2021-02-10 DEI AgendaCITY OF ELSEGUNDO SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee AGENDA Virtual Meeting via Zoom Teleconferencing MEETING DATE: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 MEETING TIME: 4:00 p.m. DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20. TELECONFERENCE VIA ZOOM MEETING MEETING ID: 953 3813 4741 PASSCODE: 519415 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Join via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, or by phone. Join via Zoom: Please use this URL If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, then use the drop down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself to be anonymous. https://zoom.us/i/95338134741?pwd=aXdwU UxMZm5ic3ZlWFVOeXgxaUw5QT09 Join by phone: +1 669 900 9128 Enter Meeting ID: 953 3813 4741 Passcode: 519415 Your phone number is captured by the zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act unless you first dial "67" before dialing the number as shown above to remain anonymous. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the Committee, please state your name and residence or the organization you represent. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may also provide comments electronically by sending an email to the following address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: mpalacios(cD-elsegundo.org in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the Committee during public communications. NOTE: Emails and documents submitted will be considered public documents and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. and possibly posted to the City's website. NOTE: Public Meetings can be recorded and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act and possibly posted to the City's website. Additional Information: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. PLEASE NOTE: Public Meetings are recorded. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, 310-524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL — Shad McFadden- Chairperson Kenneth Chancey- Co -Chairperson Lauren Abercrombie- Member Kelsey Chittick- Member Natacha Lee- Member C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Avery Smith- Member Christina Vasquez- Fajardo- Member Christibelle Villena- Member Steven Wood- Member Related to city business only and for which the DEI Committee is responsible. At this time, members of the public may speak to any item on the agenda only. Before speaking, you are requested, but not required, to state your name and address for the record. If you represent an organization or a third party, please so state. 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total D. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES a. Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Recommendation: Approval F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Debrief on January 27, 2021 unconscious bias training session Follow up and discussion with DEI consultant, Jimmy Pete 2. ESPD Q&A Follow up and discussion to the January 13, 2021 ESPD presentation G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion of subcommittees strategies and next steps H. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Public Safety b. Citywide Organization c. Local Economy d. Community At Large I. PARKING LOT 1. Youth Sports Involve youth sports in the City's DEI efforts, recognizing it as a powerful gathering forum for much of El Segundo. 2. DEI Calendar Build a calendar that documents and informs upcoming events, engagements and special days/campaigns calling for DEI review or involvement. J. MONTHLY RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy, and Belonging across Differences. By Mary -Frances Winters K. ADJOURNMENT City of El Segundo Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Meeting Minutes January 27, 2021 4:00 p.m. 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m. and roll call was conducted by Shad McFadden. B . ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Lauren Abercrombie, Kenneth Chancey, Natacha Lee, Shad McFadden, Avery Smith, Christina Vazquez -Fajardo, Kelsey Chittick ,Christibelle Villena, Steven Wood. Absent: City Staff Present: Jimmy Pete, City of El Segundo DEI Consultant Scott Mitnick, City Manager Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager David King, Assistant City Attorney Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent and DEI Committee Liaison Lauren Daniels, Human Resources Manager Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS None D. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Motion: to approve the Wednesday, January 13, 2021 meeting minutes was made by Member Wood and Seconded by Member Vasquez -Fajardo. Motion carried 8-0 E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Subcommittees Motion: to approve the subcommittees with the selected members was made by member Chancey. Motion was second by member Vasquez -Fajardo. Motion carried. 8-0 2. Regular Meeting Date and Time Motion: to set future meetings every second Wednesday of the month from 4:OOpm-6:OOpm was made by member Wood. Motion was second by member Chittick. 3. DEI Proposed Bylaws Motion: to approve the DEI Bylaws with the noted changes made by member Abercrombie was made by member Vasquez -Fajardo. Motion was second by member Smith. Motion carried 9-0 F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consultant Training Consultant Jimmy Pete conducted an informative session focused on the topics listed below. The committee provided their thoughts and comments. a. Unconscious Bias b. Cultural Competences vs Cultural Inclusion c. Sensitive Local Issues and Strategic Responses G. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm Questions for ESPD From DEI Committee 1.1 would like to set up a relationship between the public safety subcommittee and ESPD to do a series of deep dives into the data presented to learn more about the day-to-day practices, challenges, and priorities of the Police Department. 1 don't believe that a public question and answer session is the best forum for these deep dives as it is time and resource intensive. Can we set up this relationship once the Public Safety subcommittee is formed? 2. Activists calling to reallocate police funding argue that other social services agencies would be better equipped at dealing with nonviolent mental health, addiction, and homelessness issues. They say that this would leave police departments with more capacity to respond to and solve violent crimes, while reducing the policing/racial profiling of minorities. What is the ESPD's stance and opinion on this? How is ESPD's stance on this be different than in other cities (presumably other cities where there is more violent crime than in El Segundo)? 3. 1've heard El Segundo High School students of color say that they feel racially profiled by the police on campus and in the community. Has Officer Martinez or any of the other ESPD officers specifically done any outreach with students and parents in regards to these concerns with the El Segundo public school community? Reference: Gundo Goundbreakers YouTube interview from July 2020 4. Do they separate traffic stops and burglaries by race? 5. Do they track race when it comes to accusation of crime to accused of crime? 6.What is the breakdown of how many blacks, whites and Hispanics are pulled over yearly? 7. Why the lower than expected ratio between Use of Force and arrest compared to other cities?