2020 Oct 06 - CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 350 MAIN STREET DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents are strongly encouraged to participate remotely via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U -verse Channel 99 and/or EI Segundo TV at YouTube.com. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS@elsegundo.org, in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to Council during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber up to and during public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. Additional Information: The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of the City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Such Documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524-2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2020 — 4:00 PM CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code §54956.9 (d)(4): -1- matters. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Gov't Code §54957.6): -0- matters 1. Employee Organizations: Police Management Association; Police Officers Association; Police Support Services Employees Association; Fire Fighters Association; Supervisory, Professional Employees Association; City Employee Association; and Executive and Management/Confidential Employees (unrepresented groups). Agency Designated Representative: Scott Mitnick, City Manager and Donna Peter, Interim Director of Human Resources. N E AGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL 350 MAIN STREET DUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Residents are strongly encouraged to participate remotely via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U -verse Channel 99 and/or EI Segundo TV at YouTube.com. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS@elsegundo.org, in the subject line please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to Council during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber up to and during public communication portion of the meeting. Members of the public must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other attendees during the entirety of the event or gathering. 'For Public Hearings only' written communication will be accepted both before the meeting and during the open period of the Public Hearing at PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS@elsegundo.org. Additional Information The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of the City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Such Documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Before speaking to the City Council, please state: Your name and residence and the organization you represent, if desired. Please respect the time limits. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524-2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2020 - 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Tracy Weaver, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Council Member Pimentel 3 3 ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to Citv Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a) Active Aging Week A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. Recommendation — Approval. B. CONSENT CALENDAR Approve Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 15, 2020 and Special Council Meeting Minutes of September 29, 2020 and September 30, 2020. 2. Approve warrant numbers 3032689 - 3032783 and 9001603 - 9001642 on Register No. 23b in the total amount of $575,062.48 and wire transfers from 8/31/20 - 9/06/20 in the total amount of $375,959.26 Approve warrant numbers 3032784 - 3032855 on Register No. 24a in the total amount of $295,557.25 and wire transfers from 9/07/20 - 9/13/20 in the total amount of $2,735,673.89. Approve warrant numbers 3032856 - 3032976 and 9001643 - 9001644 on Register No. 24b in the total amount of $328,271.52 and wire transfers from 9/14/20 - 9/20/20 in the total amount of $352,218.03. Approve warrant numbers 3032977 - 3033063 and 9001645 — 9001646 on Register No. 24c in the total amount of $447,763.40 and wire transfers from 9/21/20 - 9/27/20 in the total amount of $396,816.18. 3. Approve ongoing professional service agreements and blanket purchase orders for FY 2020/2021 in excess of $50,000 for various departments; possible action to waive the formal bidding process; and authorize the continued purchase of the following: a) Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Metron Farnier for an amount not to exceed $300,000 in total for the purchase of single jet AMR water meters for the City's water system in FY 2020/2021 (Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund). 4 n b) Adopt Resolution to and Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 5861 with RIESTER PACIFIC, INC. for the City's economic development and hospitality and tourism marketing services, in a form approved by the City Attorney to (1) extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2021; and (2) authorize payment for services up to $262,500 [General Fund — City Manager ($152,500) and Chevron Grant Fund ($110,000) held in the Fiduciary Fund] c) Authorize the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with J. Lee Engineering, JAS Pacific, and CSG Consultants to provide plan check, counter staffing and inspection services for an amount not to exceed a combined total of $247,000 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Development Services). d) Authorize staff to continue to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel for City vehicles and equipment through the use of spot market purchasing for an amount not to exceed $207,500 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund = $142,500; Asset Forfeiture Fund = $13,000; Prop "A" Fund = $30,000; Water Enterprise Fund = $9,000; Wastewater (sewer) Enterprise Fund = $13,000). e) Authorize the City Manager to waive and award a professional service Agreement to Aerotek Professional Services to provide temporary staffing services for the Public Works Department for an amount not to exceed $200,000 in FY 2020-2021 (General Fund — Public Works/Contractual Services). f) Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract with All Cities Management Services, Inc. for ongoing services to provide crossing guard services for the EI Segundo School District for an amount not to exceed $105,050 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Finance Administration/ non -departmental). g) Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 4095 with High Point Strategies, LLC for City's advisors and advocate regarding issues relating to LAWA, LAX, FAA, MTA and other Los Angeles agencies, in a form approved by the City Attorney to (1) extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2021; (2) authorize payment for services up to $81,000 (General Fund — City Manager); and (3) take such additional, related, action that may be desirable. h) Authorize the City Manager to amend contract #4223A with Professional Account Mgmt, LLC (Duncan Solutions Company) for providing professional parking citation processing and collection services, via citation management for the Police Department for an amount not to exceed $77,000 in FY 2020/2021 ending June 30, 2021 (General Fund — Police Department). 5 6i i) Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Lane Donovan Partners, LLC (Agreement #3399) to provide management services for The Lakes Golf Course for an amount not to exceed $72,000 in FY 2020/2021 (Golf Course Enterprise Fund — Finance Department). j) Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Hinderliter De Llamas & Associates (Agreement #3313) to provide professional services related to sales and use tax for an amount not to exceed $71,250 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Finance Department - Business Services Division). k) Authorize the City Manager to amend contract #395713 with Galls LLC for purchasing uniforms and equipment for the Police Department for an amount not to exceed $60,000 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Police Department). Galls, LLC is one of two only physical locations that provides in-house, appointment tailoring, embroidery and distribution of equipment within a 10 mile radius from the Police Department. 1) Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Tyler Technologies/Eden Financial Management Systems for annual software licensing, maintenance, and support for an amount not to exceed $58,500 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Information Technology). m) Authorize the City Manager to issue a blanket purchase order to Baker & Taylor Information Services for supplying books and other library materials for an amount not to exceed $51,400 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Community Services). 4. New Alcohol Service for a Restaurant at 100 W. Imperial Avenue. (The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California code of Regulations §1 5301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities)). E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: (One item moved to after Consent) 5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member Appointments C. PUBLIC HEARINGS D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 6. COVID-19 Pandemic Update and Planned Reopening of Certain Sectors A C: E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: 7. Adopt a resolution revising the Technology Committee Bylaws 8. EI Segundo Environmental Committee Update and Presentation on Residential Bee Keeping F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Giroux — Council Member Nicol - Council Member Pirsztuk - Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel — Mayor Boyles — I. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, It sem.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIAL — ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: 10/02/2020 BY: Tracy Weaver TIME: 8:45AM 7 7 13 ro clam aft'Fon ftp M aEI giegunDo, QCalifornia WHEREAS, El Segundo has a long history of promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and high quality of life, so we join the national efforts to highlight people that participate in life as fully as possible at any age; and WHEREAS, Adults over 65 represent over 11 % of El Segundo's population and are a very important component of the fabric of our community; and WHEREAS, El Segundo encourages the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to all our citizens and especially older adults by providing opportunities to experience diverse activities and social encounters throughout the City and many partnering organizations; and WHEREAS, Active aging urges engagement in all aspects of wellness including physical, professional, social, spiritual and emotional environmental wellness; and WHEREAS, El Segundo is proud of our many citizens that stay physically active, continue to volunteer, continue to pursue educational and other personal growth opportunities and stay engaged in our community. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, hereby proclaim October 5-11, 2020 as "Active Aging Week" in El Segundo and invite the entire community to remain active at all ages, as well as nurture lifelong wellness in your family, friends, and neighbors. 9dayor brew Boyres Mayor Tr0 Tem Chris 1Ti'menter CounciCMember CaroC Pi'rsztuk Council 9dember Scot Nicor Counci( Member Lance Giroux, 8 MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 — 4:00 PM This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing CALL TO ORDER — Virtually by Mayor Boyles at 4:02 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present via teleconferencing Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Pirsztuk - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Nicol - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Giroux - Present via teleconferencing PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the Agenda. CLOSED SESSION: The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators; as follows: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation (Government Code §54956.9(d)(2)) Initiation of litigation (Government Code §54956.9(d)(4)) THREAT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES (Government Code § 54957(a)) Consultation with: City Manager Scott Mitnick, Fire Chief Chris Donovan, Police Chief Bill Whalen and City Attorney Mark Hensley. Adjourned at 5:50 PM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 1 9 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 - 6:00 P.M. This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing CALL TO ORDER — Virtually by Mayor Boyles at 6:01 PM Council Member Giroux and Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel said a few kind words in memory of Drake Walker, an EI Segundo resident and child, who recently lost his life to cancer. The meeting began with a moment of silence for Drake. INVOCATION — Tracy Weaver, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Pirsztuk ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles _ Present via teleconferencing Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Pirsztuk - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Nicol - Present via teleconferencing Council Member Giroux - Present via teleconferencing PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) None CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications Scott Mitnick commented on several items and will follow up. None SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a) Proclamation read by Mayor Boyles proclaiming October 6, 2020 as National Night Out. Chief Whalen accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the Police Department. b) Commendation read by Council Member Pirsztuk, given to Rod Spackman for his retirement from Chevron, USA. Mr. Spackman accepted his commendation as he joined the meeting via Zoom. Several members of the Council and Jeff Wilson of Chevron, USA said a few words on Mr. Spackman's retirement and thanked him for all he has done for the Community and wished him well. c) COVID-19 Update given by Fire Chief Donovan. d) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee update given by Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 2 WE A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on the Agenda by title only. MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 B. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approve Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of September 1, 2020. 