2021-07-22 Plannng Commision AgendaPLANNING COMMISSION LEA -f � UN o AGENDA r July 22, 2021 PURSUANT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 ISSUED BY GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM ON MARCH 17, 2020, THE FOLLOWING MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE SOLELY BY TELECONFERENCE / VIDEOCONFERENCE. How Can Members of the Public Observe the Meeting? The meeting may be viewed via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U-verse Channel 99, and/or El Segundo TV at YouTube.com. How Can Members of the Public Participate in the Meeting and/or Provide Public Comments? Join via Zoom from a PC, Mac, Pad, Phone, or Android device, or by phone. Please use this URL https://us06web.zoom. us/j/83923932520?pwd=QOVKRGJCaWJQVH NTSFhWVIZH Mk5zdz09 If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, then use the drop -down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself to be anonymous. •v Join by phone: 1 669 900 9128 US Enter Meeting ID: 839 2393 2520 Passcode: 448116 Your phone number is captured by the zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act unless you first dial "*67" before dialing the number as shown above to remain anonymous. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the Commission, please state: your name and residence or the organization you represent. Please respect the time limits. Members of the public may also provide comments electronically by sending an email to the following address prior to the start of the meeting: planningkelsegundo.org. Please include the meeting date and item numberin the subject line. If you would like to request that your emailed comment be read into the record, please include that request at the top of your email, limit your comments to 150 words or less, and email your comments at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails may be read to Commission at the appropriate time. Please note that all emailed comments are public records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Additional Information: Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and/or items listed on the agenda during the public communications portions of the meeting. Additionally, the public can comment on any public hearing item on the agenda during the public hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the Planning Commission, please state your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. DATE: Thursday, July 22, 2021 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: Tel econference/Videoconference VIDEO: El Segundo Cable Channel 3 (Live). Replayed Friday following Thursday's meeting at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Channel 3. (Schedule subject to change) All files related to this agenda are available for public review by appointment in the Planning Division office, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Fridays until 4:00 pm, beginning at 7:00 am on the Monday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject -matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and items listed on the Agenda during the public communications portion of the meeting. Additionally, the public can comment on any public hearing item on the Agenda during the public hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is generally five minutes per person. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the Planning and Building Safety Director a minimum of two working days before the meeting and they do not exceed five minutes in length. Written materials distributed to the Planning Commission within 72 hours of the Planning Commission meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office and on the City's website, www.elsegundo.org. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, (310) 524-2307. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. 2 A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Public Communications (Related to City Business only and for which the Planning Commission is responsible-5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). Individuals who received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Planning Commission on another's behalf, and employees speaking on their employer's behalf, must so identify themselves before addressing the Commission. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Commission may respond to comments after public communications is closed. E. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) F. Consent Calendar All items are to be adopted by one motion without discussion. If a request for discussion of an item is made, the items should be considered individually under the next Agenda heading. 1. Administrative Use Permit to allow full alcohol service at Richmond Bar and Grill (ES) Project Address: 145 Richmond Street Applicant: Zach Lyall and Riley Montz representing Richmond Street Hospitality, LLC. Project Description: A request for an existing restaurant (Richmond Bar and Grill) to change their Alcohol Beverage Control license from a Type 41 (On -Sale Beer & Wine, Eating Place) to a Type 47 (On -Sale General, Eating Place) license. This change in the license would allow the Richmond Bar and Grill, which currently serves beer and wine, to also serve distilled spirits. The proposed hours of operation are: 11:00 a.m.to midnight, Sunday through Thursday, and 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday. (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1307 and Administrative Use Permit No. 21-01) Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and File the Director of Planning and Building Safety's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA-1307 and Administrative Use Permit No. 21-01. G. Continued Business — Public Hearing None. H. New Public Hearings 3 2. EA-1306 and El Segundo South Campus Specific Plan Amendment No. 21- 01(ES) Project Address: 2100 to 2198 El Segundo Boulevard (ESSCSP) Applicant: Continental Development Corporation Project Description: The proposed amendment to the ESSCSP would delete from the Office/Industrial Mixed Use (0/1 MU) land use designation the prohibition of mini self -storage uses and add "self -storage facility up to 250,000 square feet" as a permitted use. Environmental Determination: Due to Staff's recommendation of denial, the proposed project is statutorily exempt from environmental review requirements pursuant to Section 15270 of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). RECOMMENDED ACTION: At the applicant's request, continue the item to a date uncertain New Business: 3. EA-1308 and CUP 21-01; Conditional Use Permit for Portal School (ES) Project Address: 555 Aviation Blvd., Suite 180, Applicant: Joseph Bryant representing Portal School Project Description: A request to operate a two -classroom private high school (9 through 12 grade) for up to 60 students in an existing 1,685 square foot tenant space inside of a 235,948 square foot building. The proposed hours of operation are Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. 21-01). Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2898, conditionally approving EA-1308 and CUP 21-01. J. Report from Director of Development Services or designee K. Report from the City Attorney's office L. Planning Commissioners' Comments M. Adjournment —next meeting scheduled for August 12, 2021, 5:30 pm. POSTED: Vevuwa-Weso-w jury 16, 2021 (Signature) (Date and time) 0 Cl7Y by E L S E GU N D O Planning Commission Agenda Statement Meeting Date: July 22, 2021 Agenda Heading: Consent TITLE: Request for an Administrative Use Permit to allow an existing restaurant (Richmond Street Bar and Grill), located at 145 Richmond Street, to operate under a State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 47 (On -Sale General, Eating Place) license (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1307 and Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 21-01). Applicant: Zach Lyall and Riley Montz RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file BACKGROUND: The subject site is a 3,500 square -foot rectangular shaped parcel that is located on the west side of Richmond Street, south of Franklin Avenue. The site is occupied by the Richmond Bar and Grill and includes the following improvements: Building 1 - a 1,018 square -foot single -story building located on the east side of the site. Building 1 includes a 620 square foot dining area, bar, restrooms, and kitchen space. • Building 2 - a 375 square -foot single story building that is located near the center of the site. This building is used for additional indoor seating area. • Building 3 - a 2,128 square -foot two-story building on the west side of the parcel. The first floor of Building 3 is used for storage for the restaurant. The second floor of Building 3 is an unrelated apartment. Outdoor dining areas are provided between Buildings 1 and 2 and between Buildings 2 and 3. An additional temporary outdoor dining area is currently being provided in the landscape planter on the southwest corner of Richmond Street and Franklin Avenue under the COVID-19 back to business protocol. This dining area is not part of the application since it is temporary in nature and not part of the permanent business plan. The Richmond Street Bar and Grill has been in operation since 1976. Initially the business operated under an ABC Type 40 (On -Sale Beer) license; however, it appears in 1981, the license was upgraded to an ABC Type 41 (On -Sale Beer and Wine - Eating Place). Due to its age, no previous entitlement has been issued for the operation of the restaurant. Notwithstanding this, Conditional Use Permit No. 85-5 and Variance No. 85- 3 were approved in 1985 to allow the adjacent property located at 147 Richmond Street to be used as a dining area. In 1986, Precise Plan 85-4 was approved to allow the construction of a patio dining structure at 147 Richmond Street. There is no indication in 5 EA-1307 and AUP No. 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 2 of 4 City records indicate that none of these entitlements were activated or the work authorized by them begun. Furthermore, the conditions of approval contained therein only applied to the operations at 147 Richmond Street. On May 18, 2021, EA-1307 and AUP-21-## was submitted to upgrade business from a ABC Type 40 (On -Sale Beer) license to a Type 47 (On -Sale General, Eating Place) license. After considering the request, on July 12, 2021 the Director granted approval of the Administrative Use Permit. DISCUSSION: The site is located in the in the Richmond Street District within the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) zone. Pursuant to the Downtown Specific Plan, restaurants with the on -site consumption of alcohol is subject the approval of a Administrative Use Permit. The immediate vicinity of the project site includes a variety of offices, retails, other restaurants and the Old town Music Hall. The proposed hours for alcohol sales are from 11:00 a.m. to midnight, Sunday through Thursday; and from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Friday and Saturday. The proposed alcohol service for the restaurant is a compatible use in relation to existing uses in the area. The approval includes conditions that protect the City and surrounding users from potentially negative impacts. The conditions, findings of approval, and environmental assessment are provided in the attached approval letter. Staff believes that the project is appropriate for the location and will not operate in a way that will create unwanted impacts. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive and file the Director's approval. In the alternative, any Planning Commissioner may request that an item be discussed and a decision on the application be made by the Planning Commission instead. TYPE OF ACTION (LEGISLATIVE; QUASI-JUDICIAL; OR ADVISORY) Quasi-judicial: In the event the Planning Commission desires to review the Director's approval of the administrative use permit, the Planning Commission acts in its quasi- judicial capacity (i.e., applying established standards to applications to determine specific rights under existing law). Before an administrative use permit may be granted, the Director or the Commission must find the following findings are met as required by ESMC § 15-22-5: 1. There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. 2. The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the site is located. no EA-1307 and AUP No. 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 3 of 4 3. The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained to not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards have been recognized and compensated for. 5. The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant. As stated above, the Director found that the proposed facility satisfied these findings and thus granted the permit. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project was analyzed for its environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code§§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., "CEQA Guidelines"). The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations§ 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities), which includes projects that negligible or no expansion of the existing use. The project includes changing the State of Alcoholic Beverage Control License from a Type 41 (On -Sale Beer and Wine - Eating Place) to a Type 47 (On -Sale General - Eating Place), which will allow the sale of distilled spirits in addition to the existing sale of beer and wine. This change in alcohol licenses is a negligible expansion to the existing restaurant and therefore qualifies for the Class 1 Exemption. Furthermore, none of the exceptions, as listed in 14 California Code of Regulations §15300.2, to using a Categorical exemption would be applicable to this project.-�� PREPARED BY: David Blumenthal, AICP, Contract Plann r REVIEWED BY: Eduardo Schonborn, AICP, Principal Planner C/ APPROVD BY: Denis Cook, Interim Development Services Director ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Approval letter dated July 16, 2021 2. Plans 7 EA-1307 and AUP No. 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 4 of 4 AERIAL VIEW OF SITE ILSEGUNUM . �;Awp OTW&k Development Services Department July 16, 2021 Mr. Zach Lyall Mr. Riley Montz Richmond Street Hospitality, LLC 145 Richmond Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Subject: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1307 and Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 21-01 Address: 145 Richmond Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr. Lyall and Mr. Montz: Your request for an Administrative Use Permit allowing the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for on -site consumption (Type 47 ABC License) at Richmond Bar and Grill is hereby approved in accordance with the Downtown Specific Plan and El Segundo Municipal Code Section 15-22-5, and subject to the conditions of approval contained in the attached Exhibit A. The associated environmental determination and findings supporting the decision are described in Exhibit B. This determination is scheduled to be "received and filed" by Planning Commission at the July 22, 2021, meeting. Any Planning Commissioner may request that this permit be discussed, and a decision be made by Planning Commission instead of "received and filed." Should you have any questions, please contact Principal Planner Eduardo Schonborn, AICP at (310) 524-2312, or via email at eschonbornC@elsegundo.org. Sincerely, Denis Cook, Interim Director Development Services Department 9 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), Zach Lyall and Riley Montz representing Richmond Street Hospitality, LLC ("Applicant") and any successor -in -interest agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 21-01 ("Project Conditions"): Planning 1. The sale of alcohol shall be limited from 11:00 a.m. to midnight, Sunday through Thursday; and from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Friday and Saturday. Food must be available for the indoor and outdoor dining areas during the hours alcohol is sold. Any change to the hours is subject to review and approval by the Development Services Director. 2. