2021-04-20 CC Agenda Packet SPC - PRESENTATION - Strategic Planning Session_FY 2021-2211 General Fund Financial Forecast Fiscal Year (FY) Revenues Expenditures Ending Fund Balance 20% Policy Reserve 2018-19 (actual) $80)014)542 $75)499)561 $2272987953 $1570997912 2019-20 actual 6771077993 7518741902 1872297563 1571747980 2020-21 (estimated) 9-month bud et 60, 724, 015 60, 689, 840 18, 263, 738 16,187, 536 2021-22(projected) 70, 757, 014 79, 855, 619 9 7165 7133 15, 9717124 2022-23(projected) 78, 622,452 81, 000, 000 67787, 585 16, 200, 000 2023-24 projected 81,200,000 83,0001000 419875585 1656005000 2024-25(projected) 83, 900, 000 85, 000, 000 31887, 585 17,000 000 12 4W iiiiiiiii IN I r Or 71 i 4 ORA _vk elk Nis r � •• -� City of El Segu -7-7777 AIMED AM ollpf g-q PqL pp mi Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 10. Ensure that the City is positioned for post-COVID-19 recovery Concluding Remarks