2021-04-14 DEI AgendaCITY OF
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
Virtual Meeting via Zoom Teleconferencing
MEETING DATE: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
MEETING TIME: 4:00 p.m.
MEETING ID: 953 3813 4741
PASSCODE: 519415
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Additional Information:
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take
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public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of
the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
PLEASE NOTE: Public Meetings are recorded.
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Shad McFadden - Chairperson Avery Smith - Member
Kenneth Chancey - Co -Chairperson Christina Vasquez -Fajardo - Member
Lauren Abercrombie - Member Christibelle Villena - Member
Kelsey Chittick - Member Steven Wood - Member
Natacha Lee - Member
Related to city business only and for which the DEI Committee is responsible. At this time,
members of the public may speak to any item on the agenda only. Before speaking, you are
requested, but not required, to state your name and address for the record. If you represent an
organization or a third party, please so state. 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total
1. DEI Concept Review: "Othering" - Jimmy Pete
1. Regular Meeting Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Recommendation: Approval
1. Special DEI Meeting to Discuss the Committee's Mission and Vision Statement
Recommendation: Approve scheduling a special DEI meeting.
2. DEI Business Panel - Sabrina Steele, The Aerospace Corporation
Partner with L.A. Air Force Base and The Aerospace Corporation to host a DEI
business panel discussion.
Recommendation: Approve.
3. Joint DEI Initiatives with the Arts and Culture Committee (ACC)
Partner with the ACC on "IDEA" an after -school arts program, and a multi -cultural
holiday event.
Recommendation: Approve.
4. Review Draft City Council Staff Report
Recommendation: Approve draft staff report or recommend changes.
5. System for Community Feedback
Discussion of method for DEI Committee to receive feedback from the community.
1. DEI Calendar
Build a calendar that documents and informs upcoming events, engagements and
special days/campaigns calling for DEI review or involvement.
City of El Segundo
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2021 4:00 p.m.
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom
The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. and roll call was conducted by Monse Palacios.
Committee Members Present: Lauren Abercrombie, Natacha Lee, Shad McFadden, Avery Smith,
Christina Vazquez -Fajardo, Kelsey Chittick, Christibelle Villena,
Steven Wood.
Absent: Kenneth Chancey
City Staff Present:
Jimmy Pete, City of El Segundo DEI Consultant
Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager
David King, Assistant City Attorney
Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent and DEI Committee Liaison
Lauren Daniels, Human Resources Manager
Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst
The committee heard from John Pickhaver, Dave Holop and Keith Puckett.
Motion: to approve the Wednesday, February 10, 2021 meeting minutes was made by Member Chittick
and Seconded by Member Villena. Motion carried 8-0
Chairperson McFadded suggested the committee begin with item F and continue to item E. Committee
was in consensus.
a. Public Safety-
• Continue with data collection.
• Subcommittee will attend the Community Academy session scheduled to begin in the month
of April for 10 weeks.
• Reach out to other Police Departments to see what is working, what is not and what might
apply in ES.
• Review the budget.
b. Citywide Organization-
• Continue with data collection.
• Meet with Human Resources Manager, Lauren Daniels
• Neighboring Communities DEI practices outreach. Future meetings with City of Beverly Hills
and Santa Monica.
• Shared the importance of Government Alliance on Race & Equity (GARE)
• Possibly meet with City of Culver City in regard to GARE
• Outline Subcommittee goals
c. Local Economy-
• Continue with data collection.
• Learning what local businesses DEI best practices
• Recreation Superintended, Arecia Hester and Mayor, Drew Boyles represented El
Segundo DEI at the Young Presidents Organization on March 4, 2021.
• Meet with Aerospace Corporation on March 3, 2021. They formed subcommittees lead by
different executives. Aerospace has received employee feedback regarding racial
profiling by ESPD.
d. Community At Large -
Member Chittick expressed the need to take action. She would like to move forward with a few
ideas and show the community the progress the committee has made.
The subcommittee discussed the following.
• Continue with data collection.
• Increase visibility for people to be heard.
• Would like to create a panel of community leaders and experts.
• Communicate with the local high school and have committee members speak to students.
• Implement an anonymous hotline or email box shared by the Police Department and DEI
• Possibly create a form on the city website where people can have an open forum, collect
data and communicate with the committee.
• Create a community survey.
Member Chittick asked for clarification on the process to take an item to City Council for approval.
Recreation Superintendent, Arecia Hester informed the committee that it must be an actionable
item and a staff report needs to be completed. She recommended the committee be detailed in
their requests.
Assistant City Attorney, David King explained an actionable item are items which include
expenditure of money, staff resources and controversial items. In order to move forward on such
specific items, the committee must have City Council approval. Could be done by creating a formal
proposal to City Council.