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved shall be referred to the Development Services Director for approval or a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification. 3. The Development Services Department and the Police Department must be notified of any change of ownership of the approved use in writing within 10 days of the completion of the change of ownership. A change in project ownership may be cause to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the status of the administrative use permit. 4. This approval authorized the restaurant located at 145 Richmond Street (Richmond Bar and Grill) to operate under a State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Type 47 (On -Sale General, Eating Place) license. 5. The restaurant shall consist of the two buildings and one outdoor dining area, described as follows: Building 1: A 1,000 square -foot single -story building located on the east side of the site. Building 1 includes a 620 square -foot indoor dining area, bar, restrooms, and kitchen space. Outdoor Dining Area: A 375 square -foot outdoor dining area between Building 1 and 2. Building 2: A 392 square -foot single story building that is located near the center of the site. This building is used for additional indoor seating area. Building 3: A 2,128 square -foot two-story building on the west side of the parcel. The first floor of Building 3 is used for storage for the 10 restaurant. The second floor of Building 3 is an apartment. No restaurant activities shall occur in second floor of Building 3. 6. The applicant shall obtain and maintain all licenses and comply with all regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Act (Business & Professions Code Section 23300) and the regulations promulgated by the Board, including the regulations set forth in 4 Cal. Code of Regs. §§55, et seq. 7. If complaints are received regarding excessive noise, or other nuisances associated with the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits the City may, in its discretion, take action to review the Administrative Use Permit and add conditions or revoke the permit. 8. There shall be no exterior advertising of any kind or type indicating the availability of specific alcoholic beverage products. 9. The restaurant shall not be occupied by more persons than allowed by the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 10. The restaurant and the associated outdoor seating shall comply with the California Building and Fire Code requirements, as adopted by the ESMC. 11. The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA-1295 or Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 20-03. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA-1295 or Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 20-03, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section, "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. 12. Zach Lyall and Riley Montz representing Richmond Street Hospitality, LLC shall acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the project conditions by executing the acknowledgement below. Police 13. The following type of live entertainment is prohibited: topless entertainment, adult oriented fashion shows, and other entertainment as regulated by the Municipal Code. 3 11 14. Licensee(s) shall not require an admission charge or a cover charge for general admittance. There shall be no requirement to purchase a minimum number of drinks. 15. Persons who appear obviously intoxicated shall not be admitted into the licensed premises. 16. Aisles and hallways shall be kept clear in order to allow patrons to move freely about the licensed premises. 17. The quarterly gross sales of alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the gross sales of food during the same period. The licensee shall, at all times, maintain records which reflect separately the gross sale of food and the gross sales of alcoholic beverages of the licensed business. Said records shall be kept no less frequently than on a quarterly basis and shall be made available to Alcohol Beverage Control on demand. 18. No booth or group seating shall be installed which completely prohibits observation of the occupants. 19. The restaurant operator shall retain full control of all events with the subject premises. No premises may be sublet to an independent promoter for any purpose. 20. All patrons who appear under the age of 30 shall not be served or allowed to consume alcoholic beverage unless they provide proof of age by providing one of the following forms of identification: a. Valid driver's license. b. Valid State identification card. c. Valid passport. d. Current military identification. e. U.S. Government immigrant identification card. A sign indicating this policy shall be prominently posted in a place that is clearly visible to patrons. All forms of out-of-state identification shall be checked by the authorized representative of the owner of the licensed premises in the Driver's License Guide. Upon presentment to the authorized representative of the owner of the licensed premises, the patron's form of identification shall be removed from the patron's wallet or any plastic holder and inspected for any alterations through a close visual inspection and/or use of a flashlight or "Retro-reflective viewer" or other electronic device as approved by the Police Department. 4 12 21. If persons under 21 years of age are allowed on the premises after midnight, the licensee(s) must utilize separate types of glassware to distinguish alcoholic drinks from non-alcoholic drinks. 22. Patrons who appear obviously intoxicated shall not be served any alcoholic beverages. 23. There shall be no promotions encouraging intoxication or drinking contests or advertisements indicating "Buy one drink, get one free," "Two for the price of one," "All you can drink for ...," or similar language. 24. The licensee(s) or an employee of the licensee(s) will be always present in any patio when alcoholic beverages are being served or consumed. An alternative is to have at least two (2) cameras monitoring the patio and should be capable of distinguishing unauthorized persons in the patio including underage persons consuming alcohol or alcohol being removed from the premises via the patio. Monitoring of the cameras shall be in an active area where employees are always present and can easily view these cameras. Cameras must be approved by the Police Department. 25. There shall be no "stacking" of drinks, i.e., more than one drink at a time, to a single patron. 26. When serving pitchers exceeding 25 ounces of an alcoholic beverage, all patrons receiving such pitcher, as well as all patrons who will be consuming all or any portion of such pitcher, shall present an ID to the server if they appear to be under the age of 30, if not previously checked at the entrance to the licensed premises. 27. Except for wine bottles, oversized containers or pitchers containing in excess of 25 ounces of an alcoholic beverage shall not be sold to a single patron for their sole consumption. 28. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited. 29. Employees and contract security personnel shall not consume any alcoholic beverages during their work shift. 30. A file containing the names and dates of employment of every person who serves alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the licensed premises and every manager, which file shall also include a copy of each person's certificate of completion of the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control L.E.A.D. course (Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs). Upon request, said file shall be made available for review to representative of the Police Department. New employees will have 60 days from date of employment .01 13 to obtain L.E.A.D. certification, or a police department approved alternative training course meeting the objectives of L.E.A.D. training. 31. There shall be a Designated Driver Program, that provides an incentive to the person not drinking alcoholic beverages, who is in a group of three or more, to be the designated driver for that group of patrons. 32. There shall be a taxi or ride sharing ride program where the establishment will offer to call a ride for patrons when it seems appropriate. 