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CONTRACT 6112 One Page Service Agreement CLOSED
Agreement No. 6112 Services Agreemen- CWTRACTOR : Bell Event Services Inc. DATE MAILED. 6/9/ 0 21 m, _ Below you wi11 find a checklist relating to Insurance and other requirements that are required for doing business with the City of E1 Segundo. Only those items checke"If are MANDATORY, however if your standard policies exceed the minimum requirements please include- Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO.CGL Form No. CG 00 011185 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth below will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name the Cify, its officials, and employees as "additional insured's" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary' such that any other insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Please find additional Terms and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a purchase order- or an authormation to begin work. ® gIo_M rg_elteqngiv General. LiabiRy, including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury and contractual obligations With combined single limits of coverage of at teas) 1 0 0 0 0 par occurrence. ® Auto Liability, including maned, non -owned and hired vehicles with at least: © S1.000.000 per occurrence. ❑ 00000 00tttperoecurrence. ❑ As required by State Statutes. A copy of your current policy must be submitted naming yourself and or your company. ® kers' Compensalion. Insurance: as required by State Statutes. (Jot needed if Self-employed with no employees and CONTRACTOR signs statement to this effect_) [j B ss�L ne�Li ec nge, The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a curent City of El Segundo license on file of City Hall or purchase said license (at no cost to the City). ❑ Permits: Plans must be approved and permll(s) issued (no fee) by the Community, Economic and Development Services Department if appropriate. Call the Building Manager @ (310) 524-2345 if you have questions. ❑ t ry rat yaliciGi lure I.Q. (Drivers license etc - PLEASE NOTE: ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION LISTED ABOVE MUST BE OBTAINED AND ON FILE, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CITY PURCHASE ORDER BEING SENT TO YOU (VIA FAX OR HARD COPY) BY THE RISK MANAGERIPURCHASM AGENT, THUS AUTHORQING COMMENCEMENT OFF WORK FOR THE CITY. Su5rnlltt* dteie all Monts : rCL R CC -, :;;.;1 ...: _. ,... T _ JFCompany Name: BY TriP4 name 0e). , ' Bell Events Services Inc. 0 it Cal Company Street Address: Vend sAu zed "gnat feqy 531 AAain Si. �229 City, Stale, rp: Ogle signed 7 ' 7 2 EI landq. CA502�5 l� Phone: FAX; fta 34M7a3 -- .-- . 9i 570-29a9 (.. Vendol's Finall address: l;ella'ttlpir dnar�.r'1t1 �'..� r�-.,.,r Mall orlginal agreement and insurance to; Clty of ESegrr�t` I o �4'135a ain Street, Room 5, El Segundo, CA 90245-3013 Ori inaforltk anm od�a 11yAl at cld p ~--,...�u Dais ixrrwatri I Deparimeni Read Appioval: CAar�1 �,�s�rav�cR.Ar'! q()Insurance rw�1 21�.. � trt Finance Approval: Date Approved: cc: Business Weense; CrlgClerk; PUMhasing Agern; Requesting DepL name - APPROVEP AS TO FORM: Be# Speciaf Events ! CITY ATTORN a 619121 ..,.: ,. ify Clerik i' fTv of El Segundo Agreement No. 6112 f.GENS wi Ly. Tk maleriats„ supp re � or set lce�s l ��eclive4y i Or for ,Ay" N . Cuty �Sl pay seflas aver as ��is cc pt st ladered and "purchase"l covered try this services agreement and purchase order rnatenals and supplies datrwererf end aca.epfad cur services Tenifared and t°order's must be furnished by Setter sulliedto all the terms and accepted City c,rll not parr cartage S'41l *rno oacegtrg or boxing ndittons coat �ed ic1 thus warder ioh star, in apt ,g this ceder" expauases unless ,pecIred in tiers order. Cralls vrrli riot ba horii demn4y and Ivid City agrees to be bound by and comply av'Ittt in all particrulars No other r to harrntess from SegerFICATIOR agrees to a om and against any claim, action, damages, mis ( duding, or conditicsns are binding upon the parties unless subsequently agree in Ming. ' riden acceptance or shipment of all or any port of the Mtiroul itmitalion, altarneyrs fee injuries, star liability, City t Out m Purchase covered by this order consiifutes onqualifued acceptance of A Purchase or the order„ or their rformarlca.proposal referred 10 any suit, or Staoufd City should gstil Of terms and c�ondifions In ibis older. lief of the any order a to e rrt ether the same be groundless or not, arising out olt he Purchase coil in this order are included and a p it specified the purchase ordered, the price, and ft delivery, and then order, or their performance, Selter will defend City (at Ctfif"s rarlue t; and only to the extent that such terms ra Consislenf vritli fire terms and vAin counsel read d ainst it rxrt anyto City) and indemnify City sums paid out in s�ettlementfot any Judgmco" o othemise For corrdiSr EC of this order. 