2021-04-27 Arts Culture Advisory Committee AgendaMEETING OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ARTS and CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE: April 27, 2021 MEETING TIME: 5:30 p.m. MEETING PLACE: El Segundo Public Library DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents are strongly encouraged to participate remotely in the virtual Arts and Culture Advisory Committee Meeting. Access remotely via Zoom (Meeting ID 971 7511 44471 Passcode 846319 1 Phone No. 669-900-9128). Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending them to Julie Todd Senior Librarian (jtodd@elsegundo.org/310-524-2729), with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting. The emails will be read to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Additional Information The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. The time limit for comments is five minutes per person, maximum 30 minutes. Before speaking to the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee, please state: your name, residence, and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk (310) 524-2305. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that we are holding this meeting on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Tongva. We recognize the Tongva people as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin, So. Channel Islands). We also acknowledge that Los Angeles County is home to the largest Indigenous populations in the US. A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL ❑ Jeff Cason ❑ Kristen Dorsey ❑ Maureen Kingsley ❑ Mark Knight ❑ Michael Kreski CITY COUNCIL LIAISONS ❑ Councilmember Lance Giroux C. PRESENTATIONS - NONE ❑ Brian Mitchell ❑ Samantha Smith-Strassner ❑ Vice Chairperson Natalie Strong ❑ Eva Sweeney ❑ Chairperson Neal Von Flue ❑ Councilmember Scot Nicol D. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to city business only and for which the Advisory Council is responsible — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). E. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES for March 23, 2021 F. SPECIAL BUSINESS 1. Debriefing of Chairperson Neal Von Flue's ACC Big Idea List Top 5 Presentation to Council on April 20t" (Chairperson Neal Von Flue/15 minutes) G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Centennial Art Project — Utility Box Wraps Discussion and possible action (Julie Todd/60 minutes) Supporting Documentation: Utility Box Wraps designed by Joe Natoli H. NEW BUSINESS -NONE I. GOVERNANCE J. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Chairperson Neal Von Flue Vice Chairperson Natalie Strong Jeff Cason Kristen Dorsey Maureen Kingsley Mark Knight Michael Kreski Brian Mitchell Samantha Smith-Strassner Eva Sweeney CITY COUNCIL LIAISON COMMENTS Councilmember Lance Giroux Councilmember Scot Nicol L. CITY LIAISON UPDATES M. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: Regular meeting on May 25, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Posted by: Julie Todd Date & Time: 4/22/21, 5:00 p.m. ARTS AND CULTURE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OUTREACH TO OTHER CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, AND BOARDS Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee: Michael Kreski Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Kristen Dorsey Economic Development Advisory Council: Eva Sweeney Environmental Committee: Kristen Dorsey Gateway Committee: Michael Kreski Investment Advisory Committee: Brian Mitchell Library Board of Trustees: Natalie Strong, Brian Mitchell (alternate) Planning Commission: Kristen Dorsey, Eva Sweeney (alternate) Recreation and Parks Commission: Jeff Cason, Michael Kreski (alternate) Senior Citizens Housing Corporation Board: Maureen Kingsley, Neal Von Flue (alternate) Technology Committee: Brian Mitchell, Mark Knight (alternate) pIGGLY pIC `.WIGGLY y1Ir'GLY LY In -Elr. a PAY ROLL CTY i e undo PAYPOLL Gry �r> Commerce, development, and residential neighborhoods quickly took shape in El Segundo from 1912 through the 1930s. "Payroll City," as El Segundo was known then, was home to many employees O O O f of Standard Oil Company, located on the city's southern boundary. © © O EFWNDO YI�W1ri ice-—�•�-k'�i =1�� t Voted `Most Business -Friendly City," El Segundo is home to more than a dozen Fortune 500 companies, including toy -maker Mattel, as well as numerous small businesses and creative firms. 