How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments?
This meeting will be conducted in Council Chamber. Due to the L. A. County Emergency
COVID-19 Order, only 10 persons are allowed to gather in Chamber at the same time, and it is
expected that the Council members, staff members and interviewees will constitute at least nine
persons. Therefore, those persons who want to address the City Council may enter the
Chamber one person at a time. Members of the public wishing to view the meeting can do so
immediately outside the Chamber in the Civic Center, where TV monitors will show the meeting.
This meeting will NOT be broadcasted live. While viewing the meeting members of the public
must observe "social distancing" requirements at all times, i.e., remain six (6) feet from other
attendees and wear masks during the entirety of the meeting.
Members of the Public may provide comments electronically by sending comments to the
following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the
meeting: PUBLICCOMMUNICATIONS@elsegundo.org, in the subject line please state the
meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will
be read to Council during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public
Records Act.
Members of the Public may also provide comments in the designated area in Council Chamber
up to and during public communication portion of the meeting.
Additional Information
The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed
agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of the City Council regarding any matter on
this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in
the City Clerk's office during normal business hours. Such Documents may also be posted on the City's
website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting.
Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the Public can only comment on City -related business that is
within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the Agenda during the Public
Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, the Public can comment on any Public Hearing
item on the Agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5)
minutes per person.
Before speaking to the City Council, please state: Your name and residence and the organization you
represent if desired. Please respect the time limits.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to
participate in this meeting, please contact City Clerk, 524-2305. Notification 48 hours prior to the
meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 - 1:30 P.M.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Giroux
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5 minute limit per
person, 30 minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate
to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so
identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and
punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to
take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public
Communications is closed.
a) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Applicant Interviews.
TIME:u (J-'30 l
BY: f/[�
C.1 11Y ON
E L S E GU N D O City Council Agenda Statement
Meeting Dates: September 29 and 30, 2020
Agenda Heading: Committees, Commissions and Boards
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Applicant Interviews
Interview applicants and select members of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
At its July 21, 2020 meeting, City Council authorized the establishment of a DEI
Committee. As delineated in the attached copy of the July 21 staff report, to be eligible
to serve on this Committee each applicant was required to meet one or more of the
following criteria:
1. Resident of EI Segundo
2. Student of a public or private high school in EI Segundo
3. EI Segundo property owner
4. Employed by a business located in EI Segundo
A diversity consultant was hired to assist with the interview process, DEI Committee
member selection, coordination of DEI Committee meetings, and ensure that substantive
recommendations are ultimately provided to City Council.
The process to select the nine members of the DEI Committee consists of the following
three phases:
Phase One — Review of Applications
The City received 69 applicants for the DEI Committee. All applications are available on
the City's website, www.elsequndo.orq.. The DEI consultant reviewed the applications
based on the following criteria -
Interviews for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
September 29 and 30, 2020
Page 2 of 3
1. Level of detail in the responses by the applicant
2. Applicant's education and training related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
3. Applicant's perspective on diversity
4. Adherence to the criteria in the July 21 staff report
The DEI consultant selected 36 candidates who were invited for an interview with the
Phase Two — Applicant Interviews with DEI Consultant
Applicant interviews were conducted on September 8 and 9, 2020. Upon completing the
interviews, the DEI consultant narrowed the list of applicants to 20.
Phase Three — Applicant Interviews Citv Council
Interviews with the 20 applicants will be conducted during two Special City Council
Meetings on September 29 and 30, 2020. The following 10 applicants will be interviewed
on September 29, 2020:
Christibelle Villena (1:30pm)
Jan Zoochie (1:45pm)
Christina Vazquez (2:00pm)
Kelsey Chittick (2:15pm)
Keith Puckett (2:30pm)
Melissa McCaverty (2:45pm)
Erin Workman (3:00pm)
Nancy Antoniou (3:15pm)
Natacha Lee (3:30pm)
Christina Haley (3:45pm)
The following 10 applicants will be interviewed on September 30, 2020.
Avni Shah (11:00am)
John Pickhaver (11:15am)
Steven Wood (Woodie) (11:30am)
Kenneth Chancey (11:45am)
Avery Smith (12:00pm)
Jigisha Bouverat (12:15pm)
Philip Ludwig (Gus) (12:30pm)
Lauren Abercrombie (12:45pm)
Dennis Allen (1:00pm)
Shad McFadden (1:15pm)
Interviews for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
September 29 and 30, 2020
Page 3of3
Each applicant will be asked the following six questions:
1. What is your understanding of the role of the DEI Committee and your role as a
Committee member?
2. What are the most significant issues regarding DEI in the City of EI Segundo; and
how have they affected people that you know, including yourself and your family?
3. Please name specific areas of concern for you in EI Segundo's handling of DEI;
and where you have or would be motivated to put your focused energy?
4. There have been recent events in and near EI Segundo which have resulted in
differing opinions among groups, some of whom have made requests of the City.
How would you begin to respond to these groups to reduce conflict and move
toward resolution?
5. Please name a quality of character, people, policies or atmosphere about the City
of EI Segundo that shows its strength at being able to tackle and manage DEI?
What encourages you about this City during these challenging times?
6. Intersectionality is a concept used to describe how various marginalized groups
experience similar concerns and can gain strength by choosing to be allies for one
another. In what area of DEI have you been most engaged?
Discussion and selection of DEI Committee members will occur following the completion
of the interviews.
