2020-12-01 CC Agenda Packet - ITEM #G6 PRESENTATION - Ad-Hoc Pension CommitteeCity of EI Segundo Ad-hoc Pension Committee Presentation N DAJA Background on Ad-hoc Pension Committee r Defined Benefit Retirement Pension Plan ? Unfunded Actuarial Liability (UAL) 4. Tools to Reduce the City's UAL 5. How do POBs Work? 6. The City's Funded and Unfunded Pension Status 7 Use of Pension Obligation Bonds to Reduce City's Recurring Costs 8. Next Steps On July 22, 2020 City Council appointed Mayor Pro Tem Chris Pimentel and Councilmember Scot Nicol to serve on the Ad Hoc Pension Committee to review the City's pension obligations. The committee has met four times: September 21 October 14 November 16 November 23 Committee's work to date has focused on issuing Pension Obligation Bonds (POBs) as a mechanism to significantly reduce the City's recurring pension costs, saving approximately $55 million (present value) over the next twenty years. The Committee is also looking into conducting a review of the City's ability to exit CalPERS pension system and use of alternative retirement options. The Committee has also done a cursory review of the funding status of the City's Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) — retiree medical insurance wr sionIPIar' j The City provides retirement benefits for full-time employees by contracting with CalPERS CalPERS offers a defined benefit plan where retirement benefits are based on a formula which takes into consideration employee years of service, age at retirement, and final compensation CalPERS Retirement benefits are funded by contributions from employees, the City, as well as investment earnings When investment earnings do not meet expectations, the funded status of the entire retirement system is at risk with all member agencies sharing the burden UAL is Pension Debt the City owes to CalPERS on behalf of existing retirees and active employees CalPERS assesses the City an interest rate of 7.0% on the UAL Employers have the responsibility to pay down their UAL by increasing contributions to CalPERS The total UAL owed by the City of EI Segundo is $151.3 million The remaining UAL amortization period for the City is twenty years By maintaining the status quo UAL with CalPERS, the City will pay a total of $130 million in interest to CalPERS Date Valuation as of Plan Aug -20 6/30/2019 Police 1st Tier Aug -20 6/30/2019 Fire Aug -20 6/30/2019 Miscellaneous Required Contribution In Balance Payment Balance Payment Balance 6/30/2022 61, 677, 695 4,699,976 55, 577, 658 4,236,021 34, 407, 895 6/30/2023 61,133, 440 4,839,052 55, 086, 320 4,360,965 34, 094, 729 6/30/2024 60, 407, 227 4,981,619 54, 431, 345 4,489,059 33, 621, 499 6/30/2025 59, 482, 706 5,127, 775 53, 598, 021 4,620,388 32, 972, 055 6/30/2026 58, 342, 284 5,277,617 52, 570, 516 4,755,042 32,118, 348 6/30/2027 56, 967, 035 5,419,157 51, 331, 798 4,882,674 31,108, 246 6/30/2028 55, 349,108 5,564,589 49, 874, 347 5,013,816 29, 939, 362 6/30/2029 53, 467, 490 5,714,022 48,179, 219 5,148, 564 28, 598,159 6/30/2030 51, 299, 585 5,867,561 46, 226, 049 5,287,018 27, 070, 086 6/30/2031 48, 821,104 6,025,326 43, 992, 939 5,429,280 25, 339, 506 6/30/2032 46, 005, 936 6,187, 427 41, 456, 354 5,575,454 23, 389, 612 6/30/2033 42, 826, 028 6,353,987 38, 591, 004 5,725,647 21, 202, 357 6/30/2034 39, 251, 235 6,525,126 35, 369, 720 5,879,971 18, 758, 347 6/30/2035 35, 249,179 6,700,972 31, 763, 311 6,038,538 16, 036, 764 6/30/2036 30, 785, 082 6,881,657 27, 740, 431 6,201,468 13, 015, 246 6/30/2037 25, 821, 597 7,067,306 23, 267, 413 6,368,876 9,738,765 6/30/2038 20, 318, 631 7,258,064 18, 308,115 6,540,889 6,335,311 6/30/2039 14, 233,135 7,454,064 12, 823, 734 6,717,630 2,804,752 6/30/2040 7,518,911 7,655,457 6,772,625 6,899,234 6/30/2041 126,368 130,716 110,086 113,874 TOTAL 115, 731, 470 104, 284, 408 *Does not include Safety Police Second Tier Plan, PEPRA Safety Police Plan, or PEPRA Safety Fire Plan Source: CalPERS Actuarial Valuation - June 30, 2019 Payment 2,631,185 2,764,733 2,903,060 3,056,579 3,150, 000 3,235,145 3,322,633 3,412,526 3,504,891 3,599,798 3,697,310 3,797,510 3,900,460 4,006,244 4,048,255 3,949,281 3,841,840 TOTALUAL Balance 151, 663, 248 150, 314, 489 148, 460, 071 146, 052, 782 143, 031,148 139, 407, 079 135,162, 817 130, 244, 868 124, 595, 720 118,153, 549 110, 851, 902 102, 619, 389 93, 379, 302 83, 049, 254 71, 540, 759 58, 827, 775 44, 962, 057 2,901,258 29, 861, 621 61, 722, 708 14, 291, 536 236,454 Payment 11, 567,182 11, 964, 750 12, 373, 738 12, 804, 742 13,182, 659 13, 536, 976 13, 901, 038 14, 275,112 14, 659, 470 15, 054, 404 15, 460,191 15, 877,144 16, 305, 557 16, 745, 754 17,131, 380 17, 385, 463 17, 640, 793 17, 072, 952 14, 554, 691 244,590 281, 738, 586 Too4lj[educeL v thiMI A A Reduce the length of the UAL amortization period with CaIPERS, also referred to as a fresh start (refinance) City has opted to use this tool, reducing the amortization periods from 30 years down to 20 yea rs This tool has eliminated the effects of negative amortization and saved the City $7.1 million Additional discretionary payments toward the UAL Equivalent to making an additional mortgage payment The City has opted to use this tool, saving the City $3.75 million Tools AW Ah Prepayment of the annual UAL payment to CalPERS The City has opted to use this tool over the past four years, saving the City $1.25 million Set up a pension trust to pre -fund CalPERS UAL obligations The City set up a IRS Section 115 Pension Trust in 2017 Current balance is approximately $4.5 million LLbI lgption.. Bond s� A Pension Obligation Bond ("POB") is a taxable debt issuance used to extinguish some or all of the City's UAL. Proceeds would be directly deposited with the City's pension system, CalPERS, and invested in the CalPERS investment portfolio, to reduce the City's UAL POBs are issued only when the all -in interest rate of the bond issue is significantly below the actuarial rate of interest factored into the calculation of the UAL. Debt service payments for the bond issuance will then replace the City's UAL payments that would have been owed to CalPERS for the UAL amount paid off ::de L&,Unfunded Pens Per the CalPERS Actuarial Valuation reports as of June 30, 2019, the City's funded ratios were: 61.5% for Police 1st Tier 60.5% for Fire 71.8% for Miscellaneous In total, the City's plans are funded at 65% Leaving $151 million as the UAL CalPERS has a strategic target of 100% funding 7 • Preserve financial flexibility to meet or maintain City service obligations Industry best practice to repay the UAL amortization period within a 15-20 year range Use shorter amortization periods to reduce interest costs and better match annual costs with the work -life of plan participants Use a level dollar repayment schedule to improve the likelihood that funds will be available to meet