2020-07-21 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Item #D8 - DEIShilling, Mona From: Michelle Keldorf <keldorfm@mac.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 4:02 PM To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL Subject: Fwd: Public Comments - DEI Committee Begin forwarded message: From: Michelle Keldorf <keldorfrn(Mmae.com> Subject: Public Comments - DEI Committee Date: July 21, 2020 at 3:34:12 PM PDT To: Dubliecommunicationseelsev-undo.org Council Members. 1 am Michelle Keldorf. a 9 year resident of El Segundo. We chose El Segundo based on the school system and the idea that both big business and community are supported here. The conversation you have today is key to these truths. The Diversity. Equity and Inclusion Committee is a positive step in the recognition that we as a community are best when everyone who lives, works and visits El Segundo is valued. I encourage you to define the selection criteria for DEI members and outline the authority the Committee will have in policy making decisions. As our city leaders, you have an opportunity to set the tone for Diversity. Equity and Inclusion. I invite you to act in pursuit of this cause both in the policies you enact from the Dias and in your daily interactions in our community. Please do not wait until the Committee is fully operational in October/November to address the Demands of ES for Black Lives and this important work. Thank you for your time and consideration. Michelle Shilling, Mona From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 1:58 PM To: *ALL CITY CLERKS Subject: Fwd: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter Attachments: image002.png Council received emails below. I believe just the one from Vince. Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: From: "Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police)" <bwhalen@elsegundo.org> Date: July 21, 2020 at 9:05:16 AM PDT To: vince giangrande <vjgiangrande@gmail.com> Cc: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elsegundo.org>, "Mendoza, Carlos (Captain)" <CMendoza@elsegundo.org>, "Bermudez, Jaime (Captain)" <JBermudez@elsegundo.org> Subject: RE: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter Good Morning, Thank you for providing this information. If you can advise expected number, location in EI Segundo, do you plan to have any speakers/amplified noise, and will you be stationary/marching? I appreciate the collaboration. Bill Whalen Chief of Police EI Segundo Police Department Office 310-524-2280 www.JoinESPD.com From: vince giangrande [mailto:vjgiangrande@gmail.comj Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 9:03 AM To: Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police) <bwhalen@elsegundo.org> Cc: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>; Mitnick, Scott <smitnick@elsegundo.org>; Mendoza, Carlos (Captain) <CMendoza@elsegundo.org>; Bermudez, Jaime (Captain) <JBerm udez@elsegundo.org> Subject: Re: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter Hello, We plan on having our protest this Saturday from 2-4 PM. Let me know if you need any other detail. Thank you, Vince On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 10:29 AM Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police) <bwhalenQelseP_undo.orP'> wrote: Mr. Giangrande, We are not requiring a permit to peacefully gather. Protests are an exemption to the County health order prohibiting outdoor gatherings. We do ask, however, your participants wear masks and maintain social distancing. Captain Mendoza is cc'd in this email. When you finalize your plans please let him know the exact date and time. Bill Whalen Chief of Police www.Jc,inESPD.com EI Segundo Police Department Office 310-524-2280 From: vince giangrande rvigianwandeAcllmail.aom] Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 10:08 AM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS; Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police); Mitnick, Scott Subject: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter Hello, I am part of a group of likeminded residents that appreciate our police department. We do not support defunding the police nor do we have any issue with how El Segundo police officers conduct themselves. We have discussed wanting to have a support rally- namely in the quad area of city hall to show our support that Blue Lives Matter. The date would be 7/25/2020 or soon thereafter. The hours would be from 2-4 PM. Do we need a permit to assemble ? I looked on the city ordinance website and it is not clear to me so I come to you for clarification. On behalf of the people , we thank you for your continued service to our community. Then and now. Sincerely, Vince Giangrande Shilling, Mona From: Sent: To: Subject: Email Council received Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Saturday, July 18, 2020 10:36 AM *ALL CITY CLERKS Fwd: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter From: vince giangrande <vjgiangrande@gmail.com> Date: July 18, 2020 at 10:09:25 AM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>, "Whalen, Bill (Chief of Police)" <bwhalen@elsegundo.org>, "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elsegundo.org> Subject: Support of Police -Blue Lives Matter Hello, I am part of a group of likeminded residents that appreciate our police department. We do not support defunding the police nor do we have any issue with how El Segundo police officers conduct themselves. We have discussed wanting to have a support rally- namely in the quad area of city hall to show our support that Blue Lives Matter. The date would be 7/25/2020 or soon thereafter. The hours would be from 2-4 PM. Do we need a permit to assemble ? I looked on the city ordinance website and it is not clear to me so I come to you for clarification. On behalf of the people , we thank you for your continued service to our community. Then and now. Sincerely, Vince Giangrande Shilling, Mona From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020 10:35 AM To: *ALL CITY CLERKS Subject: Fwd: Black Lives Already Matter in EI Segundo -- Stop Defaming the City, and Stop Diminishing EI Segundo Residents Email Council received. Tracy Weaver City Clerk Begin forwarded message: From: Arthur Schaper <Arthur@massresistance. org> Date: July 18, 2020 at 9:53:47 AM PDT To: "amanda@twcounsel.com" <amanda@twcounsel.com> Cc: "elsegundoforblacklives@gmail.com"<elsegundoforblacklives@gmail.com>, "Boyles,Drew (Mayor)" <dboyles@elsegundo.org>, "Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member)" <cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org>, "Nicol, Scot (Council Member)" <snicol@elsegundo.org>, "Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem)" <cpimentel@elsegundo.org>, "Giroux, Lance (Council Member)" <lgiroux@elsegundo.org>, "Jennings, Mishia" <MJennings@elsegundo.org>, "Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)" <tweaver@elsegundo.org>, "Binder, Crista" <cbinder@elsegundo.org>, "Mitnick, Scott" <smitnick@elsegundo.org>, "Hensley, Mark" <mhensley@hensleylawgroup.com> Subject: Black Lives Already Matter in El Segundo -- Stop Defaming the City, and Stop Diminishing E1 Segundo Residents Mrs. Touchton: The hate of "EI Segundo for Black Lives" (really, Black Lives Matter EI Segundo) is being exposed to the entire city, and your lies about the city are getting the proper exposure and shame that they deserve. Mr. Trevor Grimes, an actual black man who was born and raised in the city of EI Segundo, shared the following testimony with me: "Good morning sir. Yes, I was born and raised in El Segundo. When I was younger, I got pulled over for not wearing a helmet on my bicycle. That was the only run in I had during my 25 years in El Segundo. The ESPD have good people on their force. I can't speak for the new recruits that are on the force now, but no sir. If you do somthing wrong in our town they're there for a reason. I know the past and history of El Segundo but over the years as far as I know, there hasn't been any thing going on racially." -- Trevor Grimes Mrs. Touchton and Black Lives Matter El Segundo, if you really believe that black lives matter, then you need to respect black lives such as Mr. Grimes. He supports the El Segundo PD, and he does not support the contention of your hate group that El Segundo is some kind of essentially racist city. Stop spreading hate in El Segundo. Stop harassing El Segundo residents. And for the other leaders of BLM El Segundo, they should actually take time to listen to all the residents in the city, those who have actually lived there for more than three years, unlike yourself. You should actually take time out of your day and meet with some black people and hear their stories. Sincerely, Arthur Schaper, Organization Director Website: MassResistance.org Email: arthur@massresistance.org (781) 890-6001 @MassResistance @CAMassResistanc Shilling, Mona From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: E -Team — FYI Mitnick, Scott Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:25 PM Mitnick, Scott Response to June 27, 2020 Letter ES BLM Letter July 16 2020.pdf From: Mitnick, Scott Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:16 PM To:'elsegundoforblacklives@gmail.com' <elsegundoforblacklives@gmail.com> Subject: Response to June 27, 2020 Letter Dear EI Segundo for Black Lives, Please see the attached letter which was prepared in response to your letter of June 27, 2020. The City of EI Segundo looks forward to working with you on these important matters. Sincerely, Scott Mitnick Cite Manager City of El Segundo 350 Main Street I El Segundo, California 90245-3895 (o) 310-524-2301 1 (c) 310-648-26551 wxvwxlsegundo.org ElSeaundoBusiness_com I DestinationElSeaundo.com copies provided City Council, Police Chief, and ESUSD Superintendent of Schools 1 July 16, 2020 Elected Officials lewy clerl/y6yffn4 Office of the City Manager Drew Boyles, Dear El Segundo for Black Lives: Mayor Chris Pintentel, On behalf of City Council, thank