2. Approve warrant numbers 3032505 through 3032611 and 9001600 through 9001602 on Register No. 22b in the total amount of $322,277.59 and wire transfers from 8/17/20 through 8/23/20 in the total amount of $141,234.73. Approve warrant numbers 3032612 through 3032688 on Register No. 23a in the total amount of $300,335.27 and wire transfers from 8/24/20 through 8/30/20 in the total amount of $1,303,604.09. 3. Ratify City Manager's "Administrative Order No. 2 to Address COVID-19" (revised August 28, 2020) to allow for the reopening of certain City facilities and parks. (Fiscal Impact: None) 4. Adopt Ordinance No. 1619 amending Title 5, Chapter 2 of EI Segundo Municipal Code (Garbage and Rubbish) to require bulky item and holiday tree pickup service for multi -family properties. (Fiscal Impact: None) 5. Adopt Ordinance No. 1616 authorizing an amendment no. 537KK to the contract between City of EI Segundo and Board of Administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide Section 20516 (Employee Sharing Additional cost) of 1 % for classic local miscellaneous members in Unrepresented Management -Confidential Group and 3% for classic local safety members in Unrepresented Management -Confidential Group. (Fiscal Impact: None) MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel, approving Consent Agenda items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 C. PUBLIC HEARINGS — Items 6 & 7 were discussed in reverse order. 7. Public hearing regarding an annual update to the Master Fee Schedule to amend current fees for services provided by the City, excluding utility services and development impact fees. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 3 11 Mayor Boyles stated this was the time and place to conduct a Public Hearing regarding an annual update to the Master Fee Schedule to amend current fees for services provided by the City, excluding utility services and development impact fees. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that no written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. Joe Lillio, Finance Director gave a presentation and along with several Department Directors, answered questions on the item. Public Comments: None MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Council discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5229 A RESOLTION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR RECOVERING COSTS INCURRED FROM PROVIDING VARIOUS CITY SERVICES. MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk approving Resolution No 5229. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 6, Adopt Resolution Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Program Budget, and Gann Appropriations Limit. Mayor Boyles stated this was the time and place to conduct a Public Hearing regarding Adopt Resolution Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Operating Budget, Capital Improvement Program Budget, and Gann Appropriations Limit. City Clerk Weaver stated that proper notice had been given in a timely manner and that written communication had been received in the City Clerk's office. Scott Mitnick, City Manager and Joe Lillio, Finance Director gave a presentation and answered questions on the item. Public Comments: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk, read email comments into the record due to Safer at Home restrictions. Emails were received from the following: Neal Von Flue, Arts and Culture Committee Chair David Holop, resident, affordable housing Lisa Coleman, resident, affordable housing Kristen Dorsey, resident, affordable housing Sarah Meyer, resident, affordable housing MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 4 12 Anya Goldstein, resident, affordable housing MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Council discussion Mark Hensley, City Attorney read by title only: RESOLUTION NO. 5228 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2020-2021 FINAL OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND THE 2020-2021 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk approving Resolution No 5228. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel approving the General Fund Reserve Policy. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Council Member Pirsztuk, SECONDED by Council Member Pimentel approving the Economic Uncertainty Reserve Policy. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 MOTION by Council Member Nicol, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel approving moving $100,000.00 from the Downtown Art and Beautification Fund to the City Gateway Entry fund. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5/0 Mark Hensley, City Attorney, stated Council can decide to give the Arts and Cultural Committee the authority to make monetary decisions, if staff brings the item before Council asking to amend the Municipal Code giving the committee approval to approve expenditures. Until this occurs, Council must approve Arts and Cultural Committee expenditures. D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS — 8. Presentation of Investment Portfolio Report for June, 2020 Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer gave a presentation. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS — None MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 5 13 F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK —Announced a permanent Ballot Box was installed on the south east corner of Main and Holly and two polling places have been selected thus far for the November 3rd Presidential Election; Embassy Suites and Hilton Garden Inn Hotels. Stated the Clerk's office is working on a possible third site. G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Reported under Staff Presentations. H. REPORTS — COUNCILMEMBERS — Council Member Giroux — Expressed his concern over the lack of emails, outrage and silence regarding the recent hate crime committed against the 2 deputies that were ambushed and shot while sitting in their police cruiser. Council Member Nicol — Passed Council Member Pirsztuk — Echoed Council Member Giroux's sentiments, announced a forum, hosted by the PTA, will take place on Thursday, September 24th regarding the upcoming School Board Elections and gave a shout out to several service groups for collaborating on Halloween events for our residents. Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel — Mentioned the County may soon share how they derive at their statistics regarding COVID-19, invited the community to watch the meetings regarding Waste Water Rates in the upcoming months, will attend the upcoming County Sanitation meeting, mentioned the City's website has a hotline number for the Hyperion Plant, reminded all of the upcoming election and to be aware of Propositions 15, 19 and 22, read the fine print and attended the 100th Birthday Drive By Celebration of a resident. Mayor Boyles — Stated the South Bay Council of Governments unanimously supported endorsing the Restaurant Act, federal funding for restaurants, also mentioned the metrics collected at the County level and how we would like this . at the City level in order for us to better understand how we doing in relation to COVID-19 and stated the Council wrote a letter to the Governor requesting El Segundo be able to track independently of the County and allow us to move to tiers based on our numbers, not the County's. I. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — Congratulated Rod Spackman on his retirement. J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — Next City Council meeting will be October 6, 2020 and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion interviews will be held in the next few weeks. Thanked and acknowledged the Executive Team for their work and contributions on the budget presented this evening. MEMORIAL — Adjourned in memory of Drake Walker ADJOURNED at 9:23 PM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 6 14 Tracy Weaver, City Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 Page 7 15 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 — 1:30 P.M. (The meeting was held in Chamber, recorded, but not broadcast live) CALL TO ORDER at 1:30 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Giroux ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Written Communication from Robin Patch was read into the record. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Applicant Interviews. Council interviewed the first 10 applicants: (20 applicants in total) Christibelle Villena (1:30pm) Jan Zoochie (1:45pm) Christina Vazquez (2:00pm) Kelsey Chittick (2:15pm) Keith Puckett (2:30pm) Melissa McCaverty (2:45pm) Erin Workman (3:00pm) — withdrew / Laurence Robinson (alternate) interviewed. Nancy Antoniou (3:15pm) Natacha Lee (3:30pm) Christina Haley (3:45pm) Council asked the questions below of each applicant: MAYOR: What is your understanding of the role of the DEI Committee and your role as a Committee member? MAYOR PRO TEM: What are the most significant issues regarding DEI in the City of EI Segundo; and how have they affected people that you know, including yourself and your family? 16 COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK: Please name specific areas of concern for you in EI Segundo regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and where you have or would be motivated to put your focused energy? COUNCIL MEMBER NICOL: There have been recent events in and near EI Segundo which have resulted in differing opinions among groups, some of whom have made requests of the City. How would you begin to respond to these groups to reduce conflict and move toward resolution? COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX: Please name a quality of character, people, policies or atmosphere about the City of EI Segundo that shows its strength at being able to tackle and manage DEI? What encourages you about this City during these challenging times? MAYOR: Intersectionality is a concept used to describe how various marginalized groups experience similar concerns and can gain strength by choosing to be allies for one another. In what area of DEI have you been most engaged? Wrap up The second meeting with the remaining 10 applicants is Wednesday, September 30 at 11:00 AM ADJOURNMENT at 3:51 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk 2 17 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 — 11:00 A.M. (The meeting was held in Chamber, recorded, but not broadcast live) CALL TO ORDER at 11:01 AM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Nicol ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tem Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Nicol - Present Council Member Giroux - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Written Communication from Robin Patch was read into the record. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: a) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Applicant Interviews. Council interviewed the following 10 applicants: (20 applicants total) Avni Shah (11:00am) John Pickhaver (11:15am) Steven Wood (Woodie) (11:30am) Kenneth Chancey (11:45am) Avery Smith (12:OOpm) Jigisha Bouverat (12:15pm) Philip Ludwig (Gus) (12:30pm) Lauren Abercrombie (12:45pm) Dennis Allen (1:OOpm) Shad McFadden (1:15pm) Council asked the questions below of each applicant: MAYOR: What is your understanding of the role of the DEI Committee and your role as a Committee member? MAYOR PRO TEM: What are the most significant issues regarding DEI in the City of EI Segundo; and how have they affected people that you know, including yourself and your family? irz COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK: Please name specific areas of concern for you in EI Segundo regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and where you have or would be motivated to put your focused energy? COUNCIL MEMBER NICOL: There have been recent events in and near EI Segundo which have resulted in differing opinions among groups, some of whom have made requests of the City. How would you begin to respond to these groups to reduce conflict and move toward resolution? COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX: Please name a quality of character, people, policies or atmosphere about the City of EI Segundo that shows its strength at being able to tackle and manage DEI? What encourages you about this City during these challenging times? MAYOR: Intersectionality is a concept used to describe how various marginalized groups experience similar concerns and can gain strength by choosing to be allies for one another. In what area of DEI have you been most engaged? Wrap up/Council discussion Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk and Mona Shilling, Deputy City Clerk moderated the selection process. The selection was done via ballots and read aloud into the record. With one seat left, Mayor Boyles nominated John Pickhaver, motion went as follows: MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux to nominate John Pickhaver to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Motion Failed 2/3 YES: Boyles Giroux NO: Pimentel Pirsztuk Nicol Council discussed, the ballot voting continued. Round 4 — a tie between Lauren Abercrombie and Jigisha Bouverat. Round 5 broke the tie with Lauren Abercrombie selected by a ballot vote of 3/2. See attached tally sheet. The following nine (9) applicants were selected to serve on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee: Lauren Abercrombie Kenneth Chancey Kelsey Chittick Natacha Lee Shad McFadden Avery Smith Christina Vasquez Christibelle Villena Steven (Woodie) Wood Council thanked all those involved, especially the applicants, for their interest in the committee. 