2020-07-09 Planning Commission AgendaPLANNING COMMISSION ILSIGINOPIAGENDA DATE: Thursday, July 09, 2020 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: Videoconference via Zoom & City Council Chambers, City Hall, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, California 90245-0989 VIDEO: EI Segundo Cable Channel 3 (Live). Replayed Friday following Thursday's meeting at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Channel 3. (Schedule subject to change) PURSUANT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 ISSUED BY GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM ON MARCH 17, 20207 THE FOLLOWING MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE BY TELECONFERENCE / VIDEOCONFERENCE. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents are strongly encouraged to participate remotely via Spectrum Channel 3. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until the start of the meeting: Planning@elsegundo.org, in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the Commission during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber up to and during public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. Additional Information: All files related to this agenda are available for public review in the Planning Division office, Monday through Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm and alternating Fridays until 4:00 pm beginning at 7:00 am Monday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject -matter jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. Additionally, the public can comment on any public hearing item on the Agenda during the public hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is generally five minutes per person. Playing of video tapes or use of visual aids may be permitted during meetings if they are submitted to the Planning and Building Safety Director a minimum of two working days before the meeting and they do not exceed five minutes in length. Written materials distributed to the Planning Commission within 72 hours of the Planning Commission meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk's office and on the City's website, www.elsequndo.orq.. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, (310) 524-2307. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Public Communications (Related to City Business only and for which the Planning Commission is responsible -5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total). Individuals who received value of $50 or more to communicate to the Planning Commission on another's behalf, and employees speaking on their employer's behalf, must so identify themselves before addressing the Commission. Failure to do so is a misdemeanor. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Commission may respond to comments after public communications is closed. E. Consent Calendar All items are to be adopted by one motion without discussion. If a request for discussion of an item is made, the items should be considered individually under the next Agenda heading. None. F. Call items from Consent Calendar G. Written Communications (other than what is included in Agenda packets) H. New Business—Public Hearing Continued Business—Public Hearing. 1. EA 1273 – 140 Sheldon St. Smoky Hollow Community Benefits Plan. Project Address: 140 Sheldon St. Applicant: Scott Fishfader Project Description: The project involves a 912 square -foot internal addition to a KA two-story, 5,534 square -foot office/warehouse building in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district. The request includes a deviation from the permitted floor area ratio (FAR) standard, which requires review and approval of a Community Benefits Plan pursuant to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Environmental Determination: The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15301 as a Class 1 exemption (Existing Facilities) RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Planning Commission: (1) open the public hearing and take documentary and testimonial evidence; (2) after considering the evidence adopt Resolution No. 2883; and/or (3) discuss and take any other action related to this item. J. Report from Planning and Building Safety Director or designee K. Planning Commissioners' Comments L. Adjournment—next meeting scheduled for July 23, 2020, 5:30 pm. POSTED: Ve4u Wewm Jtty 6, 2020 (Signature) (Date and time) 3 EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: July 9, 2020 AGENDA HEADING: Public Hearing A Community Benefits Plan (CBP 19-03) to permit an exception to the floor area ratio standard pursuant to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and Environmental Assessment (EA -1273) related to 912 square -foot office addition to an office/warehouse building at 140 Sheldon Street, in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district. Applicant: Scott Fishfader The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15301 as a Class 1 exemption (Existing Facilities). ORIGINATED BY: Paul Samaras, AICP, Principal Planner REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety BACKGROUND This item was originally scheduled for a public hearing on March 12, 2020, but due to the COVID 19 emergency was continued twice and rescheduled for June 11th. At the applicant's request, the item was again rescheduled and renoticed for the July 9,° 2020 Planning Commission meeting. Attachments: 1. June 11, 2020 staff report packet with exhibits. M EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: June 11, 2020 AGENDA HEADING: Public Hearing A Community Benefits Plan (CBP 19-03) to permit an exception to the floor area ratio standard pursuant to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and Environmental Assessment (EA -1273) related to 912 square -foot office addition to an office/warehouse building at 140 Sheldon Street, in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district. Applicant: Scott Fishfader The