future payment demands. Level dollar repayment plan also helps facilitate the budget process and long-term financial planning. -i�i7'[�1�11T1Ct3 HEilii�ilTl�ICi711[i ■C Issuing a POB now does nothing to address future possible unfunded actuarial liabilities growth Returning our UAL to zero now does nothing to keep it at zero in the future CalPERS could over -perform from an investment perspective, and we wouldn't have had to issue such a large POB If CalPERS over -performs and beats 7% investment returns (6.7% return earned in FY 2018/19 & 4.7% in FY 2019/20), then our UAL amount will decrease Unknown possible State legislative/ judicial changes in the future The State and/or the Courts could make pension rule changes to reduce our UAL amounts Refinancing removes an unknown cost variable and replaces UAL cost increases with a stable fixed payment amount Interest rates are at historic lows: POBs would be issued at an interest rate of approximately 2.88% versus the 7% the City is currently paying to CalPERS Issuing a POB to refinance the UAL does not preclude the City from taking part in any future State/court decisions, if any, related to pension program changes Near-term pension program fixes are unlikely Even if the pension fund is overfunded, those funds stay in the City's CalPERS account and can be used to cover future UAL shortfalls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ah Ah I Sale Dates CA POB Issuers Par Amount ($MM) 2/5/2020 City of Pasadena $131.805 4/22/2020 County of Riverside $719.995 4/30/2020 City of Larkspur $18.295 5/13/2020 City of Ontario $236.585 5/27/2020 City of Montebello $153.425 6/2/2020 City of Inglewood $101.620 6/4/2020 City of Riverside $432.165 6/9/2020 City of EI Monte $118.725 6/10/2020 City of Carson $108.020 6/11/2020 North County Fire Protection District $20.305 7/23/2020 West Covina Public Financing Authority* $204.095 8/13/2020 City of Pomona $219.890 9/17/2020 City of Azusa $70.075 10/14/2020 Torrance Joint Powers Finance Authority** $349.515 10/27/2020 City of Arcadia $90.000 10/29/2020 Placentia Public Financing Authority** $52.950 11/10/2020 City of Gardena $101.490 * West Covina issued Lease Revenue Bonds (LRBs) as an alternative to POBs because their POB validation proceeding was challenged. The LRBs refunded their CalPERS UAL. **Torrance and Placentia issued LRBs to avoid the POB validation proceeding and expedite the financing. The LRBs refunded their CalPERS UAL. 16 • Manhattan Beach Planning $92m 80/90/100% Level debt service, matching plan terms Torrance October 2020 (LRB) $496m $350m (70%) Approximatley level debt service Inglewood June 2020 Hawthorne October 2019 Gardena November 2020 Carson June 2020 $290m $117.9m $109m Max savings first 5 years (principal deferred until 2026), increasing level DS: $4.5m in 2026-35, $7.4m in 2036-46, $13m in 2047-49 (3 year extension beyond UAL term) $120m (100% + Level debt service throughout normal costs) $100m (92%) $106.8m $106.8m (100%) Tailored savings in first five years, then level debt service; 2039finaI maturity, reducing Misc. to match Safety term Max savings first two years (principal deferred until 2023), level debt service to 2037then matching DS to UAL in 2038-44 for zero savings. • 90% of UALs. using level POB debt service 90% Police 1st 55, 509, 926 Required POB Debt Contribution In Payment Service Savings 6/30/2022 4,229,978 3,850,333 379,646 6/30/2023 