CONTRACT 6221 One Page Service Agreement CLOSEDAgreement No. 6221
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mus� rneet. for exceed i-he- f 00,CGL For. i
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ja f r ':)p 1.VL=:Fige. LiabiRty policies v,AD be endorsed to narne th PC;
Iti . I I Q N s officials, and erjipiovee� a. s ';,-,d 'itional
Ul-idel Solt l' itISUMICP coverage and -0 qfa e lha' suC� nswrance will b c e a,,-, e 0: i7prir'1�rj VI!
Thai any ot-her
hzit -may lbe cauied by the G�j e eyci�ss 111-fere7to, Such iriswance must be On" nol a Vali
i�SUI-21"'Ce L wi!! b .1 "OCCL rr
mfiade," basis anfd wili not 'be canceluWc Or Subjeci "D reduction except upon -thidy (30) Lays pi-ic-r w!-iftcri n(Aice to the "'ity.
; ; e. -I - ions c,, THs is nv' a purchase ordc-� or an
Dlease find addilinna. T Mm and C-o;: dii7ions ciii -he reiver_re sde n is Sci�i e- zq�C
authonzatiun; to bedr. LP,lCrlik.
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AuiO MCI�:(jfr'fl 0kM;.__-fJ 1-ic-ci1ne" :;ifec Vehicles R
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Company Name: Prrnl nzrri,'tlp�
1pac1he C aq ETIMMWW'Wi�L
Ccimpsny Slinset Addi ess':_
i City. Stale., zip.
cii;al -agic-inen' and i4
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of Eli Seo..'Undo
Agreement No. 6221
`1.Gvflt,..f. e materialsiptle, ��.mVi�S:rin:li��.a�� �.
�gy�WMC Ci4v nGr �a.; ��Ik.after r�c� .in€
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Ti..irchase"f ccvereef by this seFvices agfe=.ennePtt sand I"uf-.,1",as(,. order o materi'als and Sui,!luh .s delivered and accep:.led of services ier•idereff ano
("order ) must be furnished by Seiler subject l:o all life lrfrns and ' accepted, "'ity Curd[ alit pay r.rartrage shipping packaging or boxing i
condi9Par rl coritained in this order 4a1'°och Seiler, ir. ma�xepellnCf this C7r,,14�,% � expenses p sl-,s:.rpec;fied in this order. Dnaffs will not be hone w'a::d �
agrees t--, be bound .y and comply asrth in all uaificilaars hr. 'tth•er terrrrs g r1MDEMNIFICATfkg' . Seiler agree, rr; Indemnify and hob City
or C;rondihi.)iis are Liindmg up fDn the par"tie's unle?s sul::Jaequen1v agreed to ; harmless horn and aganns, any claim,, action, damages C DSfti (IC10 UdiCt(i
•( in wriling, Mi1e_r.., accGUtanc( or of all of any ip)ihan of the I withtouthn`a aiion, a1,ofnay`s ees) injuries or ansiri p Y ,,( of the
F'i1rchas5e covered by this order c.or Sfi�ncrlaas unt.Iualified acceprance of all � F'r.irchase r.v the ory,ei or than peiforol Zncc rhoudc City be n9fried in
te'rims and "lon titlons In ffcrs Qa ter i; fns of -r.y pruspo'sai re,er-red c i ;any Sulk, or sr oula any a fa fn beiafough -�S ar rl sl It y suit or rditiavvd,SE.