Regarding the anonymous email or hot line, David King stated if the emails are discussed as a
committee it will be public record. If it is discussed in a subcommittee it will not be public record.
Deputy City Manager, Barbara Voss informed the committee of the cancelation of the April City
Council meeting.
In the effort to move along the committee progress and next steps Deputy City Manager, Barbara
Voss suggested City Council be invited to the next DEI meeting in which the committee can present
items and possibly have City Council approval. Barbara will try and schedule their attendance for
the next DEI meeting.
Committee would like to add to the agenda discussion of the vision mission statement to the next
regular scheduled meeting.
Member Christina will email staff examples of vision and mission statements and staff will
communicate with the committee.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm
Special Joint City Council and
CITY OF Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
E L S E GU N D O DRAFT Agenda Statement
Meeting Date: May 18, 2021
Agenda Heading: DEI Committee Report
Update and Recommendations from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
1. Receive and file update; and,
2. Authorize the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to ....
In response to the tragic death of George Floyd while in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer
on May 25, 2020, thousands of protests took place across the United States, including several
protests in El Segundo. El Segundo residents shared their concerns about local racial diversity
issues, inclusion, treatment by police, experiences at local schools, and other matters during several
community rallies. Residents also spoke on these topics at the June 3, 2020 City Council meeting.
City Council then discussed these issues during a June 11, 2020 closed session meeting. At its June
16, 2020 meeting, City Council directed staff to establish a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(DEI) Committee to ensure that these issues are properly identified, discussed, vetted, and
ultimately addressed by City Council.
City Council recommended the following study topics:
Public Safety (including a review of Police Department policies, practices, training,
diversity, and future direction)
2. Citywide Organization (including a review of City government policies, practices, training,
diversity, etc.)
3. Community at Large (including a review of City demographic data, history, trends, etc.)
4. Local Economy (including a review of private sector diversity policies, practices, training,
DEI Committee Update and Recommendations
May 18, 2021
Page 2 of 3
The DEI Committee held its first meeting on October 29, 2020 and has established a monthly
meeting schedule on the second Wednesday of each month, with occasional special meetings, as
needed. The DEI Committee has met on the following dates:
Meeting Date
Key Topics
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Welcome, Introductions, Selection of Chair and
Vice Chair, DEI Training
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Support of United Against Hate Week, City
Manager Overview of City Organization, DEI
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Discussion of Subcommittees, Review of proposed
DEI Bylaws, DEI Training
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Presentation - Overview and Future Goals of the El
Segundo Police Department
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Selection of Subcommittee Members, Approval of
Bylaws, DEI Training
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Reports of Subcommittees
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Reports of Subcommittees, Recommended Actions
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Review of Updates and Recommendations to City
Council, Business Panel Discussion, Partner with
ACC on events.
At its January 27 meeting, the DEI Committee approved the establishment of four subcommittees
to address the topics recommended by City Council.
Reports of Subcommittees and Recommended Actions:
Each subcommittee would provide input here.
Public Safety
Action Item: Community Police Academy.
Citywide Organization
The Citywide Organization Committee met on March 241n
1. Training
2. DEI Policy
3. Recruitment Efforts — Hiring and Retention Policies/Practices
4. Internships (Future)
5. Begin the process of possibly becoming a GARE member
6. Employee Culture Building — E.g. Establish Employee Resource Groups
DEI Committee Update and Recommendations
May 18, 2021
Page 3 of 3
Local Economy
Goals & Deliverables of the Local Economy Subcommittee:
Overview/report to city council on local private sector DEI policies, practices, training
a. What is working
i. Based on feedback from local company leaders and employees
b. What can be improved and how
c. How can ES support local economy with DEI
d. Best Practices & our recommendation
2. Local Economy + DEI panel discussion to learn from local best practices and provide an
opportunity for local businesses to learn from each other
a. Opportunity to partner with the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce
3. Assess and provide recommendations on the City supporting a mentorship/internship
program connecting diverse youth with local professionals.
4. Partner with the Communitywide Subcommittee on a way for people who work in El
Segundo to flag issues/topics pertaining to DEI.
5. Assess and provide a recommendation on the option to flag businesses as minority -owned
in the El Segundo Business Directory.
Community at Large
Create a panel of community leaders and experts (needs clarification)
Community Events — E.G. Diversity Topics/Monthly Calendar, Q&A with City Council,
Culturally Immersive Food Events
Community Survey
Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Engagement, and Communication; Embrace Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion
Objective A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers.
PREPARED BY: The Members of the DEI Committee
REVIEWED BY: Lauren Daniels, Human Resources Manager
APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager