CONTRACT 6130 Vender AgreementAgreement No. 6130
Customer Account Info
usto"r Namo
350 Main St
iry, mm arut
Ei Segundo, 9 90245-3813
tact N. ma
Bryce Bartlette
nma FAX
Service Agreement
Agreement # 18751
Sales Rep: Robin Mulligan
Services and Rates Effective Date Jul 7, 2021 Requested Delivery Date Jul 14, 2021
3384303001 Joslyn Center, 339 Sheldon St, , EI Segundo
Ctty Service Type
1 Regulated Medical Waste Services
No Waste Fee
43gal RMW Reusable Tub Per Container
Stop Charge
General Service Agreement
On Call
0.00 Per Service
50.00 Per Container after 1,00 Containers)
300.00 Per Service
.00 Month
Trilogy Medwaste has the necessary qualifications, experience and abilities to provide services to the customer.
2. Trilogy Medwaste is agreeable to providing such services to the Customer on the terms and conditions set out in this
Term of Agreement: The term of the Agreement shall be 1 month(s) from the effective date of this Agreement. The
lift. —
ONE TIME pickup of closed vaccine site
By signing below, the representative acknowledges that he/she is an authorized officer or agent of his/her respective party and
has the full authority to bind Its party to this agreement and its terms and conditions.
_ for ___�`" ' for INSURANCE APPROVAL
Ch Of El Seondo Risk Manager
Agreement No. 6130
# 18761
1_ Trilogy Me wvaste Obligations are as follows:
A. ir,logy IvIelkY aste tvall re(jula dy p;;_ic up ut a ,minter Consistent with tive <rppliohle !eldest, state anti torsh;avvs and regulatlr w,
ai of the Customer s inlr_>v. can vdmw as defa wd hereirr, "Irtiedlous VVaMe I,, trsccl to vo I tonsili of the foliGwfflS
is<aidliun waYle, culture'* and sup A of assucta cad bologi,.rai Curnaru hated ship., `,Vame Iron, Stpgoty
and rlUlops,y, naascelhineous hilt- la[ory wmie dialysis or dlsfao5ahle lingo sula;fit We,,
Spe(ihcally excluded front the. tann "Infecookis afJ IAK as used m the contoicl are i;a[arcious Or toxic Mutts, rt17eaiah or
productive rny! otoKua;, laedvy alor.11% (let{d of ofelcul yi, rink chenllcalk or reage ot5, vulao 0,plovtL5,
trial and <votomic,al lentams, b, dk I.htvntal',i f all?y virile, raditaathve 5 ,te It a Sat nlcl,aci, ; ,a!1 ia<?ta �Irst.s ss< arc fss Jr Ira�tl Ir;
any applicable federal, state or local lair✓s Or reyti n"S Or any own wrap or mdcr}riffs S not'.1763{Kally vriuM IV TM We
deluuuon of infecuoUS wastes set forth ireviotisi�;.
8, trilogy Nletdwwate will pled: up Milkaoorm 4 uaft~t:tious v(ash, aawdmy to a sc wAde dqund nptm 11 fix) f=artier wo in
accordance with the custiaaner s dr;pos o needs as itcn cad m idle front page of this ailrtrc�rner,t, or auachred "Table of
Socake <' nd Ch argeY This s hNka e mr,y from flow w tune, Warye to rr feet Balm 000 petty
All Infectious wastes pickw up frorn the customer MH be lrarN.Wd to a kmned sandlot lierrnitfed Ined Cal viastc uealrneant
fa.-Illty Mote NwKe averols w? be ImMal W sWxn Mwililation 0lIUj<1d'J ng), Or am: n ei anon n ac,.Ord:an<e YJ (it,)! ej)(71.Ci(171,'?
hvlleral, stale or uumlcyaa! requlahoas Imm d mecfit,lE man calif Them be dym ed of Ira ,a perrnoi"d ; lowly WKII:
C. Fr logy ivtedwaste will provide conmmus for riot transport of IrrfeArm Walla No Customer WA "Mwenvue it wyy
Mudwave MI acwt-dance wah the ZaWeal upon Service aiaW rules I'lle Cti "nf i ml! t?nsurn out all ani "Wit wMie opvSitr_'t?