4,355,147 3,850,204 504,942 6/30/2024 4,483,457 3,848,661 634,796 6/30/2025 4,614,998 3,852,275 762,722 6/30/2026 4,749,855 3,850,976 898,879 6/30/2027 4,877,241 3,849,140 1,028,101 6/30/2028 5,008,130 3,852,897 1,155, 233 6/30/2029 5,142, 620 3,849,097 1,293,523 6/30/2030 5,280,805 3,851,061 1,429,744 6/30/2031 5,422,793 3,848,385 1,574,408 6/30/2032 5,568,684 3,851,280 1,717,404 6/30/2033 5,718,588 3,849,718 1,868,870 6/30/2034 5,872,613 3,852,743 2,019,870 6/30/2035 6,030,875 3,850,823 2,180, 051 6/30/2036 6,193,491 3,853,339 2,340,153 6/30/2037 6,360,575 3,849,409 2,511,166 6/30/2038 6,532,258 3,848,237 2,684,020 6/30/2039 6,708,658 3,853,089 2,855,569 6/30/2040 6,889,911 3,848,619 3,041,292 6/30/2041 117,644 0 117,644 TOTAL 104,158,323 73,160,288 30,998,035 90% Fire TIC 50,019,892 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 369,027 3,812,419 3,470,220 342,199 477,090 3,924,869 3,467,076 457,792 583,005 4,040,153 3,467,683 572,470 680,901 4,158, 349 3,468, 910 689,440 780,006 4,279,538 3,470,735 808,803 867,186 4,394,407 3,467,532 926,875 947,164 4,512,434 3,470, 878 1,041, 556 1,030,883 4,633,708 3,467,417 1,166, 290 1,107,574 4,758,316 3,470,639 1,287,678 1,185,526 4,886,352 3,469,646 1,416,707 1,257,030 5,017,909 3,469,625 1,548,284 1,329,633 5,153,082 3,470,653 1,682,429 1,396,868 5,291,974 3,466,739 1,825,235 1,465,474 5,434,684 3,468,554 1,966,131 1,529,097 5,581,321 3,470,259 2,111,062 1,594,945 5,731,988 3,471,177 2,260,811 1,657,049 5,886,800 3,471,415 2,415,385 1,713,648 6,045,867 3,468,022 2,577,845 1,774,053 6,209,311 3,470,999 2,738,311 66,705 102,487 0 102,487 21,812,864 93,855,967 65,918,178 27,937,789 90% Misc. TIC 30,967,106 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 332,627 2,368,067 2,224,196 143,871 432,541 2,488,260 2,222,167 266,093 525,764 2,612,754 2,224,310 388,444 615,480 2,750,921 2,223,531 527,390 701,843 2,835,000 2,224,849 610,151 781,803 2,911,631 2,222,833 688,797 853,962 2,990,370 2,225,211 765,159 929,484 3,071,273 2,223,072 848,202 997,520 3,154,402 2,225,412 928,990 1,066,777 3,239,818 2,224,953 1,014,865 1,133,245 3,327,579 2,226,816 1,100,763 1,196,987 3,417,759 2,226,010 1,191,749 1,262,266 3,510,414 2,221,962 1,288,452 1,321,672 3,605,620 2,225,120 1,380,500 1,379,405 3,643,430 2,224,833 1,418,597 1,435,934 3,554,353 2,225,748 1,328,605 1,491,200 3,457,656 2,226,252 1,231,404 1,546,984 2,611,132 2,224,336 386,796 1,597,317 0 0 0 58,111 0 0 0 19,660,921 55,550,437 40,041,611 15,508,827 90% Total UAL TIC 136,496,923 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 139,847 10,410,464 9,544,749 865,715 251,415 10,768,275 9,539,448 1,228,827 356,752 11,136, 364 9,540,655 1,595,709 470,814 11,524,268 9,544,715 1,979,553 529,461 11,864,393 9,546,560 2,317,833 580,989 12,183, 278 9,539,505 2,643,773 627,346 12, 510, 934 9,548,986 2,961,948 675,981 12, 847, 601 9,539,586 3,308,015 719,657 13,193,523 9,547,111 3,646,412 764,192 13, 548, 964 9,542,983 4,005,980 805,688 13, 914,172 9,547,721 4,366,451 847,886 14, 289, 430 9,546,382 4,743,048 891,047 14,675,001 9,541,444 5,133,557 928,000 15, 071,179 9,544,497 5,526,682 926,936 15,418,242 9,548,431 5,869,811 843,851 15, 646, 917 9,546,334 6,100, 583 760,239 15,876,714 9,545,904 6,330,810 232,119 15, 365, 657 9,545,447 5,820,209 0 13, 099, 222 7,319,618 5,779,604 0 220,131 0 220,131 11,352,219 253,564,727 179,120,076 74,444,651 TIC 2.88% PV Savings 841,500 1,161, 046 