you for your letter of June 27, 2020. Your law Mqj,or Pro Tent enforcement and City policy demands have been received. City Council has been Carolillr Cotencilmember following the national and local Black Lives Matter protests closely and has responded mbe Scot Nicol, quickly to review those issues raised that are applicable to El Segundo. Councilmember Lance cirour, City Council listened carefully to the questions and concerns raised by Black Lives Matter Councilmember proponents at its meeting on June 3, 2020. City Council then discussed potential impacts Tracy Heaver, of these issues during its June 11, 2020 closed session meeting. At its June 16, 2020 city clerk meeting, City Council directed staff to establish a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer ("DEI") Committee to ensure that the issues raised by Black Lives Matter are properly identified, discussed, and addressed by the City of El Segundo. Appointed Officials Scott Mitnick, City Manager Mark D. Henle, City Attorney Department Directors Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Joseph Lillio, Finance Chris Donovan, Fire Chief David Serrano, Human Resources Charles Mallory, lnformafion 3rxfems Melissa McCollum, Librarp Services Sant Lee, Planning & Building Safety Bill Whalen, Police Chief Mark if'alkins, Public Ifi;rks Meredith Petit, Recreation & Parks The next step is for City Council to authorize the establishment of the DEI Committee at its upcoming July 21, 2020 meeting. As noted in the attached copy of the staff report for this agend item the deadline to apply to serve on this Committee is July 31, 2020. Each item delineated in your June 27th letter will be reviewed and discussed by the Committee. The first Committee meeting is anticipated to take place in early September and recommendations will be provided to City Council as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, or comments, please contact me directly at smitnickna_, elseaundo.ora or via cell phone (310) 648-2655. Sincerely, r . / '64 Scott Mitnick City Manager cc: City Council Police Chief EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT AGENDA DESCRIPTION: MEETING DATE: July 21, 2020 AGENDA HEADING: Staff Presentation Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Implementation Recommendations RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Authorize establishment of the new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, approve implementation recommendations, and add to the City's Local Appointment List pursuant to the California Government Code § 54972. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be both direct and indirect fiscal impacts to the General Fund. Direct fiscal impacts will likely be in the $5,000 to $10,000 range for cost of outside consultant and related research and materials expenditures. These costs will likely be absorbed via the existing FY 2019-2020 General Fund Budget and future FY 2020-2021 General Fund Budget. If there are greater financial needs, staff will return to City Council for separate budget appropriation authority. STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal: 1 Enhance Customer Service, Engagement, and Communications Objectives: A El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers. B El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal: 2 Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective: A El Segundo is a safe and prepared community. Goal: 3 Develop as Choice Employer and Workforce Objectives: A El Segundo is a City employer of choice and consistently hires for the future. B The El Segundo workforce is inspired, world-class, engaged, with increasing stability and innovation. Goal: 5 Champion Economic Stability and Fiscal Sustainability Objective: A El Segundo promotes community engagement and economic vitality. PREPARARED BY: Scott Mitnick, City Manager s A-- 107 BACKGROUND: In response to the tragic death of George Floyd while in the custody of a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, 2020, thousands of protests took place across the United States, including several protests in El Segundo. El Segundo residents shared their concerns about local racial diversity issues, inclusion, treatment by police, experiences at local schools, and other matters during several community rallies. Residents also spoke on these topics at the June 3, 2020 City Council meeting. City Council then discussed these issues during a June 11, 2020 closed session meeting. At its June 16, 2020 meeting, City Council directed staff to establish a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ("DEI") Committee in an effort to ensure that these issues are properly identified, discussed, vetted, and ultimately addressed by City Council. Some of the notable comments made by City Council at this meeting included the following: a Establish DEI Committee as an advisory body to the City Council. Form DEI Committee quickly, although recognizing that the work this Committee will study