2021-01-08 Environmental Committee AgendaAGENDA
FRIDAY, January 8, 2021-12:00 P.M.
How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments?
Residents are encouraged to participate remotely in the virtual Environmental Committee
Meeting. Please contact Senior Management Analyst Jasmine Allen for connection details
(fallen elsegundo.org or 310-524-2365). Members of the Public may provide comments
electronically by sending them to Jasmine Allen via email, with a limit of 150 words and
accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting. The emails will be read to the
Environmental Committee during public communications and are subject to disclosure
under the Public Records Act.
Additional Information
The Environmental Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon
properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public
can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of
the Environmental Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public
Communications portion of the meeting.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to
participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 24
hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to
ensure accessibility to this meeting.
3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only and for which the Committee
is responsible — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) While all comments ore
welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Environmental Committee to take action on
any item not on the agenda. Environmental Committee members may respond to
comments after Public Communications is closed.
4. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS — this portion of the agenda is for City staff to provide brief
reports to the Committee. These are "receive and file," non -action items only. Any
actions needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda.
a. Jo Fleming from California Green Business Network will provide a power point
presentation regarding California Green Business Program, and availability of grants for
this program (see attached).
b. Public Works to provide an update regarding Bee Keeping ordinance progress.
c. Citywide smoking in public places & in common areas of multi -family developments.
Member Kevin Maggay to work with staff regarding the development of the power point
presentation to the City Council for this item.
6. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS — this portion of the agenda is for
members to discuss various ideas and for subcommittees established by the Committee to
provide brief reports on the work being done by the subcommittee. These are "receive and
file," non -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an
upcoming agenda.
a. Solid Waste Reduction/Elimination of Single -Use Plastics (Caroline Hawks/Tracey
Miller-Zarneke): discuss next steps.
b. Green Business Recognition Program (Corrie Zupo): discuss next steps, in light of item
c. Water Conservation (Rachel McPherson): discuss research progress.
d. Green Construction Standards (Corrie Zupo/Sarah Brockhaus): discuss next steps.
e. Smoking Ban (Kevin Maggay): discuss next steps, in light of item 4c.
f. Discuss a City Council recommendation to create a community garden downtown as part of
the Civic Center Redevelop and Re -Purposing (or at an alternative location) — see attachment.
7. CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of November 13, 2020 Committee Meeting Minutes.
Recommendation: Approval.
California Green Business Program - State of California Funding
New Community Start-up Seed Funding
Due Date: March 1, 2020
CA Green Business Network - New Community Grant Overview:
The California Green Business Network (CAGBN), under guidance from CalEPA, has funding from the State of
California to help five new communities start a Green Business Program. In an effort to make sure that CAGBN can
deliver the metric outcomes on the grant, the goal is to select the communities that are most willing and able to
implement a Green Business Program, and for which there is a significant need to bolster the green economy in
regions that are deemed disadvantaged according to the CaIEPA Enviroscreen 3.0 Tool. This questionnaire will help
determine whether your community has completed the necessary steps and early assessment to determine if the
program will be a success. It will also be used to select the communities that receive funding. Please answer the
questions with as many specific details as possible. If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please
contact Shawn Orgel-Olson at sorgelolson@environmentalin.com.
Details of the Subcontract Award:
This subcontracted work will provide $30,000 each to five local government agencies or designated consultants/partners to
assist with the establishment of Green Business Programs in communities that have never had a program. The funds will be
available to help coordinate outreach to the business community to engage them in the Green Business Program. The
following are likely to be eligible expenses:
1) Staff and/or consultant time to assist and track businesses through the program
2) Marketing efforts to attract and promote certified Green Businesses
3) Business rebates for purchases required to meet green business standards
4) Material expenses for events such as Green Business Academies and/or recruitment events
5) Community Based Organization engagement, particularly in disadvantaged or rural communities.
All of these costs will be reimbursed twice during the one-year project duration, as costs are incurred. Training to both the CBO
and the new CAGBN program will be provided by CAGBN staff.
Seed Funding Overview:
• $30,000 for local government agencies or designated Community Based Organizations that will operate the
program in the local jurisdiction where there is currently no program operating.