33. Except in case of emergency, the licensee shall not permit its patrons to enter or exit the licensed premises through any entrance/exit other than the primary entrance/exit, excluding entrances/exits to/from patio areas. Steps shall be taken by the licensee to discourage unauthorized exiting such as special locking devices or staff at the doors. 34. Any patron who (1) fights or challenges another person to fight, (2) maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud or unreasoned noise, or (3) uses offensive words which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction shall be removed from the premises. 35. An incident log shall be maintained at the licensed premises on a continual basis with at least one year of entries and be readily available for inspection by a police officer. The log is for recording any physical altercations, injuries, and objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance occurring in, on, or at the licensed premises, including the immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee. The log will indicate date, time, description of incident, and action taken. "Objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance" means disturbance of the peace, public drunkenness, drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct, drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise. 36. The Chief of Police may require State of California licensed security guards to perform crowd control inside and outside of the establishment. The number of security guards and hours security shall be present shall be as determined by the Chief of Police and based upon the type of activities anticipated at the location or based upon prior history of activity at this establishment or other similar businesses. a. Security personnel required by the administrative use permit issued for the licensed premises shall be in a uniform or clothing which readily identifies them as a security person. They shall maintain order and enforce the establishment's no loitering policy, and shall take "reasonable steps" (as that term is defined in subparagraph (3) of Section 24200 of the California Business and Professions Code) to correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance. 0 14 b. Contract security services, proprietary security personnel, or personnel assuming the functions typically associated with security shall be familiar with the establishment's written security policy and procedures by reviewing them and signing they have read and understood them. The signed acknowledgement shall be kept in a file relating to the security manual. c. Prior to utilizing a contract security guard company, the establishment shall verify the security company has a current city business license. 37. The business owner shall install and maintain a closed-circuit television system capable of readily identifying facial features, and stature of all patrons entering the establishment. Cameras are to be color and record, including keeping a minimum 30-day library of events, which shall be available for downloading and inspection by the Police Department. 38. The owner or manager of the licensed premises shall notify the Chief of Police at least three (3) days in advance of a special promotion or special event scheduled at the licensed premises. 39. If an outside promoter is utilized for providing entertainment after midnight, the Chief of Police shall be notified at least three (3) days in advance of the promoter's name and proposed entertainment. 40. Lines to enter the establishment shall not encroach into any parking or driveway areas and are to be maintained in an orderly fashion. Persons are to not to loiter about the exterior of the facility. These Conditions are binding upon Zach Lyall and Riley Montz representing Richmond Street Hospitality, LLC, and all successors and assigns to the property at 145 Richmond Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 until superseded by another approval letter or rescinded. Zach Lyall, Applicant Riley Montz, Applicant 15 Exhibit B Environmental Determination and Required Findings Environmental Assessment 1307: After considering the facts and findings below, the Director finds this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities), which includes projects that negligible or no expansion of the existing use. The project includes changing the State of Alcoholic Beverage Control License from a Type 41 (On -Sale Beer and Wine - Eating Place) to a Type 47 (On -Sale General - Eating Place), which will allow the sale of distilled spirits in addition to the existing sale of beer and wine. This change in alcohol licenses is a negligible expansion to the existing restaurant and therefore qualifies for the Class 1 Exemption. Furthermore, none of the exceptions, as listed in 14 California Code of Regulations §15300.2, to using a Categorical exemption would be applicable to this project. Administrative Use Permit 21-01: As required by El Segundo Municipal Code Section 15-22-5, the following are the facts in support of each finding for this decision: Finding 1: There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. Facts in Support of Finding 1: 1. The project is located within the Richmond Street District within the Downtown Specific Plan zone, where restaurants are permitted by right. This approval allows the existing restaurant to expand its current alcoholic beverage offerings from beer and wine to include distilled spirits. The restaurant is a compatible use with the other commercial and residential uses in the area, as it primarily serves those who live and work in the vicinity. The addition of distilled spirits will not impact restaurant's compatibility with other uses. Finding 2: The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located. Facts in Support of Finding 2: 1. According to the Downtown Specific Plan, the subject site is located within the Richmond Street District, which is the "'entertainment center' of El Segundo and is comprised of an eclectic mix of antique stores, bars, restaurants, and the Old Town Music Hall." Surrounding land uses include a variety of offices, retails, other restaurants and the Old town Music Hall. The restaurant operating under the ABC 0 16 Type 47 license is consistent with the Richmond Street District as it would allow provide an additional service to those who live and work in the area. The restaurant would continue to provide a dining opportunity for people who want lunch or dinner and would serve those who patronize the downtown for an evening out; therefore, it would contribute to the areas classification of being the "entertainment center" of ElSegundo. Finding 3: The proposed location and use, and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Facts in Support of Finding 3: 1. The expanded sale of alcohol will be within an existing restaurant. No new construction is proposed as part of the request for an alcohol license. The outdoor dining areas are completely fenced in and located between the existing buildings on the site. Alcohol sales are limited from 11:00 a.m. to midnight, Sunday through Thursday; and from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m., Friday and Saturday and food service is required to be available during these hours. Furthermore, several conditions of approval are imposed onto the operations of the restaurant that will prevent potential impacts onto the neighboring uses. With the conditions of approval, the use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Finding 4: Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and mitigated. Facts in Support of Finding 4: 1. The on -site sale and on -site consumption of beer, wine and distilled spirits will not create any new impacts that would not be normally associated with the operation of a restaurant. The restaurant currently offers beer and wine and has not been the subject of negative impacts. Any potential impact will be mitigated through the enforcement of the conditions of approval. Finding 5: The State Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell alcohol to the applicant. Facts in Support of Finding 5: 1. The