & Proms agencies retain for 2 years; GC §34090 .......... . -----.... Follows Follows Police I Records ; PD w041 Photos: Crime Scenes Retention of Crime Retention of Crime Mag, Mfr, OD, Ppr S / I Yes: After QC & OD See appropriate Crime Report & Prop. ; Report Re ort " Police / Records PD-042, Photos: Mug Shots P P. Mag, Mfr, S / I Yes: After Retained for administrative value; 4(Xf years, U0 year's OD, Ppr QC & OD GC §34090 & Prop , Police / Preference; GC Records_, Eq-Q43 Photos: Request Forms 2 years 2 years Ppr §34090 & Prop. I jDepartment CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-10 Office ofl Classification Records Description I Retention l Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR File (dumber Image: Destroy l Media 1=Import Paper Active Inactive (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, Vital? Options M=Mfr after E OD or Mfr) Imaged &', S=Scan I 7 If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentionsbe Ir1 when the act rs corn feted,. and in1 l a full file folder e.. , last document + 2 earn „ since desertrCtion is raonrratt erformed by file folder. HOLDS: Liti ation, complaints, claims, public records act re' nests audits andlor investic ations sus end normal retention oeriods retention resumes after settlement or com letion . Police i Expiration of Expiration of Department Preference; Non - Records PD-f344 Restraining Orders Order Order Ppr records (Court is OFR); GC f Prpp §34090 Follows Follows Retention of Retention of Police L i Reoords ED045 Search Warrants Crime Mag, Ppr Copies; Court is OFR; GC §34090 Crime Report ReROrt & Proms r R tulmed trro 1�e:turrnrrc to Ctexd Cement Police / p p Pursuant to PC §290 et seq. If released from CAY, records are Records !, PD-046 Sex Offender Registrations 10 years r r Death of er death of Mag, Ppr destroyed after age or sealing Registrant & Prop. Registrant pursuant to W&I §781; 1; Police 1 I When No When No Transitory Non -Record; Courts are Records! PD-047 Subpoenas and Subpoena Logs Longer Longer Ppr OFR, GC §34090 & Prop. Required Re aired __ Police f_ Record'- PD-048 Taxi Permits Eiacrounrls) Expiration + Expiration + Mag, Ppr GC §34090 2 years 2 years _. ......... , . .... ...,. When lino- °'A"heii..Ne I" £Yiiti.i:p TetF',.t+ype-�'�`al@{'ms, f2p,. Tr ms4tory.l'Recor('1, GG §340917.. Rex4 u4e4d t'^xi{,"4d=ed Police / (Follows Follows Department Preference; GC Records l PD-Q49 Video Interviews evidence evidence Mag §34090 & Prop,. I retention) retention lnolia,t Vnkt*a �a.f w ar N tp t l cagy 94-days f &ag GG §.t409O: r Police 1 Weapons, Lost / Stolen, Serialized, if .. ......... f Department Preference LBased on Ftecprds PD-050 no activity from date of report and Until Found Until Found Ppr DOJ Inventory and ATF History & Pro . CLETS purge Re o t GC 34090 POLICE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mt t?1APdAtsF"llv9Gli4l tt t Odn iA't"NLb P- y&m'BE4tISi CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 02002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 Ver.7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PDA1 Office of IClassificatio'rn Records Description Retention f Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record ? OR Destroy ° File Number Image: Paper Inactive Pa P Active Total Media I=Import Vital? after (OFR) (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & i S=Scan if the record is not listed here„ refer to (tie Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions ba in when the act is corm leted° and im ly a full file folder e, . last document + 2 yearsj, since destruction is normaity performed bL file folder'. f�Ofl HSr Lida` atxon, complaints, claims, ut>tfr records act reQuests, audits ancf/irr td7vesta' aGorrs suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or cor7a letaon . Used for Disaster Recovery - ur uses on{y_Consistent with BackupTapes f Disks - Darly Tapes- P When „ When No. City MIS; Considered a copy and Police ).., PD-051 — — — -OAF:°d rtaolwarfe-r.•rraat Longer ng—er Required Longer of Rewired Yes Mag. can be destroyed when no longer based IT I y ork �ypp..i:: g w}rH bSha}tact-A Dr°wsa s required; retention on administrative value; recycle -14-days tapes; GC §34090 et seq. se or I)isas a ecov Backup Tapes ! Disks - Weekly- No fJe-- purposes only Consistent with Tu"NA1'41 Y It'.I!"tSt 3 Wrb`4t-F� ,-41Y�- When, No Loa7ger :City MIS; Considered a co and Y PY Police ! PD 052 fit„ C7f 1 fiM:a_1!w�fNTil (Fart �,� ,.atay e Longer Rer�rLd Yes Mag. can be destroyed when no longer IT wwaalF NB) .Ne:twerk, rr,ii-F*4,s err wh aae d- Required 90 days required; retention based on l�rtls rxa administrative value; recycle tapes; GC §34090 et seq. o+afent %P!YRt-Ih.... t eRk�iCk%f} n "At➢&' a"v ' 60'4al::x t..�^'k'"11r.. Gity lei ire"r {vC9 1 44eq--eat a coll7"�'fra1`'�Gl.... l olwfe-r IG%#-.M.41�ain WEEK OF -THE ON1 t''`t•'(h' arcludea, � ° 9�E#a�atf} G �M.l.vieyMEe xy Yd.t" i�,°°i}g^:.}Y � can -be �4"iE"k'li'&re G. d i ao Ir*0 Ikbakgf,4...... °' IT &'�qnm'AIiI�..4NeM+a' erk;-A4Fflc -(.w:i 'k4qV ked, r6"'@k°W'nt 3lYYr lk3 k;E't--fbBPr . m 14Pared4)fives, 4-.3u'lY& 0iFAr'a4*ve %avA-R4,-r-ee"IeIe -4ao4;+...§34DWI, et.wheg4 Police J_ PD-053 Daily Crime ReportNo. Log: Case 2 Years P P Yes Mag, Mfr, D Ppr Yes: After S 1 QC & OD GC §34090 IT Numbers (Maintained by MIS) .... _. .... Re(x daorogfs rut d a lraalw tar & fk,a&tio ) w ip arTr at) to asa nc irk r Ve r - 4 FaelITa onrv}nrni t@ rouos f gwu, — C q k d, p. 1 - y N &h rgti e to-p/< ., w. lwa Friamirate, feet Io) daps) �wf-t,.. iT4 7kM t •;$ btl(6t1 E Department preference (legally 1 Police PD-05� Recordings of Telephgne Calls - 100 days 100 days Mag mandated for 100 days; GC Front Desk and Watch Commander ITe §§34090. 34090.E CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. 02002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/17/2002 ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: POLICE Page PD-12 Office ofiClassification Records Description �j Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record OR - Destroy File Number Inactive � Image: Paper Active (Off -site, Total Vital? Media I=Import after (OFR) (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for G°t -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn,�leted, and irn l a fall fife folder 'e.t . last document + 2 gprs , sincedestruction normally performed h file folder. diCYt f�S: LJic aticsn, complaints, ctainas. udaJio records act re flpesis, audits and/aa° fnvesdr ations strs end normal retentris on eriods retention resumes after settlement or roaar tetlorr . I_year is required! wb°en video. Police/ 1 4llcieg Record i s - Frnnloyees I ar 1 ear 1year M �ccl 0 regtudar ci�ga°ing. GC IT -Q-055 Citv Operations {Holding Gell y operations of the City° �soetc.i�tos—Pukalrc Arias Muir Does not rtot.!t requu �ngosng Ir luerat ions of the Gi4 reflir rrnarx, Police !, PD-95§ (Streets Sidewalks Lobbies Lon or �cl Lon er R Ma -g CT Hfden'�llwaf qLi_O �ry d drafts)' GC §340 00 etc. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©2002 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 (all rights reserved) Adopted: 12/1712002 Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-11 Office f Retention o. Records Description Retention / Disposi t I on Comments I Reference Record - I I - ...... . ... ..... ..... . — ------- - Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfir) S=Scan QC'd? ff the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Widcr Standards Retentions begin when the act is romplelod, and imp! a full file folder Lo 2. last document + 2 oars o since destruction is nonnally gerfortned b file folder HOLDS: Litigation, cotp.taints , 68irr"ublic records act requests, audits andlor invest . alions suspend normal retention periods (roteoWon resumes after settlement or cony lotion WORKS ENGINEERING City Clerk & Public Works PW-001 Abandonments I Vacations P P Meg, Yes (all) Mfr, OD, Sit Yes: After 11C & DID GC §34090 et sec. (Streets) I Survey File Ppr Engineering Assessment Districts Sewer Department Preference, Districts / Maintenance Districts Mag, Statute of Limitations is 4 - 10 Public Works Landscape & Lighting / Street P P Yes: Until Mfrl OD, S/I Yes: After years (for Errors & Engineering PW-002 Imrovement Districts p Completed Ppr QC&OD Omissions); CCIP §§337. (FORMATION, BOUNDARIES, 1337.11(a), 337.15, 343; GC ENGINEERS REPORTS) . ....... ... - §34090 7 Capital Improvement Projects Some grant funding agencies (CIP): Administration File require audits; Statute of Limitations for Errors & Project Administration, 10yearsor Completion + 10 years or Omissions is 10 years; Public Works Certified Payrolls, Construction Manager's Logs, Daily Upon After Funding Agency Au6t ' After Funding Yes: Until Mag , Mfr, OD, S/I Yes: After Published Audit Standards=4- 7 years; Statute of Engineering PW-003 Inspections, Insurance Completion if required Agency Audit, i required, Completed Ppr QC & OD Limitations: Contracts & Certificates, Meeting Minutes, whichever is whichever is Spec's=4 years, Wrongful Project Schedules, Progress longer longer Death=GOMP. + 5 years, meetings, Real Estate Developers=comp. + 10 Appraisals, RFIs & years; CCP §337 et. sec., Responses, etc. GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. 90995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record............ ........ . . ................. ......I— - --------- - - Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media i: I=Import Total Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, DO Options: M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is corn eted I and iry)y a full file folder (e.g. last document 2 years, since destruction is normally poirformed by file folder. HOLDS; Lifigalion, corn faints, claims, public records act re rests, audits and rinvesOgall s sus end normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Capital Improvement Projects (CIP): Permanent File Plans, Specifications, Department preference; Successful Proposal, Change Upon Mag, Yes: Until Yes: After retained for disaster Public WorksReports, PW-004 orders, Materials Testing P Completion P Mfr, OD, Completed Sit QC&OD preparedness purposes; GC I Engineering Grading Permits, Ppr §34090 Hazardous Materials Plans, Notice of Completion, Photos, Soils Reports, Studies, Submittals, Surveys, etc. Capital Improvement Projects Public Works PW-005 (CIP): Unsuccessful 2 years 2 years 'Mag' Pp r GC §34090 I Engineering Proposals Public Works Capital Improvement Projects (CIP): Where City is NOT the When No When No Longer Mag, Ppr Non -records (another agency o Engineering PW-006 Lead Agency (Grade Longer Required Required sthe lead) . . . . Separation, etc.) .. ... ...... . ... ...f ..... . . .................. --------------- - . . ........ CCTV Collection Line Department Preference; GC Public Works PW-007 Inspection Tapes I Video 10 years 10 years Mag §34090 at seq. I Engineering Inspections I Video Tapes or I Digital Recordings (all lines) EL SEGUNDO, CA. Q1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Record -.--------.. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions be !n when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder Lo,g. last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normally erformad by file folder. HOLDS: Libqation, com>laink , claims, public records act re uests„ audits and/or invests al" is suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or coaaa letion . Department preference; Yes: While Some correspondence from Public Works PW-008 Correspondence - Regulatory Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Active Mag, Ppr Regulatory Agencies need to / Engineering Agencies years years Issues be retained for long periods of time; GG §34090 Public Works .__ ........... Design &Construction .... P p ...... Mf,, ..... Sit After Department Preference; GG 4 Engineering pW-009 Standards Ppr Pp OC & OD QC 00 Mag, Yes: After Department Preference City Clerk PW-010 Easements P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD„ S/I QC & OD (copies); GC §34090.7 Ppr Public Works Encroachment Permits - P P Mag' Mfr, OD, S/l Yes After Department Preference GC f Engineering _..._..._ PW-011 ...