1,465,521 1,767,195 2,011,310 2,229,978 2,428,472 2,636,347 2,824,751 3,016,495 3,195,964 3,374,506 3,550,180 3,715,146 3,835,438 3,874,730 3,908,488 3,492,750 3,371,370 124,816 52,826,004 10% Remaining 10% UAL+ UAL POB 1,156,718 10,701,467 1,196,475 10,735,923 1,237,374 10, 778,029 1,280,474 10, 825,189 1,318,266 10,864,826 1,353,698 10, 893, 203 1,390,104 10, 939,090 1,427,511 10,967,097 1,465,947 11,013,058 1,505,440 11,048,424 1,546,019 11,093, 740 1,587,714 11,134, 096 1,630,556 11,172, 000 1,674,575 11, 219, 072 1,713,138 11, 261, 569 1,738,546 11, 284, 880 1,764,079 11, 309, 983 1,707,295 11, 252, 743 1,455,469 8,775,087 24,459 24,459 28,173,859 207,293,935 • 90% of UALs. using level POB debt service = $16 P $14 90% UALAmortization and Estimated POB Debt Service FiscalYear ■ UALAmortization POB Debt Service • 95% of UALs. using level POB debt service 95% Police 1st 58,593,810 Required POB Debt Contribution In Payment Service Savings 6/30/2022 4,464,977 4,065,874 399,103 6/30/2023 4,597,099 4,064,612 532,488 6/30/2024 4,732,538 4,061,865 670,673 6/30/2025 4,871,386 4,064,016 807,371 6/30/2026 5,013,736 4,066,002 947,734 6/30/2027 5,148,199 4,062,099 1,086,100 6/30/2028 5,286,360 4,063,297 1,223,063 6/30/2029 5,428,321 4,061,575 1,366,746 6/30/2030 5,574,183 4,065,063 1,509,120 6/30/2031 5,724,060 4,063,621 1,660,439 6/30/2032 5,878,056 4,062,468 1,815,588 6/30/2033 6,036,288 4,061,718 1,974,570 6/30/2034 6,198, 870 4,065,234 2,133, 636 6/30/2035 6,365,923 4,063,524 2,302,399 6/30/2036 6,537,574 4,065,934 2,471,640 6/30/2037 6,713,941 4,061,551 2,652,390 6/30/2038 6,895,161 4,063,982 2,831,179 6/30/2039 7,081,361 4,062,092 3,019,269 6/30/2040 7,272,684 4,065,880 3,206,804 6/30/2041 124,180 0 124,180 TOTAL 109,944,897 77,210,404 32,734,493 TIC 2.88% PV Savings 387,94C 503,117 95% 95% Fire Misc. 52,798,775 TIC 32,687,500 2.88% POB Debt I POB Debt Payment Service I Savings �PVSavings Payment Service Savings 4,024,220 3,663,282 360,938 350,843 2,499,626 2,345,044 154,582 4,142, 917 3,659,125 483,791 457,107 2,626,496 2,347,367 279,129 4,264,606 3,663,657 600,949 551,921 2,757,907 2,348,779 409,128 4,389,369 3,663,525 725,844 647,981 2,903,750 2,347,111 556,639 4,517,290 3,663,758 853,532 740,660 2,992,500 2,347,389 645,111 4,638,540 3,663,703 974,838 822,264 3,073,388 2,349,161 724,226 4,763,125 3,659,666 1,103,459 904,722 3,156,501 2,344,951 811,551 4,891,136 3,663,586 1,227,550 978,313 3,241,900 2,346,099 895,801 5,022,667 3,663,562 1,359,105 1,052,861 3,329,646 2,346,354 983,293 5,157,816 3,659,167 1,498, 649 1,128,490 3,419,808 2,348,707 1,071,101 5,296,681 3,660,604 1,636,077 1,197, 517 3,512,445 2,348,167 1,164, 278 5,439,365 3,662,838 1,776,527 1,263,948 3,607,635 2,349,874 1,257,760 5,585,972 3,659,825 1,926,148 1,332,070 3,705,437 2,348,093 1,357,344 5,736,611 3,662,272 2,074,339 1,394,431 3,805,932 2,348,293 1,457,639 5,891,395 3,659,310 2,232,085 1,458,504 3,845,842 2,344,943 1,500,899 6,050,432 3,660,380 2,390,053 1,518,044 3,751,817 2,347, 676 1,404,141 6,213,845 3,659,912 2,553,932 1,576,761 3,649,748 2,349,377 1,300,371 6,381,749 3,660,642 2,721,107 1,632,984 2,756,195 2,348,485 407,710 6,554,272 3,662,396 2,891,877 1,686,926 0 0 0 108,180 0 108,180 61,340 0 0 0 99,070,188 69,571,208 29,498,980 20,757,685 58,636,573 42,255,870 16,380,702 TIC 2.88% PV Savings 95% Total UAL 144,080, 086 TIC 2.88% 5% POB Debt Remaining Payment Service Savings PV Savings UAL 