In lire contalners conlunns to all focal, state and iedet al faro^n anti a properly la acted an gymprWe wmamErs, , e pratfraloegil
waste packaged ua labeled boxev chenw owapy waste in home! Containers, etc T rilvt3y frdedvvastt nlay at at, sole da5crelaorr
refuse to collect Containers that safe am,plmaerly pacl;ayed, labeled, wet or of COnitana (don-confoollalg IcVasle Itch io
III locIlous VVasio collected invan CUslonam shli irairaWl to and vest ❑t Provmer at date tame such dnfectlous v 1ame h ic,atled onto
Provufer's coNectlon vehicle At all ivaneS prior thereto Guslc7aner shall P,avc rant! rret,nn UtiE' to ts Inlee(aou5'rVasle idle t0 anti
responsibility for ,my Non -conforming Waste delivered to Provider shall ai aid times mmaaln canto Custor,aer, even If such
A:on carafnrmang wasw is an the <usiody of Provider.
0. 7rdogyto ntaintaua q(Ater„I i ability a"Wia ohlle hifidit,;, AM worms mm4 colrrfsr✓rawwn r, .ranco
cowmg any on of darragte 010 Inay arise out of negypin action or omit mn of Itifur)y iviedwaste or li`p per',ranraei In
providing wrwe, ll„r;a:anl to ilia agreement na an .nlncnmt ni, Ica Own five nullio+, dollars (15,000,000) leer ocCtrm-.1,10,
fnlogy fvtedwaste wall pm ork,+ !lire Ctnoomet, upon requp Q ;a cookate of nAnmice evider,my side covwarye, vthyN ua
addulon, will provide the cli",wroer at least Mirly. (30) day% advance laoucc of any Ch am(jP n covet ago,
E irifogy Nodwrasle wili plow& the CinwarlCer die doculnentataa;'I f etitnred by fora . %Late and federal atjeno, z al es land =star!
the .assoclated records for ra perlgrd of three (3) years or long_ eer as required by IN1f' ioco!, stole.• and fed('rai larva
?. Document Destruction and Reydirsg:
A, Provider will provide Customer witch the buss rl WO consoles necessary to hru A Custor"m s doomtents kv Sinum unlAt")
enti tle5lructlon and wall place toe drnvJconsoies at antrtu�ally tu3ret,d Ioa:aUon, rat i. uStUnaCr'S locaHun Provider w:fi pick. up
Customer's binvconsoles according to ,r schMule agreed upon by the parties, proVuled, hovAevcl, that tdaa5 scdaedule may
Chanute horn lane to tame to reflect changes in oOw anng condaUc';<ns of erdaor ;),WY Cuslomat a, }.nowiedges an[f ariretes that
all i>ans or consoles !,slated tat if Customer loc'cmon we surd shaft tune Pot' property cif Prmvei rand Ova i br, rcl cam tc:
Mmah up m Ilse expiation or ttatnin,awan of was Ag cement
B. All Customer (octunenis Colleted foa doom!") or rec:ydmg ad in lra mpwred by PrUnow to it Ilropw y hunwif facility fc)r
desinx;taon or rixyChny, at aplalicahlc: AH Sen✓ices perfouned by Prowler In coaam Imn wah the who an, 5,wW lalacn and
tICSIr IICtlpaa or recycling 01 CUSionteer'S cdoclonems wdl be larlt maed in eolnpL:owe WWI ruff! applaceble liar,; rind aeg."tu,ns
C. Customer Warrants that a i5 dw owner, Irerfal umo Wn a othwrv'dase ho the wjht to deliver Tot 58culn C1eSnlu=l,C7r1 drag anrf aid
matewls Cilslorner oa(es in Ow Ilinv(onsoles and delayers to Promo lacaecrmfer Customer 64 wnnlJxw Provider fear any
expenses rea5onably incurred by Provufer hnciuthng reasonable KyA le0 by reason of Plomk curnplymg w1 o MkWumis
under this Al(reement m destroy such "wfenals m Use event of a d qww mixernmg the tiewuctwn of the rmateroh pruvlded
by Customer to Providin
D. Custoanw shalt be wlely ,ilia rsiVe for ensunng thrtl only ;do:alraienls r ustoalor ,attend-, to he deg ,troyed of ae:_ycle(i arc' tidaCed
ua the hanvconsoles anal P'looder shall have no ob6gatlon to vellly that documents placed ,n
E. lit lQuniofcs were InicanIM for dcesuu omi or recK&y Prowler stria!! not to rocpaalas,trfe of !sable m tiny mamw whafsat*m
101 tine dr,slnacu0n Or retychng of ally documents thrtt weact in<udverlentty plaxetd afbjmkofisoles by Cu",tonler or itr, eanpluyrr e,.