will take time to thoroughly vet. ■ Add diversity, equity, and inclusion to City's Strategic Plan. a DEI Committee should help City Council shape future metrics for addressing institutional and systematic racism. ■ Outcomes must be measurable, accountable, and lasting. • Review City diversity'issues through a DEI lens as part of the multi -tiered process. • Inform members of the El Segundo community about this opportunity to participate. DISCUSSION: Since the June 16th City Council meeting, staff has held several internal meetings to discuss Committee purpose, structure, membership application, interview and selection process, initial study topics, initial deliverables (work product) to City Council, timeline, etc. Staff engaged in extensive outreach with the community (youth and adults) to encourage people to apply for the new DEI Committee. To move the process forward, staff recommends the following next steps: Anolication deadline As of July 15, 2020, over 80 inquiries were made and 41 applications submitted. The DEI Committee application deadline was initially set for July 17, 2020. In response to the high level of interest, and in an effort to ensure that there is a wide net cast to avoid unintentionally excluding anyone from applying, staff extended the deadline to July 31, 2020. Use of a diversity expert In an effort to assist with the interview process, Committee member selection, coordination of Committee meetings, and ensure that substantive recommendations are ultimately provided to City Council, staff recommends use of an outside diversity professional (expert in this field) to guide the process. 108 Committee membership elieibility To serve on this Committee it is recommended that each applicant meet one or more of the following requirements: 1. Resident of El Segundo. 2. Student of a public or private high school in El Segundo. 3. El Segundo property owner. 4. Employed by a business located in El Segundo. Committee avralicant interviews Interviews are recommended to take place during the month of August 2020. Number of Committee members & term leneths Total Committee membership is recommended to consist of nine (9) members. The term length for each member is recommended to be three years without term limits. In order to ensure continuity and staggered rotation of membership, it is recommended that initial membership include three (3) two-year terms, three (3) three-year terms and three (3) four-year terms. Antnointment date City Council is recommended to approve Committee appointments at either the September 1 or 15, 2020 regular meeting, after the interviews have been completed. First Committee meeting date This will take place as soon as all nine members of the Committee are able to do so (in September or October). A regular meeting schedule will be established at the Committee's first meeting. Committee support Staff support will be provided and coordinated by City Manager's Office. Initially, City Manager and key members of the Executive Team (including the Police Chief) will attend Committee meetings. Other staff will be assigned as needed. As mentioned above, it is recommended that an outside diversity professional be engaged to assist and facilitate Committee formation, interviews, membership selection, coordination of Committee meetings, and recommendations to City Council. 109 Studv tomes Based on issues raised during the protests and discussed by local community members, the following initial study topics are recommended: 1. Public Safety (including a review of Police Department policies, practices, training, diversity, and future direction). 2. Citywide Organization (including a review of City government policies, practices, training, diversity, etc.). 3. Community at -large (including a review of City demographic data, history, trends, etc.). 4. Local Economy (including a review of private sector diversity policies, practices, training, etc.). Initial Committee recommendations to Citv Council If possible, initial Committee recommendations will be presented to City Council in early 2021. Committee resolution. bvlaws After the Committee is assembled, meeting dates/frequency established, study topics solidified, etc., staff will seek City Council approval of a Committee Resolution, bylaws, and other related initiation documents. TIMELINE: • City Council authorization to establish the DEI Committee: July 21, 2020 • Staff selection of an outside professional consultant: ASAP • Incorporation of "diversity, equity, and inclusion" in City's Strategic Plan, effective with start of FY 2020-2021: ASAP • Committee membership application deadline: July 31, 2020 • Committee membership interviews: August 2020 • Committee membership appointments: September 1 or 15, 2020 • Commence Committee meetings: September or October 2020 • City Council approval of Committee to establish Resolution, bylaws, and other related initiation documents: October 2020 • Initial Committee recommendations to City Council: February/March 2021 (or sooner) 110