10,988,823 10,074,200 914,623 889,042 578,35 11,366,513 10,071,104 1,295,408 1,223,957 598,23E 11,755,051 10,074,301 1,680,750 1,543,627 618,68; 12,164,505 10,074,652 2,089,853 1,865,670 640,23; 12, 523, 526 10, 077,148 2,446,378 2,122, 866 659,13- 12,860,127 59,13;12,860,127 10, 074, 963 2,785,164 2,349,252 676,84S 13,205,986 10,067,913 3,138,073 2,572,892 695,05, 13,561,356 10,071,259 3,490,098 2,781,480 713,75E 13,926,497 10,074,978 3,851,518 2,983,666 732,972 14,301,684 10,071,495 4,230,189 3,185,354 752,72( 14,687,181 10,071,239 4,615,943 3,378,611 773,01( 15,083,287 10,074,430 5,008,857 3,563,660 793,85; 15,490,279 10,073,152 5,417,127 3,746,333 815,27E 15,908,466 10,074,089 5,834,377 3,922,037 837,28E 16,274,811 10,070,186 6,204,625 4,054,268 856,56 16, 516,190 10, 069, 606 6,446, 583 4,094,552 869,27-- 16,758,753 69,27;16,758,753 10,073,272 6,685,481 4,127,521 882,04( 16, 219, 304 10, 071, 219 6,148,085 3,689,574 853,64f 13,826,956 7,728,275 6,098,681 3,557,559 727,73 232,361 0 232,361 131,752 12,23( 267,651,657 189,037,482 78,614,175 55,783,672 14,086,92 95% of UALs,, using level POB debt service 95% UAL Amortization and Estimated POB Debt Service $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 Fiscal Year UAL Amortization POB Debt Service • 100% of UALs., using level POB debt service Required Contribution In 6/30/2022 6/30/2023 6/30/2024 6/30/2025 6/30/2026 6/30/2027 6/30/2028 6/30/2029 6/30/2030 6/30/2031 6/30/2032 6/30/2033 6/30/2034 6/30/2035 6/30/2036 6/30/2037 6/30/2038 6/30/2039 6/30/2040 6/30/2041 TOTAL 100% Police 1st 61, 677, 695 POB Debt Payment Service I Savings 4,699,976 4,276,551 423,425 4,839,052 4,279,195 559,857 4,981,619 4,275,244 706,375 5,127, 775 4,275,931 851,844 5,277,617 4,276,203 1,001,414 5,419,157 4,275,305 1,143, 852 5,564,589 4,278,944 1,285,645 5,714,022 4,274,199 1,439,823 5,867,561 4,274,210 1,593,351 6,025,326 4,279,123 1,746,203 6,187, 427 4,278,922 1,908,505 6,353,987 4,278,854 2,075,133 6,525,126 4,277,725 2,247,401 6,700,972 4,276,225 2,424,747 6,881,657 4,278,529 2,603,128 7,067,306 4,278,692 2,788,614 7,258,064 4,274,554 2,983,510 7,454,064 4,276,095 3,177, 969 7,655,457 4,277,968 3,377,489 130,716 0 130,716 115,731,470 81,262,468 34,469,002 100, Fire TIC 55,577,658 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 411,582 4,236,021 3,856,455 379,567 528,977 4,360,965 3,856,286 504,680 648,745 4,489,059 3,854,700 634,360 760,463 4,620,388 3,853,261 767,127 868,983 4,755,042 3,851,962 903,080 964,821 4,882,674 3,855,126 1,027,548 1,054,090 5,013,816 3,853,795 1,160, 021 1,147, 480 5,148, 564 3,854,994 1,293,570 1,234,318 5,287,018 3,851,842 1,435,176 1,314,891 5,429,280 3,854,167 1,575,113 1,396,908 5,575,454 3,851,935 1,723,519 1,476,387 5,725,647 3,855,374 1,870,274 1,554,226 5,879,971 3,853,262 2,026,709 1,629,970 6,038,538 3,851,342 2,187,196 1,700,936 6,201,468 3,853,857 2,347,611 1,771,171 6,368,876 3,854,928 2,513,948 1,841,955 6,540,889 3,853,583 2,687,306 1,907,132 6,717,630 3,853,262 2,864,368 1,970,174 6,899,234 3,853,792 3,045,442 74,117 113,874 0 113,874 24,257,327 104,284,408 73,223,921 31,060,487 100% Misc. TIC 34,407,895 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 368,950 2,631,185 2,470,888 160,297 476,842 2,764,733 2,472,523 292,210 582,605 2,903,060 2,468,204 434,856 684,834 3,056,579 2,470,700 585,879 783,653 3,150, 000 2,469,936 680,064 866,721 3,235,145 2,470,498 764,647 951,092 3,322,633 