2.fh SPSCTfrahf. The Purchase furnished must be exactly as specified in purposes of this sections expre lyrdunderstoodhand aargleed that tine this order, free from ail detects in Sailees performance, desig s and employ rr„sarrkmanship, and ruateriafss arid, except as oliaepvise provided, is foregoing provisoes witt sulvirne imcrnination of this order, Gee su ecl to inspection and test by City at all tunes ano places, If, betor requirements as to V1a hypes and ovals oI ch iancrr coverageby C to re that aoopfaTroe, any any PurCflase found to be incodmptate or not as maintained by Seller, and any approval of sure anstarassra by City, are spaecified, City" may reJect if, require Setter to correct of raithout Jobeage or rant interudaert to and r�lt not in ally rruanrrar fsruit or rug I the to irdes 1 require delnrery of sup Purchase at a redrlc9ion in price Ittat is equitable and obtagatiaras otherusyse assumed by Slier ptulsuant to hers oudec i undo the circumstances° It setter sunable or r fly t terminate the idY yyARf af�TY. iricluding, Without SrrSeg aer o Me filar pthe purochmep I$ coveredrby the items wlhtin a time deemardreasonableb4 ty order in wtaofe or in part. Seger bears all nsks as to rejected Purchases most ia9aorabte wean+etrrat vr�anarstaas the Safer gcvas to any Customer and, in addition to any costs low tAicb Saar may, blecome liable to City for the same or substantially similar stsppliesor se cal Kai suoh other under other provisions of this cider, most City for all I dolGe favor le warran0tes as us spacaf d In this ordar. Warranties 00 transportation Gusts, other, Costs incurred, payments to Seller be e°llediiv a aolu4drstefoling tray Gnstuaotion or au.teprance of the Ira nsportation v costs, the terms of this order for unaccepted Purchases. Purchase by City. ay In Nolvothslanding City's acceptance of any purchase„ Salter is liable for payment tSdue� under thiNMEli s Eder, fifer may fiod assignpo %ibconlra the latent defects„ fraud, or sur)a grass mislaites as consbtlrfe fraud, p y y approval, Should give consent, it will not s.Ct IANGES, City may make changes villain the 001164 scrape of this order vaulhorut Cit "s vrdtten app d9' oilier in draviii and specificaLklos for spi minufactuted supplies retieve Seller from any obkrgali ins under this older and anY Iransferea or place of deli, ery„ rrrathod of staiprrraedt or pa domino of the order by giving subcontractor will be considered' Se^Ifef"s agent, notice f :;;rater and e hod of ship Corlfior pg such cbangr s in wvrftinrd• If 12ASURA.NCE. Seger must provide the insurance indicated on the of Thus SarwSCes Agreement, such Glaanges affect the C��st of or the time rertulred for pedormarwCe of fare street aru qrc rtaits and ttcanses, d. this order" an equitable adirustmenl ill the price or delivery or t tr must '13YEi�MITS. Seller unust procure all rtecx sa be made. No change by Setter is aflmved villdaout Crty's v.duen =Tavaf. and abide by all federal„ state, and local Iavus, for perfonntng hats cider, Any clam by Seger for an adjustment under this section must be made KINDEPEhiUcklT CONTRACTOR. City and Seller agree 4trat Seger in writing wifnin thirty ('3td) days from file date of receipt by War of vr"uif act as an indepaendent co raCtoti and vrIII have co trot of all wore notification of such Change unless. City WeIves Itlis condition in mrdting. and the mariner in which is it cie formUlL Seger ,will be bola to corabact tsfolhing, Ill this Section excuses Seller from proceeding With perormance for similar sservic to bc° psrforoted true other employers vriarta under of the order as Charuged. contracf vith Crty. Seger, is not an agent Or eialployee of City and is not 4. TERMINATION, Ct'ty may terminate this order al any time, eilher entitled to participate in any pension plan rnswmrairce, bonus or stmutar p vadaatly or ire Wrifirlg, will or without clause„ Should termination occur. benefits City provides fou