restaurant currently possesses a Type 41 ABC license, which allows the on - site sale of beer and wine for on -site consumption. The city expects the Applicant will obtain a (Type 47 ABC License) from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to allow the addition of on -site sale and on -site consumption of distilled spirits. �7 17 R I C H M 0 N D STREET R I C H M 0 N D B A R G R I L L c L 60' 1 4 5 R I C H M 0 N D S T R E E T E L S E G U N D 0 C A 9 0 2 4 5 �„ 20' 4" PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FRONT BUILDING ELEVATION: 25.00' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: EXISTING BAR/RESTAURANT 'RICHMOND BAR & GRILL' IS APPLYING FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE. PROJECT DIRECTORY: OWNERS:II BUILDING #1 ZACH LYALL + RILEY MONTZ wlI 1,000 SF 145 RICHMOND STREET EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 mgilmore@williamblair,com kim,c.gilmore@gmail.com 312-241-8080 ARCHITECTURAL: designstudioMV MICHAEL M. VARELA T.a, BJILDING [ EL. +16'-0" 1133 SOUTH PATTON STREET SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 I I 310-780-4993 mvarela@designstudiomv.com I I CLG. @ EL. .9'-10" I I SHEET INDEX: o A0.1 TITLE SHEET, SITE PLAN + FRONT ELEVATION HER HT [� 1ST FLAIR; EL. +fi-g" z 14'-2" 01 6'-4" A1.1 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN I I W Q I LL. LL 1 _ r � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: AIN: 4136-023-020 - - -� F,F @ 1ST FLOOR; EL. •0'-0` z Q BUILDING #2 LOT AREA: 3,503 SF TRACT: EL SEGUNDO I I N 392 SF BLOCK: 12 LOT: 30 I I I I BUILDING INFO: BUILDING #1: SIZE: 1,000 SF YEAR BUILT: 1951/1915 s BED/BATH: 0/0 z LEGEND: BUILDING #2: SIZE: 392 SF YEAR BUILT: 1939/1939 PROPERTY LINES BED/BATH: 01 LINE OF EXISTING BUILDING #3: BUILDING FOOTPRINTS SIZE: 632 SF YEAR BUILT: 1950/1950 BED/BATH: BUILDING #3 N E N 672 SF N eS -21 W _ SITE 1 25.00' PLAN scale: 1/8" = r-0" ALLEY � 20' lqr— N N Q Z O 0 Z O U I J N � LD Z O X: W N W O W J 1-n t) Q r- Q Q U + O O o —j QU�o rn CDJ w m Lf) U — Q N W O • �j V / bL • rmm�''^^ nVJ 479 WEST 6TH STREET #109 SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 310.780.4997 REVISIONS NO. L� 0 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF designstudioMV AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN AS SHOWN HEREON. TITLE SHEET AND SITE PLAN DRAWN BY MMV CHECKED BY MMV DATE MAY 14 2021 SCALE 1/8" = V-0" JOB NO. 21-317 A081 IN N C) N F— LLI a_ L.LJ V / a Z O 0 Z O u J J N � U) Z O Ln W (V W O Q� c7N r w J Ln V) Q r- Q p L_j (14 m + J Z O m O o p rn Q u � o m w CDJ Lf) U U Q J LU — ry N O VJ bL V J 479 WEST 6TH STREET #109 SAN PEDRO, CA 90731 310.780.4997 REVISIONS NO. 2 Z Z THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF designsludioMV AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN AS SHOWN HEREON. EXISTING FLOOR PLAN DRAWN BY MMV CHECKED BY MMV DATE MAY 14 2021 SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" JOB NO. 21-317 A 1 • 1 1 19 Cl7Y by E L S E GU N D O Planning Commission Agenda Statement Meeting Date: July 22, 2021 Agenda Heading: New Public Hearing TITLE: A request to operate a private high school (9 through 12 grade) for up to 60 students at 555 Aviation Boulevard, and zoned Light Manufacturing (M-1). (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-01) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2898, conditionally approving EA-1308 and CUP 21-01. BACKGROUND: The subject site is a 9.58-acre parcel that is located on the west side of S. Aviation Blvd, between Utah Ave and Alaska Ave. The site is within the Light Industrial General Plan land use designation and is zoned Light Manufacturing (M-1). The site is improved with a 235,948 square foot building and 275 surface parking spaces. An additional surface parking lot contain 534 parking spaces is located on the southwest corner of Aviation Blvd and Alaska Ave. Access to the supplemental parking is provided to the site via two crosswalks on Alaska Ave. On May 28, 2021, Joseph Bryant (hereinafter "Applicant"), submitted a request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) on behalf of Portal Schools to establish a private high school within a 2,757 square foot tenant space at the subject site. The application is authorized pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) Section 15-6A-5-A, which permits any use that is permitted in the MU, CO, C-3, C-2, and C-RS zones, subject to the approval of a CUP. Schools are a permitted use in the C-RS zone. 20 EA-1308 and CUP 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 2 of 5 Figure 1: Aerial view of project site DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to establish and operate a private high school. Unlike public schools, which are owned and operated by a public agency (e.g., a school district), or charter schools, which are established by the action of and operated under the jurisdiction of a public agency, private schools are owned, operated, and funded through private entities. Private schools do not fall under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Education but are required to provide instruction in the several branches of study required in the public schools. Additionally, private schools are subject to the City's zoning authority, whereas public and charter schools are not. The proposed private school will be located in a 2,757 square foot tenant space on the north side of the existing building. Access to the space is provided directly from the Utah Ave sidewalk, on the north side of the site. The school will consist of one classroom, an open work area, two private offices, reception area, a pantry/kitchenette area (microwave and sink), two unisex restrooms, and a storage room. For purposes of this application, the open work area is considered a classroom since it will function as one under the school's operational plan. A private patio currently exists in front of the tenant space. This patio will be available for the use of students to take lunch or privately study. Since the 2 21 EA-1308 and CUP 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 3 of 5 proposed school will occupy an existing tenant space, the applicant will only perform tenant improvements. No expansion of the existing building is being proposed. The school will be operated by Portal Schools, who has partnered with Belkin International. This partnership, according to the applicant, will allow students to receive career training, internships, and work on real projects for the company. Portal currently operates out of an office building in Playa Vista but intends to move into the project site, if approved, in Fall 2021. The school will operate from Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with classes conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The academic year extends from August through June. Students will work in small cohorts of approximately 15 people and take a variety of classes including math, humanities, science, and language. An example weekly class schedule is included in Attachment 2. Each day includes a one -hour lunch break, which the students will have the option to bring their own food or participate in meal plan. The meal plan will include individual, prepared meals delivered to the site. There will be no cooking. The school will have a maximum enrollment of 60 students between nineth and twelfth grades. The students will have two flex days a week, where they can choose to school from home or attend in -person school. The applicant estimates that 20% of the students will school from home during their flex days. In addition to the students, the school will have three full-time staff and between three and five part-time staff. ANALYSIS The proposed project would not include any expansion of the building, as such there will be no alterations to the existing setbacks, landscaping, height, or other development standards. Notwithstanding this, schools have a different parking ratio that the existing office uses. According, the staff prepared the following parking analysis: .. i1,rMOL%uIred Standard Parking Analysis Required Parking Area First 25,000 s.f. 1 per 300 s.f. 25,000 s.f. 84 Second 25,000 s.f. 1 per 350 s.f. 25,000 s.f. 72 Excess of 50,000 s.f. 1 per 400 s.f. 183,191 s.f. 458 School 7 per classroom Two classrooms 14 Total Parking Required: 628 Parking Provided: 809 Surplus: 181 3 22 EA-1308 and CUP 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 4 of 5 General Plan Consisten The City's General Plan is designed to provide for the orderly growth of the City to achieve its vision for the future. The proposed school is consistent with the following policies of the general plan: Policy LU7-1.6 - The City shall review proposed residential developments in the context of adequacy of present and future required school facilities and seek to assist the school district in meeting school facility requirements to accommodate such developments. Although this project is not a residential development, it is still consistent with this policy as it increases the school capacity within the City. This increase in school capacity will support the future residential growth in the City. Policy ED1-2.2 - Maintain and promote land uses that improve the City's tax base. balancing economic development and quality of life goals. The proposed project would provide a new school in the City for its residents. A quality education system attracts new residents and new employment opportunities, which in turn will help increase the City's tax base and enhance the quality of life the residents. Findings In accordance with Section 15-23-6 of the ESMC, the Planning Commission may grant a Conditional Use Permit if it determines that all the following findings can be met: 1. That the proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of the zone in which the site is located. The site in which the school proposed to be located upon is currently zoned Light Industrial (M-1). The M-1 Zone conditionally permits uses that are allowed within the Downtown Commercial (C-RS) Zone, which in turn provides that schools are a conditionally permitted use. Furthermore, construction will be limited to tenant improvements, thus not altering the existing building's compliance with the development standards. 2. That the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed location of the conditional use is within a light industrial area predominantly featuring parking and commercial buildings with light industrial and office uses inside. The location of a private high school near such uses is minimally impactful on the operations of such uses. Appropriate conditions for development and operations have been established to ensure such compatibility. As such the proposed location of the 4 23 EA-1308 and CUP 21-01 July 22, 2021 Page 5 of 5 conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Chapter. The proposed conditional use complies with the applicable provisions of ESMC Chapter 15-27 of the Zoning Regulations since proper notice and hearing were provided, proper hearing decision and records will be complied with, and the required findings will be considered. The proposed project meets all of the current ESMC requirements. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project was analyzed for its environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code§§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., "CEQA Guidelines"). The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations§ 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities), which includes projects with negligible or no expansion of the existing use. The project includes establishing a small school within an existing tenant space of the building. The operation of the school is limited to this building and will not expand beyond the area described in this report. ORIGINATED BY: David Blumenthal, AICP Contract Planne���, REVIEWED BY: Eduardo Schonborn, AICP, Principal Planners v APPROVED BY: Denis Cook, Interim Development Services DirectorD ATTACHED DOCUMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2898 Exhibit A — Conditions of Approval 2. Example Weekly Class Schedule 3. Project Plans 5 24 RESOLUTION NO. 2898 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 1308 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 21-01 TO ESTABLISH A PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL AT 555 AVIATION BOULEVARD. The Planning Commission of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Commission finds and declares that: A. On May 28, 2021, Joseph Bryant submitted a request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) on behalf of Portal Schools to establish a private high school within a 2,757 square foot tenant space of a 235,948 square foot building located at 555 Aviation Boulevard; B. The application was reviewed by City's Development Services Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On July 22, 2021, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including, without limitation, information provided to the Commission by the applicant; and, E. This resolution, and its findings, are made, in part, based upon the evidence presented to the Planning Commission at its July 22, 2021 public hearing, including the staff report submitted by the Development Services Department SECTION 2: Factual Findings. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. The subject site is located at 555 Aviation Blvd in the Light Industrial (M-1) Zone. B. The proposed project is a private high school, featuring grades 9 through 12. The school will be in an approximately 2,757 square -foot tenant space of an existing 235,948 square foot building. C. The school will consist of one classroom, an open work area, two private offices, reception area, a pantry/kitchenette area (microwave and sink), two unisex restrooms, and a storage room. 25 D. Parking is be provided on -site for 809 vehicles. A parking analysis shows there is a surplus of parking to accommodate the school and the other uses on site. E. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a school to locate in the M-1 Zone pursuant to ESMC § 15-6A-5, which requires a Conditional Use Permit for uses which are permitted in the Downtown Commercial (C-RS) Zone. ESMC § 15-5A-2 lists schools as a permitted use in the C-RS Zone. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations§ 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities), which includes projects that negligible or no expansion of the existing use. The project includes establishing a small school within an existing tenant space of the building. The operation of the school is limited to the building and will not expand beyond the uses. Furthermore, none of the exceptions, as listed in 14 California Code of Regulations §15300.2, to using a Categorical exemption would be applicable to this project. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. The proposed project conforms with the City's General Plan as follows: A. The El Segundo General Plan land use designation for the proposed school is Light Industrial. This designation is intended for manufacturing and industrial uses that were located on the subject properties. B. Approval of the school is consistent with General Plan Policy LU7-1.6 - The City shall review proposed residential developments in the context of adequacy of present and future required school facilities and seek to assist the school district in meeting school facility requirements to accommodate such developments. Although this project is not a residential development, it is still consistent with this policy as it increases the school capacity within the City. This increase in school capacity will support the future residential growth in the City. C. Approval of the school is consistent with General Plan Policy ED1-2.2 - Maintain and promote land uses that improve the City's tax base. balancing economic development and quality of life goals. The proposed project would provide a new school in the city for its residents. A quality education system attracts new residents and new employment opportunities, which in turn will help increase the City's tax base and enhance the quality of life the residents. SECTION 5: Conditional Use Permit Findings. After considering the above facts, the Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of this title and the purposes of the zone in which the site is located. 