New CAGBN Program Questionnaire:
1. What is the geographical reach of your proposed program? Regional, County or City? Is your community
listed on an environmental justice list or is your community economically disadvantaged? Use the Cal
Enviroscreen tool to determine if your municipality falls in this category and please provide
the CalEnviroScreen Score (for example: 96-100%). (20 points)
2. Please list the stakeholders (agency and individuals) you have involved in the early design of your program in
the following categories: Pollution Prevention, Materials Management/Recycling, Energy Conservation,
Wastewater/stormwater and Water -Use Efficiency. (15 points)
3. What type of direct funding will be used for your program and how much? What type and how much
leveraged funding will be used, such as in -kind staff time? (15 points)
4. What would you use the $30,000 new community funding from this subcontract for? (10 points)
5. What staffing and hours will be committed to the program? (5 points)
6. IF you are planning to have the subcontract agreement be with a trusted community -based organization, are
you willing to collect and approve all of the costs incurred? (required)
7. How will you track costs for reimbursement on the subcontract agreement? Costs for your program? Costs
for the Community -based Organization? Costs for the businesses? (5 points)
8. Do you agree to use the California Green Business Database, collect the data necessary to track metrics, and
to adhere to the by-laws of the Network? Will you ensure that businesses certified by your agency are in
compliance with regulatory laws and meet the essential criteria set forth by the California Green Business
Network to ensure statewide consistency? Is your agency capable of contributing to support statewide
efforts such as the database in future years beyond the lifetime of the grant funding? (all required)
9. Are you willing to become a contributing member of the California Green Business Network? It is
recommended that you review and become familiar with the by-laws of the Network and ask any questions
you may have before summiting this grant application. The first year requires no fees with the current
funding. However, subsequent years require annual fees. The base fee is $5000/year with a supplemental
fee based on the number of businesses in your region. The fees run from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on
your size. Ask staff from CAGBN to calculate what your fees would be.
By -Laws can be found at: drive.google.com/file/d/1SQIUntt5ubl1OO7pbdIQBrDIShltd9Py/view?usp=sharing
10. What are your plans to ensure that the Green Business Program has longevity and becomes a long-standing,
well -supported and high participation program beyond the term of the funding? How do you intend to
secure funding beyond the initial seed funding? (20 points)
Optional: Community -based Organization:
11. Please list any Community -based Organizations that you intend to work with and describe their experience
in working with businesses in your region:
• Community -Based Business Assistance Organization:
What experience does the CBO working with English as second language speakers, hosting
workshops, and working with the business community?
Business Community:
12. Do you have interest from the business community in the proposed region? What type of industry sectors
would you work with (auto -repair, small manufacturing, retail, etc.)? Are there business associations that
you have discussed the program with? Are there any pilot businesses that have agreed to participate?
Approximately how many businesses do you envision certifying during the funding term of two years? (10
NOTE: Funding is pending and dependent on a contract with the State of California and is not guaranteed.
Responses to these questions will be used to select the communities that are most ready to launch Green
Business Programs and most likely to succeed and have longevity.
Community Garden Idea:
• COVID19 and civil unrest across the country has drastically changed our countries sense of
community. By expanding the community garden as a true garden open to the entire community,
it will remote fresh and healthy food equity to all.
• El Segundo Climate Action Plan recommends Urban Greening which includes spaces such as
community gardens. These spaces are "carbon sinks" as they store greenhouse gas emissions that
are otherwise emitted into the atmosphere.
• The current El Segundo Community Garden is not a true community garden since all the spaces
are rented via a lottery. There's currently no spots and the next lottery is January 2021.
• Recreation Park has many underutilized recreational spots to expand the community garden (ex.
lawn bowling)
• Another idea is to add a community garden in the civic center as part of the redevelop and
repurpose of Downtown. This would allow direct downtown access for the entire community.
• Community Garden surplus would go too CASE.
• Use reclaimed water from West Basin.
• QRTLY educational workshops on gardening and composting
Various Funding Ideas:
• Various grants are available.