Next Steps
City Council will formally approve the nine DEI Committee appointments at the regular
City Council meeting of October 6, 2020. Staff will work with the DEI consultant and the
members of DEI Committee to schedule the first Committee meeting.
Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Engagement and Communications
Objective A: EI Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence.
PREPARED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager
APPROVED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager
1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee candidate applications
2. July 21, 2020 DEI Committee staff report
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Christibelle Villena
First Name Last Name
Home Address
aty State
Primary Phone
Email Address
mo Po
Alternate Phone
Program Officer _
Job Title
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
R More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
Postal Code
Tech & Philanthropy
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
R 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Submit Date: Jul 21, 2020
EI Segundo Little League From 8/2019 to present - President From 8/2018 to 7/2019 - Auxilliary (Events &
Snack Bar) From 8/2017 to 7/2018 - Rookie Division VP From 8/2016 to 7/2017 - Schedule & Umpires
Over the years, I have volunteered for a number of ESUSD school functions and classrooms, youth
sports teams and LA -based nonprofit organizations.
University of California, Riverside - Sociology & Business Administrative Studies - BS June 2001
Mt. Carmel High School, San Diego - June 1997
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
W I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
With my experience and enthusiasm as an engaged community member, mother of two sons, and
philanthropy professional committed to social impact, I am excited by the opportunity to serve EI Segundo
as part of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. I am fortunate and humbled by the opportunities
I've had throughout my almost 20 -year career to build diversity, equity and inclusion in big and small
ways. More recently, I've spent the past 2.5 years at Common Pool, developing and managing initiatives
for companies, foundations, government entities and wealthy individuals to unlock millions of philanthropic
capital to activate bold solutions and accelerate positive change around the world's biggest challenges.
I've built and managed programs focused on creating brighter futures for refugees, building faster/cheaper
housing for those experiencing homelessness in LA County, expanding economic opportunity for low-
income communities in the US and more. Before Common Pool I worked at House of Blues Music
Forward Foundation to sustain and grow strong workforce development and career -prep programs for
particularly marginalized youth throughout the country. I consulted and provided in-house counsel around
strategic planning/fundraising to New Horizon School (Muslim K-8 school in Irvine) and Frederick K.C.
Price Schools (Christian pre -12 school in Crenshaw). I oversaw the philanthropic giving of Lynda and
Stewart Resnick (Wonderful Company) to support areas including education (school grants, scholarships),
workforce development, immigration, health and wellness, the environment and more. I managed
fundraising (grant -writing, event -planning) and communications (campaigns) of a national domestic
violence nonprofit for more than six years. I implemented LA County's in -school environmental education
program, including assemblies and a conference for kids. For four years (first as a volunteer and then as
the Director), I coordinated and managed the largest celebration of Philippine arts and culture in Southern
CA. For four years, I was also part of an LA -based, Filipino artist collective performing spoken word,
dance and poetry focused on social issues, justice and equality. Locally, I serve the community as the
President of EI Segundo Little League. In this capacity, I am committed to creating a healthy, safe
baseball experience for all our families. I am one of the only local leaders to release a statement in
support of Black Lives Matter, and like presidents before me, it is a goal of mine to diversify the Board of
Directors to include more women and people of color. I have a strong interest and commitment to learning
from the past in order to move forward. As a parent, conversations around race, LGBTQ and other social
issues have been the norm since my boys were very little. I consider myself an activist and use whatever
platform I have to: share data, lessons and history; to speak up for equality and justice; to raise future
leaders who will be the difference; and to help activate others to join in the movement. Celebrating
diversity, fighting for equity, and collaborating for inclusion has always played - and continues to play — an
important part throughout my education, my career, my parenting and many other aspects of my life. I
would be honored to have the opportunity to continue this work as part of this Committee. I've been
looking for ways to get more involved here in EI Segundo and this Committee is a good match and natural
next step for me to serve my purpose.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
Below are some objectives/activities to help fulfill the City's stated committee purpose and goals to work
with the community to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and determine how to move forward to
bring positive change so everyone who lives, works and visits EI Segundo feels welcome. Please note:
These are brainstormed with the understanding that I am still learning about EI Segundo's history and the
way in which the city currently operates and addresses diversity. I also share the following with the hope
that once the committee is formed, it will do its due diligence to examine what is currently in place, survey
the community to help prioritize activities, and have opportunity to enlist the services and guidance of
experts and organizations (such as the Center for Social Inclusion
https://www.centerforsocialinclusion.org/our-work/services/) with vast experience in improving
infrastructure and systems to more effectively and efficiently increase diversity, equity and inclusion in EI
Segundo for generations to come. Engage the City and community to: 1. Coordinate a citywide approach
to improve infrastructure, systems, policies/procedures and more, particularly as they address racism and
hate in our community. This may include, but is not limited to: a City proclamation expressing our
commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; and receiving tools and trainings as a member of GARE
(https://www.racialequityalliance.org/members/join/). 2. Increase the number of diverse City
staff/government officials and require more training around racial equity and inclusion (see
https://www.raceforward.org/trainings and https://www.nlc.org/program-initiative/race-equity-and-
leadership-real). 3. Increase the number of businesses owned/led by people of color. 4. Examine the
financials and explore ways to grow programs around health and wellness, crime prevention, education,
affordable housing, and workforce development. 5. Continue to build a culture of transparency and
information -sharing. This may include, but is not limited to: a "hub" featuring infographics, "EI Segundo By
the Numbers" and other data in a format that is clear and easy to understand; more communication on
seat availability for City committees and commissions; and creating a "one-stop shop" to promote civic
engagement opportunities. 6. Offer programs and opportunities to teach EI Segundo's complete history to
help us move forward, to gather feedback, and to celebrate the rich diversity in town. This may include,
but is not limited to: community conversation events, guest speakers and teach -ins; collaborating with
Recreation & Parks Commission to add an educational walking tour in our parks; partnering with the Arts
& Culture Commission on a permanent art installation such as a mural; offering a video or blog series
dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion, such as on the City's website and/or in the EI Segundo
Herald. Collaborate with ESUSD / School Board to: 7. Increase the number of diverse school staff/faculty
and require more training to better educate underserved/marginalized youth (see
abolitionistteachingnetwork.org). 8. Examine and improve policies for addressing racism and hate on our
campuses. 9. Incorporate a more complete curriculum to include ethnic studies across K-12 and an ethnic
studies requirement for high school graduation (see https:Hneaedjustice.org/support-ethnic-studies-
programs/). 10. Celebrate diversity throughout the year (and not just during certain months). This may
include, but is not limited to: afterschool programs; workshops and assemblies; field trips (such as CAMM,
National Museum of African American History & Culture for the 8th grade trip, ESMOA when they host
exhibits focused on diversity); school projects and events (for example, replacing the Mission project with
something focused on Native people, replacing Colonial Day with the Civil Rights Movement,
presentations of a student's culture/country of origin).
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
am ready to contribute all I can to ensure the success of this Committee. I will tap into my strengths as a
resourceful project manager, utility player, problem -solver and effective communicator and storyteller. I
enjoy navigating and improving systems for communication, the flow of information, completing a project
and getting the job done effectively and efficiently. While the bulk of my experience is in project
management, fundraising and communications, social impact has always been the driver, the focus. An
important aspect of my work is gathering data and information to better understand the landscape so that
our team can enlist good partners, secure support and community buy -in, and deliver evidence -based
programs that work and are responsive to particularly underserved communities. I have experience and a
skill set that is well -matched for this work, but some valuable ways I can help are through some
intangibles I bring. I am an engaged community member on the pulse of current affairs and can offer an
important perspective as a woman of color. I am a lifelong learner and critical thinker who firmly believes
in contributing to a culture of kindness, accountability and empathy. I'm approachable and have a way of
helping people feel comfortable, especially when they're outside of their comfort zone. I am committed to
collaboration and building strong relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders and communities. I fell
in love with this town and I am excited to do my part to build a stronger, more inclusive EI Segundo.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I do not have any reservations at this time.
Other comments:
Thank you for the opportunity to join a committee like this! I am impressed by the City's commitment to
doing this difficult and rewarding work, and look forward to helping in whatever way I can to support and
uplift all families and community members in EI Segundo.
Jessica Aronoff
Jessica Duffaut
Cristy De Jesus
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Jan _ _ Z Zoochie
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Employer Job Title
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
R More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
R I Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Postal Code
Submit Date: Jul 02, 2020
Tree Musketeers 2007-2009 Volunteered in Richmond Street office and assisted at EI Segundo tree
plantings. Special Olympics World Games July, 2015 Volunteered with the EI Segundo Special Olympics
committee that hosted teams from Barbados and Macedonia
Community Youth 1992-1998 Volunteer mentor at South LA non-profit for at -risk teenagers working to
complete their GEDs. New Earth 2016-2017 Volunteer mentor for students coming out of juvenile justice
facilities. I visited for 3 hours weekly both at Community Youth and New Earth.
UCLA History BA 1983
UCLA U.S. History MA 1988
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
R I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
In addition to concentrating on African American history during my undergraduate and graduate studies at
UCLA (and teaching that subject on both the high school and college level), I also participated in a one-
year training course in Cross -Cultural Conflict Resolution through the UCLA Ombudsman's Office. When I
was community relations director at UCLA's International Student Center from 1989-2005, the LA Times
wrote a feature story about "Discover LA", a one -day tour I created and led through LA's African American
and Latino neighborhoods for newly arriving international students in order to help counteract negative
stereotypes that they arrived to this country with. I have traveled in 60 countries, and have close and
enduring friendships with people from all different races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations and
ages. I have sung in the Agape International Choir for over 20 years, which is incredibly diverse, and I
founded "Voices Raised LA Vocal Collective" a year ago, which is also a diverse group. Basically, my
entire life's work has been about building bridges between cultures and communities.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
To identify specific ways we can make EI Segundo a more welcoming place for the people of color who
reside here, go to school here, work here or visit here, and to ensure that people of color are adequately
represented in the political realm.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I have good research and writing skills; and my years of academic study on the subject of systemic
racism in America, combined with my work experiences and my long-standing personal ties to the black
community in South LA position me nicely to help EI Segundo become an even greater community than it
already is.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I would hope that, during the Covid pandemic, interviews and meetings would be held virtually. Because I
am concerned about contracting the virus by interacting with people indoors.
Andrew Kelley Boy's Soccer Coach and Special Ed. Teacher at
ESHS Persona rien or over years
David A. Lehrer = Former west coast head of the Anti -Defamation
League My boss from 2002-2017 at Community Advocates, Inc., a human relations non-profit and think
Lynell George Author and former staff writer for the Los
Angeles Times. Lynell wrote a feature article about me and my "Discover LA" program on September 23,
1994 ("Destination: Discovery") and we've been personal friends since.
