2021 May 19 - CC PACKET SPCSPECIAL MEETING AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 4:00 PM Special Session MAY 19, 2021 DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANTTO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20. SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION BOARD INTERVIEWS WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE ZOOM MEETING MEETING ID: 990 0701 1672 PIN: 782565 PUBLIC ADVISORY. THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER WILL NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ■ Access remotely via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device or by phone. Use URL https:llzoom.us/'/99007011672 and enter PIN: 782565 or visit www.zoom.us on device of choice, click on "Join a Meeting" and enter meeting ID and PIN. • Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID and PIN. NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS@elsegundo.org, in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to Council during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber Lobby up to and during public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. 1 Additional Information: The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please state: your name, residence, and organization/group you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 310-524-2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. SPCIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 — 4:00 PM CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. Conduct Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Interviews Recommendation — 1) Interview candidates and 2) Announce appointments at the 6:00 PM, June 1, 2021 City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT: POSTED: DATE: MAY 18, 2021 BY: Tracy Weaver, City Cler"—" TIME: 12:00 PM 2 CITY OF E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: May 19, 2021 Agenda Heading: Committees, Commission and Boards TITLE: Conduct Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board Interviews. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Interview candidates. 2. Announce appointments at the 6:00 p.m., June 1, 2021 City Council meeting if any. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The Board was established to actively oversee the management, operation, maintenance, and finances of Park Vista. The Board enters into an operating agreement with the City Council and enlists a management company to operate the facility. DISCUSSION: The Board, comprised of five (5) directors, all El Segundo residents. Applications were received from the following candidates: Candidate Applying to: CCBs 1. Julia Newman 4:00 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 2. Timothy Whelan 4:10 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard - Incumbent 3. Denise Fessenbecker 4:20 m) Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 4. Eric Stoker 4:30 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 5. Paul Lan i 4:40 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 6. Michael Earle 4:50 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 7. Sandy Ross 5:00 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 8. Nury Gomez 5:10 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard 9. Diane Weldon -Jaffe 5:20 m Senior Citizen Housing CorpBoard