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2020-07-22 Sr. Citizen Housing Board Agenda SPC
Special Meeting of the E1 Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Agenda Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 3:30 pm City Council Chambers 350 Main Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245 Senior Citizen Housing Bar Paul Lanyi, President Martin Stone, Vice President Paula Rotolo, CFO Jim Latta, Board Member Patricia Gerber, Board Member Citv Council Mayor, Drew Boyles Mayor Pro Tem, Chris Pimentel Council Member, Carol Pirsztuk Council Member, Scot Nicol Council Member, Lance Giroux Scott Mitnick - City Manager Gregg Kovacevich - Board Representative per City Attorney, Mark Hensley Neil Cadman - Cadman Group Meredith Petit - Director, Recreation & Parks Department Arecia Hester - Recreation Superintendent 1 City Liaison Monse Palacios - Senior Administrative Analyst/City Liaison PUBLIC COPIES & POSTINGS: Public Copy - City Library Reference Desk Public Copy - City Clerk's Office Agenda Only - Posted at City Hall Agenda Only - Posted at Joslyn Center Agenda Only - Posted at Park Vista Apartments 1 FIT N\" 11.1 SPECIAL MEETING El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 3:30 pm City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 Please note that, with limited statutory exceptions, the El Segundo Senior Housing Board may not discuss or take action on any item that does not appear on the agenda. There is one opportunity for public comment during each meeting. During the first public communication item at the beginning of the meeting, any member of the public may address the Board as to any item appearing on the agenda. Members of the public may speak for up to five minutes during each public communication item. Before speaking to the Board, you are requested, but not required, to give your name and address (or organization you represent). Please respect the five-minute time limit. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents are encouraged to participate remotely in the virtual Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Meeting. Please contact Senior Administrative Analyst, Monse Palacios for connection details (mpalacios@elsegundo.org or 310-524-2882). Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the following e-mail address, seniorcitizenhousin bg o�(&elseaundo.or2 Please limit comments to 150 words or less. Comments will be accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: In the subject line of your e-mail, please state the meeting date and item number. Park Vista residents may also submit their public comment by dropping them in the drop box by 2pm, Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails and comments submitted to the Park Vista drop box will be read to the Board during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber up to and during public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst, at (310) 524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Housing Corporation to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. CALL TO ORDER: 3:30 pm ROLL CALL A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION At this time, members of the public may speak to any item on the agenda only. Before speaking, you are requested, but not required, to state your name and address for the record. If you represent an organization or a third party, please so state. B. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES 1. Regular Meeting Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Recommendation: Approval 2 C. NEW BUSINESS 1. President's Report a. Reports regarding correspondence, meetings, and business related to Park Vista. b. Recommendation: Receive and File 2. Financial Statements and LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) a. Discussion, review and status report including, but not limited to, statements, invoices, finances, b. LAIF investment fund and transfers between accounts. c. Recommendation: Receive and File 3. Earthquake Insurance— Possible Amendment of Management Agreement Provision Regarding Same Park Vista is currently not covered by an earthquake policy. Management will provide the Board with quotes for earthquake coverage and the Board will decide whether to purchase earthquake coverage or to amend the Management Agreement to delete section (the section that requires the manager to maintain earthquake coverage at the Housing Corporation's expense.) Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. 4. Management Services Agreement (Cadman Group) Cadman Group to present proposed terms for an extension of its management services agreement currently set to expire on October 31, 2020. The Board may discuss the proposed terms and direct staff to move forward with the amended agreement for consideration or take alternative action. Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. 