its employees Any provision in this older Ihal 9 City vTlli pay Setter as full performance until such tennirratlon the unit or rnOy appear to give City Ill right to dveiVi Soifer as to dIe details rue dorsg 1 ' y for the performed and auce-plea porliTan of file the vuo 4 or Ire r°�acr✓rCds'e a rtarMcastre of control over the a rty means titer pro rala ciderprice purchase. City may provide written notice of terrniraalion for aftor`s Seller vrW follow the dircrtion of the City as to end IFsIINs Of the WOO default it Seer retarsrss Or falls to rxatnply viiih this order, If Sr Ilor does 6 only, not cure such failure Othift a. reasonable firre period, or tails to pariorrn 15WAIVER. Caty's ruviwiw or acceptance of, Or paayari for, Woo', the Purchase wi hin the time specified (or allowed by extension). SdIer product prepared by Seller under Ibis rr eal ,Silt nttf cttfistttaad td Valli be liable to City for any excess mast% imtcurred by City, operate as a naivar of any rights City may have tinder this Agreamant o 6,T) E EXTENSION„ City may extend the lime for completion if, in ill any cause of action arising from, Seller"s performance A waiver bi 'City's sole dolorminatron„ Seller vras del;uyed because of causes beyond City of any breach of any term, covenant far Condition conivined in this Sef er's contrail and wil'h'out Seller's fault or negligence. to Ule event ordrf YAII not be detmed to be a waiverol any subs ruont breaacil Of IN delay was caused by City. Setle-A scale remedy Is limited to fecilvering same or any other term, covenant, or condiliion contained in this order money actually and necessarily expended by Seller because of the whether of the saute or different character. delay, there is no right to recover anticipated pro4p, I UNTERPRE'rATION. This Agreement was drafted in, and wilt be 6]I i fiEDIES CUMULATIVE. City„s rights and remedies under this order construed in accordance wvifh the laws of the Slate of California, and are not exclusive and are in addition to any rights and remedies provided exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement vdll be in Los by, fam Angeles County. 7,TITLE. Title to materials and supplies purchased under this order pass directly from Seller to City upon City's written acceptance following run Satter rnSOR tion and Cilvs on Dolunihr to retecc----- Edell Spei Events 019121 Agreement No. 6112 City of EI Segundo Recreation and Parks Department 401 Sheldon Street El Segundo CA 90245 EXHIBIT W — SCOPE OF SERVICES BELL EVENTS SERVICES INC. agrees to provide a professional sound technician, sound system and various equipment for the City of El Segundo's Concerts in the Parks 2021. • Any changes to dates and times will require approval from Recreation & Parks Department. City agrees to pay BELL EVENTS SERVICES INC. a sum not to exceed Six thousand two hundred dollars ($6,200.00) Per estimate # 3246 13a SpecW EvNds M121 Agreement No. 6112 UellEvent Services Fnc- 531 Alain St. r 228 EI Se iaido, CA 90245 Einail: i, 11� drat rr a lnr f�c a� Phone: (310) ;4)-074: Fax: (310) 570-2989 S,k1,ma ADDRESS SHIP TO ESTIMATE # 3246 Ryan Delgado Library Park DATE 03/19/2021 El Segundo Parks & Recreation 401 Sheldon Street _ El Segundo. CA 90245 SHIP DATE SHIP VIA EVENT DATE 07/11 /2021 Truck 07/11 /2021 tA.c m rY ) 4 Y RATE ;`.'r•:10UNT Rental 4 600.00 2,400.00 Sound System Rental. Main Stage - 4 dates, July 11th, July 26th, August 8th, August 15th, Includes: (1) 32 ch. digital mixer, (11) Line Array System, (4) Subwoolers, (6) Stage monitors, (1) Main amplifier rack, (1) Monitor amplifier rack, (1) Loudspeaker delay system, (1) 100' stage box, (1) Music file player and all microphones, stands cables etc. required for operation. Note: System requires (5)110 volt 20 amp circuits ( 4 for P.A., 1 for the band) dropped at the stage. Rental 4 200.00 800.00 24' Genie Towers to "fly" Loudspeakers. This will increase audio coverage throughout the park. Rental 4 450.00 1,800.00 20k Watt "Quiet° Generator (includes AC Distribution Package, Fuel Delivery & Setup). Labor 4 325.00 1,300.00 Lead Engineer - 4 Dates Labor 4 400.00 1,600.00 Crew Labor (two people) - 4 Dates Discount -1 1,700.00 -1,700.00 Less Package Discount Note: Package includes insurance documents as required by the City of El Segundo Agreement No. 6112 Please contact Michael Bell with any Questions. Thank you lor your TOTAL G crr�oo.�o consideration. V Accepted By Accepted Date