r) tt t order ara rnrfutted slid made aid f ttra Gc'Cde, only ;� fire Cxarra �raeflae�r the SaMs' tie gr rourcdda S w,a rr ri an.[ttg c.ri.rr, of Clae gur rrfwa;ae Cir
it specified tf,e f�'rurc�.¢ 'seort:deieu, tfae p ;ca, arrd aha„ detYWei}, ansd then order or dlrerr perr'orrruaruce, Sellerr�°rlil defend Die (ar Cify�s r�e�gra�es�l and
v _ s City) indemnify City for any judgment
only to the extent that ;i.ich terrn: �ars:�a c,aitsisf^n". vaittt t.lne terms arts With cotrrrsel .,atistactor�y to vitdj ar�rra
conditions of this order. rendered against it of any surns paid oral in settlemerrt or otherwise. For
2..1I14SP ECTIOlk The Purchasrt funnisht:;cd ri'"ust be exactly as specified in C purposes tif this section "City" includes C ity's officers, elected officials,
this order, free frorn all di..:fects in S'e.IB�er:, i:reldorintaance, lesion. :and employees. It is expressly understood and agreed thal the
vdurkiriansllip, _ ax p, otherwise provided. is foregoi!ngg provisions vvill survive terrninl ,.Jtion of this order The and materials, wind: +rae� as ntinerwi
subject try Crisp cticn and test t:,,v City at Call frrri�s and places. if, before I requirements as io the types and limits of insurance coverage to be
final accep8 anc.e. any ally F'ulctiase is found) to be. incomplete cir not are mainlairled by Seller and any approval or such insiurance try City, are
specified, City may reject ih. require Setler'to correct it: without charge. of not intended to ::and will not in any rnannerlimit or qualify the iir:ttailitics j
require delivery of :such Purchase at a reduction in price that is, equitable i arm ol: hgakfons otherwise assumed by Seller pursuant to tf,is order,
under the cirournstancesIt sailer Is unable or refuses to Correct such ( including, vi0hout limitation, to the provisions concerning indemni'iical:ion
items ,rvithtrn a fire deerrled reasonable byr C;iN City rimy terminate 11"ie j 1fy WARRANTY, Se ler agrees 'that. [he Purchase is covaied by the
Carder in whole or in part, Seller- hae,ars all risks as to rejected Iauichases most favorable c:oratmercial warranties the Seller gives to any custortner
and, in addition to any costs fen- which Sellei way become liable to City � for the saine or substantially sprnilar supplies or services. or- such other
�j unites other provisions of this order. rriusi r< innlararse City for all moiv favorable wairarni es as is specified in this order. Warranties will
trai sp:rortatiorn costs io1her related costs incurred of, paynnents to Seller � be effective notwi[hstandinra any inspntion of acceptance, of tine
in accordance +with the terms cif this order for unaccepted i::'i.archaases, i r ui chase, by City
NoWth•standing Crays acceptance of any Purchase, `:yeller is liable for pp' 11.ASSlIN MENT City rriely assign this order. Except as to any
latent defe,,.ts, fraud. of such gross mistakes as. constitute fraud., l payment diAe under this carder Seller may not assign or- subcontract the
IC AN ES, City may rinake changeswithin the coerieral scol::ie of this �; order wittiout City's written approval, Should City give consent: it will not
order' in d•awinca
:.obligations under this
place of delivery, method of shipmer,r or; r„�Gtckjri(i o frOre order, bylgiv g , s(.al�bcontractoi will be coside ed Selle s agent
orrJer end any frarasf�eie or '
9, nonce to Seller and subsequently confirming uch changes in writing. If � 12.11gSUA.A14C1;il, Scaler must pir;vide the Insui ance. indicated or; the
Isiarh changes affect the cr.,si of or the bone rerauiie�d for peifmroance of i face shea � of this Services agreemeni.
p this order, an equitable ard,justrrrenl in the prior: of delivery or bath i'nlusf. Setdei rarest procure all necessary permits and licenses,
be made No change by Seiler i irfllowed without. Cify`ss m itteit approval. j and abide by all federal, state: and local laws, for peiforininn this under
Any claim by Seiler for ail adj u irriernt under this section must. be made ; 14UNIE)EPEN ENT CONTRACI'OR, City and Smiler agree that Sefer
in wriiing within thirdy ''30) relays hom the date of receiprt by Seiler of will act as an nndeponidern contractor and will have coirtnll of all work
notification of such change unless City �:vawe ibis condition it writing. � surf tltr� mannr.;r in wtuctt is it performed. t�:pedler will be free to r.;orrfract
� IVothning in axis secticrt r.;xcus,es Baiter �rr!arrr ;.ai-uc���eaing with performanceperformance`for airnil�ar rservtcc t to be pt;�rformed ter- other employers while under
of the ruder as changed. contract with City. ,`.seller is not: an agent or employee of City and is not �I
4. "dh di'tIMNAt"ION, City may terminate this r..rrcder at any tirne, rather enhtted to participate in any pension plan, prnsi.arance bonus or similar
vicerbaliy or in writing, kwtlr or nrit:hoi-it cause. Should termirafion occur benefits City provides for its aaniployees. Any provision in this older that.
