PROOF OF INSURANCE (2022) CLOSED (2)wCERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE fMMfCNCVYY'Y'Yf, 16ji812021 THIS CERTIFICATE RS I SUEDA a -A MATTER OiF IINFORMATION Oi'HLYAN DCONFER S NO RIGHTS UH^O'Fl THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOE. NOT A,FFIIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND, OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES B,ELOW. THISCERTIFICATE 'EIF IINSUReANCEDOE S NOT CON STITUTEACONTRACT BETWEEN THE IS SUING IN aURER (SS , AUTHORIZED RE.F'RESENTATIVE.ORPRODUCER, AND, THE CERTIFICATE Hl IMPORTANT: If the certificate Milder is an ADDITIONAL IINSURED, thie FNOIuey Gies} must have ADDITIONAL IN SURFED, pro'VRsiO,ms or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subjie,ctto, the termsand clonditRO,msoflthie poduey, certalilm poll, ijes may regMre an endorsement. A state, ientlOn1tlhiscertific:ate,inotconf�errightsto,thec,ertifi ate,IhoideriimIlReuuofsuch e,mdorse, ent(s•). P'R:ODUCE:R, CONTACT R,PE Bolling c NAME: EOO LrEl PairlL PHORE, FAX Whippany, NJ 10'7'H1 IMC„RD Emtp: '-445-5311 Imc Ho.p:'R73-9s29-047A FHON:NE: 1-8,00,..445-,53r11 FAX: 372-921-8474 E-IWM4zWL. ADDRESS: INSURER,i AF'FOR BING COVERAO,E NAIO # III14SURERA IMarkel Insurance company 3 gl:;?-101 IN SU RE:10 IIIPd SURER E: USA Softball and Members of USA Softball of SoCal Indiv Reg PrOCg'raim uINISURERC: 11111SURER W: Mike SCIILIck Krlst.l Allen 11111 SURERIE: PO Box 6028 Oceanside„ CA 92052 u l RERF: COVERAGES HOLI YCHAR+GENUMBER: IIR0202174551 REV] SiOR NU M BER,: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE: P'OLICIEE OF' IN SURAN>VCE LISTE:DO EELC'r,4d HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE: IN SURER, NAMSD AECVE FOR, THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATE:C. N^VOT+y"ITH'ST P4DINCC,AliY RE UIRE:IwVE:N+VT, TER OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DO—CUVE:N+VTWITH RESPECT TO, WHICH THIS C:E:RTIIFICATE; MAY HE ISSUE:D CR, IAAY PERTAIN, THE IN SUR.ANC:E; AFFORDED BY THE POLIOIES CESC.RIEEC HERE IN 15 EUELECTTO,ALL THE TERVS, EXC-LUSIONd'S Ali COHOITIONS OAFSUCH POLICIES. LIVITE SHOM MAY HAVE EEEN4 REDUCED BY PAID CLAWS. IIH SR LTR TYPE OF IIHEURANCE: ADDL HSR 'SUER 'WiPID POLICY NUMBEFY POLUIC'Y IEFF �KWDDIYYYYI IPIDLIIICYIE:;1P iffWDYYYYY1, LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY x EACH CICRRE" IE 5E.000.000 ix LiAV 'E7fPRE 71ED PRIF :SEI� Eac..u�rKOE-; E1.00�0.0�0�0 A C0Vll,!ER�IAL GENERAL LIADLITY OLAI1dS-HAD E OOCUR, 3f'OE.A.HE:�3e0OtE:S "LCOC1 1 �,fiL�, Urr��LXrN �'r'dcnw rtsain; E'10,000'"' Pairdcipanta LIab "'NV m-pairticipants only PE FKNkL &KIP N URY E2,.000,000 W�.AS° 5• FE GATE. r5'.'"�7rJ.7rJx} CaEN 'L..R' SGRE:Cs�c"TE: LRAIT.APPLIES PER .: P'O'L,1'CY P'RC'- L,O'C, L E:CT Ix Sxx.wall S-xuall + bLsa & Volestation L,liati psa AbLse 9 Vollaslatbn sgs1.L o,-cufrmnse. 5'e„+:0. IIm1t 52000,000 0. pJ=CCU ryRf.N 7 a' a 'I� 52.000.000 5 AUTOMOBILE', LIABILITY CCDNEIE IS,MSLE',LW,7T Faamlbent.� F Sx Ya Y tEe>r E ,Alit ,AUTO BcYa1 Y{per E ALL OWNED SC.HErU,LEr AUTOS ,AUTOS NViONt-Oo,AtNVE:OJ C HIREAAUTOS,AUTOS rpcoidenPFRTY of Iw C'E per aew.idarR, E E UIIJB:RELLA LIAR XCUR, EA HCmC" RRENIZE', EXCESS LIAB CLA1,AS- A SRE ATE CEC RETENTION ':5 WORKERS COMP'ENS,ATGO�N ,AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY IPT R STA,r'LITE CTH- E'R�. E L EACHA µlDENIT' Ar«'r I R:r. R c °aARTr E� E E LiTr E', Y' r H It L D15EA5F Ir,AI VPP IYE'E E D GJFFIA>E MEERI XCt. U DEEP NJ f A (Mandatory in NH) � ';-, esl. desar14be unirder LIES "RPTN,ON1 ,DF E L C�75E;Iw5E I.H 7u'Y �vGT' ' CBPE:RAT I' CN:51'5'e-:I01dP OTHER BE:SiCRIP'TIONd OF OPE'RATION Si f LOCATIONI:Sl f VE'HPC.LES IAttarchtACORD tot Additional Rmm:arks Sihediuls, if im ore s,pacs isrsquiraz COVE',RA^GE', UNDER: TH15 POLICY SHALL APPLY TO, LIABILITYOF' THE INSURE',CN AIR 15dNJG OUTOF' THE', ACNPIIINISTRATIONI, P'LAYOR. PRACTICE OF AMATEUR SOFTBALLJBAS:EBALL, BUT ONJLY FOR INCIDENT Sl INVOLO'INGi B�OCNILY INLJURY, PERSONAL INTURYOR PROPERTY DA1UGE. C:E',RTIF'ICATE HOLDERIS HAIWIIECNASlAN ADDITIO^JAL I 5URED. THIS C-E',RTIF'ICATE', IS 15SUEDONI BE',HALF' OF: E',L SEOUNICaOall RLS SOFTBALL CERTIFICATE; HOLDER'. CA,NCELLATRON City o£) 1Sep undo SHOULD ANY OF THE. ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE. CANCELLED 3'r,II Main St. BEFORE THE E:xPl11RA7I(O,N [DATE; THEREOF, NOTICE; WILL BE. DELIVERED IN El Seg1mdo AL'9 fy'45 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PRO [SIGNS. AUTHORIZED RE,P'RE,SE,NTATIVE, @ 1 E B,2015 ACtO,R,C COR,PCDR:,ATIO,I14. All irigh'ts herei ArC',fO�R,C 25 l 01&03; ThE: A.,CORD naniE anb 1-cggci arrE. irEgi5tEarEd nnairLa crf A,00, �RD POLICY NUMBER: 3�602AKMG691 COKIMERCIALGENERAL 1-14.BILITl' POLICY DATES: S,1112021 - 9111/2022 Do 20 26 04 1 a 'THIS ENDORSEMENTICHANGESTHE POLICY. PLEASE READ ITICAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - ICE IESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This enclorsernent imodifies insurance provided under the following: DNA I M A ZIN M IIIIIIEM41 1 :111.1410 1 F11 QI I I I VAMMAZIFIRIM :711 2A I I SCHEDULE Name of Additional Insured Person(s) Or Organization(s): City of El Segundo, Information Feq u i red to, c orn plete, this Sc h ed u le, if not s h own a bave, wi I I be shown in the Declarations. A. Section 11 -Who Is An lInsured is amended to include as an B. With respecet to the insurance afforded to these additional additional insured the person(s) or organization(s) shown in insureds, the following is added to Section 11111 - Lirni,ts Df. the Schedule, but only with respect to liability for lbodily injury"', lins,ur,ance,: "property injury"' or personal and advertising injury caused, in If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by 'whole or in part, lby Your ads or omissions or the acts or a contract or agreement, the most ,we,will pay on lbehalf of omissions of those acting on your lbehalf. the additional insured is the aMOU11t Of i11SUrance, 1. In the performance Of Your ongoing operations; or 2. In connection with Your premises owned lby or rented to you. However: 1. The insurance afforded to Such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted lby law, and 2. If coverage provided to the 3dc11tiOI13I 111SUred is required lby a contrast or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional irl S U re dwi I I not Ilse b ro a de - than that,which you are required lby the contrast or agreement to provide for Such 3dditI01131 IrISUred.. 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Available Under the applicable Limits Of Insurance shown in the Declarations, whichever is less. This endorsement shall not increase the applicable Limits Of Insurance shown in the Declarations. CG 20 26 04 13 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc.,, 20,12 Page 2 of 2 To: City of El Segundo RE: Auto Insurance 3/7/2021 JL This letter verifies that the El Segundo Girls Softball Organization does not own or operate any street legal vehicles. We have no need to carry Auto Insurance. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions on this matter. Ian Wilson President ESGS 310-702-1441 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION WARNING: FAILURE TO.SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL AND SUBJECTS AN EMPL&EFt TO -CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR _IN LABOR -CODE § 3706, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. J affirm under ia&MO of Perjury urdler the laws of cambrnia one of the b0owirrg t=s: _ (_) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent of self -insure for workers' compensation. issued by the [director of Industrial relations as provided for by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance of the work set forth the agreement with the City of El Segundo. Policy No. LJ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance as required by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance of the work for which the agreement with the City of El Segundo is executed. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy Number Expiration Date Name of Agent Phone # ( I certify that, in the performance of the work set forth in the agreement with the City of El Segundo, I will not m) loy any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Labor Code § 3700 1 must y will automatically become void. Signature of Applicant Date the agreement immediately comply with prow Print Name Agreementicr ,. Dated: 04-13-2021,�...._.,w. i3O rr y r�IPy sin a ny � el r l u C3NtnJ PBII.aCiCyuCElScgiauda,o CrpiePl'inancial Reviewed by.as-e �� CCPf <r�„„'q�1VL./Y11YNdC'w1X," e�+,uvur�'�o-w�o,. c=US C�NG^�Cp2i tN77i 1d Tkd: 0-OP Q[I