2 WE ADJOURNMENT at 2:41 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk WE DEVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE SELECTION BY VOTE OF CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING RESULTS - COUNCIL VOTE - DEI COMMITTEE MEMBERS (HIGHLIGTED) ROUND Boyles Pimentel Pirsztuk Nicol Giroux 1 Lauren Abercrombie 4 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 5 (TIE 4) 2 Dennis Allen 4 4 1,2 1 3 Nancy Antoniou 1,2 4 Jigisha Bouverat 1,2,3,4,5 3,4,5 1,4 4 (TIE 4) 5 Kenneth Chancey 1 1 1 1 1 6 Kelsey Chittick 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 2 7 Christina Haley 8 Natacha Lee 1 1 1 1 1 9 Phillip Ludwig 1 10 Melissa Maccaverty 11 Shad McFadden 1 1 1 1 1 12 John Pickhaver 1,2,4 4 11214 13 Keith Puckett 1 1 14 Laurence Robinson 1 15 Avni Shah 1,2,4 1,2,4 3 16 Avery Smith 1 1 1 1 1 17 Christina Vasquez 3 3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 3 18 Christibelle Villena 1 1 1 1 1 19 Steven Wood 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 3 3 N 20 Jan Zoochie N N CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3032689 - 3032783 9001803 - 9001642 001 GENERAL FUND 33408,69 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 108 STATE GAS TAX FUND 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND 100 a5&w-i FORC:V%fRF F: D 1.377.19 110 MEASURE R Iii COMM DEVEL BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP -A-TRANSPORTATION 114 PROP•C"TRANSPORTATION 25.193.23 115 AIR OUALIIY 4XE5TYEIST PRO ,Roll - lie NOME BOUND INSTALLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - lie TDA ARTICLE 3- SS 121 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT 121 FEMA 120 C O.P S FUND - 122 LA W.A FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEOERALGRANTS 18,320.00 125 STATE GRANT 126 AV CL1PA PROGRAM OVERSIONT SURCHARGE 80.00 129 78-t ExPENbiTUR£s 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAMS 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 673 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 514.12 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FAM4TIESMAINTENANCE S01 WATER UTelTY FUND 66.165.60 $02 WASTEWATER FUND 73.142.10 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 PARK VISTA - SOS SOLID WASTE - 601 SCUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 WORKERS COMP RESERVEANSURANCE 701 RETIIEDEMP. INSURANCE 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 52,663.35 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND- OTHER 3.00D.00 706 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST / TOTAL WARRANTS S 575062 48 V/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES infolmalion on actual expenditures Is available In the Director of Flnarlee's office kI the City of EI Segundo. I Cai lify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the avablilaly of fund for payment lhemcf. For Approval: Regular checks held for Cay coura auftrizAkm to release CODES R = Computer "f4led Checks IOr all non-emergeneylurgency paynol for materials, supplies and service in suppun of City Operel icnc For Relificaaen: A - Payroll and Employee Berefli cheeks DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF (19119120 VOID CHECKS DUE if1LICNMFNI': VOID CHECKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: VON) CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: B -F= Computer gerleralad Early Release diseufseme re iand;cf adiuslme n: s approved by the City Manager. Such as: paymenls for testy services. panty cash and employee travel expense NOTES relrnbufsemems, Various fefuntls, Cooled employee eefVke$ Co"ge1K with uxraM Conllacluai agreemeras. instances where prompt payment dlseaunls can be oatalned or We payment panaKias • T Oen Le evoidod or wh7n 4 StLVsWM 0sIll that Oe Ci:y Mmagef approves. N = Handvndlen Ea�i yRclaabnts andlp ws ad)AMems approved by the City Manager. - FINANCE DIRECTOR •v�d� CITY MANAGER DATE: DATE: i I. 9 Y -ago '` :i db z o N REGISTER A 23b, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER Date Vil- 8131120 THROUGH 9106120 inance DirfMnnnopr Date Date Payee Cit De=jriotien 91212020 Cal Pers 10,679.89 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 21,997.75 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 39,323.24 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 51,245.38 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 68,503.67 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1st Tier 28 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 54,753.29 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 4,952.80 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic -2nd Tier 30169 9/2/2020 Cal Pers 1,750,00 GASB 68 Reporting Services Fee 9/3/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 77,441.46 457 payment Vantagepoint 9/3/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 1,130,77 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 9/3/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 550.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 08/24/20-08/30/20 Workers Comp Activity 30,962.70 SCRMA checks issued 08124120-08/30120 Liability Trust - Claims 240.00 Claim checks issued 08124120-08130120 Retiree Health Insurance 12,040.42 Health Reimbursment checks issued 08124/20-08130/20 Flexible Spending Account 387.89 Employee Health and DCA card charges 375, 959.26 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 9103/20 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 375,959.26 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Deputy Ci Treas rer i Date Vil- 1T n lr� inance DirfMnnnopr Date V044 Cit Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of EI Segundo. P:\CityTreasurer\WireTransfers\Wire Transfers 10-01-19 to 9-30.20 9/3/2020 111 23 3032784 - 303285S 901 GENERAL FUND 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 105 STATE GAS TAX FUND 106 ASSOCIATED RECREATONACTIVITIES FUND 109 ASSETFORFEITURE FUND 110 MEASURE R 111 COMM REVEL, BLOCK GRANT 112 PROP"A'TRANGPORTATION 114 PROP-C'TRANSPORTATION 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM 116 NOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 921 BIKEWAY FUND 119 MTA GRANT 121 FEMA 120 CA P S. FUND 122 L.A W A FUM 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 124 FEDERAL GRANTS 125 STATE GRANT 126 AIP CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 126 SS -1 EXPENDITURES 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAMS 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 4073 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND 405 F Xr, iU r S LS Wl', rL)W4C9 501 WATER VT it II'Y ••-uM7 SO2 WASTEWATER FUND 503 GOLFCOURSE FUND 504 PARK VISTA 505 BOLfD WASTE SDI EOMAPMENT REPLACEMENT GD2 L rAn-LITv L`65URur(E SIT WORKERS COMP. RESERVEANSURANCE 701 PETNi D@Ira vr1k fAVT,F 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 709 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Informellom mk actual arpendrlums Is available M like Director of Finance's office in the City df EI Segundo. I eemify as to the occlracy of Ute Demands and the avalhinjIV of fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held for Oily council aulhodaalion to release. CODES: R • Computer generaled checks for s!I norm ilcrq-n Y.,xae,.cy pr-,— ml 1 far materials. Supplies and services in suppol Of city Operations For Ratification: A= Payroll and Famp" Benefit checks 144,941 61 $1.33 09.26 31,462,00 50.408 71 18,006.74 13,8011.29 59.42 37.54 5196531 22,735.04 B,DOD,00 295 5.57.26 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND DATE OFAPPROVAL: AS OF IGIOWD REGISTER Y 24a VOID CHECIIS OUE TO A1.01YI HTf NtA VOID CHE01G5 DUE TO tNCORRECT CHECK DATE: VOID CHECHS Out TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: S • F = CemPIFN QenPfiled £iMy Rateasa Wipuss"All AndAV iOTl ar"n 9 appm%*d by the Coy mar$e7dr, Such is: paymems for IA4 dY s ice3. DedY tssh and employee !laud cap rasa h16TES rennh411e mahle, v4nftl FolN:06, CM1ract ermpieyae 60MCft COTMSIV nk wrtm CnrcrnL Ca"MVrlal egrserneml, inr!onces Whenn prnopl paymeni dime Gnl2 Can he om mined w I4!e P&Fwm pen mi�s ftn ten be avoided or whom a RWifikn Xriex Thal the CFN 9.3/ralier 4pprdt" 1. N • fU� 5� HIA0Wfllen Eany Re:oIpa/ olshursemm rds ano+ot aaVl1F"m0 aAw*Yed by lbs City Meo.9of. FINANCE OfRTCTOR;,_:I �7•j CtTY MANAGER DATE: T �j DATE: ►L1f/] N CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 9/07/20 THROUGH 9113/20 Date Pavee Description 9/8/2020 IRS 299,602.97 Federal 941 Deposit 9/8/2020 Employment Development 4,736.05 State SDI payment 9/8/2020 Employment Development 69,745.26 State PIT Withholding 9/10/2020 Cal Pers 550,307.68 EFT Health Insurance Payment 9/10/2020 West Basin 1,744,597.19 H2O payment 9/10/2020 ExpertPay 1,181.97 EFT Child support payment 9/10/2020 ExpertPay 1,181.97 EFT Child support payment 9/10/2020 ExpertPay 1,181.97 EFT Child support payment 9/11/2020 Pitney Bowes 1,000.00 Postage for Library 9111/2020 Unum 316.20 Long Term Care Premium - September 9/10/2020 Lane Donovan Golf Ptr 23,403.45 Payroll Transfer 08131120-09106120 Workers Comp Activity 32,107.50 SCRMA checks issued 08131120-09106120 Liability Trust - Claims 5,956.00 Claim checks issued 08131/20-09106120 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 Health Reimbursment checks issued 08131120-09106/20 Flexible Spending Account 355.68 Employee Health and DCA card charges 2,735,673.89 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 9/11120 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Deputy City Treasu,er Date Director' eff Finance Date Cit Manager g -It -2CJ Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of EI Segundo. 2,735,673.89 PACily TreasurerlWre TransfersWre Transfers 10-01-1910 9-30-20 9/11/2020 111 25 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3032856 3032976 9001643 - 9001844 001 GENERAL FUND 253,53293 104 1RAFFI--,'AI- Err Ferro - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND - 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 719.75 110 MEASURER 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP'A7 TRANSPORTATION 114 PROP -C- TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTILLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND T78 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 621 SIKEWAY FUND its MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA 120 C O P -S. FUND 122 LA.W.A FUND 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERALGRANTS 14320,00 125 STATE GRANT 8.599.17 126 AIP COPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE - 126 SS -1 EXPENDITURES - 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAMS - 202 ASSESSMENY DISTRICT 073 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Sol WATER UTILITY FUND 191.69 502 WASTEWATER FUND 2,34285 503 GOLF COURSE FUND 504 PARKVISTA 5D5 SOLID WASTE - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 44,565,13 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 V+QWU,,"CO1rn R�^•EF�F.'r!: SFrR,V:::p 701 RETIRED EMP INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES - 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST { TorAL WAPFW175 1 5 329 271.52 / STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Inlonnaiton on actual expenditures Is avalbbb In the Director of Finance's office in IM City of El Segundo. I codify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the avabb6Xy o1 fund for payment thereof. For Approval: Regular checks held fw City ra 11 authorization to rebase. CODES: R= Compulerganorsted checks fw all non•emerggrcylurgency payments for materials, supplies and sarvires in supw of City Operations For Ratification: A= Payroll amt Emp" Benefit checks B- F = Computer genleated Early Release disbursements andk" aguslmods approved by the City Menaller. Such as: payments for WIRY services. pally, cash and employes Iroval expense roimbunemem&, various refunds, eoMrad ertlp "" services sorrslstenl 11* 11'-"- 10111160111111 agrowe rde. Instance& Where prompt Payment 411courms tan iA ❑6:e W46 or Wr paynnerd pvn0;e5 can be evaded or wren a s4Vonon ani- 11x41 rhe City Manager approves. H= HerdwrLt! EarlyNesse islwrsonrrnls and or aajlslmem s approved by the City Manager, FINANCE OOtECTOR � CITY MA 1 DATE: [ GATE; q - N M FAI DATEOF APPROVAL: AS OF IMM20 VOID CHECKS DUE Tp ALIGNMENT: NIA VOID CHECKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: VOID CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: NOTES REGISTER 0 24b CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 9/14/20 THROUGH 9/20120 Date Payee Descriotion 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 10,755-46 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 22,052.05 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 39,672.03 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 51,139.29 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 69,494.84 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 0.00 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 9/15/2020 Cal Pers 6,323.86 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic -2nd Tier 30169 9/17/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 76,301.16 457 payment Vantagepoint 9117/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 1,130.77 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 9/17/2020 Manufacturers & Traders 550.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 09107/20-09113/20 Workers Comp Activity 28,376.74 SCRMA checks issued 09107120-09/13120 Liability Trust - Claims 45,078.75 Claim checks issued 09107120-09113120 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 Health Reimbursment checks issued 09107120-09113120 Flexible Spending Account 1,343.08 Employee Health and DCA card charges DATE OF RATIFICATION: 9/18120 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 352,218.03 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: De ut City Treasu e� Date P Y le tFe �Manager Date V-.?e--zj2 Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of EI Segundo. 352,218.03 P:ICity TreasurerlWirs TransferslWire Transfers 10.01-19 to 9-30-20 9/18/2020 111 27 CITY OF Et- SE45UNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND 3032977 - 3033063 9001645 90016546 001 GENERALFUND 374.664,47 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ' 106 STATE OAS TAX FUND 86.82 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND ' 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 3,510.00 110 MEASURER ' 111 COMM. DEVEL BLOCKGRANT 112 PROP'A' TRANSPORTATION 114 PROP -C-TRANSPORTATION 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM ' 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 5.5,61 lie TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 821811(EWAY FUND ' 119 MTAGRANT ' 121 FEMA 120 C O.P 5 FUND ' 122 LAW.A FUND ' 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 124 FEDERAL GRAWS ' 125 STATE GRANT 10,000,01 126 All' CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 3,230.15 128 SB -1 EXPENDITURES ' 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAMS 3,80 202 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 673 - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 19.666.65 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND ' 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE . 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 8,45762 502 WASTEWATER FUND 13.425.65 503 GOLF COURSE FUND 41.20 504 PARK VISTA 2,24240 505 SOLID WASTE - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 602 LIABRITY INSURANCE 6,154.36 803 WORKERS COMP RESERVEIINSURANCE 367 91 701 FIVIREDEMP INSURANCE 1,153.75 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - DEVELOPER FEES 2.500.00 703 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 706 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS S 447 763.40 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES InfohnMion on actual e=penddures is avatlabIe M The Director -of Fklance's Office in the City Of EI Segundo. I Canty as to the accwacy of the Demands and the avahaoikly of fund (or payment lhereol, For Approval: Regular Checks held for City council aulhotlzolionlo release. CODES: R ContpWergencraled Checks far all norsemtrgencyhlrgency paymCWS IIA rneledals, supplies and services in sup"it of City OperAlons For R05fiCallon: A r, Payroll and Employee Benefit checks DATE OF APPROVAL. AS OF 1af06120 VOID CHECKS DUE j9 ALIGNM£Nf: !A VOID CHOCKS DUE TO INCORRECT CHECK DATE: VND CHECKS DUE TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ERROR: B -F- Computeril nefaled Eady Release dl6bunamems androf adpsimenia approved by the City Manager S,xh aspaynems IN uldAy sarvius, perry cash and employee travel expense "NOTES to kntmosomerll s, vanouf refunds, "mract ampia"a Imv cas cons(liant win cunonl caMratlual apreemems, andantes where prwTV paymenl discodnlA can be obtained of late e4y:nenl Pen,111Ies can be avokled m wren a sAuslion artists that Ine Cay Manager approves H = HandwTYltn E d}R sy e disbu.a enu m andlcl ad usimes approved by the C1ry Manager FINANCE D:fIECTOR --' CITY MANAGER DATE: (c,1r I REGISTER 6 24c CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 9/21120 THROUGH 9/27/20 Date Payee Descriotion 9/21/2020 IRS 282,751.57 Federal 941 Deposit 9/21/2020 Employment Development 63,621.76 State SDI payment 9/21/2020 Employment Development 4,578.52 State PIT Withholding 9/22/2020 ExpertPay 1,181.97 EFT Child support payment 9/24/2020 Lane Donovan Golf Ptr 19,715.30 Payroll Transfer 09/14120-09/20/20 Workers Comp Activity 15,526.68 SCRMA checks issued 09/14120-09/20/20 Liability Trust - Claims 6,864.70 Claim checks issued 09114120-09120/20 Retiree Health Insurance 0.00 Health Reimbursment checks issued 09/14/20-09/20/20 Flexible Spending Account 2,575.68 Employee Health and DCA card charges 396, 816.18 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 9125120 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Deputy City Treasur r II Date ' q- ,�7—.?,'r�j Date Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of EI Segundo, 396,816.18 P:1City TreasurerlWire TransferslWire Transfers 10.01-19 to 9-30-20 9/25/2020 1/1 29 CITY OF E LS E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October, 6, 2020 Agenda Heading: Consent TITLE: Approve ongoing professional service agreements and blanket purchase orders for FY 2020/2021 in excess of $50,000 for various departments; possible action to waive the formal bidding process; and authorize the continued purchase of the following goods and services as described below. RECOMMENDATION: a. Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Metron Farnier for an amount not to exceed $300,000 in total for the purchase of single jet AMR water meters for the City's water system in FY 2020/2021 (Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund). b. Adopt Resolution to and Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 5861 with RIESTER PACIFIC, INC. for the City's economic development and hospitality and tourism marketing services, in a form approved by the City Attorney to (1) extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2021; and (2) authorize payment for services up to $262,500 [General Fund — City Manager ($152,500) and Chevron Grant Fund ($110,000) held in the Fiduciary Fund] c. Authorize the City Manager to extend ongoing service agreements with J. Lee Engineering, JAS Pacific, and CSG Consultants to provide plan check, counter staffing and inspection services for an amount not to exceed a combined total of $247,000 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Development Services). d. Authorize staff to continue to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel for City vehicles and equipment through the use of spot market purchasing for an amount not to exceed $207,500 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund = $142,500; Asset Forfeiture Fund = $13,000; Prop "A" Fund = $30,000; Water Enterprise Fund = $9,000; Wastewater (sewer) Enterprise Fund = $13,000). e. Authorize the City Manager to waive and award a professional service Agreement to Aerotek Professional Services to provide temporary staffing services for the Public Works Department for an amount not to exceed $200,000 in FY 2020-2021 (General Fund — Public Works/Contractual Services). Authorize the City Manager to amend the contract with All Cities Management Services, Inc. for ongoing services to provide crossing guard services for the EI Segundo School District for an amount not to exceed $105,050 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund — Finance Administration/ non -departmental). 3 wt Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 2 of 7 g. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to Agreement No. 4095 with High Point Strategies, LLC for City's advisors and advocate regarding issues relating to LAWA, LAX, FAA, MTA and other Los Angeles agencies, in a form approved by the City Attorney to (1) extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2021; (2) authorize payment for services up to $81,000 (General Fund - City Manager); and (3) take such additional, related, action that may be desirable. h. Authorize the City Manager to amend contract #4223A with Professional Account Mgmt, LLC (Duncan Solutions Company) for providing professional parking citation processing and collection services, via citation management for the Police Department for an amount not to exceed $77,000 in FY 2020/2021 ending June 30, 2021 (General Fund - Police Department). i. Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Lane Donovan Partners, LLC (Agreement #3399) to provide management services for The Lakes Golf Course for an amount not to exceed $72,000 in FY 2020/2021 (Golf Course Enterprise Fund - Finance Department). Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Hinderliter De Llamas & Associates (Agreement #3313) to provide professional services related to sales and use tax for an amount not to exceed $71,250 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund - Finance Department - Business Services Division). k. Authorize the City Manager to amend contract #3957B with Galls LLC for purchasing uniforms and equipment for the Police Department for an amount not to exceed $60,000 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund - Police Department). Galls, LLC is one of two only physical locations that provides in-house, appointment tailoring, embroidery and distribution of equipment within a 10 mile radius from the Police Department. Authorize the issuance of a blanket purchase order to Tyler Technologies/Eden Financial Management Systems for annual software licensing, maintenance, and support for an amount not to exceed $58,500 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund - Information Technology). m. Authorize the City Manager to issue a blanket purchase order to Baker & Taylor Information Services for supplying books and other library materials for an amount not to exceed $51,400 in FY 2020/2021 (General Fund - Community Services). FISCAL IMPACT: Included in Adopted Budget Amount Budget: $1,793,200 (Budgeted in the FY 2020-21 Budget) Account Number(s): See "Attachment A - Summary of Accounts" 31 Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 3 of 7 BACKGROUND: The annual approval of blanket Purchase Orders (POs) is done to ensure an effective and efficient approval process is in place for POs over the City Manager's approval threshold of $50,000. This will ensure these vital City services are operational in the beginning of the new fiscal year and delivery of excellent customer service will continue uninterrupted. The following professional service agreements and blanket purchase orders are organized by operational Department and reference the agreement as related to the "recommended Council action" item number listed above. DISCUSSION: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT a. - Water Meters — Metron Farnier The City's water distribution system includes over 4,000 water meters. The Water division has installed Automatic Meter Readers (AMR) on small scale over the course of several years as it conducted trials. The Public Works Department completed its first major phase of the AMR meter Conversion Program in FY2016-17 to replace 546 aging water meters in the City's commercial sector. Over the next several years, two additional phases will be implemented to complete the City's entire AMR meter conversion. Meanwhile, the water division will replace aging meters with new AMR meters as part of their maintenance efforts. The cost to replace each meter ranges from $250 to $5,000, dependent upon size. Staff started accelerating the residential AMR conversation program in FY 2019/2020 while continuing to replace failing meters, and recommends continuing to purchase meters from Metron Farnier, the vendor chosen previously for the AMR meters, in an amount not to exceed $300,000 in total in FY 2020/2021. Account numbers: 501-400- 7103-8655 / 502-400-8204-8655 ($150,000 Water Enterprise Fund / $150,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund). d. - Fuel for Citv Vehicles and Equipment Generally, fuel is purchased either through spot market purchases or long-term contracts. Spot purchasing consists of shopping around each time fuel is needed and purchasing fuel from the lowest priced vendor. This type of purchasing usually occurs when the fuel market is volatile as it has been for the last three years. During periods of stability, agencies enter into long-term fuel contracts. Pricing under long-term contact is tied to a published fuel price baseline plus a markup. The volatility in the market has forced vendors to significantly raise this markup, making long-term contracts unattractive. Under the City's last long-term contract through Los Angeles Metropolitan Public Purchasing Agents' Cooperative (LAMPPAC), there was virtually no markup. When that contract expired in September 2005, the fuel market was quite volatile and City Council 32 Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 4 of 7 authorized staff to purchase gasoline and diesel fuel through the use of spot market purchases. Many agencies including Cities of Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach and Hawthorne have opted to purchase fuel through spot purchases in lieu of entering into long-term contracts since the expiration of the LAMPPAC contract. Staff continuously monitors long- term contracts available in the industry. Pursuant to EI Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) § 1-7-10, relating to purchases and supplies, the City Council may at any time, by a majority vote and without amending the ESMC, waive purchasing procedures or alter proceedings to fit a specific purchase, when the waiver is not in violation of State law. Spot purchasing is the sort of modified purchasing arrangement that requires such a waiver by Council. It is possible that the total of purchases from any one vendor may exceed $50,000; therefore, Council approval of spot purchasing is requested. The City is budgeting $207,500 for Fiscal Year 2020/2021 in accounts: 001-400-4601-5215 General Fund $142,500 109-400-3105-5215 Police - Asset Forfeiture Fund $ 13,000 112-400-5292-5215 Prop "A" Fund $ 30,000 501-400-7102-5215 Water Enterprise Fund $ 9,000 502-400-4301-5215 Wastewater Enterprise Fund $ 13.000 Total $207,500 e. — Aerotek Professional Services Aerotek has provided temporary staffing for Public Works Department on an annual basis since 2012 under agreement #4269 until 2018. For FY 2020/2021, staff recommends awarding a professional service agreement with Aerotek to provide temporary staffing services needed by Public Works Department for an amount not to exceed $200,000. Savings from various full-time salaries accounts in Public Works Department will be used to fund this contract in FY 2020/2021. Account number: 001- 400-4801-6206 (General Fund) CITY MANAGER b. — Riester Pacific, Inc. Riester Pacific, Inc. will continue working on behalf of the City as its full-service marketing agency supporting business attraction and hospitality and tourism marketing efforts. This amendment is to extend the Agreement in term through June 30, 2021 and increase the existing contract by an additional $262,500. Account Number: 001-400-2401-6201 (General Fund - $152,500) and 702-400-2401-1281 (Chevron Grant Fund - $110,000). The amendment will bring the total contract amount for Riester Pacific, Inc., not to exceed $612,500. 33 Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 5 of 7 q. - High Point Strategies, LLC High Point Strategies, LLC will continue working on behalf of the City as its advisors and advocate for the City regarding issues relating to Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and the Federal Aviation Administration, transportation issues relating to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, or assisting with the City's relationship with other City and County of Los Angeles agencies. This amendment is to extend the Agreement in terms through June 30, 2021 for an amount not to exceed $81,000 Account Number: 001-400-2101-6407 (General Fund). DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT c. - J. Lee Engineering, JAS Pacific, and CSG Consultants J. Lee Engineering, JAS Pacific and CSG Consultants provide plan check, inspection and counter staffing services for the Building & Safety Division. These services are utilized when workload exceeds the level that would preclude City staff from meeting customer service expectations. These expenditure are off -set by plan check and permit fees. There would be 3 separate agreements that will not exceed a combined total of $247,000 for fiscal year 2020/2021. Account number 001-400-2403-6214 (General Fund). FINANCE DEPARTMENT f. - All Cities Management Services, Inc. On September 16, 2008, City Council approved an appropriation for ESUSD crossing guard services under Special Orders of Business, Item #6 within the 2008-2009 Budget Appropriations. This contract includes 6 crossing guards for a total of 5,400 hours. The contract is expected to be renewed year to year as long as ACMS performance meets the City's and ESUSD's expectations. The annual cost of funding this contract is for an amount not to exceed $105,050 for fiscal year 2020/2021. Account number: 001-400- 2901-6405 (General Fund). L - Lane Donovan Partners, LLC On October 22, 2004, the City entered into a Management Agreement #3399 with Lane Donovan Partners for $108,000 a year to operate and maintain The Lakes at EI Segundo. On April 16, 2013, City Council approved one of Lane Donovan's budget cut proposals of $12,000 by reducing the management fee to $8,000 per month. The amount for the contract and purchase order for FY 2020/2021 issued to Lane Donovan is for an amount not to exceed $72,000. If alternative management solutions are approved by City Council during the year, the contract for Lane Donovan Partners will be amended as necessary to meet the operational needs of the City, including cancelation of the contract with proper notice as required by the contract language. Account number: 503-400-5301-6214 (Golf Course Enterprise Fund). 