5. Annual Report Discussion and possible recommendation regarding the Annual Report for presentation to Council. The Board may discuss ideas and how they would like to proceed with the report. The Board can also elect to assign the report to a subcommittee composed of its members or take alternative action. Recommendation: Discussion and possible action. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NONE E. MANAGEMENT REPORT Report from the Cadman Group regarding Park Vista operations and management. Unless otherwise listed on the agenda, the Board may not discuss or take action on matters raised in the management report, but may vote to place an item on a future agenda for discussion and possible action. F. CITY STAFF REPORT A general report from City staff. I : I7"i17u10lu1:3wX1249ooZI];41 A general report from the Senior Citizen Housing Board Members. NEXT REGULAR MEETINGS: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Wednesday, October 28, 2020 1\D 1618"WIL1110411 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING EI Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Board Corporation Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Park Vista Senior Housing 615 E. Holly Avenue, EI Segundo, CA 90245 CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting and special meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at Park Vista, Member Jim Latta presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Paula Rotolo Jim Latta Patricia Gerber Member Absent: Martin Stone Paul Lanyi Others: Neil Cadman, Cadman Group Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Monse Palacios, Administrative Analyst A. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Dona- The agenda did not have any information other than the bare bones. B. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Motion: to approve the Wednesday, January 22, 2020 meeting minutes was made by Member Rotolo and Seconded by Member Gerber. Motion carried 2-0. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. President's Report None 2. Financial Reports and LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) Patricia- Noticed a high spending of $3,000 for a vacancy. Neil- Carpets are costing about $2,000. Vacancies are significantly higher because the units are old. This is one of the reasons why the Maintenance account has been raised. Jim- noticed there was a fire inspection and elevator repairs. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS E. MANAGEMENT REPORT Neil - Valentine's Day event in the community room was highly attended. He thanked the residents for attending. He was asked to report on the amount of vacancies and how many transfers for such vacancies. He took a look and it and last year there were 10 vacated units and 2 were transfers. That was down 50% from the previous years. F. CITY STAFF REPORT Arecia Hester addressed the agenda items that were postponed until March. She informed the board that the minutes did not reflect that the board agreed with holding items until March. In the future it needs to reflect that the uniform body agreed. Jim asked if this stands for all agenda items and Arecia responded with yes. As far as transportation, she suggested a schedule be made of the months the meetings will be held off site and the months the meeting will be held at Park Vista. Joslyn cannot be used, City Hall might be open. Arecia offered to make the schedule or gave the board the option to create a subcommittee and add that to the agenda. The board agreed that they would prefer Arecia make the schedule. During the summer, transportation will not be available due to the Beach Shuttle and Lunch Time shuttle. Patricia- Is ok with Arecia creating a meeting schedule. Two or three meetings a year could be held at City Hall. The board agreed that they would prefer Arecia make the schedule. Arecia agreed to create a schedule and bring it to the next meeting. Arecia- As far as the parking space Ken Berkman, Public Works Director said it cannot be done. If the board has any further questions a form can be submitted to the Traffic Committee as an agenda item to their meeting for further discussion. G. RESIDENT SUGGESTION BOX None H. BOARD MEMBER REPORT None I. PUBLIC COMMENT None NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 25, 2020- Cancelled Wednesday, April 22, 2020- Cancelled Wednesday, May 27, 2020- Cancelled ADJOURMENT: 7:15pm EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 July 10, 2020 RE: Interest Income from Deposit with the City, per Agreement for Investment of Funds Dear President: The deposit and interest for the quarter/month ending is as follows: Beginning balance at April 1, 2020 Accrued: Interest (Posted quarterly) Add: Deposits Less: Withdrawals As of TOTAL IN LAIF - G/L# 504-101-0000-0004: 6/30/2020 Accrued Interest (posted quarterly by the 15th day following quarter ): Q2-2020 June -20 Oriqinal $ 840,773.59 2,953.14 $ 843,726.73 Interest Earned April @ 1.648% Actual LAIF for 30 days 1,138.85 Interest Earned May @ 1.363% Actual LAIF for 31 days 973.29 Interest Earned June @ 1.217% Actual LAIF for 30 days 841.00 Accrued Interest quarter to date 2,953.14 Interest earned is based on the interest earnings rate the City of EI Segundo received from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), the State administered pool and the number of days the funds were held by the City during the given period. Per the understanding reached at the September 1997 meeting of the Board of Directors, interest will be credited to the account and compounded on a quarterly basis. Interest shown for each month is for your information only. If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to give me a call. Sincerely, D[ r w R. Maylo-cav Dino R. Marsocci Deputy Treasurer II Cc: Joseph Lillio, Director of Finance Dave Davis, Finance Manager Eva Gettler, Accounting Supervisor Meredith Petit, Recreation and Parks Dept. Neil Cadman, Facility Management for Park Vista Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst PACity Treasurer\MEMOS & SIGNATURES\Senior Housing Reports\2020\SENIOR HOUSING REPORT 2020 c• CADMANGROUP PARK VISTA Financial Reporting Analysis June 2020 Gross Income: $63,755.56 No out of the ordinary issues with regards to income for the month Gross Expenses: $41,265.73 Expenses for the month were normal except for the following: • Increased management fees due to overtime of staff members during the COVID-19 crisis. June especially high due to bi-weekly payroll meant June had 3 payroll periods. • Water bills of $6,537.15 for June. • Maintenance of $3,951.79 which was mostly supplies. Net Income: $22,489.83 Total Account Balances: $1,350,033.42 No known upcoming major expenses. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT ISA SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS ONLY OF THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PARK VISTA. THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE ACTUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PARK VISTA. Total number of vacancies for the month: 96.9% occupied on 6/1/2020 96.9% occupied on 6/30/2020 Move -outs: 1 Move -ins: 0 Notices to Vacate: 0 Budget Comparison Notes: Operations: Operations for the month was a net income of $2,886.49 over budget. Year to Date, operations are $12,388.44 under budget YTD based primarily on the installation of the heaters in units and excess management fees due to COVID-19. Income • Income for the month of June $753.00 under budget due to the vacancies, $8,851.63 under budget YTD. Expenses: • Overall $3,045.93 under budget for all expenses for June, $8,981.10 over budget YTD. • Maintenance $9,048.21 under budget for June, $14.69 over budget YTD. • Electricity $349.91 under budget in June; $3,479.13 under budget YTD. • Gas $121.97 over budget for June, $1,330.42 over budget YTD. • Cable Television over budget by $117.42. Spectrum raised fees again and we did not know how much it would be raised when the budget was created. • Water is $2,949.25 under budget YTD. • Elevator service over budget $4,206.51 YTD due to unanticipated repairs. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT IS A SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS ONLY OF THE MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PARK VISTA. THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE ACTUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR PARK VISTA. Income Statement Cadman Group Properties: Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Owned By: EI Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corporation As of: Jun 2020 Accounting Basis: Cash Level of Detail: Detail View Account Name Selected Month % of Selected Month Operating Income & 363,045.59 Expense 2.28 Income 2.31 RENT 371,680.59 Rent Income 61,160.00 Parking Income 1,437.50 Total RENT 62,597.50 Prepayment 314.50 NSF Bank Fees 0.00 Collected 0.00 Laundry Income 0.00 Late Fee 0.00 Total Operating Income 62,912.00 Expense 6.28 Fire Service 0.00 Maintenance 3,951.79 Elevator service 0.00 Gardening 1,034.40 Management Fees 21,550.75 Pest Control 210.00 Insurance - Property 0.00 Licenses and Permits -164.32 Electricity 1,350.09 Gas 1,121.97 Water 6,537.15 Telephone/Internet 1,076.82 Cable/Television 4,617.42 Office Supplies 32.84 Advertising & 0.00 Promotion 1.87 Bank Service Fees -53.18 Postage 0.00 Total Operating 41,265.73 Expense 256.36 NOI - Net Operating 21,646.27 Income Other Income & Expense Other Income Interest on Bank 843.56 Accounts Total Other Income 843.56 Year to Month End % of Year to Month End 97.22 363,045.59 97.30 2.28 8,635.00 2.31 99.50 371,680.59 99.61 0.50 -679.00 -0.18 0.00 50.00 0.01 0.00 2,086.78 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 373,138.37 100.00 0.00 4,702.68 1.26 6.28 78,014.69 20.91 0.00 9,306.51 2.49 1.64 6,163.40 1.65 34.26 104,002.79 27.87 0.33 2,555.00 0.68 0.00 20,670.00 5.54 -0.26 75.00 0.02 2.15 6,720.87 1.80 1.78 7,330.42 1.96 10.39 19,550.75 5.24 1.71 6,962.28 1.87 7.34 27,715.94 7.43 0.05 1,795.45 0.48 0.00 256.36 0.07 -0.08 29.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.59 295,851.14 79.29 34.41 77,287.23 20.71 1.34 6,944.29 1.86 1.34 6,944.29 1.86 Created on 07/13/2020 Page 1 Income Statement Account Name Selected Month % of Selected Month Year to Month End % of Year to Month End Net Other Income 843.56 1.34 6,944.29 1.86 Total Income 63,755.56 101.34 380,082.66 101.86 Total Expense 41,265.73 65.59 295,851.14 79.29 Net Income 22,489.83 35.75 84,231.52 22.57 Created on 07/13/2020 Page 2 Balance Sheet Properties: Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 As of: 06/30/2020 Accounting Basis: Cash Account Name Balance ASSETS Cash 4,125.00 Cash in Bank 203,592.74 Park Vista - Grandpoint Account 183,728.43 Park Vista Business Checking Account - CHASE 11,110.00 Park Vista Reserve Account - LAIF 843,726.73 Park Vista Money Market Account - CHASE 107,875.52 Total Cash 1,350,033.42 Building Improvements 1,046,041.00 Equipment 144,679.00 Furnishings 153,863.00 Personal Property 39.95 Accumulated Depreciation -811,284.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,883,372.37 LIABILITIES & CAPITAL Liabilities Pet Deposit 4,125.00 Key Deposit 1,240.00 Security Deposit 52,261.00 Passthrough Cash Account -661.00 Accounts Payable 2,595.00 Total Liabilities 59,560.00 Capital Owner Contribution 35,996.00 Owner Distribution -35,996.00 Retained Earnings 184,881.95 Prior Years Retained Earnings 12,696.00 Calculated Retained Earnings 84,231.52 Calculated Prior Years Retained Earnings 1,542,002.90 Total Capital 1,823,812.37 TOTAL LIABILITIES & CAPITAL 1,883,372.37 Created on 07/13/2020 Page 1 Bill Detail Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Properties: Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Payees: All 0.00 5480 06/02/2020 Janitorial Payment Type: All GL Accounts: All HD Supply 160.07 0.00 5480 Bill Status: All New toilet tank Date Type: Bill Date and toilet bowl Date Range: 06/01/2020 to 06/30/2020 for Unit #216 Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit 6210 - Maintenance 9181642814 06/02/2020 06/02/2020 6210- Park Vista - 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA supplies HD Supply 154.21 90245 9181749977 06/02/2020 06/02/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly 122.29 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Avenue EI Segundo, CA supplies HD Supply 67.00 90245 9181749978 06/02/2020 06/02/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly 22.98 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Avenue EI Segundo, CA supplies 90245 9181783724 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181782422 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 918183871 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181813862 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181813864 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - Maintenance 615 E. Holly Created on 07/13/2020 Payee Name Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description HD Supply 57.45 0.00 5480 06/02/2020 Janitorial supplies HD Supply 160.07 0.00 5480 06/02/2020 New toilet tank and toilet bowl for Unit #216 HD Supply 169.20 0.00 5480 06/02/2020 Maintenance supplies HD Supply 142.91 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Janitorial and maintenance supplies HD Supply 154.21 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies HD Supply 122.29 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies HD Supply 67.00 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies HD Supply 22.98 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies Page 1 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit Payee Name 06/09/2020 Maintenance Avenue EI supplies 60.23 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Janitorial and Segundo, CA maintenance 90245 supplies 9181813867 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply supplies 30.64 Maintenance 615 E. Holly Maintenance supplies Avenue EI 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance Segundo, CA supplies 152.86 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance 90245 9181813869 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly 0.00 5484 06/09/2020 Maintenance Avenue EI supplies 204.12 0.00 5485 06/12/2020 Petty Cash 11/ Segundo, CA 6/19 - 6/3/20 90245 9181813866 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181874062 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 91819090543 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181943524 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 9181943525 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply Maintenance 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 42540 06/09/2020 06/09/2020 6210- Park Vista - Southbay Maintenance 615 E. Holly Industrial Avenue EI Hardware Segundo, CA 90245 PETTY CASH 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 6210- Park Vista - Estrada, Maintenance 615 E. Holly Teresa Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Created on 07/13/2020 Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description 66.78 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 60.23 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Janitorial and maintenance supplies 65.06 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 30.64 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 59.09 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 152.86 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 9.84 0.00 5482 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 80.85 0.00 5484 06/09/2020 Maintenance supplies 204.12 0.00 5485 06/12/2020 Petty Cash 11/ 6/19 - 6/3/20 Page 2 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit Payee Name Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description 9182072481 06/12/2020 06/12/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply 160.07 0.00 5486 06/12/2020 New toilet Maintenance 615 E. Holly bowl and tank Avenue EI for Unit #327 Segundo, CA 90245 M13947 06/16/2020 06/16/2020 6210- Park Vista - 415 CARPET 1,077.65 0.00 8ED5-D65E 06/16/2020 Vacancy prep Maintenance 615 E. Holly DEPOT, INC. #415; Install Avenue EI new carpet Segundo, CA and padding 90245 throughout unit 1b/1b 9182223600 06/22/2020 06/22/2020 6210- Park Vista - HD Supply 118.90 0.00 5491 06/23/2020 Janitorial Maintenance 615 E. Holly supplies Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 30965 06/26/2020 06/26/2020 6210- Park Vista - Cadman 40.39 0.00 ACH 06/26/2020 Quill INV: Maintenance 615 E. Holly Group 6358161 - Avenue EI janitorial Segundo, CA supplies 90245 30965 06/26/2020 06/26/2020 6210- Park Vista - Cadman 24.96 0.00 ACH 06/26/2020 Quill Invoice: Maintenance 615 E. Holly Group 6353425 - Avenue EI maintenance Segundo, CA supplies 90245 31001 06/29/2020 06/29/2020 6210- Park Vista - Cadman 452.12 0.00 ACH 06/29/2020 Amazon order Maintenance 615 E. Holly Group for New video Avenue EI camera and Segundo, CA monitor for 90245 manager 06/29/2020 07/09/2020 6210- Park Vista - Cadman 452.12 0.00 ACH 06/29/2020 Amazon order Maintenance 615 E. Holly Group for New video Avenue EI camera and Segundo, CA monitor for 90245 manager 3,951.79 0.00 6250 - Gardening 4067 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6250- Park Vista - Octavio Rojas 979.00 0.00 8553-2740 06/08/2020 Monthly Gardening 615 E. Holly Landscaping Service - May Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 4067 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6250- Park Vista - Octavio Rojas 55.40 0.00 8553-2740 06/08/2020 Extra supplies Gardening 615 E. Holly Landscaping and approved Avenue EI work, (1) 501b bag of lawn Created on 07/13/2020 Page 3 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit Segundo, CA 90245 6270 - Management Fees 06/01/2020 06/01/2020 6270- Park Vista - Description Management 615 E. Holly fertilizer, (1) Fees Avenue EI shrub head Segundo, CA 90245 06/01/2020 06/01/2020 6270- Park Vista - Cadman Management 615 E. Holly 06/01/2020 Management Fees Avenue EI Fees for 06/ Segundo, CA 90245 06/01/2020 06/01/2020 6270- Park Vista - Increased Group Management 615 E. Holly maintenance Fees Avenue EI and Janitorial Segundo, CA 90245 30966 06/15/2020 06/15/2020 6270- Park Vista - COVID-19 Cadman Management 615 E. Holly 06/01/2020 Increased Fees Avenue EI management Segundo, CA 90245 30966 06/15/2020 06/15/2020 6270- Park Vista - COVID-19 Cadman Management 615 E. Holly 06/15/2020 Increased Fees Avenue EI maintenance Segundo, CA 90245 06/29/2020 06/29/2020 6270- Park Vista - due to Management 615 E. Holly COVID-19 Fees Avenue EI 0.00 ACH 06/15/2020 Increased Segundo, CA 90245 06/29/2020 06/29/2020 6270- Park Vista - due to Management 615 E. Holly COVID-19 Fees Avenue EI 0.00 ACH 06/29/2020 Increased Segundo, CA 90245 6315 - Pest Control 133773 06/02/2020 06/02/2020 6315 - Pest Park Vista - Control 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Created on 07/13/2020 Payee Name Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description fertilizer, (1) shrub head plus riser 1,034.40 0.00 Cadman 14,500.00 0.00 ACH 06/01/2020 Management Group Fees for 06/ 2020 Cadman 1,910.43 0.00 ACH 06/01/2020 Increased Group maintenance and Janitorial due to COVID-19 Cadman 616.10 0.00 ACH 06/01/2020 Increased Group management due to COVID-19 Cadman 1,721.67 0.00 ACH 06/15/2020 Increased Group maintenance and Janitorial due to COVID-19 Cadman 276.02 0.00 ACH 06/15/2020 Increased Group management due to COVID-19 Cadman 1,910.43 0.00 ACH 06/29/2020 Increased Group maintenance and Janitorial due to COVID-19 Cadman 616.10 0.00 ACH 06/29/2020 Increased Group management due to COVID-19 21,550.75 0.00 Al & Sons 150.00 0.00 3000000161 06/02/2020 Vermin Termite and Service 5/21/ Pest Control 20 Inc. Page 4 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit Segundo, CA 90245 438951 06/22/2020 06/22/2020 6315 - Pest Park Vista - Control 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 6410 - Electricity 2-22-974-6581 06/22/2020 06/22/2020 6410- Park Vista - 109 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Electricity 615 E. Holly 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Avenue EI 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH Segundo, CA Service 3/12/ 20-5/14/20 90245 2-02-314-5071 06/22/2020 06/22/2020 6410- Park Vista - Electricity 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 6420 - Gas 056 105 3200 06/09/2020 06/09/2020 6420 - Gas Park Vista - 3 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 6430 - Water 075-18531-000 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 6430 - Water Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 075-18411-000 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 6430 - Water Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 075-18481-000 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 6430 - Water Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 075-18321-000 06/11/2020 06/11/2020 6430 - Water Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Created on 07/13/2020 Payee Name Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description Terminix 60.00 0.00 5492 06/23/2020 Monthly Service - June 210.00 0.00 Edison 77.93 0.00 5494 06/23/2020 Service 5/12/ 20-6/11/20 Edison 1,272.16 0.00 5493 06/23/2020 Service 5/12/ 20-6/11/20 1,350.09 Gas Company 1,121.97 EI Segundo Water EI Segundo Water EI Segundo Water EI Segundo Water 241.42 241.42 714.61 5,339.70 0.00 0.00 3000000162 06/09/2020 Service 5/1/20 -6/2/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Service 3/12/ 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Service 3/12/ 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Service 3/12/ 20-5/14/20 0.00 ACH 06/11/2020 Service 3/12/ 20-5/14/20 Page 5 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property Unit Payee Name Segundo, CA 343.05 0.00 5496 06/23/2020 90245 6/5/20 6445 - Telephone/Internet -7/4/20 287272447593 06/02/2020 06/02/2020 6445- Park Vista - AT&T 17.16 0.00 Telephone/ 615 E. Holly Service 5/30/ Internet Avenue EI 20-6/29/20 4,600.26 0.00 5488 Segundo, CA Service 6/4/20 90245 -7/3/20 145150448 06/08/2020 06/08/2020 6445- Park Vista - AT&T Telephone/ 615 E. Holly Internet Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 337000205336 06/22/2020 06/22/2020 6445- Park Vista - AT&T Telephone/ 615 E. Holly Internet Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 310-322-5036 06/23/2020 06/23/2020 6445- Park Vista - AT&T Telephone/ 615 E. Holly Internet Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 310-640-7156 06/23/2020 06/23/2020 6445- Park Vista - AT&T Telephone/ 615 E. Holly Internet Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 6455 - Cable/Television 8448 30 006 06/12/2020 06/12/2020 6455 - Cable/ Park Vista - Spectrum 0255251 Television 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 8448 30 006 06/16/2020 06/16/2020 6455 - Cable/ Park Vista - Spectrum 0017008 Television 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Created on 07/13/2020 Paid Unpaid Check # Paid Date Description 6,537.15 0.00 23.50 0.00 5479 06/02/2020 Service 5/17/ 20-6/16/20 142.80 0.00 5481 06/09/2020 Service 5/27/ 20-6/26/20 102.46 0.00 5489 06/23/2020 6/9/20 - 7/8/20 465.01 0.00 5495 06/23/2020 Service 6/4/20 -7/3/20 343.05 0.00 5496 06/23/2020 Service 6/5/20 -7/4/20 1,076.82 0.00 17.16 0.00 5487 06/12/2020 Service 5/30/ 20-6/29/20 4,600.26 0.00 5488 06/16/2020 Service 6/4/20 -7/3/20 4,617.42 0.00 Page 6 Bill Detail Reference Bill Date Due Date Account Property 7420 - Office Supplies 30965 06/26/2020 06/26/2020 7420 - Office Park Vista - Supplies 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Total Created on 07/13/2020 Unit Payee Name Paid Unpaid Check # Cadman 32.84 0.00 ACH Group 41,483.23 0.00 Paid Date Description 06/26/2020 Quill INV #6361527 - Office supplies Page 7 Budget - Comparative Properties: Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Period Range: Jun 2020 to Jun 2020 Comparison Period Range: Jun 2019 to Jun 2019 Accounting Basis: Cash Level of Detail: Detail View Account Name Period Actual Period Budget Period $ Variance Period % Variance Income -1.35% 60,117.00 RENT 1,217.00 2.07% Rent Income 61,160.00 62,000.00 Parking Income 1,437.50 1,250.00 Total RENT 62,597.50 63,250.00 Prepayment 314.50 0.00 NSF Bank Fees 0.00 0.00 Collected -2,185.00 0.00% Laundry Income 0.00 415.00 Late Fee 0.00 0.00 Total Budgeted 62,912.00 63,665.00 Operating Income -19.66 -4.74% Expense Fire Service Maintenance Elevator service Gardening Management Fees Pest Control Licenses and Permits Electricity Gas Water Telephone/ Internet Cable/Television Office Supplies Uniforms Comparison Comparison Comparison $ Comparison % Actual Budget Variance Variance -840.00 -1.35% 60,117.00 58,900.00 1,217.00 2.07% 187.50 15.00% 2,028.00 1,450.00 578.00 39.86% -652.50 -1.03% 62,145.00 60,350.00 1,795.00 2.97% 314.50 0.00% -2,185.00 0.00 -2,185.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.00% -415.00 -100.00% 395.34 415.00 -19.66 -4.74% 0.00 0.00% 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.00% -753.00 -1,18% 60,405.34 60,765.00 -359.66 -0.59% 0.00 335.00 335.00 100.00% 253.46 335.00 81.54 24.34% 3,951.79 13,000.00 9,048.21 69.60% 5,156.28 8,000.00 2,843.72 35.55% 0.00 850.00 850.00 100.00% 1,281.87 850.00 -431.87 -50.81% 1,034.40 1,350.00 315.60 23.38% 1,009.00 1,350.00 341.00 25.26% 21,550.75 14,500.00 -7,050.75 -48.63% 14,500.