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards Submit Date: Jul 08, 2020
Application Form
ChristinaM Vazquez=faiardo
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address Suite or Apt
M-- - M
City State Postal Code
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Project, Manager,_ Operations Project Manager
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
17 More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
17 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board and Term Served
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
World Vision - 2017 to Present - Fundraiser/Charity Challenge Marathon Runner (LA Marathon). Fund -
raised and raised awareness for clean water resources and projects in the Congo; met personal
fundraising goals while training/running for the 1/2 Marathon Charity Challenge on behalf of World Vision
LAX charity (2018 - $1500; 2019 - $1800; 2020 - $2000).
Young Life - 2018 to Present - Young Life Committee/Board Member for LAX / EI Segundo area. ESHS
Band - 2019 to Present - Parent Volunteer
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA B.A., Communication Studies (2000)
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
p 1 Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
As a proud and vibrant first generation Mexican American, I understand firsthand how imperative it is to
belong to a diverse and inclusive community. My personal and cultural narrative drives my passion to
foster equity, inclusion and diversity, because I understand what it feels like to historically not always feel
welcome or included. Our family has resided and thrived as members of EI Segundo since 2004, and our
children have also attended ESUSD schools. My professional background as Project Manager (Business,
Process and Implementation) within the Career and Talent Management industry brings a wealth of
experience in reviewing current state processes, providing insight and recommendations for future state
improvements to make EI Segundo more inclusive, diverse and equitable for all residents, workers, and
visitors. In addition, my background in onboarding and training could positively contribute to suggestions
on implementing future communication, training, and educational resources for our community.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
It is my understanding that the purpose of this commission is to work with our community to better
understand challenges/issues with diversity/inclusion that residents/workers/visitors face with EI Segundo.
It is also my understanding that the committee will evaluate current state policies in order to bring positive
change that embraces a more inclusive, equitable and diverse policies so all those who live, work and visit
feel welcome and valued.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
"Seek to understand", "Listen more, talk less", "Ask for clarification when needed" are invaluable tools I
have utilized when facing a challenge or issue in order to effectively provide recommendations for the
future. As a member of this committee I would utilize my project management training in combination with
empathy, compassion, positivity and emotional intelligence in order to help EI Segundo to identify areas
where we as a community can be more inclusive and diverse in our local policies and how we treat and/or
welcome visitors, workforce and residents. I would also help be a true champion of change by fostering
cohesiveness and inclusion within the committee itself so that other members will feel safe in sharing their
own vulnerable experiences in order to move our community forward.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
At this time, I do not have any reservations about this new committee. My sincere hope would be that all
recommendations brought forth by this group would affect real change in our beloved city that historically
has not always been as welcoming and inclusive as it should be.
Other comments:
Thank you for your consideration and for establishing this much needed committee.
Dawn Curry
Michele Toti-Leach
Mike Collins
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Kelsey D Chittick
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
City State Postal Code
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
W More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
R 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Submit Date: Jul 07, 2020
Baby 2 Baby attend events and support organization which helps provide basic needs to low income
2017-2019 Alpha Leadership Academy helping low income kids in Watts and Compton (organization is no
longer active) 2015-2017- helped with paperwork/website Easter Seals - helping kids with disabilities,
headed up fundraising in NYC for that chapter 2000-2002 and volunteered time One Voice - help feed the
homeless during the holidays 2019
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Communications and Psychology - BA 2000
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
.................... -
FT 1 Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I believe I should be appointed because I am very qualified for this role and I have been waiting for this
opportunity since we moved here in 2004. This community is one of the most impressive and special
places to live. And, there is still a lot of work to be done to make it diverse, safe, and inclusive for people
of all races and backgrounds. My hope is that this committee is the start of a honest conversation, one
that leads to positive and practical changes that allows our town to be a place where everyone feels
supported and valued. This town is unique, and the support my family received after losing my husband
changed our life. Nate spent his 15 years working hard to bring different views and sides together to find
solutions that worked. He was passionate about continuous improvement and was committed to the
people in this town, regardless of what side they stood on. I hope to carry on with what he started. I began
my career in NYC working for Easter Seals and helping fundraise for children with disabilities. After that I
spent 6 years at Johnson & Johnson in Sales and then moved into the Management Training program.
There we taught teams and individuals how to work together, not in spite of their differences, but because
of them. Studies have showed different points of views and different skills sets are what make the best
teams, and that is true for a town also. I went on to work in Clinical research heading up Outreach and
recently spent the last 7 years as Director of Program Management at a global Recruitment Firm. My job
was to help mulit-million dollar companies recruit, hire and build teams that were diverse and extremely
effective. I owe so much to this town. It would be an honor to give back and hopefully help EI Segundo
become a shining example of humanity in the great city of LA.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
I believe the goal is to start an open dialogue where everyone is heard and respected. Each committee
member needs to become excellent in listening and trying to understand where and why the other person
feels they way they do. Once we learn from each other, and empathize with their position, then we can
began to work together to find solutions that are a beneficial to this town and create a community where
kindness, inclusion and dignity is offered to each individual. I am certain with the people in this town, with
our wonderful Police Chief, and so many people committed to having the hard conversations, we can do
hard (and great) things.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I will listen, I will come in with an open mind and an intention to understand each issue and situation
without any preconceived notion that I have it "all figured out." I will offer solutions that I have read about
that have worked in other towns/countries/neighborhoods, I will bring opposite sides together and help
mediate those discussion in a kind and intelligent way. And once we understand each other, I will help
develop next steps and tangible ideas that can move us in the right direction. Finally I will help drive the
changes forward through outreach, information and forums where we can hear what is working and what
still needs attention.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I don't have any outright reservations as long as we create a safe place, with varied opinions and
respectful individuals that all have a common goal in mind. Our North Star need to be clear and agreed
upon. How we get there can be up for debate, but we must agree on why and what we want to do and
have clear markers on what a success looks like months and years from now.