agents, rrpresenlativtts or anvrlec nor shall Provider have any rrispowsib lily or a"ebilrty lot the release or of ally mdle=nra 5
depnsited na bans or consoles, or 0th(-noise delivered to It for secure dwAnacuon, unles the foleaw, or loss Is if dlie(t rest;tr, of
1`10"Ar's sole nagilqMW or wadiful rru5conc501 and IWn Pr OVldi}r'S maximum L&SY for any Md aid drums atMalg =01 r47SPUt
to such release or loss shall not excm,.d the aggaegale r;InUunls paid by Cmwmer wait respect to the soyus Pronded al me
particular Customel locrabon luting toe vx 1) amour!" prcced;ny tine event vwhach 1pves Uco loci darn. In no event shrill
Company be liabltt lot any amseluomh rncadenf In spenal or punwe damages, reg<aNKs of Wicilm the moon is brotulNat
in tort, contract or any other theory.
Agreement No. 6130
Agreement # 18761
C comma 50q we owenvy jP>>;>' tr _ a Pwain flyomwny K ", P" & Wnnvv, Yq, nowlal nvinWr 1 tn-
1 In DAM I "ON OW ewV W NT W�WWL, 0, 100 T4Y
n,iUi I"! fo; h:a AZ411d()—
And o" nif� md(eNo!, �ld wd !o
hou-N kan Sly at jWIA"W1 AqWV rawranq won vKh U-i" K U, manvii
3. Hold Harmlesslindemnification.
ond o6slli of
4. Termination: [.,niei
tf L,dd 1TOWNWN Funh nodWon Owl
i)i iv- i3y dAq 9 A W! cw e UW come "t to A zoo -
,u 1 "-t ot Irk pie ?,f I
w aw Ahwme of fgk vakini nonva Wn Min Pat on onnunw, ini onvir 0 Arw-nn A onnow —ndioupoxia WW I i
11'I'uni ue "encMd m (over I onUna WN an om(wn� I nrywv a namnPS ego! W 259 ti UQQ IQ vwu�ql
dange an d own&, bas Wed a) Ow 12 "WHK W ,'Cr. W n M W "Wyaq of nVinnum ao Wod YN07 4
NIGVm" r,AIlcf) 'ju., rmfuei
S. Adjustments.
mi�; an" 0 dw WT maim WWNW M �J 01 P,, my WnMin "�Wh "M% a d" o� W�
�n,v 00 Ewly,y VuH
;,i-m -'iIf t-a Pf;o s UK and 0. WOO amp "A k a A Q'I', I n I
oves Res 0( ONXI lKnownemm Was "neyll Agana in poAcd rmaugh in i
5. Sentice Changes; Ckay-, v cy t, on ow uvw"mf wwce ifnd COH"qW"n�n;iI,
ny [h-a n1l'ok'sol l%I!ih(It Io'l!I' A `!n
mage ;W"utrupn of us Q Wo n 1.0 i,,.
I Nagy 5401waVe Chou 19 Wl Ad VIA %vu Yce 11", An !VAqq Sn! I Od"Y qn 0 z 0 "ni.Wpo Syrove, MY to nyox! q
I Payment Terms, Ah mo-INQ owyn W; 0& Wo poolk WW W oMa so 0�'s
amwn nonVA Scon M wwn""o W"had Y"I e uwhr Am Awnw"n n'�l': !,.-,n IC( ail
SOVICON POYM10d by it wny. ion Ayx—nPwW9 unm AwnwK wo nj ov nqr-,
S. Entire Agreement: 10 Alesq ammahn we owk nnermy W on nyqv ".wmny ko,y 1mow,me Mkow Aw es
Woe at no pwnmp, unnn CMW ams W nwqmw" APM imin HOW ...,it,,. . lhr
mWenwo"o's OT000am, w1ho C"o a mvwn hewn pophn
9, Governing Law: ; lii5 in'u; 5v il; ia V.nq a ly"n 0 Am C Wul.mowww wd"a Woold U3
(onho of taw% yowworn,
11. Assignment Tkoqy 1AN1waU0 In, asqWl SaV q ad of it I KOK and OWS ula" On Agwarism a", onn "ahma
I no Custolner ol,ly floi(s',lgu. n,5 T;g!' of dol'El", Un""Cl vnil, AlJwenititlt o,'llhooi Uh;> pnor
Valwnt of Tlihgy WAVaye.
12, Notices:/O ontices me www uAw 9,,en uWWr 06 AgaNnall SWH be W mong and Y"Hy dMqQ 1WVn bKo wlj,�
g1wil l"'hell dedv'eled ill pefsc'll, by We copwr or uwwed oy (Cn til 11'st C50 =1 Mae Pinpal and WMm ranipi
request to do pates addins set out on the hot 1mg, W Ws ApeNrem
Agreement No. 6130
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