2,469,787 852,846 1,030,922 3,412,526 2,469,121 943,405 1,111, 785 3,504,891 2,472,290 1,032,601 1,186, 060 3,599,798 2,472,335 1,127, 463 1,261,510 3,697,310 2,469,392 1,227,918 1,330,636 3,797,510 2,468,612 1,328,898 1,401,603 3,900,460 2,469,236 1,431,225 1,470,283 4,006,244 2,471,618 1,534,626 1,533,977 4,048,255 2,470,204 1,578,051 1,596,719 3,949,281 2,469,605 1,479,676 1,659,086 3,841,840 2,472,503 1,369,338 1,718,937 2,901,258 2,472,634 428,624 1,776,483 0 0 0 64,568 0 0 0 21,857,263 61,722,708 44,470,085 17,252,623 100% Total UAL TIC 151,663,248 2.88% POB Debt PV Savings Payment Service Savings 155,814 11, 567,182 10, 603, 893 963,289 276,092 11, 964, 750 10, 608, 003 1,356,747 399,378 12, 373, 738 10, 598,147 1,775,591 523,029 12, 804, 742 10, 599, 893 2,204,850 590,129 13,182, 659 10, 598,101 2,584,558 644,968 13,536,976 10,600,929 2,936,047 699,242 13, 901, 038 10, 602, 525 3,298,513 751,855 14, 275,112 10, 598, 314 3,676,798 799,923 14, 659, 470 10, 598, 343 4,061,127 848,980 15, 054, 404 10, 605, 626 4,448,778 898,761 15, 460,191 10, 600, 250 4,859,941 945,465 15, 877,144 10, 602, 839 5,274,305 989,786 16, 305, 557 10, 600, 222 5,705,335 1,031,611 16, 745, 754 10, 599,185 6,146, 569 1,031,130 17,131, 380 10, 602, 591 6,528,789 939,807 17, 385, 463 10, 603, 224 6,782,239 845,400 17, 640, 793 10, 600, 640 7,040,153 257,222 17, 072, 952 10, 601, 991 6,470,961 0 14, 554, 691 8,131, 760 6,422,932 0 244,590 0 244,590 12, 628, 592 281, 738, 586 198, 956,475 82, 782,111 TIC 2.88% PV Savings 936,345 1,281,911 1,630,728 1,968,326 2,242,765 2,476,510 2,704,424 2,930,258 3,146, 025 3,349,931 3,557,178 3,752,488 3,945,615 4,131, 863 4,266,043 4,307,698 4,346,441 3,883,291 3,746,657 138,685 58, 743,182 • 100% of UALs., using level POB debt service N $18 0 $16 $14 100% UAL Amortization and Estimated PO B Debt Service Fiscal Year ■ UALAmortization POB Debt Service 100% of UAL - $151 million 95% of UAL -$144 million 90% of UAL -$136 million The Ad-hoc Pension Committee recommends approving the concept of issuing POBs at the minimum level of 95% of the UAL and up to 100%. Results in $55 million in present value savings over the next 20 years Assumes POB issuance of approximately $151 million and one rating Underwriter's Discount $450,000 Bond Counsel (includes validation proceedings) $161,250 Disclosure Counsel $40,000 Municipal Advisor $81,500 Rating (assumes one rating) $85,000 Trustee $7,500 Printer $2,500 Contingency $5,000 TOTAL $832,750 Issue RFP for bond counsel and disclosure counsel Municipal Advisor and City staff assemble POB transactional team City Council approval of City Pension Policy — December/January January 1911 Council meeting to approve POB resolution and Trust Agreement and authorize filing of validation suit File validation complaint —judicial validation process begins (week of January 25) Issue three publication of summons (weeks of February 8-22) Submit final documentation and request judgment (week of March 29) Receipt of validation judgment (week of April 5) Complete first draft of Preliminary Official Statement (POS) (mid-February) Complete second draft of POS (mid-March) Complete third draft of POS (early -April) Credit rating review with credit rating agency (late -April) Receive credit rating (early May) City Council approval of POS and Bond Purchase Agreement (May) Pricing of POBs (early June) POB Financing close (mid-June) Wrap-up & Questions