2 IEL DD c op Eli, C E ti I EnN I A L CZ L E n P. I O N From industry to play, from the wares on the shore to the stars in the sky, we celebrate the story of a small town that has made an indelible impact on the world over the past century. But that is not where our journey ends. We 6a new mountains to climb. New discoveries to make. New bridges to build. Our diversity and ingenuity will 6e our strength. Together we will strive to create a better future for our community —a legacy that will shine bright for the neKt 100 years. 3 j,j' tz] .�_. I �t r F[ �LS� m[IG U El I j- 3 r712 y o " 8 1 m A 7 8 1Z MAIN ST MAIN ST 4 5 6 4 10 11 Centennial Utility Box Project 2020—Education 0 EL SEGUNDO RECREA'TtON CENTER �G JR EE``C & PARKS cT� 0 111k►111111►1�k1►1111►1141 4 �I u•�si�irri �rF� '. RVO El Segundo's Recreation & Parks department manages a robust lineup of city events and a number of parks and public facilities. These include the weekly farmers' market on Main Street, three public swimming pools, holiday events, and more, Depicted here are moments in time captured {rom Recreation & Parks activities held from the 1950s through the 1970s, MnNKq ° S CS 13 JI Z: REC & PARKS 44 41,} A r S .•S -_ A0. or e- 5 4F 12 -1 a y .• * ' W F � ALI F ?i t 7a q ELSEGUNDG POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENT p'7Xt A fixture within the community for decades, the El Segundo Police and Fire Departments and their facilities are pictured here at various points in their history. ELSEGUNDO POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENT I At rf s ■ r � I r 04 6 'V 6=12 . If KLHr4LKry e e v e e a n a 7 =72M ......,.....� ■s ■e *on ... � I ; _144 ; r R•. ewwao■ve� �-- � � ... e. r w A■ r;,.IWat■ M rrrrrrss ■ r r r r r r r■ 7 J_6_ — ! 7W .......... ssss.ss.. 01 CENTENNIAL UTILITY BOX PROJECT 2020 71Z Standard Oil Company's second California refinery was built in 1912 at the southern end of land that became El Segundo. The re6ery's first "board ° meeting," pictured here, was held by two men seated on briefcases on the g z beach. Renamed Chevron in 1984, the refinery is depicted here as it appeared from 1912 through the 194Os. . MAINST m • 00 MA.N ST 0 00 0• 000 AflIt. A rptey .. IS MILITARY MIGHT � :! �. . sue- or �:..' �•� r iee��� ke� iaprEwR srrMs� ome rrnrnr � e ���a�affffrrr� L iiiiixsbiiia�a ■rf rrl rf rrrirr� RoomrY. �Va�e4iior 'rc.. sis r+i --A, MEMO': ~wryIL io- CENTENNIAL UTILITY BOX PROJECT 2020 8 OF 10 El5egundo has earned the moni6r "The Aerospace Capital of the World- thanks to the U.S. Air Force base and industry -leading defense and aerospace firms headquartered here. Those include Les Angeles Air Force Base, Northrup Grumman, Boving, Raytheon, Luc6eed Martin, and The Aerospace Corporation. The Douglas Aircraft Company in El Segundo was a major manufacturer of bomber aircraft during Wand War kl and is pictured here. That rompany, now 4 0 � 8 called Northrup Gr---a., contlaues to prod.co aircraft to this day. © © © O D ELSEGUNDO SPORTS — wpm Gto,%* Brett gr&"*J El S*Q.,Jo Hiqk &kW in 1971. andqht city lw&" 6to tke Not rl W Foe 6"" �' Jo. Cws�l� Olrnpk -atw-po6 6 � p6y,w U,SwL -A ot.&M-tlm. A-twot4,L Pith "6.r. an &tWt- of AN sq."" Ike c;tjs WsRorI, 9 ELSEGUNDO SPORTS- 9 =12, ajA Collected here are images From the city's beginnings in the early 1900s. As depicted in these photographs, horses and mules were used For land development and transportation, and the oil refinery was the Flagship business. ha ago. tit HERAL ;0 FLCIEGUNUO ♦ 1950'5 LIFE+^ ,l 0 Pictured here are scenes from 1950s El Segundo. Post -World War II life in the city was characterized by booming lausiness and such amusements as slot -car racing and parades. The original City Hall building, pictured, stood on the northwest corner of Franklin and Richmond Streets. EGUNI* ♦ ! 4 5 0 ' S LIFE « 1 1 "'Oil 12 ti. sr fr t I Centennial AiFty Box Project 2020—Portals to Memory CENTENNIAL UTILITY BOX PROJECT 2020