Other comments:
Although these are crazy and uneasy times, I believe that these are the moments that move us forward.
EI Segundo is unique and everyone who lives here is lucky to call this place home. To much is given,
much is expected ... and I know we can do better and hopefully we can become an example of how growth
and change can create a win-win for all sides.
Michelle Keldorf-
Michelle Baker -
Dr. Ron Heredia
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Keith E Puckett
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
Primary Phone
Alternate Phone
State Postal Code
Email Address
Expeditors International of Regional Security, Safety and
Washington, Inc. Service_ Provider Manager _ _ _ Regional Manager
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
F7 More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
17 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Submit Date: Jul 02, 2020
Redondo Beach Youth Basketball 2014 - 2019 Director of Girls Division, Director of High School Division,
Coach, Assistant Coach
Chaffey High School 1995
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
Pr I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I would like to use my ability to collaborate in this committee to influence change in EI Segundo. I work for
a global organization. I'm trained on project management. My team at work is made up of security and
safety professionals from all over the world. We embrace one another cultures and appreciate what each
of us bring to the table. I love living in EI Segundo. I have lived here longer than I have lived any where
else. I'd like to contribute to making positive changes here.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
Encourage EI Segundo residents to embrace diversity and inclusion.Supporting activities for this objective
include facilitating and developing multi-level diversity and inclusion programs that reduce the cultural
distance found among individuals from different backgrounds. Programs would be designed to increase
Awareness, Understanding, Commitment and Action for the purpose of advancing a diverse and inclusive
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Collaborate with committee members, outside groups, fundraisers and pull best practices from other cities
and DEI groups.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
There is a vocal group here in town who thinks things are fine as is and are not fans of change. I worry
this group is not willing to work to a compromise where all parties can walk away feeling satisfied.
Ben Watkins
Tanya Taylor
Kenyatta Ingram
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Melissa Mccaverty
First Name Last Name
Home Address
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Slate Postal Code
Self Independent Contractor_ Attorney.
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
Pr More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
Pr I Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Richmond Street School PTA, 2014-2020 - Room Parent Richmond Street School PTA, 2015-2016 -
Auditor Richmond Street School PTA, 2016-2018 - President EI Segundo PTA Council, 2018-2019 -
President EI Segundo Girls Softball, 2014 - 2019 - Uniform and Trophy Coordinator, Treasurer
Submit Date: Jul 10, 2020
William Allen High School, Allentown, PA - Diploma 6/12/93 Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Double Major -
Political Science and Communication Studies - B.A. 5/10/97 California Western School of Law, San
Diego, California - Law - Juris Doctor 4/28/00
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
R I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I grew up in a diverse city in eastern Pennsylvania called Allentown. My high school had a diverse student
population with a significant Black, Puerto Rican and Dominican student population. We were all friends,
we all went to each others houses, we all lived in close proximity to each other. My best friends that I am
still best friends with to this day are Puerto Rican and Black. My friends moms would make food from their
cultures for us and differences were accepted. I could go on and on ... However, moving to California, really
opened my eyes to segregated neighborhoods - I truly had not seen this in my upbringing. I went on to
become a lawyer and a Public Defender in both Orange and Los Angeles County's. My first assignment in
the Public Defenders Office was Juvenile Court. It was incredibly infuriating to see children arrested in
Orange County and the disparity in treatment between the youth of Laguna Niguel and south Orange
County vs. the children from Santa Ana. I was 26 -years old and livid. The children in Laguna and Newport
were diverted out of the court system at the discretion of the police departments. Our courtrooms were
filled with Black and Hispanic children and their parents. Some of these children were being raised by
gang members. I remember thinking they didn't stand a chance. After 7 years, I changed career trajectory,
and worked for the County of Los Angeles, Office of the County Counsel. Instead of going against the
Sheriff's Department in Court, I now represented the Sheriff's Department. I mostly handled car accident
cases, where a Sheriff Deputy was involved in a car accident while rolling "Code 3" with lights and sirens
on. I also had the privilege of representing various other County Departments, like Fire, Social Services,
Public Works and many many others. I believe that my upbringing and my work as both a Public Defender
and County Counsel provide me with a unique viewpoint on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
As this is a new Commission, I would love to see us create something that really opens up the eyes of the
community. I think that in recent years, the "I don't see color" narrative has really gone to far. This
commission could help educated parents that in fact we do need to teach that having a different color skin
is something to be celebrated, but also can put our friends in danger. I would love to see this Commission
act as a liaison between the community and City Hall.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I would love to see this Commission create a BIG presence in this town. I see us holding events,
educating on Black History, Native American History, Asian American History, etc... When I first heard of
the Japanese Internment Camps in California, I was horrified. I was in my second year of law school.
People need to be educated on diverse history and cultures early on. We can hold exhibits at the library,
different months can be a different history. We can have booths at the Farmer's Market to help educate.
am fully in support of re -naming a park(s) in honor of people of color. I think the people that are opposed
to BLM see things as "all or nothing." For example if you support BLM - you don't support the police. We
need to educate or open people's eyes that you can support both. You can support BLM and police, but
hold police accountable for outdated, harmful practices.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I really don't have any reservations. This is a wonderful addition to our community and I believe it's very
needed. I'd be proud to have my name on this Commission.