2 26 The site in which the school proposed to be located upon is currently zoned Light Industrial (M-1). The M-1 Zone conditionally permits uses that are allowed within the Downtown Commercial (C-RS) Zone, which in turn provides that schools are a permitted use. Furthermore, construction will be limited to tenant improvements, thus not altering the existing building's compliance with the development standards. B. The proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed location of the conditional use is within a light industrial area predominantly featuring parking and commercial buildings with light industrial and office uses inside. The location of a private high school near such uses is minimally impactful on the operations of such uses. Appropriate conditions for development and operations have been established to ensure such compatibility. As such the proposed location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Chapter. The proposed conditional use complies with the applicable provisions of ESMC Chapter 15-27 of the since proper notice and hearing were provided, proper hearing decision and records will be complied with, and the required findings will be considered. The proposed project meets all of the current ESMC requirements. SECTION 6: Approval. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit A, which are incorporated into this Resolution by reference, the Planning Commission approves Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-01. SECTION 7: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 8: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to the applicant and to any other person requesting a copy. SECTION 9: This Resolution may be appealed within ten (10) calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. SECTION 10: Except as provided in Section 9, this Resolution is the Commission's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. 27 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22"1 day of July 2021. ATTEST: Denis Cook, Secretary Ryan Baldino, Chair City of El Segundo Planning Commission Baldino Newman Hoeschler Keldorf Maggay APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney IN Gregg Kovacevich, Assistant City Attorney 4 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2898 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), Portal School agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of El Segundo's approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-01. ("Project Conditions"): Zoning Conditions 1. This approval is for the project as shown on the plans reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on July 22, 2021, and on file with the Development Services Department. Before the City issues a building permit for the tenant improvements, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Development Services Department. 2. The Development Services Director is authorized to approve minor modifications to the approved plans or any of the conditions if such modifications achieve substantially the same results as would strict compliance with said plans and conditions. Any subsequent modification must be referred to the Development Services Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall show the location of bicycle racks on the construction plans to accommodate a minimum of five bicycles. The bicycle racks must be well -lit and must be installed before the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. All student pick-up and drop off shall be on -site. The school shall provide written notice to all parents that pick-up and drop off on Utah Avenue is prohibited. 5. School enrollment shall not exceed 60 students. 6. Hours of operation of the school shall be limited from Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7. Activities shall be limited to those associated with secondary education (9t" through 12t" grades) only. There shall be no classes or activities for other grade levels and/or adult education. 8. There shall be no kitchen or cooking of meals on the site. This condition shall not be meant to prohibit reheating of food in a microwave oven or similar device. 5 29 9. All conditions of approval must be listed on project plans submitted for plan check and the plans for which a building permit is issued. 10. There shall be no exterior modification to the building without obtaining approval from the Development Services Department. All improvements shall comply with the El Segundo Municipal Code and any other applicable law. Building Safety 11. All construction shall comply with the El Segundo Municipal Code, and the 2019 editions of the California Building Code, California Electrical Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Energy Code, and the California Green Building Standards Code. 12. Prior to the City issuing building permits for the tenant improvements, separate building, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical plans will be submitted for plan check. 13. Prior to occupancy the school, the applicant shall obtain all required permits and inspections for the tenant improvement. Impact Fees 14. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27A-1, et seq., any required library services mitigation fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit for the Development. The fee amount shall be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 15. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27A-1, et seq., any required fire services mitigation fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit for the Development. The fee amount shall be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 16. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27A-1, et seq., any required police services mitigation fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building for the Development. The fee amount shall be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 17. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27A-1, et seq., any required park services mitigation fee must be paid prior to issuance of a building for the Development. The fee amount shall be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. 18. Before building permits are issued for the Development, the applicant shall pay the required sewer connection fees (as specified in ESMC Title 12-3). 19. Before building permits are issued for the Development, the applicant shall pay the required school fees (as specified by the corresponding school district(s)). 6 30 20. Pursuant to ESMC §§ 15-27 A-1, et seq., any required traffic mitigation fee must be paid prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the school. The fee amount shall be based upon the adopted fee at the time the building permit is issued. Miscellaneous Conditions 21. Portal School agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-01. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA-1308 and Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-01, Portal School agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of El Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Portal School certifies that he has read, understood, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Kate Parsons, Chief Operating Officer Grace Cruz, Head of School Portal Schools Portal Schools 7 31 PORTAL SCHOOLS @Portal -Schools PortalSchools.com DAILY SCHEDULE Below is a sample of a student schedule in Year 1 at Portal Schools. This sample shows in -person learning on M/W/F and our "Flex days" on T/Th. Flex Days • Flex Days can be in -person or at home/remote, where similar check -ins with their coach and structures exist digitally if at home • On flex days, students build out a "playlist" to organize their tasks/sessions for the day Studios • Our classes! Student driven learning spaces where project -based learning and academic instruction in our competency -based model happen Advisory • How students start and end their day to ensure a seamless transition into and out of work • Content includes: Social Emotional Learning, College/Career, Culture & Community Extracurricular and Wellness Opportunities • Seminars - Extracurriculars, Sports, PE, Clubs, After school program, office hours, etc. • Wellness30- Mindfulness/Yoga/Activity to start the morning on a Flex Day Career Connected Learning (CCL) • CCL is embedded within the schedule — in studios, during flex days, special events • Students are exposed to CCL in a number of ways: authentic studios with real world applications, mentorships, workshops and events like Lunch & learns or Breakfast with Belkin are reflected here • Long term (Year 3 and beyond) this would include project consults and internships. Time MON TUES WED THURS FRI 9:00- Advisory Wellness30 Advisory Breakfast with Belkin Advisory 9:30 Check -in 1: Build Check -in 1: Build Playlist; Math Studio- Real 9:30- Humanities Playlist; independent Humanities independent World Learning 11:30 Studio competency work, Studio competency work, Workshop w/ session with tutor session with counselor Belkin Data Analytics Team 11:30- Belkin • LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Learn 12:30- Check -in 2: Progress 2:00 Science Studio Check -in 2: Progress Math Studio and Plan; small group and Plan; small group work work Science Studio 2:00- 00 2:45Spanish Spanish Studio Spanish Studio Studio (asynchronous) 2:45- Belkin Mentor 3:00 Advisory Check -in Advisory Advisory 3:00- Seminar Optional Seminar Seminar Optional Seminar Seminar 4:00 32 �Q Q o I 1.1 r 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 J of W a 3 � � !01 0 N 4 N 0 0 1 I � 1 0I Cl) �I I z Y 0 0I 5 �I v 1 ' 0 0 1;1 g 0 0 U 1 14 � �s CD Y 1'1 Q II g 0 0 a I g 0 0 � — Q 7 CD1g 0 w Ig ado 1g 0 0 I — 0 0 1 0 0 1 J a1 Q �I g In z � � I � W I �1 z I 161 SPACES w 1 0I J Q 0 Q CV J 1277 ;,:c i- Q J L J 12.1 W Q N I 0:19 ALASKA AVENUE IIIIIIIII111111°°,°.,°°,°IIIIIII 46 COMPACT STALLS AT 8 -6 = 365 - 6„ 47 COMPACT STALLS AT 8'-6" = 399' - 6" _1----------------I_I_I_I_I.I.1-1-1-I_�_I.I.I.I_----------- V 1 ❑ Al III 0 I , U ®I 0 N 0 U 2 O c� 0 0 I - 0 114 SPACES 0 Ell I I J W I I U) Q I I of W I al 1 J 1 (D 1 LU C7 I Of LU I 00 1 I � I � I z U) �� I U) J a I > o rL I I I o w Q 3 I ®U) w h r cn l 1 I ®@� 1 I a I J Q ............ Cn � z �Q� ®7)"MTw 19 19I — N- 8— 5' 4" 4 ADA STALLS 12 REGULAR STALLS AT 102' - 0" 5 REGULAR STAL 42' 6"7-1 ADA STA 3 REGULAR STALL @ 25' - 6" 2 ADA STALL 1 VAN ADA STALL 1 ADA STALL 1 ADA VAN STALL--:) J J J J JJJ,J —1 —1 —1 —1 J J J J —� J J J J —1 —1, —1, — C' 16 STANDARD STALLS @8'-6" = 68' - 0" 26 STANDARD STALLS @8'-6" =110' - 6" 22 STANDARD STALLS @8'-6" = 93' - 6" N v � 8 STANDARD STALLS @ 8' 6" = 8' - 0" 13 STANDARD STALLS @8'-6" = 110' - 6" 11 STANDARD STALLS @8' 6" = 93' - " 00 o UJ J J J J J J —1 —1 —1 —1 —1 J J J J J J J —1 —1 —1 —1 —1 —1 —1 —1 � Q N o U co N � J a 8 STANDARD TANDEM STALL @ 8'-6" 13 STANDARD TANDEM STALLS @ 8'-6'' = 11 TANDEM STANDARD STALLS @ 8'-6" = Q Q 68' - 0" (16 TOTAL) 110' - 6" (26 TOTAL) 93' - 6" (22 TOTAL) o o Ir 0 534 STALLS z cn Q N Cn O M 24 STANDARD AND 8 COMPACT DO-6" = 39 STANDARD AND 13 COMPACT @8'-6" = 33 STANDARD AND 11 COMPACT RA' -A" _ 68' - 0" (32 TOTAL)' 7 1 1 1 1 1110- - 6" (52 TOTAL). . . . . 1 1 93' - 6" (44 TOTAL) 1 41 STANDARD STALLS @8'-6"= 348' - 6" ADA STALL PARKING SUMMARY REQUIRED PARKING NET FLOOR ARE = 235,948 SF PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT PER EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE 15-15-6 HIGHSCHOOL LEVEL: 7 SPACES PER CLASSROOM PLUS AUDITORIUM OR STADIUM PARKING REQUIREMENTS (2) CLASSROOM = 2X7 (14 SPACES) REQUIRED AND PROVIDED OFFICE: *1 SPACE FOR EACH 300 SF FOR THE FIRST 25,000 F; 1 SPACE FOR EACH 350SF FOR THE SECOND 250 SF; 1 SPACE FOR EACH 400SF FOR THE AREA IN EXCESS OF 50,000 SF *COMPACT PARKING IS ALLOWED FOR OFFICE, INDUSTRIAL, HOTEL AND RECREATIONAL USES UP TO A MAXIUM OF TWENTY PERCENT (20%) OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES, EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE 1444 SECTION 15-15-5 *TANDEM PARKING IS ALLOWED FOR OFFICE, INDUSTRIAL, HOTEL AND RECREATIONAL USES UP TO A MAXIMUM OF TWENTY PERCENT(20%) OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES. EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE 1444 SECTION 15-15-5 PROVIDED PARKING FOR 555 AVIATION PARKING TYPE EAST WEST SOUTH TOTAL REQUIRED PROVIDED STANDARD 74 24 187 N/A 285 COMPACT 15 91 <20% 106 COMPACTTANDEM 88 58 20% 146 STANDARD TANDEM 186 20% 186 HC 4 4 9 17 17 HC VAN 1 2 2 5 5 EV 10* 16* 23 26**- DESIGNATED PARKING (NON EV) TOTAL 11 28 39- 114 161 534 756 809 * 1 HANDICAP EV PARKING SPOT INCLUDED IN THIS COUNT ** 2 HANDICAP EV PARKING SPOTS INCLUDED IN THIS COUNT TOTAL DESIGNATED SPACES REQUIRED = 61, TOTAL DESINGATED SPACES PROVIDED = 65 o SITE INFORMATION APN: 413800904 m ZONE CODE: M-1 SCOPE OF WORK AREA Oz Crxal Ci r-COCK FMI)IDg1** HDPI Rtt;�il Ca -edit AMsuOajion - LA a- Q "Ote OFFiM Op mggix IN I / Klie Narme Q9 CL a M ulah Avo Radiology Parinera Lk•h Mc: V12{Ih 51 '�RPiY515v1n ufamuring 9 Title X1 38tak8 !Saatdlk 3eaichl & 5eaichl Murals 5pecMrr, Network i l5p a Hea ticar-le Naska pMr ,41ask2- Arc o anti 0 �L3Yrla � 4 L 555 AVIATION BLVD, EL SEGUNDO ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL NOTE: NO MODIFICATION TO EXISTING PARKING 1� *belkin, P( RT L SCHOOLS BELKIN/PORTAL SCHOOL 555 AVIATION BLVD, EL SEGUND CA h1w 1437 4th Street, 4th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 t +1 310 453 2800 1 www.hlw.com CBRE PORTAL SCHOOL PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLIENT 1840 Century Park E #900, Los 1097 Aviation Boulevard Angeles, CA 90067 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 t +1 562 896 8191 t +1 908 433 1756 TISHMAN SPEYER LANDLORD Arboretum Courtyard 2120 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404 t +1 213 443 5030 KEY PLAN NO. DATE ISSUE OR REVISION 1 03.01.2021 ISSUE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SEAL/ SIGNATURE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE: SITE PLAN PROJECT NO. 20xxx SCALE: DATE: As indicated 03/01/2021 CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: Checker Author SHEET NO. NORTH A001 212612021 12:10:37 PM ©2019 HLW International LLP 33 F 59'-11" *belkin, P( RT L SCHOOLS BELKIN/PORTAL SCHOOL 555 AVIATION BLVD, EL SEGUND CA h1w 1437 4th Street, 4th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 t +1 310 453 2800 1 www.hlw.com CBRE PORTAL SCHOOL PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLIENT 1840 Century Park E #900, Los 1097 Aviation Boulevard Angeles, CA 90067 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 t +1 562 896 8191 t +1 908 433 1756 TISHMAN SPEYER LANDLORD Arboretum Courtyard 2120 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404 t +1 213 443 5030 KEY PLAN NO. DATE ISSUE OR REVISION 1 03.01.2021 ISSUE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NORTH SEAL/ SIGNATURE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE: PORTAL SCHOOL - LEVEL 1 - FLOOR PLAN PROJECT NO. 20xxx SCALE: DATE: 1/4" = V-011 03/01/2021 CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: Checker Author SHEET NO. A002 2/26/2021 12:10:43 PM ©2019 HLW International LLP 34 Al EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH SCALE: V = 40'-0" A2EXTERIOR ELEVATION - PORTAL SCHOOL SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" A3EXTERIOR ELEVATION - PORTAL SCHOOL STREET VIEW NTS *belkin, P( RT L SCHOOLS BELKIN/PORTAL SCHOOL 555 AVIATION BLVD, EL SEGUND CA h1w 1437 4th Street, 4th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 t +1 310 453 2800 1 www.hlw.com PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1840 Century Park E #900, Los Angeles, CA 90067 t +1562 896 8191 TISHMAN SPEYER LANDLORD Arboretum Courtyard 2120 Colorado Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404 t +1 213 443 5030 KEY PLAN PORTAL SCHOOL CLIENT 1097 Aviation Boulevard Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 t +1 908 433 1756 NO. DATE ISSUE OR REVISION 1 1 103.01.2021 I ISSUE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I NORTH SEAL/ SIGNATURE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SHEET TITLE: EXTERIOR ELEVATION PROJECT NO. 20xxx SCALE: DATE: As indicated 03/01/2021 CHECKED BY: DRAWN BY: Checker Author SHEET NO. A003 212612021 12:10:45 PM ©2019 HLW International LLP 35