City will pay Seller as flit@ peifurmance until such termination the u,rrl. of i rTIFy auppelar to gave City the right to P.diiecr Seller as to the details (n't doing
pro rats order price for the performed ,and accepted pr:rfion of the the work & to exercise a measure of control over the work means that
Purraliase, City rr+ay provide written notice or temunat:ion for Sellers , Seiler Mill Follow the direction of tt,ie City as to arrd rei>ult, of the work
default if f=efllY refuses or ¢ail, to comply with this order. If Seller dues e only
not cure such failure within a reasonable Crimea lierirad, or fails to perform 15MAIVER C itys review or acceplance of, or payrnenl for-, Work l
the Purchase within the time specified (or allowed by extension), Seiler y product prepared sir Seller under thus order will uo[ be, coinstnJed to
r^ill be liable to City for arty excess crush", iuuurred by City � operate as a waiver of any rights City may have undo this Agreemenn. or i
5.TIME EXTEN VON , City may, extend the t:rne for completion it in of any ciabse of action aarrsing ffoin Sellers perlorrnance. n, viarver by
C'itys scale determination, Seller was delayed because of Caiases Lreyorid City of any bleach of any tern), covenant or condition contained In this
Sv:llea°s control and withow SraAler s fault of, negligence, In the; event I railer will shot be deemed to tie a ivaaiver of any subsequent breach of the l
delay was caused by (arty, Selle s solo )cannery is limited to recovering � sarne of ny other term, covenant or condition contained in this ordder.
money actually aAJ necessarily expended by 6etlor because of the whether o� the sarne or different charader
delay theree, is no right to i ecover anticip)aied p rofri 16.flNT IRPR TAMN. This Agreement was drafted iri, and will be
&REIMEIN S CUMULATIVE, CitVF, ratios and -orine dies undr this cinder � construed Jrf accordance wtdh afro laws of CNie State of C>affomias, rand
arc, riat exclusive and are in addition l a aria fights and remedies prcrvicfc(d j exckasive�: veruiae for irr,a action lrraao4vtn�g this agre�err�oen�f will be in I•...os �
by law. Aingeles County,
TnTlul"• I itle to materials and `aul7,".:rdies p:ii..irc:nased under this orrtei
pass directly from Seller to City upon C tVs written acceptance, following
'soulrumruha to rota"
mart ae;fual tinsprar.�ron gird C�y__ ....m__.,__
Agreement No. 6221
Quote #'21-2088
City of El Segundo
Recreation, and Parks, Department'(
40-1 Sheldon Street
Ei Segundo CA 90245
Aq�reement No. 621
PNiaa c i fi c
igh 21-2088
76oi Woodwind Drive • Huntington Beach • CA • 9z647.714.841.6455
El Segundo - AV Needs
Bill To
Designated Contact
City of El Segundo
City of El Segundo
City of El Segundo
" ... W i� (F, j�,
,r r
Delivery Method:
PCE Delivery
Department: Production
Equipment Arrival Time: Friday Dec 3 2021,11:oo AM
Sales Rep: Ryan Steidinger
Return Method: PCE Pickup •
Equipment` Pickup Time: Friday Dec 3 2021, Sx Pm "llk. µ
Status: Inquiry
Terms: COD
Type Qty
Item Description
Billed At Disc F.xt. Price
Rental 1
Allen and Heath Qu-A Digital Mixing Console
Rental 2
QSC Kio.2 Powered 2-Way Speaker
Note: Monitors
Rental 2
QSC KWi22 Powered 2-Way Speaker
Rental 2
QSC KW181 Powered Subwoofer -l000w
Rental 2
Ultimate Support Speaker Stand
Rental 6
KandM Tripod Microphone Stand (Tall Black) - Adjustable
Rental 2
KSM137 Condenser: Cardiod Instrument Microphone -
Rental 2
Shure SM57 Dynamic Instrument Mic - Cardioid
Rental 2
Shure QI3L-D Wireless Kit
Rental 1
13" Macbook Pro Laptop
Rental 2
XLR Cable - 25' (Red Rip-ne)
Audio Total: 777.00
Buffet Boom Fixture - Triple LED PAR46
Rental 4
Note: Fits Drape Upright. Requires cube tap.