__ Permanent Encroachments ....... I Ppr ...,;, � .. QC & OD §34090 .... ..... Engineering Studies / Surveys - Mag' Public Works Preliminary Studies / Project Minimum 5 Minimum 5 Mfr,Yes: S/l After Department Preference; GC f Engineering PW-012 Assessments (Not Acquired years years pr OC & OD §34090 or Developed) Public Works .. Engineering Studies / Surveys P P Mag" MfPP D, Stl Yes: After Department Preference; GC Engineering PW-013 (City Built Projects) QC & OD § 34090 Public Works Geotechnical and Soils P P Mag" Mfr, OD, Stl Yes: After Department Preference; GC I Engineering PW-014 Re Ports Ppr QC & OD §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan OC'd? ff the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed, and lt2ly a full file folder e.last document + 2 ypa,2, since destruction is normal!v performed by file folder HOLDS: Liti anon, comp/arms, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor investi a6' s suspend normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or confi telrorr .. Public Works P P Mag Mfr, OD, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC / Engineering PW-015 Grading Permits & Plans ,Ppr QC & OD §34090 Drafts should be destroyed; Maps, Plans and Record Mag" Some maps are also retained Public Works Drawings (Capital Improvement P P Yes: After Yes {all) Mfr, OD, S/I by Planning; Selected maps / Engineering PW-016 project "As-Builts", Record QC & OD Ppr are retained in Public Works Drawings, etc.) for administrative purposes; GC §34090, 34090.7 .. .... L.,.,..,,, ...... Department preference; NPDES Monitoring records Public Works PW-017 NPDES Permits - Stormwater Expiration + Expiration + 5 Yes: Until ''Mag, Ppr required for 3 years in 7 Engineering 9 9 5 years years Expiration Federal law; 40 CFR §§122.21, 122.41, 12244 Department preference; NPDES Monitoring records Public Works PW-018 NPDES Reporting and 5 years 5 years Yes: Until Mag, Ppr required for 3 years in Engineering 9 9 Monitoring Stormwater 9 - Expiration Federal law; 40 CFR §§122.21, 122.41, 122.44 Department Preference; NPDES Monitoring records Public Works PW-019 Pretreatment Annual / Quarterly Reports 5 years 5 years !Mag, Ppr required for 3 years; POTW reports are required for 3 / Engineering Industrial Pre -Treatment years; 40 CFR 403.12; GC §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-5 Office of � Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? if the record is not listed here. refer to the Retention for City_- Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn plated, and irriply" a full file folder (e,2. last document 2 yoafs since destruction is normallorformed b4 file folder, ,HOLDS.- Litiq lion, complaints, claims, public records act re nests, andlor investi atiorrssuspondno al retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or cone lotion City Clerk & I Mag, Yes: After Department preference Public Works PW-020 Rights of Way P P Yes (all) Mitt, OD, S/I QC&OD (copies); GC §34090.7 Engineering Ppr Public Works Standard Construction P P Mag, Mfr. OD, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC Engineering PW-021 Drawings I Details / Plans Ppr OC & OD §34090 Public Works P P Mag, Ppr Official record held by City PW-022 Subdivisions Clerk; GC §34090.7 Engineering Department Preference (the warrantee period for work Public Works PW-023 Underground Service Alerts years 3ye s 3years Ppr done is 5 years); Required for Engineering (USA's) !Dig Alerts --City f 3 years; GG §§4216.2(f) & 4216.3(d); GC §34090 Public Works PW-024 Urban Water Management 10 years 10 years Yes Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Engineering Plans (UWMP) When When Public Works PW-025 Vulnerability Assessment Emergency Response Plan Superseded - Superseded - Mag, Pipr:� Confidential; GC §34090 Engineering Risk & Resiliency Assessment Minimum 2 Minimum 2 years years EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-6 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) Vital? (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Ci't -I Standards Retentions begin when the act is cony tteled, and imply a full No folder er,r, last document + 2 years), since destruction is normally erforrned b file folder. HOLDS: LaCi aradn, complaints claims, public records act re Crests, audits and/or i0vest! anions suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or com Notion). Department Preference; Wastewater/ Sewer System plans must be updated every Management Plans (SSMP) 5 years, audits are required Public Works PW 026 and Audits, Sanitary Spills 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr every 2 years; 40 CFR I Engineering Overflow Prevention Plan RCB Order (SSOPP) and Sanitary Sewer �2006-03; 40 CFR 2006- 3; 40 CF Overflow Response Plan 122.41(i)(2); GC §34090 ENGINEERING - PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT Drafts should be destroyed; Public Works Maps, Plans and Record Mag, Some maps are also retained I Engineering pW _0P7 Drawings (Final Maps, Parcel P P Yes (all) Mfr, OD,Sit ', Yes: After by Planning; Selected maps / Private Maps, Right of Way, Tract P r p QC & OD are retained in Public Works Develop. Maps, etc.) for administrative purposes; GC §34090, 34090.7 ENGINEERING -TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION Public Works Mag, ''Department i Engineering PW-028 Master Plans -Transportation Superseded Superseded + Yes (all) MfrPP D, yes: After Preference; GC S/l ! Traffic & + 5 years I 5 years QC & OD §34090 Trans. Public Works 1 Engineering PW-029 Newsrack Permits 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 ! Traffic & Trans. I EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-7 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention t Disposition Comments I Reference Record .. ..... ........_. ..,.,.,... __ _... ...... ....._ ..., ....... i ..,. ..------------ ---- ..,.......... . _ ....,......---- Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total vital? Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention OptionsM=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? if the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is corn leted, and,= a full file folder e. 2, last document + 2 ye2aLsince destruction is normali erLforrned b file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, gubfic records act requests, audits andfor investi ations sus end normal retention geriods retention resumes after settlement or co >letion . i Public Works ! Engineering PW-030 Residential Parking Permits 2 years 2 years Mag, Par GC §34090 / Traffic & Trans. Public Works 1 Engineering Minimum 5 Minimum 5 Ma P r g p Department Preference; GC ! Traffic & PW-031 Studies -Transportation years years §34090 Trans. Public Works / Engineering Minimum 2 Minimum 2 i Mag' Mfr S!I Yes: After Department preference; GC / Traffic & PW-032 Traffic Calming Requests years years P, pr QC & OD §34090 Trans. Public Works ! Engineering Traffic Commission Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Department Preference; GC Traffic & PW-033 AGENDAS, AGENDA years years Mag, Ppr §34090 Trans. PACKETS _-- -... .. ............ __ Public Works Mag, / Engineering PW-034 Traffic Commission P P I Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 ! Traffic & MINUTES, BYLAWS Ppr Trans. EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted; Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-8 Officeof Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) Vital? (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options', M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cif -Wide Standards Retentions ban when the act is crm tafed', and irn d a fui! file folder e.g last document + 2 years , since destruction is normally erformed b Lfile folder. HOLDS: Liti tion, complaints, claons, public records act ra uests, audits andlor invests atdons sus end normal retention aeriods retention resumes after settlement or c:onx ielion . Public Works Mag, Department preference ''(required / Engineering pW-035 Traffic Speed Surveys 10 years 10 years Mfr, OD, S/I Yes. After OC & OD every 5 years, but can be extended to 7 or 10 / Traffic & Ppr Trans. L... ................. -- - _, ....... years) GC §34090 Public Works Mag' I Engineering PW-036 Traffic Studies /Traffic Counts 10 years 10 years Mfr, SlI Yes: After OC & OD Department preference; GC §34090 / Traffic & Pprr Trans. GENERAL SERVICES I EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE & FLEET Lead Depart. PW-037 AQMD Permits (Generators, 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr 40 CFR 70.6; GC §34090 etc.) .... ,..... .... ......... ..._�,.. Department preference (data is inter -related); If a motor carrier, required for 18 months after vehicle is sold; Public Works'' CHIP requires life of vehicle; ! PW-038 Fleet Management Database Indefinite Indefinite Mag, Ppr'' OSHA requires 1 year; 8 CCR Fleet § 3203(b)(1); 49 CFR 396.21(b)(1); 49 CFR 396.3(c); CCP §337 et seq., GC §34090 - _ ....... ........... ..._ . ........ AQMD Rule 1470; Form Lead Depart. PW-039 Generator Operation Logs ! 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr 400-E-13a instructions; GC Inspections §34090 ..-- Lead Depart. PW-040 Operations &Maintenance Dq ......-......,..,,, posal of Disposal of Ma Ppr g' p Department preference; GC Manuals / O & M Manuals Equipment Equipment §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-9 Office of Retention No. 1 Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments t Reference Reco . ....... . ........ . . 7 Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention options M=Mfr Imaged & Ior S=Scan QC'd. it the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is cony toted, and imaly a full file folder (o.g. last document + 2 cars , since destruction is normal erformed t y file folder. HOLDS.' L 11 i I t I igation, complaints, claims, gublic records act requ'sts' audits and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after s ettlement or C. )I t I Public Works Pressure Vessel Certifications Current + 2 Current + 2 Mag, Yes: After Department preference; GC PW -041 or Permits (Air Compressors, Previous Previous Mfr, OD, S/, QC & OD §34090 et. seq. Fleet Propane, etc.) Certificates Certificates Ppr Pre -Trip Inspections / DOT Program / CHIP Inspections Lead Depart. PW-042 Vehicle Safety Checks / Daily 2 years 2 years Ppr 13 CCR 1234(c); GC§34090 Vehicle Inspections / Daily Equipment Checks 22 CCR 66266.130(c)(5), Public i Works PW-043 Used Oil Disposal 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr H&S §25250.18(b), 25250.19(a)(3) et seq. Fleet Public Works Work Orders / Service Division Requests / Service Tracker Data is interrelated; GC Providing PW-044 CMMS DATABASE Indefinite Indefinite Mag §34090 Service (Computerized Maintenance Work Management System) Public Works I Division Work Orders / Service When No When No Preliminary drafts (the Providing PW-045 Requests / Service Tracker - Longer Longer Mag Ppr database is the original), GC Service All Information Entered in Required Required §34090 Work CMMS Database i I I EL SEGUNDO, CA. @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-10 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record ........... ­ ......... . ------------ ---- Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Media I=Import ''Paper after Vital? (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan � QC'd? If the record is not listed hero, refer to the Retention foi Cif y-Wide Standards Reteniirans be in when the act is c am @etedo and imply a full file folder (e.2. last document )erformed by file "r. HOLDS: Litigation, com lainfs, claims, public records act requests, audits andlor investi ations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or c2M/etio22. Work Orders I Service Requests / Service Tracker - NOT entered in CMMS Public Works Database (or partial I Division information entered into CMMS City preference; CCP §§338 Providing PW-046 Database) 5 years 5 years Mag Ppr el seq., 340 at sec., 342, GC Service 1 §34090 Work (Division providing service retains originals; Division requesting service is considered a copy) GENERAL SERVICES I GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Public Works When When 1 Government PW-047 Elevator Permits Superseded Superseded Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Buildings . ................................. Lead Depart. . ...... I PW-048 ........ . ..... ... ... . Hazardous Materials Manifests .. ................ . .. 10 years ......... ..... .......... P - P -------------------- ----------------- ----------------------- Mag, Mfr, OD, S/I -------------------------- Yes: After ------- --------- ------- Department Preference; GC .. . . . . . ... ... . ....... .. ...... . . . .. . . .. . ....................................................... ... ........... . . . . ..... .... Ppr QC & OD §34090 Lead Depart. PW-049 Hazardous Materials Manifests 10 years a Mag, Mfr, OD, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC State Reports Ppr QC&OD §34090 Lead Depart. PW-050 Operations & Maintenancelo Disposal of Disposal of Mag, Ppr Department prefer preference; GC �§34090 Manuals / 0 & M Manuals Equipment Equipment p j 1 EL SEGUNDO, CA. @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-11 Office of Retention No, Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record �...._ ..... i .... ...._. ...... ..__ ------ .. .........--------- ............ ... Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total vital? Media I=Impart Paper after {OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Redentions b in when the act is com leted, and l21 a full file folder e, , last document + 2 years), since destruction is normall orformed by file folder, HOLDS,: Liti aHon, complaint claims, public records act requests, audits andlor rnvesdi attons sus end normal retention aeriods retention resumes after settlement or cons letion . Community Services / Recreation Swimming Pool / Plunge Health Department OR Public PW-051 Chemical Readings & 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr regulations; 8 CCR §3195.12; Works / Additions GC §34090 Government Buildings Public Works Work Orders 1 Service / Division Requests / Service Tracker Data is interrelated; GC Providing PW-052 CMMS DATABASE Indefinite Indefinite Mag §34090 Service I (Computerized Maintenance Work Management System) — —.. ------- Public Works / Division Work Orders / Service When No When No Preliminary drafts (the Providing PW-053 Requests /Service Tracker - Longer Longer Mag Ppr database is the original); GC Service / All Information Entered in Required I Required §34090 Work CMMS Database 11 i GENERAL SERVICES f STORMWATER Work Orders / Service Requests / Service Tracker! Public Works Inspections / Maintenance 1 / Division Providing PW-054 Spills and Responses / Repairs Indefinite Indefinite Mag Data is interrelated; GC § 34090 Service 1 !Mitigations - CMMS DATABASE (Computerized Work Maintenance Management System) EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-12 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments t Reference Record ....... . . . . ...... Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total vital, Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention] Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan 11C'd? it the record "I is not listed here, refer to the Retention for C;ty- Wide Standards Retentions begin,when the act is con!uletocl, and imply a hill file folder (P.g, last document 4- 2 years), Since destruction is nonnally gerforaied bv file folder, HOLDS: Lilici tion, complaints claims, outific records act re sts, audits andlor invpsti ations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or corriplelion). Public Works Work Orders / Service Division Requests / Service Tracker I When No When No Preliminary drafts (the Providing PW-055 Spills and Responses / Repairs Longer Longer Mag Ppr database is the original): GC Service I I Mitigations - All Information Required Required §34090 Work Entered in CMMS Database GENERAL SERVICES I WASTEWATER CCTV Collection Line Department Preference Public Works Inspection Tapes / Video When When (preliminary drafts not General Services I PW-056 Inspections / Video Tapes or superseded Superseded Mag retained in the ordinary course of business); GC Digital Recordings & Reports Wastewater (all lines . . . ........ . ... §34090 et se q. I Department preference; Public Works Yes: While Some correspondence from / General PW-057 Correspondence - Regulatory Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Active �Ivlag, Ppr Regulatory Agencies need to Services / Agencies years years Issues be retained for long periods of Wastewater I time; GC §34090 Daily Vehicle & Equipment Public Works Safety Checks / DMV Reports / General PW-058 Daily Work Reports I Vehicle 2 years 2 years Ppr GC §34090 Services / Inspections / Daily Equipment Wastewater Checks EL SEGUNDO, CA. @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Adopted': not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-13 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Vital. Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? /f the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is Dorn feted, and !m ! a full file folder e.. last document + 2 ears'„ since destruction is normally performed h file folder. VIOLAS, Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act ra a sts, audits andlor invesli atio is suspend normal retention retention resumes after settlement or cornpletion . Public Works _periods / General PW-059 Flow Measurements 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Services ! §34090 Wastewater ............ _......... - - _ .... _....