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00% 210.00 400.00 190.00 47.50% 596.00 291.66 -304.34 -104.35% -164.32 35.00 199.32 569.49% 0.00 35.00 35.00 100.00% 1,350.09 1,700.00 349.91 20.58% 2,311.11 1,500.00 -811.11 -54.07% 1,121.97 1,000.00 -121.97 -12.20% 944.44 950.00 5.56 0.59% 6,537.15 3,750.00 -2,787.15 -74.32% 6,711.95 3,750.00 -2,961.95 -78.99% 1,076.82 1,250.00 173.18 13.85% 899.30 1,000.00 100.70 10.07% 4,617.42 4,500.00 -117.42 -2.61% 4,358.60 4,300.00 -58.60 -1.36% 32.84 300.00 267.16 89.05% 56.98 300.00 243.02 81.01% 0.00 50.00 50.00 100.00% 0.00 50.00 50.00 100.00% Created on 07/13/2020 Page 1 Budget - Comparative Account Name Period Actual Period Budget Period $ Variance Period % Variance Advertising & 0.00 625.00 625.00 100.00% Promotion Variance Variance 0.00 625.00 Entertainment 0.00 150.00 150.00 100.00% Bank Service -53.18 6.25 59.43 950.88% Fees 10.41 10.41 100.00% 0.00 Postage 0.00 10.41 10.41 100.00% Professional Fees 0.00 500.00 500.00 100.00% Total Budgeted 41,265.73 44,311.66 3,045.93 6.87% Operating Expense Total Budgeted 62,912.00 63,665.00 -753.00 -1.18% Operating Income Total Budgeted 41,265.73 44,311.66 3,045.93 6.87% Operating Expense NOI - Net 21,646.27 19,353.34 2,292.93 11.85% Operating Income Other Income Interest on Bank 843.56 250.00 593.56 237.42% Accounts Total Budgeted 843.56 250.00 593.56 237.42% Other Income Net Other Income 843.56 250.00 593.56 237.42% Total Budgeted 63,755.56 63,915.00 -159.44 -0.25% Income Total Budgeted 41,265.73 44,311.66 3,045.93 6.87% Expense Net Income 22,489.83 19,603.34 2,886.49 14.72% Asset Personal Property 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Total Budgeted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Asset Created on 07/13/2020 Comparison Comparison Comparison $ Comparison % Actual Budget Variance Variance 0.00 625.00 625.00 100.00% 0.00 150.00 150.00 100.00% 0.00 6.25 6.25 100.00% 0.00 10.41 10.41 100.00% 0.00 458.33 458.33 100.00% 38,078.99 38,461.65 382.66 0.99% 60,405.34 60,765.00 -359.66 -0.59% 38,078.99 38,461.65 382.66 0.99% 22,326.35 22,303.35 23.00 0.10% 452.58 50.00 402.58 805.16% 452.58 50.00 402.58 805.16% 452.58 50.00 402.58 805.16% 60,857.92 60,815.00 42.92 0.07% 38,078.99 38,461.65 382.66 0.99% 22,778.93 22,353.35 425.58 1.90% 39.95 0.00 -39.95 0.00% 39.95 0.00 -39.95 0.00% Page 2 Budget - Comparative Comparison Comparison $ Comparison % Actual Account Name Period Actual Period Budget Period $ Variance Period % Variance Cash -22,286.40 0.00% 15.09 0.00 Cash in Bank 21,646.27 0.00 -21,646.27 0.00% Park Vista - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Grandpoint 0.00 -22,738.98 0.00% Account Park Vista 841.00 0.00 -841.00 0.00% Reserve Account - LAIF Park Vista Money 2.56 0.00 -2.56 0.00% Market Account - CHASE Total Budgeted 22,489.83 0.00 -22,489.83 0.00% Cash Created on 07/13/2020 Comparison Comparison Comparison $ Comparison % Actual Budget Variance Variance 22,286.40 0.00 -22,286.40 0.00% 15.09 0.00 -15.09 0.00% 434.20 0.00 -434.20 0.00% 3.29 0.00 -3.29 0.00% 22,738.98 0.00 -22,738.98 0.00% Page 3 AmWINS INSURANCE BROKERAGE OF r:A11Fp RNIA awrnpyt�w OH 1'OIR TEAAi. Named Insured: Park Vista Apartments EI Segundo Senior Citizens Corp c/o Cadman Group July 15, 2020 to July 15, 2021 fat 12:0—na d--acroaaEEre:sof Ma N.—Insured DIC Including Earthquake $13,529,800 Minimum Earned Premium: 25% Key Coverage's Summary Value All. Coverage A. Included Foundations Included Walls, Fences, Paved surfaces Included Underground Utilities !Included Ordinance or Law X10% Ordinance or Law B&C (Combined) Extended Period of Indemnity 180 Days Included Ensuing Water Damage (Surplus Lines Tax Rates and Regulations are subject to change which could result in an increase or decrease of the total Surplus Lines Taxes and Fees owed on this placement. If a change is required, we will promptly notify you. Any additional taxes owed must be promptly remitted.© M The attached Quotation from the carrier sets forth the coverage terms and conditions being offered. Please review carefully with your client as terms and conditions may differ from those requested in your submission. It is your responsibility to ensure the quoted coverage terms and conditions are sufficient to meet your client's coverage needs. If after your review you should have any questions or requested changes, please let us know as soon as possible so we can discuss with the carrier prior to the effective date of coverage. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this Quotation and I look forward to hearing from you. AmWINS INSURANCE BROKERAGE OF r:A11Fp RNIA awrnpyt�w OH 1'OIR TEAAi. Named Insured: Park Vista Apartments EI Segundo Senior Citizens Corp c/o Cadman Group July 15, 2020 to July 15, 2021 fat I2:0—na d--acroaaEEre:sof Ma N.