Rental 7
Buffet Boom Fixture - Triple PAR16 LED
Note: Fits SCH4o or Drape Upright. Fixtures NON -
removable. Requires cube tap.
Rental 3
ETC ColorSource PAR -100-24ov/Powercon/5-Pin
Note: Up Lights on Drape
Rental 6
ETC ColorSource Spot LED Leko -10o-24ov/Powercon/5-
Note: Stage Light
Rental 1
ETC ColorSource 20 Lighting Console - 5-PIN
Lighting Total: i,o64.00
Rental 18
Guard Dog Cable Ramp - 5-Channel
Rental 1
Indu-Electric (4) Socapex 12oV Output Distro
Rental 4
Socapex Break Out - Edison
Rental 4
Socapex Cable - 25'
Rental 4
Socapex Cable - 50'
Rental 6
Socapex Cable - too'
Quote 21-2088
Page l ON
Generated a/3Lo/2o2i 10:36 AM Bates seab273c
Agreement No. 6221
Type Qty Item Description Billed At Disc Ext. Price
Rental 1 2/o Cam-I,ok Feeder Set - too'
Rental 1 Diesel Generator-125kVA-3 Phase
Show i Fuel Charge
Rental 2 Round Base - 5olb / 1.5" Thread
Rental 2 1.5" Schedule 4o Black Pipe - 12'
Rental 6 Production Sand Bag - 351b (Blue Strap)
Power Total: 1,574.00
Rigging Total: 90.00
Rental 28 Convention Drape Package
Rental 1 EZ Up Canopy - io'xio'
Rental 1 Outdoor Supply: Folding Table
Rental i Cable Package
Labor 1 Audio- Engineer Al Intermediate Console
Labor i Lighting- Designer Intermediate
Labor 1 Lighting- Master Electrician
Trucking 1 Delivery- Box Truck (Up to 24)
Fabric Total: 1,665.00
Warehouse Total: 6o8.00
Labor Total: 2,305.20
Trucking Total: 285.00
Quote 21-2088 Page 2 of q
Generated 11/10/2021io:36 AM Bates geabaT3c ap
Agreement No. 6221
Pacific CoQuote
76oi Woodwind Drive • Huntington Beach • CA • 92647.714.841.6455 El Segundo -AV Needs
Summary for Quote 21-2oH
Carefully review the following for accuracy
Delivery Method: PCEDelivery Subtotal: $8,368.2o
Equipment Arrival Time: Friday Dec 3 2021, ii:oo AM Orange County Sales Tax: $0.00
Return Method: PCE Pickup
Equipment Pickup Time: Friday Dec 3 2021, 8r00 PM Total: $8,368.20
City of El Segundo µ
By signing this Contract, you indicate that you are an authorized agent of the above -named "Bill To" Account.
Your signature constitutes your acceptance of this Contract and our Standard Terms & Conditions (below).
Quote 21-2088 Page 3 of q
Generated 11/10/202110:36 AM Bates 5e2b273c t ' v
Agreement No. 6221
Standard Terms and Conditions between Lessee and Bar None Group, ine dba Pacific Coast Entertainment (PCE)
Revised og/zq/2020
Awvaiiaibllltya Equipment availability and pricing are sula}ect to the aaa'itabiHty at which time a quote is rooved to Confirmed status in PCE's moral sysnptn, PCE does not hold or rosrsvm awwyrgalproent
until a signori quote is received and PCE has had time to vitrify tiro avaipahlllayof such equipruunl• PCE maerw'cs the right to make substitutions to equipment on anus needed basic, and Will always use like
or better substitutions.
Purchase Orders: If your organization requires a Purchase Order (PO), please send that to us ASAP. If a PO is required and not prodded, Pacific Coast Entertainment is not responsible for pursuing the
PO. Once the invoice is sent to the client (with or without the PO), payment is still due according to the terms ofthe contract.
Rental Deliveries: h It the customers respotosi'Wity to beattht dclircry ioration ready to accept equipment during it,4 windQv,, Any
doteys matnxd'by r ^relater tnayraaolt is addttsonal eiaarges,ora missad delwwrry. In alarewrnr rAfm m card dmtivrry„ lka ruatamrr mnypayan additional dcAiwxo feoe and reschedule deliver), at PCVs
aw•n gakillly, On rcnrnl oadr a tvidi ddiw" * .ill,, p letup PCE only prravuira a tLnvcra�o exist In Wltal wwdmg and' umlmadlu , 0fngmpmnmt It It the customers tupovra'ilrWry toassbs'an unloading as
mcor%rad. 4nueoqulpansnf lraw,msPCE"a Wrack cttspaly &s traasafrrrrd ro Illm lesser, fsmhwmry window s z tt atop guaranWood cr d may be s rl jeer tar delays sw pl innraugsidr of PCII"osamdtah PCE shall not be
liahk for conaa:gt.rpte s: co ages'. It,.$ ilosn dcLuys Io ddivtry resulting from drevroston as within or oulsidA of PCE cantroL
Rental and Production. Cancellation Policy: For any rentalotdois sancelled within s business day of your expected ship or will call time a 75%restocking fee wilt be assessed. For rental orders
cancelled svi hin 1 business slays of expected ship, a So% acalocking'fee will'. be assessed. For any prodireriom order carrcalled within 5 business days of your arxpoc8ed delivery time, customer will be liable
for a 75% restocking fee on equipment, as well as the full value of labor and delivery charges for first s4rdulod day of work,
Retail Cancellation and Restocking: Returns are accepted an in stock and special -order items fora period of 7 days from the time of delivery and are subject to the following restocking fees. In stack
retail items are subject to a 30% restocking fee. Special order items arc subject to a 60% reslocldng fee. Custom and made to order products may not be cancelled and are non-refundable and non-
returnable due to the custom nature of these items.
Rush Orders: For rental and production orders that confirm within 24 business hours of the ship time, PCEmay charge a $i5o nonrefundable rush fee. This fee will remain in place even in the event of
orderrancellation, in addition to standard cancellation fees. Orders confirmed within 24 business hours are still subject to equipmenh.. and labor mailability. Confirm withyouragent the fea0blll""'such
Interest and Credit Card Facs: If any balance owed to PCE is over 14 days pot due, the remaining balance will bear an interest of i.5% pet month, Lessee agrcvas to pay any attorney, court, legal or
collection fees related to the collection of any balance that Isq,S days or more Ovard:ue.A 3.5% Processing Fee twill be added to the total of any Crcdu.. Card paymcmr applied toe Quote lotoling 52,500.00 or
caadR+cturuafEquiprnwxnta 1 resgtmxaorrtnrrequlpnvunalaflrrtamranndralonulalltwastrrery .AYl utparantmualkumrrturnet4bythatttnoanddatesaatmdan onllrrnacicopnract,udms
ouluerures'a agreed fAa, in writing„ hctwmra leaatcanrid PCE if egwipmcat is not returned bydw agreed upon time, lossco wdil incur additional c Argra for astir shay equipment is not rouTncd,.:maud studf be
hawtfor anylc es PCE incurs duc t0 the late "oipment, If loser, fails'to return equfi)wpitant or lasaa cquipmonL PCE, will bill Itmet at Mrs Its; rase for mwssins equipmern, Ica Is Ies Ws raparnrsib0ity two