Karena Gurr -
Tiffany Houser -
Jocelyn Solomon,
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards Submit Date: Jul 16, 2020
Application Form
Erin R Workman
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
City State Postal Code
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Los_Angeles_College_of_Music- - - Executive VP Music/Higher Education
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
R 1 Year
If less than 1 year, how many months have you lived in EI Segundo
R 8 Months
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
PF I Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
President of the LRCM Foundation, 2015 -present
California State University, Chico BA Music EducationNocal Performance 1997
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
R I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I am a gay woman who has recently moved to EI Segundo, but have been a South Bay resident for many
years. I am an educator and a member of the music industry in Los Angeles. While I have felt acceptance
in the industry, I have concerns that EI Segundo could be more inclusive regarding BIPOC and those of
the LGBTQ+ community. I would like to assist with adding perspective, with the goal of attracting new
visitors and residents, and comforting existing ones with new inclusion policies.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
To insure, first and foremost, that all citizens and visitors of color feel completely safe and welcomed in EI
Segundo. Secondly, to insure that LGBTQ+ families feel that EI Segundo is a safe and accepting town to
raise their families in and enjoy the community without fear or reservation.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
I would be willing to devote time and effort to presenting and supporting community goals that would
further the ability for the community to be fully aware of, and inviting to, the various members of the
community. It is my impression that not every diverse resident is represented or seen/heard currently.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
None - I would welcome the opportunity to be involved.
Jeanna Hill
Tom Aylesbury
Tina Manning
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
First Name-• •- ----..'.".__....__..._..---..
Home Address
Primary Phone
Email Address
V Antoniou
Middle Initial Last Name
Alternate Phone
SVP Strategic Operations &
NantWorks LLC CHRO Professional
Employer Job Title Occupation
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
17 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
.... .. ................. .
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Postal Code
Mount St. Mary's University 2009 to Present. Held various roles including but not limited to; President,
MBA Alumni Association, Member of the Board of Alumnae, Member of the Board of Regents.
Submit Date: Aug 11, 2020
n--- 1 -41')
Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles, CA Masters in Business Administration, Concentration in
Organizational Leadership December 2009
Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles, CA Bachelors in Liberal Arts December 2006
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
R 1 Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
The time to be neutral is behind us, we must acknowledge that disparities within our communities exist
and are multifaceted. There is no blueprint on how one must proceed yet, we are required to adopt new
strategies which create equitable environments and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. What we do
know is that silence is a stance and the perception of inaction, is a position. I'm committed to fostering a
culture of awareness, mutual respect, and creating a sense of belonging in partnership with internal and
external stakeholders. As leaders we must model the behaviors we want the city to adopt. Once
appointed I would use my voice and platform to amplify across boundaries the change we need to
become. First and foremost I am a mother, wife, and lifelong learner. I'm thoughtful in my approach to
solving complex problems and bring a respectful approach to conflict resolution and employee relations. I
take pride in the quality of my work to deliver the right level of results while juggling competing priorities.
Much of my experience focuses on strategy development, human resources and corporate operations in
the biotech, pharmaceutical, health care and technology sectors. In those capacities, I have successfully
overseen the integration of employee and organizational goals, implementation of enterprise solutions
while maximizing the engagement and effectiveness of leadership and the workforce. Currently I am
responsible for the administrative operations, environmental health & safety, optimization of resources,
the learning and career development of the human capital across a portfolio of companies including the
Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union Tribune. Our corporate headquarters is located in EI
Segundo with office locations across the United States and a collective workforce of 3,000 employees. I
received a Bachelor of Arts and Master's in Business Administration with a concentration in
Organizational Leadership from Mount St Mary's University in Los Angeles, CA and completed a field of
study in China in Energy and Utility Management. I'm a certified notary and the Society for Human
Resource Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). As a native Angelino my work
interests focuses on driving the type of change that enables and empowers people through collaboration,
the development of programs and partnerships, strategy design, and implementation to deliver with
positive impact.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
The DEI Committee will serve to advise the City Council on best practices for creating opportunities
where people can feel a sense of belonging and thrive economically. The Committee should focus its
work on three primary key goals which are fully integrated into the core values of the city; research,
advocacy, and the development of people. Together we can commit to building a community of civility that
is inclusive of all people, driven by collaboration and a desire to enrich the level of service it provides to its
constituents meaning its residents, business owners, and patrons of the city in order to prepare the next
generation of leaders.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
Through practice, policy, and accountability we can address institutional racism and disparities. Initially by
conducting a self-assessment of the local government agencies we can gauge the temperature for
change, acknowledge the gaps and publicly recognize that we are committed to dismantling them. Using
these findings will help initiate programs to rebuild the areas of focus to reflect the directives of success
for the future. The Committee can achieve its objectives and goals by adopting a learning mindset.
Conducting research and data driven analysis will help us to better understand the current state of the
issues that exist. Instituting annual policy and practice reviews to address the operational needs of the city
will be key to taking a proactive stance and pivoting to create balance and achieve greater outcomes. We
can then develop community wide programming to amplify advocacy and create a system of transparency
and accountability. Ultimately I'm proving access to multimodal learning through training and development
of people and their competencies, which will sere to inform and upgrade our thinking and resolve to
doing better. It will involve engaging and entrusting the implementation liaisons who in turn will become
the advocates for change.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
The important work required to be successful is a long-term commitment to a journey of change. The
beginning stages of this work involves performing a self-examination of the city that may create a level of
reservation for the government agencies which need to be involved. Oftentimes these type of surveys
reveal information that may be difficult to assimilate. The initial results tend to highlight the gaps and
shortcomings at every level. My reservation is based on a fundamental question of readiness. Is the city
and its constituents open to the prospect of identifying gaps, receiving negative feedback, and information
about its current state of DEI? Will the City Council and the DEI committee be ready to accept prospective
findings that its constituents may experience unequal and unfair access to the various offerings the city
provides? My reservation is tied to the potential myopia and lack of readiness for change.