project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15301 as a Class 1 exemption (Existing Facilities). ORIGINATED BY: Paul Samaras, AICP, Principal Planner REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety BACKGROUND Site description The subject property is located on the east side of Sheldon Street on the block bounded by Franklin Avenue to the north and El Segundo Boulevard to the south, and abuts a 14 -foot alley on the east. The property is rectangular and measures 45 feet by 143 feet, or 6,435 square feet. The site is currently being developed with a two-story, 5,534 square -foot office/warehouse building. The building sits 9 feet from the front property line and occupies the full width of the property and is set back 33 feet from the alley to provide vehicular access. There are eight parking spaces at the rear off the alley, four of which are located within the existing building. Six of those parking spaces are arranged in a tandem configuration. Development proposal The proposed development consists of a 912 square -foot interior addition to the second floor of the existing building where it is open to the floor below. The applicant proposes to infill this area and completely separate the first from the second floor. The addition results in a requirement for two additional parking spaces, which the property owner will meet through payment of parking in -lieu fees. The proposal complies with all development standards of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, with the exception of the floor area ratio (FAR). However, this deviation is permitted by the Specific Plan in exchange for community benefits and subject to approval by the Planning Commission. The applicant's community benefits plan is attached to this report as an exhibit to the draft resolution. 61 Figure 1 Aerial view of vroiect area Frame Avenue DISCUSSION Applicant's requested exception The permitted FAR in the SH -W district is 0.75, which allows a maximum gross building area of 4,826 square feet. The existing building is 5,534 square feet which is equal to an FAR of 0.86. The existing building is nonconforming because it was permitted under the standards in effect before the new Smoky Hollow Specific Plan was adopted. The proposed 912 square foot addition will increase the gross floor area to 6,446 square feet and the FAR to 1.0. Based on section 4.5.2 of the Specific Plan, the requested exception places the project in Community Benefits Tier I, which requires only Planning Commission review and approval. Proposed community benefits. In return for the requested exception, the applicant proposes a public seating area in the front and bicycle parking in excess of the Specific Plan requirements. The seating will be built into a raised concrete landscape planter along the property frontage. It will be approximately 19 feet long and directly accessible from the public sidewalk. The 2 F landscaping in the abutting planter will be upgraded to include layered landscaping and shade trees on either side to provide partial shade. The planter will also incorporate lighting to extend the use of the public seating beyond daytime hours. The building currently provides two short-term bike racks and two long-term bike lockers in the rear portion of the building. Two additional bike racks will be provided in the front area behind a landscape planter close to the building entrance. The conditions of approval in the draft resolution, will require the property owner to properly maintain the above improvements and to grant the public reasonable access to the bench seating and bike racks in the front yard. Community benefits evaluation The evaluation of Tier I community benefits is based on the following findings listed in Chapter 4 of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan: 1. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The additional floor area is not anticipated to be detrimental, in that the project provides sufficient on-site vehicle parking and bicycle parking in excess of the minimum code requirements. As a result, the project is not anticipated to have significant off-site parking impacts. The project is located in developed area where all utilities and public infrastructure is in place. Furthermore, before the City issues building permits for the project, the applicant will submit detailed plans to the City for review for compliance with all applicable Building and Fire safety codes. Therefore, the project overall is not anticipated to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. 2. The proposed community benefit provides exemplary project and/or streetscape design. The Specific Plan contains 32 design guidelines in five categories including, building character, open space, landscaping, connectivity, and signage and art. The proposed project incorporates 21 out of 32 guidelines as indicated in the plans. Therefore, the project provides exemplary project and streetscape design by the objective standard used by staff. The Planning Commission is free to judge this finding by its own standard. 3. The proposed community benefit directly implements objectives of the Specific Plan. The project complies with the Specific Plan design guidelines, which directly implements the Smoky Hollow Design Objectives in Specific Plan Section 2.4.1 as follows: a. The project design helps preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character by incorporating materials and colors that are consistent with existing buildings in the area and with the neighborhood's industrial character. 3 7 b. The project offers a sidewalk oriented entry and a public seating area with direct access from the public sidewalk, which assists in activating the Sheldon Street frontage. c. The project facilitates pedestrian activity and access to several transit modes, in that it provides a public seating area along the sidewalk and it provides two bicycle racks in the front yard in excess of the minimum requirements. d. The project encourages active and passive design to conserve natural resources, in that its design incorporates eight skylights that will provide natural day light to the second floor and a 14 by 14.5 -foot glass roll -up door that will provide natural light to the ground floor. These openings will help reduce the use of electricity for lighting in the building. In addition, the landscaped area in the front yard will make use of solar powered accent lights, which will further reduce the use of electricity for lighting. Further, the project will make use of drought tolerant plant species in the landscaped areas, which will reduce the use of water for landscaping. In addition, the proposed community benefits implement the goals and objectives of Specific Plan Chapter 3 regarding publicly owned rights-of-way, publicly accessible open spaces, and mobility. The proposed benefits provide a pedestrian amenity along the public sidewalk as well as additional bicycle parking on the subject property that can be utilized by the public. Both of these benefits promote alternative travel means to the single - occupancy vehicle. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15301 as a Class 1 exemption (Existing Facilities) in that the project involves an addition less than 50% of the floor area of the existing building. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATION The proposed project and community benefits, as conditioned, meet the findings in Section 4.5.2 of the Specific Plan. In addition, the development project and community benefits are exempt from further environmental review. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2883, recommending approval of Environmental Assessment No. EA -1273 and Community Benefits Plan No. CBP 19-02 for an internal addition of 912 square -feet to an existing building at 140 Sheldon Street in the SH -W district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Attached Documents 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2883 Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval Exhibit B - Community Benefits Plan 2. Plans/Exhibits 3. Smoky Hollow Specific Plan design guidelines 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2883 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN NO. 19-03 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA 1273 FOR A 912 SQUARE -FOOT INTERNAL ADDITION TO A BUILDING AT 140 SHELDON STREET. The Planning Commission of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Commission finds and declares that: A. On December 17, 2019, Scott Fishfader filed an application for Community Benefit Plan (CBP 19-03) and Environmental Assessment (EA -1273) for a 912 square -foot office addition to an office/warehouse building at 140 Sheldon Street, in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district; B. The application was reviewed by the City's Planning and Building Safety Department for, in part, consistency with the General Plan and conformity with the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC); C. In addition, the City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA"), the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On June11, 2020, the Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the application including information provided to the Commission by the applicant; and E. The Commission considered the information provided by City staff, public testimony, and the applicant. This Resolution, and its findings, are made based upon the totality of the evidence in the administrative record before the Commission at its June 11, 2020, public hearing. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The Commission finds that the following facts exist: A. The subject site is located in the Smoky Hollow -West (SH -W) district of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan at 140 Sheldon Street. B. The subject site is developed with a two-story, 5,534 square -foot office/warehouse building. C. The applicant proposes to make a 912 square -foot internal addition to the second floor of the building. D. The project will deviate from the Specific Plan FAR standards as follows: 1. The permitted FAR in the SH -W district is 0.75:1. The existing FAR on the property is 0.86:1, which is legal nonconforming. The proposed addition will increase the FAR to 1.0:1. E. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan authorizes specified deviations from development standards in exchange for developer -provided incentives that benefit the larger community. In return for the above deviation from the Specific Plan standards, the applicant offers a community benefits plan, which is attached as Exhibit B to this resolution. SECTION 3: Environmental Assessment. The project is categorically exempt from the environmental review pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14 ("CEQA guidelines") Section 15301 as a Class 1 exemption (Existing Facilities) ) in that the project involves an addition less than 50% of the floor area of the existing building. The existing building is 5,534 square feet and the proposed addition is 912 square feet, or 16.5% of the existing building. SECTION 4: General Plan Findings. Considering all of its aspects, the proposed project will further the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan and not obstruct their attainment. More specifically: A. The EI Segundo General Plan Land Use designation of the property is Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. This designation is intended to permit a range of incubator businesses, small and medium size industrial uses, research and development, and creative office uses. The designation also permits public facilities, parking facilities, and limited restaurant and retail uses. The proposed office space addition is consistent with this designation. B. The project is consistent with Land Use Element Goal LU4, Objective LU4- 3 in that it provides a stable tax base for EI Segundo through construction of new office space. C. The proposed use is consistent with Land Use Element Objective LU4-4 in that it adds office space to the mixture of industrial, commercial, and residential uses in the Smoky Hollow and Downtown areas, which has the potential to maximize economic benefit, reduce traffic impacts, and encourage a pedestrian environment. D. Policies ED1-2.1 and ED1-2.2, both seek to promote land uses, which improve the City's commercial tax base. The proposed office space addition would help increase tax revenue and financially benefit the City. E. The project will meet relevant goals and policies with regard to the Land Use Element. The project will help increase the tax base through the proposed expansion of office uses in the area without adversely affecting the viability of downtown (Goal LU4). E SECTION 5: Specific Plan Community Benefit Plan Findings. After considering the above facts, the Commission finds as follows: A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or deviation from development standards would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; The additional floor area is not anticipated to be detrimental, in that the project provides sufficient on-site vehicle parking and bicycle parking in excess of the minimum code requirements. As a result, the project is not anticipated to have significant off-site parking impacts. The project is located in developed area where all utilities and public infrastructure is in place. Furthermore, before the City issues building permits for the project, the applicant will submit detailed plans to the City for review for compliance with all applicable Building and Fire safety codes. Therefore, the project overall is not anticipated to be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. B. The proposed community benefits provide an exemplary project and/or streetscape design; The Specific Plan contains 32 design guidelines in five categories including, building character, open space, landscaping, connectivity, and signage and art. The proposed project incorporates 20 out of 32 guidelines as indicated in Exhibit B of this resolution. Therefore, the project provides exemplary project and streetscape design. C. The proposed community benefits directly implement objectives of the Specific Plan. 1. The project complies with the Specific Plan design guidelines, which directly implements the Smoky Hollow Design Objectives in Specific Plan Section 2.4.1 as follows: a. The project design helps preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character by incorporating materials and colors that are consistent with existing buildings in the area and with the neighborhood's industrial character. b. The project offers a sidewalk oriented entry and a public seating area with direct access from the public sidewalk, which assists in activating the Sheldon Street frontage. c. The project facilitates pedestrian activity and access to several transit modes, in that it provides a public seating area along the sidewalk and it provides two bicycle racks in the front yard in excess of the minimum requirements. d. The project encourages active and passive design to conserve natural resources, in that its design incorporates eight skylights that 3 11 will provide natural day light to the second floor and a 14 by 14.5 -foot glass roll -up door that will provide natural light to the ground floor. These openings will help reduce the use of electricity for lighting in the building. In addition, the landscaped area in the front yard will make use of solar powered accent lights, which will further reduce the use of electricity for lighting. Further, the project will make use of drought tolerant plant species in the landscaped areas, which will reduce the use of water for landscaping. 2. The proposed community benefits implement the goals and objectives of Specific Plan Chapter 3 regarding publicly owned rights-of-way, publicly accessible open spaces, and mobility. The proposed benefits provide a pedestrian amenity along the public sidewalk as well as additional bicycle parking on the subject property that can be utilized by the public. Both of these benefits promote alternative travel means to the single -occupancy vehicle. SECTION 7: Approval. Subject to the conditions listed on the attached Exhibit A, of this Resolution, the Planning Commission approves Community Benefits Plan CBP 19-03 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1273. SECTION 8: Reliance on Record. Each and every one of the findings and determination in this Resolution are based on the competent and substantial evidence, both oral and written, contained in the entire record relating to the project. The findings and determinations constitute the independent findings and determinations of the Planning Commission in all respects and are fully and completely supported by substantial evidence in the record as a whole. SECTION 9: Limitations. The Planning Commission's analysis and evaluation of the project is based on information available at the time of the decision. It is inevitable that in evaluating a project that absolute and perfect knowledge of all possible aspects of the project will not exist. In all instances, best efforts have been made to form accurate assumptions. SECTION 10: This Resolution will remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. SECTION 11: The Commission Secretary is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to Scott Fishfader and to any other person requesting a copy. n SECTION 12: This Resolution may be appealed within 10 calendar days after its adoption. All appeals must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within this time period. Failure to file a timely written appeal will constitute a waiver of any right of appeal. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June, 2020. Ryan Baldino, Chair City of EI Segundo Planning Commission ATTEST: Sam Lee, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney David King, Assistant City Attorney 5 Baldino Newman Wingate Hoeschler Keldorf PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2883 Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC), Scott Fishfader agrees to comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Community Benefit Plan (CBP) No. 19-03 and Environmental Assessment No. EA 1273: Zoning Conditions 1. This approval is for the project as shown on the plans and renderings dated February, 2020, and on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Before the City issues a building permit, the applicant must submit plans, showing that the project substantially complies with the plans and conditions of approval on file with the Planning and Building Safety Department. Any subsequent modification to the approved design must be referred to the Director for a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review and approval of the proposed modification. 2. All development impact fees imposed pursuant to ESMC Chapter 15-27 of for the additional building floor area must be paid before the City issues a building permit. 3. Before the City issues building permits, the applicant must submit detailed plans in substantial compliance with the plans approved by the Planning Commission to the Planning and Building Safety Department for review and approval. 4. The applicant must pay parking in -lieu fees for two parking spaces in accordance with ESMC Chapter 15-29. The parking in -lieu fee agreement must be reviewed and approved as to form by the Planning and Building Safety Director and the City Attorney before recordation. The applicant must pay for all fees incurred by the City as a result of the City Attorney's review of these documents. Communitv Benefits Plan 5. The applicant must provide all the community benefits as stated in Exhibit B (Community Benefits Plan). If the project does not provide a proposed benefit or ceases to provide it, the owner must submit a revised CBP including equivalent replacement benefit of an equal value to the Planning and Building Safety Director for review and approval. At the Director's discretion, the revised CBP may be transmitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval. 6. The applicant must maintain the public seating area, bike racks, landscaping and accent lighting in satisfactory condition in the opinion of the Planning and Building Safety Director or designee. C 7. The applicant must grant reasonable access to City staff for the purpose of inspecting the amenities that are part of the Community Benefits Plan described in Exhibit B of this resolution. 8. The applicant and property owner must grant the public reasonable access during normal business hours to the seating and bike racks described in Exhibit B of this resolution. In addition, the Planning and Building Safety Director or designee may require that the property owner install appropriate signage to ensure public access to the seating and bike racks. Fire Department Conditions 9. The applicant must comply with the applicable requirements of the 2019 California Fire Code, adopted amendments to the Fire Code and EI Segundo Fire Department Regulations. Public Works Department Conditions General 10. All work in the City's right-of-way or on City -owned and maintained facilities shall require review and approval of the City Engineer or designee. "City Engineer" = City Engineer or designee throughout this document. 11. The applicant shall ensure that encroachment permits are secured from the Public Works Department/Engineering Division before commencing any and all work in the City's public right-of-way (ROW), including lane closures. 12. Construction inspection shall be coordinated with the Public Works Inspector and no construction shall deviate from the approved plans without approval of the City Engineer. If plan deviations are necessary, the applicant shall provide a revised plan or details of the proposed change for review and approval of the City Engineer prior to construction. 13. Prior to issuing of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall ensure installation of all improvements required by the Public Works Department are inspected and approved by the City Engineer. 14. All construction -related parking shall be accommodated on-site. No construction related parking shall be permitted off-site. 15. The applicant shall locate the proposed bench inwards away from the property line and maintain public sidewalk clearance. The proposed bench shall be recessed far enough that a typical person seated on it will not restrict the accessible pathway over the public sidewalk. Street Improvements & Traffic Control 7 16. The applicant shall coldmill 2" Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavement surface and overlay with 2" AC PG -64-10 the entire alley width behind the property. AC mix specification shall conform to Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC) "Greenbook", section 203-1. 17. The applicant shall provide traffic control plans for all work requiring a lane closure. 18. The work schedule on major arterial streets shall be Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm, except holidays. Work schedule in all other areas shall be Monday through Friday from 7am to 4pm. Contractor shall obtain prior approval from the City Engineer for performing weekend work, night work, or work on a holiday. 19. During construction, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide safe pedestrian traffic control around the site. A pedestrian protection plan shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval by the City Engineer. This may include but not be limited to signs, flashing lights, barricades and flag persons. Miscellaneous Condition 20. Scott Fishfader (Applicant) agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Community Benefit Plan CBP No. 19-03 and Environmental Assessment No. EA -1273. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of this Community Benefit Plan or Environmental Assessment, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. By signing this document, Scott Fishfader certifies that he has read, understood, and agrees to the Project Conditions listed in this document. Scott Fishfader {If Corporation or similar entity, needs two officer signatures or evidence that one signature binds the company} 8 16 2.4 PRIVATE REALM DESIGN GUIDELINES Smoky Hollow represents a unique World War II -era industrial district. Once home to traditional manufacturing, machining, and aerospace industries, the Smoky Hollow district—with its one- and two- story brick, metal, and stucco exteriors, curved ceilings, high roof lines and light -filled interiors— is attractive to new media, technology, incubator, and creative business endeavors. The repurposing of existing space will inform future development in a manner that retains the district's authenticity and character. Smoky Hollow generally consists of two sub - districts: Smoky Hollow East and Smoky Hollow West. Smoky Hollow East includes larger, free-standing buildings on spacious parcels. This configuration allows campus - style, business park settings that integrate landscape and communal outdoor space into site design. Conversely, smaller closely -packed structures and lot configurations line the streets of Smoky Hollow West. Tighter blocks create a more intricate, urban, and sidewalk -oriented work district. The Specific Plan's objective is to preserve the district's unique characteristics while allowing the emergence of design innovation and creative use of space. 2.4.1 Smoky Hollow Design Objectives The overarching design goal for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is to provide a development framework that maintains the district's unique setting and character while promoting adaptive design features that integrate well-designed architecture; enhanced, viable public space; and accessible pedestrian and transit linkages. These design objectives are broad policy statements intended to guide development throughout Smoky Hollow. ► Preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character through the use of compatible architectural features, materials, and details. ► Insist upon streetscape and landscape amenities that allow for small-scale, informal gathering, both within sites and along public rights-of-way, especially sidewalks, street corners, and along Franklin Avenue ► Develop more accessible and street -side public open space. Buildings fronting public sidewalks, and specifically buildings fronting Franklin Avenue, shall provide sidewalk -oriented entries and small-scale gathering opportunities. ► Project designs, orientation, and spaces should anticipate and facilitate emerging sidewalk and pedestrian activity, reuse of alleys, and access to all transit modes. ► Encourage active and passive design strategies that conserve natural resources. 46 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 17 WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES? Standards Development standards are measurable criteria for building elements such as setbacks, building heights, open space requirements, and floor area ratio (FAR). Standards are prescriptive and quantitative and are applied consistently to all properties in each zoning district. Development standards are mandatory, and projects may only be approved if the proposed improvements are consistent with the development standards, unless otherwise allowed by a Variance or Administrative Adjustment. Guidelines Design guidelines are discretionary and qualitative. They are intended to serve as criteria for reviewing projects during the application and approval process. Design Private Realm Strategies guidelines address elements that cannot easily be measured or quantified, but are important aspects of the design and quality of a building or development. The design guidelines contain recommendations on design aspects that are more open to interpretation, such as texture, materials, style, and overall design character. In certain circumstances, design guidelines are mandatory—these are indicated with clear terminology such as "shall" and "must". When used in conjunction, the development standards and design guidelines will shape future development to achieve the community's vision of Smoky Hollow as an iconic and innovative employment zone. IL City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 47 18 URBAN DESIGN GUDEDNES HOW TO USE THE SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES This section presents guidelines to assist applicants in developing high-quality building rehabilitation, additions, and new construction projects in Smoky Hollow. Guideline concepts are noted over photographic examples of project types; these concepts are further described in the written design guidelines that follow the photographic examples. Applicants and their design teams should utilize the following design guidelines to the maximum extent for all construction projects. The design guidelines are organized into five key themes: ► Enhance Building Character ► Facilitate Gathering ► Provide Landscape ► Encourage Connectivity ► Design for Signage, Wayfinding, and Public Art Each theme is represented by a color - and individual guidelines by an icon - to visually cross-reference the themes and ideas of the guidelines to the illustrative examples shown on the previous pages. owl im..llimp- !U FFallll r■ 1 l� H - ..' � -- • • • • • • - • •. - - - : r■ pit aia. I siwri ' _ E It i 5 MIM■ it Allf�rirL I' ��, _ i u�Mlrr�M■rrl ##v##r UK r rr i i•r"MiAMl l iIM. / ■ uM iol A# #r - _ _ : �: "� 7 w�ra■■r 4ai�i�ii 'W! lArri � �[ _ +w ■r a �r +r 31 Select Drought -To- - Plants ,�``;i■.���;.��� =vie!* iOw W1,41 _ Figure 2-5: Design for Infill Buildings &L'w"R .-IIIIIII0 Utilize Natural Light Private Realm Strategies ' Build on the Industrial Character --------------- Use-__-_---. Use Fences and Walls as an Extension of the Architecture z 1 W944p-'i- Enhance Parking 7Surfaces O City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 51 22 Figure 2-6: Design for Building Additions 52 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 23 Private Realm Strategies ' Figure 2-7: Design for Campus Projects City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 53 24 w 7117 it A , x 'Aa ,� r -Air -77. Figure 2-9: Design for Street Corners Utilize Planters and Plant Pots Private Realm Strategies ' City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 55 26 Figure 2-10: Design for Alleyways Orient Secondary Entries to Alleys Utilize Planters and Plant Pots err 56 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Design Creative Signs Provide Alley -Facing Gathering Spaces Specify 360° Architecture 11 -Im SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES Not all of the design guidelines will be applicable to each project, but each project team should be able to explain how the guidelines shaped their project design and work with City staff to incorporate as many of the ideas as possible. Enhance Building Character O Build on the quality industrial character of architecture currently in Smoky Hollow. Oj Convey a sense of old and new through conservation of existing materials and details and selection of new building components that complement existing conditions without mimicking an older architectural character. ® Build upon existing context through use of similar forms, heights, proportions, building materials, and details observed in the surrounds. Private Realm Strategies ® Conserve and retain the character - defining features of an existing building; minimize the removal of older components, materials, and details. Repair such features rather than replace them, to the maximum extent feasible. 0 Encourage additions that complement existing character -defining features and are differentiated and secondary to the bulk and massing of existing buildings. © Incorporate small, medium, and large scales through design of differentiated massing and a variety of components, proportions, and details. eEmphasize design at the pedestrian level through expressed forms, shapes, masses, materials, and details at first - floor frontages. Specify 3600 architecture through extension of the character -defining elements and materials, level of detail, and architectural consistency at all building fapades. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 57 28 QEnhance entry expression through use of color, forms, materials, details, orientation to sidewalks, landscaping, and place -making to create a sense of arrival. ® Encourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages to add visual interest at the pedestrian level and enhance indoor -outdoor interactions. OOrient secondary entries to alleys to create a sense of arrival and increase pedestrian presence in alleys. Incorporate different materials, colors, and textures at a building's exterior to create visual interest, avoid monotonous or repetitive building frontages. Facilitate Gathering .1. Form an active street wall through design of building frontages with material and detail interest at or near sidewalks and use of sidewalk - oriented entries. 0 Provide street corner plazas through setbacks from street corners or through conversion of front yard surface parking ® Develop outdoor gathering spaces at entries, along sidewalks, at patios, and on rooftops to invite activity. ® Provide alley -facing gathering spaces through setbacks and modulations at rear property lines that invite safe use and activity. © Provide ease of access along and across sites through leveling outdoor and indoor height differences, provision of accessible ramps and handrails, removal of obstacles on sidewalks, and minimization of curb cuts. OEnhance surface parking through use of enduring quality paving materials that create visual interest; use permeable paving materials consistent with City building codes. ® Use enduring, quality paving materials or street painting to realize visual interest and differentiate the defined pedestrian zone from traffic lanes. QProvide street furniture of enduring quality and aesthetic value; examples include benches, information posts, trash cans, etc. ® Use exterior lighting to accentuate safety and design elements of public and private outdoor areas and sidewalks. ® Provide Wi-Fi hotspots to attract pedestrians and encourage gathering at specified locations. Incorporate Landscape and Environmental Design Design layered and lush landscaping through selection of plant materials that display a variety of shapes, textures, and colors. ® Select drought -tolerant and native plants to reduce irrigation and conserve water. © Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery along sidewalks where street trees are not permitted. 58 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo 29 Improve landscaping in parking areas through the use of tree canopies, landscape planters, and design of walls and fences that create visual interest, and reduce the heat island effect. 1111 Use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture and character of the building. Utilize natural light through use of large window expanses, clearstories, skylights, etc. to enhance working spaces and reduce lighting energy consumption. Encourage Connectivity Install bike facilities consistent with City building code requirements - such as bike racks, bike storage, bike sharing stations, dedicated shower rooms, and lockers - to encourage biking. Private Realm Strategies Design for Signage, Way -Finding, and Public Art QDesign signs as an integral component of the architectural program. Consider channel letter signs, projecting signs, and flag signs. Avoid box signs with plastic covers. © Incorporate way -finding through integral design of identity and directional signage and on-site lighting to guide and enhance circulations. © Encourage public art, including murals, street paintings, outdoor installation art, and light -based art installations, to create visual interest along alleys. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 59 30