ensure that allequipmentIsrecoiwedatHart alpickup, And returned .Nydie rune and date stated an confirmed cduirack,PCE'w,0 Warm 'lersteofany misxiogrquipmantonce returned hemahArtr buren
checked into PCE's system, and items have been thoroughly inspected for damage. Equipment shall only bt used by qualified agents determined by the lessee. Failure to operate equipment due to a lock of
training, or qualification is not cause for refund and shall !near full rental charges if equipment is deemed by PCE to be in working.. order. Usage ag;rvu to adhere to any me trictionf and. law+s during the use
of this equipment. Once equipment is in thepossession ofthe lessee, the lessee is responsible for any loss, damage or theft including but not limited to: burglary, fire, fraud, disappearance, water,
confiscatiann ar am of God. In such Instances lessee agrees to Pay PCE the full replacement value of the item(s) wwif}roiutdepreciation in addition to PCE losses or damages resulting from the inability to
rent such equipment, and PCE inventory control costs as deterrnitittl by PCE Ifan item can be repaired as determined by PCE, the lessee agrees to pay the costs as determined by PCE to repair the item.
Uabllityof PCE: The lessee acknowledge: that it has examined all equipment and found it in appropriate woricing order. Non-functioning equipment shallbe reported to PCE immediately at the time of
discoveryvia the PCE. after' hours plione number-714-727-S400, In the instance of damaged or inoperable equipment the lessee shall return the equipment during regular operating hours to PCE for
repair or tepiaeement. In the Instance.. %hot PCE cannot repo It or rep�loac the equipment, the lessee is entitled to a pro -raked refund or credit, that is limited to the rental value of the non-functioulug ltem.
Lessee aroepis that any and all semis ,s,.. equipment and Nborut provided without Summary of any kind. Lessee further'understandis that PCE assumes no liability whatsoever for any person, company or,
other entity for any type of injury or damage claim related to a) equipment b) use of equipment c) any labor or services provided as a result of this contract. Lessee waives the right to any claims against
Ownership: Lessee acknowledges that PCE maintains sole ownership of all equipment. Lessee shall not sub -rent or transfer any of the equipment under this agreement to any other party. lessee does
nor have any right to mortgage or guarantee any equipment in this contract to any other party.
Representations and warranties: PCE makes no warranties. Lessee Acknowledges that the equipment is of a model, sirs, and design selected by or equal or exceeding that selected by the Lessee. PCE
has not made and does not make any representation or warranty regar6a-gthe condition„ qualiry,. durability, suitability, or merchantability of equipment as to the use to which It Is bring Applied. lessee
Agrees to hold PCE harmless for any illegal use, nonperformance of ogaipaa enl and spodfi:cally for any unauthorized use where life -threatening or substantial risk to life and/or property may be present.
PCE shrill not be responsible for any subsequent costs Incurred by lessee for equipment failure.
Indemnity: Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold PCE and all ofits employees, subcontractors, officers and agents harmless from any legal claims, actions, lawsuits" and otherproceedings resulting from
use of equipment or execution of this lease. The exception to this being the willful negligence of PCE
Shipment: Unless otherwise specified and agreed upon by PCE and the lessee, the lessee is responsible for any and all costs of shipment to and from the lessee. Lessee is responsible for any loss or
damage of equipment during shipping. PCE's acceptance of returned equipment does not waive lessee's responsibility for damage prior to return. PCE will lest and check all equipment and inform lessee of
any identified damages within 7days of ictum.
Union and Incidental Costs: Lessee agrees to be responsible for all union fees, venue fees, promoter fees, dock fees" parking and yard fees, electrical fees and any fees pertaining to weight of
equipment, trucking and permitting and any storage fees pertaining to this contract.