• Provide a community garden bed fundraiser where residents or businesses can donate money to
pay for a garden bed and have their name engraved (Ex. Garden Bed donated by the Smith
For a fee, residents or business can paint a tile for a mosaic in the garden (El Segundo
Art Committee oversees the design)
For a fee, residents can donate money to have their colorful handprint put on a garden
;i L . 1
• Alternative idea is community members creating a non-profit and solicit donations from large
businesses in town (as done in Seal Beach).
• Partial funding can also come from the Art Fund (Title 15 of Es Municipal Code) and partner with El
Segundo Art Committee. Approx. $685,000 in public art and fee revenues per year per City Council
Meeting Minutes. Art fee can't be used for landscape, but we can think of creative ways to
incorporate the fund into the garden box design, storage shed, fencing or composting area.
• Los Angeles Community Garden Council has resources on starting a garden and forming a
volunteer garden leadership group, writing articles of incorporation, bylaws, gardener
agreements, and to develop community garden rules and guidelines.
• Via social media, scheduled community pruning/composting days advertised.
• Supplies stored in a shed.
• Compost from the city yard and from garden foliage.
Friday, November 13, 2020, 12:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 12:03 pm, held virtually via Zoom.
The following Committee Members were present:
• Tracey Miller-Zarneke, Resident, Local Business, Committee Chair
• Corrie Zupo, Resident, Committee Vice -Chair
• Caroline Hawks, Resident, Member
• Kevin Maggay, Local Business, Member
• Rachel McPherson, Resident, Member
The following Committee Members were not present:
• Sarah Brockhaus, Resident, Member (Excused Absent)
• 1 vacancy, El Segundo School District, Member
The following City staff member(s) were present:
• Elias Sassoon, City of El Segundo, Director, Public Works
• Siavosh Poursabahian, Development Services Department
• Hamid Rezaei, Development Services Department
• Ray Delgado, Community Services Department
Five members of the public participated:
• Irene Sanchez — resident
• Trisha Delmendo —resident
• Victor Valdez — resident
• Craig Calwallader — Surfrider foundation member
• Chia -Ming Ro — resident
The first three members addressed the committee and expressed concerns
regarding the "Catalyst" project which was heard by the City Planning Commission
(CPC) on November 12, 2020. The item was to be continued by the CPC and
therefore the committee members did not provide any response. The committee
chairwoman informed them of this in advance. The concerns were related to the
impact to the environment and traffic. Mr. Valdez provided some documents which
copies were provided to the committee members later. Mr. Cadwallader spoke in
support of a smoking ban coming to El Segundo. Ms. Ro attended in support of bee
keeping measures.
a. Elias Sassoon informed the Committee that there would be no permit required
for bee keeping and the residents who want to be Bee Keepers must comply with
county requirements only. He advised that the City Attorney needs to update the
ordinance regarding nuisances to remove bee keeping from it.
b. Elias Sassoon informed the committee that he had been in touch with the
Building Officials of cities of Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach and Culver City.
None of these cities require LEED certificates any longer. This is due to the fact
that the state code is updated every 3 years and the current code has caught up
with LEED in many aspects. Further, LEED certificate requirements have proven to
be very costly and time consuming. However, these cities require additional EV-
Charging Stations and Culver City requires recycling of gray water (from Laundry
only). Elias Sassoon indicated that he planned to include some funding in the next
year's strategic planning to hire a consultant firm to analyze any requirement(s)
beyond and above the state requirements. These efforts must be coordinated
with Environmental Committee (EC), Economic Development Advisory Committee
(EDAC), and stakeholders/ citizens. The funding for this work is subject to the City
Council approval.
Member Kevin Maggay made a motion to develop city wide smoking in public places and in
common areas of multi -family developments. Member Corrie Zupo seconded the motion. The
motion carried 5-0.
Members provided updates on work plan items. Ryan Delgado from Recreation & Parks
department provided some information regarding Community Garden. The proposed Water and
Wastewater rates was discussed briefly and Elias Sassoon informed the committee that the item
would be on December 1, 2020 City Council agenda for discussion. Member Zupo would like to
continue discussion regarding Community Garden.
Approved Minutes for October 2, 2020 meeting. Chairwoman Tracey Miller-Zarneke moved to
approve; member Rachael McPherson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.
It was decided not to have any meeting in December 2020. Next meeting will be held on January
8, 2020 at noon.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:24 pm.