34 Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 6 of 7 j. — Hinderliter De Llamas & Associates On April 01, 2004, the City entered into a Professional Services Agreement #3313 with Hinderliter De Llamas & Associates (HDL) to provide services to generate additional sales and use tax revenue for the City of El Segundo. Services include sales tax and economic analysis, allocation audit and recovery, and ongoing consultation. HDL receives 15% of any new and/or use tax revenue received by the City as a result of audit and recovery work. The amount for the purchase order for FY 2020/2021 issued to HDL for an amount not to exceed $71,250. Account number: 001-400-2501-6214 (General Fund). POLICE DEPARTMENT h.— Professional Account Mqmt, LLC (Duncan Solutions Companv) Professional Account Mgmt, LCC provides professional parking citation processing and collection services, via citation management. The total amount will not exceed $77,000 in FY 2020/2021. Account number: 001-400-3101-6206 (General Fund). #11 — Galls. LLC Galls, LLC provides uniforms and equipment to the Police Department. Galls, LLC is one of two only physical locations that provides in-house tailoring, embroidery and distribution of equipment within a 10 mile radius from the Police Department. Galls, LLC provides uniforms and equipment to the department. The total cost will not exceed $60,000 in FY 2020/2021. Account number: 001-400-3101-4215 (General Fund) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPARTMENT k. — Wer Technoloqies — Eden Financial Manaqement Systems The City utilizes Tyler Technologies financial software to manage the City's General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Human Resources. This item is for annual licensing, maintenance, and support of these systems. The total cost will not exceed $58,500 for FY 2020/2021. Account number: 001-400-2505-6217 (General Fund) COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT m. - Balser and Tavlor Baker and Taylor, the Library's leading supplier of books, music, books on CD, DVD's, E -books and other items, offers substantial savings up to 45% under retail cost. The total purchases of $51,400 are from the following general fund accounts for Fiscal Year 2020/2021: 001-400-6103-5501 Adult Materials $33,300 001-400-6103-5505 Youth Materials $13,500 001-400-6103-5507 School Library Materials $ 1,900 001-400-6103-6277 Title Source Database $ 2,700 Total $51,400 35 Annual Blanket POs October 6, 2020 Page 7 of 7 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Engagement and Communications; Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Objective A: EI Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability.- Objective ustainability: Objective B: EI Segundo approaches its work in a financially disciplined and responsible way Activity 7: Streamline the contract policy for greater efficiency and effectiveness PREPARED BY: Maria L. Cerritos, Purchasing Agent REVIEWED BY: Joseph Lillio, Finance Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manageo� ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Summary of Budgeted Accounts 2. Second amendment to contract number 5861 (Riester Pacific, Inc.) 36 Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Account Number REFERENCE # Contract with Amount 001-400-2403-6214 3 J. Lee Engineering/JAS Pacific/CSG Consultants $247,000 001-400-4801-6215 5 AeroTek Professional Staffing Services 200,000 001-400-2401-6201 2 Riester Pacific, Inc 152,500 501-400-7103-8655 1 Water Meter - Metron Farnier 150,000 502-400-8204-8655 1 Water Meter - Metron Farnier 150,000 001-400-4601-5215 4 Fuel for City Vehicles and Equipment 142,500 702-400-2401-1281 2 Riester Pacific, Inc 110,000 001-400-2901-6405 6 All Cities Management Services, Inc 105,050 001-400-2101-6407 7 High Point Strategies, LLC 81,000 001-400-3101-6206 8 Professional Account Mgmy, LLC (Duncan Solution) 77,000 503-400-5301-6214 9 Lane Donovan Partners, LLC 72,000 001-400-2501-6214 10 Hinderliter De Llamas & Associates 71,250 001-400-3101-4215 11 Galls, LLC 60,000 001-400-2505-6217 12 Tyler Technologies/Eden Financial 58,500 001-400-6103-5501 13 Baker & Taylor 33,300 112-40-5292-5215 4 Fuel for City Vehicles and Equipment 30,000 001-400-6103-5505 13 Baker & Taylor 13,500 109-400-3105-5215 4 Fuel for City Vehicles and Equipment 13,000 502-400-4301-5215 4 Fuel for City Vehicles and Equipment 13,000 501-400-7102-5215 4 Fuel for City Vehicles and Equipment 9,000 001-400-6103-6277 13 Baker & Taylor 2,700 001-400-6103-5507 13 Baker & Taylor 1,900 TOTAL $1,793,200 37 Agreement No. 5861B SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT NO. 5861 BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND RIESTER PACIFIC, INC. THIS SECOND AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this 6th day of October 2020, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ("CITY"), and RIESET PACIFIC, INC. a California Corporation ("CONSULTANT"). The parties agree as follows: 1. The parties also desire to amend the Agreement by increasing the total amount of the Agreement by $262,500, so that the total, not -to -exceed amount of the Agreement is $612,500. 2. The parties also desire to amend the Agreement by increasing the terms through June 30, 2021. 3. This Amendment may be executed in any number or counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together constitutes one instrument executed on the same date. 4. Except as modified by this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement No. 5892 remain the same. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Agreement No. 5861B IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Amendment the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RIESTER PACIFIC INC. Scott Mitnick, Tim Riester City Manager CEO ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney 2 Taxpayer ID No. 39 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO TITLE: City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October 6, 2020 Agenda Heading: Consent New Alcohol Service for a Restaurant at 100 W. Imperial Avenue. (The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §1 5301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities)). RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file this report without objecting to a new alcohol permit for a restaurant. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: On September 3, 2020, the Director of Planning and Building Safety approved an Administrative Use Permit (AUP 20-02, EA -1284) with conditions of approval, allowing the sale of beer and wine for on-site consumption at a Japanese restaurant at 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H., in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) zone. The applicant is Soo D. Jung, representing Saloon Osaka Restaurant. The Planning Commission Received and Filed the Director's decision on September 10, 2020. Pursuant to City Council direction from 1995, this matter is brought to the Council's attention at this time. DISCUSSION: According to the most recent Crime and Arrest statistics report prepared by the Police Department, the restaurant is located in Reporting District 102. Based on the January - June 2020 data, the district had a total of 10 Part I & II crimes and 8 felony/misdemeanor arrests. This rate is 13% higher than the City's average. The Police Department and the Planning and Building Safety Department do not object to the issuance of the alcohol permit for the restaurant. The restaurant is 1,300 square feet and contains a 425 square -foot indoor dining area. The hours for alcohol service at the restaurant are proposed to be 11:00 am to 2:00 am and 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, seven days a week. In the C-2 zone restaurants are a permitted use by -right. Sale of alcohol for onsite consumption at a restaurant requires an administrative use permit in accordance with the Municipal Code. As noted above, this permit was approved by the Director and confirmed by the Planning Commission. 4 WE TOPIC New Alcohol Service at Restaurant DATE October 6, 2020 Page 2of2 The California Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (ABC) license review process is separate from the City's AUP process. ABC is responsible for running a complete background check on all alcohol license applicants, as well as conducting site inspections, before issuing any type of alcohol license. The City reviews compatibility of the alcohol service on a particular site with its surroundings. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective A: EI Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for businesses and the community. PREPARED BY: Maria Baldenegro, Assistant Planner REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager REVIEWED BY: Sam Lee, Planning and Building Safety Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manage (� _W\,� ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Location Map 3. Site Map 4. Crime and Arrest Statistics by Reporting Districts for January to June, 2020 5. Police Reporting Districts Map 6. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated September 10, 2020 7. Administrative Use Permit approval letter and conditions, dated September 3, 2020 8. Rendering, Pictures, and Plans 41 Vicinity Map do IT rr 00 e 00IF 00 L 71 �L .ri'. f _ , :: -r, ..ry .'� ffY . �-.. Cis•. - S• NPPP -_- �1 L:I, LA L, ViLW' SITE r Location Map CA) ....... ..... . -;- PROJECT LOCATION SALOON OSAKA RESTAURANT. sm W UeEHAL ALIS FUMPH' r, 9 w 9�0- E (E)O-EN COURTjr ` ol / I k � I (E)OPEN CODRi C 4- Site Map IMPERIAL AVENUE F"MA"'ll — (E)SIDEwMx--'---- (E)UNDSv,FE (E)L.NDSC=PE - - • 7 3- 4 S_ W ; 1 1 EXISTING BUILDING (2 -STORY) TYPE V-13 _ -- (W/ PARKING GARAGE) = L-------------__m' . .. R9cTun'AE How li WALL--� 11/11/// AI rlR Yri Af 114"uen 2zvn i717 . � 5LC[fy TY�"- E55)F PATH• r a' 17 ` a i 16 15 14 .S 4 I }• --------- W ; 1 1 EXISTING BUILDING (2 -STORY) TYPE V-13 _ -- (W/ PARKING GARAGE) = L-------------__m' . .. R9cTun'AE How li WALL--� 11/11/// AI rlR Yri Af 114"uen 2zvn i717 . � 5LC[fy TY�"- EXISTING BUILDING (2 -STORY) TYPE V -B 1 1 I 1 t I,J? }• --------- - Lamm" SP.EL OOIFFERE1ip E) � (E)u475FA=E LJn EXISTING BUILDING (2 -STORY) TYPE V -B 1 1 I 1 t 45 A EGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORTED PERIOD: JANUARY - JUNE 2020 PART I & II CRIM -S AND ARRESTS BY REPORTING DISTRICT (RDS REPORTING PART I &II FELONY/MISD TOTAL AVERAGE BY RD DISTRICT CRIMES ARRESTS PERCENTAGE +/- 101 36 11 47 +194% 102 10 8 18 +13% 103 8 1 9 -44% 104 22 10 32 +100% 105 9 1 10 -30. 106 3 1 4 -75% 107 26 7 33 +106% 108 11 8 19 +19% _ 109 5 0 5_ -69% 110 5 1 6 -63% 111 64 5 69 +331% 112 22 7 29 +81% 113 18 8 26 +63% _ 114 0 0 0 0% _ 115 4 4 8 -50% 116 0 0 0 0% 201 12 5 _ 17 +7% _ 202 14 5 19 +19% _ _ 203 0 0 0 001. _ 204 22 4 26 +63% 205 14 5 19 +19% _ 206 12 4 16 0% 207 26 8 34 +113% 208 13 4 17 +7% 209 21 3 24 +50% 210 10 7 17 +7% 211 28 6 34 +113% 212 9 4 13 -19% 213 8 15 -6% -7 301 18 9 27 +69% 302 2 0 2 -88% 303 8 0 8 -50% 304 0 0 0 0% 305 6 3 9 -44% 306 2 0 2 -88% _ 307 14 5 _ 19 +19% 308 38 22 60 +275% 309 2 0 2 -88% 310 1 0 _ 1 -94% 311 1 1 2 -88% 312 12 6 _ 18 +13% 313 4 5 _ 9 -44% 314 0 0 0 0% _ _ 315 1 0 _ 1 -94% 316 2 2 - 4 -75% _ 317 6 0 6 -63% 318 43 11 54 +238% 319 25 5 30 +88% 320 8 2 10 -38% _ 321 4 1 5 -69% 322 8 2 10 -38% _ 323 6 4 10 -38% TOTALS 642 213 855 Number of Reporting Districts = 52 Average # of Part I & II Crimes per Reporting District = 12 Average # of Felony/Misdemeanor Part I & II Crime Arrests per Reporting District = 4 Average # of Crimes and Arrests per Reporting District = 16 (Results from 01/01/2020 through 06130/2020) Nigh Crime Area per B&P Code Section 23958.4 = >20% (Greater than 20%) RECORDS/EJ PAGE 9/23/2020 45 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT HIGH CRIME AREA MAP _ -'-TMPERIAL-HWY _ - — , -i-105- • _� _ 'rf1PER14AVE 105 1102 103 201 202 203 204 �r II 302 {{}JJJ v�a�•�e 2 _L"lA t, LII -AVE ---- rro�f vi 301 :1 •..s. '�• SYCAMOR_ E AUE _Y ---_' z F 104 FSAi+t.F AVE 105 ❑ N ,a OAR AVE - 205 �205 267 b 304 I` 307 = 303 m PALM AVE— 106 PALM AVE x PALM AVE fa 306 305 M MARIPOSA AVf 109 +n ,S, ate- 4• c aN U 107 '�Fn PINE AVE ` z i4 j 108 208 209 z 2f0 3aa ti 309 l 336 z ri[]fIAY�+VE j 110 J ' d �- .a ll �...•.- cGRANQnVE F �� 314 1 913 a 211 fRA1VKLrN AVE 272 '+'� 311 z 312 jj 313 31s 7L t92 q a ` w II fl SEL,;IiWI?U BLVD' a - f. - •xi S j2,311 • y 213. u � y: 316 1322 g2g. 7< 1= - s� 9a 317 f S 7 4m 115 r 114 P WE S P CITY OF EL SEGUNDO QTAH AVE. a HL%G�ti� r' ��• f321'� 'LRSILA AVE 320 Qp- P7 in m 3fA x S-- Esri, HERE. G-0 USGS. W.—P INCREMENT P NRC— Es,i - _ •, _ Hap), EsriK— Esti IThellgbI NGCC;d Ope st—tMeP—t Autos•a,a •. :. _. RECORDS/EJ PAGEI 9/23/2020 M EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: September 10, 2020 AGENDA HEADING: Consent On-site sale and on-site consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 ABC License) at a new Japanese restaurant (Saloon Osaka) which contains a 425 square -foot interior dining area at 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) zone. The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities) Address: 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H Applicant: Soo Jung, representing Saloon Osaka Restaurant RECOMMENDED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Receive and file ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Approval letter dated September 3, 2020 2. Plans ORIGINATED BY: Maria Baldenegro, Assistant Planner REVIEWED BY: Gregg McClain, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Sam Lee, Director of Planning and Building Safety On September 3, 2020 the Director granted approval of an Administrative Use Pen -nit to allow on- site sale and on-site consumption of beer and wine (Type 41 ABC License) at a new Japanese restaurant (Saloon Osaka) which contains a 425 square -foot interior dining area at 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H. The site is located in the Neighborhood Commercial (C-2) zone. The immediate vicinity of the project site includes residential, office, retail, service, and other restaurant uses. Saloon Osaka is located on the ground floor of the shopping center adjacent to the parking area which contains retail, restaurants, office and service uses. The proposed alcohol service for the restaurant is a compatible use in relation to existing uses in the area. The on -premise sale and consumption of alcohol in conjunction with food at a new restaurant in the C-2 zone is subject to an Administrative Use Permit. The approval includes conditions that protect the City and surrounding users from potentially negative impacts. The conditions, findings of approval, and environmental assessment are provided in the attached approval letter. Staff believes that the project is appropriate for the location and will not operate in a way that will create unwanted impacts. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission receive and file the Director's approval. In the alternative, any Planning 47 Commissioner may request that an item be discussed and a decision on the application be made by the Planning Commission instead. TYPE OF ACTION [LEGISLATIVE; OUASI-JUDICIAL: OR ADVISORY] Quasi-judicial: In the event the Planning Commission desires to review the Director's approval of the administrative use permit, the Planning Commission acts in its quasi-judicial capacity (i. e., applying established standards to applications to determine specific rights under existing law). Before an administrative use permit may be granted, the Director or the Commission must find the following findings are met as required by ESMC § 15-22-5: 1. There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. 2. The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the site is located. 3. The proposed location and use and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained to not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic and hazards have been recognized and compensated for. As stated above, the Director found that the proposed facility satisfied these findings and thus granted the permit. AERIAL VIEW OF SITE Restaurant i.-- .u. f.iii" ,.$ , f'� �T• WrF a-679. r -Ari, K' . P -Mat 2 i a rµT' ��' J f 1. l,l •�[� �-. _u_�11141 .� 942'9¢8 .c r r ■ R'Do 0"� 1 ?" Planning & Building Safety Department •rM[as�e�a no ran• September 3, 2020 Mr. Soo D. Jung 1065 Lomita Blvd. Harbor City, CA, 90710 RE: Environmental Assessment 1284 and Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 20-02 Address: 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H EI Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr. Jung: Your request for an Administrative Use Permit allowing the sale beer and wine for on- site consumption (Type 41) at Saloon Osaka Restaurant is approved and subject to the conditions of approval in the attached Exhibit A. The associated environmental determination and findings supporting the decision are described in Exhibit B. Please note that this letter does not constitute the City's final decision in this matter. This determination is scheduled to be "received and filed" by the Planning Commission at the September 10, 2020, meeting. Any Planning Commissioner may request that this permit be discussed and a decision be made by the Commission instead of "received and filed." Should you have any questions, please contact Assistant Planner Maria Baldenegro at (310) 524-2341. Sincerely, Sam L6e, Director Department of Planning and Building Safety Exhibit A CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL In addition to all applicable provisions of the EI Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC"), Soo D. Jung ("Applicant") agrees that it will comply with the following provisions as conditions for the City of EI Segundo's approval of Administrative Use Permit No. 20-02 ("Project Conditions"): The hours of operation to sell alcohol for on-site consumption is limited to 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, daily. Any change to the hours of operation or the hours that alcohol may be served is subject to review and approval by the Director of Planning and Building Safety. 2. The restaurant (Saloon Osaka) at the site will contain a 425 square -foot interior dining area for 20 customers and must maintain access to at least 6 of 53 parking spaces on-site during opening hours. 3. Any subsequent modification to the project as approved must be referred to the Director of Planning and Building Safety for approval or a determination regarding the need for Planning Commission review of the proposed modification. 4. The Planning and Building Safety Department and the Police Department must be notified of any change of ownership of the approved use in writing within 10 days of the completion of the change of ownership. A change in project ownership may be cause to schedule a hearing before the Planning Commission regarding the status of the administrative use permit. 5. The applicant must obtain and maintain all licenses and comply with all regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Act (Business & Professions Code Section 23300) and the regulations promulgated by the Board, including the regulations set forth in 4 Cal. Code of Regs. §§ 55, et seq. 6. All employees tasked to sell alcoholic beverages must provide evidence that they have either: a. Obtained an ABC -issued certificate for completion of the Leadership and Education in Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) program; or, b. Completed an accepted equivalent training offered by the ABC district office to ensure proper distribution of beer, wine, and distilled spirits to adults of legal age. c. If a prospective employee designated to sell alcoholic beverages does not have LEAD or equivalent training, then the applicant must within 15 days of this decision confirm with the Planning and Building Safety Department that a date is scheduled with the local ABC district office to complete the LEAD course. WE d. Within 30 days of taking LEAD or equivalent course, employees or their employer must deliver each required certificate showing completion to the Police Department. 7. The licensee must have readily identifiable personnel to monitor and control the behavior of customers inside the building premises. Staff must monitor activity immediately adjacent to the property under the establishment's control to ensure the areas are generally free of nuisances. 8. If complaints are received regarding excessive noise, or other nuisances associated with the sale of beer and wine, the City may, in its discretion, take action to review the Administrative Use Permit and add conditions or revoke the permit. 9. There must be no exterior advertising of any kind or type indicating the availability of specific alcoholic beverage products. 10. The building must not be occupied by more persons than allowed by the California Building Code, as adopted by the ESMC. 11. The building and any outdoor seating must comply with the California Building and Fire Code requirements, as adopted by the ESMC. 12. The Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney fees), injuries, or liability, arising from the City's approval of Environmental Assessment 1284 or Administrative Use Permit 20-02. Should the City be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of the City approval of Environmental Assessment 1284 or Administrative Use Permit 20-02, the Applicant agrees to defend the City (at the City's request and with counsel satisfactory to the City) and will indemnify the City for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. For purposes of this section, "the City" includes the City of EI Segundo's elected officials, appointed officials, officers, and employees. 13. Soo D. Jung must acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the project conditions by executing the acknowledgement below. These Conditions are binding upon Soo D. Jung and all successors and assigns to the property at 100 West Imperial Avenue, Suite H until superseded by another approval letter or rescinded. Soo D. Jung 3 51 Exhibit B Environmental Determination and Required Findings Environmental Assessment 1284: After considering the above facts and findings, the Director finds this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities) because the proposed project consists of the permitting of existing private structures and involves a negligible expansion of the use. Administrative Use Permit 20-02: The following are the facts in support of each finding for this decision: Finding 1: There is compatibility of the particular use on the particular site in relationship to other existing and potential uses within the general area in which the use is proposed to be located. The project site is located in a commercial area and is compatible adjacent uses in the immediate vicinity. The project is situated in a environment that includes residential, office, retail, service uses, and other restaurants. The proposed alcohol service for the restaurant is a compatible use in relation to existing uses in the area. Finding 2: The proposed use is consistent and compatible with the purpose of the Zone in which the site is located. 2. The zone of the property is Neighborhood Commercial (C-2). The purpose of this zone is to provide consistency with and implement policies related to those locations designated Neighborhood Commercial in the General Plan. The Neighborhood Commercial permits neighborhood -serving retail, neighborhood -serving office, and limited residential on a single floor above the commercial ground floor. Restaurant uses are permitted uses in the C-2 zone. The sale and consumption of alcohol at restaurants is subject to an Administrative Use Permit, as provided in chapter 22. The proposed addition of alcohol sales as an ancillary use to a restaurant is consistent with the C-2 zone. Finding 3: The proposed location and use, and the conditions under which the use would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed hours of operation for the restaurant and alcohol service are 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm daily. The hours for alcohol service will stop at the same the restaurant closes for the day and will not become a nuisance to the neighboring businesses and residents. 4 52 Finding 4: Potential impacts that could be generated by the proposed use, such as noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, traffic, and hazards have been recognized and mitigated. The consumption of beer and wine will not create any new impacts that would not be normally associated with the operation of a restaurant. Finding 5: The State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control has issued or will issue a license to sell beer, wine and distilled spirits to the Applicant. 1. The City expects the Applicant will obtain a license from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for on-site sale and consumption of beer and wine for restaurants (Type 41). In the event the Applicant does not receive such license, the City's approval will be null (Condition No. 4). 53 INTERIOR VIEW OF "SALOON OSAKA RESTAURANT" RENDERING low- 'Z 54 SHEET INDEX —0 � YLe,RJL . — A-30 M. IUY A•0 K'Olit A-] 0 YBxf SCxEWLL u1� 0 SITE �� A -AO 0— I '�F_�_,. T.1 J ,,•-� _.?-' .� 11,E � I VICINr Y MAP IMPERIAL AVENUE '- ,� �V (E1sDou2 BASEMENT PARKING GARAGE '�W2, I PARKWCi CALCULATION r-o]wl oFo ivrA iJxi x. I Srti 193 LY(A. eoo 9. I •YS.00 w� fEf I FA fwnoD a.EFF w d. , ,fww cxwESE j k To fM I m13 6W . + eew//555n555TTTTTT�L�/m]��Iryryry//ryIIII000000(//ettnM ` 1. 9. 2. IC,ITf,IRIwFIIOSE [aT,cE] t.3e0 SF. u,eze sF. • REWIRED PMHgO t�wm]f9 SF OI].e30 Ste. - NSwJ ePA[6 PM9X0 RfWNRNF21f MEA T.I FOR 54DON OSRG RESfwFAXT . ! • PwHWO' REWIRED NIIlIOIIT SALDON OSYG R6fwROR •(NLL S I — ONLY -STALL/]00 SF. Olt.]32 SF.. 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Y...+%w.rF�I..-, Ya.-w.hr= """ l Efmf9 •p1YNlG rYE ,o K blm. 0].1.13 No 5101.1). z : �.aa�•'���"��` w a �.,.""� ul.lw�.t smEl� . �'x°° a nsx wo L ..:ter. N.f,�..,lY.. Y.2..• . (CR SFLlg6' 120llaLwR Rax > Lm cools m H.vE sxaE anlc xwmmR wa w sPmu mnma ------ — ,�................... PROJECT L IMPERIAL AVENUE ♦ — — — — ^ — —` xiaeYE(a EDDx,DIDI3, 11R fiA10wIF Lxl 6/NR F13NRRD C IxOFA p6ElOm EUBWRRLS RR-E110Mfp✓m iAE \J SALOON OSAKA _ a E9FWbxt eT],FY RESTALJ j x SSEN� 5; yam......... 1 r------ -- C ffff1.f ow"— r� 4 N`N � P j`III� �1j1IIII ---------- Sly�px�� aooa. K9a , `I O� II F -C I * w 3fl Ir r a� W l �; <,A I , -- )----• 4� � e>_.KD.E �—>�°'S,N'" Qi �.- PROPOSED m T.I. AND A.U.P. FOR EXUj (2 -STORY) SALOON OSAKA RESTAURANT 100 W MPE FOL BLVD. I SUITE 'H' EL SEGU DO, CA 90P45 ..KM_ .—..—..—..—.. _.._..—..—._�_�..— -y xEKm I .. ...� AaBM(GROIf PATIEWU SITE PLAN (GROUND LEVEL) In 1� I iA-1.0 I_- B RMI VE1Y NOTEBr o z srmw, wx cEAsoxs w �! ' sµw%ro incx ; ,r .► I o� .:,,mow " Sx41 wxMllE . CIFIA SWCE aWa1B' ADCESSME SEATM SPACE AT TA%2 SEC" DET. eel eww„o.a�f -�� C s F A - B l C M r I U1=1 DOOR AND WALL SIGNAGE DET. [4; a a. aONe al vsc.rne � ° TA, a.. CASHIER/SERVICE COUNTER SEC710N DET. (1 lmm EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE (NEW ADDED EOUIPMENT ONLY) �- , ���,x•,,,r._iwvriir - fw1i65-,cws. MF Li AREA At� x�lx e' uSlvs c,� 1pyene nmf Icoo A Z Z ,rim I�y J, i I ow , 1� , PROPOSED T.I. AND A.U.P. FOR SALOON OSAKA RESTAURANT 100 W WINAL BLVD. BUIIE 'W _ EL SEGUIDO• CA 90245 NaInN _ .. .,._ EUMEWRDOR PLAN MO EOxnM 9a®Ix» EQUIPMENT FLOOR PLAN ` .V v i . I I A -3A Is s I uxoEnwux,En eEEniman.e i r,wai.e9.N.e�1 ucxa�� lS I wawcamw m¢im � nvrm.svarsm �} ucn�e L I � fs'luaEa 51[W � �e^xwvuw I i Eucl.e >dr rar-.wu 1 Iri.x-n. L=1 nr een� I e manna weep � a A.meom �,. oma._ oaE ae=�.Sp- 1. a o H I a y wwe[ TMIE (eTUN65 SR£L) I I I I OR FflNl\ �- , ���,x•,,,r._iwvriir - fw1i65-,cws. MF Li AREA At� x�lx e' uSlvs c,� 1pyene nmf Icoo A Z Z ,rim I�y J, i I ow , 1� , PROPOSED T.I. AND A.U.P. FOR SALOON OSAKA RESTAURANT 100 W WINAL BLVD. BUIIE 'W _ EL SEGUIDO• CA 90245 NaInN _ .. .,._ EUMEWRDOR PLAN MO EOxnM 9a®Ix» EQUIPMENT FLOOR PLAN ` .V v i . I I A -3A Is CITY OF E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October 6, 2020 Agenda Heading: Committees, Commissions and Boards TITLE: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member Appointments. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint nine (9) members to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: City Council interviewed 20 candidates on September 29 and 30, 2020. The following will be appointed to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Appointees 1. Lauren Abercrombie 2. Natacha Lee 3. Steven Wood 4. Avery Smith j 5. Kelsey Chittick 6. Christina Vasquez 7. Kenneth Chancey 8. Shad McFadden 9. Christibelle Villena DISCUSSION: Term Expiration Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2022 Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2022 Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2022 Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2023 Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2023 Partial Term — Expires October 31, 2023 Full Term — Expires October 31, 2024 Full Term — Expires October 31, 2024 Full Term — Expires October 31, 2024 The process to select the nine members of the DEI Committee consisted of the following three phases: Phase One — Review of Applications The City received 69 applicants for the DEI Committee. All applications are available on the City's website, www.elsequndo. ;. The DEI consultant reviewed the applications based on the following criteria: 1. Level of detail in the responses by the applicant 2. Applicant's education and training related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 3. Applicant's perspective on diversity 4. Adherence to the criteria in the July 21 staff report 57 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Member Appointments October 6, 2020 Page 2 of 2 The DEI consultant selected 36 candidates who were invited for an interview with the consultant. Phase Two — Applicant Interviews with DEI Consultant Applicant interviews were conducted on September 8 and 9, 2020. Upon completing the interviews, the DEI consultant narrowed the list of applicants to 20. Phase Three — Applicant Interviews Citv Council Applicant interviews were conducted by the City Council over the course of two days via Special City Council Meetings on September 29 and 30, 2020. Next Steps Once all nine members have been sworn in staff will work with the DEI consultant and the members of DEI Committee to schedule the first Committee meeting. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance customer service, engagement, & communication; Embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion Objective A: EI Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Mishia Jennings, Executive Assistant REVIEWED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager K APPROVED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager t�T a5 Svv�� ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None CITY OF E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentation TITLE: COVID-19 Pandemic Update and Planned Reopening of Certain Sectors RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the COVID-19 Pandemic Update. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: When a local or state emergency is declared, the City's municipal code provides for the carrying out of plans for the protection of persons and property within the City. In such emergency, the City Manager serves as the Director of Emergency Services ("Director"). The Director is empowered to, make and issue rules and regulations on matters reasonably related to the protection of life and property, and to acquire equipment, materials, supplies and services without following the City's standard purchasing procedures. However, such rules and regulations must be confirmed at the earliest practicable time by the city council. (ESMC §§ 2-2-5). On March 16, 2020, the City of EI Segundo proclaimed an emergency pertaining to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and has since issued two administrative orders. The City activated its Emergency Operations Plan and its All -Hazards Incident Management Team. Since that time, EI Segundo has continued to conduct consequence management and implement policies and protocols to adjust to the needs of the ongoing incident. DISCUSSION: The past two weeks have been dynamic in terms of the number of changes occurring with regard to COVID-19 restrictions. On September 22, 2020, the State of California updated its Blueprint fora Safer Economy, to add a nail salon sector and allow nail salons within tier 1 to be open indoors with modifications. On September 28, 2020, California added another sector, outdoor playgrounds and outdoor recreational facilities, which are allowed to be open in tier 1 with modifications. The state adding and allowing these sectors only means Los Angeles County has the opportunity to modify the County Health Officer Order and does not mean Los Angeles County has authorized reopening. In fact, the state has allowed the following in tier 1, but the county has yet to authorize the sector to reopen: Indoor Shopping Centers; Wineries (outdoor only); Family entertainment centers. NQ WE COVID-19 Pandemic Update DATE October 6, 2020 Page 2 of 3 At their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 28, 2020, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors addressed the following COVID-19 related issues: The following three motions were presented and approved unanimously. Motion by Supervisors Barger and Hahn (Reopening Schools in Los Angeles County) 1. Implement the school waiver program for grades TK -2, starting at 30 schools per week, prioritizing issuance of waivers to schools with higher percentages of students qualified for free/reduced meals equally divided among the five supervisorial districts and any unclaimed waivers for any given week to be redistributed to schools with higher percentage of students qualified for free or reduced meals to reach the cap 30 schools per week irrespective of the supervisorial district; 2. Report back to the Board of Supervisors bi-weekly with updates on the waiver application process and compliance at reopened schools as well as any changes that ought to be made to the contact tracing workflow in order to improve the quality and quantity of data recorded with regard to school exposures; and, 3. Work with County Counsel to determine if additional measures should be taken to certify that all protocols have been properly implemented prior to school re -openings and include any compliance updates in the bi-weekly report backs. Motion by Supervisors Hahn and Barger (Reopening of Breweries and Wineries for Outside Operations) States that the Board of Supervisors direct the Department of Public Health, working in concert with County Counsel, to ensure alignment with the State protocols, to safely reopen breweries and wineries in one week. The reopening shall abide by strict safety guidelines, including but not limited to: outside operations, limited hours of operation, required reservations, appropriate social distancing, and all appropriate safety measures. Motion by Supervisor Solis (Cardrooms) States that the Board of Supervisors adopt the Department of Public Health's recommendation to allow cardrooms to operate outdoors with safety measures prepared by the Department of Public Health, including appropriate physical distancing, mandated masks, and no provision of food or drink. Changes are also coming to the Los Angeles County Health Officer Order and protocols for reopening in certain sectors. On September 30th, 2020, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health states in a press release that the Board of Supervisors approved several Public Health recommendations for the staggered reopening of several sectors permitted by the State for counties in Tier 1 of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. .W COVID-19 Pandemic Update DATE October 6, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Over the next 10 days, the following sectors will be allowed to reopen by following protocols required. Nail salons may reopen for limited indoor services at 25 percent occupancy. Cardrooms may reopen for outdoor gaming only. Food and beverages may not be served in cardrooms at this time. Indoor shopping malls will be allowed to reopen at 25 percent maximum occupancy; all food courts and all common areas remain closed per the State order. Outdoor playgrounds may reopen at the approval and discretion of cities and the County Parks and Recreation Department. Indoor playgrounds remain closed. Public Health will work with County Counsel to determine the process for reopenings at breweries and wineries serving a meal. SUMMARY: The City of EI Segundo and its All -Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) continues to monitor the State and County restrictions and changes. The AHIMT has already engaged stakeholders preparing for reopening of playgrounds. As soon as guidance for breweries and wineries are defined, those will be immediately shared with the City's economic development office to be shared with our local establishments. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective A: EI Segundo is a safe and prepared community. PREPARED BY: Randal A. Collins SUBMITTED BY: Chris Donovan APPROVED BY: Deputy City Manager X 61 CITY OF E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October 6, 2020 Agenda Heading: Committees, Commissions, and Board TITLE: Adopt a resolution revising the Technology Committee Bylaws RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution to accept revision of the Technology Committee Bylaws, FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The Technology Committee was established as an advisory group to assist City staff to identity and prioritize technology strategies and projects to improve service delivery. On February 24, 2020, the Technology Committee voted to revise their Bylaws in collaboration with staff to include changes to the membership requirements. The changes to the Bylaws are as follows: 1. Article IV — Membership, Section IV — Amendment; Currently reads, "The Technology Committee shall be composed of eleven (11) voting members and two (2) members of the City Council to serve as liaison, non-voting members; all of whom shall be appointed by the Council." The Technology Committee voted to change the section to read, "The Technology Committee shall be composed of seven (7) voting members and two (2) members of the City Council to serve as liaison, non-voting members; all of whom shall be appointed by the Council." DISCUSSION: The Technology Committee made this decision based on increasing efficiency by streamlining the number of voting members and allowing for stronger working relationships. This reduction in members will increase agility in the working processes and provide a more focused approached on the work of the committee. Based on the recommendations of the committee, Staff recommends that City Council adopts the resolution recommending the revised Technology Committee Bylaws. .A RESOLUTION TO REVISE THE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE BYLAWS Meeting Date: October 6, 2020 Page 2of2 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective A: EI Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe, and effective community. Objective B: EI Segundo's technology supports effective, efficient, and proactive operations. PREPARED BY: Dalynna Moser, Information Technology Services REVIEWED BY: Charles Mallory, Information Technology Services Director APPROVED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Resolution with Exhibit A — Updated Technology Committee Bylaws 63 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADOPTING THE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE'S BY-LAWS The City Council of the City of EI Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Recitals: A. On July 19, 2016, the City Council established a new EI Segundo Technology Committee comprised of five members of the EI Segundo business and residential community, and two members of the City Council, to advise the City on its technology systems; B. On January 17, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 5018, formally establishing the Technology Committee and adopting its by-laws; at the time, the City Council also approved the increase in the Committee's membership from five to seven; C. On February 5, 2019, the Technology Committee approved a revised set of by-laws and requests that the City Council adopt the Technology Committee's revised by-laws; the City Council also approved an increase in the Committee's membership from seven to 11 members; D. On February 24, 2020, the Technology Committee approved a revised set of by-laws and requests that the City Council adopt the Technology Committee's revised by-laws; the Technology Committee is also asking for a decrease in its membership from 11 to seven members; E. The City Council desires to adopt the Technology Committee's proposed by-laws and to decrease the Committee's membership. SECTION 2: Adoption of By-laws. The by-laws recommended for adoption by the Committee and attached as Exhibit A are hereby adopted. Any amendments to the by- laws must be approved by the City Council. SECTION 3: Amendment to Resolution No. 5018. Section 3 ("Number and Composition of Committee Members") of Resolution No. 5018 is amended to reflect the decrease in the Committee's membership to seven voting members. Except as modified by this resolution, all other terms included in Resolution No. 5018, as amended, remain the same and in effect. SECTION 4: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. -1- 64 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _ day of October, 2020. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of EI Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed, approved and adopted by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the day of October, 2020, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney -2- 65 EXHIBIT A CITY OF EL SEGUNDO - TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE BYLAWS ARTICLE I — NAME The name of this organization shall be the Technology Committee, aka ITC (Information Technology Committee) ARTICLE II — PURPOSE AND ROLE Section I - General The Technology Committee shall collaborate with City staff and the local information technology community to identify and prioritize technology strategies and projects that are consistent with governmental standards and improve current systems to provide the City and the public with improved technology equipment and services. The Committee is a standing committee that serves at the pleasure of the City Council. The Committee shall make recommendations that balance the needs of all departments while taking under consideration that some short-term actions may need to be postponed due to the overarching and/or long term goals, budgetary constraints, and other priorities of the City's IT Department. The Committee will advise on any and all projects as requested by the City or as required per these bylaws. However, the higher purpose of the Committee is to work in conjunction with Staff on the key strategic needs of the City — balancing perceived and unrecognized needs with current projects. While the Committee may be asked to advise on tactics of IT projects, it is the fundamental purpose of the Technology Committee to understand the overarching needs of the City and collaborate with City personnel to ensure that the total needs are met, not just the project needs. The Committee shall work with staff and shall submit an annual prioritized list of proposed projects to the City Council for consideration and potential approval. The IT Director shall first collect a list of all staff and Committee requested projects and prioritize them according to need. The Committee shall then review the Director's list of projects and work with the Director to finalize a list to present to the City Council for approval. The Committee shall work with staff to provide quarterly reports to the Council regarding the progress of the projects. The Committee shall not be responsible for managing the projects. The Tech Committee Bylaws 10.01.20 City Manager and IT Director shall oversee staff as set forth in their respective roles for purposes of managing projects. With regard to projects that are anticipated to exceed $50,000, are on the annual prioritized list of projects, or will be used by the public (residents, visitors, and businesses) the Committee shall be involved in selection process identified in Section II. For sole source purchases in excess of $50,000, staff shall make a presentation to the Committee as to why the purchase qualifies as a sole source purchase. If the Committee disagrees, such will be noted in the staff report to the Council requesting approval of the purchase. For projects that are being mandated by another agency and the City is required to purchase a particular product, the staff shall make a presentation to the Committee regarding the project and product. If the Committee has concerns about the project and/or product, such concerns shall be noted in the staff report to the Council requesting authority to purchase the product. Section II- Technology and Software Selection Process An immediate goal of the Committee shall be to collaborate with staff and develop a broader technology and software selection process (TSSP), including template of a request for proposals form (RFP) for purposes of soliciting IT equipment and services from third party vendors and quality assurance processes. This work shall be crafted by the City and input provided by the Committee. The RFP shall include without limitation, functional requirements, technical requirements, vendor history, maintenance services, integration requirements, and a request for warranty information. The process shall identify the City staff positions to be involved in the process and also include developing a timeline for noticing proposals, for vendors to submit proposals, for staff to evaluate proposals (including demonstrations), and for staff to provide a recommendation to Council. The process will also provide a list of success criteria and a functional requirement scorecard for evaluating proposals. A potential list of viable proposers shall be identified and information explaining if they did not submit a proposal, why not. The requirements for the TSSP in this Section are not exhaustive as it is intended that the Committee and staff will identify other components to include in the process. The Committee and staff shall submit the proposed TSSP process to the City Council for approval. The Committee shall not be involved in the drafting of specific proposals or in the ranking, selection, or recommendation to Council of vendors. However, before proceeding to issue a request for proposal, a subcommittee of the Committee shall review the request for proposal and provide input with regard to whether it meets the City's request for proposals requirements. Members of the subcommittee shall not create a quorum. This subcommittee shall also conduct a criteria success ranking of the vendor that staff is recommending to Council that involves a proposed purchase. This criteria success ranking information shall be included in the staff report provided to the Council with regard to the recommended award of contract. Tech Committee Bylaws 10.01.20 67 ARTICLE III — QUALIFICATIONS Members of the Technology Committee shall represent a cross section of the community including both residents and local industry representatives who have expert knowledge in technology, and general technological practices. ARTICLE IV — MEMBERSHIP The Technology Committee shall be composed of seven (7) voting members and two (2) members of the City Council to serve as liaison, non-voting members; all of whom shall be appointed by the Council. • Section I — Selection of members o The City of EI Segundo shall advertise and solicit applications to fill any vacant position that might occur. After the application period has closed, the Chair, two (2) members of the Technology Committee and the IT Director shall review the applications with the sole purpose of making a recommendation for selection to the Mayor and members of the City Council. The Council shall interview the recommended all candidates and the City Council shall make the final selection and appointments. Section II Term of Office The term for each voting member of the Technology Committee is four (4) years. However, the initial terms of 5 of the members shall only be two (2) years so that the terms shall be staggered to promote the stability of the Committee. The Committee is a standing advisory committee that serves at the pleasure of the City Council (see Article VI Section III Duties of the Technology Committee Members). Section III — Compensation o Technology Committee members shall serve without compensation and shall only be reimbursed for expenses approved by the Council. Section IV — Removal o Members of the Technology Committee are expected to attend all meetings. When any member has three consecutive, or a total of 6 or more absences within a 12 -month period, the member's seat may be deemed vacant if determined so by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee. ARTICLE V— MEETINGS All meetings of the Committee shall be publicly noticed, open to the public and in a publicly - accessible location as required by state law. Tech Committee Bylaws 10.01.20 .: • Section I — Regular Meetings o Regular meetings of the Technology Committee shall be on the 2nd Monday of every month at 6:00 pm. The Location shall be the conference room located at Fire Station #2. If the meeting falls on a holiday then it shall be held on the next day that the City is open for business. Section II — Special Meetings o Special Meetings of the Technology Committee may be held at any time upon the call of the Committee Chair, or by a majority of the voting members, or the City Council following at least forty-eight (48) hours' notice to each Committee member. The Committee Chair or a majority of the Technology Committee shall determine the time and location of the Special Meeting. Section III — Study Sessions / Workshops / Seminars Section IV — Quorum o A majority of the voting members of the Technology Committee shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary for action by the Technology Committee. Section V — Voting o Each voting member shall have one vote. Section VI — Meeting Procedures o Except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws, City Council Resolutions or state law, the Technology Committee will follow the latest edition of the Robert's Rules of Order for the orderly conduct of meetings. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS Officers of the Technology Committee shall be a Committee Chair and a Vice Chair who shall serve at the pleasure to the Technology Committee. Term of office shall be for one (1) year. These Officers shall be voted on at the Committee's first meeting in January. Duties of the officers shall conform to the regular parliament duties set forth by the latest edition of the Robert's Rules of Order, unless otherwise stated. Section I — Committee Chair o The Committee Chair shall preside over the meetings of the Technology Committee. Tech Committee Bylaws 10.01.20 We Section II — Committee Vice Chair o During the absence, disability, or disqualification of the Committee Chair, the Committee Vice Chair shall perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the Committee Chair. The Committee Vice Chair shall succeed the Committee Chair if he/she vacates the office before the term expires. If this occurs, a new Committee Vice Chair shall be elected at the next regular meeting. Section III — Duties of the Technology Committee Members o It is intended that the Technology Committee shall serve an advisory body to the City Council. The duties of the Members are set forth in these bylaws. o Members of the Technology Committee shall not perform any services or work that would normally be performed by City staff or contractors. In the event a member desires to access City equipment, network or technology in order to provide advice to the City Council or the staff, such access may only be granted by the City Manager upon consultation with the City Attorney. The City has a legal obligation to limit access to personnel, tax, medical, and other information deemed confidential and sensitive. ARTICLE VII — OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Section I — Minutes o Minutes of all meetings shall be prepared and maintained with the Technology Committee records. Copies shall be distributed to each Technology Committee member, City Council member, and to the City Clerk. Section II — Distribution of Documents o Preparation and distribution of Technology Committee documents to the members, City Council and City Clerk shall be the responsibility of a designated staff member from the Information Services Division/ Department. o The official Technology Committee Agenda and previous meeting minutes will be available no less than 72 hours before a scheduled meeting ARTICLE VIII — ASSISTANCE OF STAFF The City Manager and IT Director will work with the Technology Committee to provide information (subject to the limitations set forth in Article VI) and staff assistance as the Technology Committee may request from time to time. The staff member(s) designated by the City Manager shall attend meetings of the Technology Committee and submit such reports as requested by the Technology Committee and as deemed necessary or desirable, s subject to the City Manager in his discretion determining deadlines for providing such assistance based upon other duties that staff is performing. Tech Committee Bylaws 10.01.20 WE ARTICLE IX — AMENDMENTS The Committee may recommend amendments to these Bylaws. Such recommendations may be made by simple majority of the voting members at any meeting of the Technology Committee. Such amendments must be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL by the Technology Committee — February 24, 2020 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Segundo City Council — October 6, 2020 Tech Committee Bylaws 10.0 1.20 71 CITY OF E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: October 6, 2020 Agenda Heading: Committees, Commissions and Boards TITLE: EI Segundo Environmental Committee Update and Presentation on Residential Bee Keeping RECOMMENDATION: Direct staff to conduct the necessary due diligence and report back to City Council with a Residential Bee Keeping program recommendation. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The Environmental Committee is comprised of seven members appointed by City Council: Tracey Miller-Zarneke, Chair Corrie Zupo, Vice Chair Kevin Maggay Caroline Hawks Rachel McPherson Sarah Brockhaus One vacancy The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the City's environmental programs and policies. The report is a summary of the Committee's activities since their last report/presentation to the Council on May 7, 2019. The report will include a special presentation about bee keeping on residential property. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Engagement and Communication; Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Objective A: EI Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Jasmine Allen, Senior Management Analyst on behalf of the Environmental Committee REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director 72 Activity Report from the Environmental Committee October 6, 2020 Page 2 of 2 APPROVED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager Q ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Presentation 73 EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL CON&a i i zim UPDATE TO CITY COUNCIL Fall 2020 ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PLAN • Tool Box for Building a Greener Community Scope of Plan • Energy Conservation • Solid Waste Reduction • Urban Planning and Development • Hazardous Waste • Transportation • Air Quality • Water Conservation • Governance .Lr��.�- • Aligned with SBCCOG Climate Action Plan goals ' z - v Cn ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PIA? Status of Top Five Committee Goals: • Solid waste reduction: pursue continued phase out of single -use plastics • Establish Green Business Recognition Program • Expand water conservation efforts Developa ENO— policyto set green construction standards - Investigate joining Clean Power Alliance -Tz,-�-=� - � 4 v ENVIRONMENTAL WORK PLAN Other Committee Tasks: Researching proposed Desalination Project Connecting with AQMD regarding Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring Project Leaning on LA County to keep our beach facilities cleaner, provide bike racks Researching options to create more local CRV and blow -away plastic waste recycling_ resources • Continuing discussions about use of Round -Up and leaf -blowers Y Exploring Smoking Bans • -4 Researching bee -keeping for introduction of new ordinances CITY PARTNERSHIP Knowing our city already has great environmental challenges based on its surrounding heavy impact industry, we must do what we can to offset that and to place us on the greener path for generations to come. • Committee to continue to support/partner with other departments, committees and commissions Committee asked Council to add top five Environmental Work Plan goals to Strategic Plan considerations CONEVIUN OUTREACH • Here to create community interactions that can affect positive personal and, in turn, municipal change. • Shifting the culture and mindset to be more aware of how urban development and human behavior affect our environment will better protect our future.