—Insured DIC Including Earthquake $13,529,800 11.00% of Premium Only Minimum Earned Premium: 25% Key Coverage's Summary ueiimCoverage Mi Included Foundations Included Walls, Fences, Paved surfaces Included Underground Utilities Included Ordinance or La.A X10% Ordinance or Law B&C (Combined) Extended Period of Indemnity 180 Days Included Ensuing Water Damage 6urplus Lines Tax Rates and Regulations are subject to change which could result in an increase or decrease of the total Surplus Lines Taxes and Fees owed on this placement. If a change is required, we will promptly notify you. Any additional taxes owed must be promptly remitted.0 m The attached Quotation from the carrier sets forth the coverage terms and conditions being offered. Please review carefully with your client as terms and conditions may differ from those requested in your submission. It is your responsibility to ensure the quoted coverage terms and conditions are sufficient to meet your client's coverage needs. If after your review you should have any questions or requested changes, please let us know as soon as possible so we can discuss with the carrier prior to the effective date of coverage. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this Quotation and I look forward to hearing from you. Background Information for Cadman Group Contract Amendment Item The contract for management services of the City of El Segundo's Park Vista Senior Housing Complex between the El Segundo Senior Housing Corporation and the Cadman Group terminates on October 31, 2020. The Cadman Group has successfully managed the Senior Housing Complex/Park Vista for 16 years, since 2004. In addition to maintaining a 24 hour on- site staff, the Cadman Group's scope of services includes leasing, management, unit inspections, repair, maintenance and landscaping of the Park Vista Senior Housing Complex premises. The agreement has since been extended on four occasions. The original 2004 agreement provided for a monthly management fee of $11,224. The management fee did not increase during the first six years. Effective November 1, 2011 the monthly management fee increased to $12,333. Effective November 1, 2014, the monthly management fee increased to $13,000. As of November 1, 2017, the monthly management fee increased to $14,500 where it remains today. Cadman increased the management company fee from $13,000 to $14,500 monthly to provide a pay increase to his on-site employees who had not received an increase in three years. Presently, Cadman Group is requesting a three-year extension with a $500 per month fee increase in year one and an additional $250 per month increase at the start of year two and again at year three which will demonstrate a gradual increase from $15,000 per month in the first year, $15,250 in the second year and $15,500 in the third year. Cadman Group represents that the increase in the management fee would again be used to provide pay increases for site management and maintenance/janitorial personnel. The fee also includes all of the staff's total compensation. If the Board wants to explore other alternatives, the Board has the option of creating a Request for Proposal (RFP) to research other agencies that offer property management services. If the Board decides to pursue that route, please note that the process could take longer than several months and not be concluded by the current contract expiration date. It is advised that if the Board decides to do an RFP, that you ask the Cadman Group to enter into a short term extension. Ultimately, the decision is up to the Board however, any decision regarding the management agreement is subject to review and consideration by the City Council. FIFTH AMENDMENT TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION AND CADMAN GROUP, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION This FIFTH AMENDMENT ("Amendment") to the PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING CORPORATION AND NEIL R. CADMAN DBA CADMAN GROUP (since incorporated as Cadman Group, Inc., a California Corporation) dated October 1, 2004 ("Agreement") is made and entered into this th day of September, 2020, by and between the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Owner") and Cadman Group, Inc., a California Corporation ("Manager"). 1. Section 1.4 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: 1.4 TERM The term of this Agreement shall extend to and including October 31, 2023, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 19 regarding termination. 2. Section 15.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.1 FEE FOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES Beginning November 1, 2020, MANAGER will be paid the fee of $15,000.00 per month for its proper performance of all the services as set forth herein. Beginning November 1, 2021, the monthly management fee will increase to $15,250. Beginning November 1, 2022, the monthly management fee will increase to $15,500. 3. This Amendment may be executed in any number or counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitute one instrument executed on the same date. 4. Except as otherwise provided herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their respective signatures on the date first hereinabove written. EL SEGUNDO SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING CORPORATION President CADMAN GROUP, INC. NEIL R. CADMAN, PRESIDENT Neil R. Cadman Chief Financial Officer Taxpayer ID