2021-03-05 Environmental Committee AgendaAGENDA
FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2021— 12:00 P.M.
How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments?
Residents are encouraged to participate remotely in the virtual Environmental Committee
Meeting. Please contact Senior Management Analyst Jasmine Allen for connection details
(jallen(a)elsegundo.org or 310-524-2365). Members of the Public may provide comments
electronically by sending them to Jasmine Allen via email, with a limit of 150 words and
accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting. The emails will be read to the
Environmental Committee during public communications and are subject to disclosure under
the Public Records Act.
Additional Information
The Environmental Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon
properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public
can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the
Environmental Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public
Communications portion of the meeting.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to
participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 24
hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to
ensure accessibility to this meeting.
3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS —(Related to City Business Only and for which the Committee
is responsible — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) While all comments are
welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Environmental Committee to take action on
any item not on the agenda. Environmental Committee members may respond to
comments after Public Communications is closed.
4. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS — this portion of the agenda is for City staff to provide brief
reports to the Committee. These are "receive and file," non -action items only. Any actions
needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda.
a. Public Works to provide an update regarding joining California Green Business Network.
b. Public Works to provide an update regarding Bee Keeping ordinance progress.
Smoking Ban: Presentation by Kevin Maggay (attached)
Approve Smoking Ban Presentation for City Council.
6. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS — this portion of the agenda is for
members to discuss various ideas and for subcommittees established by the Committee to
provide brief reports on the work being done by the subcommittee. These are "receive and
file," non -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an
upcoming agenda.
a. Solid Waste Reduction/Elimination of Single -Use Plastics (Caroline Hawks/Tracey
Miller-Zarneke): discuss next steps.
b. Green Business Recognition Program (Corrie Zupo): discuss next steps, in light of item
c. Water Conservation (Rachel McPherson): discuss research progress.
d. Green Construction Standards (Corrie Zupo/Sarah Brockhaus): discuss next steps.
e. Discuss planning steps needed from the committee in order to present an expanded
community garden concept to the City Council (attached).
f. Including add'I information on the Environmental Resource web page (attached).
g. New Goals for Committee Members: discuss potential next areas of focus.
7. CONSENTAGENDA: Approval of February 5, 2021 Committee Meeting Minutes (attached).
Recommendation: Approval.
https://toxics.usgs.gov/highlights/gwsw ec.html
gnaz J. Buerge Maren Kahle Hans -Rudolf Buser Markus D. Muller Thomas Poiqer
https://doi.org/l 0:1021 /es800455g
Community Garden Idea:
• COVID19 and civil unrest across the country has drastically changed our countries sense of
community. By expanding the community garden as a true garden open to the entire community,
it will remote fresh and healthy food equity to all.
• El Segundo Climate Action Plan recommends Urban Greening which includes spaces such as
community gardens. These spaces are "carbon sinks" as they store greenhouse gas emissions that
are otherwise emitted into the atmosphere.
• The current El Segundo Community Garden is not a true community garden since all the spaces
are rented via a lottery. There's currently no spots and the next lottery is January 2021.
• Recreation Park has many underutilized recreational spots to expand the community garden (ex.
lawn bowling)
• Another idea is to add a community garden in the civic center as part of the redevelop and
repurpose of Downtown. This would allow direct downtown access for the entire community.
• Community Garden surplus would go too CASE.
• Use reclaimed water from West Basin.
• QRTLY educational workshops on gardening and composting
Various Funding Ideas:
• Various grants are available.
• Provide a community garden bed fundraiser where residents or businesses can donate money to
pay for a garden bed and have their name engraved (Ex. Garden Bed donated by the Smith
• For a fee, residents or business can paint a tile for a mosaic in the garden (El Segundo
Art Committee oversees the design)
For a fee, residents can donate money to have their colorful handprint put on a garden
• Alternative idea is community members creating a non-profit and solicit donations from large
businesses in town (as done in Seal Beach).
• Partial funding can also come from the Art Fund (Title 15 of Es Municipal Code) and partner with El
Segundo Art Committee. Approx. $685,000 in public art and fee revenues per year per City Council
Meeting Minutes. Art fee can't be used for landscape, but we can think of creative ways to
incorporate the fund into the garden box design, storage shed, fencing or composting area.
