2020-12-10 DEI Agenda SPCCI II' OF ELSEGUNDO SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee AGENDA Virtual Meeting via Zoom Teleconferencing MEETING DATE: Thursday, December 10, 2020 MEETING TIME: 4:00 p.m. DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20. TELECONFERENCE VIA ZOOM MEETING MEETING ID: 944 516 2726 PASSCODE: 020303 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Join via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, or by phone. Join via Zoom: Please use this URL https://zoom.us/j/9445162726?pwd=NXFzQlNaZGhhUOxYNWN6UU9kcDErQT09 If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, then use the drop down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself to be anonymous. Join by phone: +1 669 900 9128Enter Meeting ID: 944 516 2726 Passcode:020303 Your phone number is captured by the zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act unless you first dial "67" before dialing the number as shown above to remain anonymous. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the Committee, please state your name and residence or the organization you represent. Please respect the time limits. Members of the Public may also provide comments electronically by sending an email to the following address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: mpalacios(cD_elsegundo.org in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the Committee during public communications. NOTE: Emails and documents submitted will be considered public documents and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. and possibly posted to the City's website. NOTE: Public Meetings can be recorded and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act and possibly posted to the City's website. Additional Information: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. PLEASE NOTE: Public Meetings are recorded. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, 310-524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL Shad McFadden- Chairperson Kenneth Chancey- Co -Chairperson Lauren Abercrombie- Member Kelsey Chittick- Member Natacha Lee- Member Avery Smith- Member Christina Vasquez- Fajardo- Member Christibelle Villena- Member Steven Wood- Member A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Related to city business only and for which the Advisory Council is responsible- 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total. B. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting Thursday, November 12, 2020 Recommendation: Approval C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Workshop "The Four Basic Skills of Facilitation " D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Sub -Committees a. Public Safety b. Rules Committee c. Citywide Organization d. Local Economy e. Community At Laws 2. Discussion of DEI Bylaws E. PARKING LOT 1. Youth Sports Involve youth sports in the City's DEI efforts, recognizing it as a powerful gathering forum for much of El Segundo. 2. DEI Calendar Build a calendar that documents and informs upcoming events, engagements and special days/campaigns calling for DEI review or involvement. F. ADJOURNMENT City of El Segundo Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Meeting Minutes November 12, 2020 4:00 p.m. 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll call was conducted by Jimmy Pete. B . ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Lauren Abercrombie, Kenneth Chancey, Kelsey Chittick, Natacha Lee, Shad McFadden, Avery Smith, Christina Vazquez -Fajardo, Christibelle Villena, Steven Wood. Absent: None City Staff Present: Jimmy Pete, City of El Segundo DEI Consultant Scott Mitnick, City Manager Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager David King, Assistant City Attorney Bill Whalen, El Segundo Chief of Police Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent and DEI Committee Liaison Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS None Brief Overview of January 2021 El Segundo Police Department Presentation. Chief Whalen went over his presentation with the committee and asked for feedback. He would like to take the members on a ride along and scenario based training to try and put the members in the Police Officers shoes. Member Shad McFadden asked the Police Chief if his department encountered any additional cost during the protest. Police Chief stated the department did not encounter additional cost. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Selection of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Kenneth Chancey nominated Shad McFadden to be Chairperson. Motion was second by Kelsey Shitick. Motion carried 9-0. Kenneth Chancey nominated himself to be Vice Chairperson. Motion was second by Natasha Lee. Motion carried 9-0 2. Discussion of Bylaws Barbara informed the committee they have time to discuss the sample bylaws they received. Member Shad McFadden Kenneth made a motion to consult with Vice -Chairperson Kenneth Chancey and Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager on the draft bylaws and come to the next meeting with recommendations for the group. Motion was second by member Steven Wood. Motion Passed 9-0 3. Committee Meeting Schedule David explained that a lot of work can be done in subcommittees and report to the entire committee. Member Kelsey Chittick made a motion to have the next meeting on the second Thursday of December beginning at 4:00pm. Motion was second by Avery Smith. Motion Passed 9-0 4. Reading and Discussion of " Call Me by My True Names" Poem by Tich Nhat Hanh Jimmy Pete read the poem to the committee. The committee shared their perspectives and feedback. E. NEW BUSINESS Proposed Proclamation to Support United Against Hate Week Barbara explained that LA County has supported this proclamation. The group could consider it and make a recommendation to the City Council. Member Kenneth Chancey made a motion to adopt the proposed proclamation to support United Against Hate Week. Motion was second by Avery Smith. Motion Passed 9-0 Member Avery Smith agreed to attend the City Council meeting. 2. Citywide Organization Overview Scott Mitnick, City manager reviewed the organizational chart. He encouraged the committee to review the city's budget and city manager message. 3. Getting to Know the Team Avery Smith member of Young Member Organization, Santa Monica Bay chapter. Shad McFadden Member of AYSO. Business owner in El Segundo. Lauren Abercrombie Partner Manager at Google. Kelsey Chittick writer and speaker. Can assist with communication. F. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee City of El Segundo Bylaws Passed and Adopted by the DEI Committee on XXX Approved by the City Council on XXX ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee otherwise known as DEI Committee. ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of the DEI Committee is to advise the City Council to include XXX into the El Segundo community. The DEI Committee shall serve as a forum for effective collaboration leading to growth of arts and culture in the City of El Segundo. The Committee is a standing advisory committee that serves at the behest of the City Council. ARTICLE III Qualifications Members of the DEI Committee shall be representatives of the community including both residents and non-residents who actively live, work or attend high school within the City of El Segundo. ARTICLE IV Membership The DEI Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five (5) voting members and a maximum of nine (9) voting members. Candidates for the membership are reviewed and recommended by DEI Committee and then approved and appointed by the City Council. DEI Committee membership is not limited to the residents of El Segundo however, members who are non-residents should be actively employed in the city or attend high School. The purpose of ACC is that its members represent a variety of backgrounds representative of the Arts including but not limited to the following categories: • Creative Art • Technology • Science Section I- Selection of Members The City of El Segundo shall advertise and solicit applications to fill any vacant positions that may occur. After the application period has closed, the Chair, Vice -Chair and one (1) other member of DEI Committee shall review the applications with the sole purpose of selecting candidates for interview. The Chair, Vice -Chair and selected DEI Committee member will then recommend candidates to the Mayor and City Council via a memo from the Executive Assistant to the City Council. The City Council will have the final approval and appoint the candidates. A candidate may not serve on the Committee without City Council final approval. Section II- Term of Office The term for DEI Committee members is 3 years. Section III- Compensation DEI Committee members are not compensated. Section IV- Removal Members are expected to attend all meetings. When a member has three or more absences in a 12-month period, the DEI Committee shall forward this information to the City Council for review and possible removal of the member. ARTICLE V Meetings All meetings shall be open and public pursuant to the Government Code of the State of California. Section I- Regular Meetings Regular Meetings of the committee shall be monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 4:OOpm. Section II- Special Meetings Special Meetings of the Board may be held at any time upon the call of the Chair or by the majority of the voting members or the City Council following at least 48-hours' notice to each member. The Chairman or a majority of the DEI Committee shall determine the time and place of the Special Meeting. Section III- Study Sessions/Workshops/Seminars The DEI Committee may be convened as a whole or as a committee as a whole in the same manner as prescribed for requesting a special meeting for the purpose of holding a workshop, study session or attending a seminar. No official action can be taken and a quorum is not required. Section IV- General Meeting At it's regular meeting in November of each year, DEI Committee members will elect chair and vice -chair as well as discuss any other long term initiatives for the year. Section V- Quorum A majority of the DEI Committee shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary for action by the DEI Committee. Section VI- Voting Each member shall have one vote. Section VII- Meeting Procedures Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws or City Council Resolutions the DEI Committee will follow the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order for the orderly conduct of meetings. ARTICLE VI Officers Officers of the DEI Committee shall be a Chair and a Vice Chair. Term of Chair and Vice Chair shall be for I year. Duties of the officers shall conform to the regular parliamentary duties as set for by Robert's Rules of Order unless otherwise stated. Section I- Chair The chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the DEI Committee. Section II- Vice Chair During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform all of the duties and be subject to all of the responsibilities of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall succeed the Chair if he/she vacates the office before the term expires. A new Vice Chair shall be elected at the next regular meeting. Section III- Duties of the Diversity, Equity, an Inclusion Committee It is intended that the DEI Committee shall be an advisory body to the City Council. Nothing herein contained should be construed as a limitation on the power of the City Council or the administrative staff of the City in their supervision or authority over property or personnel under their jurisdictions. ARTICLE VII Official Documents Section I- Minutes Minutes of all meetings should be prepared and maintained with the DEI Committee records. Copies shall be distributed to each DEI Committee member, City Council Member and City Clerk. Section II- Distribution of Documents Preparation and distribution of DEI Committee documents to the members, City Council and City Clerk shall be the responsibility of the designated employee as identified by the City Manager. ARTICLE VIII Conduct of Members Section I- Representing the DEI Committee DEI Committee members shall make no personal commitment to speak on behalf of the DEI Committee, nor make any statements or take actions representing the DEI Committee, without majority approval. Section II- Conflict of Interest Members of DEI Committee shall abstain from participating in any matter to come before the DEI Committee in which he or she has any direct or indirect economic interest. Should conflict of interest exist, the DEI Committee member shall remove himself/herself from discussions and abstain from voting. A yearly Conflict of Interest Statement shall be filed with the City Clerk. ARTICLE IX Assistance of Staff The City Manager of the City of El Segundo shall provide the DEI Committee with such information and staff assistance as the DEI Committee may from time to time have requests; subject to the limitations imposed by City Council. The staff member designated by the City Manager shall attend meetings of the DEI Committee and submit reports as needed. ARTICLE X By -Law Amendments These Bylaws as well as any operating procedures may be amended by simple majority of those voting at any legal meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Such amendments must be approved by the City Council.