--------- .......... ...... .... Department Preference; Public Works NPDES Monitoring records / General PW-060 FOG (Fats, Oil & Grease) / Hot 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr ; required for 3 years; POTW Services / Spots reports are required for 3 Wastewater years; 40 CFR 403.12; GC §34090 Lift Station - Inspections, Department Policy (sewage Public Works Maintenance, Repairs, Service sludge is required for 5 / General PW-061 Requests, Alarm Recording, 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr years); WC §13263.2(b) et Services 1 Logs, Charts, Flow Monitoring, seq.; 40 CFR 122.41(j)(2)GC Wastewater Voltage Readings, Permits §34090 Public Works / General PW-062 Operations & Maintenance Disposal of Disposal of Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Services / Manuals / O & M Manuals Equipment Equipment §34090 Wastewater - --- - -. ............. .-- ..... Public Works / General Pumping Station Logs / Sewer Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC PW-063 Services 1 Lift Station Logs t Motor Logs, P P Mfr, OD, sit OC & OD §34090 etc. Ppr Wastewater EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-14 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments 1 Reference Record InacImage- Destroy ActStoragetive ive Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR} (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Rel'entions begin when the act is completed, and implyimpiy a full file folder e.g. last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normal! gerformed by fife folder, HOLDS: Litigation, complaints claims, public records act re crests, audits andlor r'nvestiatforas suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or corn letdon . Public Works Required for a minimum of 5 / General PW-064 Sanitary Sewer Overflows 5 years 5 years Mag, Pfsr years; 40 CFR 122.410)(2); SW RCB Order 2006-03; 40 Services / (SSOS) Wastewater CFR 122.416)(2); GC §34090 ..,_ ... ,_ --------------- Public Works _..... ......... -.. -_ _ ..... Department preference General PW-065 Waste Discharge Monitoring 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Monitoring records required for 3 years in Federal law; 40 Services / Reports Wastewater CFR §§122.21, 122.41 Public Works Work Orders / Service / Division Requests / Service Tracker Data is interrelated; GC Providing PW-066 CMMS DATABASE Indefinite Indefinite Mag §34090 Service / (Computerized Maintenance Work Management System) ......-- _... Public Works / Division Work Orders /Service When No When No Preliminary drafts (the Providing PW-067 Requests / Service Tracker - Longer Longer Mag Ppr database is the original); GC Service / All Information Entered in Required Required §34090 CMMS Database Work EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-15 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments / Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) Vital? (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr} S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and inyly a full file folder e. . last document + 2 ears , since destruction is normaJF erforrraad b file folder. HOLDS: Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits and `or investi at'iens suspend normal retention penods retergion resumes after settlement or completion). Work Orders I Service Requests / Service Tracker - NOT entered in CMMS Public Works Database (or partial / Division information entered into CMMS City preference; CCP §§338 Providing PW-068 Database) 5 years 5 years Mag Ppr et seq., 340 et seq., 342, GC Service 1 §34090 Work (Division providing service retains originals; Division requesting service is considered a copy) PARK MAINTENANCE Public Works Memory Trees 1 Memory P P Mag" Mfr, OD, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC / PW-069 Benches QC & OD §34090 Park Maint. Ppr Lead Depart. PW-070 Operations & Maintenance Disposal of Disposal of Mag, Ppr Department preference, GC Manuals 10 & M Manuals Equipment E ui ment §34090 Department Preference (agricultural pesticide records Public Works are required for 2 years); GC / PW-071 Pesticide Application !Use 2 years 2 years Ppr I §26202; 3 CCR 6623(c), 40 Park Maint. CFR 171.11 et seq.; GC §34090 Public Works t PW-072 Playground Inspections t ... ......._._-- 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Playground Maintenance §34090 Park Maint. EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-16 Office of Retention No. Records Description I Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Total Paper after (OFR) Options � (in office) (Off -site, OD R M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan , QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit.V-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is coMleted, and irngly a full file folder . . �Iast document + 2 4ears), since destruction is nornnally performed tifile folder; HOLDS: Litigation, complairils claims, ublic records act ruoasts, audits andlor investigatfons sus pend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or cornplelion) Public Works 1 1 PW-073 1 Tree Crew Schedule !City Tree 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Trimming §34090 Park Maint. ------------ . ....... . ..... . ......... . .. . ...... .... ..... — Public Works Tree Maintenance Database Minimum 10 Minimum 10 Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC / PW-074 (West Coast Arborist) years years §34090 Park Maint. SOLID WASTE Public Works PW-075 AB 939 Compliance / Solid 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Solid Waste Waste Tonnage Reports §34090 Public Works Environmental Committee Minimum 2 Minimum 2 MagPpr Department Preference: GC Solid Waste PW-076 AGENDAS, AGENDA years years , §34090 PACKETS Mag, Public Works PW-077 Environmental Committee P P Mfr, OD, S No GC §34090 Solid Waste MINUTES, BYLAWS . . ... ..... Ppr - --- - .. .. ... ........ .... . . ........ ....... .... ...... ------- . . ............ ........ . . . ....... ... .. . . ............. . . Department preference to meet any grants or Environmental Programs subventions; NPDES Public Works PW-078 Conservation Programs: 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Monitoring records required Solid Waste Beach Cleanups, Etc. for 3 years in Federal law, 40 CFR §§122.21, 122,41, 122.44 Public Works PW -079 Environmental Work Plan Superseded Superseded -1 Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC §34090 Solid Waste I + 5y ears . rs 5 years EL SEGUNDO, CA. @1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Adopted: Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-17 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention l Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: ( Destroy Active Storage Total Media 1=Import Vital? Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here„ refer to the Retention for 2 -l4+'�de Standards Retentions br in when the act is completed, and im d a full file folder a. , last document + 2 ears', since destruction is normallodnrmed t file folder. HOLDS.: Li Lion, complaint claims, public records act re sts, audits and/or investi atioais suspend normal retention periods rel'entien resumes after setliement or con'i Petion . Public Works Exemptions from Mandatory Expiration + Expiration + 2 Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC / Solid Waste PW-080 Trash Services 2 years years §34090 - ........... .... Public Works Haulers, Trash Company, Solid Expiration + Expiration + 2 — IMag, Ppr _,.... ...... ...,,,,,.. Department Preference; GC l Solid Waste PW-081 Waste Vendor Permits and 2 years years §34090 ....�........ Applications .. . _- Public Works ........ PW-082 Hazardous Materials Manifests 10 years P P Mag Mfr, OD, S/I es QC & OD D Department Preference GC § 34090 / Solid Waste Pp r 11 .. ., - ... Public Works PW-083 Hazardous Materials Manifests 10 years 10 years M r, OD, S/I r Yes: After Department Preference; GC / Solid Waste State Reports Ppr QC & O D §34090 Public Works PW-084 Solid Waste - Recycling SRRE Source Reduction and 10 ears 10 ears Ma P r Department Preference; GC Solid Waste -.. Recycling Element) .......... - — § 34090 Public Works PW-085 Solid Waste Enforcement 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr De artment Preference; GC P / Solid Waste Letters §34090 STREETS Public Works PW-086 Graffiti Removal / Weed 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 i Streets Abatement Department preference; NPDES Monitoring records Public Works PW-087 Inspections (Contractor's work 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr required for 3 years in / Streets in Right -of -Way} Federal law; 40 CFR §§122.21, 122.41, 122.44 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-18 Office of Retention No. L Records Description Retention ! Disposition Comments I Reference C Record -------------- _. ._w.,efere _ Inactive Image: Destroy talVital? Media l=Import Active Storage:Retention] Paper after (OFR) {in office) (Off -site, OD Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan i QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is com feted, and irWy a full file folder (e.g. Past document + 2 ears , since destruction is normall performed by file folder. HOLDS: Lrfi ahon, com faints„ claims, pubfic records act ra uests, audits and/or fnr esticat" s sus and normal retention periods tretention resumes after settlement or com letion . Public Works PW-088 Sidewalk Inspections & Repairs: Bicycle Ways, Curbs, 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr ' Department Preference; GC §34090 / Streets Sidewalks, etc. Public Works PW 089 Street Signal Outages & 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 ! Streets Maintenance ----- - _,._.... Department preference; NPDES Monitoring records Public Works PW-090 Street Sweeping 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppri required for 3 years in / Streets Federal law; 40 CFR §§122.21, 122.41, 122.44 Public Works Work Orders! Service / Division Requests / Service Tracker Data is interrelated; GC Providing PW-091 CMMS DATABASE Indefinite Indefinite Mag §34090 Service / (Computerized Maintenance Work Management System) Public Works / Division Work Orders / Service When No When No Preliminary drafts (the Providing PW-092 Requests !Service Tracker - Longer Longer Mag Ppr database is the original); GC Service / All Information Entered in Required Required §34090 Work CMMS Database t EL SEGUN DO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-19 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention / Disposition Comments / Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Storage Total Vital? Media I=Import Paper after (OFR} {in office} (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards ROPritlons be in when the act is com feted, and imp)imp)y a full file folder (e.g. last document + 2 ears since destruction is norma9t erformed b file folder. HOLDS., Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act re nests, audits and/or investf atrorts suspend normal retention periods retenton resumes after settlement or com lebon , Work Orders / Service 1 Requests / Service Tracker - NOT entered in CMMS Public Works Database (or partial / Division information entered into CMMS City preference; CCP §§338 Providing PW-093 Database) 5 years 5 years Mag Ppr et seq., 340 at seq., 342, GC Service ! §34090 Work (Division providing service retains originals; Division requesting service is considered a copy) WATER DISTRIBUTION Department Preference; Backflow: Cross -Connection Meets California Department Public Works PW-094 Backflow Device Inspections 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr of Public Health requirements / Water Dist. and Maintenance (3 years); GC §34090; 17 CCR 7605 8 CCR 5157(d)(14) & (e)(6); Lead Depart. PW-095 Confined Space Entries 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr 29 CFR 1910.146(e)(6); GC §34090 ------ _., ........ ___ L.... 5 years is required in State Customer Concerns / and Federal law for any Public Works PW-096 Customer Complaints: Odor I 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr complaints; 40 CFR / Water Dist. Taste / Visual Complaints 122.410)(2) & 40 CFR 141.33(b); 22 CCR 64470 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-20 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention 1 Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy (OFR) Active Storage Total Media 1=Import i Vital? Paper after (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? 776 If the record is not tislod here„ refer to the Retention for City- Wide Standards Reteiatrcns be in when the act is com letcd, and irnply a full file folder c.. fast document + 2 ca s ,since destruction is normal!y portornaed by file folder. HOLDS, Oti ation, complaints, cfaims, public records act re uests, audits and/or invesli edions suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Environmental Agencies / Public Works PW-097 Regulatory Agencies Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC / Water Dist. years years §34090 {EPA, DHS, etc.} I L Department Preference; Public Works Fire Flow Test Applications and Meets California Department / Water Dist. PW-098 Witness to Test 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr of Public Health requirements (3 years); GC §34090; 17 CCR 7605 Public Works Hydrant Inspections / Flushing Department preference; GC 1 Water Dist. PW-099 / Turning Sheets / Valve 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr §34090 et seq. Exercises / Valve Activations Lead Depart. PW-100 Lockout-Blockout / Lockout- 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 Tagout Public Works PW-101 Meter Change Cards / Upon Disposal of Upon Disposal Mag' Mfr, OD, L S 1 Yes: After Department Preference; GC I Water Dist. Replacement Cards Meter of Meter Ppr QC & OD §34090 Public Works When No When No 1 Water Dist. PW-102 Metropolitan Information Longer Longer ,Mag, Ppr Non -records Required Required ... Public Works PW-103 Operations & Maintenance Disposal of Disposal of Mag, Ppr, Department preference; GC t Lead Div. Manuals f O & M Manuals Equipment Equipment §34090 EL SEGUNDO, CA. 01995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-21 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No. L Records Description _. _... ........ . Retention i Disposition -------- .... ........_..... .. ......... { Inactive Image: Active Storage Total Media I=Import (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Vital. Options M=Mfr or Mfr) S=Scan .... Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments l Reference If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit -Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is cox leted, and imply a full file folder e. .last document + 2 cars „since destruction is normally performed by file folder: HOLDS: Litigation, complaint , claims, public records act re uests, audits andlor investigoations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement or completion). Data is interrelated; system Public Works PW-104 SCADA Database (Supervisory Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag qualifies as a "trusted / Water Dist. Control and Data Acquisition) system"; GC §§34090, 12168.7 Preliminary drafts not Public Works PW-105 Temporary Hydrant Meters - End of Rental End of Rental Par - retained in the ordinary t Water Dist. Rentals (Pools, Construction) course of business; GC §34090 et-seq. Underground Service Alerts Required for 3 years GC Lead Depart. PW-106 (USA's) / Dig Alerts-- City 3 years 3 years Ppr §§4216.2(f) & 4216.3(d), GC §34090 Public Works PW-107 Videos - Reservoirs, Tanks, P P Mag Department preference; GC Water Dist. etc. §34090 Public Works PW-108 Water Analysis &Sampling: 2 Years 3 years 5 years Mag MfPp D„ S / I Yes: After 40 CFR 141.33(a); 22 CCR / Water Dist. Bacteriological & Organics OC & OD - §64470 -, ........ Public Works PW-109 Water Analysis & Sampling. 2 years 8 years 10 years Mag' Mfr, OD S / I Yes After 40 CFR 141.33(a), 22 CCR Water Dist. Chemical Ppr QC & OD §64470 Lead and Copper are required for 12 years or 2 Public Works Water Analysis & Sampling: Mag'D Yes- After 'compliance cycles (some PW-110 / Water Dist. Lead &Copper 2 years 10 years 12 years Mfr, O, S t I QC & OD compliance cycles are nine Ppr years); 22 CCR 64400.25; 22 CCR §64470, 40 CFR 141.33(a); 40 CFR 141.91 EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 - all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver. 7.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: PUBLIC WORKS Page PW-22 Office of Record Retention No, Records Description Retention / Disposition Inactive Image: Destroy Comments I Reference (OFR) Active Storage Total Vital? Media 1=Import Paper after' (in office) (Off -site, OD Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & 1 or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? df the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for Cit »Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder e, . last document + 2 aars , since destruction is noanallV porformod b file folder. 0OLDS, bli ation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits and/or inve.gh ations suspend normal retention periods 'retention resumes after settlement or cony let4gir . Public Works ! Water Dist. PW-111 Water Pressure Charts 5 years 5 years i {Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC ...... _ .... ---------------- §34090 et seq. Public Works PW-112 Water Quality Reports f 12 Mag, Yes: After State law requires 12 years, 1 Water Dist. Consumer Confidence Reports years 12 years Mfr, OD, S 1 I OC & OD federal 10 years; 40 CFR Ppr 141.33(a); 22 CCR §64470 Copies _ Copies - When Mag, City Clerk 113 Water Supply Agreements When No Longer No r Longer, Yes Mf OD, S No GC §34090.7 Required Required Ppr Public Works PW-114 Water Usage Reports Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Ppr Department preference; GC / Water Dist. years years iMag, §34090 et seq. Public Works PW-115 Well History / Well Decommissions or P P Mag, Mfr, OD, Department Preference; GC / Water Dist. Abandonments Ppr §34090 et seq. EL SEGUNDO, CA. ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: