2020-08-19 Recreation Parks Commission Meeting AgendaCity of EI Segundo Recreation & Parks Commission Regular MEETING AGENDA 4` City Council Chambers JELSESUNPU 350 Main Street �A- EI Segundo, CA 90245 I DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S INCARPARATFR 19TT• EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents may view the meeting live on EI Segundo TV at YouTube.com. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words. Comments will be accepted up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting: RECPARKCOMMISSION(a)elseaundo.ora with the meeting date in the subject line. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the Commission during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber during the public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. Wearing a mask or other face covering is required. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at 310 524-2305. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Motta 0 :161 4 Sal_\ 4 q D. PRESENTATIONS Christopher Hentzen will review plans for the Library Park Activation project. E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Commission business only and that is within the subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Commission — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total. The Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda.) F. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting of July 15, 2020. (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Approval; (2) Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. CemeJzIaIz11;1:1491.INA Iz1*1'1 1 . Review and approve the proposed criteria for success as well as Criteria for Success Quarterly Report assessment tools relating to the youth aquatics clubs providing service at the City of EI Segundo Wiseburn School District Aquatics Center for the purposes of clearly defining expectations for current and future aquatics program providers. Recommendation: 1. Review proposed recommendation and provide direction or feedback; and, 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. H. NEW BUSINESS None I. REPORTS REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics Subcommittee b. Gateway Committee c. Golf Course Subcommittee — on hold d. Transportation Subcommittee — on hold e. Youth Sports Council 2. DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORTS — VERBAL REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent b. Christopher Hentzen, Parks Maintenance Superintendent 3. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S REPORT — VERBAL REPORT - Meredith Petit J. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Watson Commissioner Stolnack Commissioner Lubs Vice Chairperson Davis Chairperson Motta K. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA 90245. Posted by: J. Day Date: 08-13-20 Time: 1:00 pm 2 GUNp CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION ELSIGUN MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 6:00 p.m. This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER — The meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission was called to order by Chairperson Motta at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL — via teleconference Commissioner Kelly Watson Present Commissioner Julie Stolnack Present Commissioner Dave Lubs Present Vice Chairperson Lee Davis Present Chairperson Bob Motta Present All Commissioners were present via Zoom teleconference ALSO PRESENT — via teleconference Meredith Petit, Recreation & Parks Director Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Christopher Hentzen, Parks Superintendent Mona Shilling, Deputy City Clerk Rachel Cummings, Recreation Supervisor Linnea Palmer, Recreation Supervisor, Aquatics Jackie Day, Senior Administrative Specialist D. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS — 1. Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester introduced the department's new Recreation Supervisor, Rachel Cummings. 2. Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester recognized Linnea Palmer on her promotion to Recreation Supervisor of Aquatics. E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — None 3 F. CONSENT CALENDAR — 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting of February 19, 2020. (Commission Action Required) MOTIONED by Commissioner Lubs and SECONDED by Vice Chairperson Davis to approve the minutes of the February 19, 2020 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Voice vote followed. G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None H. NEW BUSINESS — 1. Staff will provide a review of actions taken in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and provide information on which parks and recreation facilities and programs are open (and to what extent), which remain closed, and plans for reopening in the future. Meredith Petit provided an overview of what the department has been doing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. The city implemented the All Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) and several of the department's staff, including Linnea Palmer, Shawn Green, and Ryan Delgado are participating on the team. The city is following the guidelines set by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health pertaining to public gatherings, park closures, and program cancellations. The AHIMT and Recreation & Parks partnered with the Rotary Club to provide assistance to Park Vista seniors with shopping and errands. 2. Consideration and possible action related to receiving an update on funded 20192020 Capital Improvement Projects. Meredith Petit provided an update. We will not be going through the prioritization exercise for CIP projects. The city is transitioning their fiscal year from October — September to July 1 — June 30. The coming fiscal year will be for nine months. With COVID and uncertain financial impacts they will focus on completing projects in progress. Meredith provided updates on completed projects and projects in progress: • Holly Valley project complete • CES shade structure complete • Richmond field project was modified and although we did not get field enhancements, we gained use to 30 — 35 parking spots for the field and plunge users. • Acacia Park project is moving along, with construction to begin in fall, with a toddler playground folded in to the design. • Washington Park project is complete. We are leaving fence up until we are able to open it. • Arecia Hester and Cheryl Ebert (from Public Works) are working on the Plunge renovation project. They have selected an architectural design team. 4 • The Teen Center project is pending an RFP process to select a consultant to conduct a Recreation Park Needs Assessment. • Inline hockey renovation will be rebid in the coming months. • A contract is in place to replace the softball field bleachers. • The fitness trail at Memory Row is on hold at this time. Christopher Hentzen provided an update on the Library Park Activation Project. The design is completed. It includes a central area with a stage and seating, with five stations along the existing walkways for a story walk through the park. I. REPORTS — 1. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics — Vice Chairperson Davis They met and reviewed RFP's from architectural firms. He believes they picked a good vendor who will be engaged in the community. Gateway Committee — Commissioner Stolnack Christopher is doing a good job amending the contract to get the collaborative project going again. c. Golf Course Subcommittee — on hold d. Transportation Committee — on hold d. Youth Sports Council — Commissioner Lubs They have had three meetings since March. All teams want to get the kids back on the fields. They will continue to meet and provide updates. 2. DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent • They are moving forward with the Plunge project. The architectural firm they selected has an interest in EI Segundo • City Council agreed to form a DEI Commission. They have received 80 inquiries and 37 applications. She will be involved as well as Deputy City Manager Barbara Voss and Library Director Melissa McCullum. She will provide updates to the Commission. b. Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent • Staff is taking advantage of field closures and renovating and fine tuning irrigation at Brett and Richmond fields. • Freedom Park has an injection well repair in the works. • Concept drawings are being prepared to landscape the median on EI Segundo Blvd from Pacific Coast Highway to the Eastern border. 3. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR REPORT — Meredith Petit • Congratulated Rachel and Linnea. • Updated information on park closures can be found at www.Elsegundo.org 5 J. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS — Commissioner Watson: Would like to start thinking about what we can do for Halloween; she found an article about working outside and has challenged everybody to have a meeting, lunch, or work outside. Commissioner Stolnack: Congratulated Linnea and Rachel; parks are looking great; complimented staff on the job they are doing at Park Vista; spoke favorably about the Rotary shopping for seniors program. Commissioner Lubs: Congratulated Linnea and Rachel. Vice Chairperson Davis: Congratulated Linnea and Rachel; spoke positively about the level of care for Park Vista residents and their families. Chairperson Motta: Thanked Mona Shilling, Darnell Jenkins, and Jackie Day for coordinating the Zoom meeting. K. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. The next Regular Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 350 Main Street, EI Segundo, CA, 90245. 6 EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 19, 2020 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: New Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Review and approve the proposed criteria for success as well as Criteria for Success and Quarterly Report assessment tools relating to the youth aquatics clubs providing service at the City of EI Segundo Wiseburn School District Aquatics Center for the purposes of clearly defining expectations for current and future aquatics program providers. RECOMMENDED COMMISSION ACTION: 1. Review proposed recommendation and provide direction or feedback; and, 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Criteria for Success Document 2. Aquatics Quarterly Report BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: In early 2019, the City Council supported the allocation of rental space to four primary youth aquatics clubs at the EI Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center: Alpha Aquatics, Beach Cities Swimming, South Bay United Water Polo, and Trojan Water Polo. As a result, the City Council directed staff to determine methodology to measure success of the those groups to ensure the service providers are providing programs that align with the goals and objectives of the City's aquatics vision. To that end, staff has used a collaborative approach working with the user groups to establish what is reasonable and feasible to achieve that outcome. On September 5, 2019, the Directors for the four youth teams met with the Director of Recreation and Parks, the Recreation Superintendent and the Aquatics Supervisor to discuss various ideas for measuring success. The group understood the goals for the Cityto establish success criteria to be used as a gauge to establish desired and best practices for rental groups to ensure that they are providing service that is beneficial to the EI Segundo community. On December 2, 2019, the Aquatics Subcommittee (Vice Chair Davis and Commissioner Watson) met with staff to review the proposed criteria. After careful consideration and conversation, the Aquatics Subcommittee opted to make some small adjustments by adding a self-assessment, a required quarterly report and establish an EI Segundo residency goal for all groups. It is important to note that the results of each groups' measurements are not intended to be compared to each other for ranking purposes, rather to show an independent review of each group's progress towards the City of EI Segundo's goals and objectives. On February 19, 2020, Recreation Superintendent, Arecia Hester brought this item before the Recreation and Park Commission for feedback. At the time, the assessment tools weren't complete and the youth aquatics groups had not had time to review the documents. The Recreation and Parks Commission asked that this item return to a future meeting once the assessments were finished and youth aquatic groups had an opportunity to review the criteria, the documents and approve the process. Once the aquatics youth groups had a chance to review the information, staff held a ZOOM meeting with the youth groups on August 6th, 2020. The meeting covered questions and provided an opportunity to make changes if needed. Representatives from Alpha, Beach Cities Swim, South Bay United and Trojan Water Polo attended. Staff reviewed the criteria during the meeting for further to discussion. At the end of the meeting, all agreed that this was an acceptable format. Everyone was comfortable with the process moving forward to the Recreation and Parks Commission for approval. Staff is also recommending to extend the existing contracts with the current user groups through August 2021 to give all groups ample time to show growth and progress under these new guidelines. Should the Commission concur with the Criteria for Success, the department will move forward with implementing this process as a part of the aquatics rental agreement. ORIGINATED: Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent REVIEWED BY: Meredith Petit, Recreation & Parks Director DATE: DATE: FRA C Organization Name Date Criteria for Success Aquatics Center Self Assessment Completed By Assessment Period Total Points Self Assigned Date Received: Office Use Category -Description possible Points Comments Only SELF ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION 1 Submitted to management by due date PROFIT/NON-PROFIT STATUS- To qualify as a non-profit user the group must meet all the criteria listed below. The organization must be registered as a .not for profit corporation with the State of California, or if not registers with the state must have a constitution, by laws or mission statement which clearly states the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. 1 Non -Profit Organization If incorporated, submit state incorporation papers and bylaws 1 a : if not incorporated submit current constitution and by laws or mission statement b. 'Current Financial Statement 1 c, Current Roster of Officers- One member of the board is 1 an EI Segundo Resident -Member at Large is qualifying d' List of persons authorized to make reservations 1 e Annual Meeting dates, Meeting Minutes/Agendas are 1 made available to all members via organizations website 2A 'For Profit Organizations Total for Profit/Non Profit Status ,REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION- Organizations has provided current insurance information for required liability insurance. 3 Insurance documentation received 1 CITIZENSHIP- Organization and its members, coaches, participants and spectators have adhered to a facility procedures and guidelines and remain in good standing. (Select which adequately reflects your standing) .4 Excellent - No Infractions/Verbal or otherwise 5 1 Verbal Notice 3 More than 1 verbal notice or a written notice 1 FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY- Organization has made all payments in a timely manner within 14 days of the final adjusted invoice. And has made all cancellations with proper two week notice. (Select which adequately reflects your standing) 5 "All Payments/Cancellations Made on Time 5 1 to 2 payments or cancellations late 3 More than 2 payments or cancellations late 1 :SPACE UTILIZATION- Organization has utilized the lanes in a responsible manner. (Select which adequately reflects your standing) 6 Excellent- Greater than 3 swimmers/ lane 5 Average - 2 to 3 swimmers/lane 3 Minimum Standard less than 2 swimmers/lane City of EI Segundo Success Criteria: Annual Self Assessment 9 Page I of 3 ORGANIZATION HAS DOCUMENTED MEASURABLE SUCCESS- The organization is recognized by it's governing body with successes on a team and or program participant level. (Please list recognitions, 1 point given for each) 7 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 5 Total for for Measurable Success S " ORGANIZATION HAS MAINTAINED A HIGH CUSTOMER SATIFACTION RATING -The organization will issue satisfaction surveys annually. (Select which "adequately reflects your standing) 8 Organization has achieved a rating of >95% 5 90-94% _.. 4 85-89% 3 80-84% 2 75-79% COACHES CERTIFICATION " Management received list of up to date coaching :certifications for all coaching staff 1 QUARTERLY REPORTS SUBMITTED ON TIME- All Quarterly reports are completed and submitted by the deadline. 10 Q1 Report 1 Q2 Report 1 Q3 Report 1 Q4 Report 1 "Total for Quarterly Reports 4 ORGANIZATION'S EL SEGUNDO RESIDENT PARTICIPATION -The number of active El Segundo Resident participants with in an organization.(Select which adequately reflects your standing) 11 75% or greater ES Resident Participation 10. 60-74% g . '40-59% 6 20-39% 4 10-19% BONUS. ORGANIZATION PROVIDES PROGRAMS FOR COMMUNITY BENEFIT- The organization has provided a community benefit. le: Collaborative event, free clinic for the community, community based scholarships. Please list event/programs in the space provided below. Examples of Programs would be as follows: Adaptive swim program or water Polo/Splash ball. Senior Splash Ball, Learn to swim collaboration with E5USD. Examples of events would be: a Swim Clinic for the community, Swim with an olympian for the day, a collaborative water polo tourmnament or clinic. (This section is out of 0, each event or program is worth a bonus point, maximum 5 points earned) 12 1 1 . ,2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 ?Total for Bonus Programs/Events S Total Team Points. 47 certify that the information is true and correct as of the filing of this report ... need some language in here ... Organization Representative Signature: date: City of El Segundo Success Criteria: Annual Self Assessment 10 Page 2 of 3 City of EI Segundo Success Criteria: Annual Self Assessment 11Page 3 of 3 Youth Aquatics Teams Quarterly Report Organization's Name: Individual completing report: Report Period: 1. Progress since last Quarterly Report: Achievements: Changes/Updates : 2. Current or Upcoming Projects /Events Project/Event I Planned Date City of El Segundo Aquatics Staff Only (please initial and date when submitted) Quarter: Progress/Slippage (with new date and solution) Bit Bane Hi2hli2ht Example: Something you may want us to share at a future Recreation and Parks Commission or City Council meeting. 12