Chris r n i ri PresidenLos Angeles Times -
An Ruda, co-chair of the Labor and Employment practice group BZBM
San Francisco
Darcy Stoltz -Burke, Founder & CEO Watermark
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards Submit Date: Jul 02, 2020
Application Form
Natacha S Lee
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
City State Postal Code
Primary Phone Alternate Phone
Email Address
Employer Job Title Occupation
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
17 More Than 5 Years
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
17 1 Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Marisville Home for the mentally ill (been volunteering there since seventh grade)
Portraits of Hope (been doing that since freshman year)
EI Segundo High School (going to be a senior)
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
R I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
I should be appointed so I could voice the concerns of EI Segundo's minority youth since I am of mixed
race and attend ESHS. Additionally, I finished my junior year with a 4.8 and intend to major in Human
Resources in college.
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
I believe the objectives of this commission board should be to listen to the concerns of the POC in EI
Segundo and work to raise awareness about racial inequality and foster an inclusive environment for our
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
As a student at the high school and a minority, I have a direct connection to the youth of EI Segundo and
have firsthand experience on the racial hostilities in our community. Using my experiences and my
connections to my classmates, I could provide a crucial perspective.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
I worry that this committee may not include young people and students. If this comes to fruition, than the
whole goal of the committee would be lost as my generation and the generations after mine are the
people who can truly change the future.
City of EI Segundo Committees, Commissions & Boards
Application Form
Christina M Haley
First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Home Address
Primary Phone
Alternate Phone
Email Address
American International Group SVP, Head of Product
(AIG)_ ____ -_,___...__ .-__ Management &- I mplementation
Employer Job Title
If you are a resident of EI Segundo, how many years?
R More Than 5 Years
Product Manager
Please Agree with the Following Statement
You agree that all information provided in the Application are true and valid
PF I Agree
Have you ever served on a City of EI Segundo Committee/Commission/Board?
If YES, name the Committee/Commission/Board and Term Served
Which Boards would you like to apply for?
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee: Submitted
Community Service
Postal Code
AIG D&I Initiative Co Lead Women & Allies ERG 2017-2020 United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Women's Leadership Group 2015 - Present
RA L-1-11—
Submit Date: Jul 08, 2020
P'1..-- '1 —41,5
Eagles of 82 -- Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Interview & Selection Committee 2016 to Present Hope
Chapel, Hermosa Beach Various Volunteer Positions 2001 -Present
College of the Redwoods General Education Degree not acquired
In the course of my career at AIG, I have completed coursework in finance, executive leadership,
distribution of securities, project management, insurance and have been a leader in our D&I initiative. I
was FINRA licensed (securities) as part of my work at AIG, but no longer hold that designation.
Part II - Questionnaire
You agree that this information would be public record...
W I Agree
Why do you think you should be appointed? What is there specifically in your background,
training, education and interests which qualifies you as a candidate?
As noted above, I have been engaged in AIG's D&I initiative for the past 5 years. I was instrumental in
launching our Los Angeles based Women & Allies Employee Resource Group (ERG) and am a member
of all of our active ERGs in Los Angeles (includes Pride, Black Professionals, Asian Leadership and
Latino network. I am often the only female in a predominately male dominated industry --once being told
that I would never achieve my career aspirations because I was both female and didn't have an advanced
What do you see as the objectives/goals of the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Boards(s) you
are applying to?
To evaluate the city's current policies and offer recommendations to the City Council relating to Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion. Specifically seeking to understand and gain a deeper perspective of today's issues
and determine how we can promote positive change in our community. Specifically, that means that EI
Segundo is a great place to visit, work and live and that we all feel welcome and valued.
How would you help achieve the objectives and goals?
With a background in project management and a long held commitment of loving my neighbors, I offer an
organized mind and a compassionate heart. I am often the calming factor in the room and go out of my
way to understand others, their opinions and how they view the world.
What reservations, if any, do you have about the Committee(s)/Commission(s)/Board(s)?
would approach with position with a realistic optimism. While in positions of leadership in for-profit and
non -profits, I have not prior been involved in City Commission. So, there is an unknown factor, which I
welcome as an opportunity for learning.
Other comments:
I appreciate the opportunity to volunteer for this commission. I am proud that I live in a community that is
willing to pursue this type of endeavor. My husband was raised here and we raised our children in EI
Segundo. I look forward to playing a role in how EI Segundo looks for the next generation.
Manda Ghaferi
Rob Scheinerman
James McGruder
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Implementation Recommendations
Authorize establishment of the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, approve
implementation recommendations, and add to the City's Local Appointment List pursuant to
the California Government Code § 54972.
There will be both direct and indirect fiscal impacts to the General Fund. Direct fiscal impacts
will likely be in the $5,000 to $10,000 range for cost of outside consultant and related research
and materials expenditures. These costs will likely be absorbed via the existing FY 2019-2020
General Fund Budget and future FY 2020-2021 General Fund Budget. If there are greater
financial needs, staff will return to City Council for separate budget appropriation authority.
Goal: 1 Enhance Customer Service, Engagement, and Communications
Objectives: A El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers.
B El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence.
Goal: 2 Support Community Safety and Preparedness
Objective: A El Segundo is a safe and prepared community.
Goal: 3 Develop as Choice Employer and Workforce
Objectives: A El Segundo is a City employer of choice and consistently hires for the future.
B The El Segundo workforce is inspired, world-class, engaged, with increasing
stability and innovation.
Goal: 5 Champion Economic Stability and Fiscal Sustainability
Objective: A El Segundo promotes community engagement and economic vitality.
PREPARARED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager A�
In response to the tragic death of George Floyd while in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer
on May 25, 2020, thousands of protests took place across the United States, including several
protests in El Segundo. El Segundo residents shared their concerns about local racial diversity
issues, inclusion, treatment by police, experiences at local schools, and other matters during several
community rallies. Residents also spoke on these topics at the June 3, 2020 City Council meeting.
City Council then discussed these issues during a June 11, 2020 closed session meeting. At its
June 16, 2020 meeting, City Council directed staff to establish a new Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion ("DEI") Committee in an effort to ensure that these issues are properly identified,
discussed, vetted, and ultimately addressed by City Council. Some of the notable comments made
by City Council at this meeting included the following:
* Establish DEI Committee as an advisory body to the City Council.
• Form DEI Committee quickly, although recognizing that the work this Committee will
study will take time to thoroughly vet.
s Add diversity, equity, and inclusion to City's Strategic Plan.
o DEI Committee should help City Council shape future metrics for addressing institutional
and systematic racism.
■ Outcomes must be measurable, accountable, and lasting.
• Review City diversity issues through a DEI lens as part of the multi -tiered process.
■ Inform members of the El Segundo community about this opportunity to participate.
Since the June 16th City Council meeting, staff has held several internal meetings to discuss
Committee purpose, structure, membership application, interview and selection process, initial
study topics, initial deliverables (work product) to City Council, timeline, etc. Staff engaged in
extensive outreach with the community (youth and adults) to encourage people to apply for the
new DEI Committee. To move the process forward, staff recommends the following next steps:
Aoolication deadline
As of July 15, 2020, over 80 inquiries were made and 41 applications submitted. The DEI
Committee application deadline was initially set for July 17, 2020. In response to the high level
of interest, and in an effort to ensure that there is a wide net cast to avoid unintentionally excluding
anyone from applying, staff extended the deadline to July 31, 2020.
Use of diversity expert
In an effort to assist with the interview process, Committee member selection, coordination of
Committee meetings, and ensure that substantive recommendations are ultimately provided to City
Council, staff recommends use of an outside diversity professional (expert in this field) to guide
the process.
IT -112
Committee menibershio eligibility
To serve on this Committee it is recommended that each applicant meet one or more of the
following requirements:
1. Resident of El Segundo.
2. Student of a public or private high school in El Segundo.
3. El Segundo property owner.
4. Employed by a business located in El Segundo.
Committee aonll'cant iziterviews
Interviews are recommended to take place during the month of August 2020.
\Limber of C:ommitteo members & term lem-alis
Total Committee membership is recommended to consist of nine (9) members. The term length
for each member is recommended to be three years without term limits. In order to ensure
continuity and staggered rotation of membership, it is recommended that initial membership
include three (3) two-year terms, three (3) three-year terms and three (3) four-year terms.
A000intinent elate
City Council is recommended to approve Committee appointments at either the September 1 or
15, 2020 regular meeting, after the interviews have been completed.
First Committee m4etinQ date
This will take place as soon as all nine members of the Committee are able to do so (in September
or October). A regular meeting schedule will be established at the Committee's first meeting.
Committee support
Staff support will be provided and coordinated by City Manager's Office. Initially, City Manager
and key members of the Executive Team (including the Police Chief) will attend Committee
meetings. Other staff will be assigned as needed. As mentioned above, it is recommended that an
outside diversity professional be engaged to assist and facilitate Committee formation, interviews,
membership selection, coordination of Committee meetings, and recommendations to City
Srudv torks
Based on issues raised during the protests and discussed by local community members, the
following initial study topics are recommended:
1. Public Safety (including a review of Police Department policies, practices, training,
diversity, and future direction).
2. Citywide Organization (including a review of City government policies, practices, training,
diversity, etc.).
3. Community at -large (including a review of City demographic data, history, trends, etc.).
4. Local Economy (including a review of private sector diversity policies, practices, training,
Initial Committee recommendations to Citv Council
If possible, initial Committee recommendations will be presented to City Council in early 2021.
Committee resolution. bvlaws
After the Committee is assembled, meeting dates/frequency established, study topics solidified,
etc., staff will seek City Council approval of a Committee Resolution, bylaws, and other related
initiation documents.
• City Council authorization to establish the DEI Committee: July 21, 2020
• Staff selection of an outside professional consultant: ASAP
• Incorporation of "diversity, equity, and inclusion" in City's Strategic Plan, effective with
start of FY 2020-2021: ASAP
• Committee membership application deadline: July 31, 2020
• Committee membership interviews: August 2020
• Committee membership appointments: September 1 or 15, 2020
• Commence Committee meetings: September or October 2020
• City Council approval of Committee to establish Resolution, bylaws, and other related
initiation documents: October 2020
• Initial Committee recommendations to City Council: February/March 2021 (or sooner)