2020-06-16 CC Agenda SPC - Public Communication related to Item #A1 - Citizens Protest - Part IIHarada, Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 5:22 PM
Cc: Shilling, Mona
Subject: FW: Action over Words I Black Lives Matter
Received this afternoon. I am forwarding on due to the length of the letter. Ms. Kelly has been advised.
From: Kimberlee Kelly [mailto:kimberleeannkelly@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:43 PM
To: public communications
Subject: Action over Words I Black Lives Matter
My name is Kimberlee Kelly, I am an EI Segundo resident and educator, and I am emailing because I do not see the city
leadership taking active steps to show that Black Lives Matter. Firstly, I demand that this City Council publicly support
that fact both in words and in policy. Secondly, I expect that people in positions of power who undermine protester's
first amendment rights he held accountable, this includes public communications which subtly fear -monger and create
an "us vs. them" mindset as well as statements that undermine facts around the oppression of Black people nationally
and locally. Thirdly, I expect that we have more public discourse regarding and swift action around limiting the role of EI
Segundo police department I, including but not limited to establishing an oversight committee of residents of Color from
diverse economic backgrounds and funding community organizations to fulfill social welfare roles. Fourthly, I expect our
coty mandate diversity and inclusion professional development by outside organizations of Colorfor teachers and
schools leaders (as well as elected officials and city workers) and working with Black leaders to develop explicit mission
statements and curriculum changes that include a social justice focus, neo -indigenous history and politics, as well as
actively recruit Black, Indigenous, People of Color for leadership roles. And lastly, EI Segundo has a racist history that has
been passed down generation to generation, measures must be taken to counter family narratives that are toxic and
dangerous to our residents of color by offering free opportunities in the form of workshops, "TED" like talks, and local
conferences for our residents to be educated on the socioeconomic realities related to intersectional institutionalized
racism by professionals of Color, ideally from our own city.
We want action or we will vote you out.
With respect,
Kimberlee Kelly
EI Segundo for Black Lives Matter
Sent from my iPhone
Harada, Patricia
From: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 7:03 PM
To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL; Mitnick, Scott; Shilling, Mona
Subject: Fwd: Public comment
Email below received after the cut off to be read. We will post on website.
Tracy Weaver
City Clerk
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kristen Dorsey <kristenbdorsey@gmail.com>
Date: June 16, 2020 at 5:43:11 PM PDT
To: public communications <publiccommunications@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Public comment
I am an El Segundo resident and I am requesting that the City Council takes concrete steps to
eradicate racism in El Segundo. El Segundo also has a highly funded police department with
only one part-time mental health professional. I would like to see the city divest over time from
the police budget and direct this funding into more robust mental health/social work services,
affordable housing, and cultural services including anti -racism training for all City
employees. Additionally, there needs to be a greater effort to increase diversity within the city's
committees and other leadership positions. I would like to see the strategic plan for the city
revised to include the above goals.
Kristen Dorsey
(310) 489-3763