• Los Angeles Community Garden Council has resources on starting a garden and forming a
volunteer garden leadership group, writing articles of incorporation, bylaws, gardener
agreements, and to develop community garden rules and guidelines.
• Via social media, scheduled community pruning/composting days advertised.
• Supplies stored in a shed.
• Compost from the city yard and from garden foliage.
Maybe under Recycling and Green waste:
How to Share Your Homegrown Fruit Tree Surplus
Have a lemon or orange tree in your yard that produces more citrus than you can consume? Consider
donating your surplus through our local CASE (Community Alliance to Support and Empower) food
pantry or Food Forward. CASE serves the El Segundo community directly and shares collection
opportunities on social media pages. Food Forward is a nonprofit organization bringing fresh surplus
fruits and vegetables to people experiencing food insecurity across 8 counties in Southern California.
You can register your fruit tree for picking or pick yourself under the guidelines to donate surplus fruit.
New tab:
How to Participate in Beach Clean -Ups
The El Segundo Beach is not immune to trash pollution and littering, including plastics and other
materials that wash on to the beach via storm sewers. While organized group clean ups have not re-
started due to the pandemic, individual and socially distanced clean ups help keep our beaches clean
and trash out of the ocean. Why not take a nice walk on the beach with a bag in hand to pick up litter
along the way —enjoy the beauty while making it more beautiful! Once group clean-ups can resume, you
can also enjoy the company of like-minded folks if you volunteer for a beach clean-up day or Adopt -A -
Beach effort through organizations such as Heal the Bay or Surfrider Foundation.
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Friday, February 5, 2021, 12:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 12:03 pm, held virtually via Zoom.
The following Committee Members were present:
• Tracey Miller-Zarneke, Resident, Local Business, Committee Chair
• Corrie Zupo, Resident, Committee Vice -Chair
• Kevin Maggay, Local Business, Member
• Rachel McPherson, Resident, Member
• Sarah Brockhaus, Resident, Member
The following Committee Members were not present:
• 1 vacancy, El Segundo School District, Member
• Caroline Hawks, Resident, Member
The following City staff member(s) were present:
• Elias Sassoon, City of El Segundo, Director, Public Works
• Bill Whalen, Police Chief
4. REPORTS: Public Works
a. Director Sassoon provided an update regarding joining California Green Business
Network. This item is on 2/16/2021 City Council agenda.
b. Director Sassoon provided an update regarding Beekeeping Ordinance progress.
This item is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on 2/25/2021 and
subsequently to the City Council on 3/16/2021.
a. No Action regarding "Smoking Ban in Public Places and ROW was taken. After some
discussion, it was decided that member Maggay and Director Sassoon would work
together to further refine the presentation to the City Council regarding this item.
b. Motion was made by member Zupo to approve the presentation from California
Green Business Network. Member McPherson seconded the motion. The motion
was approved unanimously
c. "Action Item" was added to the agenda: to support the City's initiatives by
presenting the recommendation to City Council to apply for the California Green
Business Program grant. Member Zupo made a motion to approve the item.
Member Brockhaus seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
a. This item was discussed under 5a
b. No update
c. This item was discussed under 4a and 5b,c
d. No update
e. No update
f. The following new goals were discussed:
-Working voluntarily on Community Garden; Member Zupo will refresh
conversation with Recreation & Parks employee Ryan Delgado to get this moving.
-Working with West Basin to provide residents with info regarding more energy
efficient devices (irrigation system, sinks, commodes... etc.); Member McPherson
will reach out to West Basin to discover programs that the Committee might help
-Making more Committee appearances at the Farmer's Market to stimulate
conversation about environmental practices; will discuss further once pandemic
conditions are lifted.
-Partnering with local food shelters regarding the distribution of locally grown
surplus fruits; discussion included use of the El Segundo Farmstand Facebook page,
CASE and Food Forward partnerships/promotion opportunities, including an
update to any of these recommendations on the Committee Environmental
Resources webpage.
-Working with community organizations to organize beach cleanups; group events
will need to wait until post -pandemic, but promoting the concept of "everyone
grab a bag do your part when you visit the beaches" could happen now.
Approved Minutes for January 8, 2021 meeting. Member Zupo moved to approve, member
Rachael McPherson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Closing announcement: Next meeting will be held on March 5, 2021 at noon.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:35 pm.