Insurance / Security Deposit
a Equipment; Lessee agrees that it is respormble, at The lessees cost, to insure all equipment for its full replacement cost. Coverage must begin at the time the equipment leaves PCE's premises. Insurance
should name PCE as the payee for lossor damage to the equipment. limit of insurance must be sufficient to cc vex the replacement cost of the entire contract.
b. General liability: Lessee agrees to maintain, at its cost, a general liability policy including coverage for independent contractors and contractual liability pursuant to this contract in a policy amount
meeting or exceeding $1.000,000 per occurrence. Insura0ce should name Bar None Group, Inc es additionally insured for the term of the contract and must include Broad Form Contractual liability,
Personal Injury liability, Completed Operations and Products Liability. In the case of a claim this policy must be exhausted before any obligation arise under PCE's Insurance.
c Insurer: Any insurance obtained by the lessee pursuant to this contract must be issued by an insurance carrier who Is authorised to do business in the state of California and who maintains a BEST rating
Of A orbctter.
d. Waiver. All insurance maintained by the lessee in accordance with this canlract and its above terms and conditions shall contain a waiver of subrogation against PCE.
e. Certificate of insurance: Before taking possession of any equipment the lessee shall provide a certificate of insurance along with any other insured, loss and payee endorsements confirming the coverage
specified in the above terms and conditions. All certificates must be signed by am authorized agent of the insurance company.
F. A Credit lard authorization must remain on file with PCE to cavalost, missing, late, and/or damaged equipment This card will be charged for such overages untem another payment method is
provided. Said card must remain active and maintain an available balance sufficient to cover the musimum damages applicable to your order, ioCtudingIota] lum and lost revenue damages. ATM and
debit cards will not be accepted; cards must beatrue credit card drawn on a major institution. PCE reserved the right to determine card eligibility on a ease byease basis.
Legal Proceedings: This lease shag be governed by the laws of the state of California. Lessee agrees that any legal proceedings resulting from this contract will be brought in the Superior Courtin the
Stake OfQdlfoms a for the County ofOrange. trssee agrees PCE's legal fees that arise from legal pro"edsags relating to PCE's enfoming; the terms and conditions of this conuast "lbc lessor and
lessee agree that ifthe lessor was to breach Oic p mfo isuuns of this contract by failing to provide agreed equipment air se rvices that damages wiruld be extremely difficult to detormine and any proof of
damages would be speculative. Due to these facts, parties agree that in such an event PCE will be obligated to pay the lessee up to a sum of esoo as liquidated damages and the lessee shall accept this sum
in lieu of all other monetary damages that have or may have been suffered due to lessors said breach.
Government PcrmiLs and Licensing Lows: Lessee is responsble to obtain any permits orlicenses pertaining to theme Or operations of equipment Furthermore, the lessee agrees to comply with all
applicable laws and regulations.
Pcnnl Code Provisiuna. L.oss'cc ac'knnwledf,,ea 111tCallfOmia Penaa CO*Stdma-4Bal which stales that the intent to commit Inch by fraud mesa be prosumed If one who has leased or rented the personal
p mporty of another paysuant t o a written roatrod fails to return the property t o 1 is owner within 20 da)n after the owner has major A writ ten drnwmd (allowing the expiration of the lease or contract.
Lts eoalso ackrrowtod ,yes that Penal Code S"Inif -04 0130!AW06thet nlch Wool may be pressmod done presents to the owner the personal propertyidentification which bears false information for the
purposes of obtaining a lease or rental agreement.
Additional Provisions: The general terms and conditions addressed above shall apply to all and any equipment rooted or leased from PCE. Section headings are for convenience and should not be
considered among the terms and conditions of this contract.
S"erability: If any term or provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the same shall not affect the other terms or
previsions contained within this Agreement, but such term or provision shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the courts opinion to render such term or provision enforceable, and the rights
and obligation of the parties shall be construed and enforced accordingly, preserving to the fullest permissible extent the intent and agreement of the parties herein set forth.
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